iPad slows down. Reasons and what to do? The iPad (mini, Air, Pro) glitches, freezes or slows down, what to do?

The announcement of the Apple iPad 2 has become one of the main IT events of the spring. Moreover, it is extremely important not only for fans of the “bitten apple”, but also for the industry as a whole, and, of course, for Apple itself. In vain he led the press conference Steve Jobs himself (despite the fact that he is on indefinite leave for health reasons). In a sense, the release of iPad 2 is an even more important event for Apple than the release first iPad. After all, a year ago Apple had practically no competitors in this area. And there was nothing to compare the new product with. People simply looked at her and answered the question - do they like it or not? Considering Jobs' talent for guessing people's needs (and, moreover, shaping them!), as well as knowing the status of Apple and the ability of designers from Cupertino to create amazingly beautiful and convenient products, there was no doubt about the answer of most people to this question.

iPad created, in fact, new market, has created a trend of such strength that almost no company specializing in mobile devices oh, I didn’t stay away from “tablet mania”. And over the past year, Apple has reaped the benefits of its leader's vision and the skill of everyone involved in creating the iPad. But the competitors did not sit idly by and were actively preparing a “response to Chamberlain.” Yes, Apple had a huge head start: for at least six months there was not a single noticeable competitor on the market, then Samsung appeared Galaxy Tab- but it also did not become a serious rival to the iPad. Not because the device is bad, but because it is completely different. Therefore, those who wanted an iPad were unlikely to buy a Galaxy Tab. Audience Samsung tablet- those who were categorically not satisfied with the iPad (therefore they could not be considered potential iPad buyers).

A much more serious competitor for Apple turned out to be “manufacturer noname” - countless Chinese companies, who quickly launched low-quality tablets with a design a la iPad onto the market and managed to sell them to a certain number of buyers who liked the iPad (and maybe even thought about purchasing it), but wanted to save a little money. We also include branded tablets produced by operators and some Russian companies, but all created in China without any special claims to quality.

Finally, in the spring of this year, tablets from large manufacturers- and in the coming months this process will only intensify. Now people already have something to compare with - even if the manufacturer N’s tablet has not yet been released, but has been announced, a potential iPad buyer can look at the stated technical characteristics and decide that he would rather wait for this new product than buy an iPad. In addition, the hype around the iPad indirectly worked to the benefit of competitors: everyone has long been accustomed to the announcements of new communicators and smartphones and does not pay attention to them special attention, but it costs some more or less famous company announce the release of a tablet, and it immediately becomes the news of the day.

That is, a paradoxical situation has arisen: despite the fact that the real competitors of the iPad are still not particularly visible on store shelves, the potential buyer is already looking at the iPad much more demandingly: on the one hand, he can compare the iPad by technical specifications with models from large companies, and on the other hand, an important psychological aspect is the price of nameless Chinese crafts, which, by the way, according to the stated characteristics, may not be in some way worse than iPad(but the quality of workmanship is not something that can be assessed remotely, so if you just compare iPad specifications and Chinese tablets, you are unlikely to feel the same difference as if you take them in your hands).

In general, with the release of the iPad 2, Apple had to either strengthen its position, striking a blow to its competitors, or lose its dominant position, becoming simply “one of” - albeit a pioneer. Realizing this, Apple's strategists acted very cunningly: they did not announce the iPad 2 in advance, as most other companies did, hastening to shout about their tablets that were not yet ready for release. Apple held a presentation, and a week later began selling the new iPad. But most importantly, Apple did not stop selling the first version of the tablet, but reduced its price by $100. Thus, the younger version of the first iPad (note, not at all outdated) can be purchased for only $399! Competitors are indignant. But what should upset them even more is that the iPad 2 turned out to be just as good (and in many ways better) than their much-hyped $1,000 flagship tablets. Dual core processor with a frequency of 1 GHz, two cameras (front for video communication and rear for shooting), reduced weight and thickness... At the same time, the price of iPad 2 is the same as that previously installed on the first iPad - $499 for the younger version (Wi- Fi, 16 GB flash memory).

Thanks to all this, Apple caught its competitors by surprise: both Samsung and Motorola had to revise their pricing policies and hastily refine models that were almost ready for release. Which again played into Apple’s hands, since it delayed the start of deliveries of competitors’ tablets, while the iPad 2 went on sale right on time. True, iPad 2 began to be sold only in some countries, and there is still a shortage of tablets there - apparently, component suppliers simply do not have time to produce them in the required quantity. But Apple marketers were able to benefit from this fact: queues outside company stores Apple Store and the need to make pre-orders when purchasing online only fuel the public’s interest and add a touch of elitism to this, in general, very inexpensive device.

Thus, it is already obvious that Apple has again won and thumbed its nose at its competitors, who habitually threaten to release an “iPad killer.” And not least of all, this happened thanks to the liberal pricing policy, which is generally not in Apple style. Jobs masterfully used the traditional weapons of his opponents and showed that when Apple wants to release a truly affordable product, it can do it.

But such pricing policy Apple has put everyone who wants to get an iPad, as well as the owners of the first iPad, with a difficult choice: should they buy the iPad 2, or make do with the first model? How significant are the differences in the second version of the tablet, and is it worth overpaying $100 for them (or spending $500 if you already have the first iPad)?

Today we had the opportunity to answer these questions by comparing the first iPad with new model, purchased in the USA. Let us recall that in Russian iPad 2 is not officially on sale yet. However, no one is stopping you from buying a tablet in another country and using it in Russia - downloading applications through a Russian account in App Store and performing any other actions. There are no obstacles here. There will be no problems with the Russian language either: iOS 4.3 supports the Russian layout by default virtual keyboard and allows you to do Russian-language interface. The only way the American iPad differs from those copies that will be sold in Russia is charger with an American standard plug (but buying an adapter is not a problem).

Also, you shouldn’t be confused by the fact that the 3G version of the iPad 2 is sold in the West with a pre-installed operator microSIM card. There are no “locks”, the iPad 2 3G is not tied to an operator, that is, you can buy a tablet in America, and then use it with a microSIM card without any problems Russian operator. We tested the 3G version of the tablet. We will definitely check how it works in Russian 3G networks, and also test the performance of the updated hardware platform, but first, let's first study iPad design 2.


At first glance, iPad 2 doesn't change much from the first iPad. The same materials (aluminum on the back, solid glass on the front), similar dimensions... The differences are manifested primarily in the smoothed edges of the body. And, of course, the fact that the tablet has become thinner and somewhat lighter (601 grams in the case of Wi-Fi iPad version 2 versus 680 grams for a similar iPad model). But I can’t say that when you pick up the iPad 2, it produces a “wow” effect. Even if you put the first iPad nearby.

However, when you start using the iPad 2 and get used to it, then picking up the first iPad is a little strange - it gives the impression of something bulky and not very modern. As a result, we can say that the iPad 2 has become sleeker, more convenient and more pleasant, but so far the difference is not so noticeable. By the way, we may recall that the same evolution took place with the iPod touch. Comparing models from neighboring generations is less interesting. But if you take, say, the iPod touch of the second and fourth generation, then the differences are already striking.

The layout of connectors and controls is absolutely similar to the first iPad. The only difference is the speaker, which has changed appearance and “moved” from the bottom edge to the back surface (closer to the bottom right corner, if you hold the iPad with the screen facing you).

Another design feature of the iPad 2 is that the screen glass rises slightly above the edges of the aluminum frame, and there is a thin but solid gasket between the frame and the edges of the glass. Whereas on the first iPad this gasket was thicker, but made of a material similar to rubber, and in general the glass was slightly recessed relative to the aluminum edges.

In general, in terms of body shape and position iPad screen 2 is very similar to the iPod touch latest generation(adjusted for size, of course).


iPad 2 has a screen of the same type and with the same characteristics as the first iPad - capacitive, on an IPS matrix, with a resolution of 1024 × 768 (and an aspect ratio of 4: 3). This is a truly magnificent screen - perhaps the best of them all tablet screens today: exceptionally responsive, with huge viewing angles and a rich, bright picture. True, since the screen is glossy, it glares a little, but in practice using iPad shows that this is not such a big problem.

And yet a logical question arises: is there any difference between the screens of the first and second iPad? The answer is: with a very close comparison (but without using any test systems And measuring instruments) some minor differences become noticeable. But during actual use, you will hardly feel them. However, to be fair, these differences are still worth mentioning. Firstly, the iPad 2 screen is slightly brighter (when comparing, the brightness of both tablets was set to approximately the same level; tested as maximum level, and medium, most comfortable for use at home). Secondly, on the bottom of the iPad 2 screen (at the border with the edge) we noticed a small amount of light - literally a few centimeters. Note that the first iPad also had tiny flares at the edges of the screen, but in other places they were less noticeable. However, we repeat, all this is not at all striking, and then, what concerns the highlights and their location may be a feature of specific specimens.


Perhaps the most noticeable (in terms of functionality) iPad difference 2 from the first version - the presence of two cameras. Personally, I can’t help but feel that the rear camera was added solely for marketing purposes in order to take away the last trump card from competitors (“we have two cameras, but Apple only has one!”). I don't see much point in having it. The only reasonable argument in favor rear camera- the ability to use it when talking via FaceTime to show the other person where you are. After all, since the latest generation iPhone 4 and iPod touch have this feature, why shouldn’t the iPad 2 have it too?

Indeed, the camera is not bad for video transmission (resolution - 1280x720, like the iPhone 4 / iPod touch). The quality of the video can be assessed by downloading a video shot on an iPad 2 (16 seconds, 21.3 MB).

But when it comes to taking photos, an unpleasant surprise awaits us: maximum resolution is only 960×720, that is, 0.7 megapixels. This is even less than that of cheap mobile phones, not to mention communicators (even budget ones)! Moreover, this is less (albeit just slightly) than the screen resolution of the iPad itself!

It turns out that this function implemented “for show”, “just for the sake of it”. Pure marketing ploy. Do your competitors have photo capabilities? And we have. And the last thing the iPad 2 buyer will look at is the photo resolution - that’s not what this tablet is purchased for.

As for the quality of the front camera, everything is even worse here. Pictures taken with its help with a resolution of 0.3 megapixels (640x480) turn out very bad. Here is a frame taken with the front camera (without editing or reduction).

But just in the case of the front camera, the quality is not so important, the main thing is its very presence, which provides the ability to communicate via FaceTime and Skype (although Skype has not yet been released in an HD version for the iPad, you can install the version for the iPhone). Everyone is familiar with Skype, but it’s worth talking about FaceTime in more detail. FaceTime is Apple's video communication utility. It exists both in the iOS version (only the latest ones are supported iPhone generation, iPod touch and iPad), and in the version for Mac OS X (all MacBooks and iMacs equipped with web cameras are supported, as well as a combination of Apple LED Cinema Display and Mac mini or Mac Pro). The version for Mac OS X is not included in the package of pre-installed utilities; it must be purchased from Mac App Store for $0.99. And the version for iOS is already installed on those devices that support video communication. iPad 2 is no exception.

To communicate, you need to create your own contact (you can create it from scratch, or you can use your Apple ID or MobileMe login). In principle, only one parameter is enough - Email or mobile phone number (in the case of iPhone). But if you are using an iPod or iPad, the call will only go through when the device is turned on. That is, if the iPad 2 is in your bag or just on the table, with the screen turned off, then it will not receive a call. The fact is that iOS devices interrupts when entering sleep mode WiFi connection, and if there is no connection, how will the device receive a signal about an incoming call?

In addition, there may be problems when communicating in one Wi-Fi networks. For example, if you are in the same room and try to call someone in another room, and you are both connected to the same wireless network, FaceTime will report an error when the connection is established. And in general, the desire to communicate via FaceTime often encounters some strange glitches and problems (for example, the video “freezes,” the sound twitches, etc.). Generally FaceTime technology still gives the impression of a crude product, which, nevertheless, is very easy to use, does not require a separate login and is integrated with your address book(unlike Skype). Well, the main disadvantages are support only on Apple devices (the latest ones at that) and the inability to perform voice calls to landline or mobile phones (which is exactly what Skype allows).


Now let's move on to the most interesting part - performance. As you know, the iPad 2 uses new processor Apple A5, which differs from the Apple A4 in that it has two cores instead of one. The cores operate at 1 GHz. Thus, the Apple A5 is a direct competitor to NVIDIA Tegra 2. It would be very interesting to compare the performance of the two processors, but it is not yet entirely clear how to do this, because A5 processors are used only in iPad tablet 2 running iOS, and NVIDIA Tegra 2 in tablets from other manufacturers running the operating system Google Android. Naturally, the applications (including test ones) are also different. And although it is already possible to find benchmarks ported to both platforms, such a comparison is not of practical use. Precisely because the “real” applications on both platforms are different. Therefore, the user does not have a choice between Apple A5 and NVIDIA Tegra 2. The user chooses between Android with applications from Android Market and iOS with applications from the App Store, as well as between specific hardware configurations of iOS and Android devices. Therefore, the question of how much faster the iPad 2 is faster than the first iPad will be much more relevant (and, accordingly, NVIDIA Tegra 2 should be compared not with the Apple A5, but with the processors of Android tablets).

Before we announce the results of our comparison of the performance of iPad and iPad 2, let us clarify one more feature regarding the issues of “speed” of tablets. The fact is that the number of types of operations in which performance is fundamental is significantly less in the case of tablets than in the case of laptops or desktop computers. Firstly, almost all content conversion operations (archiving, photo/video editing, video/audio conversion, and so on) are eliminated. Of course, applications for working with photos/video/audio are ported to the iPad (the most striking example is Apple iMovie and GarageBand), but using this on iPad where less convenient than full-fledged computer. Secondly, we are not interested in problems related to mathematical calculations and other highly specialized professional operations. Of course, benchmarks include such tests, and they can be very indicative of performance as such (“pure” performance), which we will see, but this is all too divorced from real life.

Actually, during “normal” use of tablets, there are only two types of resource-intensive operations: games and video playback high resolution. But HD video works great on the first iPad. In addition, we first need a resolution of 720p, because the tablet screen is not able to display a higher resolution, and when displaying an image on an external device via the Apple TV set-top box, only 720p resolution is supported. True, through a special adapter you can display a Full HD image, but there is information that when playing dynamic video, there is still a limit of 720p. In general, HD video can be safely excluded from the operations for which you need to check the performance of the iPad 2.

Traditionally, we also test processors on browsers, but in fairness, we note that the speed of web surfing much more often depends on purely software issues (the efficiency of the browser engine, support for web standards), and, on top of that, depends on the speed of the wireless connection ( since in the case of tablets we are only talking about web surfing via Wi-Fi and 3G).

But what really depends on the speed of the processor is working with the operating system. Users of Apple products remember very well the situation with the iPhone 3G, which after updating to the fourth version of iOS began to slow down very much (and you cannot roll back to the third version!). Later, Apple released an update that partially solved the problem, but the smartphone still worked significantly less quickly than before (and this despite the fact that multitasking was disabled on the iPhone 3G, which is available by default in iOS 4).

I think Apple developers and engineers have learned a lesson from this situation, but it is still worth remembering that the faster your hardware platform, the more likely it is that new versions of the OS will work correctly on your tablet.

So, the operation of the OS (of course, not in the current version, but after two or three “major” updates) and games - this is where performance can become a bottleneck. We will also be sure to check whether processor speed affects the browser. And, of course, we’ll try to compare the sensations of playing on tablets.

Both tablets were running latest version iOS - 4.3.2 (8H7). The following benchmarks from the App Store were used in testing: GLBenchmark 1.1.71, LINPACK Benchmark 1.0 and iBenchMark! 1.1. To test browsers we used SunSpider 0.9.1. And it was SunSpider who gave us the first surprise. Its different runs on the first iPad gave an average result of around 3400 ms, while second iPad showed around 2200 ms. Thus, iPad 2 wins by one and a half times. Here are the results of randomly selected runs on iPad and iPad 2 (you can download screenshots from the links, the results of which are summarized in a table for convenience).

iPad 1iPad 2
3d439,4 268,9
access385,5 267,7
bitops167,0 143,3
recursive21,2 16,0
crypto198,3 146,1
date451,7 273,4
math365,5 187,1
regexp92,8 71,6
string1282,9 808,1
Total3404,3 2182,2

At the same time, it cannot be said that this gain was due to any individual SunSpider subtests - almost all subtests showed a convincing victory for the iPad 2. Thus, we received proof that on tablets the operation of the browser directly depends on the speed of the processor. Another thing is how noticeable this is when surfing the web? We tried to simultaneously open website pages rich in various content, including the site, and saw that although the loading process is shown differently (for example, at first, oddly enough, the first iPad wins), but to the “finish” (then There is fully loaded pages) tablets arrived almost simultaneously. Perhaps the difference in the boot process is explained by the difference in the speed of RAM and flash memory in the first and second iPad generation. Perhaps there are some other nuances, although we tried to keep the experiment clean by clearing the cache, history and cookies of the browsers of both tablets before the test. But what happened, happened.

Another test that demonstrated a convincing victory for the iPad 2, but at the same time raised many questions - LINPACK. It shows the efficiency of the processor in performing mathematical calculations using floating point operations as an example. In short, pure synthetics. But that’s what makes this test interesting. So, with N=1000 (this is the value the benchmark offers by default), the iPad 2 showed a speed of approximately 546 Mflops. It took him 1.22 seconds to do the calculations (plus or minus a few thousandths of a second at different launches). The first iPad took 10.56 seconds to perform the same calculations, and the execution speed was approximately 63 Mflops. Here are screenshots: iPad 2 - on the right.

Thus, the Apple A5 outperformed the Apple A4 in mathematical operations by more than eight times! Obviously, in real use we will never see such a difference in the performance of tablets.

Now let's look at the performance of the iPad 2 video core. iPad comparison and iPad 2 using the GLBenchmark 1.1.71 benchmark new tablet demonstrates one and a half times higher results in the GLBenchmark Pro, Texture Filter, Texture Size and Triangles subtests, multiple superiority in the Fill Rate and Lights subtests. At the same time, in the Swapbuffers and GLBenchmark HD subtests, the results of the tablets were approximately the same, and in the CPU (Integer Performance) new iPad even managed to lose a little to his predecessor. But overall, the iPad 2 won a landslide victory in GLBenchmark. Here are the GLBenchmark results summarized in one table.

iPad 1iPad 2
Swapbuffers593 frames595 frame
GLBenchmark HD1800 frame1800 frame
GLBenchmark Pro896 frame1455 frame
3D Rendering Quality100% 100%
Fill Rate198033968 texel/sec924152224 texel/sec
Lights2639548 triangle/sec9044395 triangle/sec
Texture Filter6504373 triangle/sec9806869 triangle/sec
Texture Size6289370 triangle/sec9805771 triangle/sec
Triangles6180646 triangle/sec9806379 triangle/sec
CPU11447 points12854 points

So, we have tested the processor and video part, now it remains to check the performance of the RAM and flash memory. iBenchMark will help us with this! 1.1. And this is where the results of the iPad 2 turn out to be far from so clear: if the second-generation tablet showed absolute superiority in the speed of reading and writing to flash memory, outperforming the first iPad by two to three times, then in tests for working with RAM, the iPad 2 Somewhere he won, and somewhere he lost. The results are in front of you. Since the data during testing was downloaded via the Internet (Wi-Fi), we selected those runs in which the download speed was the same in order to minimize its impact on other results.

iPad 1iPad 2
Memory Allocation Test384.1 Allocations per second660.4 Allocations per second
Memory Copy Test889.2 Memory copies p. s.552.8 Memory copies p. s.
Disc Write Test18.0 MB/s35.8 MB/s
Disc Read Test30.4 MB/s104.2 MB/s
Random Number Test3235083.8/s2757145.5/s
File download test230.1 kB/s230.1 kB/s

The last thing we'll be testing the iPad 2 hardware on is the 3D game Dead Space HD for iPad"(in the case of games, only subjective testing is available to us).

One of the best (in terms of graphics) games in the App Store runs quite normally on the first iPad, there are no uncomfortable sensations. But when playing on the second iPad, you begin to notice that objects are rendered a little more efficiently and smoothly - the superiority of the new tablet, albeit in small things, is still evident.

Autonomous operation

The increased processor speed has caused many to suspect that iPad 2 will consume battery power much faster than the first iPad. But, as it turned out, the fears were in vain. By time battery life iPad 2 (like the first generation iPad) is the undisputed favorite in the tablet market. At active use(taking photos and videos, installing applications via Wi-Fi, playing games with push notifications like “corn is ripe on your farm,” web surfing, including watching online videos) iPad 2 will “live” on a single charge for almost six hours. In reading or web surfing mode without viewing dynamic content, the operating time will be significantly longer.

The iPad 2 showed excellent results when playing a movie from iTunes Store(16:9 format, 720p resolution): in 1 hour 49 minutes (that’s how long the film lasts) the battery was discharged by only 12 percent! Wi-Fi module at the same time, it remained active, although there were no online applications hanging in the background, that is, the tablet did not need to access the Internet. Brightness and volume were set to average level- one in which it is most comfortable to watch the film. For comparison, the first iPad spent 15% under similar conditions. That is, apparently, the new A5 processor is slightly more energy efficient than the A4 (provided that the load is the same and is quite feasible for the A4). But in both cases the result is very good.

True, such efficient operation of the processor when playing video can also be explained by the fact that movies in the iTunes Store are optimized for viewing on Apple devices. Probably, with less competent encoding, the video may turn out to be more voracious. But in principle this still should not worsen the picture. In general, if you have to fly across the Atlantic, you can safely take your iPad 2 with you and watch movies the whole way.

Work in 3G networks

As already noted, the 3G version of the iPad 2 is not tied to an operator and can work with microSIM cards from any operator. Simply put, you can safely buy an iPad abroad - and it doesn’t matter which operator’s microSIM card will be installed there. The exception is the CDMA version of the iPad 2, which operates on American operator Verizon. There is no point in using it outside of Verizon coverage. But with the 3G version there will be no such difficulties. To work iPad 2 in Russian network no unlocking, jailbreaking or similar tricks are required. It is enough to buy a microSIM (or not even buy it, but simply cut off the existing one) regular SIM card- instructions can be found on the Internet), connect to the selected tariff, insert the microSIM into the appropriate slot of the iPad 2 (it is similar to the microSIM slot in the first iPad) - and after half a minute the tablet itself will find the network and allow you to work on the Internet.

Our connection speed varied from 50 to 150 KB/s (according to iBenchMark! 1.1; testing was carried out in Moscow, but outside the Garden Ring), which is quite enough for comfortable web surfing.


iPad 2 is definitely best tablet of all those on the market today. And there is a very high probability that he will remain the best at least until the end of this year. But it is certainly unrivaled in terms of price and quality ratio. True, in Russia the iPad 2 will most likely cost slightly more than in America and Europe - for example, the junior model of the first iPad was sold here for about 20 thousand rubles. However, even at this price it is a more than competitive product. In fact, the only serious rival to the iPad 2 is the first iPad. Still, the temptation to save $100 is quite great. Especially in Russia, where the iPad 2 is still unknown when it will be sold, and resellers have already reduced prices by 3,000 rubles for the first iPad. And indeed, in a certain scenario, such savings will be completely justified.

Currently the difference is Apple performance A4 and A5 can only be felt in some 3D games. Of course, soon there will probably be games on the App Store that will take full advantage of the capabilities of the Apple A5. But are you buying a tablet specifically for 3D games? If the answer is no, and, moreover, you are not going to use the tablet for video communication, and reducing the weight of the device is not important to you, you can easily buy your first iPad. But be prepared for the fact that in three years your tablet’s OS will no longer be able to be updated to the current version, while iPad 2 users will be able to afford such a pleasure. In addition, perhaps, as the HTML5 web standard spreads and sites with “heavy” graphic content appear, the difference in web surfing speed will also be noticeable. Well, we can assume that in future versions operating system Apple uses the presence of cameras for some new functions (for example, for the increasingly popular “augmented reality” technology). So buying an iPad 2 today is something of an investment in the future. Although it is not a fact that when the iPad 3 comes out, you will not have a passionate desire to replace your model with it. After all, according to rumors, the iPad 3 will have an improved screen (Retina Display?). And this is much more significant than an updated processor and two cameras.

Greetings, dear users and undoubtedly happy owners of the iPad - a tablet computer from Apple operating room based iOS systems(at the time of writing, the latest version is the eighth). If you are the happy owner of any gadget from Apple, for example an iPad (2,3, Mini, Air), then most likely you are already accustomed to its stable and reliable operation, and for you the fact that the gadget does not turn on makes you nervous. dead end.

Those people who have never used tablet computers other than the iPad (2,3, Mini, Air) probably do not know that during the operation of the device any difficulties or problems may arise, for example, the device does not turn on.

In today's article we will analyze the situation when the iPad (2,3, Mini, Air) does not turn on. Those. When you press the “turn on” button, the device does not react in any way and even the apple on the glass, black screen does not light up.

Have you encountered such a situation? Don’t rush to panic and look for a screwdriver to (2,3, Mini, Air), I, in general, categorically do not advise you to disassemble it yourself Tablet PC If problems arise, you will not be able to correct the situation, but you can make it even worse. Moreover, if the iPad (2,3, Mini, Air) does not turn on, this problem in ninety-nine percent of cases can be solved literally in five minutes. Below I will tell you what actions you need to take to do this.

Method 1

I, of course, assume that now there will be a lot of dissatisfied exclamations, but believe me - the action described below is the first thing to take in a situation where your iPad (2,3, Mini, Air) tablet computer cannot be turned on. Perhaps it simply ran out of battery power. If you haven't tried it yet this method“reanimate” your device, then do it right now - connect your tablet computer to a power outlet.

If this method did not help and the device does not turn on, we move on to heavier artillery.

Method 2

The next step that you need to take to resuscitate your Apple device (in fact, using this method you can bring back to life not only the iPad tablet computer (2.3, Mini, Air), but also the iPhone smartphone) is to press and hold two buttons at the same time: button turn on/off the device and the “Home” button (round button at the bottom inside Apple devices). Press and hold these two buttons simultaneously for at least ten seconds. If after this time the apple does not burn, then proceed to next method make the iPad work.

If the apple lights up, then everything is in order (the gadget turns on), and your iPad tablet computer or iPhone smartphone will start working after a certain amount of time (a few seconds).

Method 3

If previous method did not help and the device still does not turn on, then use more radical method, namely restoring the iOS operating system using iTunes. This is done very simply, follow the steps described below.:

  • Connect your device (iPad tablet or iPhone smartphone) to your personal computer using USB cable, this cable must be included with the Apple device;
  • iTunes must be installed on the computer to which you connect the device. If this program is on your personal computer no, then you need to install it. You can do this using this link - http://www.apple.com/itunes/;
  • Launch iTunes, then press CTRL+S and in the appeared side menu select your device. Go to the “Overview” tab, now on your Apple device hold down the buttons: home and on/off. Do not release the buttons for about ten seconds;
  • Next, a window will appear in the program in which you will be asked to restore the iOS operating system.

Attention: when restoring the operating system on your device, you act at your own peril and risk; the author of this material is not responsible for your actions.

Method 4

If none of the proposed methods helped you, then there is only one thing left to do - take your device to a service center.

That's all for today, I hope now your iPad (2,3, Mini, Air) or iPhone turns on without problems.

iOS 9.0 works on fairly old devices. Thanks to these simple tips you can speed up their work.

1 Restart your iPad

Reboot your tablet.
Press and hold the Power button until the power bar appears. Turn off the device, then press the power button again.
An alternative option (bet you didn’t know about it?): Press and hold the Home and Power buttons at the same time and wait for the apple to appear. This will reboot your device.

2 Get rid of unnecessary applications

Free space is necessary for quick and reliable operation iPad.
Press and hold your finger on the app icon until they all start to shake. Click on the cross of the application you are going to delete. Unfortunately, built-in programs cannot be removed.
Alternative option: Settings → General → Storage and iCloud → Storage, Manage. Shows a list of files and programs available for removal.
Get rid of the unnecessary stuff, reboot the tablet.

3 Content update

Background data refreshing is a handy feature, but you can get a little more out of your tablet by not doing so.
Settings → Basics → Content Update.
A couple more tweaks:

  1. Reduce transparency: Settings → General → Universal access→ Increase contrast;

  2. Reduce background and effects motion: Settings → General → Accessibility;

  3. Turn off Spotlight suggestions: Settings → General → Search Spotlight.

And by the way, how often do you use search on your iPad? If it’s rare, you can turn it off: Settings → General → Spotlight Search: turn everything off.

4 Notifications and geolocation

While notifications can be useful, at least check which apps have them enabled: Settings → Notifications.
Do the same with geolocation: Settings → Privacy → Location Services.

5 Clear your browser cache

Safari saves settings and site data while running, which can slow down your browser as a result.
Clear them: Settings → General → Reset → Erase content and settings.

6 Clear RAM

Press and hold the Power button. When the shutdown bar appears, continue to hold the Power button and press and hold Home.
The screen will blink and the home screen will appear.

7 Buy a new one

Apple will soon introduce a new generation of devices. Maybe it's time to update your old devices?

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Tablets of the second and third generations, on the verge are the iPad 4 and iPad Mini 2. All these devices have a hard time keeping up with your needs. latest versions iOS is slow and does not work in the best way.

We suggest not to write off old people, but to give a second life to your favorite gadgets. Take it out of the back drawer old iPad, it will still be useful.

1. Delegate authority

There is never enough space on your computer desktop. Every now and then applications do not fit on small display laptop, and not the most powerful 12-inch Macs and are not at all designed for a large number of running programs.

In order not to give up real multitasking, you can run some programs on the tablet screen. It won’t handle serious tasks, but it will cope with email, social networks or Twitter perfectly well.

You just need to find a suitable stand, place the tablet near the computer screen and launch the desired application. You will reasonably argue that you will have to constantly take your hands off the keyboard and reach for the touch screen. There is a solution - we install and, if necessary, manage the tablet directly from the Mac.

What do you say now?

2. Expanding the workspace

If with power Mac problems no, then on the iPad you can simply expand the desktop space. Again we install the tablet near the computer, launch it and the Mac has a second display.

It can host one or two programs, which can be controlled either using the mouse or by clicking on the screen. On the tablet you can play a video from YouTube, watch football or a movie, while the entire computer display will remain free.

3. Manage your computer in a new way

The most original use of an old tablet would be to turn it into a computer control panel. Using it, you can set up a special desktop with icons for performing certain actions.

From your tablet you can not only control music or video playback, but also switch between tools in PhotoShop, edit text in Pages, or apply effects in Final Cut Pro. We simply select ready-made desktops for each program or customize the buttons ourselves.

Nobody limits us to just one scenario, just install all the applications and switch between them when necessary. So an old iPad can be useful in work or study, it will become faithful assistant on the desktop and can last for several more years.

If none of the scenarios fit, don’t be upset, we told you that your iPad can do almost all of this.

We continue to look closely at the veterans of the mobile device market, and today the Apple iPad 2 came into our sights. This tablet was not chosen by chance. Whatever one may say, the first iPad with its 256 MB of RAM is now only suitable for a limited range of tasks. But the Apple iPad 2, although it was released back in 2011, its configuration turned out to be so successful that it moved in its entirety to the Apple iPad Mini, introduced in 2012. That is, now we will study not one tablet, but two. How we can seriously save your time and satisfy your curiosity.

Design and wear

I bought this particular iPad in 2012 and still use it today. However, such trash as with the previous review did not happen: most of the time the tablet lived in the branded iCover cover. As a result, my iPad 2 still looks great three years later. Yes, here and there there are small scuffs and scratches, and a few spots cannot be wiped off, but, in general, the device has retained its luster and beauty.

I would like to make a special note about the complete wiring with the old connector. It hasn’t broken for me over the years, even the insulation hasn’t frayed. But this is rather an exception to the rule, and if you carry the wire with you every day, within a year or two it usually frays at the base. If you are going to buy an iPad 2 second-hand, pay attention to this question.

But I didn’t put film on the display, so there are a few barely noticeable scratches on the screen. They don't bother me at all, but if it ever comes down to selling, the buyer will obviously want a discount.


The display itself, with its 9.7 inches diagonally and a resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels, looks rather archaic, but if you don’t pick on it, it’s quite possible to read and watch movies from it. Well, there is a “ladder” in the fonts, but personally it doesn’t bother me.

But what really bothers me is the air gap between the screen matrix and the display glass. Her image appears to be recessed, and in 2015 it seriously breaks the mold. What can we do, the technologies of recent years have spoiled us.

But in general, IPS matrix and in Africa IPS matrix. If you turn the brightness to maximum, you can really take the tablet with you outside and watch something on it. I can't promise that it will be extremely pleasant, but this scenario is real.


Dual core Apple processor A5 built on a modernized ARM architecture Cortex A9 and running on clock frequency up to 1 GHz in general is still cake. As well as, in fact, the PowerVR SGX 543MP2 graphics accelerator included with it. Even new games on the iPad 2 launch and work reliably. Yes, the graphics are not always the best, some visual details are simplified or missing, but you can play.

But there is an Achilles heel here: 512 MB of RAM is not enough! And if the game or application developer has not optimized memory management, problems are almost guaranteed. For example, my favorite, whose review you can find on the site, regularly crashes from deck building mode. And the talking cats, which my daughter loves so much, are noticeably slower in mini-games. It is very sad that an overall good configuration is losing its relevance due to one single bottleneck.

Apple iOS

Despite its advanced age, the iPad 2 receives firmware updates on a par with advanced models. How good this is is difficult to say.

Of course, it’s nice to be in trend and feel no worse than others, but the eighth and ninth versions of the iOS operating system are not that pleasing with stability and speed. On the iPad 2, my task manager slows down, the application store takes a long time to open, and in general the speed of work has suffered significantly from this movement in step with progress. Therefore, I understand people who are in no hurry to update from iOS 7.

However, it is better to have the opportunity than not to have it. Official firmware for iPad 2 exist, and this in itself is no small achievement!

Battery life

Overall, I am still satisfied with the battery life of the tablet. Yes, the battery is consumed faster than a couple of years ago, but it lives in bedside device mode for a day or two. Of course, there are applications like a browser, or individual games, where the charge goes away in a few hours, but in general the picture is exactly like this: work for a day or two, then charge.

But if I took a tablet with a cellular module, then I probably wouldn’t get more than 10–12 hours of active work out of it.


On the used market iPad prices 2 start at $150, which is approximately equal to 3,000 hryvnia or 9,000 Russian rubles. Is it possible to buy some decent Chinese on Aliexpress for this money? Yes! But it will be a Windows or Android device. And if you need a ticket to the Apple ecosystem, there is nowhere to go. And I’m especially glad that the iPad 2 is really still good! Although even with some serious reservations.


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