The rear camera does not work on Android. The camera on Android does not work: what to do

Hello everyone, dear readers, in today’s post we will try to figure out why the camera on the phone does not work. Many users of mobile gadgets on the Android operating system have a similar problem. There may be several reasons for this unpleasant incident. Below we will look at each of the reasons and try to fix this annoying error.

Reasons for the camera not working

  1. Mechanical is the most unpleasant reason why your camera does not work. For example, if the camera stopped working as a result of the phone falling. A similar reason for a camera not working can only be corrected at a service center; I do not recommend dealing with this problem yourself, because... you can only make it worse;
  2. System error - in this case, the reason for the camera not working is an error in the Android operating system. For example, an outdated error. Below I will tell you how you can check and;
  3. Viruses - some viruses, once they get into your mobile device, disrupt and block the operation of the camera - both the front camera and the external camera. This problem can be solved by simply installing antivirus software and checking the operating system. Below I will provide a list of antiviruses that you can use.

System update

To check for the latest updates for your operating system, do the following:

  1. First of all, you need to launch the Settings application;
  2. Now scroll to the very bottom of the page and select “About phone”, in this section you need to select “System update” and click on it;
  3. If you did everything correctly, the system update process will begin.

Let's move on to the last reason for the camera not working, namely the presence of viruses on the phone.

The camera is a very important element of a modern mobile device. It is needed both for entertainment and for preserving memorable moments, and for many it helps to simplify and speed up work processes on a daily basis. This is why so much attention is paid to the quality of the camera in smartphones, both budget and flagship models.

It is not surprising that in cases where the camera does not work, the owner of the phone begins to feel discomfort. We want to describe several ways to independently diagnose a camera failure in a smartphone and repair it.

  • Camera conflict with updated firmware. Even though the new firmware is designed to improve the performance of the phone, sometimes updating the software can lead to some malfunctions. If your camera does not work on Android, you should “reset” the system to default settings. Perhaps the firmware conflicts not with the camera itself, but with some of the user settings. If these steps do not help, the most obvious thing would be to “roll back” the system to an old working version. If you do not know how to do this yourself, contact our service center.
  • Virus infection. Another popular reason for camera malfunction may be the presence of viruses on the phone. Installing antivirus programs on mobile devices has not yet gained universal popularity. Basically, people have learned to protect only their computers and laptops. Therefore, if you do not have any antivirus installed on your smartphone, do it immediately. If cleaning your phone yourself does not lead to the desired result, you will have to contact a service center, where qualified employees, using special skills and software, will be able to cure your phone of any virus.
  • Mechanical damage to the smartphone. If bumped or dropped, the camera or one of its parts may break, or the connector contacts may come off. Therefore, after bumps and falls, you will most likely have to take your smartphone straight to the service center.
  • Camera conflict with Skype application. The reason for the camera not working in Skype is most often associated with incorrect settings, so in this case you should worry least. Check your camera settings in the Skype app and the settings of the camera itself. Surely, after this everything will work as expected.
  • Also, quite often the cause of camera failure can be the ingress of liquid or condensate. In this case, it is impossible to do without anti-corrosion cleaning during service conditions. The primitive “dry” will not help here.

The cameras of modern smartphones are complex optical devices, and if you are afraid to take responsibility and get inside the phone, and even more so if the phone is under warranty from the manufacturer, it is better to contact a service center.

It is difficult to imagine the owner of a modern gadget who would use it only for making calls and sending messages. Smartphones and tablets combine almost everything - a telephone, an alarm clock, audio and video players and much more. And suddenly it happens that the camera does not work on Android. How to fix this problem?

One of the important modules of current gadgets may stop working for a number of reasons, among which there are several main ones:

  1. System firmware update. Due to an incorrect procedure or some kind of failure during the update process, the settings of various modules are very often lost.
  2. Virus attack. The number and variety of malware is quite large.
  3. Damage to the device. Various mechanical impacts (fall, shock, exposure to water, etc.) can lead to incorrect operation of the camera.
  4. Garbage. The camera has a sensor, which can become dirty or dusty and may interfere with operation.
  5. Module cache. This is purely a software reason.

In any of these cases, various messages may appear on the screen (for example, “Camera failure”), the window may freeze, crash, or present only a black screen. So what should you do if the camera on your phone stops working?

How to solve a problem

Reset to factory settings

This method will allow you to fix problems with system and module settings that have arisen for one reason or another. But you need to do this correctly, for which:

  • first make a backup copy of the necessary files and data, as well as the system itself (this item is optional, but it is better not to neglect it);
  • then go to the device settings, General tab;
  • find the item “Backup and reset” (the name may differ in different versions of Android and models);
  • in a new window, select “Reset settings”;
  • review information about what data will be deleted;
  • make sure that the battery charge level is at least 30%;
  • start reset;
  • After finishing, you can check the operation of the camera and configure the device.

Virus check

If, after returning to factory settings, the gadget still displays an error message, you should check it for viruses. This can be done in two ways:

  • connect your phone or tablet to your PC and scan with a computer program;
  • install the utility directly on the gadget.

In any case, it is necessary to do a deep check.

External and internal cleaning

It will be useful to clean the device from various debris, both internal and external. In the first case, it is enough to wipe the lens with a special cloth or a clean one, but with the application of a special product. You can also disassemble the phone and clean it, but for this it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Internal cleaning involves deleting the module cache, for which:

  • go to settings, General tab;
  • select the “Applications” item;
  • swipe your finger from right to left several times to get to the All tab;
  • we find the camera and go into it;
  • in the window that appears, we need a “Clear cache” button.

Installing special utilities

If none of the methods discussed above solved the problem, there is another option of installing programs on the gadget that will work in the same way as a standard camera. An example of such applications is Camera MX.

This application has its own menu, which contains the main page with the start of shooting, a gallery of files from the device’s memory, as well as a large number of different effects. With this program you can take funny and original selfies, including GIFs that preserve movement.

It can be used when working with such applications as the main one, i.e. both rear and front cameras, which means functionally many of them can be even better than the standard module. If, when using such utilities, you still cannot obtain an image, then the problem is much more serious.

In this case, all that remains is to contact the service center. This would also be advisable if the warranty period on the tablet or phone has not yet expired.

Modern smartphones are high-tech devices that combine many different functions. Today, most smartphones from well-known manufacturers have two cameras, one of which is front-facing, as well as many other multimedia capabilities. Despite the usually high build quality of various models of multifunctional phones, during operation one or another function may malfunction. Most often, smartphone owners encounter problems such as a broken charging connector and a malfunction of the front camera. If in the first case, repairing an iPhone is not difficult and can be done at any service center, then if the front camera breaks down, you first need to find out the reasons for its malfunction.

The main reasons why the front camera may not work

The front or front camera is a feature that people need to take pictures of themselves and communicate via video calls. The lens of this device is located on the front panel of the smartphone, and therefore it can be accidentally damaged. If for some reason the front camera does not start, you must first make sure that its lens is not damaged, that is, carefully examine it for scratches, chips and other defects.

If there are no obvious defects on the front camera lens, then a malfunction in its normal operation may be caused by reasons such as:
Updating smartphone software. If your phone settings are set to firmware update by default, then downloading more recent software may cause some smartphone functions to malfunction, including the front camera.

Read also:

  • What to do if the sensor on your phone does not work?
  • What to do if the sound on your phone does not work?

The presence of viruses in the smartphone. If you actively use the Internet through your phone, you can download, along with important data, a dangerous virus that causes some functions to malfunction. In this case, it is recommended to take the phone to a virus removal service.

Damage to internal cables as a result of the phone falling from a height. If there is no external damage to the front camera, then it is quite possible that the cause of the breakdown lies internally.

The front camera sensor is dirty. Since the lens is located on the outside of the smartphone, dust may accumulate in it. To restore normal operation of the front camera in this case, you just need to thoroughly clean the sensor with a cotton swab.

One of the easiest ways to make the front camera work is to reset your phone to factory settings and then reboot the device. If this measure does not help, then it is better to contact a specialized phone repair service, where they will not only be able to find out the cause of the camera malfunction, but also fix it in a short time. The cost of repairing such a breakdown depends on its cause and the degree of complexity of the troubleshooting work.

These days, a large number of users of all kinds of electronic gadgets prefer the Android operating platform.

The choice of this software is based on taking into account some important criteria, but in most cases the key role is played by the ability to get a practical video camera or photo camera at a relatively low cost.

But, in practice, situations often arise when the device one fine day does not work as it should, in other words, a certain failure occurs in the source code of the platform.

Probable Causes

Usually, camera does not work when several underlying causes occur, for example:

    The process of updating the current gadget firmware. It is known that updating the system is an automatic function and does not depend on the will of the user, but it can easily become a catalyst for emergency situations in the correct operation of the camera. To solve the problem, you should roll back the system version after the next Android update;

    Camera onAndroid may fail due to mechanical shock. For example, if the gadget is overturned, the module responsible for the camera settings may fail;

    Dust accumulation on the sensor. A number of portable devices have remote modules, therefore, their surface is easily contaminated;

    The module cache is clogged.

Setting up the camera correctly Android

Setting up the camera can be done in one of three known ways:

    Manually reset the mobile gadget system to factory settings. In order to do this, you should perform the following operations - open the gadget settings menu, go to the tab "backup" and check the configuration box "reset to factory settings";

    Downloading the antivirus and subsequent "cleaning" systems. Today, many anti-virus programs have been developed and effectively implemented, which can be freely viewed and downloaded on Google Play;

    Clear module cache. To do this, you should go to settings, select menu "applications", count "camera" and click on the line below "clear cache";

    Gently wipe the camera's protective lens with an alcohol-soaked cloth;

    Download an alternative application. There are countless of them on the Internet, both paid and completely free. After you install such an application, its icon will become available on the desktop.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the camera on Android tends to work incorrectly, and working with it has its own characteristics.

It is imperative to take into account a number of requirements for proper operation, and you will not have problems with the operation of the camera module and OS!