Methods for updating BIOS. Let's make a backup copy. Asrock motherboard bios update

The BIOS update procedure must be performed very carefully. If the current BIOS version works fine without critical errors, then it’s better to save it just in case backup copy. In addition, when updating the BIOS, you need to take into account that all responsibility for the consequences of the update lies with you, and if the system fails, it will be only your problem. Therefore, for the update to be successful, you need to know how to update the BIOS. And in case of an unsuccessful outcome, you can always contact service centers to solve this problem. But before updating the BIOS, you must first know what it is and why update the BIOS.

What is BIOS and why update it?

BIOS (BIOS) is a special software, which is stored in the ROM (read-only memory) chip in your computer. BIOS is located on the motherboard and is a code that is responsible for correct work

all devices on the computer - video cards, disks, USB connectors, etc. The more perfect this code is, the higher the system's performance and its resistance to critical errors will be. All computer hardware settings are stored in the BIOS. Although some of them may be installed by the operating system (for example, Windows 7). As soon as the user turns on the computer, the system is controlled using the BIOS. This program quickly checks and tests the functionality of the hardware (for example, whether the video card is overheating or whether the CPU coolers are doing their job), and then transfers control to another program in boot disk , which loads the operating system. BIOS makes it possible to change many settings: changing the date, time or language, switching devices to (various modes silent operation

etc.), monitoring the status of all devices, overclocking the processor, etc.

  • A BIOS update will be required in the following cases:
  • the presence of errors in the code of the current version, which leads to malfunctions of the computer (for example, the sound is completely lost);
  • the motherboard does not want to recognize new hardware (for example, a cooler); for increase overall performance

system, as well as its individual components. In addition, you will need to update the BIOS in order to simply improve its performance. Typically, the manufacturer periodically releases new versions that fix bugs or add support for new devices. Therefore, it is desirable in the same way as, for example, drivers for a video card.

Preparing for the update

Before performing a BIOS update, you must first find out which motherboard and which BIOS version are installed on your computer.

It is advisable to install updates only from the official website of the motherboard manufacturer. In addition, you also need to know...

So, to get the necessary data, you can use the Everest program. To do this, you need to launch the program and go to the “Motherboard” tab. The "motherboard" line will indicate which motherboard is installed on your computer. Just below is the item “Download BIOS updates”, where the address of the site from which you can download various updates is indicated. Then you need to open the “BIOS” tab and see what firmware version is installed. Next, you need to go to the update site and compare the date and version of your firmware with similar data on the site. If your data is outdated, then you can update the BIOS. Entering the BIOS is slightly different different computers , depending on the motherboard and BIOS version. To call it, you need to press a certain key or key combination. Most often this is the “Delete” (Del) button, but it can also be “F1”, “F2”, “F10”, etc. To know the desired key

you can during loading at the very bottom of the screen. This information appears immediately, even before the OS loads. The key can be pressed frequently (for example, every 1-2 seconds), nothing bad will happen. If you did not have time to read the required key combination or were unable to enter the BIOS, you need to restart the computer and repeat the procedure again.

BIOS update Interesting fact: reinstalling BIOS is an operation that is considered both legal and illegal at the same time. That is, on the one hand, motherboard developers recommend immediately (or if possible) updating through their official website. On the other hand, BIOS update occurs at your own risk and peril. That is, if with motherboard something happens and it fails (and it doesn’t matter whether it’s related to the update or not), in service center you will probably be denied free repair

BIOS update can be performed in 3 main ways:

  • in DOS mode;
  • in Windows mode;
  • by using special utilities, which are provided by motherboard manufacturers.

Updating BIOS in DOS mode

Before updating, you need to know your motherboard manufacturer, model, and exact BIOS version.
In addition, it is necessary to prepare the firmware file in advance, with the help of which the BIOS will be updated. But all this has already been done earlier, so you can immediately move on to the next point.

So, you need to take a blank floppy disk, format it and make it bootable. Then you need to write the firmware file to this floppy disk. In addition, you will also need a so-called flash driver, which can also be downloaded from the manufacturer’s official website (for example, awdflash.exe). Then in the autoexec.bat file you will need to register this “flash driver” and the path to the firmware file for it. It will look something like this: “awdflash.exe bios1.bin/py”. Before updating, it is advisable to save current version BIOS.

The preparatory stage is now complete, now you can start updating the BIOS. But first you need to configure the BIOS so that the installation starts from a floppy disk. To do this, you need to go into the BIOS (for example, using the “F8” key) and find a line that has one of these names - “Boot”, “ Boot Device"or "First Boot Device". Typically, this line will indicate the option " Hard Disk", that is HDD. By default, when the user turns on the computer, all data is first loaded from hard drive, and then from DVD-ROM, USB and other media. But in in this case You must select the option “ Floppy Disk"(i.e. floppy disk). After some time, when the update is complete, you will need to return everything to its place. You cannot turn off or restart your computer during the update.

Updating BIOS in Windows mode

This method is much simpler. To do this you just need to download the file updated version BIOS and firmware program for Windows OS. As a rule, each manufacturer has its own software for these purposes. For example, at Asus such a program is called AsusUpdate. You need to install it, run it and select the “update from file” item, indicating the previously downloaded file. Although this program can independently find latest versions BIOS and install them automatically.

Updating BIOS without entering Windows or DOS mode

In this case, the update is performed using utilities that are located in the BIOS. For example, you can update through the Instant Flash utility. To access it, you must press the “F6” key when turning on the computer. The program will independently find all storage media where it is stored. BIOS firmware. In addition, the utility will display only those firmwares that are suitable for your motherboard model. The update procedure is quite easy, and new BIOS Install in one click.

In conclusion, it is worth noting once again that you only need to update the BIOS if it is really necessary. Otherwise, it is better to either abandon this idea altogether or seek help from specialists.

is a set of microprograms that are stored in a special chip on the motherboard. These firmwares are written while the motherboard is being manufactured. BIOS is needed to start the computer, check its functionality and start operating system. In some cases you may need to update it. For example, in order to add support for new processors that appeared after the release of the motherboard itself. In this article we will briefly talk about how to update the BIOS.

Step #1: Make sure you really need to update your BIOS.

Updating the BIOS is always a risk. The slightest mistake or power failure can cause yours to turn into a useless piece of PCB.

When exactly NOT to update the BIOS:

  • your computer is working fine without updating;
  • you have no experience in computer maintenance;
  • you have frequent power outages;

Step #2: Find out the BIOS version that is installed on your computer.

Before you start updating the BIOS, you need to find out which version you currently have installed.

After you turn on your computer, control is transferred to Bios, a small firmware stored in the motherboard ROM.

Bios has a lot of functions for checking and identifying hardware, transferring control to the OS bootloader. Through Bios you can change the date and time settings, set a boot password, determine the boot priority of devices, etc.

In this article we will figure out how best to update this firmware using motherboards from Gigabyte as an example...

1. Why do you need to update Bios?

In general, it’s not worth updating just out of curiosity or in pursuit of the latest Bios version. All the same, you will not receive anything except the number of the newer version. But in the following cases, perhaps, it makes sense to think about updating:

1) The inability of the old firmware to detect new devices. For example, you bought new hard disk, and old version Bios cannot detect it correctly.

2) Various glitches and errors in the old version of Bios.

3) A new version of Bios can significantly increase the speed of your computer.

4) The emergence of new opportunities that did not exist before. For example, the ability to boot from flash drives.

I would like to immediately warn everyone: in principle, it is necessary to update, but this must be done extremely carefully. At incorrect update you can ruin the motherboard!

Also, do not forget that if your computer is under warranty, updating the Bios will deprive you of the right to warranty service!

2. Bios update

2.1 Determining the correct version

Before updating, you always need to correctly determine the motherboard model and Bios version. Because Computer documents may not always contain accurate information.

To determine the version, it is best to use the Everest utility (link to website:

After installing and launching the utility, go to the section motherboard and select its properties (see screenshot below). We clearly see the model of the mother Gigabyte boards GA-8IE2004(-L) (we will look for Bios on the manufacturer’s website based on its model).

2.2 Preparation

The preparation mainly lies in the fact that you need to download according to the motherboard model the required version Bios.

By the way, you need to warn in advance, download firmware only from official sites! Moreover, it is advisable not to install beta versions (versions under testing).

In my example above, the official website of the motherboard is:

On this page you can find your board model, and then view last news To her. Enter the board model (“GA-8IE2004”) in the line “ Search Keywords" and find our model. See screenshot below.

The page usually lists several Bios versions with descriptions of when they were released and brief comments about what's new in them.

All! You have updated the Bios. The computer will reboot, and if everything went well, you will be working in the new version...

1) Don’t go in and change unless necessary Bios settings, especially those that are unfamiliar to you.

2) To reset Bios parameters Optimal: remove the battery from the motherboard and wait at least 30 seconds.

3) Do not update Bios just like that, just because it is there a new version. Updates should only be made when absolutely necessary.

4) Save before updating working version Bios on a flash drive or floppy disk.

5) Check the firmware version that you downloaded from the official website 10 times: is it the right one, for the right motherboard, etc.

6) If you are not confident in your abilities and have little knowledge of your PC, do not update yourself, trust more experienced users or service centers.

That's all, happy updates everyone!

If you have reached this topic, there is most likely something wrong with your computer. Updating (also called "firmware") the BIOS can help solve some problems, such as problems with peripheral devices or lack of support modern processors. But don’t rush to change things; let’s first study the theoretical part.

How to update BIOS Gigabyte

The first and most important thing you need to know is before the operation BIOS updates must be treated with extreme caution. If you turn off the computer's power during the update process, there is a high chance that the motherboard will fail. If your PC is working properly, then there is no need to chase latest updates so as not to sacrifice performance.

Have you decided? Then go ahead! If possible, connect your PC to an uninterruptible power supply, and fully charge the battery on your laptop.

There are two main ways to update BIOS Gigabyte:

Method 1: Q-Flash

Q-Flash is a utility from the manufacturer Gigabyte built into the BIOS. “Firmware” with its help is a simple and understandable process, and the update can be carried out by an ordinary user who does not have deep knowledge in the field computer equipment. If you have an old one BIOS version, which does not have Q-Flash, proceed to method No. 2.

We will analyze the update using the example of the Gigabyte GA-H110M-S2H motherboard:

    1. Go to Gigabyte official website.
    2. Click on the magnifying glass (search button) on the right top corner screen.

    1. Enter the equipment model (in our case GA-H110M-S2H) and select a model from the drop-down list.

    1. Click on the link "Advantages", then click on "Support".

    1. Click on the button "BIOS", choose the most latest version and click on the download icon.

    1. Unpack the downloaded archive, from it you only need one firmware file, in this case it is "H110MS2H.F21".

    1. Copy this file to a flash drive, first save it in FAT32.

It is advisable that the flash drive only contains the firmware file!

    1. Restart the computer, after starting press the key "END" until the Q-Flash utility loads.
    2. Select an item "Update BIOS from Drive" and press "ENTER".

  1. From the drop-down list, select a flash drive, most likely its name will be “HDD 1-0” (depending on the number of media connected to your computer) and click "ENTER".
  2. Select the file with the firmware (if you listened to our advice in step 7, then there is only one and you won’t have to look for it) and click twice "ENTER".
  3. Wait until the update process completes and a completion message appears.
  4. Press any key and you will be taken to the initial menu. Next click "ESC" And "ENTER", after which the computer will reboot.

Method 2: @BIOS Utility

@BIOS Utility is a utility for Windows OS that can update the BIOS directly from the system. In order to use the @BIOS utility, you must first download and install .Net Framework versions 4.5 or higher and APP Center (an application from Gigabyte for maximum effective use motherboard capabilities).

    1. Follow the first four steps from method No. 1.
    2. Click on the button "Utilities", and then to the loading icon in the line with the phrase "APP Center".

    1. Unpack and install APP Center.
    2. Find the phrase in the table "@BIOS" and click on the download icon.

    1. Unpack and install @BIOS Utility.
    2. Launch the utility.
    3. Click on the button with the text "Update BIOS from GIGABYTE Server". The firmware file will be automatically downloaded and the program will update the BIOS.

When downloading the firmware, stable power supply to the computer and Internet connection must be provided!

  1. You can also use the firmware file downloaded manually in method No. 1, to do this, click "Update BIOS from File" and select the file.
  2. Wait for the update to complete and restart your computer.

In this article, we looked at two ways to update the Gigabyte BIOS. It turns out that there is nothing complicated about “reflashing”. The main thing to remember is that you must not allow a power outage or internet connection (if the second method is used).

Hello dear blog visitors! Today I decided to update the BIOS on my computer and write a blog about it. I took photos and screenshots, so the article will be interesting and most likely long, well, no big deal, but understandable :).

About the system BIOS I have already written many articles, and if you want to know what BIOS is, then read this article. My computer is already a little old :), and I haven’t updated the BIOS on it yet, so I decided that there should be an update. Now we will look at how to determine which motherboard is installed on your computer, where to look for BIOS updates, how to update BIOS and decide possible problems in the process of updating.

Why update BIOS?

Well, I think everything is clear here. Updates will almost always improve the performance of devices; the BIOS is the same. After the update, new functions may appear, operation stability will increase, and support for new technologies and components will appear. In short, you need to update, and it's better to do it often.

I want to say right away about the dangers of updating the BIOS system. Everything must be done carefully and according to the instructions; in case of any failure there may be bad consequences. Although this update method, which I will write about today, seems to me to minimize all risks.

Motherboard and BIOS version

Before we start updating the BIOS, we need to find out what motherboard and BIOS version is installed on our computer. Because we will download updates from the motherboard manufacturer’s website.

For this we need a program EVEREST, you can download it on the Internet by typing in search engine request “download EVEREST”. Install the program and run it. If these steps seem very complicated to you, then it is better for you not to update the BIOS yourself, but if you really want to, then contact a computer service.

Well, if everything is fine, then launch EVEREST, go to the tab "Motherboard" and look at what motherboard is installed on your computer.

As you can see I have a motherboard MSI MS-7267, that’s why we will be looking for BIOS updates. Below I have highlighted the link that takes you to the download page various updates from the manufacturer's website. Follow this link and open the BIOS tab in the EVEREST program to see what firmware version is installed.

After the firmware we will compare these dates and version. As you can see, I have a BIOS version from 2007, and a video adapter version from 2005. We will update :).

Where can I get BIOS updates?

Now we return to the website of the motherboard manufacturer, mine is the MSI website, I opened it via a link in the EVEREST program, but it can be found simply through a search. Or just the Russian version of the download section of the MSI website

As you can see, there are three options for searching for updates.

  • The first method at the request of MSI MS-7267 did not give me any results, probably because the motherboard is already old.
  • I didn’t even use the second method, because it immediately says that this is an option for new models. If you have New Product, then you can search for it in the list.
  • Well, the third option allows you to download a utility that will scan your computer and display a list necessary updates, with the ability to download them. Great! Click “Click here” and click “Open”.

The archive will open, run in it installation file LiveUpdate.exe and install the utility in a few steps Live Update 5.

After the installation is complete, launch it and click on the “Scan” button, wait a few seconds while the utility looks for updates.

The program will display a list of results. We are interested in the update called “MB BIOS”. If such an update is in the list (usually it is at the very top), then there is a BIOS update for our motherboard. Download it to your computer by clicking on the “Download” button (arrow).

It’s better to click “Browse” and choose a location to save the update file yourself. For example, I saved it to my desktop.

That's it, we now have the BIOS update file, now we can move on to the next stage.

Run the saved file with the BIOS update and follow the instructions.

Click “Next”.

Let's continue...

There are two options here: the first is probably to write the firmware image to USB flash drive, and update the BIOS from a flash drive (or for firmware, if it is impossible to update from Windows). But since I didn’t have a free flash drive, I chose the second option, which, judging by the title, means flashing the BIOS from Windows.

Here we need to bury running programs and click “Next”.

Press any key. The computer should restart. That's it, the BIOS is updated!

Problems after updating BIOS

I have two small problems that I think are worth writing about.

1. Immediately after the first reboot, a black window with white text appeared (unfortunately I didn’t take a photo), in which you had to press F1, seemingly for settings. And F2 to boot optimal settings BIOS. I pressed F2 and this message no longer appeared.

2. The second problem is the absence of the A: drive.

You can simply press F1, but this message will still appear. The computer just doesn’t find drive A:, it’s a floppy disk, I don’t have it, but it’s listed in the BIOS. I also got this error after. It's very easy to disable it.

Let's go to the section.

Place the cursor over the item and press “Enter”.

Select from the list, press “Enter”.

Save the changes by pressing F10 and confirm saving the settings. Exit the BIOS by pressing “Esc”.

Well, that's all friends, the BIOS has been updated, the problems have been fixed, I hope the computer works :).

At the beginning of the article I posted my screenshot with EVEREST programs, with the BIOS firmware version before the update. Let's see what has changed there.

As you can see, everything has been updated. Although the year of release of the update is 2009, this is due to the fact that I have an outdated motherboard and updates for it are no longer released.

I hope everything worked out for you. Good luck friends!

Also on the site:

Updated: January 12, 2015 by: admin