imac keyboard shortcuts. Apple Keyboard: Mac Option Key and Other Features of the Apple Keyboard

Working with Mac OS: warming up keys

Apple's operating system truly offers many options to enhance your productivity. Thus, hotkeys have been speeding up computer work since the days of the Apple One. If you are already more or less comfortable in the warm graphical environment Mac OS, it's time to make your keyboard hotter.

How to remember hotkeys

To understand how much hotkeys speed up your virtual life, remember how its quality changed when you learned the combinations ⌘ + C and ⌘ + V, and then added ⌘ + X to this toolkit. If you are still using the “mouse” context menu to copy, cut and paste anything, start learning hot Mac keys OS is from them. The result will be noticeable instantly.

⌘ + C copy
⌘ + X cut
⌘ + V paste

So, you value your time and like to set a high rhythm of work. you respect good advice and upon hearing about effective method for productivity, visit a site like this one for a list of keyboard commands. You read the table with interest, close the tab in your browser, and within a minute you don’t remember anything you read. It is the example with the commands “copy” and “paste” that contains a hint on how to remember keyboard commands:

1. Keep track of what actions slow down the rhythm of your work. Try the free app WhatPulse (, which will draw you heat map your screen. Overheated areas are the controls you most often activate with your cursor - cool them down.

The red area in the lower left corner is the MS WORD icon in the Dock. It can be launched by pressing Control + F3 and then ENTER.

Heat map one day after optimization.

2. Look at the list of commands. Which ones are most applicable in your daily work?
3. Choose no more than three combinations from the list that will attract your attention
4. Save these keyboard shortcuts as any in a convenient way: write it down on a sticky note, add it as a bookmark in your browser, copy it to Evernote
5. Remind yourself to use your chosen hotkeys every time you perform a specific action
6. Quite quickly you will notice that you are using hotkeys out of habit, repeat the plan from the beginning

Over time, you will wonder how to make the learning process useful keys even hotter. This will help a lot Mac app OS Cheatsheet ( After installation, the program shows a list of keyboard commands for any open window. To do this, press and hold the ⌘ key for three seconds.

Another approach is implemented in the Eve application (, which highlights keyboard shortcuts for actions performed in Mac OS using the mouse. In this way, you gradually track actions that could be performed faster by using the keyboard.

To add sporting interest, look at the statistics on the use of hot keys using the WhatPulse application. In addition to mouse usage data, it collects information about how often you use hotkeys and creates a heat map of your keyboard. The desire to beat your previous performance makes the process of memorizing shortcuts very exciting.

Minimum Required

Among the hotkeys, there are the hottest ones, which simply fantastically increase the intensity of the dialogue with the computer. They are so useful that a person who has learned to use them cannot watch a less experienced friend click his way across the computer screen without tears.

Most likely, you are already familiar with these keyboard shortcuts, such as those that allow you to take a screenshot, cut, paste, but just in case, we will provide a list of them.

⌘ + TAB switch between applications

⌘ + SHIFT + Q log out

⌘ + SPACEBAR open window Spotlight search

⌘ + Z cancel last action

⌘ + Y repeat last action

⌘ + B make selected text bold

⌘ + I make selected text italic

⌘ + U make selected text underlined

⌘ + A select all

⌘ + A create a new window

⌘ + W close current window

⌘ + OPION + A deselect all items

⌘ + OPION + M minimize all windows

Let’s talk separately about our favorite Expose function (here it is in Steve Jobs’ presentation:

F9 Show all open windows
F10 Show all windows active application
F11 Show desktop

Let's not forget about screenshots. Mac OS gives you many options to make your desktop look like:

⌘ + SHIFT +3 will save the screenshot to the desktop with the extension PNG file
⌘ + SHIFT + 4 will save a screenshot of the selected area to the desktop with the file extension PNG; if you press SPACEBAR during the operation, you can specify the window whose screenshot you want to take.

If you hold CONTROL during the procedure, the screenshot will be copied and the file will not be created.

A little advice: if you cannot remember some of these combinations, write them down in graphic editor over a picture from your desktop and set it as wallpaper.

Dancing on the keyboard or how not to break your arms

It makes no sense to provide a list of all Mac OS hotkeys; you can easily find them on the official Apple website ( Let’s better try to understand when it is more effective to use certain combinations: all hot keys are duplicated by mouse actions, and our goal is not to stretch our fingers, but to increase productivity.

When operating a computer or laptop, your hands may be in different positions. All hotkey options are designed to avoid moving your hands specifically to use them. Let's consider these provisions using the example of a simple operation - copying.

One hand on the mouse, the other free

Most often you are in this position if, for example, you are looking for something in the Finder. In this position, the free hand can refine the mouse actions. To copy a file or piece of text, drag it, holding down the OPTION button during the operation.

Tip: few people know that if you click on the green button while holding SHIFT, active window will fill the entire screen.

One hand on the mouse, the other on the keyboard

In this position, the images are processed in a graphics editor. One hand is always on the mouse, and the other runs across the entire keyboard, selecting the necessary tools. In this case, it is not difficult for the second hand to perform combinations of several keys, so for copying it is easier to use the already mentioned combination ⌘ + C - ⌘ + V.

Both hands on the keyboard

This is how typing usually happens, for example, in Word or in a social network chat. Again, do not change the position of your hands just to perform one action. Instead of grabbing the mouse every time, it is much more ergonomic to select a piece of text while holding SHIFT and copy and paste again using ⌘ + C - ⌘ + V.

Tip: To work in this position, you can enable mouse pointer control using the keyboard: Apple > System Settings> Mouse. This will allow you to move the cursor using the numeric keypad.

The idea is to change the position of your hands as little as possible: it takes very little time to grasp the mouse or place your hand on the touchpad, but over the course of a day this time can add up to several tens of minutes. In addition, constant switching of attention when changing position also does not stimulate labor efficiency.

It should also be noted that the first position described is only appropriate during a break, when you are sitting in a relaxed state with a cup of coffee. In another case, a loose hand seriously reduces productivity.

New Horizons

When you master a sufficient number of hotkeys built into Apple's system, you will most likely have a desire to speed up your work with your computer even more, because that's what keyboard shortcuts were invented for. Finally, we will give you a few hints in which direction to look:

Dear friends, today we will learn about hot keys on macOS and how they help speed up your work on Apple computers or laptops. There are several basic keys that give different combinations for quick access to functions or elements. These buttons are called modifier keys.

Speeding up work on a computer with Mac OS

However, we will consider only the most popular and necessary for everyday tasks:

  • Option
  • Shift

Many may think: why do the rest go down? In fact, the answer is very simple - not everyone uses certain functions. For example, "Mode external display", which can be turned on or off using Command combinations and the volume up key will only be useful to those who have a second display to display additional information. To use a combination of buttons, you need to press them one by one in the order indicated in the description. For example, to paste an item from the clipboard, you would press and hold Command, then press the V button and release both keys.

Hotkeys in combination with Command

Please note that all of the keys below should be pressed in conjunction with the Command button on your Apple keyboard.

That is, for example, if the Z button is presented below (all letters will be on English language) with the value "Undo", then you must use the Command and Z button combination in order to undo the previous command. If you understand this point, then let’s expand our knowledge together:

  1. C - “Copy”. The selected object or area is copied to the clipboard for future use.
  2. X- “Cut.” Likewise previous function, except for the fact that the selected object or area is removed from its location. They are also stored in the clipboard.
  3. V-"Paste". The last saved object in the buffer is unloaded and pasted into the selected location. You can insert this way several times: the object will be stored in the buffer until it is replaced by another.
  4. Z - “Cancel”. Pressing this combination cancels the last action. Some utilities and applications allow you to use “undo” several times, while others allow you to use this function once.
  5. A- allows you to select all objects in the area for further editing.
  6. F - "Search". Fires a field to find something in an open document or file.
  7. H- “Hide.” The action of this combination is similar to the “Collapse All” button in the Windows operating system, only in this case only the active window will be hidden.
  8. N - “Creation”. This combination will allow you to open a new window or document.
  9. P - allows you to print open document, with whom you directly work.
  10. S- makes it possible to save the current file in the program.
  11. W - this combination will close the active application or utility window. If you want to close not only the active window, but also other windows, then add the Option key to this combination.
  12. Q - "Exit". Allows you to exit a running application.

Other keyboard shortcuts

  • Option+Command+Esc - used when you can't just close the program using standard methods. For example, if the application is frozen and does not respond to any commands.

  • Command+Space - this combination launches a special Spotlight field to search for information on a computer or laptop running MACOS.
  • Command+Tab - “Switch between applications.” If you are an iPad user, this key combination will remind you of the five-finger swipe gesture to switch between running programs. For example, you opened Pages on your Macbook, then went to Safari browser, then when you press Command+Tab you can return to text editor Pages.
  • Shift+Command+3- “Screenshot” allows you to take a complete snapshot of what is displayed on the screen. Similar to taking a screenshot using the lock button and Home key on an iPhone.
  • Сommand+comma - this combination will allow you to launch the settings of the utility or application in which you are currently working.
  • Space - Used to preview the selected file or document.

Combinations in the Finder window

  1. D-copies of selected objects or documents are created.
  2. F - the Spotlight field opens.
  3. I - the properties window of the selected object is launched.
  4. N - Using this combination will open a new Finder window.
  5. Y- you will be able to run preview for those objects that you have selected.
  6. 1- changes the file display mode to the “Icons” view.
  7. 2 - the file display mode changes to the “List” view.
  8. 3 - the file display mode changes to the “Columns” view.
  9. 4 - the file display mode changes to the “CoverFlow” view.
  10. MissionControl - when you press this combination, you open the desktop.
  11. Delete - the selected documents or files are sent to the trash.

The following combinations using Shift keys involve launching certain folders and workspaces in a new window. Please note that here you will already be pressing three keys on the keyboard of a laptop or computer running the Mac operating system. Let's look at an example using the first combination:

  1. C-Computer. That is, when you press the combination Shift+Command+C, you will open a new active “Computer” window.
  2. D- Desk.
  3. F- My files.
  4. G- Go to folder.
  5. I-iCloudDrive.
  6. L- Downloads.
  7. O- Documents.
  8. R-AirDrop.
  9. U-Utilities.
  10. Delete - Allows the user to empty the Recycle Bin of files.

Now we will look at more combinations with the Option+Command keys, which also allow you to perform various actions to speed up work in the Mac operating system. What functions will these be? In most cases this will be show or hide a certain element in the work area.

  1. D- allows you to hide or, conversely, show the Dock panel.
  2. P-path string.
  3. S - side panel.
  4. N- allows you to create a new smart folder.
  5. T- toolbar. Works if only one tab is open in Finder window.
  6. Y - slide show starts.


Dear friends, today you got acquainted with what hot keys are available in the Mac operating system on computers or laptops Apple. As you can see, they open up for you great amount features that allow you to increase the speed of your device. Now you can work not only faster, but also more efficiently. Please note that a complete list of keyboard shortcuts and keyboard shortcuts for your Mac can be found on the official Apple support site. We share our impressions and experience: tell us which hotkeys you use most often and how they help you in your work?

Especially for users who want to speed up and simplify their work with the operating system Mac system OS X, we have made a selection of the most useful keyboard shortcuts, which will allow you to perform your usual actions several times faster and more conveniently.

In contact with

To begin with, here is a list of the main system keys on OS X:

1. Show hidden files in document selection windows.

Would you like to see hidden files when saving, or attach them to a letter? You can always quickly turn on viewing hidden files using keyboard shortcut ⌘Command+⇧Shift+Period in any file selection window.

2. Quickly navigate to a folder.

If you press the keyboard shortcut in any Finder window ⌘Command+⇧Shift+G, then a folder navigation window will appear on the screen. The same combination can be used in the window when sending/saving a file.

3. Instant slideshow.

If you select multiple images in the same folder and press the keyboard shortcut ⌘Command+⌥Option+Y, the slide show will start playing in full screen mode.

4. Focus on the running program.

Interfering a large number of running programs and windows? Then just press the combination ⌘Command+⌥Option+H in order to hide any applications or windows except the active one in this moment.

5. Hiding the current window and application.

You can minimize a window/program in Mac OS X using the corresponding button on the left top corner windows, and by pressing keys simultaneously ⌘Command+H.

6. Instant screen lock.

When you press a keyboard shortcut Control+⇧Shift+Eject The password entry window immediately opens. Provided that the password was set in the system settings. Otherwise, the computer will simply go into sleep mode.

7. Take a screenshot and save it to the clipboard.

This feature is likely familiar to users operating system Windows. Since computer keyboards and some laptops have a key Print Screen. On Macs, the keyboard is simplified as much as possible, and to perform the same action you need to simultaneously press ⌘Command+Control+⇧Shift+3. However, many users would rather prefer a combination ⌘Command+⇧Shift+3, in which the screenshot will be saved immediately on the desktop. When pressing keys ⌘Command+⇧Shift+4 The user will have the option to select a specific area of ​​the screen to take a screenshot. When using a keyboard shortcut ⌘Command+⇧Shift+4+Space, you will have the opportunity to take a screenshot open windows applications.

8. Copy/cut/paste files into Finder.

Many users with Windows times The combinations Ctrl+C for copying a file, and Ctrl+V for pasting it are familiar. In Mac OS X, the analogue of these combinations is ⌘Command+C and ⌘Command+V. To cut a file and paste it into another folder, you need to copy it with the command ⌘Command+C, and when inserted into the desired folder press ⌘Command+⌥Option+V.

9. Make the ~/Library folder visible.

On Mac OS X Lion and later later versions Library folder is hidden by default, but can easily be made visible again with a simple terminal command:

chflags nohidden ~/Library/

10. Quickly move between windows of one application.

Using a keyboard shortcut ⌘Command+` You can quickly switch between multiple browser or text editor windows. If your keyboard does not have such a key, you can always reassign the keyboard buttons in the system settings.

11. Forced termination of programs.

If the application for a long time does not respond, then you can use the combination ⌘Command+⌥Option+⇧Shift+Escape. These keys must be pressed for 2-3 seconds, after which the application will forcefully shut down. If you only press ⌘Command+⌥Option+Escape, then a window of running programs will appear, similar to the manager Windows tasks, through which you can also close “frozen” programs.

12. Launching programs through Spotlight.

Spotlight on both Mac OS X and iOS lets you launch programs directly from search. For quick call Spotlight use keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Space.

Hotkeys are one of the most simple ways expand your capabilities, both for beginners and for experienced users. Keyboard shortcuts help you quickly access various functions, manage running programs and edited content.

Mac OS, like Windows, offers the user a wide range of functional combinations both for everyday actions and for debugging the system.

Using keyboard shortcuts is a universal tool that works on all Apple computers, both MacBooks and desktop PCs. The combinations below are relevant for absolutely all versions of this OS, including OS X.

The keys listed in this section must be known to every user, since they perform actions that are important for the operation of the system and basic interaction with her.

In total, there are five keys in this system designed to create functional combinations:

  • “Command” is a key that is analogous to the “Win” button in the device system on a Mac. Clicking it once brings up the main menu, and it is used in most combinations related to basic settings systems. Further in the text – abbreviated “Cmd”;
  • “Shift” is a button for temporarily changing case, familiar to users;
  • “Option” is a substitute for “Alt” for apple products. Performs almost the same functions, however, a large number of unique combinations and additional features, more about which below;
  • “Control” is another common keyboard element for all types of operating systems;
  • “Fn” – system shortcut key specific device, mainly for laptops. Combinations with this button are individual for each specific device, and depend on its model.

Normal Operations

Cmd+XThe selected element is completely removed from its location, remaining on the clipboard for pasting
Cmd+CCopy the selected item or file. This combination is available for all applications
Cmd+VPlace information from the clipboard into the highlighted area
Cmd+ZUndoes any previous manipulation of a folder, file, or fragment. The combination Cmd+Shift+Z will invalidate this function.
Cmd+ASelects the entire collection of elements in the current location
Cmd+FLaunches a tool or search string on a system or specific program
Cmd+GShows the next option found in the search. Show previous search item – “Cmd+Shift+G”
Cmd+HRemove the currently open window. It will no longer be displayed, but will not be closed. “Cmd+Option+H” – hide everything open source programs, except for the currently active one
Cmd+MMinimize: Hide the selected window to the main Dock. “Cmd+Option+M” – start minimizing all currently open windows
Cmd+NNew: open a new blank document in the active program, or a folder in the directory being viewed
Cmd+OOpen: run the selected file using the appropriate program or open the selected folder
Cmd+PPrint: send a document or graphic file to a connected printer
Cmd+SSave: remember last changes in a file or editing process
Cmd+WCompletely remove a specific window
Cmd+QClosing an active application
Option+Cmd+EscOpen a menu to turn off programs that do not respond and do not close on their own
Cmd+TabGo from current program to last used
Shift+Cmd+“~”Transition between running windows applications
Shift+Cmd+3Take a screenshot of the current image on the screen
Cmd+ ","Settings: launches the settings menu of the active application or system element

When the device starts

Shift (⇧)Booting the system in safe use mode
Option (⌥)Launching the boot disk selection interface
DActivating system testing to detect errors
NLoading and starting the system from special server NetBoot
Cmd+VRestarting the OS with detailed record protocol
Cmd+RUsing recovery tools built into the firmware
Cmd+SSystem start for one user
Key "⏏" or F12Disconnecting removable information sources

Additional functional combinations

In addition to the basic combinations for some programs and launch additional functions and applications, extended combinations are also provided. Such combinations will be useful for users who regularly interact with specific elements of the system and need quick access to them.

Application management

Let's look at the main standard applications, and the key sequences for them. It should immediately be noted that third party programs may have their own functions for standard and additional combinations. Below - only basic facilities, available by default.


The main manipulations with the tools of a standard search engine are assigned to the following combinations.

Table of hot keys for control in the system file manager Finder.


Only two possibilities are reserved for this program:


In this environment, such combinations are used for photo processing.

Table of key combinations for photo processing.

Cmd+Shift+EChange the extension and current file format of a photo
Cmd+Shift+VTransition between normal mode and creating or editing vector graphics
Cmd+Alt+IEdit file sizes
Cmd+FTransition to the full picture editing tools
Cmd combined with "+"Zoom in. Take a closer look at small elements
Cmd combined with "-"Zoom out. Show the photo in full or at a larger scale

Advanced Options

The developers have provided special combinations, including this button, which help you work more efficiently with the file system.

  1. Pressing “Option” while expanding folders opens the entire branch of subfolders.

  2. This key, in combination with the volume icon, opens a menu for selecting sound devices.

  3. The combination with the Bluetooth activation button activates a submenu of additional functions for the wireless network.

  4. The combination of "Option" and the Apple icon gives fast access to information about system characteristics.

  5. When creating new files, holding this button shows a list of all possible extensions for the saved file.

How to assign your own keys

MacOS functionality allows you to create keyboard shortcuts for work and launch individual programs, in order to be able to quickly call up the tools that the user uses most often.

You can set your own combinations in the following way:

Video - Using hotkeys on Mac OS

Hotkeys are keys or key combinations that you can press on your keyboard to perform a wide variety of tasks. Since in most cases both of your hands are on the keyboard, performing an action using hotkeys is faster than using the mouse.

Keyboard shortcuts are often universal, meaning that once you become familiar with them in one application, you can use them in many other applications. For example, you can use text editor keyboard shortcuts to paste and copy text to perform similar actions in the mail program, Vkontakte, blog, etc.

Hotkeys are different in Windows and Mac OS X. In this tutorial we will look at the most commonly used combinations of both systems.

Many keyboard shortcuts require you to press multiple keys in in a certain order. For example, to use combination Ctrl+X, press and hold the Ctrl key and press and release the X key.

In many applications you will find them next to menu items. In some applications, e.g. Microsoft Word, you can hover your mouse over a button to display its keyboard shortcut.

Keyboard shortcuts can help when working with text, files, applications and the Internet. On Windows, most shortcuts use the Ctrl or Alt keys.

Work with text

These keyboard shortcuts are convenient to use when working in text editors, mail programs, in social networks(such as VKontakte). They help you perform the most repetitive tasks: copying and pasting text, highlighting it in bold.

You can use keyboard shortcuts to open, close, and switch between applications. When working with files (for example, Microsoft documents Word), keyboard shortcuts can be used to create new files, search for words, print.

Using hotkeys on the Internet/browser

The keyboard shortcut can also be used to navigate the browser. Many shortcuts are useful for working with text on the Internet, such as highlighting, copying and pasting text into address bar browser. Because browsers vary, using some keyboard shortcuts may produce different results.

Using the Alt key to navigate menus

When you press Alt key, then you get access to all menu items of the current application. This means that you can perform almost any task with just the keyboard. For example, type Alt + F + Z to exit the application. When using this shortcut, you do not have to hold down the Alt key.

Perform the following tasks using keyboard shortcuts :

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Go to a text editor such as Microsoft Word.
  3. Open the application and type a few lines of text.
  4. Highlight a few words. Make them bold and written in italics.
  5. Save the document.
  6. Close the application.

Try keyboard shortcuts to perform the following tasks in your browser:

  1. Open a new window.
  2. Go to the address bar.
  3. Enter the page address. For example,
  4. Bookmark this page.
  5. Copy the address.
  6. Close your browser.

Many Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts are the same as Windows shortcuts. However, instead of the Ctrl and Alt keys, the Mac keyboard has Control, Option, Command keys.

If you don't use Mac keyboard, then you may not have a Command or Option key. Then you will need to experiment to find combinations for some actions.

Work with text

These hotkeys are convenient to use when working in text editors, email programs, and social networks (such as Twitter). They help you perform the most repetitive tasks: copying and pasting text, highlighting it in bold.

Working with files and applications

You can use the keys to open, close, and switch between applications. When working with files (for example, Microsoft Word documents), the keyboard shortcut can be used to create new files, search for words, and print.

Internet/browser keyboard shortcut

The keyboard shortcut can also be used to navigate the browser. Many keyboard shortcuts are useful for working with text on the Internet, such as highlighting, copying, and pasting text into the browser's address bar. Because browsers vary, using some keyboard shortcuts may produce different results.

Try the exercise right now.

Open a text editor such as Microsoft Word or TextEdit, type a few lines of text, and perform the following tasks using keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Highlight a few words. Make them bold.
  2. Disable italic formatting.
  3. Find a word or phrase in the document.
  4. Save the document.
  5. Close the application.

If you have trouble adding formatting in TextEdit, go to the Format menu and select Make Rich Text.

Perform the following tasks in your browser using keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Open a new window.
  2. Go to the address bar.
  3. Enter the page address. For example,
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page, then back to the top.
  5. Bookmark this page.
  6. Copy the address.
  7. Open new tab, paste the copied link into the address bar.
  8. Close your browser.