The program locates a person by phone number. Big Brother is watching you: how to determine a person's location by phone

This article will be useful for those who want to track the location of a person on a map who has a smartphone or tablet on Android. A complete set of features and applications has been collected with which you can monitor a person.

For what?

There can be many options for finding out where a person is, from the banal finding out where the child is now, to where is my husband? This article is not intended to find out the motive, but only to provide tools with which to perform surveillance on Android.

How it works?

Almost all modern Android smartphones and tablets have GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile communications. If GPS is directly related to finding out your exact location, then Wi-Fi and GSM/3G/LTE can also indirectly indicate your position. Now our task is to force this information to be transmitted to us in order to track a person on the map exactly from a few meters to a couple of kilometers.

Ways to track a person's location on Android

Google offers 3 ways to find out the location on the map, for two of them you need to know someone else's account and password.

Method #1 from Google. Friends on the map

Method number 2 from Google. Remote control

  • You must know the account and password of the account of the person you are trying to track.
  • Download the application " Remote control "or go from your computer in your browser to the page " Remote control "
  • Log in with the account of the person you want to track, after which you will be able to see the location of the device on the map

Method No. 3 from Google. Chronology

You must know the account and password of the account of the person you are trying to track.

Unlike “Remote control”, the chronology method does not show the current location at the current minute, but you can track a person’s movement over the course of a day, week, month.

  • Go to the page " Chronology «
  • Select the date you are interested in, after which you will be able to move the “object” for the entire specified time

Now let's look at other applications that allow you to find out a person's location.

Application WhereMy.Tracker

In order to find out where a person is, you will need to install a special application “WhereMy.Tracker”.

The application does not work in “hidden mode” or “spy mode”, that is, it notifies the user that you are trying to find out where he is.

The application works for 3 days in trial mode, then 99 r/month. In order for everything to work as it should, you need to install the application on Android, register, and use the “Where are My” application to track. Monitor" or web service.

GPS Tracking App Pro

The tracking method is as follows:

  1. Install the application
  2. Enter your phone number for registration
  3. Invite other users, they install the application
  4. Add to the list of necessary people
  5. Follow the movement

That's all! At the moment, these are the most popular ways to track a person’s position on a map.

If you need to find a specific person by phone number, there are several fairly effective ways to do this. There are many illegal ways to complete the task.

For example, you can buy it on the radio market or find a phone database on the Internet.

But this method is illegal and you may be subject to prosecution by law enforcement agencies. We will not consider such ways to resolve the issue.

Instead, we will learn all the legal and simple methods to find out the owner of a telephone.

It is worth saying that they are quite effective and some even allow you to find out the location of the subscriber. It will be interesting!



The reasons why we may be trying to find the owner of a number can be very different.

But if these are threats that you or your loved ones receive, then you should not try to deal with this person on your own. It's better to file a complaint with law enforcement agencies.

Advice: Along with the application, provide voice recordings of the threats. To do this, record one or more conversations using your phone.

The easiest way is to use one of the applications designed for this. For example, there is "Record phone calls to MP4" , which can be downloaded.

Using it is extremely simple - open the application and turn the switch in the upper right corner to the position "On"

After this, all telephone conversations will be recorded and you can copy them to a flash drive.

After that, take the flash drive and go to the nearest police station, where you can write a statement and wait for the hearing.

The fact is that law enforcement agencies have completely legal access to the above-mentioned telephone databases.

And investigators or other representatives of these authorities can easily see who owns the phone, find this person at his residence address and/or registration, and come to him to “talk” about the threats.

And if you need to complete the task for some other reason, use one of the methods described below.

Search engines

The most banal and simple way, which literally lies on the surface, is to , or any other search engine and enter the desired number.

The fact is that phone owners one way or another post their numbers on social networks, message boards, forums, various websites, and so on.

Perhaps the person was offering some services or selling a product and posted his number for this.

In the 21st century, the situation is such that almost each of us has at least once “lit up” his number somewhere.

Even if you simply indicated it when registering on some resource, it means that it is already present somewhere and can be found.

So just enter the desired number into the search engine and enjoy the result.

Hint: Enter the phone number without +38 if it is Ukraine and without +7 if it is Russia and so on.

When writing this material, we entered one number and, to everyone’s surprise, we managed to find the owner very quickly - he “spotted” it in one of the groups. As you can see in Figure 2, he entered it when collecting the fan club. Actually, when going to the first search result, I was able to see what kind of user this was. When I went to his page on a social network, I was also able to find out where he lives, what he is interested in, and so on. Everything is extremely simple!

But it happens that using search engines gives nothing. Then you should try to search directly in places where the person could be “exposed.”

Social media

Judging by the search results, users from this country most often post advertisements on this resource. Also, check out the following sites:

  • classifieds.rf;
  • businessmarket.rf.

If you do not agree with the above lists and, be sure to use the search on them.

As for forums, there are quite a lot of them and they are all thematic. It simply doesn’t make sense to search for everyone.

If a search in a regular search engine yields nothing, but you at least have a rough idea of ​​what kind of person you are looking for, you can try to find him on a thematic forum that you think might interest him.

But this method is ineffective.

That's all!

Actually, this is where all legal methods of searching for a person, that is, the owner of a particular phone number, end.

Everything there is also paid and the prices are almost the same as

In addition to websites, there are also quite regular tariffs from various mobile operators that allow you to track the location of a person.

So, you have already ordered a printout of SMS and call details, but everything in it was empty and so decent that there was absolutely nothing to catch your eye on. But the heart is still out of place and tells me that something is wrong. And, indeed, in the old days, when people directly and openly wrote: “I kiss you, my baby,” and then deleted the SMS and slept peacefully, it passes.

Now that anyone can order and understand that the “baby” was not him, everything has changed. Nowadays, love correspondence is successfully disguised as business correspondence, or is not conducted at all, so it has become more difficult to catch infidelity. New methods needed. Your husband or wife says that he sits at work late, went to his girlfriend, friends, and this is where we will catch them.

Subscriber location via cell tower

Thanks to a cell phone that is constantly in our pocket, we can track every point where the owner of the mobile was throughout the day. There is no need to invent anything, this is possible thanks to the cellular communication technology itself, which officially, using equipment, will track the location of any person and display where and what time the subscriber was on a specific day and hour.

Have you ever wondered why a cell phone is called that? It's simple, the key word here is “honeycomb”, like bees. If you look around more carefully, you will easily notice that in the city you are always surrounded by towers of mobile operators - on the roofs of buildings, on masts, and even in the subway. To make it easier for you to notice them, see the photo.

The more towers, the better the signal, so they are located as often as possible. The arrangement externally resembles the hexagonal honeycomb of bees, in order to maximize the uniform distribution of the signal level. As a result, you are always within the coverage area of ​​several towers.

The mobile phone constantly sends signals and keeps “connection” with base stations, showing which tower it is near. This allows the operator to “see” that the mobile device is active and on the network, and when an incoming call arrives, automatically transfer the signal to a nearby tower, which in turn will transmit it to the cell phone.

We think that the reader has begun to understand that if a phone constantly sends signals about its location, then it is enough to simply track which towers it was spotted near and build a route around the city based on this.

Accuracy of determining human geolocation coordinates

Current human location detection technologies have reached their apogee. The accuracy of determination in the city is 50-70 meters, for example, this is the size of the yard of a small five-story building. Outside the city, 120-150 meters, which is also very accurate direction finding. Previously it was impossible to achieve such results. Using these coordinates, you can determine the subscriber’s location down to the exact street and house address. The technology has long gone beyond the scope of investigative activities and is successfully used for everyday purposes - to identify the infidelity of a husband or wife, where a person got lost, and even to find out the thief who stole your smartphone.

In the picture below you can see an example of what a file looks like indicating all the geographical points on the map where the subscriber was during the day.

Determine a person's location when the phone is turned off

An important point is that the phone always signals its location in space, even when it is turned off. Yes, simply turning it off has no effect on this. While the battery is in the compartment, the smartphone continues to “work”, albeit in a passive phase, not receiving calls and SMS messages, so it goes online less often, not every 3 minutes, but once every 10-15 minutes. This slightly affects the detection accuracy, but it is still sufficient for detailed location recognition. Whether you go outside the city or hide in the mountains, you are still in control. Yes, interaction with towers is reduced to a minimum, but now even in a deep forest at least one station will definitely reach you and this will be enough to find you. Of course, this is an indispensable aid in search operations, because when you need to save someone, speed is more important than ever. But for ordinary people this is a great find. Finding your husband or wife at a neighbor's dacha during working hours, what could be more wonderful?

Alternative methods for tracking phone location by number

Now let's move a little away from the topic and dispel modern myths.

1. Direction finder program for the phone

This is generally childish babble, nothing more than for entertainment, you don’t even need to write about it, it’s a pointless waste of time.

2. Detecting a person's location via satellite.

Also complete nonsense. This myth appeared under the influence of magic words about space, spy detective stories, in which special agents from different countries watched “earthly” people directly from a satellite and everything was visible, including a matchbox and the matches themselves. We assume that the Martians have been monitoring human civilization for a long time. Do you believe it? This probably gave rise to fairy tales about the “omnipotence” of this technology. But once again this is a myth. Not a single satellite can intercept a signal from your cell phone from its orbit, due to the fact that the geostationary orbit of 99% of satellites passes above the equator at an altitude of 35 thousand km. Yes, so high. And, as we wrote earlier, towers are installed on every corner in the city, since the signal from a mobile phone is very weak and only reaches a few kilometers.

3. Detect the location of the subscriber using GPS technology

Yes, it works. But, firstly, the phone of the person you want to track must have a GPS module. If he has a regular, outdated push-button device, then the module is missing there.
Second, it must be turned on, but many people turn it off to save battery.
Third, you need to install a spy program on your mobile phone, which will record all the data about the user’s geolocation, and then take this information from the phone and send it to you, or you need to set up duplication of SMS and calls. In this case, information will be distributed in real time to several devices.
Fourthly, when driving fast, parking, or in a house with “thick” walls, the GPS signal suffers greatly and becomes too weak.
And lastly, you will never know what a person did yesterday, last month, etc. Information will only be about future movements.

As you can see, despite the fact that GPS direction finding technology works, it is very unreliable: it requires knowledge and skills from the user, and it is also necessary to install the appropriate software on the phone, which costs more than 1 ruble. Therefore, the simplest option is to simply order the subscriber’s location service by mobile phone number, especially since the prices are humane, the subscriber will never know about anything and will not suspect you of surveillance and espionage.

Find out location by phone number for free online

We cannot ignore this question, especially since it constantly “pops up” from our clients.

No confidential information can be found for free. Judge for yourself, if access to such classified information will be available to everyone, and even online, that you don’t even need to go anywhere, and all this is free, then what kind of secret information is this? Of course, mobile operators are interested in the loyalty of their customers, who would not like at all that all information about them and their actions was open to third parties. Therefore, any cellular giant takes all available measures to ensure security and data protection. Therefore, free determination of the subscriber's location by phone number is impossible.

All information about the subscriber, his calls, SMS, movements is confidential information that is stored in reliable sources with limited access. Therefore, services for bypassing blockages, retrieving them and handing them over to you cannot cost 500 rubles.

Find a person by phone number without his consent

Our service does not require the consent of another subscriber for any service. Our equipment allows you to covertly perform any manipulations without direct contact with the phone in question. Therefore, we guarantee all our clients complete anonymity of services and confidentiality of your request for service. The person will use his gadget as before, without noticing that he is being monitored; this will last until you tell him about it. Our service detects any movements, even outside the metropolis. Any interested person can determine the subscriber's location by phone number. No knowledge is required from him. The controlled person will not know that someone is reading his SMS, studying his calls and thoroughly knowing where he was at 12:15 p.m. on August 2, 2017.


If you want to know about the movements of your child or an elderly relative who does not always answer the phone, and you prefer to know where to wait or look for one of them, then if it is in your name, ask your mobile operator if they provide definitions location . Each phone is constantly searching for the network, taking bearings from cell towers, and the operator can calculate the location with an accuracy of ten meters. This service can be paid for each determination, or cost a certain amount paid once a month.

Try to find the location of a Beeline subscriber using one of the free applications that allow you to carry out the corresponding procedure. Please note that this usually requires installing the program on both your own and the desired person’s phone. It is important that at the time of the search, both devices had an active Internet connection or GPS connection. Use official resources to download the application. For example, Android users can download the AlterGeo program from the Play Market or on the website Be careful when choosing an application site, as there are quite a few fraudulent resources with malicious software.

If you have lost your phone or it has been stolen, you can try to calculate the current Beeline by identification (IMEI). This can be done by contacting law enforcement agencies or the subscriber office of your operator. Be prepared to provide personal documents and state the exact reason why you require this confidential information.

Tip 7: How to find out a person's location by phone number

The modern development of high technology provides society with innovative products that make life easier. Previously, determining the location of a person at any specific time without outside help was an almost impossible task. Now this search is as simplified as possible and is not difficult for any user. Currently, there are several ways to find a person’s location using easily accessible electronic gadgets

Determining a person's location using a mobile operator

Most methods are based on the use of the latest information technologies and communication services. The most common is the use of mobile operator services. The procedure for connecting to this service is similar for most of them. For the convenience of customers, it is simplified as much as possible. The activation algorithm begins with sending a request in the form of a USSD command indicating the phone number of the wanted person. After this, the request to activate the service is confirmed by sending an SMS message according to the tariff established by the operator. This service uses an Internet connection to determine a person's location based on signals from their mobile device. In this case, users of this function only need to have any convenient portable device with network access.

  • Beeline Locator service (Android only): an empty SMS is sent to number 5166 and the application is downloaded. The service costs 3 rubles per day, it is possible to track 5 numbers, including even Megafon and MTS operators.
  • “Navigator” service from Megafon: send the USSD command *140# or search on the website The desired subscriber is tracked on the website or using the USSD command *140*search phone number#, the phone number of the person being sought is indicated in the format 7ХХХХХХХХХХ. The price of the service is 3 rubles per day. You can also track MTS subscribers.
  • MTS: connection to the “Locator” service. Sending the USSD command *111*788# will activate this service. By sending an SMS to 6677 with the name and phone number of the tracked subscriber, you will add him to the list of tracked ones. For example, “DOB Ekaterina 89610536445.” Megafon subscribers are also being monitored. The service is paid, the price is 100 rubles per month.

The Internet search method is available even for regular phones and does not require the installation of special programs or connection to stationary equipment, which makes it the most common tracking system.

Find out your location using a GPS tracker

Search functions are also built into the GPS tracker. This device partially duplicates the functions of a regular telephone, allowing you to receive and make calls to a limited number of numbers, while the built-in GPS component, connected to the satellite, makes the device a kind of “beacon”, allowing you to accurately determine the location of the person who owns this GPS bug .

By equipping the GPS tracker with a Sim card and adjusting the settings for receiving notifications, the user can find out his location with high accuracy at any time using Internet resources, as well as via SMS messages. A wide range of options for this device allows its owner to exercise full control over all movements of the object being monitored, and the compact size of the “beacon” makes it almost invisible and easy to use. The GPS tracker has become widespread as the optimal tool for allowing parents to accurately determine the location of their children. Thanks to this device, children are under constant supervision, and their parents receive notifications about all their movements.

Mobile applications are another way to find a person’s location

For owners of modern portable communication devices, it is advisable to take advantage of special search functions thanks to mobile applications built into the operating systems of most smartphones. These programs are downloaded and installed absolutely free. The search functions in them are configured in the best possible way, and if necessary, service center specialists will always help resolve any issues that arise in using search programs on smartphones.

Beware of scammers

When trying to find out a person's whereabouts, try not to fall for the tricks of scammers. On beautifully designed websites, they may offer these services for a nominal fee. But by sending an SMS to a short number, you will simply lose money. The second option is an offer to download a program, supposedly to track a person’s location. Instead, the computer will simply be infected with harmful viruses.


Quite often, parents who want to always be aware of where their child is are faced with the need to find the location of an MTS subscriber. In this case, you can use the “Child under supervision” service. It is connected from the child’s phone. Send an SMS message containing the text “MOM” or “DAD” to number 7788, then follow the instructions of the system. The child's current location will be displayed on the map. You can use this service for free for the first two weeks, then the subscription fee for each month will be 50 rubles. At the same time, you can set up an unlimited number of child location requests for up to three members of your family. For everyone else, the cost of a one-time request will be 5 rubles.

Use the "Locator" service to find the location of an MTS subscriber. Use the short number 6677 to send a free SMS message with the person’s name and phone number. After this, the subscriber will receive a text request to determine his location, to which he can answer with consent or refuse. If the answer is positive, you will receive the person's current coordinates. In the future, you will have the opportunity to define them without the subscriber’s consent. It is enough to write a message including the word “WHERE” and the subscriber’s name in Latin letters to the number 6677. Each request will cost you 10 rubles.

Enable the “Mobile Employees” option, which is also responsible for searching for an MTS subscriber, but is highly specialized and intended for company owners and enterprises. With it, they can be aware of the movements of their employees. Contact the MTS subscriber office closest to you and send a request with a list of full names of employees and corporate phone numbers that will be connected to the unified system. You can track the location of your company's employees and vehicles using phones and GPS devices. Payment for the Mobile Employees service is made monthly through corporate accounts or through a separate personal account.

Mobile operator towers are capable of not only providing communication, but also calculating the approximate location of the phone owner. This function provides the ability to track location by phone number online if the subscriber has given consent to this. This option may be useful for parents or heads of transport companies.

Geolocation by phone number

Many mobile operator subscribers actively use the GPS function on their phones. A special system of satellites sends a signal to a beacon that is built into the smartphone. The position of the phone is determined by the sensor reception speed from the three nearest communication towers. This is the only way to determine a person's location by phone number. However, this method does not work as shown in spy films: the average user does not have the opportunity to track down and check any person.

Location by phone number without the subscriber's consent

Those who are looking for how to track a phone by number via the Internet should understand that the location of the device can only be determined with the consent of the subscriber. In all other cases, this will be a violation of human rights, which may entail punishment. The only way to spy on a person via phone is to get permission from him. Next, you need to install special software on your device and the person you want to track, which will transmit location data.

Phone tracking software

If you want to track a number via the Internet for free, then you will need a special program for tracking your phone. You can download the utility from the Internet for any version of Android, there are options for iPhones. Popular free tracking programs include the following:

  1. Where's my droid. A free application that is designed to work only with Android phones. You can determine movement from the tablet too.
  2. Live GPS Tracker. In real time, it helps to track the location of the subscriber.
  3. SpyBubble. This is a paid program, but it has a distinctive feature - it has a hidden (spy) mode, which will make it difficult to detect on the device.

All these applications can be downloaded from the official Google service - Google Play. Keep in mind that it is almost impossible to use them secretly: even a child will see third-party software on his device. For this reason, the person must be informed and consent must be obtained. You should explain to your child why you need control over his movement via the Internet, that this will give you a sense of calm and security. Programs that determine the subscriber’s coordinates have several significant disadvantages:

  • where there is no connection, applications will not work;
  • in a city with dense buildings there may be a significant error due to signal reflection;
  • If you turn off GPS, the programs will stop working and determine your geoposition.

How to determine the location of a phone via the Internet

Hollywood has created the misconception among many that you can track any person through the Internet simply by knowing his phone number. Such services do not exist, these actions will grossly violate the human right to preserve personal data. The options for how to determine are much more complicated. Before determining the position of the smartphone on the map, you need to install a tracking program in advance. The device must be in the coverage area, the GPS tracker and the Internet must be working.

All these conditions can only be met with the consent of the subscriber. Anyone can find out that they are trying to track him. A complete stranger will definitely not be able to see your coordinates. True covert tracking can only be performed by law enforcement agencies through a request to the telecom operator. All large companies (Megafon, Beeline, MTS) can find out where the SIM card that was purchased from them is located using network towers. In other cases, there is no way to see a person’s coordinates without a tracking program.

Geolocation by number from mobile operators

Communication companies offer their subscribers another option on how to find out a person’s location. Each of them has a special service that helps to find out where the user is currently located and view the route for the day. This search function is not free, and also requires informed consent from the second subscriber. You can use the following basic services.