Checking Yandex indexing. How to find out how many pages are in the Yandex or Google index

Reading time: 11 minute(s)

Technical improvements to meet SEO requirements and optimization of the site structure are the primary aspects in promoting a resource, but if search engines do not know about it, that is, it is not indexed, then promotion is impossible.

What is indexing? This is the addition by search robots of collected information about a resource to databases. Further ranking occurs based on indexed pages. We offer several simple and clear ways to check the pages that search engines see.

Let's consider each option in more detail.

1. Checking site indexing through the Yandex.Webmaster panel and Google Search Console

A free and reliable method using services for webmasters.


After passing the verification, go to the panel and click the “Indexing” - “Pages in Search” tab. Here are the website pages participating in Yandex search.

You can also view the number of downloaded and indexed pages in the service on the “My Sites” page.

For analysis, the list of pages can be downloaded from the service as a file in .xls and .csv formats.

Google Search Console

Similar to the Yandex webmaster, we log in to your Google account, log into the service, enter the site url and click the “Add resource” button.

After confirming the rights to the site, to check the indexing of the resource in the Google Webmaster panel, go to the “Index” - “Coverage” tab.

It should be taken into account that the information in Google Search Console is approximate, since the report shows statistics after the last crawl, that is, the number of pages may be different at the current time of verification.

Examples of checking site indexing

2. Checking the number of indexed pages in the PS using operators

Using the document operator "site" it is possible to see the approximate number of pages in the index. To use this parameter, enter “site:address_of_the_site_of_interest” in the search bar, for example “site:”.

3. Analysis of site indexing using plugins and extensions

To avoid entering operators in the browser line before the URL, this automated method is used. Download a free bookmarklet for the browser (a small script saved in bookmarks) and click on the special icon while on the site.

4. Tracking indexed pages using online services

Another way to check indexing is to use third-party resources. For example, go to the website, enter the url and click “Analyze”.

Site indexing can be checked in other services, for example:, and others.

5. Programs for monitoring site indexing

There are free (Site-Auditor) and paid programs (Semonitor) for analyzing a site and checking pages in the index. Download and install the selected software on your PC. Add the URL of the site being checked to the input line.

Checking page indexing

Sometimes you not only need to find out how many pages are indexed in Yandex and Google, but you also need to determine whether a specific page is indexed. This can be done in the following ways:

1. In the webmaster panel:

2. "url" operator

Enter the special operator in the search bar. The request will look like this: “url:address_of_the_page_of_interest”.

3. Operator "info"

In the Google search engine, you can use the “info” operator. The query in the search bar will look like this: “info:address_of_the_page_of_interest”

Why the site may not be indexed

Ideally, resource pages should be indexed and their number in search engines should be approximately the same. But this is not always the case. Let's consider the reasons that interfere with site indexing.

Errors in the robots.txt file

The robots.txt file is a text document in .txt format located in the root directory of a website that prohibits or allows PS robots to index pages. Therefore, incorrect use of directives can block the entire site or individual resource pages from indexing.

Missing sitemap.xml file

A site map (sitemap.xml file) is a special document located in the root directory containing links to all pages of the resource. This file helps search robots quickly and efficiently index the resource. Therefore, you need to add only those pages that should be included in the index.

New site

The process of indexing a new resource takes some time. Therefore, in this case, you just need to wait, not forgetting to control the indexing process.

Private settings

In some CMSs, such as WordPress and Megagroup, it is possible to hide pages from indexing through the site admin panel; these settings may be by default.

Tag "noindex"

Pages can be closed from the index in the code using the meta tag name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />. You need to check its presence and either remove it from the code or replace it with “index” and “follow”.

Junk pages

Another reason could be a large number of junk pages that do not provide useful and unique content within the site. Such pages need to be closed from indexing so that problems with resource indexing do not arise and the robot does not waste time visiting these pages.

Also, the reason for resource pages not being indexed may be crawling errors, site blocking in the .htaccess file, duplicate pages, non-unique content, low hosting uptime, slow site loading speed, bans and PS filters.

Conclusions of the SEO specialist of the Web Center

The main goal of both the site owner and SEO specialist is to achieve indexing of the necessary pages of the resource. To do this, you need to regularly monitor pages in Yandex and Google search, check services for webmasters for errors on the site, fill it with unique and useful content, monitor and optimize the loading speed of the resource.

To speed up the indexing process, you need to confirm the rights to the site in Yandex.Webmaster and Google Search Console and place a link to the sitemap.xml file in them; you can also send important pages of the resource for re-crawling.

If there are problems with indexing, first of all you need to check robots.txt and sitemap.xml.

Any search engine has a large database where it lists all sites and new pages. This base is called an "index". Until the robot crawls the HTML document, analyzes it and adds it to the index, it will not appear in the search results. It will be possible to access it only through a link.

What does "indexing" mean?

No one can tell you about this better than Yandex’s indexing specialist:

Indexing is a process during which a search robot crawls a site’s pages and includes (or does not include) these pages in the search engine index. The search bot scans all content, conducts semantic analysis of text content, the quality of links, audio and video files. Based on all this, the search engine draws conclusions and puts the site in the ranking.

While the site is out of the index, no one will know about it, except those to whom you can distribute direct links. That is, the resource is available for viewing, but it is not in the search engine.

Why do you need an index?

The site must be visible in order to promote, grow and develop. A web resource that does not appear in any PS is useless and does not benefit either users or its owner.

In general, here is the full video from the Yandex webmaster school; if you watch it in full, you will become practically an expert in the issue of indexing:

What does indexing speed depend on?

The main points that determine how quickly your site can come to the attention of search robots:

  • Domain age (the older the domain name, the more favorable bots are to it).
  • Hosting (PS do not like free hosting at all and often ignore it).
  • CMS, code cleanliness and validity.
  • Page refresh speed.

What is a crawl budget?

Each site has a crawling budget - that is, the number of pages beyond which it cannot be included in the index. If the site’s KB is 1000 pages, then even if you have ten thousand of them, there will only be a thousand in the index. The size of this budget depends on how authoritative and useful your site is. And if you have a problem of such a nature that pages do not fall into the index, then as an option, you need, no matter how trivial it may sound, to improve the site!

Site indexing

When creating a new website, you need to correctly fill out the robots.txt file, which tells search engines whether the resource can be indexed, which pages to crawl and which ones not to touch.

The file is created in txt format and placed in the root folder of the site. Proper robots is a separate issue. This file primarily determines what and how bots will analyze on your site.

Typically, it takes search engines from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to evaluate a new site and enter it into the database.

Spiders carefully scan every allowed HTML document, determining the appropriate topic for a new young resource. This action is not carried out in one day. With each new crawl, the PS will add more and more HTML documents to its database. Moreover, from time to time the content will be re-evaluated, as a result of which the positions of pages in search results may change.

The robots meta tag and partly canonical also help manage indexing. When checking the structure and solving problems with indexing, you should always look for their presence.

Google indexes top-level pages first. When a new site with a specific structure needs to be indexed, the home page is the first page to be indexed. After this, without knowing the structure of the site, the search engine will index what is closest to the slash. Later, directories with two slashes are indexed. This means that even if the links in the content are high, they will not necessarily be indexed first. It is important to structure it optimally so that important sections are not behind too many slashes, otherwise Google will decide that this is a low-level page.

Page indexing

When Yandex and Google have already become familiar with the site and “accepted” it into their search database, the bots will return to the resource to scan new, added materials. The more frequently and regularly the content is updated, the more closely the spiders will monitor it.

They say that the PDS pinger plugin for Yandex search helps for indexing - To do this, you must first install Yandex search on your website. But I didn’t feel much benefit from it.

When a resource is well indexed, it is much easier to display individual, new pages in the search. But nevertheless, the analysis does not always occur uniformly and at the same speed for all simultaneously updated html documents. The most visited and promoted categories of the resource always win.

What sources of information do search engines have about URLs?

Once upon a time, I hired a quick robot to work on a competitor who had not renewed his domain, so that he would be lowered in the search results - this did not give any result.

How to check indexing

Checking the visibility of html documents is carried out differently for Google and Yandex. But in general there is nothing complicated. Even a beginner can do this.

Verification in Yandex

The system offers three main operators that allow you to check how many HTML documents are in the index.

The “site:” operator shows absolutely all resource pages that are already in the database.

Entered into the search bar as follows: site:site

The “host:” operator allows you to see indexed pages from domains and subdomains within the hosting.

Entered into the search bar as follows: host:site

The “url:” operator – shows the specific page requested.

Entered into the search bar as follows: url:site/obo-mne

Checking the indexing with these commands always gives accurate results and is the easiest way to analyze the visibility of a resource.

Google check

PS Google allows you to check the visibility of a site using only one command like site:site.

But Google has one peculiarity: it processes commands differently with and without www entered. Yandex does not make such a distinction and gives absolutely the same results, both with and without registered www.

Checking by operators is the most “old-fashioned” method, but for these purposes I use the RDS Bar browser plugin.

Verification with Webmaster

In Google Webmaster and Yandex Webmaster services you can also see how many pages are in the PS database. To do this, you need to be registered in these systems and add your website to them. You can access them using the following links: - for Yandex. for Google.

If the text is not yet in the saved copy, but is on the page, then it can be found by searching [this text] - this will mean that it has already been indexed, but has not yet entered the main index

Bulk checking of pages for indexing

If you run, then checking all pages for indexing is a matter of three minutes.

  1. Go to the distribution file
  2. Select all URLs in the URL column
  3. “Data” tab – “Remove duplicates”, this will leave a list of all promoted pages
  4. We massively check pages for indexing using Comparser. You can also use the Winka browser plugin - it can work with a list of links in isolation from Sapa (call the plugin menu - check the list of links).

Is it possible to speed up indexing?

You can influence the speed of loading HTML documents by search robots. To do this, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Increase the number of social signals by encouraging users to share links in their profiles. Or you can take tweets from live accounts in Prospero (klout 50+). If you create your own Twitter whitelist, consider that you have received a powerful weapon to speed up indexing;
  • Add new materials more often;
  • You can start spinning Direct for the cheapest queries in your topic;
  • Enter the address of the new page into addurilki immediately after its publication.

High behavioral factors on the site also have a positive effect on the speed of page updating in search. Therefore, do not forget about the quality and usefulness of content for people. A site that users really like will definitely like search robots.

In general, everything is very easy in Google - you can add a page to the index within a few minutes by scanning it in the webmaster panel (item crawl/view as Googlebot/add to index). In the same way, you can quickly reindex the necessary pages.

I also heard stories about guys who sent URLs via Yandex mail so that they would get into the index faster. In my opinion, this is nonsense.

If there is a real problem, and all the previous tips did not help, all that remains is to move on to heavy artillery.

  • We configure the Last-modified headers (so that the robot checks for updates only documents that have actually changed since its last call);
  • We remove garbage from the search engine index (this garbage can be found using Comparser);
  • We hide all unnecessary/junk documents from the robot;
  • We create additional Sitemap.xml files. Usually robots read up to 50,000 pages from this file, if you have more pages, you need to make more sitemaps;
  • Setting up the server.

Most online services for checking indexation make it possible to check a small number of pages - from 10 to 100. But what if you need to check a large online store or portal with a size of 100,000 or several million pages for indexing? For tasks of this scale, Rush Analytics launched a module for checking indexing in Yandex and Google. The main advantages and capabilities of this module:

a) Using a list of URLs

Search engine index

  • doubles,

Check site indexing in search engines. Site indexing in Yandex and Google.

You can check the number of pages in the Google index in the Google webmaster service. A similar service in Yandex is Yandex.Webmaster. In it you can see the number of pages in the index of a given search engine. To view the data, you will need to confirm your rights to the site in the services. Therefore, this method is not suitable for analyzing competitor sites.

If you have access to Yandex.Webmaster, go to the “Indexing” tab -> “Pages in search” and select the “History” display above the graph. Here you can see not only the number of pages in the index, but also the site’s indexing history.

Yandex.Webmaster has a function that allows you not only to check whether a page is in the index or not, but also to ensure that important pages do not fall out of the search. To add a page to the list of watched ones, go to the “Indexing” section ->

How to properly check a site for indexing in Yandex and Google?

Most optimizers use browser bars like RDS-bar and others to check a site for indexing.

All bars take this data from search engine results using various operators and simply “pull it” into their interface.

But it is worth considering that the data obtained in this way is not accurate, since search engines do not provide correct indexing data for large sites. From the pictures above you can see discrepancies in the data even for a small site. For large sites (starting from 10,000 pages), indexing data can be very distorted!

How to correctly check a site for indexing so that the data is accurate?

Unlike the entire site, search engines provide accurate indexing data for each specific page. Therefore, it is necessary to take all the necessary pages of the site and check the indexing of each of them separately, and then bring all the data together to get a holistic picture of the indexing of the entire site. This is true for both Yandex and Google.

Mass checking of website pages for indexing in Yandex and Google from Rush Analytics

Most online services for checking indexation make it possible to check a small number of pages - from 10 to 100. But what if you need to check a large online store or portal with a size of 100,000 or several million pages for indexing? For tasks of this scale, Rush Analytics launched a module for checking indexing in Yandex and Google.

Checking site indexing

The main advantages and capabilities of this module:

  • Convenient batch loading of pages for indexing checking in three ways:

a) Using a list of URLs
b) Using a file, xls, xlsx, xml formats are supported
c) Using the Sitemap.xml file - just specify the path to the site map, we will parse it ourselves, get the URL from there and run them for indexing!

  • Unlimited number of URLs to check - you can check for indexing from one, up to several million pages!
  • Indexation checking is available in both Yandex and Google: you can send your pages for checking in only one search engine or in both at once, just check one box
  • Convenient uploading to Excel. You can view data both in the web version of the service and quickly upload it as a file

The Rush Analytics indexing check module is currently the only one on the market that allows you to massively check pages for indexing in such a volume. If you have a large website, this solution is definitely for you.

We have special conditions for large sites and portals. If you have a need for a one-time or ongoing check for indexing in Yandex and Google of 200,000 pages or more, write to our support at [email protected] and we will find something to offer you!

In order for promoted pages to appear in searches, they must be in the search engine index. Let's figure out how to check which website pages are in the Yandex or Google index and find out the number of documents in the search engine database. What tools exist to track page indexing. But first, a little education.

What is a search engine index?

Search engine index is a database that contains information about all documents (pages from websites, files) that can participate in the search.

Not all pages are included in the index. For example, if a page on your site is considered low-quality by a search engine robot, it may not be included in the index and may not be included in the search. A similar fate often awaits duplicate pages or documents containing text copied from other sites.

Google has a main index and a supplemental index.

The additional index contains documents that are of lower quality than documents from the main index. They do not participate in the main search, they are rarely visited by the Google robot, and they bring virtually no traffic to the site.

Google's secondary index usually includes:

  • pages with non-unique content,
  • pages with virtually no content and pages with text of less than 500 characters,
  • doubles,
  • Sometimes pages with a low weight may be included in the additional index.

Why is it important to check the number of pages in the index?

It is very important to monitor page indexing because traffic from search engines depends on it. If a page is not indexed, it will not be able to appear in the results for any request.

The speed of site indexing is also important. If it is low, there will be outdated versions of pages in the index, and new documents will be included in the search with a long delay. To solve this problem, see the article on how to speed up site indexing.

How to find out how many pages are in the Yandex or Google index?

There are several ways to check the number of pages in the search engine index:

1. Enter the following query into the search bar: (where is the URL or address of the site’s main page), as in the screenshot below:

Below the search bar you will see the approximate number of pages in the search engine index. The example above shows the number of pages in Google's index. This method allows you to find out the number of pages in the search engine database of any site, including a competitor.

2. You can check the number of pages in the Google index in the Google webmaster service. A similar service in Yandex is Yandex.Webmaster. In it you can see the number of pages in the index of a given search engine. To view the data, you will need to confirm your rights to the site in the services. Therefore, this method is not suitable for analyzing competitor sites.

If you have access to Yandex.Webmaster, go to the “Indexing” tab -> “Pages in search” and select the “History” display above the graph.

Site indexing in Yandex

Here you can see not only the number of pages in the index, but also the site’s indexing history.

3. Using online services, for example, many free services for conducting website audits display information about the number of pages in the index.

How to check a page in the Yandex or Google index?

Often, a webmaster needs to find out whether a specific page on a site is in the index or not. The easiest way to find out is to enter a search query consisting of the page address. If you see the page you are looking for in the search results, it means it is in the index:

Yandex.Webmaster has a function that allows you not only to check whether a page is in the index or not, but also to ensure that important pages do not fall out of the search. To add a page to the list of monitored ones, go to the “Indexing” -> “Important Pages” section and add the required pages in the form that opens:

You can set up tracking of up to 100 pages, which is enough for many projects. If you need to track more documents on the site, you can use the Topvisor service. It allows you to check whether a site’s pages are in the index or not, without limiting the number of documents. In addition to checking site indexing, the service allows you to remove positions by queries, group queries and much more.

How to return or add a page to the index?

The panels for webmasters have special services that allow you to send a page for re-indexing or add a new page from a site to a search engine:

The second way to submit a page for reindexing is to add links to the page on social networks, news resources and other Internet resources that are often visited by search engine robots.

If you submitted a page for indexing, but it did not appear in the search, most likely the robot considered the document of little use. The page needs to be improved to be included in the index.

How to speed up site indexing?

Site indexing can be accelerated at different stages of site promotion:

  1. Add your site to the webmaster panel. This will speed up the entry of the new site into the index.
  2. Update content frequently. Then search robots will visit the site more often and new pages will be added to the index faster.
  3. Monitor the quality of the content. Robots may visit sites with low quality content less often or stop indexing such projects altogether.
  4. Periodically conduct a technical audit of the site to eliminate technical reasons for pages falling out of the index. For example, sometimes when editing the robots.txt file, webmasters mistakenly block some documents from indexing.
  5. If you applied to remove a page from the index through webmaster panels, but then changed your mind and decided to include the page in the search again, then problems may arise with its indexing. It will not be added to the index, no matter what you do. Sometimes the only way to solve the problem is to contact the search engine support service.
  6. If pages begin to fly out of the index, check the site for the presence of filters, the uniqueness of texts and the technical side of the site.
  7. If the site is too large, you may reach the limit on the number of documents in the search engine index (there is such a limit for each site). In this case, you can close secondary pages from indexing so that the main ones are present in the search.

In this article, we looked at how to check the site index in Yandex or Google, find out the number of pages in the search engine database, and set up automatic tracking of project indexing. If you have any questions, add them in the comments below the article.

When I was first entrusted with filling out the “News” section on the site, there was a lot of enthusiasm. All the knowledge that I managed to glean from SEO textbooks was used: keywords, linking, catchy leads. But two weeks and 15 articles later, Google Analytics showed no visits to the coveted pages. Do search engines “see” them? Then I became concerned about the question of how to check the site’s indexing.

Site indexing in Yandex and Google - what is it?

Before a page appears in Google and Yandex results, the search engine must know what user queries to show it for, what the value of the content is, and whether the site violates basic rules. For this purpose, the so-called site indexing is carried out in Yandex and Google: search robots enter the site, analyze the content and general contents of the page, and enter it into the database.

Check the number of indexed pages

How to check the number of indexed pages? I used 3 methods.

Method 1. By hand

  1. We go to Google (remember that search engine results are geo-dependent);
  1. In the search bar, enter site:site_address, for example and click “Search on Google.” The number of pages in the search results is equal to the number of indexed ones. If you have a completely new website and the number of pages does not exceed 30, you can see the list of specific pages directly in the search results. Or
  2. Enter site:address_of_the_page_of_interest in the search bar. Did the desired page appear in search results? Great, that means it passed indexing.

Attention! Do not put a space between the operator and the site address.

  1. We go to and, by analogy with Google, enter site:site_address in the search bar. The number of pages in the search results is the number of indexed pages.
  2. Need to check the indexing of a specific page? Enter url:address_of_the_page_of_interest in the search bar and click "Find".

Method 2. Using a service for webmasters

We urgently register in tools for webmasters: they provide enormous opportunities for analyzing the site and developing measures for improvement.


Primary Menu

We go and register on Yandex Webmaster. In the “Site Indexing” section there is data on the number of indexed pages, indicating specific URLs.

Google Webmaster Tools. Register your site in Webmaster Tools. Go to the “Google Index” tab and then “Indexing Status”. Here you can see the number of indexed pages, as well as the dynamics. A convenient tool when you need to check if some pages have dropped out of the index.

Method 3. Using third-party services

There will be no problems finding a third-party indexing checker service – there are many of them. Here is a list of those that I use regularly.

  1. Seogadget
  2. PR-CY

They will provide the necessary information under different filters, and Seogadget will also send an email when there is a change in the site’s indexing. But at the first stage, I advise you not to rely on one tool: use all three methods in parallel to make sure the data is correct. Are you sure? Now you can choose the simplest and most informative one.

If the number of pages in the index significantly exceeds their actual number (for example, there are only 58 pages on the site, but there are 72 in the index), these are copies of pages, affectionately called “snot” by webmasters. The best solution is to remove them to avoid becoming a victim of filters.

Which website pages are visible in Google and Yandex?

The site's pages have been indexed, but there is still no traffic on them. There is only one explanation left - they are not visible in search results. After all, even an indexed page can “fly away” far beyond the TOP 50, where not even 1% of users reach. How to find out which website pages are visible in Google and Yandex? The webmaster tools and third-party applications listed in the previous section will help with this. They have a “search visibility” option - it will tell you about the history of keywords, your site’s positions on them and suggest new directions for optimization.

How to include a site in Yandex and Google

If you have started doing SEO optimization and want to try different approaches to content creation and promotion, waiting 10 days for indexing is unacceptable. How can I make site pages appear earlier in Google and Yandex?

  1. Create and upload a sitemap;
  2. Register with Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools;
  3. We invite search engines to visit us using Add Url (for Google and Yandex).

Promoting websites yourself | Site indexing

If you consistently read my manual, then in the last article you learned how to speed up site indexing. Now we need to control this process. Those. keep track of which pages are included in the index and which are not. Implement checking site indexing not difficult. There are two solutions for this: the manual method and special SEO software.

First of all, you can use the SeoPult automatic promotion system. The system is of course paid, BUT you can view a lot of information on your site for free! In particular, which pages are indexed, see relevant queries, tips for optimizing pages and a lot of other useful information. I advise you to look there more often.

You can also use the free Site-Auditor program from Ashmanov. As I said, it is free, updated periodically and does the job quite well.

How to find out whether website pages are indexed in Yandex?

To check the indexing of a site through the Site-Auditor program, download it from the official website. We launch the software and enter our URL in the “express analysis” menu and click “check”.

The program gives us the number of pages in the Yandex and Google index. By clicking on these numbers, we will be taken to the PS results, where our indexed pages will be. The same check can be done if you have the Yazzle program, which we used to evaluate competitors.

But there are cases when such an analysis is not entirely convenient or impossible to do. For example, the PS updated something and the software stopped working (until it is updated), and you urgently need to check it. Or, more often, you need to check the indexing of a specific page, but searching in the general list is not always convenient. This is where the second (manual) method will help.

Checking site indexing in Yandex

You can check the indexing of your site in Yandex in the webmaster panel But to do this, you will have to add the site to this panel and confirm the rights to the site. Without registration, unfortunately, it will not show all the indexing data. Here is the section with indexing data in the webmaster panel.

There you can see the indexing of pages for the last week, for 2 weeks and for all time.

The easiest way to index a single page in Yandex is in the search itself. We stupidly type the page into the search bar and click find. If it is in the index, Yandex will show its snippet. If it is not there, it will not show it.

There, if you click the green arrow next to the page url, we can view the saved copy of the document. This is the version of the page that is currently stored in the Yandex cache. The cache contains very important information - the date when the robot last visited your site. You can always look in the cache to see whether Yandex or Google took into account your latest changes on the page or not.

Checking site indexing in Google

To check how your site is indexed by Google, just enter a special command in the search bar


Google will show you how many pages are in the index. And by clicking on the green arrow (as in Yandex), you can see the saved copy of the page (cache contents). Where you will see the current version of the page in the Google database. You can also look at a separate page simply by typing it into the search bar.

Checking site indexing in Rambler

At the moment, indexing in Rambler can only be checked in one way - by typing the URL into the search bar. There you can see what is in the cache. To do this, click “copy”.

I advise you to periodically check the indexing of your site. Then you will be able to notice troubles in time, for example, pages falling out of the index. And take action in a timely manner.

But not all pages on the site need to be indexed; there are also some that need to be closed from the PS. Therefore, next we will look at the question of how to prevent site indexing.

Hello everyone, friends!
In today’s article I will write about how to check the indexing of a website and an individual page in Yandex and Google. In addition, you will learn what a primary and secondary index is in the Google search engine. So, let's talk about everything in order.

How to check site indexing in Yandex?
In order to check the indexing of an entire site in Yandex, just enter the following address in the search bar:

url:www.yourdomain* | url:your domain*

In the search results you can find out how many pages are in the Yandex index, look at and. In addition, using such a query you can see which images Yandex indexes. To do this, just click on the link on the right: “All pictures”:

In this case, you can see that the search engine indexes 83 documents.

Using the RDS Bar add-on, you can also view page indexing and more. This extension allows you to find out a lot of useful information about any site, all you need to do is just install it on your browser. I wrote in detail where to download and how to use the RDS Bar plugin.

Here, opposite the inscription “Index I” there is a number that is responsible for the number of indexed documents in Yandex. You can click on this number and see all the pages in the results, as in the previous case.

Yandex Webmaster also displays information about site indexing. There you can find out how many pages are prohibited from indexing in, and how many are indexed. But the problem is that the indexing of the resource is shown there with a slight delay. For example, I know that Yandex has now indexed 83 pages, but only 77 are displayed in Webmaster: smile::

But still, this is a very useful service and you should definitely go there.

How to check the indexing of a page in Yandex?
Sometimes there is a need to check not the indexing of a site, but a specific page. To do this, just enter the following query into the Yandex search bar:

site:address of any page

If the page is indexed, you will see it in the search results:

If it is not indexed, it will write: “The required combination of words is not found anywhere.”

In addition, the indexing of a specific page can be checked using the RDS Bar add-on. If the page is indexed, then opposite the inscription “Index I page.” will write “yes”, when it is not indexed, then accordingly “no”. If the document was indexed recently, the indexing time will be displayed, for example: “yesterday”, “16 hours ago”, etc. This way you can determine:

How to check site indexing in Google?
Before moving on to checking the indexing of a resource in Google, you need to understand that this search engine has two indexes: “main” and “additional”.

Only high-quality documents that participate in the ranking are included in the main index.

The additional index contains low-quality pages that appear in search results very rarely. Well, for example, when a user enters some strange query, and there is no answer to it in the main index: smile:. In additional searches, Google includes non-unique pages, documents prohibited in the robots.txt file, etc.

Now, using my blog as an example, I will show how you can find out how many documents are in the main search and how many are in the additional search.

First, let's find out how many documents Google indexes. To do this, I enter the following query into the search bar:

As you can see, there are 423 pages in the Google index.

Now we need to find out how many documents are in the main index. To do this, I enter the following query:

There are 108 documents in the main index. Now let's find out how many pages are in the additional index. And it's very easy to do. You need to subtract all the pages that Google indexes from those that are in the main search. In this case, 423 – 108 = 315.

So, 315 pages are “snot” that do not participate in ranking. For some reason, Google included there those documents that are prohibited from indexing in robots.txt. I don’t know why, but there’s nothing wrong with that, the main thing is that the main search contains basic documents that are not prohibited from indexing.

You can also check site indexing in Google using the RDS Bar add-on:

Here we are shown on the left how many pages Google indexes, and on the right what percentage of these documents are included in the main search. But the data may also be slightly inaccurate.

You can also check the indexing of an entire resource in Google using the Google Webmaster tool. First, of course, you need to add a website there if it is not there. Then go to the “Google Index” -> “Indexing Status” section and select “Advanced Data”:

Here you can see how many pages are indexed in total and how many are blocked in Robots.txt. But the data is displayed with a delay, so it is not always correct: smile:.

To check the indexing of a separate document in the Google search engine, as in the case of Yandex, just enter the following query in the line:

In addition, RDS Bar also determines page indexing:

As you can see, everything is very simple, if you install the RDS Bar plugin on your browser, you can find out in a second the indexing of a site or page in Yandex and Google.

I guess I'll end here. Bye everyone ;-).

Search engine index is a special database into which information collected by search robots from website pages is entered. This takes into account text content, internal and external links, graphic and some other objects. When a user asks a search engine a query, the database is accessed. After this, ranking by relevance is performed - forming a list of sites in descending order of their importance.

What is indexing

The process of robots adding collected information to the database is called indexing. Then the data is processed in a certain way and an index is created - an extract from the documents. The process of populating the index is carried out in one of two ways: manually or automatically. In the first case, the owner of the resource must independently add the URL of the web resource in a special form that Yandex, Google and other search engines have. In the second, the robot finds the site itself, systematically following external links from other sites or scanning the sitemap.xml file.

The first attempts to index web resources were made back in the mid-90s of the last century. Then the database was similar to a regular subject index, which contained keywords found by robots on sites they visited. Over almost 30 years, this algorithm has been significantly improved and complicated. For example, today information before entering the index is processed using the most complex computational algorithms using artificial intelligence.

Why do search engines need an index?

Indexing website pages is an integral part of the work of search engines (not only Google and Yandex, but also all others). The database obtained during scanning of web resources is used to generate relevant results. Basic search engine robots:

  • basic- scans all content on the site and its individual pages;
  • fast- indexes only new information that was added after the next update.

There are also robots for indexing RSS feeds, pictures, etc.

On your first visit, all new sites are added to the database if they meet the search engine’s requirements. During a return visit, the information is only supplemented with details.

Page indexing speed

The faster a page is added to the index, the better for the web resource. However, search robots cannot perform such a large amount of work as often as the content of sites is updated. Indexing in Yandex takes on average one to two weeks, and in Google - several days. In order to speed up the indexing of resources for which it is very important to quickly get information into the database (news portals, etc.), a special robot is used that visits such sites from one to several times a day.

How to check indexing in Yandex and Google

Use information from the webmaster panel. In the list of Google services, open Search Console, and then go to the Google Index section. The necessary information will be in the “Indexing Status” block. In “Yandex.Webmaster” you need to follow the following chain: “Site indexing” - “Pages in search”. Another option: “Site Indexing” - “History” - “Pages in Search”.

Configure a site search using special operators. To do this, use a request with the “site:” construction, specifying the address of your resource in full format. This way you will know the number of pages indexed. Serious discrepancies in the values ​​(up to 80%) obtained in different search engines indicate the presence of problems (for example, the web resource may be under a filter).

Install special plugins and bookmarklets. These are small browser add-ons that allow you to check the indexing of site pages. One of the most popular among them is RDS Bar.

How to speed up indexing

Several factors directly affect the speed of site indexing:

  • absence of errors that slow down the process of collecting information by the search robot;
  • authority of the resource;
  • frequency of content updates on the site;
  • frequency of adding new content to the site;
  • page nesting level;
  • correctly filled sitemap.xml file;
  • restrictions in robots.txt.

To speed up site indexing, follow a number of rules:

  • choose fast and reliable hosting;
  • configure robots.txt by setting indexing rules and removing unnecessary restrictions;
  • get rid of duplicates and errors in page code;
  • create a sitemap sitemap.xml and save the file in the root folder;
  • If possible, organize the navigation in such a way that all pages are 3 clicks from the main page;
  • add the resource to the Yandex and Google webmaster panels;
  • make internal linking of pages;
  • register your site in authoritative ratings;
  • update content regularly.

Additionally, we recommend assessing the volume of flash elements from the point of view of their impact on promotion. The presence of visual objects of this type significantly reduces the share of search traffic, as it prevents robots from fully indexing. It is also not advisable to place key information in PDF files saved in a certain way (only the text content of the document can be scanned).