Where is Elbrus region located? Ski resort "Elbrus" National Park "Elbrus"

Regions [Northern Elbrus region, northern slopes of the Lateral Caucasus Range] of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Occasionally encountered term Karachay-Cherkess, or Western, Elbrus region refers to the adjacent areas of the western slopes of Mount Elbrus, located in Karachay-Cherkessia.
In Kabardino-Balkaria, this is the only gorge where a convenient asphalt highway rises to a height of 2340 m above sea level (from ≈ 500 m near the city of Baksan). The Elbrus region is a world-famous center for mountaineering, skiing and tourism.

Elbrus region during the Great Patriotic War

Along the mountain range and the right bank of the river. Baksan in the summer and autumn of 1942 passed the Baksan line of defense of the Soviet troops.
At the Stary Krugozor station (altitude 3000 m) there is a Museum of the military glory of the defenders of Elbrus and the Caucasian passes during the Great Patriotic War.
At the Kyrtykaush pass (3232 m; in the gorge of the Kyrtyk river (from the village of Verkhniy Baksan); tourist routes in the Northern Elbrus region) an obelisk was erected in memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War - in August 1942, Soviet soldiers transferred 70 exhausted from multi-day marches across the pass pupils of the orphanage in the city of Armavir.


The climate is temperate continental, with low (up to 590 mm) atmospheric pressure and increased solar radiation. Winter is moderately mild, with a large number of sunny days; the average temperature in January is −6 °C (minus). Spring is characterized by significant temperature fluctuations, cloudy weather, and short-term but frequent precipitation. Summer is cool and rains frequently; the average temperature in July is 15 °C. Autumn is dry, with fogs; Cloudy weather prevails. Relative humidity (average) 67%. The number of hours of sunshine is 1849 per year. Mountain-valley winds predominate (average speed 2 m/s).

At the beginning of summer, the weather in the Elbrus area is unstable, there are frequent rains and there is still a lot of snow in the highlands, which significantly complicates not only the routes of tourist routes, but also ford crossings. In this regard, traveling along mountain routes earlier than July and later than September (without preparation and experience) is not recommended.

Resort and recreational resources

Polyana Narzanov

Along with the climate, the most important natural healing factor is carbon dioxide mineral waters (the so-called narzans) of numerous springs (in the area of ​​the Irik glacier, the Adyl-Su clearing, the Azau valley and the village of Baidaevka [near Mount Donguzorun-Gitche-ChatBashi, 3367 m] - the Baksan deposits Bashi-Ullu-Gara), the total flow of which is 9 sources - 5 million l/day.
The most promising springs for sanatorium and resort use are Baksan-Bashi-Ullu-Gara (100 km from the highway Pyatigorsk - Baksan - Nalchik); their flow rate is about 1.5 million l/day. The waters of these sources are classified as carbonic hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium-calcium.
At Polyana Narzan you can relax (there is a cafe), enjoy the mountain beauty and clean air, and drink refreshing healing Narzan right next to the natural springs.

The most promising for resort and sanatorium construction (and recreation) are Polyana Adyl-Su and the Tegenekli area. The Adyl-Su clearing (length about 15 km, width up to 600 m) is located mainly in the gorge of the river. Baksan (altitude 1850-2000 m above sea level), covered with coniferous forests, turning into alpine meadows with height; is located 130 km northwest of Nalchik and 155 km southwest of Pyatigorsk (bus service). The Tegenekli area is located near the village of the same name, near the Yusengi and TegenekliBashi mountains (3501 m).
In the village Elbrus has a hospital, and there are medical aid stations in Upper Baksan and Terskol.

Recreation and tourism

To climb the northern slopes of Elbrus, you must have mountaineering training, and from the south along the Baksan Gorge, an excursionist (tourist) of any age and level of training can approach the snow giant.
The Elbrus region resort area is very popular among skiers. It is one of the three largest ski areas in Russia. In the Elbrus region there are 12 km of cable cars (in current realities - perhaps more) and 35 km of ski slopes, two main slopes - Mount Cheget and Mount Elbrus [their slopes by nature themselves were created for skiing]. The resort's slopes are served by 9 ski lifts. On Mount Cheget, chairlifts have been built to an altitude of 2719 m and higher. 3040 m; on the city of Elbrus there are cableways up to an altitude of 2970 and 3450 m, now also up to 3850 m. There are several ski schools in the Elbrus region, which provide educational skiing with an instructor. The climate at the resort allows natural snow cover to form in November. The ski season lasts until April. You can ski in the upper zone of Elbrus in May. White caps remain on the peaks all year round.

The Elbrus region is one of the major centers of skiing and mountain tourism. There are at least 6 tourist centers operating here - in the area of ​​the village. Elbrus, Tegenekli, Terskol (camp sites “Andyrchi” (wooden cottages), “Elbrus”, “Tegenekli”, and “Terskol”, tourist hotels “Itkol”, “Cheget”, “Azau”, and “Wolfram”); high-altitude tourist shelters, including on the northern slope of Elbrus (Northern shelter, 3800 m), on Lake Donguz-Orun (Donguz-Orunkel, Donguz-Orun-Kol; before the Donguz-Orunbashi pass (Nakra), 3203 m), in the valley R. Yusengi (near the Becho pass, 3367 m); 8 mountaineering camps - in the AdyrSu gorge (“Dzhailyk”, “Ullu-Tau”), in the AdylSu gorge (“Adyl-Su”, “Shkhelda”, “Dzhan-Tugan”, “Elbrus” educational center), between the mouth of the river. Yusengi and s. Baidaevo (“Baksan” and alpine camp “Polyana Narzanov”).

"Around Elbrus"

Hiking along the tourist route “Around Elbrus”
(meterage indicates the height of the area):

  • Verkhniy Baksan village ( 43.310833 , 42.751667 43°18′39″ n. w. /  42°45′06″ E. d. 43.310833° N. w. 42.751667° E. d. 43.302556 , 42.759003 (G) (O) /  ), the mouth of Kyrtyk (on) is the left tributary of the Baksan (1515 m); to the right bank of the river. Baksan, in the Adyr-Su gorge - a cargo-passenger funicular (lifting, including (Ministry of Emergency Situations) URALs and KrAZ trucks to a height of about 75-100 m: 43.310833° N. w. 43°18′09.2″ n. w.
  • river gorge Kyrtyk, at the beginning there is a horse trail along a narrow canyon (on the day of arrival, if there are 3-4 hours left before sunset, it is better to hit the road and spend the night somewhere in nature; ≈ 1.5-2 km to the north of the east. Baksan on the left (W) slopes is the source of mineral spring water)
  • a spacious valley (2100-2200 m) and (to the north) the rocky city of Ullukaya (2856 m) with black eye sockets of the caves of an ancient fortified settlement - archaeol. memory; min. keys (on the western slopes of the mountain, on the left bank); summer camps of shepherds are scattered throughout the green valley [along the route from V. Baksan to Ullukai - the border of the national. park "Elbrus"]; RNM(further along the route almost to the mouth of Kukurtli (see below) of the Ullu-Khurzuk valley
    There will be practically no forest (wood for a fire) with rare exceptions)
  • Kyrtykaush pass (3232 m, non-categorical; near Mount Islamchat (3680 m); 43.393947 , 42.634336 43°23′38.21″ n. w. /  42°38′03.61″ E. d. 43.310833° N. w. 43.393947° s. w.
  • 42.634336° E. d.
  • ), from the place where we spend the night (we leave early in the morning), the climb to the pass takes 4-5 hours, from its height Elbrus opens up to a surprisingly close distance; an obelisk was erected here in memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War; almost the entire route passes through the sites of long-faded battles (the border of the Elbrus and Zolsky districts, then the Northern Elbrus region); The descent from the pass takes no more than an hour Islamchat pass (Northern Karakaysky, 2889 m, simple; near the city of Karakaya to the south (3350 m) (and on the right to the city of Shaukam, 2879 m)) upper reaches of Malka (Kyzylkol), ≈ 2300-2400-2500 m, Djily-Su tract (Warm water) (folk baths with warm (+22.4 °C all year round) narzan springs Zhylasu(“folk balneological resort”), numerous waterfalls (40-meter Sultan), bizarre remains of Kala-Kulak, tour. hotel (barracks); at the Kayaeshik pass (Kayaishik, 2532 m; which (y) leads to the Narzan Valley (KavMinVody))); it's good to have a day (
  • RNM 43.444133 , 42.545953 ) and live at the “resort of past centuries”, take a couple of baths, as in the time of Lermontov in a homemade (folk) stone pool /  Emmanuel's Glade ( 43.310833° N. w. 43°26′38.88″ n. w.
    Near the “narzan baths” of Zhylasu, the BirjalySu (Jylysu) and Kyzylkol rivers merge - the sources of the Malka. We cross the bridge (from E to W) to the left bank and along a well-defined path in about 40 minutes we climb to the mouth of the high-mountain valley of the Kyzylkol River. From here there is a wide view of the legendary Elbrus; the first peak of the Caucasus rises in splendid isolation; There are mountains around, but in comparison with its amazing scale, they seem like hills (in the photo illustration, see History of the ascents). The trail passes by a shepherd's camp, located next to the discreet "Emmanuel Rock", on which is an inscription dedicated to the first ascent of Elbrus (see ibid.).
    The ascent was made along the northern slopes (now there, above the Birjaly tract and above the border of rocks and centuries-old snow, - Northern shelter).
  • plateau [tract] Irahik-Syrt (2961 m; upper reaches of Kyzylkol), from the alpine pasture the northern Elbrus glaciers are clearly visible: Ulluchiran(Ullumanganchiran), Karachaul, Ullukol; before the pass in high water in the upper reaches of Kyzylkol RNM(it’s better to cross fords in the morning)
  • Buruntash pass (Buruktysh, 3086 m, uncategorized); on the left bank we find a path and along the old moraine we pass it (pass) - we go south
    Then the trail traverses high above the glacier UlluChiran a rocky slope and leads to a saddle, which inattentive groups of tourists mistakenly take for Balkbashi; in order not to repeat the mistake (the next pass involves a turn from the southern direction (to the south-west) to the west (to the north-west)), it is necessary to find a path leading further (to the south) - to the real Balkbashi; it can be traced quite well
  • BalkBashi pass (Palkbashi, 3691 m; I-A), judging by the traces of bivouacs, people often spend the night on Balkbashi, although this “high-altitude” overnight stay cannot be called a convenient place; from the saddle there is a wide view of the river valley. Ulluhurzuk, on the western and northern slopes of Elbrus, on the Bechasyn plateau, on the distant Rocky Range, Mal. Bermamyt and Zap. Dagger (the border of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic; beyond it (the valley) and the pass is the so-called Western (Karachay-Cherkess) Elbrus region)
  • the path lies in the upper reaches of the river valley. Bitiktobe (Biytik-Tobe) - UlluKhurzuk,
    The descent from the pass first goes along the ridge (mountain ridge), adjacent from the north-west to the pass saddle, then along its first western spur; Before reaching the mouth of the stream, the path traverses the right slope of the valley and leads to
  • kosh on the river Bitiktobe (2716 m above sea level; ruins on some maps)
  • further (after ≈ an hour’s walk from the kosh) min. source (+18 °C; from the pass to Narzan the transition takes 4 hours, the altitude is lost by more than a thousand)
  • Below is a sawmill (forestry), mows and several mines. sources (below the confluence of the Bitiktobe and Kukurtli rivers, which form the UlluKhurzuk river; at the confluence of the river. Kichki nekol (Kichkane-Kol), ≈ 1950-2000 m) [if the overnight stay was before crossing Kyzylkol, we go another 5 km and stop for the night]
  • Khurzuk village (at the confluence of the Ullu-Khurzuk and Ullu-Kam rivers, 1400-1450 m above sea level (which 4 km below the village of Khurzuk (to the north-west) merges with the Uchkulan river and forms the Kuban); connected by bus to Karachaevsk, the route can be started from here); between the forestry and Khurzuk (or in it) Zhylasu
  • river gorge UlluKam (Ullu-Kam; Karachay name of Kuban)
  • up (to the south-east along the route) along a treeless valley (forest, as well as dry forest, brushwood on the mountain slopes) at the 9th km, the summer camp site "Ullu-Kam" (1587 m; on maps it may simply be indicated as a barn and/or quarry) and the lower reaches of the tourist area Uzunkol (in the Uzun-Kol gorge there is a mountain camp “Uzunkol”)
  • the area becomes more picturesque, along the gorge the forest [descends into the valleys], in August the forest of the Ullu-Kam valley abounds in raspberries, currants, and mushrooms; 5 kilometers from the mouth of Uzunkol, the Chirinkol River (ChirikKol) is a left tributary of the Ullu-Kama; Here Zhylasu(1790 m)
  • higher (after 8 km), at the confluence of the river. Kichke nekol (KichkineKol) with UlluKam - summer MTF (farm; 2157 m), higher up - places for bivouac are worse and there is no fuel for a fire; we continue the path to shorten the path to the Azau pass
  • just above the confluence of Ullu-Kam and Ullu-Yozen, on the wide rocky floodplain of Ullu-Yozen koshi (letniki, ≈ 2280 m; Zhylasu(or lower, in the MTF area), you need to take care of fuel for the fire in the forest along the way) [here the paths fork - to the E (N-E) and ours to the SE], in the morning we leave along the floodplain, after 5 km there is a fork ( 2587 m; here three rivers merge - the sources of Ullu-Yozen) - the directions are the same, the choice is the same - the right branch; the entire path to the pass is already clearly visible, we go around the tongue of the glacier on the right; above there is a snow patch adjacent to the saddle; access to the pass on easy rocks
  • from the Azau pass (AzauBashi, 3,428 m; I-A category of difficulty; near the city of AzauBashi (3,695 m), rocky col Khotyutau, pass from the Karachay-Cherkess Republic to the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic); an exceptional view of Elbrus and the Baksan Gorge opens up, on the right (to the south-east) the ChiperAzau pass (3264 m) leading to Svaneti is in full view
  • we descend from the pass (to the east-south-east) a little along the rocks, then along the snowfield and a small glacier; Below we go out onto the old left-bank moraine of the Chiperazau glacier, descending from the pass of the same name; there is already a trail (on E-N-E), which leads to the usual bivouac site - “Sandy overnight” ( Zhylasu; from the “Sandy Night” to Polyana Azau it’s a two-hour walk [the elevation difference from the pass is about 1100 m], if time permits (before dark), it’s better to go down to the Baksan Gorge) - from here the paths to the ChiperAzau passes diverge (in the South W), Azau (back to W), Echo of War and Khasankoy-Syuryulgen (to NW)
  • on the last section of the route we cross the longest Elbrus glacier, the Great Azau (for the highest tongue of the glacier, see the article Greater Caucasus)
  • Having crossed the right-bank moraine, we come out onto a gentle glacier, and for some time we walk along its middle part, then we go out obliquely onto the left-bank moraine, to the red-brown rocks (behind which is the station of the “Old Krugozor” cable car (3000 m)); there is already a path along the route...
  • Azau glade (2340 m)
  • the final point of the route is the village of Terskol (2200 m ... 2250 m);
    having gone around Elbrus, the journey ends in the Elbrus region, at the southern foot of the “most noble” peak of the Caucasus


Interesting hikes to the Irik-Chat gorge (near the village of Elbrus), to the Becho pass (the gorge of the Yusengi river), to Lake Donguz-Orun and the Donguz-OrunBashi pass (Nakra, DonguzOrun; from the Cheget clearing), to the AdyrSu gorge (surprisingly -mysterious mountain UlluTau (Ullu-Tau-Chat)), as well as

  • Polyana Narzanov
  • Baksan Gorge

See also (Short-range tourism)

Chegem waterfall

  • Kabardino-Balkarian High Mountain Reserve
    • Bezengi glacier [ Ullu-Chiran, “Caucasian Archipelago”] (Khulamo-Bezengi Gorge), and also nearby
    • Chegem waterfalls (Chegem gorge)
    • Blue lakes (Cherek Valley, Cherek Balkarsky gorge)
  • Main Caucasus Range (Bezengi Wall)
  • Lateral Caucasian ridge (Dykhtau, Koshtantau)
  • Rocky Caucasus Range
    • Narzanov Valley (Malkinskoe Gorge, KavMinVody)
  • Uzunkol (upper reaches of the Kuban, Karachay-Cherkessia)

Elbrus glaciers

From all sides of the ancient slopes of Elbrus, 23 glaciers flow invisibly. Of these, 17 are powerful, first category. Seven large glaciers flow to the north and belong to the Malki basin. The area of ​​modern Elbrus glaciation is more than 135 square kilometers.

Mountain rescuers, Ministry of Emergency Situations

Formations of the North Caucasus Regional Search and Rescue Service:


National Park

see also

  • Terskol Observatory


  • Opryshko O. L. In the Elbrus direction. - Nalchik: Book publishing house "Elbrus", 1970. - 168 p. - 15,000 copies.
  • Opryshko O. L. Sky-high front of the Elbrus region. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1976. - 152 p. - (The heroic past of our Motherland). - 65,000 copies.
  • Elbrus region, Lekzyr, Adyrsu / Authors: A. A. Alekseev, Yu. V. Granilshchikov, V. Yu. Ifraimov, V. A. Kutkov; Compiled by: Yu. V. Granilshchikov. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1982. - 192 p.
  • Beroev B. M. Elbrus region: Essay on nature. Chronicle of the conquest of Elbrus. Tourist routes. - M.: Profizdat, 1984. - 208 p. - (One hundred paths - one hundred roads). - 97,500 copies.
  • Natural healing resources of the Elbrus region. Nalchik. 1973
  • Around Elbrus. Tourist route map (M. 1:100,000). Pyatigorsk: North-Kav. AGP. 1992. Roscartography 1992, (with a more detailed description)

This time our path lay through the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, the city of Nalchik. It took about two hours to travel from Nalchik to Terskol. The road is good and picturesque, especially in summer, when there is a lot of sun and greenery. A couple of kilometers short of Terskol, we turned into the Cheget clearing. Don't get lost, there is a sign there.

The purpose of our trip was to climb Mount Cheget. Translated from Balkar it means “northern” or “in the shadow”. The weather turned out to be wonderful, the sky without a single cloud, just what you need for beautiful photographs. In anticipation of vivid impressions, we arrived at the ski lift at 8 am.

There were still few tourists, the cable car opened at 9, and we had an hour of time left, which we decided to spend in a cafe with a cup of coffee.

Cheget is famous for its ski slopes in winter and hiking routes in summer. Beginner skiers have nothing to do here; the slopes are designed for experienced athletes.

Look at the diagram, the tracks are mostly red and blue.

Both professionals and amateurs climb to the top on foot, but if you spent a year lying on the couch, it will be difficult. The climb is quite serious. Local guides take those wishing to climb Elbrus here for initial acclimatization before the hike.

Any equipment can be rented. There is everything you need in both winter and summer.

In fact, Polyana Cheget is a small town with its own tourist infrastructure. Many hotels, hotels, cafes. The place is quite popular among foreigners. English and German speech could be heard everywhere.

There is a market and shops. You can buy almost everything, including clothes, food and souvenirs. There is a Sberbank ATM in the lobby of the Cheget boarding house, pharmacies, and a first-aid post.

It is better to book hotels in advance, there is a chance that you will not find a suitable room. Moreover, the flow of recreation lovers in the Elbrus region is increasing every year.

Closer to 9 am, the clearing began to noticeably come to life. Groups of tourists walked to the top. There was a noticeable increase in cars, and the barbecues in the cafe began to smoke.

Finally we waited for the cable car to open. The price of one ticket is 700 rubles. Cards are accepted, but there are problems with the bank. That’s what we did, it’s good that we had cash.

Chairlift, open. On the first stage - Cheget-1 there are double chairs, the lift length is 1600 meters. And so we set off upward.

There is no point in writing about the views that gradually open up with every meter. Look at the photos, or better yet, go for yourself!Elbrus is clearly visible. A fascinating experience, that’s exactly what we went for.

Stop at Cheget-2. We walked a bit near the famous cafe Ai. The height here is 2720 meters, the height difference is about 650 meters.

Just below is an observation deck overlooking the Baksan Gorge and the Cheget clearing.

I was surprised by the girl who stood on the stone below under the cable car and took pictures of everyone. Looking ahead, keep in mind that you will find your photo on the wall with magnets when you go downstairs. You can buy it for 100 rubles. We liked the surprise. So don’t skimp on your girl’s smiles!

The forest gave way to rocks, and the first glaciers appeared.

So, enjoying the pictures of Cheget and Elbrus, we reached the final point of the climb.

Having risen a little higher, we reached a snowfield. We took pictures on a cliff, with Elbrus in the background.

The village of Azau was visible far below, and opposite we saw Maiden's Braids waterfall, where we climbed on foot this year. The road to the waterfall was clearly visible, and we recalled our journey with pleasure and looked for familiar places.

Don't rush to go back down. Make a little effort and cross to the other side of the gorge. You don’t need any special equipment here, just comfortable shoes.

The view from here was no less impressive. We saw the famous Semerka glacier. Unfortunately, we do not know the names of all the mountains and gorges.

The lake was visible below. Moreover, the water in it was multi-colored. We urgently need to study the geography of these places.

Witnessed a photo session of a beautiful young couple for their wedding album. Mount Cheget is ideal for photo tours. We have never seen more spectacular places to take pictures.

After taking a huge number of photographs, we went down to the cafe. They offer signature berry tea, essentially hot compote, very tasty. And sweets - baklava, brushwood, buns. Prices are slightly higher than below. Tea and coffee cost about 100 rubles, a piece of sweets costs about 150.We climbed up to drink tea on a huge rock. It tastes better this way!

What we would recommend for traveling to Cheget in the summer. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes, small stones crumble under your feet and you can fall. Use protective sunscreen on your face; at altitude you can burn very quickly and unnoticed. It is better to choose clothes with long sleeves and be sure to have something warm with you. Sunglasses are recommended.

I really didn’t want to leave, but I had to go down. The brightest emotions on the way down! Especially if you are afraid of heights!The Baksan Gorge is in full view.The last photos, and here we are below, in the clearing.

Many tourists prefer to dine here. They even come specially from Azau and Terskol. Prices are the same everywhere. Shorpa 150-200 rubles, khychin 60-100 rubles, kebab 250-300 rubles for a small skewer. For 300-400 rubles you can have a very hearty lunch. We always order shorpa, after a dry meal on the road, a liquid, rich lamb soup, seasoned with garlic and pepper - just what we need.

Finally we walked around the market. How can you leave without a souvenir? For 100 rubles we bought some kind of shaggy creature. They said that he (or she) protects the house, like our brownie.

We went to Terskol to spend the night. After the last trip, when we spent half the night looking for a hotel room, this time we were prepared in advance. Booked for hotel "Dome". A standard double room cost 2000 rubles.

We lived on the fourth floor, with a view of Cheget from the balcony. The construction “landscapes” around spoiled the impression a little, but this is all temporary. Parking for as many cars as possible. Downstairs there is a cafe with traditional local cuisine. The room is very cozy, the bathroom and shower are clean. There is a refrigerator, TV. WI-FI access.

I didn’t like that there was no kettle or cooler with hot water in the room. There are no options for making tea or coffee yourself in the morning, and the cafe is still closed at 8:00. I had to have breakfast elsewhere.

Book a hotel in advance on booking.com or on hotellook.ru both services have been verified, on the second you can find a lower price.

Will help you find your way around the ski resort. We tried to place the most significant objects on it. In addition, on this page you can see the coordinates Elbrus region on the map countries and get information about the largest tourist settlements.

National Park "Elbrus"

Elbrus National Park is located in the center of the large mountain range of the Caucasus Mountains, on the southern border of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. This is the upper reaches of the Baksan Gorge. The Elbrus region includes several villages: Verkhniy Baksan, Neutrino, Elbrus, Tegenekli, Baidaevo, Terskol. The nearest city is Tyrnyauz, the administrative center Elbrus region.

The settlements were located along the road running along the bottom of the Baksan Gorge and leading to the foot of the highest mountain in Europe. Location Elbrus on the map can be quickly determined by switching to satellite. The white spot of eternally snowy peaks is clearly visible against the background of the green massif. Elbrus coordinates(western peak): latitude 43.2113, longitude 42.2630.

On Elbrus region map one more vertex is highlighted. This is Mount Cheget. It is located a little closer to the villages and has very interesting slopes for skiing. But the slopes here are so difficult that they are only suitable for professionals. That's why ski Elbrus does not lose its popularity. Its routes are longer and are served by a new cable car.

The main tourist infrastructure of the Elbrus region resort is concentrated in 3 settlements. These are villages Elbrus, Tegenekli And Terskol.

Elbrus village

Elbrus is a village located in Elbrus region Kabardino-Balkaria, on both banks of the Baksan River.

On Elbrus region map it is clear that a side gorge goes away from the village to the right. This is Irik-Chat, through which you can access Elbrus glaciers or go to the Djily-Su source. The gorge is crowned by the Irik glacier, one of 23 Elbrus glaciers.

The side gorge Adyl-Su goes to the left - the most popular and beautiful in the Elbrus region. There are several mountaineering bases located nearby.

In the village itself there are cozy comfortable hotels (Peak of Europe, Grand Ozon, Ozon Landhaus, etc.), the Elbrus boarding house, the Andyrchi children's sanatorium, several cafes, and a hospital specializing in the treatment of the respiratory system.

Almost in the center Elbrus there is an office and scientific laboratories National Park "Elbrus". The famous Baksan pine forest begins from the village.

Tegenekli village

On the left bank of the Baksan River, between Elbrus villages(1.5 km) and Terskol(10 km) is located small Tegenekli village. It is located at an altitude of 1850 m above sea level. The Elbrus and Cheget ski lifts are 10-12 km away. from Tegenekli.

Here are the boarding houses “Edelweiss” and “Elbrus”, the recreation center “Baksan”, several cafes and bars, a training slope with a rope tow.

also in Tegenekli village there is a mountaineering and hunting museum named after. V.V. Vysotsky. Here, in Tegenekli, the famous film “Vertical” was filmed.

In the late 1960s, Stanislav Govorukhin's film became a cult work on which an entire generation of Soviet people grew up. “Vertical” was the first Russian film about climbers.

One of the main roles in it was played by young Vladimir Vysotsky. The museum widely presents exhibits and materials about the history of the Elbrus region and the people inhabiting it.

Terskol village

The village of Terskol is a center of mountain tourism, mountaineering and skiing in the Elbrus region. It is located in the upper reaches of the Baksan Gorge, near Elbrus, 4 km. from the Azau clearing.

On Elbrus region map it is clear that this is the highest mountain village, located at an altitude of 2200 m above sea level.

IN Terskol

IN Terskol there are small private hotels (Esen, Balkaria, Vershina, Legend, Ozon Cheget, etc.), boarding houses (AnTau, Cheget, Wolfram, etc.), shops, cafes, snack bars, a children's ski school, post office, telegraph, control and rescue service.

Not far from the village there are the Elbrus (2 km) and Cheget (1 km) cable car complexes. The village is surrounded by a picturesque pine forest, and the Achi-Su mineral spring is located very close by.

The whole life of the village is permeated with alpine skiing, you can feel it even in summer. Posters, announcements, room furnishings - everything indicates that you are at the largest ski resort.

Gives a visual representation of the location of cable cars and ski slopes in the mountains Elbrus and Cheget. Complex " Elbrus"includes 3 stages of the old cable car (pendulum and chairlifts) and a new gondola-type cable car. The Cheget complex is represented by a cable car and a double chairlift.

On Elbrus region map The Museum of Military Glory of the Defenders of Elbrus and the Caucasian Passes during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is noted. It is located on the territory of the Mir station, at an altitude of 3500 m. This is the highest mountain museum. The exhibits presented in the museum introduce tourists to the heroic defense of the Caucasus and tell about the military operations in this high-mountain sector of the front.

From the Mir station, a high-mountain taxi - snowcat will take you to "Shelter of Eleven"- a unique high-mountain hotel in the world (4200 m above sea level).

At least once, but it's worth a trip. In good weather, the shocking sensation of being on the same level with the peaks of the Main Caucasus Range will remain with you forever, and the descent through wide fields and even fresh snow will not disappoint.

From the shelter you can see a complete panorama of the Caucasus Mountains, both peaks of Elbrus in the north, the ridges of Svaneti, the Main Caucasus Ridge and its northern spurs.

On the map of the Elbrus region The Pastukhov Shelter rocks are also marked. Hence the Russian surveyor and mountaineer, explorer of the Caucasus A.V. Pastukhov walked to the eastern peak Elbrus. Today the Shelter serves as a starting point for many Russian and foreign climbers to storm the highest peak of the Caucasus.

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To visit the Caucasus Mining Waters and not go to the gray-haired giant Elbrus is the same as not being in the North Caucasus at all. However, many seasoned tourists will tell you exactly this if you dare to say that you have been to Elbrus and did not conquer it. You can read about climbing Elbrus from Mikhail in his Well, our ascent ended at the Mir station at an altitude of 3500 m, where you can climb without special equipment and even without special training.

We came to the Caucasus to get acquainted with its beauties, unfortunately, the acquaintance was in express mode and only one day was allocated to Elbrus in our schedule. On the same day we still had to climb Cheget and drink mineral water in the Narzan clearing.
Of course, even such sick and unprepared guys as we were, our hearts ached at the sight of this giant and the desire to rise surged in our chests, probably it is this feeling that attracts hundreds of tourists every year to the two-headed giant Elbrus.

How to get to Elbrus

In fact, the choice of transport is not great. The easiest and most convenient way is a personal car. But if you didn’t come to the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters by car, then there is no other way to get to Elbrus other than using paid excursions. In the KMV, transport links between the attractions of the region are very poorly developed, but very well between the resorts themselves. For example, you will not have any difficulty moving between Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk and Mineralnye Vody. An electric train runs from Pyatigorsk to Kislovodsk, and minibuses run very often to other cities. But when it comes to such sights as Elbrus, the transport system is powerless. Moreover, a taxi is also not an option; it will cost almost more than an excursion. Therefore, even those who go to climb Elbrus often use transfers from Caucasus travel agencies.

Excursion to the Elbrus region to Elbrus and Cheget

An excursion to Elbrus is an ideal way to see the mountains while spending a minimum of physical energy. Firstly, such an excursion can be booked in any city of the KMS and the bus will pick you up directly from the entrance to the sanatorium or from a pre-agreed place. Secondly, this pleasure is not very expensive, ranging from 1000-2000 rubles per person, depending on whether you pay for the cable car ride or not. Thirdly, excursion support in the Caucasus is very good. The guide will tell you everything, show you and take you where you need to go, and at the end of the excursion you will be taken to where you were picked up from. Excursions have only two significant disadvantages. You move in a group of people, this is not always convenient, especially when the group is large. The second disadvantage is that you are strictly limited in time, the guide will not give you a second of extra time, so if you want to enjoy the views more, take food with you. As a rule, the guide allocates 40 minutes for lunch, and a snack taken with you will take a minimum of time. This way, the time saved can be spent walking around the area.

We were in the Caucasus for 9 days and the excursion to Elbrus became an obsession. We didn’t want to leave the Caucasus without seeing the majestic Elbrus, but nature behaved in such a way that Elbrus simply did not appear on the horizon, and the forecasts were not encouraging. Thus, the excursion to Elbrus was gradually postponed until almost the last day of the trip. But our efforts and delays were not in vain, Elbrus heard us and the day of the trip turned out to be sunny and calm.

The bus picked us up from Essentuki and took us to Elbrus. True, the road still passes through Pyatigorsk, so Pyatigorsk is the optimal place from where you can go to Elbrus.

Glade Cheget and Mount Cheget

The first stop is the Cheget glade. After all, our excursion covers two peaks at once - Cheget and Elbrus. Take care of this detail in advance; many travel agencies provide excursions to only one of the two peaks. We must admit that there is some common sense in this. If you are not going to climb to the very peak, but like us, just “ride the cable car” and “click pictures,” then it makes sense to focus your attention on one peak, although we won’t tell you which one, it’s a hard choice.

It must be admitted that the infrastructure of the Elbrus region is developed at a very high level. You can come here wearing flip-flops and easily equip yourself for climbing, provided you have the money, of course. There is everything from equipment rentals and hotels to souvenir shops and cafeterias, groups gather here and guides are hired here.

In the clearing there is a chairlift, which for 500 rubles takes us to the “Ai” cafe at a height of 2750 m and that’s it. That is, of course, the second lift should have lifted us even higher and for the same money, but it did not work, and the price remained the same. But the cable car that we overcame was enough for us. 17 minutes of horror and fear; as a person who is afraid of heights, this event seemed to me in exactly this light. The fact is that the cable car on Cheget is a chairlift, that is, you fasten yourself with a chain at your waist and dangle your legs the whole way, and the ascent runs through a very natural abyss, maybe this is exaggerated, but that’s exactly how I felt at that moment. Of course, I couldn’t take a photo of the ascent process; just at the moment of the ride, my grasping reflex was activated and I grabbed the handrail and couldn’t let go until my feet touched a hard surface. You will laugh, but on the way back, just at the moment when we were passing this unpleasant section with an abyss, the cable car was stopped and we hung in the air for another 5 minutes. These impressions were very strong. Having overcome these difficulties, we found ourselves on the site and a grandiose landscape spread out before us.

On the left are the snow-white slopes of Elbrus, on the right is the Semerka glacier, and wherever you look, there are mountains everywhere.

It would be possible and necessary to go higher, but the guide allocates catastrophically little time. Is the height a little dizzying, or is it that such a chic view is so intoxicating?

But even from the Cheget clearing, the view of the mountains is mesmerizing and captivating.

This is how we met Cheget, like most acquaintances in our lives, it was casual, I hope someday we will become friends. And it’s time for us, the schedule is inexorable, the owner of these places is waiting for us - His Majesty Elbrus.

Elbrus, cable car to Mir station

We pass the village of Terskol and find ourselves in the Azau clearing, where there are even more diverse establishments. The cable car here is more modern than on Cheget, it is a European pendulum, costs 600 rubles. per person. It lifts in two stages. From the Azau clearing to Stary Krugozor, and then to Mir station. Further to the “barrels” there is a chairlift, but it was already closed, so we were content with a height of 3500 meters.

Thin streams emerge from under the melting snow; they descend to the foot of the mountain, there to unite with their brothers into a mighty mountain stream called Baksan.

These are not just reels and hemp, these are tables and chairs, you can eat a sandwich while admiring the stunning panorama.

Here at Mir station there is a memorial to the defenders of the Main Caucasus Mountain Range during the Great Patriotic War.

Gray snow and brown stone create a feeling of unreality. It’s easy to imagine that there are several moons in the sky, and under your feet the earth of an alien planet. But this is not an alien planet, this is the majestic Elbrus.

Looking at the cheerful bearded men in sunglasses and with backpacks, an irresistible desire arose to go with them to the sparkling peaks of Mount Elbrus. We were daydreaming, looking at the mountains, that we lost sight of time so much that we had to have lunch in a hurry, and without lunch we would go through the rest of the day hungry.

The food in Azau, I must admit, is soulless. Edible, but not very tasty. We were unlucky with the shish kebab; as you know, locals don’t marinate lamb, they fry it right away, but in Azau they obviously didn’t have the freshest meat for tourists, so the lamb turned out to be tough. Lunch cost us 840 rubles.

Glade of Narzanov, Elbrus region

Last stop, Narzan glade. It's very close, 10 minutes from Azau. We cross a small bridge over the Baksan River and find ourselves in a small clearing.

Here, too, everything is equipped for tourists. Gazebos, barbecue yards, souvenir shops and the main attraction of this place are the Narzan springs. There are several of them, but the taste of the water from them is approximately the same.

The Russian man is strong. The entire tourist bus drank from narzana in each of the four springs, and not a single passenger on the entire return trip, which was two and a half hours, asked to get out to freshen up.

The nature of the mountainous area is unlikely to leave you indifferent.