Windows RDP client. We make a remote connection to your computer! Connect to a remote desktop using the built-in Windows RDP client

RDP Client is a tool built into new versions of the Windows operating system that is used to connect to remote desktops. The only condition for the program to work is that the connected PC or server has running services terminal connections. You can download these same services directly from our website.

Launch and client capabilities

In order to open the remote access tool, just use the search engine (in Windows 7, 8 and 10), or go to the Start menu, find the “Run” item and enter the command “mstsc.exe”. After this, you will see a window in which you need to specify the connection address. The program independently checks the certificate and, by default, uses standard parameters broadcasts remote desk. You can change these parameters in a special section. There you can select the window resolution, image scaling, color depth, hotkey combinations, sound parameters, and also specify external devices(printers, scanners) that you need to access.

In new versions of Windows, it is now possible to select connection parameters from the gateway and configure automatic adjustment of the quality of the broadcast image depending on the connection speed. In particular, the program can disable features that are highly dependent on the connection speed: font smoothing, desktop background, displaying window contents when dragging, design styles and desktop composition. You can also enable persistent caching bitmaps and configure automatic recovery sessions for ruptures.


Install the services necessary to work with the protocol Remote Desktop Protocol can be used for any Windows version, starting with XP. Please note that our website provides a web installer. That is, to complete the installation process, the host must be connected to the network.

Key Features

  • included in the standard service kit Windows tools;
  • provides remote connection to the desktop via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol);
  • offers many session options;
  • supports encryption using RC4, AES and 3DES algorithms;
  • requires running services on the host.

Among users, quite a lot of people have heard that there is a certain RDP client.

But few people know what it is, why it is needed and how to work with it.

But in fact, this is simply an irreplaceable thing for those who need to work in several places, but there is no way to carry a laptop with them.

Why do you need RDP?

Imagine that you are working in an office. Your responsibilities include scheduling, paperwork, and more. You perform all these tasks on your computer in the office. But the working day ends, the guard says that he will close the room and you can’t stay in it, and you still need to complete several important tasks. Moreover, it will not be possible to postpone them until tomorrow.

And at this moment this same RDP comes to the rescue. Imagine being able to come home, turn on your home computer and continue to work on the same desktop and with the same data as on the computer at work. That is, while at home, you will, in fact, work on your work computer.

Rice. 1. RDP allows you to work from one computer to another


Then let's continue!

Decrypting RDP

RDP is the Remote Desktop Protocol. This is exactly the definition given in official sources. This abbreviation stands for “Remote Desktop Protocol”. Actually, this is translated as the remote desktop protocol.

There is no complicated science here. This protocol is really designed so that the desktop can be worked remotely. This means that you are at a certain distance from where the desktop actually is, and still have the opportunity to work with it.

Actually, an RDP client is a program that allows you to implement the functions of this very protocol. In other words, it is a program that allows the user to work with the computer remotely. You can easily organize access to your computer, then connect to it from another device and continue working. In fact, there is nothing complicated about it.

Rice. 2. Remote access to a computer from a tablet

Today, RDP clients exist on a wide variety of operating systems, including:

  • Windows;
  • Mac OS;
  • Android;

Users of all these platforms have the opportunity to easily organize remote access to their devices. Moreover, from a device on one OS you can do the same for a device on another. For example, you can connect to a Windows computer from an Android tablet.

In general, very useful and interesting feature. Now we will look at how to work with this protocol and programs for working with it.

RDP client on Windows

The earliest and most common example of a program for working with the remote access protocol is the Remote Desktop Connection tool on Windows. Actually, RDP protocol and was developed for this operating system. And only then they began to use it in other operating systems.

Today at any Windows versions There is a built-in tool called Remote Desktop Connection. It can be found in the Start menu or using search. It's called the same everywhere.

To use it, you must first configure the computer to which you will connect, that is, the desktop of which you are going to work. To do this, do this:

  1. First you need to find out the IP address of the computer, so that you can then give it to another device, from which the first will be controlled. To do this, run the following actions:
  • launch the program execution window by simultaneously pressing the Win and R buttons on the keyboard;
  • in the window that opens, in the only input field, enter “cmd” and press Enter on the keyboard - this will launch the command line;

Rice. 3. Command to launch the command line in the program execution window

  • V command line enter the command “ipconfig” and press Enter again;
  • all available will open network information, find the line “IPv4 address” there - opposite it there will be an IP address, remember it (!).

Rice. 4. Network information on the command line

As you can see, in our example the IP address is

  1. Now you should enable the ability to access your computer using the tool. remote control. To do this, do the following:
    • in the Start menu, open Control Panel;
    • click on the “System and Security” section;

Rice. 5. “System and Security” section in the control panel

  • in the next window, click on the “System” subsection;

Rice. 6. Subsection "System"

  • In the menu on the left, select “Advanced system settings”;
  • in the window that opens, go to the “Remote access” tab;
  • Place marks opposite the items highlighted in Figure 7 with numbers 1 and 2;
  • close all windows, and before that click “Apply”.

Rice. 7. Allow remote control in the “System” section

Now you can easily connect to this computer. This operation is also quite simple. It is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Go to the “Start” menu, select the list of all programs there, then the “Accessories” section and click on the tool called “Remote Desktop Connection”. It won't be difficult to find him.

Rice. 8. Remote Desktop Connection Tool in Start Menu

  1. Then in the next window you need to enter the IP address that we determined in one of the previous stages. Recall that in our example it is 168.1.88. This address must be entered into this very window. When this is done, go to next step, but don’t click the “Connect” button just yet. Instead, click on the “Options” inscription, which is located slightly below and to the left of the address input field.

Rice. 9. Tool window for connecting to a remote worker

  1. It is important that you have the opportunity to work not only with folders and files, but also with devices connected to the computer that will be controlled. Therefore, in the window that appears, go to the “Local Resources” tab and check the boxes next to the “Printers” and “Clipboard” items. Now you can click the “Connect” button and thus proceed to the next step.

Rice. 10. Parameters for connecting to a remote computer

After this, a connection will be made to the specified computer at its address. Some people install an account system on their devices. In this case, you will have to enter your username and password to connect. But if at the first stage of the setup described above you did not do anything to install such a system, you do not need to enter anything.

It's simple! Is not it?

Now you know how to use the simplest version of RDP and you can easily establish a remote connection. If you have any questions or difficulties, write about it in the comments below. We will definitely answer.

  • To install an element ActiveX controls and a sample web page on any computer running Internet Information Server 4.0 or later later version, you can download software from this page and run the installer.

    Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003 will have to specify the installation directory.
    1. In response to the installer prompt “Where would you like to place the sample web pages directory?" (Where to place the sample web pages directory) type C:\Windows\Web\TSWeb. Click OK.

    2. If the TsWeb folder does not exist, the installer will ask for permission to create it. Click "Yes".

    To download and establish a Remote Desktop Internet connection on Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000, follow these steps.

    6. In response to the installer's prompt "Where would you like to place the sample web pages directory?" (Where to put the sample web page directory) enter C:\Windows\Web\TSWeb. Click OK.

    7. If the TsWeb folder does not exist, the installer will ask for permission to create it. Click "Yes".

    The Internet Remote Desktop Connection software update available on this page can be installed on computers running Windows 2000 or Windows NT Server 4.0 that are running IIS server version 4.0 or later.

    To download and establish Remote Desktop Internet Connection on legacy operating systems, follow these steps:
    1. On this page, select a language from the drop-down list and click the "Go" button.
    2. Read license agreement. If you agree to its terms, click the "I Accept" button.
    3. When the File Download dialog box appears, select Save this program to disk.
    4. Select a location on your computer to save the file and click the "Save" button.
    5. Browse to the location where you saved the file and double-click the file to launch the installer.
    6. The installer will install the files in the specified directory. The default installation directory is C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Tsweb.

    How to remove a program

    To uninstall the Remote Desktop Internet Connection program, follow these steps:
    1. Click the "Start" button and select the "Control Panel" command.
    2. Click the Add or Remove Programs icon.
    3. Select Terminal Services Web Client and click the "Change/Remove" button to remove the program.

    Windows users Server 2003 does not need to remove this program. They can manually add this package from the Add/Remove Programs panel. This package is offered as a convenience to Microsoft customers.

Many users very often come across the concept of an RDP client, although sometimes they do not fully understand what these programs are and what they are needed for. Let's look at what an RDP client is (let's take Windows XP and 7 as the operating system environment). Finally, a list of alternative applications will be presented.

RDP clients: what are they and why are they needed?

To understand the essence of such programs, you just need to decipher the abbreviation RDP. Essentially, this is a special protocol that allows you to connect to a remote “Desktop” from any other terminal or mobile device.

However, talking only about access exclusively to the “Desktop” is somewhat incorrect. Almost any program of this type, be it RDP- Windows client XP, 7 and higher, allows you to access all functions and settings of the system, as well as information stored on the computer and manage absolutely everything available parameters can be done from a remote terminal, smartphone or tablet. As for the settings, they are very similar (if you use, for example, the “native” RDP client for Windows 7 or software third party developer).

Preview update for Windows XP

There are usually no problems with setting up applications of this type, since all processes are as automated as possible. However, you still need to pay attention to some nuances.

In Windows XP, even with the SP3 update installed, client version 6.1 is provided. You can install the RDP 7.0 client only in manual mode. Unfortunately, problems often arise when downloading an update from the official Microsoft website, so you can download the update from another source. IN in this case This means the KB969084 (85) update package, taking into account

After downloading the file, which is presented in an executable version (EXE), simply run it and wait for the update process to complete. Upon completion of installation, the computer or laptop is in mandatory need to reboot. Version 7.0 in Windows XP will allow you to gain remote access even to terminals with the tenth version of the system on board.

Built-in RDP client for Windows 7: initial system setup

The "seven" also has own program remote access. However, if in XP the RDP client can be upgraded to version 7.0, here the 7.1 modification is initially used by default, which is presented in the form special utility MsTsc.exe.

But before you start setting up, you should go to the “Control Panel” and select the “System” section. Access can also be achieved through the computer properties menu by clicking on the icon located on the “Desktop”.

On the left side there is a remote access settings section, in which, on the corresponding tab, you need to check the boxes next to the permission lines for this operation and connection. Additionally, you can select the users to whom these rules will apply.

General setup rules

Any RDP client for Windows can be called standard command mstsc, entered in the console shelf “Run” (Win + R).

In the connection window, you need to enter the desired IP address of the server or terminal with which the communication session will be carried out. After this, the system will prompt you to enter your credentials, and then you will be redirected to the remote “Desktop”.

To change settings, expand the display of all parameters using the corresponding button. On the tab general settings you can enter the computer name and set the saving permission current parameters. It’s just as easy to adjust the screen brightness and other characteristics associated with it on the corresponding tab. Local processes adjust the sound quality, allow the use of keyboard shortcuts, and select the devices that you would like to use when connecting (printers, faxes, etc.). On the programs tab you can select specific application, which will run automatically when installing remote access. In the interaction section, you can set your own connection speed parameters. Finally, in additional settings You can set server authentication parameters.

Change connection speed limit settings

But that is not all. The fact is that built-in RDP clients can significantly limit the speed of access to remote terminals(update speed limit is set).

You can change settings in the system registry editor, which is called regedit command in the Run menu. Here you need to select the HKCU branch and in the SOFTWARE section find the MinSendInterval parameter. Its default value is set to 120 ms, but it is better to change it and set it to 5-10 ms.

Along the way, you can change the value of the cache size and the parameters of the “pin connector”, but it is better not to touch them. But for the OrderDrawThreshold key it is better to set the value at 1 ms.

Do I need to change the port?

Almost all known RDP clients for correct operation use port 3389. If for some reason it does not work, first you should change the firewall settings and create a new rule for the port and enter the port value for the TCP protocol.

In some cases, it may be necessary on a router, where, similar to a firewall, a new rule is created specifying 3389 as the forwarded port. correct settings It is advisable to read the documentation for the router.

Alternative programs

Not all users agree that native RDP clients for Windows are optimal solution for remote access. Today there are a lot of such programs being produced. For example, the client from Google Corporation is considered very convenient.

The only catch is that for it to work correctly you need to have it installed on your system. latest version browser Google Chrome. But the settings are much simpler, and the ease of use looks better than standard utilities Windows.

There are minimal settings here, but the main condition for granting access is to use your own account Google services. For owners mobile devices With Android OS on board this is not a problem at all. But in the end, you can control your computer or laptop even from the simplest smartphone.

Among other utilities, it is worth noting the following:

  • FreeRDP.
  • Remmina.
  • Rdesktop, etc.


It’s difficult to advise what exactly to use, because each program has its own pros and cons. However, if we make some comparison, we can conclude: there is nothing easier than working with your own using Windows or install Chrome Remote Desktop from Google. But anyway pre-setting it will have to be done with permission or at the first stage.

The RDP protocol allows you to connect to a computer that is connected either to a local network or located anywhere on our planet. Using this protocol, the user will be able to see files and programs on another computer (both on the server and on the terminal), launch them, and work with them. But first, RDP needs to be configured.

Click on Windows button Start and open Control Panel. Next, go to the “Security System”, open “System” and click on the “tab” Remote access" We put a checkmark next to the item “Provide the ability to connect to other computers with desktops of any version.”

Then we proceed to setting up the RDP client. First let's look at what the client is for. These are components that exist, by the way, in any operating system, whose job is to connect to a server (installed on the connected computer). In Windows Seven, the client that works for the RDP protocol is the built-in program MsTsc.exe. Now let's talk about setting up the client.

To do this, in Windows, click “Start” and go to the Run menu item. In the input field of the window that opens, enter mstsc and click “Next”. If you wish to receive regular access to the connected computer, its IP address is entered in the input field of the client window that opens. Next, click on “Enter”.

All. We have completed the setup.

If you want to configure screen settings, the quality of sounds for performing various actions on the connected computer, and so on, you need to configure additional parameters connections (picture below).

You can also set the color depth, desktop background, and display brightness. By opening the “Remote” section sound accompaniment", you can adjust the quality of sounds for any action.

Also, if the RDP client is slow, you can configure it.

All users who have worked with several windows systems, constantly complain about the slow performance of RDP applications. Slow work programs can be called constant trend all programmers from Microsoft. Therefore, speed up RDP to user you have to do it yourself using the system registry, which can be edited either by entering the word regedit in the input field of the run window that opens, or by making changes to the reg file. The reason for the slowdown of the RDP channel in 100Mb (1Gb) is the server and client settings. To a greater extent - the client. Even if there is good channels it is the rdp client that deliberately limits the Update speed. This trend has started since the days of DialUp modems. But in the modern era powerful computers Such settings have already lost all relevance.

All its settings are in system registry in the section (see bottom of the picture):

First of all, pay attention to the MinSendInterval parameter, the value of which is set to 120 ms (that’s 8 frames per second). On the Internet it is often recommended to set this parameter to 1 in Windows (for servers), but 5-10 to connect to the computer via local network quite enough.

The BitmapCacheSize parameter specifies the amount of memory buffer for graphics. For example, a value of 1000h corresponds to 24.5 MB. Change this value in Windows (both server and terminal) according to graphic capabilities your video card.

For the BitmapPersistCacheSize parameter (cache size for images) also in the system Windows registry(both on the server and on the terminal) you need to register a higher value.