Setting up iis for 1s. Configuring web servers to work with 1C:Enterprise. Installing IIS Web Server

Modern conditions, with the widespread use of mobile devices and accessible Internet, places new demands on the information systems of even small companies. If just a few years ago remote access was the lot of large organizations, today the ability to access information from anywhere is taken for granted. Today we will tell you how to quickly and cost-effectively organize web access to 1C:Enterprise databases working in file mode.

The traditional scheme for working with 1C:Enterprise in file mode implies shared access to infobase files via the SMB protocol (Microsoft network). In this case, one of the computers acts as a file server, while the others work with a publicly available information base.

However, this scheme has a number of significant drawbacks. The speed of operation is significantly influenced by both network bandwidth and the computing power of client computers. We discussed this issue in more detail in our material. This is especially true after the transition to managed application-based configurations, which are much more resource-demanding than previous generation configurations.

The issue with remote access is also acute; if it is still possible to organize remote access for remote computers via RDP, which, by the way, is not always available for small companies that do not have a dedicated server, then with mobile devices everything is quite sad.

At the same time, the managed application provides new features, such as web access to the infobase, including those working in file mode. This allows you to qualitatively change the way you work with the information system with virtually no additional costs.

On the computer with the infobase, an additional role is assigned to the web server on which the infobase is published. After which you can continue to work with it both in file mode and in web server mode.

In this case, it is not necessary to use a browser to operate; the platform can also access the database via a web server in thin client mode. This feature allows you to organize access not only for remote and mobile clients, but also improve work on insufficiently productive machines in the office, since all basic calculations will be performed on the server side and traffic transmitted over the network will be minimized, as will the load on the client’s computer .

And, of course, there are almost unlimited possibilities for remote access to the database: from anywhere, from any device, using a browser.

Below we will look at possible configurations for organizing web access to small databases running in file mode on client operating systems.

Currently, two main web servers are supported: Apache and IIS, and the platform must be installed on the machine with the web server and web server extension modules. You can always install them additionally by simply running the platform installation program again:

Windows and IIS

Internet Information Services (IIS) for unknown reasons is not popular among administrators and 1C users. But in vain, ignoring a standard solution in favor of some third-party software, even if it’s good, looks at least strange.

To install IIS on the client OS, in our case Windows 7 x64, go to Control Panel - Programs and Features - Turn Windows features on or off.

In the window that opens, select Internet Information Services, then expand the list and go to Internet Services - Application Development Components and check the box opposite ISAPI extensions, other parameters can be left as default.

After installing IIS, let's move on to setting it up, to do this, open Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Internet Information Services Manager.

In the tree on the left select Application Pools, right-click on DefaultAppPool - Additional parameters and allow 32-bit applications by setting the appropriate option in True.

Now let’s set the necessary rights for groups IUSR And IIS_IUSRS. We grant rights to the folder with the infobase Change And Read and execute:

To folder bin platforms - Read and Execute:

Then we launch 1C:Enterprise as an administrator and load the required infobase into configurator mode.

On the menu Administration choose Publishing to a web server. 1C:Enterprise will automatically detect the web server (IIS) and offer to place the web application in the root of the web server in a directory with the name of the infobase folder, which will also be the name of the publication; you can change these parameters if necessary.

Ready! To access the database we can use an address like http://host_name(address)/publication_name, in our case, launch the browser and check the work.

You can also configure the database to work with it through the platform; to do this, in the dialog for adding a new infobase, specify the location on the web server:

The next step is to enter the connection address:

After launching the infobase, you can make sure that it is running in web server mode and not in file mode:

Windows and Apache 2.2

If for some reason you do not want to use IIS, you can configure 1C to work with another popular Apache web server. Unfortunately, the Apache developers have stopped publishing binary assemblies for Windows, offering to contact their partners, so let’s go to the Apache Haus website and download the assembly 2.2.x x86 architecture, even if you have a 64-bit operating system.

Attention! To obtain the Apache build, you should use only reliable sources that are listed on the project website. The security of your web server and your data depends on it!

You will also need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package, which is required for the Apache build to work properly.

Then unpack the downloaded Apache archive into an arbitrary directory, for example, C:\Apache22, from all the many folders we are interested in the folders bin And htdocs, the first contains the web server executable files, the second should contain the web content.

Open a command prompt with administrator rights and go to the directory bin web server:

Cd C:\Apache22\bin

Now let's install Apache as a service:

Httpd -k install

We do not pay attention to the warnings; for purposes of use with 1C, the default Apache configuration is suitable.

Since the service runs on behalf of the system account, there is no need to set rights to the folders with the database and platform.

Then, in the same way, we launch 1C as an administrator in configurator mode and proceed to publishing on the web server. Unlike IIS, in this case the platform itself cannot specify the path and create a folder, so we do it manually. The folder must be created inside the directory htdocs and its name must match the publication name:

In our case it is C:\Apache22\htdocs\Acc30\ By the way, you can create the desired directory directly in the folder selection dialog. Then we publish the information base.

The next point is that 1C does not know how to restart this Apache build, so we’ll do it manually through the snap-in Services:

After restarting the web server, the published database will become available at the same address as in the case of IIS, and working with it will be no different.

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Configuring the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) web server to work with 1C:Enterprise platforms

General information about publications

As you know, publishing 1C databases can be done both from the configurator and using the webinst utility. The publication algorithm is described in more detail on the ITS, for example, at this link.

It is worth noting that publishing for a 64-bit server is only possible from the configurator in Linux OS or using the webinst utility. In some of our load tests, 64-bit IIS web servers performed slightly better, so unless otherwise limited, we recommend using them.

If you plan to use a 32-bit IIS web server, then do not forget to allow 32-bit applications to run: in the “Application Pools” list, for each desired pool, right-click and select “Additional” in the context menu Settings..." (“Advanced Settings”), then set the “Enable 32-bit Applications” option to “True”.

The documentation also describes several important points regarding working with the IIS web server. To quote them: When publishing to an IIS web server, keep in mind that:

  • Publishing is always done to the Default Web Site.
  • Publishing is always done to the default application pool (DefaultAppPool).
  • The application pool used to run 1C:Enterprise must have .NET support disabled. To do this, set the application pool property ".NET Framework Version" to "No Managed Code".

Information on the first two points is important in itself, and especially in the context of the issue under consideration, as it will be useful to us in the future. The third recommendation, in our experience, is not mandatory and the IIS web server works successfully in version mode, for example, .NET Framework v4.

Setting up IIS for different versions of the 1C platform

In order to use multiple web server extensions that differ only in the third and fourth digits of the version, you must use different application pools (this is not possible within the same application pool). Accordingly, as many application pools must be created in the web server as there are different versions of extension modules that are planned to be used, and then each virtual application must be manually associated with the desired application pool.

So, for example, let’s create two additional application pools (in general, there may be more of them); for convenience, we will indicate in the name of the pool the version of the platform with which we plan to use them (we indicated the version in abbreviated form - “8.3.6”, but it may be more convenient for you use the full version, for example, “”, or even divide application pools by application, for example, “test cluster pool”). Let's set the recommended parameters (environment version, sign of using 32-bit applications). As a result, you should see the following list of IIS web server application pools:

Next, we launch the configurator (remember to perform this action as an administrator) and publish. As indicated in the documentation, an entry about the new site appears (or is updated if the publication has already been performed previously) in the “Default Web Site” group. The advanced settings for this post will indicate the default application pool - "DefaultAppPool". To change it, you can call the “Advanced settings...” or “Basic settings...” dialog. Calling the main ones:

We replace the default application pool (“DefaultAppPool”) with an application pool corresponding to the version of the 1C platform of the published database (“AppPool 1C 8.3.6” or “AppPool 1C 8.3.7”).

If you need to change the handler of web server extension modules (for example, after publishing from the configurator from a 32-bit to a 64-bit version), we can do it here:

We do the same for another information base and another version of the 1C platform.

This completes all the necessary settings! We check and enjoy simultaneous work with 1C web applications of different versions within one web server:


In the article, we described a method that allows you to use several infobase publications within one IIS web server for 1C:Enterprise infobases of different versions. This is necessary if you are working on a server with several working or test databases for which the versions of the 1C platform used are different.

We hope you can easily complete the task you need and continue to enjoy using 1C products. Well, if something doesn’t work out for you, or you encounter some difficulties, we will definitely help!

After the release of new 1C platforms (for example, already in Apache versions 2.0, 2.2 stop working on 64-bit Windows systems. There is a way to switch to 2.4. Its installation is somewhat more complicated than the usual one - there are no installation files, so everything needs to be launched and configured manually. Considering that I was interested in using IIS, I decided to write an article at the same time.

  1. For Windows x64 you will need the 1C x64 distribution kit (this applies to both the server and client applications)
  2. Installing IIS Web Server

Installing the Internet Information Server web server. When installing, be sure to select the components:

  • Common HTTP Features
    • Static Content
    • Default Document
    • Directory Browsing
    • HTTP Errors
  • Application Development
    • ASP.NET 3.5
    • .NET Extensibility 3.5
    • ISAPI Extensions
    • ISAPI Filters
  • Health and Diagnostics
    • HTTP Logging
    • Request Monitor
  • Management Tools
    • IIS Management Console

4. Then we give rights for the IIS_IUSRS and IUSR users to the folders:

  • folders with the installed platform;
  • folders with database publications;
  • folders of the databases themselves (in the case of a file version).

6. Configuring IIS to use a 32-bit web server extension

Facilities" (Tools) - " Internet Information Services Manager

Default Web Site- a virtual directory transformed into an application appeared with the name that we specified when publishing the database. The only thing left to complete publishing is to enable 32-bit applications for the default application pool. To do this, go to the “ tab in the connection tree Application Pools"(Application Pools).

In the list of application pools we find a pool with the name DefaultAppPool. Right-click on it and select “ Extra options"(Advanced Settings).

In the application pool settings window that opens, in the group “ Are common"(General) find the item " 32-bit applications allowed» (Enable 32-Bit Applications) and set the parameter value to True. Then save the changes by clicking " OK».

7. Configuring IIS to use a 64-bit web server extension

You can register the 64-bit web server extension module using the utility webinst.exe the corresponding version located in the directory bin, directory with the 1C:Enterprise program installed, or use the method below.

Let's launch Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. This can be done from the Server Manager by selecting the “ Facilities" (Tools) - " Internet Information Services Manager» (Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager).

Here, expanding the tree in the connections window, we will see that for the default website - Default Web Site- a virtual directory transformed into an application appeared with the name we specified when publishing the database. To complete publishing, all that remains is to tell the application to use a 64-bit request processor. To do this, open the handler mapping settings page for this virtual directory by selecting “ Handler Mapping» (Handler Mappings) on the application home page.

In the table of handler comparisons we will find the “1C Web-service Extension” handler. Let's open this handler by double-clicking on the corresponding row in the table.

Let's edit the handler by replacing the path to the executable dll of the 32-bit web server extension module that is currently selected with the path to the 64-bit version of the library. In this example, we change the path from " C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\8.3.?.??\bin\wsisapi.dll" on " C:\Program Files\1cv8\8.3.?.???\bin\wsisapi.dll» using the selection button. After changing the path, click " OK» to save changes.

This article will tell you how to quickly and easily install a 64-bit Apache 2.4.25 web server, configure it, and publish a web service using 1C-Enterprise 8.3.

With version 1C-Enterprise 8.3.8 we were able to work with the Apache 2.4 server. Considering that support for Apache 2.2 ends in July 2017, the question is quite relevant.

Before starting the installation, make sure of the following:

So, if the initial conditions are met, then the procedure will be as follows:

  1. Download and install VC++ 15 Runtime from the link. Select the file of the desired language and download the file “vc_redist.x64.exe”. Let's install it.
  2. Download the latest current distribution from the Apache Haus website, at the time of writing this is 2.4.25 for the x64 version. The distribution contains all the necessary mods for working using the SSL protocol (OpenSSL library), which is a big plus for us.
  3. We unpack the archive, it contains the “Apache24” directory, copy this directory to the place where we plan to place our web server.
  4. Find the file “Apache24/conf/httpd.conf” and edit it.
    1. If in step 3 we copied to the root directory of the disk, then we skip this point, otherwise we find the line “Define SRVROOT "/Apache24"" and indicate the full path to the server folder there.
    2. Find and edit the line “ServerAdmin [email protected] ».
    3. Find and edit the line “ServerName localhost:80”.
    4. Save the file.
  5. We check the list of Windows services for the presence of the web publishing service (this is our standard IIS). It is most likely absent on client versions of Windows, but exists by default on server versions. We make sure that this service is disabled, otherwise when we try to start Apache we will receive the error “ make_sock: could not bind to address».
  6. Launch the command line (cmd) and go to the “Apache24/bin” directory. We test run the server by sending the command: httpd
  7. If the Windows Firewall service is running, we will receive a message about network activity and a request to allow this application to run. We allow it.
  8. If there were no errors during installation and configuration, we will not see any messages, the text cursor will blink in the application mode, without returning to the standard shell prompt. At this point, we check the functionality by entering the address in the browser address bar: “http://localhost”. As a result, we should see the standard Apache build page from “Apache Haus”.
  9. We interrupt the server execution by pressing CTRL+C and then install it as a service by executing the command “httpd -k install”. We check and make sure that a new service appears in the list. The first part of the Marlezon ballet was successful - the web server itself was successfully installed, configured and working.
  10. For testing, I suggest using the test database 8.3, which can be downloaded from the link. We deploy it as a client-server system, then go to the 1C-Enterprise configurator under the user “Admin” without a password and select the menu “Administration - Publishing to a web service...”. The publish dialog will open, in which Apache 2.4 is available in the web service field in the selection list. We select it, mark what we want to publish, and click the “Publish” button. We refuse to restart. Below is an example on the test base (you can download the DT file).

  11. Open the configuration file “Apache24/conf/httpd.conf”, look for the line “ LoadModule _1cws_module "C:/Program Files (x86)/1cv8/"", change it to " LoadModule _1cws_module "C:/Program Files/1cv8/"" This action has to be performed because, by default, 1C in the configurator always provides a link to a 32-bit library, but we need a 64-bit one. So we have a choice - either edit the file every time after editing a publication, or use a separate mechanism - the “WebInst” utility. Save the configuration file and restart the Apache 2.4 service.
  12. If everything is done correctly, then we get two working links:
    • “http://localhost/webtest/” link is used to log into the database through the web client.
    • « http://localhost/webtest/ws/Test?wsdl" - serves to view the contents of the wsdl link of the web service available in this configuration.
  13. The entire procedure takes no longer than half an hour.

Large corporations that use 1C software products in their remote branches often face the problem of the inability to install 1C at individual employee workstations. Sometimes the reason for this can be outdated computers, sometimes remoteness, sometimes lack of IT staff. 1C developers solved this problem in platform version 8.2 by integrating a special web client into it. Organizing work in this type of client will allow you to significantly save on upgrading computers and maintaining a staff of 1C administrators.

Externally, the web client is no different from the thin client, except that the 1C interface opens in the browser. To launch 1C web clients, you need to publish a web server and have the Internet at your workplace. The web server and DHTML and HTTPRequest technologies are responsible for connecting the database and the user interface of the web client. At the time of operation, the data is transmitted via HTTP to the web server, compiled, and execution itself occurs on the client side, in the Internet browser environment.

The sufficient popularity of the 1C web client mode is explained by the list of advantages:

  • There is no need to install the 1C client part on workstations;
  • Providing access to the database from anywhere in the world with Internet access;
  • Support for any browsers and, accordingly, any operating systems and all gadgets with access to the World Wide Web;
  • Technical simplicity, since the user simply needs to launch the browser and type the address correctly;
  • A special mode for exchanging data with a web server at low Internet speeds.

In addition to the advantages, the web client mode also has certain disadvantages:

  1. Vulnerability of a web server that becomes accessible anywhere in the world;
  2. Certain restrictions on data exchange and file system operation;
  3. Available only for configurations using a managed application type and a thin client;
  4. Unavailability of local licenses.

If you firmly decide that the 1C Web client is great for users, then you will have to configure and publish a web server. As an example, let's look at setting up the standard IIS built into Windows.

If your computer has a Windows operating system installed, then you can do without third-party programs. The built-in IIS server will help you with this; basic knowledge of the system is enough to configure it. It should be noted that installing a server on a weak computer will make it difficult to launch 1C web clients and the performance of the entire system will be at risk. Therefore, it is recommended to configure IIS only on those configurations where the operating system functions without delays and there is a large supply of resources.

To start setting up the server, go to “Control Panel” -> “Programs and Features” -> “Turn features on or off.” Find the “IIS Services/Internet Services” branch in the tree and check the following boxes:

  • In the "Common HTTP Features" section:
    • “Browse directory”;
    • "Default Document";
    • "Static content";
    • "HTTP Errors".
  • “Performance check and diagnostics”:
    • "HTTP Logging";
    • "Request Monitor".
  • "Application Development Components":
    • "ASP";
    • "ASP.NET";
    • "ISAPI extension";
    • ".NET Extensibility";
    • ISAPI filters."
  • "Controls":
    • "IIS Management Console".

To publish the configured server, you must install 1C web server extension modules. To do this, during the 1C installation process, you must select the appropriate item in the window for changing the installation method and install the components. Then launch 1C in configurator mode with administrative rights and click “Administration” -> “Publish on a web server...” in the menu. The 1C platform will automatically detect the configured web server, and you will only have to specify the name of the database and its location.

Once you click Publish, the server should restart. Now you can check the progress of the work by launching the 1C web client and entering the line in the browser: “http:ServerName/BaseName”. It is necessary to ensure that all users have read and write access to the database location. Otherwise, setting up the 1C web client at workstations will not produce results.

The 1C web client is a convenient tool for users whose workplace performance leaves much to be desired. Thanks to simple setup, minimal differences in the application interface and a list of various advantages, the web client has gained some popularity in companies of various sizes.