Program for making drawings. AutoCAD is a program for simple drawing of diagrams and plans. Training video on working in A9CAD

Construction is first design, and then work on site. Drawing up a project in the 21st century is not paper work, but computer work, and a lot has been developed for this special programs. For objects of minimal complexity can be used simple program, for multi-storey or multifunctional structures there are more complex programs, but all of them can be mastered quite quickly even by novice designers. This is the so-called CAD programs for working with drawings (systems computer-aided design). The undisputed leaders are programs for creating drawings AutoCAD, Compass-3D, NanoCAD and 3-D Max due to their accessibility and versatility. Let’s look at what each of these programs can do below:

PC software package Autodesk AutoCAD

A simple drawing program, but its capabilities can be increased by installing additional modules(plugins). It works in 2-D and 3-D dimensions of spatial parameters, that is, it can create a flat pattern or a three-dimensional image.

AutoCAD is a program for creating drawings of industrial complexity. The software can visualize diagrams and drawings and render objects, which allows you to bring the visual perception of the layout as close as possible to the real one.

The capabilities of AutoCAD CAD in 2-D and 3-D spaces mean working with objects of any degree of complexity. Outputting and saving files in DWG, DWF and DXF formats allows for full compatibility with similar software.


  1. The program is in Russian;
  2. Several dozen plugins allow you to build the most complex objects;
  3. The project can be saved in the MEGA cloud, Coole Disk, OneDrive, Yandex Disk, Mail.Ru, etc., printed on a printer or in 3-D;
  4. Integration into different formats;
  5. Installed on all OS on a computer of any generation, if it has suitable specifications(amount of RAM, video card parameters, frequency, bit depth).


The program is paid.

COMPASS program

The drawing program's capabilities are wide - it can work with all image formats. Availability of graphic, visual and text editor. The drawing program can be used at home or in a design office, with its help construction projects can be easily implemented and visualized. The program's capabilities are updated and errors are corrected automatically.


  1. Simple software for drawings and diagrams allows even novice draftsmen to master it;
  2. A voluminous database of standard projects and object blanks, a large number of diagrams, drawings, parts, structures and projects;
  3. Plugin database and additional tools for constructing simple and complex objects;
  4. Menu in Russian;
  5. Trial version for staff training.


The software is paid, and in the trial version the capabilities are limited.

The program is much simpler than AutoCAD and Compass, but for working at home it has extensive functionality that can create high-quality drawings on a PC. Because of its ease of use, the program is often used as a training program. All graphics comply with CAD standards for 2-D design, the software can be sized and is compatible with DWG formats and DXF, which expands its capabilities.


  1. The paid version costs less than AutoCAD and Compass;
  2. The API allows you to implement your own applications and services;
  3. Free version, but with limited functionality.


Does not work in 3-D, no rendering function.

When drawing up simple drawings, graphs or sketches, the program is indispensable, but it is not suitable for developing complex objects, especially since it will not be possible to create a three-dimensional model with its help. Good software for training, personal use and performing simple homework.


The most common program among all draftsmen. Probably, the developers themselves do not know all its capabilities. Hundreds of plugins allow you to create objects of any complexity and nesting, visualize them in 3-D or 2-D space, there is a function for creating three-dimensional panoramic video, where the object can be rotated with the mouse in any direction and in any plane. 3-D MAX is a free program, but its functionality is much wider than that of the paid “AutoCAD”, “NanoCAD” and “Compass” due to free plugins and a large base of model blanks of any complexity and focus.


  1. Autodesk 3-D MAX is a free and unlimited program;
  2. As a continuation of the main version, lightweight versions of 3-D MAX have been developed, which do not slow down or freeze even the oldest computers;
  3. 3-D MAX provides the ability to create animated scenes, for example, you can create the same computer cartoons.


The program is difficult to learn, and even a short break in work reduces the level of training, since the software is constantly updated and improved.

The program is distributed free of charge, and in Windows 10 it is already installed by default, and you can master its capabilities quite quickly even without training lessons. Intuitively clear interface designed for lack of skills in working with similar software. Simple drawings simple drawings and sketches are what 3-D Builder has to offer.


  1. Free access to all functionality;
  2. Working with libraries of ready-made projects and blanks;
  3. Interaction with cloud storages.


It is impossible to develop a more or less complex project using 3-D Builder, so its use is limited to home needs.


This is the most common software, the basic version of which is installed on every computer, starting with the oldest OS. However, you can draw simple drawings, diagrams, plans of objects and sites, make drawings or sketches of drawings in it, and you can learn how to work in Paint in a few minutes. The blanks, which are stored in the computer library, make it much easier to get started without skills and basic knowledge.

Pre-installed on all OS versions Windows software Paint has extended versions and add-ons for tablets and even smartphones, allowing you to create drawings with a stylus or by hand.

The program is a multi-platform system automated creation projects in 2D and 3D graphics. VariCAD was developed as software for design in the mechanical engineering field, as well as for drawing and calculations of mechanical components.

The VariCAD interface is designed to make it easy and fast to develop 2D or 3D models. Pipeline and tank development tools have been introduced various levels difficulties. One-sided conversion of 3D layouts into 2D graphics without reverse conversion is provided.

The choice of one or another software depends only on the degree of complexity of the project and the need to perform a simple task using a complex program.

If you need a simple drawing program, then you've come to the right place. We have compiled a list of five of the simplest software samples used by people involved in 2D and 3D modeling.

We chose them one by one simple criterion– ease of use. To understand whether a particular program is truly easy to use, we ran it ourselves and also read many reviews from a variety of sites.

Which one is the simplest, let everyone choose for themselves. But all of them have their advantages and disadvantages.

1. SketchUp

This is a program from Google with an interface in Russian. It has everything you need to get started in the world of modeling - standard set tools, simplest interface(no hidden menus and unclear functions), as well as detailed help.

As for the latter, in addition to the usual list of typical questions and answers for any good program, SketchUp also has a set of video tutorials.

With their help, everyone will be able to see how to work with the program, where and what tools it has, what is needed to use them, and so on. The main thing is that all this is visual, and not just in the form of text.

Also in the video tutorials the user will be able to see how real professionals in this field work. In general, for beginners there is everything you need here!

Here are a few more features of SketchUp:

  • We have our own forum, so all questions for which there are no answers help center(although this is unlikely), you can ask there. The answer will be given real people– the same Google users or experts.
  • There is a set of extensions to increase functionality. Thanks to this, you can transform the drawing software used by beginners into a real professional set of tools.
  • A huge library of our own objects that are freely available.

In general, SketchUp is best program to start drawing! Yes, it doesn’t have such rich functionality, but everything is simple and clear. After SketchUp, you can move on to something more complex.

2. NanoCAD

There is a heavyweight in the field of drawing software and it is called KOMPAS-3D. It is used by the vast majority of people involved in modeling. This program allows you to draw both 3D objects and diagrams, for example, electrical circuit diagrams.

So, NanoCAD is a heavily cropped version of KOMPAS-3D. If someone has worked with KOMPAS, then the interface of this program will seem very familiar to them.

There are the same objects, the same tools, the same settings. There are just no specialized tools or options for fine-tuning.

If you have never dealt with any drawing programs, then we advise you to start getting acquainted with the wonderful world of modeling with SketchUp, then switch to NanoCAD, and then to KOMPAS-3D.

Here are a few features of NanoCAD:

  • Standard object settings - vertex coordinates, line thickness and type, width, length and other size parameters, etc. Fine tuning, as we said above, is not here.
  • Ability to customize the interface for yourself. As in KOMPAS, in NanoCAD you can easily remove or add some kind of toolbar.
  • The interface is also in Russian. The program is completely free.

Many people advise starting to work with drawings in NanoCAD, as it is an excellent and free alternative COMPASS.

3. A9CAD

Another great set of tools that many experts recommend for beginners.

Of course, A9CAD is not as simple as SketchUp, but still, in a few days you can master it and start making simple drawings.

This program only works with DWG and DXF formats, and the files must also be created in A9CAD. If they are made in the same COMPASS, then you won’t be able to open them here. At the very least, it will be very difficult.

There is a completely standard set of tools. Of course, this will not be enough for experienced users or those who want to learn how to draw professionally.

There are tools for drawing circle, arc, line, square/rectangle and curve, as well as for plotting points. Below there is a button for applying text and changing color.

Of course, you can measure distances, copy a figure, and perform similar actions here too. But it will no longer be possible to configure the objects themselves.

Other features of A9CAD are:

  • It is possible to print the resulting drawing.
  • The program is completely free, but the interface is English.
  • There are no additional functions or expansion modules here and there never will be.


The advantage of ABViewer is that the interface here is made in the spirit of programs from Microsoft. Meaning office suite, that is, Word, PowerPoint, Excel and so on. Some even think that ABViewer is also part of the office software from the creators of Windows.

All the main elements are collected at the top. They are divided into specific categories.

For example, if you expand the “Drawing” block, you will see a tool for drawing the same straight or curved line, rectangle, circle and other shapes. There is also a “Text” block, which makes it possible to add text to the drawing in WordArt format or in one of the usual fonts.

As for the drawing itself, this process here is as simple and smooth as possible. There are minimal options for setting up objects.

This way the user can manually enter X, Y coordinates, length, angle and tracking. Everything is very good with this, but, again, only for novice users.

A few more features of ABViewer:

  • Eat ample opportunities to work with different formats. Drawings can even be converted from one format to another.
  • The set of tools is assessed by experts as average, that is, it is enough for semi-professional specialists, and even more so for beginners.
  • Russian interface. The program is paid, but there is trial period in 45 days. During this time, it is quite possible to master the program in its entirety and move on to something more complex.

5. FreeCAD

And another extremely easy-to-use program with large and bright tools (meaning images of tools in the FreeCAD window).

In terms of functionality, FreeCAD is very similar to AutoCAD, another giant in the world of modeling and drawing. At the same time, many functions and the same tools are taken from AutoCAD. Therefore, you can easily use FreeCAD in your work, master it well, and then switch to AutoCAD or even KOMPAS.

There is no ability to work in 3D here. But the 2D drawings turn out excellent. Once created, they can be opened in any other similar program.

You can manually enter the coordinates of each object, its length and angle. Interestingly, in addition to the X and Y coordinates, you can also enter Z here.

Other interesting points in FreeCAD work:

  • The work with macros, that is, small subroutines that perform the same actions, is well developed.
  • A huge number of formats for reading and saving drawings.
  • The interface is not in Russian, but the program is also free.

If you know even simpler drawing programs, write about them in the comments. And below you can see one of the lessons on working in the simplest set of modeling tools, SketchUp.

Computer drawing program?

Computer Engineering penetrated into all spheres of human activity. Engineering was no exception.

The era of drawing boards and pencils has passed; now special software and printers are used to create high-quality drawings.

In addition, the use similar programs accessible to everyone, that is, high-quality drawings have gone beyond the design bureaus.

In the relevant software segment, there are many decent CAD (computer-aided design) systems.

Special attention It is worth paying attention to three representatives: AutoCAD, Compass-3D and NanoCAD. It is these programs that this material is dedicated to.

Autodesk AutoCAD

One of the most popular CAD systems both among professional design and among amateurs.

Autodesk is constantly improving computer drawing in Autocad, adding more and more features. New versions are released regularly, every year.

Functional Features

The 3D drawing program allows you to create both two-dimensional projects and three-dimensional drawings. At the same time, the capabilities of rendering three-dimensional objects are not inferior to full-fledged editors.

2D modeling functions make AutoCAD not just an electronic drawing board, but powerful tool to create high-quality drawings.

The program supports working with drawings in three formats: DWG (a closed format for editing AutoCAD drawings), DWF (a format for publishing drawings) and DXF (a format for working with AutoCAD drawings in other programs).

Advantages and disadvantages

This CAD system has many advantages, but they come at a price. You will have to pay a lot of money for rich functionality.

On the other hand, there are cheaper versions of the program with reduced functionality (AutoCAD LT) and free version for educational use.

Positive properties:

A huge set of tools and functions for professional design.

Possibility of integration with Excel spreadsheets.

Working with layouts.


High price basic version BY.

High system requirements.

Scope of application

AuotCAD is used in the field of professional equipment design, design, architecture and even for educational purposes.

Any modern industry that needs to create drawings cannot do without decent software for creating projects. In most cases, this is AutoCAD.


"KOMPAS" is a whole family software for creating electronic drawings.

Interesting! The main feature of CAD is that it is developed Russian company and has an original computing core. Drawings created using Compass fully comply with state standards.

The computer drawing program Compass allows you to design parts, entire mechanisms and even buildings.

Functional Features

The program supports work with many of the most common electronic drawing formats, which allows you to effectively collaborate with companies using other design environments.

The basis for the finished drawing is a 3D model. In this case, the data in the 2D drawing changes dynamically as the volumetric model is edited.

Based on the finished drawing, design documentation is drawn up, which fully complies with state standards.

At the same time, standards are constantly updated thanks to special service"KOMPAS Audit".

From 2008 to 2013, there was a program for drawing on a computer online from KOMPAS.

Advantages and disadvantages

The program is most widespread in the Russian Federation, which is not surprising, given the developers. There are also foreign localizations, but the demand for them is not so great.

Among the many advantages, it is worth noting the following:

Easy to learn and use.

Large base linked libraries.

Active development and continuous improvement.

Wide range of tools.

Focus on the Russian user.


High cost.

Demanding on computer resources.

Scope of application

COMPASS is widely used both for professional activity and for educational purposes.

There are no free versions of the program, but for educational purposes the cheaper KOMPAS 3D LT with reduced functions is used.

Many domestic enterprises use this CAD to create drawings and design documentation for standard and original parts and assemblies.

In the 21st century, people have practically stopped making drawings by hand. You can make a mistake in them, make a serious mistake due to inattention, and it is impossible to scale such drawings. That is why digital CAD solutions are increasingly being used for work and education. They guarantee quality graphic images, their scalability and safety.

Free drawing programs

KOMPAS-3D- an excellent product that is suitable for all types of drawing. It allows you to create parts for different areas human activity. This is a fairly simple program, which, nevertheless, is suitable for solving the most complex problems.

Russian users appreciate it for its convenient and localized interface, support for ESKD and GOST standards. This is very important, because compliance technical requirements- the main condition set before any drawing program. Also, this program has a very nice hint system that can tell you about technical capabilities and ways to work with KOMPAS-3D.

Of course, such a product cannot be completely free, and this program is distributed in a closed, paid license. However there is special version For home use. It has a number of limitations in the choice of formats, but otherwise it is fully functional software.

Paid programs (demo versions)

A very expensive, but very powerful product that is used by professionals around the world. AutoCAD is equal to other computer drawing programs, and they do it for good reason! Autodesk always creates for real. quality applications who are quickly becoming industry leaders.

You can make absolutely any drawing in it, from the simplest part to a complex mechanism. Thanks to the unique tools that this program has, drawing becomes easy and fast. This allows engineers not to waste time on banal formalism and drawing each line.

Of course, AutoCAD also has a very significant drawback - it does not work with Russian system ESKD. Instead, users are offered only the international one. For some businesses, this is a major deterrent to purchasing this program.

AutoCAD has a trial version that can be downloaded for free.

Astra Furniture Designer- a program whose essence is easy to understand from the name. It is often used in furniture production and allows you to evaluate appearance future model before creating it from physical materials. The use of this software, which, by the way, is distributed in Russian, helps businesses save money. After all, thanks to Astra you can analyze everything weak spots designs before production starts.

The program interface is very simple, and even those engineers and architects who have not worked with it before can handle it. CAD systems. Also, it is worth noting the set of tools typical for drawing. They fully correspond to real analogues.

It is interesting that fasteners used in assembling furniture have been added to the program. Angles, spacers and other simple designs can be selected from special library. Also, you can add new details there.

designed specifically for ateliers and private tailors. In it you can create cuttings of any level, from the simplest skirts to voluminous dresses. Thanks to this program, you can save a lot of fabric, thread and time, because the appearance of future clothes can be assessed before production begins. This is very important in small businesses where additional expenses are unacceptable.

Exist free programs with similar functionality, but they are much inferior to Astra Cutting. For example, they do not have unique tools for virtual work with fabric, there is no panoramic view, which allows you to speed up the process of creating cuttings.

Despite the fact that this program is paid, you can evaluate its characteristics in the free demo version. It is not limited in capabilities, but is valid only for a short period of time.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments, we will definitely help.

In this article we will review 3 popular programs for drawing on a computer: consider the pros and cons of each. as well as the scope of application.

In the era of development digital technologies, hand drawing has become an anachronism. The practice of completing projects on a personal computer and then printing them in the appropriate format has long been popular. And with the creation of 3D printers, it became possible to bring to life volumetric models.

main feature this type of drawing is accessibility. The work can be done by both beginners learning the basics and seasoned professionals who make their living by designing.

Drawing programs

For users personal computer a wide range of programs available. Mostly automated, which makes people's work easier and increases the productivity and quality of the original circuits. Below is a list of popular, available to master, functional applications.


The software manufacturer is Autodesk. The application is popular among design departments, computer-aided modeling and everything related to production, installation and construction. When applying for a job in a serious enterprise, an employee will have to deal with AutoCAD. The program is available to amateurs, beginners, and professionals. The software does not stand still, constantly receiving support from developers. Issued annually updated versions with improved functionality, expanded capabilities, and an interface improved according to user comments. This careful attitude of the manufacturer led to the popularity of the software.

Functional properties

When working on a computer, the application allows you to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional projects. The latter provide unprecedented visualization, which is mastered by advanced image editors.

2D models developed in AutoCAD are unique. The output is detailed drawings, where all the nuances will be taken into account. Experts note that projects created using Autodesk digital technologies are distinguished by their quality.

Formats that AutoCAD works with

Three main ones:

  • DWG format binary files editable file that stores 3D and 2D project data.
  • DXF- open format, which allows you to exchange data between computer-aided design systems.
  • DWF is a format from Autodesk. Possesses open structure. Needed for printing, viewing and editing projects.

Advantages and disadvantages

The software’s functions fully rehabilitate its high cost. Companies and private professionals part with money without regret - the software pays for itself on investment. Drawing enthusiasts and beginners prefer to work in publications with limited functionality or a free trial version, which is available online and available for direct download.



  • High price complete product.
  • High system requirements - not every computer can handle it.

Scope of use

It is vast and growing every year. Autodesk products are used in construction, manufacturing, medicine, clothing design - anywhere that requires excellent quality drawings. Educational establishments They devote a lot of time to learning AutoCAD in various areas.


Russian 3D development of the ASCON company. The uniqueness of the application lies in the implementation of automated computing technologies when working on projects. The user receives a set of utilities that will help create high-quality, original drawings.

Distinctive feature KOMPAS - computing core. The program contains signatures that are oriented towards the state standard in the field of drawing and design. The output is work performed strictly in accordance with GOST of a certain type.

The application allows you to draw a single part, an entire mechanism or structure.

Functional properties

The platform supports an extensive list of formats. ASCON company works closely with design bureaus, where it uses a variety of applications. The consequence of this interaction was the possibility of integrating drawings designed by KOMPAS into third party applications.

Ready project- three-dimensional model. After its creation, accompanying documentation is generated automatically. This makes work easier, eliminating the need to create each document with your own hands, and eliminates design errors.

Advantages and disadvantages

KOMPAS-3D ASCON is widely used among professionals and amateurs. Which is not surprising - the application has many positive aspects.


  • Completely in Russian. This feature is important for beginners - if you don’t know any function, you can guess its presence directly.
  • Easy to learn, and the speed of creating projects is at a high level, being leaders in this indicator.
  • Development and improvement does not stop for a minute. Developers take into account user wishes when improving the application.
  • Connected libraries: mechanical engineering, instrument engineering, construction, KOMPAS-electrician and others.
  • The range of tools is wide and will satisfy the needs of any professional.
  • The program is aimed at Russian users.


  • Full version the product is expensive - price latest version about 65 thousand rubles.
  • Not weak requirements for personal computer resources.

Scope of use

COMPASS is used by professionals. But there is a less functional (cheaper) version of the product. For the personal purposes of amateur users, there is a Lite edition, where there is no ability to connect libraries, and the set of drawing tools is limited. KOMPAS is used by domestic enterprises. But for last years A trend has emerged according to which ASCON products are being abandoned in favor of Autodesk.


Another Russian development. At its core, it is an automatic design system that is most accessible and easy to use. The application is used by beginners to master the basics of design. The automated kernel is almost identical to AutoCAD, but was created by domestic programmers from Nanosoft.

Functional properties

Developers work hard on their product, releasing updates that add new features to the existing ones. The specialization of this software is the design of two-dimensional models. Thanks to working with common formats, integration with other software.

Advantages and disadvantages

nanoCAD is a young but promising product. Its main feature is its focus on a diverse range of users.


  • The original language is Russian.
  • The cost of a complete edition of the product is lower compared to analogues.
  • Like KOMPAS, it supports domestic state design standards.
  • Open source program, which allows you to create your own software based on it.
  • There is a free version of the product.


  • Compared to other applications, a smaller set of drawing tools.
  • Limited opportunities when interacting with the LISP programming language.
  • The binary file format is poorly recognized.

Scope of use

NanoCAD creates work that meets domestic design standards. And the free edition is well suited for inexperienced or novice users.

Presented computer-aided design systems for this moment most in demand. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are leveled out depending on personal characteristics each person. Drawing is an individual process. A person decides for himself where it is more convenient for him to work. For this there are trial versions the mentioned programs so that anyone can get acquainted with them, making a choice in favor of the more suitable one.

Computer drawing program - TOP 3 review

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