Promotion in miralinks. Types of earnings on Miralinks. Site selection and placement

Hello, Dear reader of the blog site, a blog dedicated to making money on the Internet. Today I will tell you how to make money on the Miralinks article marketing exchange. Let's start with getting to know the exchange and how to start working with it.

What is Miralinks

Miralinks is article exchange for webmasters and advertisers. On it you can post your article with a link or links to your resource. Webmasters participating in the work of Miralinks post your article on their resource. Not for free. Since the exchange accepts only high-quality resources with a TIC greater than 10, you receive a link to your resource posted on a high-quality website. But this does not apply to making money on the stock exchange. This applies to promoting your website. Now about earnings.

TCI is a thematic citation index, a numerical characteristic for a site entered by the Yandex search engine to quantify the quality of the site’s content. Essentially, the more often your content is mentioned on other quality resources, the higher your TCI.

How to make money on Miralinks with a good website

You can make money on Miralinks as a Webmaster. Let me explain what this means?

To make money on Miralinks, you need to have your own website or a website with an administrative login. Not just any website is suitable for working with the stock exchange. The exchange imposes relatively strict requirements on websites. On the stock exchange, the site is called a platform.

Miralinks requirements for the site

  • The site must be at least 6 months old.
  • The site must have a TIC of at least 10. PR home page, must be at least 1.
  • At least 100 pages must be indexed on Yandex.
  • And resources do not pass through free hosting like ucoz, blogspot, people.

As you can see, the requirements are not simple and in order to get to Miralinks you need to work hard on the site and for a beginner site the likelihood of getting into Miralinks sites is minimal. Read more about the requirements for the resource on the Miralinks website.

In addition, the exchange introduced the concept of “At-risk sites.” To designate them, a colorful icon in the form of a blot was introduced (1 in the photo). The essence of the risk group is as follows. It includes sites that trade links from other link brokers and sites where the percentage of Miralinks articles posted is more than 20% of the total volume of articles on the site.

If 20% of the articles still need to be posted and this problem is not relevant for a beginner site, then trading links on other exchanges (likobrokets) may become a reason not to pass Miralinks moderation.

Site moderation on Miralinks

Miralinks moderation, that is, the exchange’s permission to host its website as a platform for posting articles, takes place in two stages.

1. First, your site is checked by an automatic machine. It's fast. First you register on the Miralinks website. Registration is standard and I will not dwell on it. After registering as a webmaster, you click on the “Add site” button. In the form that opens, there is only one field, “Site Address”. Enter the address of your website. It is the address with http (https), not the domain. make money on Miralinks

The machine checks your site for the requirements specified above and gives its answer. Either the site has been added, or you have less than 100 pages indexed in Yandex, or your site is less than 6 months old, or your site’s TIC is less than 10.

2. manual moderation. After the site (your website) has been added, it is time for manual moderation. But before that, you need to confirm the rights to the resource.

Confirmation is similar to confirmation in Yandex, Google, Bing webmasters. Place it in the site directory text file Miralinks with specified content and press the check button.

But that is not all. After automatic check and confirmation of rights to the site, there will be manual moderation within 1-3 days. During manual moderation, you may be asked to open access to your site's statistics, for example, on Yandex Metrica. Therefore, traffic statistics on your resource should be kept at least a month before the start of registration on Miralinks.

When you place a site, you will be offered a form to describe your site. You need this form to create a site card. In this card you must indicate your prices for placement and other details of your site.

When you first get acquainted with the resource, it is difficult to decide on pricing policy. Don’t worry, the system will tell you the average prices on the exchange, enter them. One more thing, the ruble exchange rate often jumps like a crazy hare, so check the box “recalculate the price at the exchange rate every day.”

You set your own prices

I’ll give you an example of a card from one of my sites.

Site card on Miralinks

Types of earnings on Miralinks

Having actually passed complex registration and having placed your site on Miralinks, you can start earning money.

As a Webmaster you can earn money in two ways.

Method 1. You can post on your website ready-made articles from advertisers, with links to their resources. The number of links that you are willing to place is indicated in the site card. In order not to “waste” your TIC, provide 1-2 links. The price of such placement is 150-190 rubles.

Method 2. Advertisers may contact you with a request to write an article on given topic(by) and place it on your site, with your links. In this option for earning money, you act as a copywriter and as a webmaster. The price of such placement is 330-360 rubles. You can set any price.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it goes through quickly, no more than once every three days via email, QIWI, Yandex.Money and since 2017 any plastic cards. However!

The first payment will be made three months after the article is published. There will always be such a delay. That is, once you have posted an article, the money for posting it will appear in your account in three months.

Note: If the TIC of a site falls, placement on it is temporarily suspended until the TIC is restored.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about the article exchange MiraLinks. Sounds familiar? Well, we’ve probably heard a lot about promoting articles or publishing them (personally, this slightly mysterious phrase set my teeth on edge even when I was green).

So, MiraLinks is on this moment in fact, it is the undisputed leader in the market for paid placement of articles in RuNet. There are other exchanges (for example, Webartex), but they are significantly inferior to our today’s hero in terms of promotion, placement volumes and quality of sites.

For the most part, this popularity is explained by the fact that this article exchange appeared at the beginning of the distant 2008, when people were just starting to talk about this method of promotion and proposals for exchanging texts (with thematic backlinks included inside) began to appear.

In general, MiraLinks, just like Nokia once did, brings people together. I myself started working with it in the summer of 2012, both as a webmaster (I added a couple of my old and no longer updated projects with low traffic) and as an optimizer (advertiser). What can I say?

This is very interesting way even for practically abandoned projects, where neither contextual advertising nor any tangible income was brought in. Not only did the sites begin to generate significantly more income, but I also began to receive new and absolutely unique content on them.

Search engines love it when sites are updated at least occasionally and new materials appear on them. Therefore, if you don’t have time to write texts for some of your projects, then just try adding your site to MiraLinks(there are restrictions on reception) and receive free content(all advertisers’ materials are necessarily checked for uniqueness, and often they don’t even shun, but not always). Not only is it free and unique, you will also be paid extra for posting.

It turned out that placement in Miralinks is going at a good pace with average price around one or two hundred rubles per article. I also set a limit on two outgoing links and configured the exchange sites so that the materials were thematic. This can be set when adding or editing your site data, which we will talk about in more detail below.

As a result, on average, I post five to six articles per month on one project and the income from this is two to three times higher than the income from contextual advertising, which suits me very much.

During this time, income from the context has even increased slightly, probably due to the improved attitude of search engines towards these abandoned sites, because they no longer look abandoned (the traffic on them has also grown a little). In general, as a webmaster, I am completely satisfied with it so far.

But in this exchange you can not only earn money, but also successfully promote your projects with links from articles, which you write yourself or buy on copywriting exchanges (this service also provides such a service).

Moreover, looking ahead a little, I will say that promotion through articles is the safest and most if you don't go too far using direct anchors (read about safe anchors and ). However, first things first.

Promotion of articles in MiraLinks and why it is better than others

Let's now talk in general about the principles of this action and how it can be better or worse than what has already become traditional link promotion. Just this option is one of the closest to . Everything else is already a compromise and is used mainly only in RuNet, while in bourgeois Lately They try to get backlinks in ways that are unacceptably difficult for us (but safer).

In the bourgeoisie, optimizers simply have no other acceptable solution, and all because of the negative attitude towards purchased links, especially since RuNet (in terms of SEO methodologies used) lags behind the bourgeoisie by at least several years. Why should you and I use article placement to promote the project? What are the benefits here and what underwater rocks present?

In my opinion, to increase the link mass paid methods you have several options:

    Renting links through similar exchanges Sape— purchased backlinks are paid monthly and can be removed or added almost instantly. In my unprofessional opinion, using this method of promotion is only beneficial for SEO companies or freelancers who are promoting sites that are not their own.

    Why? Yes, because in the event of termination of the contract with the client, SEO specialists can immediately remove all purchased links, unless this issue is discussed and paid for separately by the client (there is leverage). In the case of promotion with articles or permanent links, this will no longer be possible, which means the client will be able to move to another company with impunity and painlessly (complete nonsense for careless promoters in terms of twisting the client’s arms).

    Well, in all other respects, rented links are very different sites (the quality can vary from wonderful to disgusting, and, by the way, there are much more of the latter, which you can read about in the article about). For automation you can use, for example, the one mentioned above Wizard.Sape or any other aggregator. IMHO.

    1. GoGetLinks- read about the nuances of work in the article about.
    2. GetGoodLinks— a description of the possibility of purchasing links from pages with PR (high static weight) can be found in the publication about
    3. RotaPostfull review read the material about service capabilities.

    Why in them? Well, because there you can find pretty good donor sites that you don’t want to immediately close after visiting them. And for sites in GGL, I have almost all of them full list with spam data, which allows you not to buy “smelly goods” and significantly save your budget.

    In addition, there is such a thing as a placement guarantee (up to a year - you can read), which eliminates the main disadvantage of permanent links compared to rented ones - there are no guarantees that the backlink will stand. If you correctly express your wishes to webmasters, then in practice they can replace promotion with articles through Miralinks. To do this, it is advisable that webmasters put back tags only in new posts.

    In addition, the post should be thematic and keywords of the web page to which it will lead. Well, if you also agree that your backing should not be at the end of the article, then in general everything will be great. But many webmasters will simply refuse your offer due to the fact that new article They didn’t plan to write on the topic you need right now, so you will either receive a link in a new, but not thematic publication, or in a thematic, but old one, where the appearance of a backlink may look somewhat suspicious to search engines. This is the compromise.

    To do this, fill out simple form and without any confirmation of his mailbox you will be redirected to the control panel. You are immediately asked to decide on your orientation (webmaster or advertiser), although you don’t have to do this. For example, I play two roles.

    Because At the moment, we are interested in the opportunity to make money by posting other people’s articles on our website, then we can choose "Webmaster", or just then go to the tab of the same name located at the top of the window:

    Due to the fact that we have just completed registration, there will not be any sites on the list given there. Therefore, the first thing we will need to do is add them using the corresponding button - “Add site”.

    Let me say right away that Miralinks values ​​​​its reputation as an exchange with very high-quality platforms. Therefore there are certain restrictions on accepting new sites(see details):

    1. At least six months must have passed since your website appeared on the Internet at the time of registration.
    2. It’s a terrible thing, but in addition to age, they also look at , which should be no less than 10.
    3. Well, and no matter how significant the condition is that your resource should not be
    4. There should be at least a hundred pages in the Yandex and Google indexes.

    In general, the conditions are standard and practically repeat the conditions for admission to GoGetLinks, which is not surprising, since the owners of these exchanges are practically the same (Mikhail Raitsin and others like him). Well, actually, no one is stopping you from submitting an application to add a site even if it does not fully satisfy the conditions described above. To do this, just click on the button "Add site", shown in the previous screenshot.

    As a result, you will see a window with a form for adding a new site:

    Check mark “Hide the address in the directory” It makes sense to put it if you don’t want to burn the URL of your site, but in this case there will be significantly fewer orders, because few people will agree to “buy without looking” now.

    Well, check mark « Free removal links" has now become relevant, because many advertisers first act (by placing hundreds of links with a direct anchor), and then think (after falling under the filter) about what they have done. Personally, I charge money for removing links, because increasing the internal MR rating for sites is not interesting to me (it is already maximum).

    To avoid filling out the fields of this form each time, you can save your search parameters by clicking on the “Save” link this filter" and asking him appropriate name. Next time, when searching by sites, you can immediately use it by clicking on “List of all saved” and selecting it from the list that opens.

When you have specified all the desired filtering parameters, you can click on the button "Catalog Search". As a result you will get pivot table resources that meet your specified requirements. If you move the mouse cursor over their address, a pop-up window will appear with summary information about this donor:

To place your text on the donor of your choice, just click on the button "Post an article", shown in the above screenshot, or check the box next to the site and use the button that appears at the top.

On the page that opens, you will see all your materials available for posting (which have been moderated). You just need to check the box next to the desired article and click on the “post” button located just above.

Next, you will be asked to choose a currency convenient for you to pay and, if desired, insure your article from disappearing from the donor’s website (plus ten percent) or from being removed from the Yandex index (plus twenty percent).

Now you can click on the “Submit for placement” button. After that, on the “Advertiser” - “List of All” tab in the control panel of the MiraLinks exchange, you will be able to track the status of the materials you posted:

To accept the work, you will need to review and evaluate the correctness of execution. To do this, you will need to click on the icon with the arrow shown in the screenshot (above the title of the article) and go to the artist’s website to make sure that everything is in order.

To confirm, you will need to check the box next to this publication and click on the “Pay” button. If you are not satisfied with the work, then click on the “For revision” button, and if a conflict situation arises with the webmaster, click “To arbitration”.

I advise see also more detailed step by step instructions by purchase, correct design and profitable placement of articles through Miralinks exchange (really invaluable experience):

Good day, dear friends! I have long wanted to write a whole, detailed article about the stock exchange. miralinx(miralinks), but somehow everyone didn’t get around to it. We arrived today. In this post I will tell you about 5 opportunities that any webmaster receives by joining this exchange.

To begin with, briefly about the main thing. What kind of exchange is Miralinks anyway? What's going on in it? Personally, when I was just starting my blog, I had no idea what an article exchange was, what a link exchange was, etc., all this was a dark forest for me, which I didn’t even want to meddle in... And in vain... I advise you to go there, but only after you study this article.

is a place where webmasters gather, each for their own goals and needs. Someone wants to make money on this exchange, and someone wants to promote their website (blog) to the top! How and what happens in it you will find out below, but for now let’s look at what opportunities this exchange opens for you?

5 features of the Miralinks exchange:

1. Promoting a website (blog) by posting articles on quality sites.
2. Earn money by posting other people’s articles on your website (blog).
3. Earnings on affiliate program Miralinks exchanges.
4. Order writing articles on any topic with the necessary data.
5. Purchasing articles from the article store.

These are the opportunities this exchange gives to any webmaster who registers with the exchange. If you are a beginner, then, of course, you may not understand a lot right now. Read the article further and everything will be ok!

Promotion using the miralinks exchange:

Opportunity #1 . So, let's start with the first opportunity, namely, promoting a website (blog) by posting articles on quality sites. Remember my last article - “”, in which I talked about how promoting a blog with articles is one of the most the best ways promotion, but which one is one of the best, he is simply the best!!! And many experienced SEO gurus will agree with me. Why?

Because links to your site (blog) with the necessary anchors, surrounded by thematic text in articles that are located on other (high-quality, trusted) sites (blogs) will give authority to your resource in the eyes search engines, accordingly, your site will go up both in positions and in traffic.

Links in comments to your blog, links from profiles and forum signatures to your blog and other links are good, but links in articles leading to your website (blog) are the most best promotion! I'm telling you from my personal experience! How to promote your website (blog) on ​​this exchange and what is needed for this?

First of all, you need to decide for which key queries you want to see your site in search engine results. top positions. Here again is an example of promoting my blog with articles. About 2-3 months ago, I decided to take 1st place in Yandex and Google results for the key query “how to speed up Wordpress”.

I have an article on this topic, so I decided to promote it. By the way, you can now go to search engines and check where the link to my article appears. I saw that in Yandex - 1st place, in Google - 8th place. (data as of June 2, 2011). In Yandex everything is fine, in Google we need to improve a little more. Will work...

There is no need to copy an article from your blog and post it on the stock exchange, that’s not it. You need a unique, fresh article. I repeat, you can write it yourself by putting the necessary links in it, or order the writing of an article from the right amount characters, on the desired topic, with the necessary keywords, etc., from people who are involved in this business (copywriters).

Ordering an article to be written is not a problem now; thousands of people on the Internet write articles to order and it’s not expensive, depending on what your requirements are, of course. There are articles for 50 rubles, and there are also 500 and 1000. I advise you to order articles, or here. You can also order the writing of an article from Miralinks, but more on that later.

After the article has been written and links have been placed in it, you can add the article to the Miralinks exchange for moderation. The moderator will check your article and if everything is in order, he will approve it and you can begin choosing a platform for posting your article.

I would like to note that if you order an article to be written in Miralinks, then you do not need to wait for approval by a moderator, the article is approved automatically.

How to add an article for moderation? Nothing complicated! Go to the section - “Advertiser” - “add an article” and add it in the “Article text” form. There is text editor with the help of which it will not be difficult to add links in articles.

In addition to adding the text of the article with links, you also need to add to the article: title, description, meta tags (title, keywords, description), type of article link and announcement text (you can copy description). So that you don’t have any difficulties in all this, read this article - “”, it will help you.

After the article is accepted into the system:

You can start choosing a platform to post your article.

And now comes the most important and crucial moment! There are thousands of platforms, but which one should I post my article on???

I personally select sites for placement with the following main criteria:

a) the theme of the site (blog) must correspond to mine
b) good TIC and PR indicators
c) nesting - 1-2 clicks or on the main page
d) sites should not sell links
e) domain is older than 12 months

Additional criteria depend on each article separately. If you want to receive maximum effect from promotion, then you need to choose sites wisely. Right choice- the key to success in promotion. Don’t go for “cheap”, go for “quality”.

In order to show you how I choose sites for promotion, let me give you any example. Let’s say I write a blog on the topic “ Cooking recipes", I have an article with 3 links with the necessary key queries, which has been moderated and now all that remains is to choose a site for placement. I click "search":

and a large window opens in front of me in which I can filter the results.

First of all, I select the topic of the site on which I will post the article on the right. If I have a blog “Culinary Recipes”, then I need to choose the topic accordingly: cooking, food, etc. To select several topics in the list at once, left-click on one topic, hold down the ctr key and click on the second.

After choosing a topic, you can click “Search” and see how many sites there are in the system on this topic. I got 212. Not bad, I looked at the prices - not expensive! Let's filter further. We return to the search parameters and select the values ​​we need. I put it like this:

Min. TIC - 50
Min. PR - 3
The allowed number of links in an article is no more than 2
Nesting - on the main page or 1-2 clicks
Domain is older, months - 12

ATTENTION!!! This is a simple example! You can choose the options as you wish.

All these are the main parameters. To improve your rankings - that’s it! Of course, you understand that the better the site’s performance, the higher the price. Let’s say if the site has a good TIC and PR, it is in the Yandex and DMOZ catalogs, the site has a good trust, etc., then the prices for posting articles on such resources may scare you... BUT!!!

The result of posting an article on such a platform will be very, very good!!!

When choosing a site, look not only at the search results, but also at the site itself. Follow the link to it, rate the attendance, appearance website (blog), if there is one, then number of RSS subscribers, trust, etc. If you see that the site is dying, then you should not post your article on it...

By the way, if you see in the list of search results, sites are highlighted pink, then I do not recommend posting your articles on them! The site highlighted in pink is not reliable, the site has sales links.

After this, the system will offer you to insure your article against loss and non-indexation.

Lost - provides protection for your article from being deleted from the site. By selecting Current Package, you don’t have to worry about the article after it’s posted, the system will take care of everything. In case of loss, the article will be re-posted on another site as soon as possible.

Non-indexing - the non-indexing package provides comprehensive protection your article. It includes protecting the article from being deleted from the site, as well as monitoring its presence in the index of the Yandex search engine.

Got it sorted out! But we only posted one article. You can post as many articles as you like and with the anchors (search queries) you need.

You might think. So how many articles do you need to write for promotion??? You'll get tired of writing! You don’t have time to write for a blog, and then you also have time to write for promotion for stock exchanges...

There is such a thing, but who is stopping you from making as much as you need from one article? I explained how this is done in my last article “”, in which I talked about the program SEO Anchor Generator, with which you can reproduce articles.

If you don’t want to suffer and do it yourself, then you can also order reproduction of the article from those people who do this. For 300 rubles they can multiply your article as much as you need! 50-70-100, etc.

We multiplied the articles, put anchors in them and off to the exchange... Every month you can post several articles on various platforms and promote your website or blog.

How to make money on miralinks?

Possibility #2 . Earn money by posting other people's articles on your website (blog). I think you already understand. You post other people's articles on your website (blog) that contain links to other resources and get paid for it! It's simple!

In order to start making money on this exchange you need to have good platform. Not all sites and blogs are accepted into Miralinks. Let's say here are some basic requirements:

— Domain age is at least 6 months.
— TIC of the site must be greater than or equal to 10
— The site must be hosted on paid hosting

If you decide to earn money, go to the “Webmaster” - “Add a site” section, enter all the necessary data and send a request for moderation.

If your site is approved, you will begin accepting orders. Post articles - earn money!

Possibility #3 . Earning money from the affiliate program of the Miralinks exchange.

By participating in the Miralinks affiliate program, you will receive bonuses to your account depending on the activity of the users you invite. Your profit will be 30% of the system’s profit from the turnover of the users you attract!

In Russian. Invite new clients to the system and receive% of Miralinks profits. Miralinks profit is the system commission + insurance of articles. 30% is not even bad!

Possibility #4 . Order writing articles on any topic with the necessary data.

I have already ordered the writing of articles on the topic I needed on this exchange a couple of times. I placed an order and received the article within 6 hours. Please! What's more, it's not so expensive! Although for whom? If you decide to order the writing of an article, you can do this in the “Advertiser” - “Order” section:

A mini menu will appear with three sections “Copylancer Orders”, “Orders in Miratext”, “Article Store” - more about it below. I tried to order both here and there (both in Copylancer and in Miratext). They work quickly everywhere!

To place an order, select any option, click “add order”

and enter your requirements. Indicate the title of the article, select the topic, your preferred copywriter - anyone (if you don’t know anyone yet). If you know (you’ve placed an order before and liked it), then you can place an order with this particular copywriter.

Description is very important point. Describe your requirements in great detail! The more detailed you describe what you want to see in the article, the better. Which keywords, for whom the article is, for dummies or for pros, etc.

Well, the number of characters in the article, deadline and plagiarism check according to your taste.

After the order is placed, the copywriter will accept it, complete the order and send it to you for review. You will check the order and if the completed work suits you, then you can approve the order and your money will be debited from your account and sent to the copywriter.

For the finished article, you can choose a platform in Miralinks (by placing links to your site with the necessary anchors) and place it on it, or simply take this article and place it on your site (blog).

Opportunity #5 . Purchasing articles from the article store.

Well, everything is simpler here. On the stock exchange miralinx there is an article store where you can go and just buy any article without any orders, requirements, etc. Go to the section - “Article Store”, select the category you need and choose. See the topic of the article, its announcement, the number of characters in the article, price, etc. and buy!

That's all for me! Finally, I want to say this, friends! Many of you think so! I will not pay for website (blog) promotion, I will do everything myself! This is great, I myself do many things that you can pay money for, but not all... If we take website (blog) promotion, I can say the following...

Promoting a website (blog) for free is very, very difficult and practically impossible!!! Yes, it’s possible, but you’ll have to, sorry, die behind this damn monitor!!! Soon I will write an article on the topic of investing money in blog promotion, so.

Article promotion - best method promotion of a website or blog, so Miralinks has been in my bookmarks for a long time! I get results and that's the main thing!

Do everything wisely and remember, to get something, you first need to give something...... Good luck! What do you think about this?

By the way, I want to give you one good advice. If you don’t know how to promote your website, then the Rookee service will help you with this. I personally promoted in Rookee 3 search queries and all of them reached the TOP-3 search engines with a budget of only 6 rubles per day.

Rookee is real good service, it not only promotes the site well and cheaply, but also saves a lot of time for optimizers, since the system simplifies promotion using automatic services and scripts. Use it!

Best regards, Alexander Borisov

Over time, I began to call this exchange by a diminutive affectionate name Mirka.

The very idea of ​​writing practical guide I started thinking about website promotion using the Miralinks article promotion exchange quite a long time ago.

If you've landed on this page but have no idea what it's about we're talking about, then I recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the information about what kind of exchange this is. Follow the link and read. It says in a couple of sentences what kind of exchange it is and what its advantage is. If you are going , then I advise you not to be lazy, and study it thoroughly, and now we won’t need it every time we enter this information. Believe me, it will definitely pay for itself in the long run.

Well, now that the preliminary part is over, let's quietly move forward!

I was convinced that the article promotion service we are talking about today is effective in website promotion a year and a half ago. Then, for the sake of experiment, I personally wrote about 60 articles, added them to the exchange, and then placed them on suitable sites. As a result, the TIC of this blog increased by 30 units in two ups, and its positions also increased significantly.

By that time I had already tried services like , . I don’t remember, I may have used it, and also bought links directly from bloggers, but I was able to achieve the maximum effect in terms of TIC and growth of traffic to the site with the help of powerful backlinks that I received through Miralinks.

Since then, this exchange has become authoritative for me, but not only because among the authors of the idea of ​​​​this project is famous specialist in the field of website promotion, Mikhail Raitsin aka MiRaj, but rather because I don’t know how, but all the links received through Mirka work great. All this is conducive. Maybe you have seen Mikhail.

Now enough of the lyrics. If this is not your first day online, then you already know that Mirka is not bullshit. The question is different. Even if you have money, it is still problematic to organize uninterrupted work website promotion with articles via Miralinks.

Everyone has their own experience of promotion, everyone does it in their own way. I don’t pretend to be a unique idea, but I think that my way of organizing website promotion using the Miralinks article exchange is quite practical, and although quite tedious, it will help you save a lot of money. I spent more than one month trying to figure things out until I was convinced that everything complicated lies on the surface. Now let's talk about this in more detail.

Below I will explain step by step what the complexity of the organization is self-promotion site through the exchange Miralinks, and I will also explain along the way how to solve this problem

1. Keywords .

First, you need to select the keywords under which our articles will be written to post them through the Miralinks exchange. You can select a semantic core, or you can parse the site using special software or service, and find queries for which our site already ranks in search results in a range, for example, from 3rd to 10th position. This can be done using a program, or collecting keywords using a service. Semantic core, i.e. I compile the keywords for which I plan to write optimized articles in the future for subsequent placement through the Miralinks exchange according to a separate recipe, which is described in the article. Here main principle– correctly determine the keywords for which content will be written, because in the future, when they reach the top, they should generate traffic. That is, my spending money on their promotion should not be in vain.

If you don’t know how to get such a list of keywords for a site, or you’re just too lazy to do it yourself, then yours truly, i.e. I can humbly offer the above character.

In any case, no matter how you get your keys, I recommend checking them to see if they can bring in traffic. For these purposes, I use the service, with which you can determine the approximate amount of traffic that can be received for each keyword. There are other services, such as Megaindex, Seopult and WebEffector, with which you can get a traffic forecast, but the above service is still without competition, they have the most objective statistics on keywords, and only WebEffector can compare with them, so I use for traffic forecast open LiveInternet statistics. You can quickly find out on which sites LI statistics are available with using SEO script, which I still actively use in my work.

The output I get is a list of keywords something like this:

There are 5 columns: keyword, position in Yandex, page in Yandex, frequency according to Wordstat and predicted number. Of these keywords, I choose the most attractive ones: so that the frequency according to WordStat is at least 10-15, so that it is preferably commercial (there will be more income in YAN. Why? read), and also so that the predicted number of transitions according to roostat data is different from zero .

I group all the keywords received into small groups of two keywords. The main thing is that these keywords do not lead to the same page. That is, at the output I get a list of keywords, which are divided into groups of two keywords + two urls. That's all for now. The first stage, the stage of selecting keywords for which we will write articles for posting on Miralinks, has been completed

2. Articles for posting on websites.

If you have not yet worked with the Miralinks exchange, and have not tried to add your articles there, then I congratulate you, and at the same time I sympathize with you. Congratulations because you haven’t seen this hemorrhoid, how to write articles for miralinks, and how the moderators kick them off after checking. I sympathize because you have no experience. Both will have to be endured in order for the site you are promoting to receive normal, strong backlinks.

The problem is that when adding your articles, that is, articles that someone wrote to you, that you did not purchase from the Miralinks exchange, most likely they will not pass the check by the moderators of the Miralinks exchange the first time, and they will be returned to you for revision. As a rule, they are returned with a standard wording: either there is an unnatural occurrence of a link somewhere, or some keyword is used too often in the article, or the construction of the sentence is incorrect.

Of course, all this red tape with articles can be avoided. The Miralinks exchange has this type of order called “Carefree”. In short, pay money, and they will do everything for you: they will write articles and find normal sites to post them. This is good, on the one hand. But on the other hand, look for yourself how much it costs

That is, taking into account what you provide them ready list keywords for which you need to write articles, the price of such an article will be 9 WMZ. When ordering 50 articles or more, the price per article is 8 WMZ. Now let's count what we can do.

Today, the Miralinks system accepts articles containing at least 2000 characters, excluding spaces. That is, the cost of a more or less normal article of 2500 characters, if we order it in Mirka, will cost us $9.

Yes, on the one hand, you pay and don’t fool yourself. They will do everything for you. But on the other hand, how much money does it take to write at least 50 articles at this price? If one article of 2500 characters costs $9, then 50 articles will cost $450. But this is if the articles are 2500 characters long. I considered this to be the minimum. But in fact, I think it’s more.

Therefore, it is cheaper to order rewriting of articles at the most affordable price - $0.5 per 1000 characters without spaces. There can be a lot of options for where to order such content. For example, search, or you can use exchanges like ContentMonster. I once wrote about her here -. I share my impressions. In general, there are a lot of exchanges, but I just tested only ContentMonster in this regard. And I actually liked it.

The point is this. We go to ContentMonster and create an order, like I did:

I give each copywriter who takes on my assignment the following task:

    Don't spam the article with the keys I give. One or two occurrences are enough, and the rest are synonyms

    The anchor must be exactly the same as I give it. That is, if I give the keyword " how to write articles for miralinks", which means it should be used in the text in exactly the same form

    The article should be approximately 2400-3000 characters

    The article must have a Description and Title

I also explain that there is no need to place links in the article at random. They should not be at the end of the text. Preferably somewhere in the middle. Approximately as shown in the screenshot below

I repeat once again that there is no need to place two links in one article leading to the same url address, because Google will only take into account one anchor and not the other. Therefore, it is better to use keywords in each article that will lead to different pages your site.

In this simple way I collect a bank of articles for their subsequent placement through the Miralinks exchange.

Yes, by the way, I remembered that I have accumulated a lot of bonuses in Profit Partner (), which can also be spent on purchasing articles on different exchanges, so if your site is connected to YAN, then don’t forget about this wonderful opportunity

3. Keeping records of articles written for uploading to Miralinks. Systematization of keywords

When running an advertising campaign through the Miralinks system, be sure to pay attention to the organization of recording of all documents, i.e. our articles and keywords. If there are a lot of them, it will be easy to get confused in all this goodness. Therefore, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with how this process works for me. I do it tediously, slowly, and maybe monotonously, but believe me, the scheme works effectively.

I just think that without a basic plan for organizing all your actions it will be very difficult for you. Perhaps you will like my method and take note of it. Or maybe you will somehow modify it in your own way and share it in the comments to this article. I will be only glad. I save all the written articles that I now have in my hands locally on my computer. To avoid confusion, I mark them this way:

That is, those articles that have not yet been uploaded to the Miralinks system are marked as

« —article no.—»,

and I mark those articles that have already been uploaded to Miralinks as

« (Uploaded toMiralinks!!!)-article no.-.

And below under the Word files I have Excel file. Do you see? It is located after Word document under the name –72—. doc. There I wrote down all the keywords that I promote, and url addresses, to which these keywords should lead. And when I upload another article to Miralinks, I mark it as shown above, and immediately from the Excel file I cross out the keywords that were contained in the uploaded article. Thus, by elimination, I remove keywords, and I can clearly see for which keywords I have already written and uploaded articles on Miralinks, and for which I have not yet. And for those keywords for which keywords have not yet been written, I order the writing of new articles.

I format the Excel file with keywords this way:

That is, I mark those keywords for which my copywriters now write articles - “ at work", and those keywords for which I have already written articles, I mark with a plus sign - " + " And now, when I open an Excel file with my keywords, I immediately see which keywords I am currently writing articles for, which ones have already been written, and those keywords that have no mark in front of them at all - such keywords are free. And for these keywords you can order the writing of new articles.

This is my basic organization of accounting for all articles and keywords. There seems to be nothing complicated here. But if anything, ask questions in the comments. I'll help you figure it out.

And now it’s time to tell you how I work in the Miralinks system itself.

4. Uploading articles to Miralinks, moderating them, selecting quality sites for posting

Now we already have the articles, we know how to process them all, and it's time to upload them to Miralinks and post them on selected sites.

And here again you will encounter problems, because the approach here is serious, both in terms of moderating articles added to the system, and in terms of posting these articles on websites. Because there are many webmasters who do not want to post an article on various reasons. But we will return to this later. Let's better let's pass this path is from the beginning, the way I do it.

Adding articles to the Miralinks system

To add an article, go to the “Advertisers” tab, and then click on the “Add article” button

After this we get to the form for adding articles

Here I always do this. In the “Article Title”, “Description” and “TITLE” fields I write the same thing - this is the title of the article.

The Keywords field is not so important. Here you can enter any phrase on the topic of our article, or you can estimate it using wordstat and select some low-frequency driver (LF) that corresponds to the topic of the article. And enter this low-chat content into the “Keywords” field.

When everything is filled out, click the “Send for moderation” button

The article goes for moderation, and we can start filling out the form for adding a new article.

Well, then we just wait for our article to be moderated

I have already said that Miralinks often does not accept articles. But don't despair. Because it's a solvable problem. It’s clear that you wanted the rewrite for $0.5/1000 characters without spaces to be manually moderated with a bang? No, that won't happen. But don’t worry, everything can be solved. As a rule, articles on Miralinks are rejected with a standard wording: either a certain keyword is used too many times in the article, or the link is inserted unnaturally. When you receive a list of such rejected articles, read why they were rejected, correct the shortcomings, and send the article for re-moderation. The articles should be skipped the second time, so here special problems No.

Search for suitable sites for placement

Now in Miralinks already new catalog, but I'm using the old one. It is convenient and functional. And new doesn’t mean better. This does not affect performance, nor does it affect the quality of links, so what difference does it make how you search for sites. The main thing is that it is effective! And now I’ll show you how to do it effectively.

Click on the drop-down menu "Venues"

After this, we find ourselves in a new directory of sites, but we need to go to the old one, so we click on “ Old catalog ", and go into it

Now we have moved to old interface directory and we need to go to " Catalog search»

From here we go directly to the forge of our future links, i.e. in the site selection interface. Below in the picture I have set the following conditions for donor sites, about which we can say “cheap and cheerful”

Filter inI usually configure Miralinks as follows:

  • maximum cost up to 100 WMR

    type of platform – Personal website/blog (various forums and message boards are not interesting to me)

    I indicate the url of my domain so as not to be posted on sites where I have already posted

    I set it so that sites that sell links in sape are not shown

By the way, this filter for automatically sold links () does not always work. Therefore, I advise you to check manually.

And one more thing about the filter. The filter shown above will not show you many sites, so try to exclude some data in order to receive more sites. For example, you can exclude not setting “Time of posting of articles”, “Region” or “Nesting”.

After all, what is the difference between the fact that an article will be posted in an hour or a few days, that for a geo-independent site from the Moscow site there will be a link or a Novosibirsk site (relatively speaking), and what difference does it make what kind of nesting, the main thing is that the article is indexed!

That is, to increase the list of sites, we make a filter with less strict conditions.

Save the resulting filter:

And now we won’t need to enter the same data every time we log in. We will simply go to the catalog, select our filter from the drop-down list, and click “ Download»:

By the way, there is this icon there, indicating that the webmaster has been verified. This, of course, gives me a little more confidence that I’m posting on the right sites, but it’s still not a panacea. Therefore, when I usually post articles on Miralinks in bulk, I first buy space on verified sites, and then when those run out, I start buying on regular ones.

When we click on the icon with the “+” symbol, we find ourselves in a separate menu where we can see the characteristics of the site on which we are going to post, as well as other information. Including permissible quantity links in articles that this site accepts. In my case, I came across a site that does not accept articles with more than 2 links

About website promotion with articles and selection of donors for placement

One of my tools for website promotion is the Miralinks system. The Miralinks system offers article promotion, that is, posting articles with links. This tool has long been mandatory for promotion in both Google and Yandex. Because only through such links can you get a significant increase in trust from search engines. But whatever one may say, it is just a tool to achieve certain goals and it gives a positive result only when used correctly.

A few words about the advantages of the system:

  • the system contains only high-quality sites,
  • You can only post unique articles in the system (webmasters may not be afraid to post materials on their websites),
  • the cost of posting articles starts at a very low level, from 30 rubles,
  • a good tool for getting trust links for ,
  • if you write the content yourself, it’s an inexpensive way to promote your site.

Well, now I will describe how I use this system.

1. Preparation of materials

Of course, before you start working with the system itself, you need to prepare text materials and articles. Articles should not be less than 2000 characters without spaces, the uniqueness of materials must be 100%. For me, articles are written by a copywriter, usually the payment for such articles ranges from 4 to 8 USD. After you have received the articles or written them yourself, you need to add them to the system.

2. Registration on the site and adding a project

I think there should be no problems with registration. When adding a project I usually use “ Self-hosted project“, I advise you to use this method. After you learn to work in manual mode, you can switch to automated ones.

Create a project, fill in two fields: Name And project description and proceed to the next stage.

3. Adding articles

To add new material, fill out this form:

The fields are extremely clear, there is not even anything to comment on. Regarding the number of links. The system allows you to add no more than 3 links to the material, but webmasters in most cases allow no more than 2 per domain. I would advise posting 1-2 links, if the article is more than 3000 characters, then you can consider posting 3 links. Don’t forget to insert an image; with a picture, your article will look more attractive, and you can take the picture from your website, which is just as good. Carefully format the text of the article so that it does not look boring.

After adding the material (fill in all fields carefully) and placing links in it, click send for moderation. The moderator checks the article for uniqueness, errors, etc.

4. Site selection and placement

After your article has been accepted by the moderator, you can start posting it; to do this, go to Venues/Catalogue of Venues.

Here we select a site without any problems, according to all available parameters selection As I said, prices start from 30 rubles. and up to huge numbers. I usually post articles for 100-250 rubles, in rare cases on more expensive sites.

To post an article, point to the url of the selected site and select Post an article, select an article from the list, insure if necessary (slightly increases the cost of placement, I rarely use it).

After you have submitted a request for placement, the webmaster accepts it (or does not accept it) and places it. Your task is to check the placement and approve the placement.

It seems to me that with the help of Miralinks even a non-professional can practice successfully.

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