Correct checkout page. Placing an order in your online store. Terms of delivery, payment and guarantee

The ASOS resource provides visitors with excellent user experience thanks to a well-thought-out ordering procedure (checkout). In this article, we'll explain why their shopping cart works so effectively and demonstrate several trending techniques that will allow you to upgrade your own page payment.

Generally speaking, basket success of this online store is dictated by one simple factor: transparency. In other words, on the order page, users see the entire key information: product availability/reservation period, delivery options, bonus offers, return conditions, precautions, as well as available methods payment. This makes visitors feel more confident and encourages them to complete the purchase.

Directly to cart or stay on the product page?

If you want your customers to buy multiple items at once, opt out of automatically going to cart when adding each product. Instead, place an interactive tab on the page that will always show users the contents of their cart.

This way, customers will be able to constantly track their purchases, and the buyer's transition to the cart will become a voluntary, conscious decision.

How does ASOS get 50% more new customers to pay?

Between the original ASOS checkout page and updated design there is one significant difference: if previously customers had to register to place an order, now developers do not focus on creating an account. Instead, they ask customers to click the appropriate button to continue.

Former ASOS eCommerce director James Hart explains how they achieved this improvement:

“In general, we practically did not change the functionality of the purchase stage at this stage, but after a series of lengthy split tests, the login screen was improved. As a result, we achieved a reduction in the number of failures by 50%.”

Take a look at the updated checkout page on the ASOS website:

And now on its previous version:

Testing conducted in the eCommerce segment shows that users do not want to go through the account creation procedure when they are forced to do so. Buyers do not want to fulfill any additional actions, and even more so, indicate your personal information to complete the purchase because all this takes up their precious time.

In fact, most customers say that ideally, when placing an order, they would only choose a password. Next, you will see that ASOS still asks customers to register, but in addition to the standard requirements (contact name and email), users only need to provide a password.

The best practical techniques placing an order

Below we've highlighted a few key elements of the ASOS shopping experience that correspond to: best practices and keep customers focused on completing their purchase.

1. Step-by-step ordering procedure

ASOS's updated checkout shows how easy the process can be if you remove all the distractions from users.

2. Security guarantee

In addition to the logo and the name of the stage in which the person is, ASOS only places information about the security of the entered data in the page header. This is important to increase the sense of trust, especially in the segment retail, and can be adopted by lesser-known retail services.

3. Clear progress indicator

The progress indicator is made taking into account all the nuances:

1. Minimalistic design.
2. It clearly shows what stage of the order process you are at.
3. The number of steps is clearly defined.
4. It is understood that you will have the opportunity to review your order prior to confirmation.

4. Availability of explanatory tips

Near some fields, such as email, password and gender, the developers placed supporting information so that users understood why the company needed this data. Ideally, this technique should be applied to the date of birth, but we’ll get to that later.

5. Clear main CTA element

On every checkout page there is a main CTA button that takes the user to next step, is the most noticeable element. While many retailers still have controversial calls to action on their websites, ASOS makes sure their customers can easily navigate to the next step in the process.

6. Manual entry of address data

For the vast majority of visitors the opportunity manual entry Address information is of great importance. In addition, with this option, the online store receives more reliable information from customers.

Due to some reasons, for example, in the case of moving to a new housing complex, many clients cannot use automatic selection addresses. This means that you should make it as easy as possible for them to fill out the fields.

7. Availability of an address for sending an invoice

For most retail services, this option has already become a kind of standard, but it can still be improved. IN in this case, if a visitor uses the same address (for product delivery and invoice), ASOS immediately redirects them directly to checkout, thereby providing them with an even faster and therefore more positive user experience.

If you are interested alternative solution, you can send your customers to the shipping checkout page and only then ask if they want to use an additional billing address.

8. Changing payment fields based on card selection

To some extent, the ASOS team managed to implement this approach, but still one can argue with the presence of additional fields in the form. If they are optional, then eliminating them will save your customers from unnecessary thinking that delays them from completing the purchase.

9. Full preview and editing of the order before confirmation

As you can see from the progress bar, ASOS gives visitors the critical opportunity to review and edit all information before confirming their order.

While some online retailers expect customers to confirm immediately after entering their payment details, ASOS shares the two most important decisions a person has to make during checkout. Moreover, they also provide the flexibility to edit information to accommodate possible changes.

10. Various options deliveries listed in convenient format

ASOS not only offers customers a variety of delivery options, but also showcases them in a convenient format. Typically, this information is placed in drop-down tabs, but ASOS's technique allows visitors to see everything at once. affordable rates, so they can make more informed decisions regarding delivery method.

11. Ability to go back without losing information

Although ASOS does not provide customers with a back button during checkout to avoid interrupting the process, many customers may still want to return to previous page to check or change your details.

On most eCommerce sites, this can result in warnings and requests to resend the information, but ASOS has saved its visitors from these annoying messages.

Ways for further improvement

  1. Use descriptive progress indicators: replace “Continue” with “View my order”, etc.
  2. Explain to visitors why they must enter their date of birth on the form.
  3. Use more humane error messages that won't make your users quit.
  4. Give the customer a good reason why you need their mobile number (for example, you send text notifications to customers about the status of their order).
  5. Give people the ability to return to the previous page when they are in the checkout process. This will allow them to make important changes even if they remember their mistake too late.

And no contact number?

ASOS does not actually list any contact numbers— they communicate with clients using social networks, help pages and feedback forms.

Thanks to the efforts this team has put into improving the shopping experience, they have been able to significantly reduce the number of potential causes contacting support. As a result, customers very rarely ask for help because they don't want to have to switch to filling out a third-party form during checkout.

ASOS customers already know that the items in their cart will be reserved for no longer than 60 minutes, so waiting for a response from customer service for several hours (up to 4 hours) would simply be pointless for them.

Summing up

While ASOS's example approach is far from ideal, you should definitely try the techniques outlined here on your site to help convince customers to complete the transaction.

By combining these techniques with additional recommendations, you can optimize the shopping experience and minimize the number of abandoned carts.

The procedure for purchasing goods in our online store is very simple and consists of several steps.

1. Product selection

You can select the desired product from top menu by going to the desired directory. It is convenient to select fabrics using a filter. In this case, you can make a choice either by one or by several parameters at once. You can also set a price range for fabrics.

2. Adding an item to the cart

Once you have decided on the product, click on the button "Add to cart". The number of added products and their amount are displayed in the “Cart” field, which is located in the site header. For fabrics and applied materials, please indicate the required footage, but Not less than 0.7 meters. When ordering fractional quantities of fabric, use a period or comma as a separator. When ordering coupon fabric, indicate the yardage that is a multiple of the length of one coupon.

After you have added all the products you are interested in to the cart, click on this field and you will be taken to the page "My basket" . This page will list all the products you have selected. In the “Quantity” field you can change the quantity of goods to purchase. After changing the quantity of goods, the amount will be recalculated automatically. You can also delete an unnecessary product by clicking on the cross in the “Action” column.

3. Placement and confirmation of order

Once you have completed and checked your order, click on the button "Checkout".

Enter information:

* Full name of the recipient,
* delivery address,
* Contact details.

Select delivery option and payment method. Fields marked with asterisks are required. Next, to complete the ordering procedure, you need to click the button "Checkout" .

Attention! Wrong specified number phone number, inaccurate or incomplete address may result in additional delay! Please check your personal information carefully when placing an order.

Note! For regular customers on the store's website there is . In your account, you can view the contents of your shopping cart, the history of your orders, and repeat or cancel your order. You can also pay for your order from your personal account if you have chosen the payment method through the ASSIST system.

Payment by the buyer of the seller's invoice automatically means the buyer's agreement with the above rules for purchasing goods from the Season company.

4. Work with the order

Orders are processed from 10.00 to 18.00.

On weekends and holidays there may be a delay in order processing.

After you have ordered a product on our website, your e-mail address An email will be sent with the order number - confirmation that order is accepted. Then our consultant will contact you, clarify the details of the order and answer all your questions. The product you ordered will be reserved in stock and ready for shipment.

You can pay order immediately after placing the order or after the operator’s call if you chose to pay by receipt or electronically.

Our consultant will inform you about sending order by phone or sent to your email address shipping information including mail ID by which the parcel can be tracked or the invoice number when sending the goods by a transport company or courier service.

Important! The payment period for the goods is one day from the moment the order is confirmed by the online store operator. The goods are reserved for the same time. After this period, if payment is not received from you, the product reserve will be cancelled.

Changes are constantly happening. Strong competition does not allow Internet marketing development trends to stand still.

If, for example, yesterday the “request a call” button was some kind of attractive innovation, today it is already everywhere and not a single consumer will be surprised by it. That is why the owners of leading online stores are in constant search new ideas and new tricks. Moreover, it often turns out that you don’t have to go far – sometimes a simple “cosmetic” redesign is enough.

Today we will talk about such a seemingly simple thing as placing an order in an online store. Every website has such a section. However, not every site can boast that the operation of this function is perfect and brings in the maximum number of customers. Most often, just the opposite happens: stores generally “don’t bother” about this. Well, there is an order form and what else is needed.

So, this is a very big misconception. The more difficult and incomprehensible it is to place an order, the greater the chances that about 2/3 of visitors will not even bother purchasing goods in your online store.

Basic rules of the order form

Let's start with the fact that it is always necessary to indicate in how many stages the process occurs placing an order and how long will it all take. For example, the phrase “three simple steps and a few minutes of your time” increases the chance that the buyer will complete the order and complete it.

When a person has already clicked “ and is in the process of making a purchase, he needs to understand what stage he is at and how many stages he still has to overcome. It is best not to use special characters, icons or any pictures to indicate next steps. The client may interpret them incorrectly. It is safer and more correct to write everything with the words: “choose a delivery method” or “confirm the order.” Next to the buttons indicating the action, you should not place anything unnecessary. Let her be alone in free space, but visible, accessible and understandable.

From the point of view of human psychology and habit, positive action buttons (“place an order”, “confirm”, etc.) should be located on the right and be attractive and noticeable to the client’s eyes. Buttons of the “return”, “cancel”, etc. series should be on the left and should not stand out against the general background so that there is no incentive to press them.

If, when filling out the form, you ask the client for some personal data, always explain why it is needed: first and last name - to fill out documents for the product, phone number - to contact about delivery issues, email address - to confirm the order.

The registration process must be consistent. It should not be allowed that during any stage the buyer would have to interrupt his actions and go, for example, to register. It is unlikely that after this he will continue his order, stay in your online store or come there again. There should be no reason why a buyer would have to interrupt their ordering process.

Here is an example of incorrect registration, where sudden registration is required during the purchase process. But this is - the largest hypermarket in Russia and here it dictates its own rules.

Another common mistake that is often found on websites and that you have probably encountered. So, you filled out many different fields indicating a lot of data about you, it took some time, click the “next” button and then the system gives you an error that, for example, in some field you wrote something incompletely or incorrectly . And then you see that to correct these errors, you need to fill out all the forms first! At the very least, it's annoying. Maximum – the client leaves your site. Don't allow such a sad misunderstanding.

Don’t forget, at all stages of placing an order, the most important information should be visible: the cost and contents of the order, delivery conditions and payment methods.

And finally, the most ideal option is when you specifically indicate all delivery times and its specific cost. In other words, the phrase “delivery within 5-15 days” sounds vague and does not evoke any positive emotions. The inscription “the product will be delivered on September 1” will please the buyer much more. For example, I really like this technique in online stores when the delivery field automatically determines my city by IP address and immediately calculates the cost of delivery of the goods and time.

Working on an online store website is long and painstaking work. It is necessary to think through every detail and every little detail in this detail, introduce new “tricks”, analyze, change and refine.

To place an order, you need to go to the cart and click the “Place an order” button; if you are not yet registered in our store, you will be asked to enter your email address and create a password.

You can also register using your account on one of the social networks.

After registration, you can go directly to the ordering procedure. Below you will find answers to all questions related to placing an order.

"1C Interest" is a retail chain and does not engage in wholesale sales. Therefore, we reserve the right not to confirm orders containing more than 3 copies of 1 item. To purchase more goods, please send a request in free form to the address

    In order to buy something, the selected product must first be added to the cart. This can be done both in the product catalog by hovering the mouse over the product card and clicking the “Add to Cart” button that appears on it, and on the product page itself.

    Clicking the “Add to Cart” button does not obligate you to anything. You can always remove the item from your cart or simply not place an order. After you click the “Add to Cart” button, the product will be added and you can continue to select or proceed to checkout.

    Attention! Pre-orders are placed bypassing the shopping cart. When you click on the “Pre-order” button, you will immediately go to the ordering process.

    If you want to remove some products, just click on the button with a cross located to the right of each product in the cart. The order amount will be automatically recalculated.

    You can also add a product to Favorites if you want to return to its page later. All your favorite products are displayed on your personal page in the corresponding tab.

    If you want to change the quantity, you can either click on the arrows in the “Quantity” column to increase or decrease the goods by one piece, or write required amount manually. The order amount will be automatically recalculated.

    If you don’t have much time or don’t want to bother with the registration yourself, you can select the “Quick order” form. In the pop-up window, enter your name (how to contact you), contact number, address Email and a short comment if necessary.

    The online store manager will contact you as soon as possible to clarify the delivery address, payment method and other information about the order.

    After registration (or authorization), you will be taken to a page where you will be asked to select a delivery method: courier delivery, pickup from the nearest store or delivery point, as well as delivery by postal services - Russian Post or EMS.

    Depending on the order amount and region, you may have access to different ways delivery.

    Please note: delivery to any of the 1C Interest chain stores or partner pick-up points is free.

    Depending on whether you are an individual or a legal entity, the selected delivery method, whether you are making a regular or downloadable purchase in electronic format product, you will be offered different payment methods.

    When placing an order for individual The following fields are required: last name, first name, patronymic, E-mail, phone number and delivery address*. The exception is orders received at one of the stores of our retail network “1C Interest” or pick-up points, where the address in the order is filled in automatically when choosing a delivery method.

    For legal entities In addition to the above, the following fields are required: name and type of organization, tax identification number, checkpoint and legal address.

    Pre-orders prior to release date may require additional confirmations relevance of the order. For this purpose we send e-mail letter with a request to confirm the relevance of the pre-order. If there is no response, we reserve the right to cancel such order.

    * Attention! When placing an order, you undertake to provide correct contact information. If, based on the information provided, it is not possible to promptly contact us to confirm the order or clarify important information, we reserve the right to cancel an order with such contact details.

    When choosing any delivery method other than courier, you have access to the SMS notification service. A message will be sent to you when your order is ready at the store or pickup point, or when it has been transferred to the delivery service, depending on which delivery you have chosen. The service is provided free of charge.

    If you would like to receive such SMS notifications, please provide your phone number when placing your order. mobile phone in the special “SMS notification” field.

    Introduction subscriber number means that you give your consent to Clean Soft Center LLC to carry out the mailing ( SMS text messages) to the specified number about the progress of the order, for which third parties may also be involved, and also confirm that you are using it legally.

    You can always make changes to your order, go back one or more steps by clicking on the appropriate tab - product basket, delivery or payment methods.

    If all the specified data and the contents of the order are correct, click the “Confirm order” button and it will be sent for processing.

    After you place an order, you can follow the process of its assembly and shipment both on the website and by letters that will be sent to your email address.

    On the website, current information about orders is displayed in the section in your Personal account(authorization required).

In this article, I’ll tell you about such an important thing for the usability of an online store as the interdependence of fields on the checkout page in the cart.

I'll use an example to explain what it is. Let's assume your online store is geographically located in St. Petersburg, where you have a pick-up point or an offline store. In St. Petersburg, you deliver by courier and provide the option of self-pickup. But besides this, you deliver throughout Russia. How to implement in this case correct design ordering on the website, so that it is convenient for everyone, including those of your clients who are in the same city as you (can use self-pickup or courier delivery) and others who can only receive their order through postal services.

It turns out that all clients can be divided into two groups - local(from St. Petersburg) and out-of-towners(from any other city in Russia).

Knowing this, let's determine which minimum set fields on the checkout form will be needed in your store for each of these groups.

As you can see, the ordering fields are different for local online store buyers and for nonresident buyers.

This is exactly the same dependence of the fields in the basket that I spoke about at the beginning. After the buyer has indicated his city, taking into account this city, we give him to fill out only the fields that are needed in this case and give him a choice of only those methods of payment and delivery that we can accept and carry out.

Simply put, the store should not show the buyer fields that the buyer does not need to fill out or select. For example, if a store delivers to Moscow only through postal services, but cannot deliver by courier, then you do not need to show the “Courier” delivery method for the city of Moscow. Further, if when choosing the delivery method “Gruzovozoff” you technically cannot accept payment by “Cash on Delivery”, then you do not need to show this payment method for the delivery method through “Gruzovozoff”. I think the logic here is clear.

It's the same with the "locals". It is inhumane for a local buyer who wants to pick up an order himself (if he has chosen “Pickup”) to be forced to fill out the “Address” and “Zip Code” fields. Next, when Pickup is selected, we should not show that customer payment methods that are not available for Pickup. It will be strange if, when picking up, the buyer chooses to pay in cash through Euroset.

Although at first glance this relationship between fields may seem confusing, in reality everything is very simple. Especially if this feature is supported in the CMS. So, in my favorite CMS 1C-Bitrix, a similar ordering in an online store can be configured with the mouse in 10-15 minutes. Without any problems, you can specify for which city which fields to display, which delivery services and payment methods to connect, etc. Moreover, the dependence does not have to be on the city from which the buyer is from. Depends on the shipping method. I chose “Pickup” - you won’t see any extra fields in the payment methods. At the same time, from the client’s side, everything looks logical, there are no questions “why am I filling out the address” if I pick up the order myself, etc.

“Linked fields” can have applications beyond just improving checkout usability. You can display different delivery methods for different cities. For example, there is a convenient delivery service that delivers only to 15 cities with a population of over a million. You can configure this service to be available only to buyers from these cities.

It would seem that the above is obvious. But in many online stores these obvious things are not applied and, as a result, receiving and placing an order has so many fields, by filling out which you can not only order beauty products, but also receive a foreign passport :-).

Everyone has probably read the popular cases in which in large American stores (Amazon, Zappos, eBay), by swapping two forms, the conversion rate increased tenfold. Typically, such examples are given in favor of the need to make as few fields as possible when placing an order.

The cases are beautiful and arouse interest. But they usually have no backstory. Let's take an example where two forms were swapped on the checkout page.

Do you think they weren’t changed at random, but based on some kind of assumption?

Let's try to give an example of such an assumption. Do you think (remembering what was said above about the interdependence of fields), there is a difference between what needs to be displayed on the ordering page first of all, the “Index” field or the “City” field? At first glance, there is no difference.

Now let's add the initial data from the example described above, when the store is located in St. Petersburg. There is self-pickup, it delivers by courier only in St. Petersburg, and ships orders to other cities through postal and transport companies ( courier delivery No). Now does it make a difference which field comes first, the zip code or the city?

Yes, now there is. Moreover, new information greatly influences the entire ordering process. Now we need to make a number of fields dependent. Namely, the “City” field should be the first. While the “City” field is not filled in, we do not show the “Zip Code”, “Address”, “Delivery Methods” and “Payment Methods” fields. They will appear only after any city other than “St. Petersburg” has been selected. Because in St. Petersburg, as we said above, the store delivers only by pick-up and by courier. And if so, then he does not need his zip code and address from the client (fill in two less fields at once).

Let's look further at what else we have improved. We also do not show all delivery methods and payment methods, but only show those that we can actually accept. For Peter, as mentioned above in the example, this is upon receipt payment in cash or by bank card. For non-residents whose orders will be shipped via transport company, of course there will be no “cash on delivery” payment. Thus, we saved the client from unnecessary confusion with choosing from options that are obviously not available to him, and we saved the store manager from unnecessary, with this related issues and customer dissatisfaction.

Thus, by simply adding a relationship of fields to the checkout page, it is possible for a number of users to reduce the number of fields required to fill out, reduce the negativity associated with misunderstanding of some points regarding payment and delivery, and as a result increase cart conversion. No one doubts that the number of sales is related to the usability of the shopping cart?

Check out the post about placing an order without registering in Bitrix. It complements this article perfectly.