Characteristic features of the LiveSurf system. Which automatic promotion system is better?

All his life a person strives to accomplish routine operations automated. As a result of this desire, automatic assembly lines, robotic production workshops, conveyors and much more are emerging.

The same thing happens in world wide web. For example, in last years Website design services began to actively develop. With their help, you can launch your own web resource in the shortest possible time without knowing hypertext markup languages ​​or programming languages. A similar trend is observed in the field of website promotion.

Reviews are far from ideal

The first mechanisms were imperfect, but the development of automated promotion technologies made it possible to receive an excellent response from the funds invested in promotion. Many experienced optimizers, accustomed to working manually, leave not very good reviews about automatic systems.

But if their position is clear (manual promotion is better predictable and allows you to save the allocated budget), then newcomers to this field sometimes leave completely inadequate reviews.

You must first learn how to use the tools

Automated website promotion systems show excellent results, there is no doubt about it. Another thing is that many people simply do not know how to use the tools given to them. For example, an airplane has an automatic piloting system, but there is also a pilot there - he will always be able to take control. Link aggregators are also a tool that you need to know how to use.

Otherwise, the results will not be entirely satisfactory. Praised by experienced SEOs, manual link buying tools are even more difficult to use, so why not spend 10-15% of your allocated budget on automated link buying?

Why do negative reviews appear?

Negative reviews about automated systems procurement appears as a result of an incorrect understanding of the very principles of promotion. The whole point is that in order to get good results, you need to work on the website you are promoting.

First of all, you should do internal optimization, “sharpen” pages for the necessary keywords. As a rule, link aggregators have tools for a comprehensive analysis of promoted pages. With their help, you can quickly bring your site back to normal.

How to get your website in order?

The optimizer's task is to at this stage are finalizing the content, writing meta tags, organizing competent internal linking. As for them, they should not only contain the necessary keywords, but also have very important property— keep visitors on the site by providing them with information about the products and services offered. It is quite difficult to achieve such results, but the conversion will be simply excellent.

There are no guarantees and risks are inevitable

Many novice SEOs are intimidated by deadlines and possible risks budget losses. There is nothing to be afraid of here, since even major players in this market have risks. As for timing, it is necessary to understand the concept of competition. The greater the competition, the more difficult and time-consuming it turns out to be to reach top positions – even in low-frequency keywords.

Even an experienced optimizer can lose his budget, since algorithms search engines are constantly changing, and there is always the possibility of missing something very important. Automatic promotion systems will not give the optimizer any guarantees, especially if any errors are found on the site being promoted that interfere with normal promotion.

And again, important tasks for optimizing and promoting the site

Once the promotion campaign is launched, you should continue working with the site. It is necessary to increase conversion, create good content that attracts users. At the same time, you can start promoting in in social networks. In general, a well-planned website structure will never lead to a fiasco in its promotion.

Once on the pages of the promoted resource, the user should receive all the information upon request. For example, if he is looking for a store to buy a particular spare part for his car, he should immediately get to landing page. IN Lately Special attention is paid to target (landing) pages, since they are the ones that ensure conversion.

To do this, they are provided with structured texts verified to the last letter, high-quality infographics and other attributes landing pages. And at this time, links purchased by automatic promotion systems will help raise promoted pages to the first places.

Let's summarize

The conclusion is that automatic promotion systems are nothing more than a working tool. Behind final result the actions of the optimizer and the quality of the resource being promoted are largely responsible.

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There are several ways to promote a site:
  • Active promotion: system active advertising includes paid mailings and surfing, you buy visitors to your site, this promotion technology is somewhat similar to buying banners with pay-per-views, only in in this case you pay for page views on your website. To receive payment, the user must view at least 2 pages of your Internet resource.
  • Banner promotion: placement of graphic banners and text ads on the pages of our portal
  • SEO website promotion: also called search engine promotion of the site consists of two parts external optimization this is the purchase of links and mentions about your resource on thematic sites, internal optimization This is the placement of SEO optimized articles on your resource
  • Promotion on social networks: this is a mention of your resource on social networks through a set of likes, tweets, mentions through social buttons. Recruiting users into groups.
  • Promotion through paid tasks: in this case, you specifically indicate to the performer what needs to be done for the appropriate payment. Subscribe to the newsletter, register on the site, write several messages on the forum, etc. By properly managing behavioral factors and the level of visitor engagement, you can achieve maximum efficiency.

Active website promotion system

Surfing- paid display of the site to system users. To receive payment, the user must view the site for at least 40 seconds and confirm viewing the site by solving the captcha example of surfing. Surfing is like advertising on TV, the more often it is watched, the greater the effect. You can configure the number of daily visits; the surfing site receives only unique IP visitors.

Text ads

Advertising your websites, products or services on our portal. Your ad is shown in the most visible places on all pages of our entire portal. You only pay for clicks on your link, payment starts from 5 cents per click.

Website promotion with links

Users of the system will be very happy to talk about your website, about your products or services, about what a good person you are, recommend, advise, share their experience, or simply mention in their message on forums, blogs, communities, in general, anywhere you can share something interesting and useful. You create a paid task for placing links, everything else is done by our users, the system controls the uniqueness of statements, the presence of a link to the advertiser’s website, and much more. Positions in search engine results are growing, the TIC is growing, the authority of your resource is growing, and interested visitors are coming. For greater effect, you can maintain communication yourself, or order comments.
To advertise on forums and communities, you must place a paid task type LINK.

Promotion through paid tasks

Site content

Do you need content to fill your website? You can buy ready-made articles on the article exchange, or order the writing of articles by creating a paid task. Purchasing articles on the exchange is faster, and ordering content through tasks is cheaper. You receive only unique content, the system controls uniqueness, and the article exchange has a secure transaction system.

Filling a forum, blog or community with comments

Post a task to fill a forum with posts or a blog with comments and you will receive not only content for your resource unique content, but also an additional audience. Updated pages of your resource will be visited more often by the search engine and will remain in the PS index longer.

Active visitor

To better familiarize the visitor with the contents of your resource, you can order several transitions to your site at once. An active visitor can perform any actions for the appropriate payment. Go to the site and make 5 transitions. Or make 3 visits to the site and take part in a quick survey.
You can get active visitors by adding a paid task such as a click or search.

New users, subscribers, referrals

Do you want to get referrals, gain subscribers to your RSS feed, to the mailing list, to the VKontakte group, Facebook, Do you need likes, positive reviews, votes? Place a task like RBA, RSA (registration with/without activity) and get the required audience. When recruiting referrals, you should pay attention to registration without activity as a way to small fee, to familiarize the user with the advertised system, usually during the registration process, the user will learn much more than by simply viewing it.

Earning money from selling links and contextual advertising

Do you want to start making money by selling links and contextual advertising? Or maybe you want to expand your business, but you don’t have enough time to create and fill websites? Do you need good websites with unique content that does not fall out of the search engine index? Then you need our

What is autosurfing for?
Do you need visitors? Do you want to be first in the ratings?
You need the target audience? Do you need to organize promotion?
You don't want to pay for it? You can do all this with the help of active pastry systems!

How does autosurfing work?
You register and start browsing sites in autosurfing mode.
For viewing them you receive credits that can be used to display your sites!
Loans can also be used to create banner advertising inside surfing.

Active promotion system RedSurf does its job based on client-server application, all work takes place in background, which in turn will allow you not to be distracted from daily tasks. In order to get started, you only need to configure the system once to your preferences using convenient web interface and promote Internet projects now Key Features: Automatic operation without your participation. Possibility of free promotion. The most modern client software. Daily bonus visits.
Advantages: Stable visits to the site in the quantity you need. Ability to work on multiple projects. Opportunity to earn money and purchase advertising visits. User moderation system

All sections of the site site

Promotion system methods

Free traffic to the site

Now I will reveal the secrets of where to get free traffic to your website, a lot of free traffic! Today there is an excellent opportunity to grab up to 1,000,000 visitors to your or someone else’s (with participation in affiliate programs) website absolutely FREE.

Below we will describe in more detail the method of obtaining free traffic and promote websites yourself.

In general, the opportunity has finally arisen to promote and promote websites absolutely free, efficiently and on full autopilot!

Similar automatic website promotion systems have already proven themselves well in the Western segment of the Internet.

Vasily Tatarkin, already known earlier from the course Secrets of creating profitable CONTEXT ADVERTISING on Yandex, adapted this for Runet! And I can confidently say that we have similar system will show no less results.

After all, it's free! And most importantly, this guy is not a crook and is well versed in promotion and promotion of websites on the Internet!

In general, you can create your page today and get 5-10 partners within the next few days. It is very easy (and profitable!) to join this free system, as you will have the opportunity to get more than 100,000 sites showing your advertising link.

This is the dream of any website owner! Moreover, this system automatically generates guaranteed visits to your site. After all, project participants are only required to visit your site for a short time and stay there for a certain time.

After registering, you will also receive free video tutorials and promotional materials to help you effectively advertise your page on promotion system"Free Avalanche"

Free website promotion

Promotion of services automatically

The purpose of promoting goods and services on the Internet

The advantage of a visited website on the Internet is obvious, since the company’s website can implement, in addition to the main function of promoting a brand, product or service, many other additional functions that will contribute to the sale of a product or service.

In general, you first need to promote a website, which will automatically promote and sell a product or service on the Internet.

An avalanche of traffic will literally fall on your site!

This website promotion system is completely free!

Setting it up is simple and quick.

This system to increase visitors to the site, it will create your own page to generate free traffic in less than 5 minutes.

It will work for you automatically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The algorithm of this miracle system is conceived and designed in such a way that site traffic will increase exponentially.

Promotion strategy

The idea of ​​a strategy for promoting free traffic to your website is simple. After quick registration(less than a minute), you will see seven advertising links on the page.

When someone registers in this system from your page, their advertising link will be placed in the first place on their own page, and yours will move to second. The link that was in 2nd place will drop to 3rd and so on.

Promoting a product on your own has now ceased to be a reality :-))) Everything is real!

Promotion of the company brand

When promoting your own brand or the company itself, you can use indirect promotion. The same applies to the product or service being promoted.

That is, the company’s own website can be used as the main link for such indirect promotion of a product or service.

At the same time, to promote the website of a company that you want to promote on the Internet, it is advisable to use all promotion methods, including free ones... why pay money to someone, is it really unnecessary?

A, free promotion - it's always nice :)))

How much traffic can you expect?

Independent website promotion Now it won't be a problem. It will be possible to save on specialists SEO technologies:))))

So, if we are as modest as possible and assume that your page in the "FreeAvalanche" service and similar pages of your partners will receive only 10 registrations each:

This is not science fiction, it’s a really working method.

Description of promotion technology

So what will this look like? promotion technology ...

Stage One.

Once you receive your personal link, you can begin to act. Don't worry, it won't take much effort!

This is essentially the only thing that is required of you, since everything else will happen absolutely automatically.

Stage Two.

Site owners or people who want to promote a product or service register in the system on your recommendation and stand on your first level, that is, they actually become your partners in attracting traffic (driving visitors) to your site.

Stage Three

Accordingly, with these second-level partners, on their pages and in advertising links, your site is in third place.

Mature structure stage.

You're going to just great amount partners for lower levels, the number of which is constantly (!!!) growing.

Affiliates who register at your first level will actually place their advertising link in first place, and your link will move to second place.

AND free server promotion or the site will be launched!

It is logical that your first level partners will advertise their pages of the "FreeAvalanche" system.

As a result of this... new partners will register under them.

When this happens, on the pages of second-level partners your link will already be in third place on their pages.

When your partner structure goes deeper by 5 levels, your advertising link will be present on every page of your partners up to the fifth generation.

As a result, your structure will grow so much that you will actually notice an Avalanche of Free Traffic on your site!!!

Free traffic to the site

How do you get guaranteed free traffic to your website?

When visitors come to the "FreeAvalanche" system using your link (no matter from your website or from any other - forums, social networks), they must first follow your link to your promoted website. They will have to wait a few seconds for it to appear. special code

in a separate field at the top of the screen. While visitors wait, they will have time to familiarize themselves with your site in more detail.

And this will entail an increase in sales of your goods or services, an increase in the number of partners of your FreeAvalanche structure, subscribers who have joined you, etc.

Everything will be described and shown in more detail immediately after registration in the "FreeAvalanche" system.

Sounds great! But what's the catch?

And there’s no catch

You do not pay any money to use the system. Plus, you will receive a weekly letter with statistics on the growth of your structure, which may contain some useful advertising for paid and free products.

Product promotion

Promotion plan

Manufacturers of goods and services in modern market conditions, with the help of advertising and other methods of promoting goods, are trying to achieve an advantage over competitors of similar products. And the success of the business here is determined not only and not so much by the size of the initial capital, but also by the correctly organized organization of advertising promotion. Promotion of goods and services should be considered as

component marketing mix. It would seem that with the help of advertising you need to try to increase sales of a certain product or service that a person or company offers on its website. However, modern effective element promotion is the promotion of the entire company, and not its individual components.

Take advantage today =>> free tool to promote your website or product

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Life is the process of creating a picture, and not the desire to finish it as quickly as possible.

Oliver Windell Holmes

Today it has become so commonplace that any schoolchild can easily make a website for himself. But things are not going smoothly with the progress. Thousands of sites and blogs appear every day that aim to be in the top ten search results, but, alas, not everyone succeeds. This is how abandoned monument sites appear because they were unable to get out of page three hundred and fifty-seven. And how well it all started, and there seemed to be a desire, but there was not enough time and certain knowledge. That's what they exist for website promotion systems , which allow you to bring your site to the top, without special effort their owners, especially when there are several sites. It is clear that these services are paid. But think for yourself whether the cost of promoting a project that is aimed at making a profit is so high if independent promotion

also requires financial investments, but it looks more extended in time. Moreover, the costs self-promotion not much different from the prices offered in automated systems. If you want to make a profit without investing anything, you yourself will envy it. You can also quote:“How to motivate yourself to do something? No way, stay in the ass."

There is always a choice, so everyone makes their own decision. Automated promotion systems

there are many, but these are still considered the most famous and popular, so I confidently recommend using them. Of course, even God will not give a 100% guarantee, but they can bring the site to the top - 3, 5, 10 very well.

The SeoPult automated promotion system will quickly bring your website to the TOP of search engines, saving your money and precious time. Automation completely eliminates manual labor, intermediary markups, errors and unprofessionalism. Minimum budget for promotion: 25 rubles per month.

The service has a transparent and flexible scheme for calculating the promotion budget, taking into account the complexity of the request and various target positions. Also types of links - regular, eternal, news, how many links to this moment in the index, what positions are on queries, etc. In short, nothing is hidden from the client. This is good news.

Automatic system comprehensive promotion sites by queries and keywords. The convenience of the system lies in the fact that you do not have to look for quality donors to place links and favorable prices. The system does all this itself. You just need to indicate search queries, decide on a budget and start promoting the site. Since February 2013 minimum budget promotion dropped to 5 rubles.

The system can be classified as automated services promotions with a focus on the optimizer. It’s very pleasant to promote low-frequency and mid-frequency queries. It costs 300 rubles per month, which is quite reasonable and optimal, but other requests, based on the topic, may vary. There is a module for working with external factors. You can analyze the positions of competitors, analyze quantity and quality external links, check site indexing.