How to demote a person from your VK friends list. How to remove a friend from the top position of the VKontakte friends list

Good day to everyone, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Probably many of you know that in the list of your friends on VKontakte, at the very top are the most important of them, those whose page you most often visit, communicate, etc. In this regard, many people are looking for how to remove a person from important friends on VK. I don’t know why this is so, but apparently they just don’t want to “get burned” in front of someone.

It's actually much easier than reducing their position. But in any case, today I will show you several ways how this can be done very easily.

The easiest and fastest way would be to simply delete it. But don't worry, it won't last forever. Just go to your friends and remove the one you want to move below. After this, the “Cancel” button will appear, which you will immediately need to click on.

After that, refresh the page and you will see that this friend is much shorter than he was originally. And the most important thing is that everything went painlessly. After this procedure, your friend may already be in 5th place, or maybe 12th, or maybe even thirtieth.

But let's not forget one BUT. After such manipulations, not only will your friend drop to the lower positions, but you will also drop down on his list. If this is not important to you, then go for it!

Suppression by activity

As I said above, the top of your friends depends on your activity with him, i.e. visits to the page, likes, communication, etc. This means that in order to reduce a person’s position, you need to do two things:

  • Don’t go to his page at all, don’t like anything from him, don’t communicate with him at all for some time.
  • Be hyperactive towards your other friends. Visit them several times a day, like them, comment on their posts. The introduction to dialogue is a very good addition to the list.

But the effect is unlikely to come immediately. In order for everything to work out, you just need to wait. But don’t worry, you won’t have to wait weeks or months).

Hiding news

To lower your friend's importance on your list, you can also hide his news. To do this, you need to go to his page, then click on the ellipsis icon under his photo. Next, select the item "Hide news".

If your friend posts frequently, that's even better. We go to “News” and find any of his publications. After that, click on the ellipses icon and select "I'm not interested". This will also be a great call to downgrade your positions.

But by default, you may not be able to display your friends' news. If this is the case, then go to “News” and click on the plus sign on the right side, as shown in the screenshot. Let me select the “Friends” item, which will then appear in the sidebar. This is what you should click on to get news from people, not communities.

But if you don’t want to hide anyone from the news, then after a while return everything as it was. Your friend will appear in the news again, but his position will not increase. In these simple ways you can change your friends list on VK.

So now you know how to remove a person from your important friends on VK. I hope that my article today was useful to you. And of course I hope you will visit my blog again. Good luck to you. Bye bye!


By the way, I almost forgot. January is over and I will announce the best commentators of the month, who will receive additional points to participate in my "".

  • Anna Gilyanova (12 comments) — 20 points
  • Tatyana Sukhikh (10 comments) — 18 points
  • Nadezhda Suptelya (8 comments) — 16 points
  • Vladimir Raichev (6 comments) — 14 points
  • Lara (unfortunately I don’t know the last name) (5 comments) - 12 points
  • Anna Tikhomirova (3 comments) — 10 points

Take part and then at the end of the year you will have the opportunity to receive Cool prizes! Good luck!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Have you ever known that VK has a number of friends? Yes, yes, at the time of writing, it amounts to 10,000 users including friend requests. What if there are more friends? This means they will be your subscribers.

Finding users with 10 thousand friends is, to put it mildly, not so easy. For most, this figure is much lower - 200-500 user-friends. But today we won’t talk about friends, but about how a list of friends for a user is formed. Here, as it turns out, everything is far from so simple.

Important friends

You've probably asked yourself why some users are ranked higher than others? This is explained simply - at the top of the friends list are those users with whom you communicate most often. However, if you see a user at the top of the list with whom you have not corresponded for a long time, he did not get there by mistake - in addition to communication, other factors influence the sorting, including likes to friends, replies in comments, reposts, etc. Therefore, the list of important friends (and it is called that way) will contain those users to whom, roughly speaking, you pay more attention than others.

There is an important exception to this rule: the list also includes those users whom you recently added as friends. This is done so that you do not forget about them and communicate. If you do not communicate with them, then over time the list will be reformed and these users will be lower on the list of friends.

Friends of other users

Can the above be applied to other users' friends? No, you can’t, because in this case the list is formed based on mutual acquaintances. If there are no mutual friends, then the list can be formed based on the date of user registration. But it is possible that users can be ranked randomly, if you do not take into account mutual friends.

Friends online

If we are talking about a list of friends who are online, it is sorted by the “importance” of the friend, that is, there is no difference in the first case, except that the list will show only those friends who are online at the moment time.

The formation of a list of friends in the “Online Friends” window is probably formed in a random order - with each update the list may completely change. We dare to assume that this was done for a reason, but so that when you see one of your old acquaintances, you decide to write to him.

Mobile app

The mobile application has a list of important friends, it’s called “Important”. The order in which users appear in it is the same as in the first case, described above.

Can I change my friends list?

The list of important friends itself, and friends in general, is generated exclusively automatically. But you can influence the rankings. For example, the more you communicate with the user, the more often you like him, repost him, etc., the higher he will be on the list.

Thanks to the social network VKontakte, users have the opportunity to communicate with each other not only in groups and communities, but also directly through personal messages. The correspondence history is saved, just like in many communication programs (ICQ, QIP). You can always watch it if necessary.


You have a personal page on social media. VKontakte network. On the left side there is a menu. Next to “My Messages” is the number of unread messages your friends have sent you. Select this section and go to it. Open the conversation you are interested in to . In the “Dialogues” section, only the latest messages left by users are indicated. If you open each subsection, you will see the entire correspondence history.

On the social network, all unread messages are highlighted in blue. During correspondence in “Dialogues”, this rule applies to both the interlocutor’s messages and your letters. Until you read message, which the user sent you, it will be highlighted in blue on his correspondence page.

Read new message There is one simple way to prevent your interlocutor from finding out about this. Select the “My Messages” section, without opening the letter highlighted in blue, click on the name of the user who sent it. His personal page will open. On it, select “Send” message" Select the inscription “Go to dialogue with the user”, the full history of correspondence and the last unread message will appear in front of you message. If you followed all these instructions, the color of the letter will not change.

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How VKontakte friends are distributed

Today, the social network Vkontakte is considered the most popular in Russia and the CIS countries. Every day, hundreds of millions of users visit the website to read news, find out something interesting, listen to music, watch movies and, of course, chat with friends. After all, what are social networks for in the first place? Of course, for communication!

Today the maximum number for one user is neither more nor less - 10 thousand people, and the average number of people who are on such a list for a socially active user is, according to statistics, 200-300 people.

Looking through these people, many of us think about how VKontakte friends are sorted, how their list is formed and what influences this sequence. Some people go even further in their thinking and want to know how to change the order of VKontakte friends and whether it can be done at all. In this article we will try to answer these and many other questions about the VK friends list, revealing to you several useful secrets.

Arrangement order

Let's start with a simple one: how are friends located on VKontakte and who is first? If you open the list, you will see that your first friends on VKontakte are those users with whom you communicate most often. Sometimes sorting VKontakte friends can be a little confusing - for example, among your important acquaintances there may be those with whom you have not corresponded for a long time. How so? It's very simple - the communications that influence how people are sorted include not only private messages, as one might think, but also comments on posts, replies, etc. Thus, the first person on the list is not only the one with whom you have the longest correspondence, but also the one whose posts and news are most interesting to you. How to move friends to the top of the display list? Just communicate with them more often, that’s all!

However, there is an exception to this rule - users you added recently are automatically moved to the first 5 VKontakte friends so that you do not lose track of them if they end up at the end of the list. In the future, if you do not communicate with the newly added one too often, he will become one of the first 10 friends on VKontakte, and then the sequence will become standard.

Order online

Another issue is the order of the list online. How is it sorted? It’s very simple - the arrangement of friends in it is the same as in the general sequence, with the only difference being that there are no people who are now offline.

If you use an option such as lists of added people, you will probably be interested in how VKontakte friends are distributed if you add them to the list - for example, "Colleagues" or "Relatives". Everything works the same here: the more messages, likes and replies you are connected with, the higher the acquaintance’s position on the page will be.

The order of people that appear on your page has another interesting feature. If you go to your page, you will see that the first six people online and the first six in the general list never match. By the way, how are the friends you see in these sequences displayed? Everything follows the same principle - according to the frequency of your communication with them.

From other users

So, everything is more or less clear with our own friends, but what about this question: how are the friends of other users whom we see from our page located? Here, again, everything is simple: the distribution occurs according to the number of mutual acquaintances. What if you and the user whose page you looked at don’t have a single friend in common? Then the order of friends is based on the date of registration.

Changing the order

Well, now we have figured out how such sequences of people are displayed and how friends are distributed in VKontakte. Let's move on to practical questions, the first of which will be: is it possible to change this order? How to move friends in lists and sort them at your own discretion, how to swap friends? Alas, the order, as already mentioned, is set automatically, and currently VKontakte does not have a function that allows you to perform such an operation. If you are interested in how to raise a friend and how to lower him in the general list, then there is only one way - to communicate more often with this person in any form or, conversely, to reduce communication to a minimum.

And now - a couple of interesting and useful options.

Let's start with the useful: as you know, many VKontakte users share their real coordinates, including their mobile phone number, Skype login, as well as links to blogs, etc. However, few people know that there is an application for mobile phones that allows you to synchronize contacts from VK with an address book in the phone’s memory. The application is called "VKontakte Sync" and available for the operating system Android.

Now for something interesting: imagine what your list of your acquaintances would look like if you presented it in the form of a graph? Visualization of friends- this is a very real function that the site offers. You only need to allow the application hosted on the site to access your page, and the program will build an interactive friends graph, which displays all your connections between people, visually and informatively.

The last thing I would like to say is that in pursuit of a huge number of added people on VKontakte, do not forget about those who are close to you, and when communicating on the Internet, you should not neglect live communication, because they will never replace real acquaintances!


If you need to remove unnecessary friends lists, then in this section find the “Edit” option. Select any list and click the "Delete" option.

There is another way to delete friends lists. In the "My Friends" section, select any unnecessary list. Next to it, you will see a “Delete List” option. By clicking on this inscription, you can quickly get rid of any list you select.

Also, every person who has a VKontakte page has not only lists of friends, but also unwanted subscribers, which are very difficult to get rid of. It is still almost impossible to delete your subscribers. However, there are still a couple of ways to delete subscribers. Send the user a message so that he can remove himself from your list of subscribers. Or blacklist the person who follows your page. After this, he is automatically removed from your list of subscribers. In addition, you can correctly configure the privacy of messages on your page, and thereby protect yourself from unwanted people, and leave access only to your friends.

That's how easy it is to remove unnecessary lists of friends and unwanted people from your subscribers. It’s better not to put on the lists those people with whom you do not intend to communicate in the future or you know that communication will not last long. Then you won't have to delete anyone.

Helpful advice

Each entry has its own function that allows you to write a message, create a list, or delete it. There is also a function for sorting friends according to certain criteria, for example, classmates can be added to one list, friends by hobbies - to another. This feature is convenient because you can limit the access of people who are unpleasant to you to your page. For the convenience of users, all friends are placed in lists according to their attendance rating and frequency of communication. Of course, after some time, it becomes necessary to remove unnecessary and unwanted friends. There is, of course, nothing terrible in this, since everything tends to change, including interests, beliefs and hobbies. New friends come, with whom it is more pleasant to communicate, old connections are lost, so the lists have to be “cleaned up” all the time.


  • how to delete all VKontakte friends

Every day more and more of people appears on social networks, which have become so popular over the past few years that they have pushed into the background all other methods of virtual communication. New users have many questions about using the functionality of their personal pages on networks. One of these questions is how to remove of people from the list friends.


To delete one of yours in the “My World” network, you need to log in to the system (enter your login and password on and go to your page in “My World”. Here you need to open the “My” section by clicking on the inscription of the same name in the upper right corner. A list will open in front of you friends. Click on the cross next to a photo to remove it from the list.

In Odnoklassniki, you need to go to the “Friends” tab on your page and select from the list the person you do not want to see on it. Hover your cursor over the photo of this person and select “Delete” from the menu that appears. The system will make sure that you did not make a mistake when performing this action, and after your confirmation, it will remove the person from your friends.

If you need to remove someone from friends in your VKontakte profile, go to and click the “Friends” button in the menu located on the left side of the page. Find the person in the “ ” list and click the “Remove from” button friends" Confirm your selection to complete.

On the social network Facebook (Facebook), open your page. If you're on the Feed page, click the link with your name next to your profile photo. In the menu on the left, click the "Friends" button, and then click the "Edit List" button friends" Having selected the person you need from the list, click on the cross next to his name.

Video on the topic


  • how to remove someone from my friends

Recently, when you add a VKontakte user to your friends, you automatically become his subscriber and will remain so until he accepts your friend request.

This innovation in the most popular Russian social network is designed to eliminate spam in the form of tedious repeated additions to friends, and also allows users to continue to receive information about friends removed from the list.

Not so long ago, the new “feature” of the social network were “Fans” and “Idols”. It was possible to add a user to your idols and follow his updates only if he had a rating of over 200. The new VKontakte subscription function makes this condition optional and allows you to follow the page of almost any user.

If you are using the Internet Explorer browser, then to return to the standard theme, go to the “Tools” menu, select “Internet options”, then go to the “General” tab. There, select the “Accessibility” option and uncheck the “Format documents using my style sheet” command. Then click the "Apply" button and close the menu. Go to the site and make sure the default theme is back.

In Opera, go to the “View” menu, select “Site Settings” and uncheck “Turn off form styling”. Also delete the path to the style files (css), which stores the settings of the previously selected theme. Click OK, refresh the site In contact with.

If the theme has not changed, go to the Opera program, go to the website In contact with, right-click anywhere on the site and select the “Site Settings” section. There, select the “View” tab and uncheck all the boxes.

Change from the site just in case In contact with, after you managed to install the standard topic. Very often, programs that expand the capabilities of working with this site (allowing you to send pictures to, change themes) steal passwords, email addresses and other personal information.


If after all the steps the theme remains the same, try restarting the browser program and visiting the site again.

Helpful advice

The menu commands used in these guidelines may be named slightly differently in your program, but they are basically the same. For example, instead of the “Settings” command there might be “Options” or “Tools”.


  • how about me VKontakte topic

Website " In contact with» offers its users the service of drawing pictures (graffiti) on the walls of their friends for more varied communication. In addition to drawings, you can also leave original inscriptions on the wall.

You will need

  • - Internet access;
  • - registration on the VKontakte website.


Go to your page on the website " In contact with» using your email address and password. To the left of your avatar is a list of options. Select the “My Friends” option among them (second in the list) and click on it by clicking once with the left mouse button. A list of your friends will open. Scroll your mouse wheel or search for the person's name to find