Where can I write a blog? Article blog promotion. Where to blog

  • If you have started a blog “about fashion” or a blog “about food”, this does not mean that it should consist exclusively of information about clothing models and culinary recipes. You can color the information about fashion trends with your own observation photographs or stories from your life. This is par for the course and will only add a new dimension to your blog and expand your readership.
  • Before you start creating your page, it is also useful to read other blogs of the same type to get an idea of ​​the community that has already formed around that particular topic. Entering the blogosphere is like joining a large group of people in a dialogue that has already begun. Think about how you can enrich the ongoing discussion? What unique ideas can you share with the online community that is known to know everything?

Try to write like an expert. Only a self-convinced and competent person can convince another, no matter what the topic under discussion is. Readers enjoy learning something new and learning through interesting and useful information. If you write about what you know or can do in an easily accessible and interesting way, the success and popularity of your blog will be guaranteed.

  • You don't need a PhD to write like an expert. Each of us knows something from our own unique life experiences, and each of us has unique tastes and unparalleled preferences. It is these qualities that you need to formulate for yourself first and foremost and realize them as much as possible when running a block.
  • Pay attention to the style of presentation. Try to write assertively and confidently, avoiding passive and sluggish verbiage. Sprinkle your stories with funny stories and, whenever possible, your own research.
  • Be creative when creating your own blog, avoid trivialities and the use of clichés. The form of funny parables that are perfect for this is that they convey your idea to the readers in a simple and intelligible form. Try to describe step by step what you can do in the simplest form possible. It's also a good idea to write reviews about little-known musicians or artists whose work you think is worthy of attention. The topics are endless. For example, you can describe a simple way to calm a baby who is fussy in a public place, etc. and so on.
  • Write using the word forms you normally use when speaking. This is the specificity of blogs. This is where they differ from most traditional literary forms. Imagine that you are talking with friends, and try to catch exactly the intonations that come to your mind. The reader should get the feeling that “they know you,” even if they are casual web surfers. This is confirmed by an analysis of the most popular, read and visited blogs on the Internet. If you manage to catch this intonation, then the success of your blog is guaranteed.

  • Share details with readers. Let's look at it this way: blogs on the Internet are the verbalized equivalent of reality shows on television. And from this analogy it follows that the more colorful and vibrant characters are present on your blog, the brighter and more expressive the facts you describe are, the more successful and popular your blog will be. Conversely, the more dry and formal the language used to present your thoughts and ideas, the less attractive your blog will be to readers. Try to create a living, progressing, dynamic organism, the development of which not only your family and friends, but also outside readers will want to follow.

    • What should be the volume of posts? A good guide to this is the amount of information you typically share with your close friends in real life. Each of your posts should clearly show your personality, your mentality, you should be recognizable.
    • However, try not to overdo it in your revelations. Adhere to clear boundaries of delicacy and try not to divulge juicy secrets that belong not only to you. Remember that publishing on the Internet is irreversible and once you publish it, you make the information available to thousands. Do not destroy with unnecessary revelations the harmony that has developed thanks to your efforts and previous publications.
  • Over the past month, I was asked three times about where it is better to create a blog, what needs to be done, how to choose hosting, and so on. I don’t answer such questions in private, because I simply don’t have time, but getting together and posting an article on the site once is cool. Then I will send the link to everyone who asks. So, let's go!

    Why do you need a blog?
    The question is not at all rhetorical. Think about it and answer. For myself? For example, putting various information in one place to make it easier to access. For people? You want to bring something good into this world and, moreover, you believe that you can do it. To earn millions?

    Based on this, you can choose the platform where it is better to create a blog, etc.

    Choosing the blog's focus.
    My opinion is that you need to choose what you really like and nothing else, so that the desire to write does not disappear after 20-40-50 posts. You have to write on a blog and don’t forget about it, otherwise people will forget about you.

    Free options.
    Of course, there are completely free options to become a blogger:

    To install a theme:

    go to your wordpress site folder and then go to wp-content/themes

    There you should drop the unzipped folder with your theme, then go to the admin panel and open the “themes” tab

    When you have hosting, a domain and a customized WordPress theme, all that remains is small - write, post something interesting, do something cool and talk about it! Don't be a vegetable :)

    I hope I answered the question of where is the best place to start a blog. Blog, friends!

    And no, I won't subscribe to you.

    Then I will write an article about blog promotion with the famous blogger Bursin.

    26.11.14 23658

    What's the best way to spend your weekend? You can gather all your friends and rush somewhere to the islands. Or is it better to stay at home and read a book, or maybe just sleep? To remember and analyze their experiences in connection with such events, people came up with the idea of ​​keeping diaries, hiding them under the pillow or burying them in the garden to preserve the secret.

    But time passes, and with it human needs change. People get bored of simply writing words on paper, knowing that no one will read it. There was a desire to find out the opinions of others, but at the same time preserve all the mystery of keeping a diary. The Internet has given such an opportunity, because now you can do it the way you want:

    What is it and why

    An online blog is a place where a person can freely express his worldview in any accessible form.

    • Text entries. Initially this was the only way, but even now it remains the main one;
    • Images. Pictures can perfectly capture what's important;
    • Audio and video. Why not fill your blog with pleasant music and beautiful videos.

    After paper diaries were replaced by online counterparts, many more opportunities opened up for people.

    Now you can create a blog on the Internet not only to publish your most intimate experiences. Below are the main reasons why people keep online diaries.

    • Advertising something. A blog can be dedicated to a specific company or product. In this case, all entries are connected by one theme, and there is a high probability that the readers of such a diary are the target audience;
    • News. For journalism, a blog is also an excellent platform, because people are only interested in the latest events, and in most online diaries the latest entries are displayed at the very top of the page;
    • Traditional use. On the World Wide Web, you can create a personal blog, and this is still extremely relevant for many people. The advantage over the paper version is the ability to receive comments from other users while maintaining complete anonymity;
    • Earnings. If the blog is popular, it can generate good income. Advertising has become the gold mine of Internet business, and the goal of many online diaries is to attract as many visitors as possible.

    What is the most convenient way to create

    If any of the above reasons motivate a person to action, then he will first think about where it is better to create a blog. The Internet will offer a great variety of options, but in fact, they can be divided into two categories: paid and free. The advantages and disadvantages of each approach should be considered.

    Using the free option means choosing one of the many services that the World Wide Web provides. In this case, you just need to register - and your blog is ready. The advantages of this approach include:

    • Ease of use. You don't need to know the technology on which the blog is based, you only need to add new posts;
    • A large number of "neighbors". Millions of people are interested in the most popular blogs, and among them there are likely to be like-minded people;
    • Rapidity. From the thought " Where to create a free blog?“It may take about five minutes before the first post.

    However, this approach also has some disadvantages.

    • Your options are limited by the functionality of the service. It is difficult to fully express one's ideas when the means of expression are clearly defined;
    • You don't fully own the blog. It's difficult to try to make any money from your online blog if advertising is strictly prohibited. In addition, blog owners can add their own advertisements, but this is unlikely to decorate your page.

    The paid version of online diaries involves purchasing hosting and creating your own blog site. You can write everything from scratch or use existing content management systems.

    The positive aspects of paid blogs include:

    • Unlimited functionality. You decide for yourself: how and what will happen on your blog. Completely new ideas can be brought to life;
    • Income. To create a blog to make money, it is better not to resort to free services. You can place advertisements in any form and quantity.

    The disadvantages are:

    • The need to pay for hosting and domain name;
    • You will have to know the internal structure of the blog, and not just publish new posts.

    Google and Yandex blogs

    In 1999, the ambitious company Pyra Labs launched the first service of its kind, Blogger. However, in 2003, Google turned its attention to this popular project and acquired Pyra Labs along with all the technologies that the company was developing.

    To date, the service is operating successfully. Creating a blog on Blogger is as easy as typing a query into a search engine, and millions of users can attest to this.

    For the domestic search giant, things turned out much sadder. Since 2007, Yandex has supported the Ya.ru service, and at first, things were going quite well for this blog hosting service. But in recent years, the popularity of the service has dropped significantly, and in June 2014, Yandex announced the closure of Ya.ru and the transfer of user materials to LiveJournal:

    Where to create a free blog?

    There are many online services where you can create a blog completely free of charge. Let's look at some of the most popular options.

    - WordPress.com. One of the most popular platforms for creating blogs. Provides a huge number of functions both to ensure the appearance of the online diary and to improve technical parameters:

    - Blogger.com. Blog hosting from Google, already discussed in this article, is extremely popular among Internet users. It is simple and easy to use:

    • Stop using free services. Registration in five minutes attracts with its simplicity and speed, but it is better to immediately abandon this option, since subsequently the opportunities for earning money will be significantly limited;
    • When choosing hosting, carefully check the reputation of the providers. Don't immediately rush to the cheapest options. After all, it’s not very pleasant when, at the most crucial moment, you are overtaken by technical problems;
    • Choose a suitable domain. The domain name should reflect the topic of the blog, then visitors are more likely to pay attention to your blog.

    In order to attract advertisers, you need to have a significant ( and more or less permanent) the number of unique visitors, and for this you will have to promote your blog. To do this correctly, you need to follow basic recommendations.

    • Keep your information up to date;

    For independent creation of a promising blog, the optimal CMS is the engine, the most suitable website builder is uCoz. The designer is immediately ready to work out of the box; it instantly allows you to get your own blog, ideal for beginners. And the CMS engine requires manual installation on the hosting and additional plugins, requires minimal knowledge in advance, and is suitable for a more experienced audience.

    What to choose? Let's first take a closer look at these platforms in the context of the task of creating a blog yourself. Then we’ll sum up who, what and how is better.

    1.1 Creating a blog in the uCoz constructor Our choice!

    1.2 Creating a blog in WordPress

    This free CMS with a huge army of followers around the world. The most popular of its kind. Out of the box, the engine is suitable mainly for creating blogs. The developers do not deliberately try to put all the available tools into the distribution: the user can decide for himself which plugins to install to obtain the functionality needed to implement a specific task.

    If you need a blog, and you are determined to work with a combination of CMS + hosting, then you should master WordPress. It is very simple, even primitive, at first glance. Let's say uCoz in stock looks much more ready for serious business. WordPress, on the other hand, first produces an almost bare framework that can be made as functional as you need it to be.

    There are several thousand templates in WordPress. All are available for installation directly from the admin panel. Take them all, they're free. Quality varies, but there are plenty of decent examples. In addition, many studios are developing themes for this CMS. You can find tens of thousands of them on the Internet. Each template has its own appearance settings, which represent an entire design control panel. Flexible, convenient, powerful. Search engines love WordPress sites. With promotion, if you approach it correctly, there will be no difficulties. The only problem is starting on a CMS. In one evening, if you wish, you can learn how to install the engine on your hosting and configure it basicly.

    The scope of WordPress is the creation of blogs, business cards and landing pages. Everything else is possible, but you will need advanced coding skills (at least intermediate level knowledge of PHP, in addition to HTML/CSS), and an increased number of plugins. If you are a beginner, then we do not recommend delving into this jungle right away.

    2. Make a blog yourself or order a turnkey one?

    The answer is obvious - It’s better to create a blog yourself, since it is a fairly simple type of site to implement. From a technical point of view, even a schoolchild can start blogging.

    There is no particular point in ordering the creation of a turnkey blog for an nth amount of money from third-party developers who will assemble it using the same WordPress/builder and configure the output of publications. But if you have extra funds and don’t want to figure it out yourself, then you can do that too.

    Doing the work yourself will save you a ton of money. Based on the ratio of investment of time/effort to this amount, the undertaking will turn out to be very profitable.

    A blog is clearly not the type of site that is worth buying ready-made. In the process of work you will learn everything important, it is real and not difficult.

    Plus, you can administer your blog yourself. Running after a developer at a crucial moment is not the most pleasant pleasure; moreover, it’s paid and not fast.

    3. Ways to create a blog: CMS+hosting or Builder

    Let’s immediately discard the unrealistic options - write from scratch in a notepad, use frameworks and custom engines - you don’t even have to delve into this topic.

    For those who want to create a blog on their own, there are two full paths- use website builder or CMS.

    What your blog can be created on:


    With engines in CMS format, the situation is obvious - you need to buy hosting and install the WordPress distribution on it.

    Website builder

    There are many theoretically attractive options among website builders, but not all of them are suitable.

    So, from everything that happens on the topic of the question, we have two working options: WordPress+hosting and some website builder(we'll choose which one below).

    3.1 WordPress + AdminVPS hosting

    WordPress is the best option for creating a blog. Just what the doctor ordered - a specialized blog engine, everything you need is there, the choice of millions of people. They're not wrong.

    In addition to the skill of working with the engine, the choice of reliable hosting will have a significant impact on the success of the venture. We ourselves use hosting from https://adminvps.ru/ - there are no complaints, we confidently recommend it.

    Let's list the operational points that really influenced the choice of AdminVPS:

    • They have everything on SSD, which is a big plus;
    • Free one-week test and free website transfer from other hosting sites;
    • Some of the servers are located in Russia, which gives the site loading speed;
    • Reliability of operation;
    • There are presets for various CMS - the hosting will install WordPress, etc.;
    • Qualified and prompt technical support service;
    • Hosting for 1 blog will cost 99 rubles/month, MoneyBack is implemented;

    The range of support for hosting technologies and services (MySQL, PHP, Perl, Zend Optimizer, cron, VPS/VDS, editing.htaccess, etc.) is extremely close to the maximum. There is enough for everyone and everything.

    If you are interested in seeing the technical characteristics of the hoster’s hardware, additional services, nuances of tariff plans, etc., take a look here.

    3.2 Website builders

    Cloud services captivated by convenience: you don’t need to buy, install, combine or configure anything separately - hosting, a set of templates and all the functionality for assembling the site are included. Maintaining such a site is much easier and much faster.

    When we talk about a blog, we mean a site containing copyrighted materials on a specific topic: software, cars, music, food, construction or anything else.

    To create such a site, the engine must meet a number of requirements. Often, platforms with a visual WYSIWYG editor (such as uKit) are not entirely suitable for large, proper blogs, because they are not convenient for frequent publication of text content. If you need to give free rein to your thoughts once a week, posting your impressions of a movie you watched or a new book, then almost any construction set will do.

    Of all the variety of online services for working with a blog on the RuNet, uCoz is the best - a universal and most powerful builder that is ideally suited for blogs, forums, online stores and many other types of sites.

    If you are planning a serious blog, progressively growing in volume, with sections, a developed media grid, a convenient commenting system, subsequent promotion and monetization, then you need a reliable, functional site builder.

    4 How much does it cost to create a blog on the Internet?

    Fully You can't create a blog for free. At a minimum, you will need to buy a domain name. Domain registration is always paid - the price depends on the zone.com, .net, .pro. At uCoz, after paying for the “Optimal” tariff for a period of one year, you have the opportunity to receive a domain of your choice as a gift.

    The cost of running a blog on WordPress will cost approximately from ~1500 to 5000 rubles per year: AdminVPS hosting (1200 rub/year) + domain (~500 rub/year) in the.com zone. The expense item can be supplemented by a purchased unique template (from $40), paid plugins (there are many of them) and, possibly, the services of a specialist - the creation of some kind of module, modification of the template, some other coding or configuration.

    The cost of maintaining a blog on uCoz differs depending on the tariff and the one-time renewal period (for a month, a year or 2 years) and ranges from ~3000 to 8000 rubles per year(in this case, the domain and premium template come as a gift). For example, if you pay for 2 years you will receive a 30% discount, if you pay for a year at once - 20%. You can also get a guaranteed 50% discount by paying for a suitable tariff plan in first 2 days after registering the site in the system.

    Creating a blog on Wordpress and uCoz has approximately the same cost. The difference is that for the money uCoz is much more ergonomic, allows you to manage the process from one control panel, has a wide range of modules out of the box, and provides a paid premium template and domain. Just don’t forget about -50% at the start. This is a recipe for a happy blogging life.

    Our blog, the site you are reading now, was created in uCoz. Despite the popularity of WordPress and the theoretical breadth of its capabilities after installing the plugin package, we chose Yukoz for ourselves. We also recommend that you use this builder; it is better suited for beginners than WordPress for blogging.

    Create → uCoz provides everything right out of the box, has ample opportunities for painlessly scaling a site into a store or forum. All modules are native, highly customizable, security and maintenance are provided by the developers, you need to pay centrally for everything at once. It's convenient and fast.
    Make → It’s easy to install on a hosting like AdminVPS (the system will install it for you upon request), but then you’ll have to manage it yourself. Searching for plugins and setting them up, installing protection, eliminating bugs, monitoring site and database backups - all this is a little exhausting, distracting from maintaining the blog itself and filling it.
    Order → AdminVPS reliable and inexpensive virtual hosting on SSD drives, which is suitable for hosting sites of any complexity - from blogs to high-load projects. Ideal in combination with WordPress sites, we recommend it to everyone. Cost from 99 rubles/month, there is a 7-day free trial period.

    And the last point: you need to invest money and personal time into a blog, only in this way can it become profitable and interesting. Fast hosting, interesting articles, a modern template and the right platform. A few thousand rubles a year is a normal amount for starting a promising business. You can start with minimal investment, take a closer look, try what and how. Ultimate #1 recommendation for future bloggers → uCoz.

    Great article 1

    Admin 3 comments

    How to start blogging on the Internet? How to reach 1000 traffic in modern blogging? How to become popular in a year or a year and a half and start making money from it.

    Hello friends!
    In this article, as always, I will highlight how advanced webmasters conduct and promote their blogs.
    I think this is comprehensive information for 2016 - 2017.
    Some users fight for a hundred - two visitors per day to their site, others in 1.5 - 2 years bring their resources to a traffic level of 1000 - 2000 users per day.
    How do they do it?
    how to start writing a blog?
    Info not only for beginners, but also for advanced ones who have low traffic on their blog.

    How to start your own blog - why do you have low traffic?

    I probably won’t make a discovery if I say that the topic of your blog greatly influences its traffic, of course, if you have a thematic one).
    The key to a “healthy” blog is 3-7 keywords, with direct entry, low competition, per article.
    How to correctly write and format articles for visitors and search engines, I wrote
    What topic should you choose for your blog?
    I come to the conclusion that the theme, as such, is not important, or rather, you can make it not entirely thematic.
    Now all the niches with interesting keys are already filled.
    It is very difficult for a young site less than a year old, or even older than 2-3 years, to compete with a trust resource that is 6-8 years old.
    Almost all visited blogs that are 1.5 - 3 years old are not thematic.

    What do I mean by not thematic?
    Let's say a blog about SEO, or making money on the Internet; personally, I am only interested in these topics.
    Of course I know what's going on there).

    It seems that people should only talk about this, but no).
    There you will find how to register in contact, how to change ip, delete followers on instagram...
    Is it worth blogging like this?
    My opinion is that you can take similar topics, but only close ones!
    Let's say, in a blog about making money, it's funny to write about a frog for charging and how to use it), or why do you have brittle hair?)
    That's how they write it.)
    Of course, it’s a personal matter for everyone what to write about.

    I also like statements like this.
    So, my blog has become a thousand-stronger!
    I chose a difficult topic, making money on the Internet, but if I had chosen a topic for a friend, the attendance would have been not 1000, but 3000 - 4000.
    And what about other topics that don’t have their own whales? Will they easily give you the top 10?
    Is it true?
    This is the first thing.

    And secondly.
    If your blog is called how to make money on the Internet, this does not mean that it is one.
    Where does your main traffic to your site come from, from what articles?
    How to create a mailbox on Yandex, how to get in touch?
    Well, it would be nice to start with articles, otherwise one article took off, brings almost all the traffic, the blogger declares, I’m damn handsome.
    Of course, you can amuse yourself, and hang noodles on the ears of beginners).

    Here's the trick, this is what they ripple.
    Visitor, visitor discord.
    Let's say, if you write an article on how to make money on the Internet, get it to the top of search engines.
    You are handsome, respect and respect to you.
    You can place very profitable affiliate programs on it, the advertiser will torment you with letters asking you to place a link to their website in such an article for money.
    The problem is that you won't be able to do this).
    A very competitive request, in the top search, I believe, there are only muzzles).

    What can you get out of the article, how to get in touch?
    Why are you grinning?
    1300 requests per month in direct occurrence of the word.
    83 thousand for adjacent keys.

    You can, of course, put a link to a phishing site in the article and steal passwords from VKontakte accounts.
    Set up a store to sell accounts.
    In 5 years, you will be convicted) when the Duma passes a law on Internet fraud.
    Of course, I’m joking, but seriously, this is a non-antler request.
    I think you understand where I'm going with this.

    Are there any interesting blogs on the Internet with a small number of visitors?
    Yes, there are, but these are more sites for the soul than for making money.
    May the owners of such resources forgive me, but I don’t see a future for them.
    They are writing an article about making money, the number of requests is 10-30 per month, the competition is 20-25, one key in the article.
    Guys, are you writing articles for yourself?

    So, after all, how to run your blog on the Internet?
    What to write about and how?

    How to write blog articles correctly

    Guys, and yet, despite all the complexity of promotion, a one-piece site has several significant advantages compared to a motley site.
    Let's figure out what are the advantages of a thematic blog.
    In my opinion, he has 2 strong features.
    1. Due to topics from one category, there will be a constant audience on it, if people are interested in SEO, and your blog is only about it, visitors will be more willing to go to other articles on your resource, and this, in turn, is a big, fat plus to behavioral factors.
    2. Advertisers are more willing to advertise in such communities.
    In addition, you don’t have to worry about affiliate programs, that is, you don’t need to put different affiliate programs under different articles.
    The main disadvantage is attendance. It’s hard to promote a website like this.
    You see, no matter what cool resource you have, without errors, cool design, financial theme, and so on, but if you don’t have visitors to it, it doesn’t generate income, the price of an unpromoted VKontakte group.

    What to write on the site?
    Topics close to your topic.
    For example.
    Write about dogs, maybe about cats, monkeys).
    How to buy a fox fur coat?
    This topic will not suit you).
    I want to say, look for queries that are close to you, if it’s about everything, then this is no longer a blog, but some kind of trash).

      • Requests per month, at least 50, preferably 100-200, you will find more non-competitive ones, generally great.
      • 5-7 keys with direct entry, the rest search engines will find for you.
      • Competition 1-10 for mutagen.
      • The text volume is 3500 - 5000 characters, you can do more, you will spam the text less, and you are unlikely to be able to reveal the topic.

    Not the other day, I was reading a blog. Its author, probably an SEO guru, writes that after 3 years search engines begin to treat the site better, they no longer find fault, I’ve been waiting for three years, and damn it!
    And in 20 years it will become even more trustworthy, so maybe we need to wait another 17 years?!
    Many SEOs change their view and approach to promotion over time.
    I made a mistake, the blogger wrote nonsense, it’s okay, well, it happens).
    I was hooked by this only because there is a “seo” section on that blog.
    And someone will read it and really decide so.

    That seems to be all I wanted to convey to you in this article.
    Questions in the comments are welcome.
    I wish you success!