Presentation "backbone-modular principle of computer construction." Presentation on the topic "backbone-modular principle of computer construction"

Main- modular principle building a computer

Computer device



  • The user launches a program stored in long-term memory, it is loaded into operational memory and begins to execute.
  • Execution: The processor reads the instructions and executes them. The necessary data is loaded into RAM from long-term memory or entered using input devices.
  • The output (received) data is written by the processor into RAM or long-term memory, and is also provided to the user using information output devices.

Backbone-modular computer device

CPU Data processing

RAM Data and program storage

Data bus


Address bus

Control bus

Data and program storage

Data output

Data input

To provide information exchange between various devices some kind of backbone must be provided for the movement of information flows.

Highway(system bus) includes:

  • Data bus;
  • Address bus;
  • Control bus .

Simplified system bus can be represented as a group of cables and electrical (current-carrying) lines on system board.

The processor and RAM, and peripherals input, output and storage of information that exchange information on machine language(sequences of zeros and ones in the form of electrical impulses).

This bus transfers data between different devices. For example, data read from RAM may be sent to the processor for processing and then sent back for storage.

Thus, data on the data bus can be transferred from device to device in any direction.

The data bus width is determined by the processor, i.e. the number of binary bits that can be processed by the processor simultaneously. The capacity of processors is constantly increasing as computer technology develops.

The modular principle allows the consumer to assemble the computer configuration he needs and, if necessary, upgrade it.

Each separate function A computer is implemented by one or more modules - structurally and functionally complete electronic units in a standard design. Organizing a computer structure on a modular basis is similar to building a block house. The main modules of a computer are memory and processor. The processor is a device work manager all computer blocks. The processor's actions are determined by program commands stored in memory.

Thanks to the use of the above principle, it becomes possible to create a wide variety of products from one set of basic components. From a set of modules it is possible to create a wide variety of computers (complex technical systems), differing from each other in performance, purpose (home, office, application server, etc.), architecture, platform.

The modular organization is based on the backbone (bus) principle of information exchange between devices.

The backbone-modular principle has a number of advantages:

  • 1. to work with external devices The same processor commands are used as for working with memory.
  • 2. connection to the main line additional devices does not require changes to existing devices, processor, or memory.
  • 3. By changing the composition of the modules, you can change the power and purpose of the computer during its operation.

Principle open architecture - rules for building a computer, according to which everyone new block should be compatible with the old one and easily install in the same place in the computer.

In a computer, you can just as easily replace old blocks with new ones, wherever they are located, as a result of which the operation of the computer is not only not disrupted, but also becomes more productive.

This principle allows you not to throw away, but to modernize a previously purchased computer, easily replacing outdated units in it with more advanced and convenient ones, as well as purchasing and installing new units. Moreover, in all of them, the connectors for connecting them are standard and do not require any changes in the design of the computer itself.

  • Describe the process of data processing on a computer?
  • What is a motherboard for?
  • What device is used to store processed information and program commands?
  • What does the system bus include?
  • Why do you need expansion slots?
  • Is it possible to replace the existing hard drive on your computer with another, larger one?
  • What other devices can be replaced in your (school) computer?
  • Have you upgraded your computer? Tell us more.

BACKGROUND-MODULAR COMPUTER DEVICE Information highway (bus) Input devices Output devices Long-term memory The architecture of modern PCs is based on the backbone-modular principle: building a computer from functional blocks interacting through common channel(channels) – buses. The bus includes three multi-bit buses: a data bus, an address bus and a control bus, which are multi-wire lines. Data bus (8, 16, 32, 64 bits) Address bus (16, 20, 24, 32, 36, 64 bits) Control bus Controllers RAM Processor Controllers

BACKGROUND-MODULAR COMPUTER DEVICE Information highway (bus) Input devices Output devices Long-term memory Data bus. This bus transfers data between different devices. The data bus width is determined by the processor capacity, i.e. the number of binary bits that the processor processes in one clock cycle. Data bus (8, 16, 32, 64 bits) Address bus (16, 20, 24, 32, 36, 64 bits) Control bus Controllers RAM Processor Controllers

BACKGROUND-MODULAR COMPUTER DEVICE Information highway (bus) Input devices Output devices Long-term memory Address bus. Each device or RAM cell has its own address. The address is transmitted along the address bus from the processor to the RAM and devices. The address bus width is determined by the amount of addressable memory. The number of addressable cells can be calculated using the formula: N = 2 I, where I is the address bus width. N = 2 64 cells. Data bus (8, 16, 32, 64 bits) Address bus (16, 20, 24, 32, 36, 64 bits) Control bus Controllers RAM Processor Controllers

BACKGROUND-MODULAR COMPUTER DEVICE Information highway (bus) Input devices Output devices Long-term memory Control bus. The control bus transmits signals that determine the nature of information exchange along the highway. Control signals determine what operation - reading or writing information from memory - needs to be performed, synchronize the exchange of information between devices, etc. Data bus (8, 16, 32, 64 bits) Address bus (16, 20, 24, 32, 36, 64 bits) Control bus Controllers RAM Processor Controllers

LOGICAL DIAGRAM OF THE SYSTEM BOARD North bridge Processor South bridge RAM Memory bus PCI Express AGP Monitor Projector Video card SATA PATA Hard drives CD drives DVD drives USB PCI Network card Internal modem Network wifi adapter Sound card Printer Scanner Digital camera Web camera PS/2 modem Keyboard Mouse Digital video cameras IEEE 1394 Sound chip Microphone Speakers Headphones

Throughput The performance of the device depends on the clock frequency of the clock generator (measured in MHz) and the bit capacity, i.e. the number of bits of data that a device can process or transmit simultaneously (measured in bits). Additionally, the devices use internal frequency multiplication with different coefficients. The data bus bandwidth (measured in bits/s) is equal to the product of the bus width (measured in bits) and the bus frequency (measured in Hz = 1/s). Bus Bandwidth = Bus Width × Bus Frequency

NORTH AND SOUTH BRIDGE To match the clock frequency and capacity of devices, special chips are installed on the motherboard (their set is called a chipset), which includes a RAM and video memory controller (the so-called north bridge) and peripheral controller ( south bridge)

PROCESSOR FREQUENCY The Northbridge provides data exchange with the processor, RAM and video memory. The processor frequency is several times higher than base frequency highways (FSB bus - from the English FrontSide Bus). If the FSB frequency is 266 MHz, the frequency multiplication factor is 14, then the processor frequency will be equal to: 266 MHz × 14 3.7 GHz

SYSTEM BUS Between the northbridge and the processor, data is transferred via the system bus at a frequency four times higher than the FSB bus frequency, i.e. The processor can receive and transmit data at a frequency of 266 MHz × 4 = 1064 MHz. Since the system bus width is equal to the processor width (64 bits), the system bus bandwidth is: 64 Bit × 1064 MHz = Mbit/s 66 Gbit/s 8 GB/s

MEMORY BUS Data exchange between the processor and RAM is carried out via the memory bus, the frequency of which may be lower than the processor bus frequency. If the memory bus frequency is 533 MHz, and the memory bus width equal to the processor bit width is 64 bits, then the memory bus bandwidth is: 64 Bits × 533 MHz = Mbit/s 33 Gbit/s 4 GB/s

AGP AND PCI Express BUS To connect the video card to the northbridge, a 32-bit AGP (Accelerated Graphic Port) bus with a frequency of 66 MHz or an AGP×8 bus, the frequency of which is 66 MHz × 8 = 528 MHz, is used. The video data bus capacity of AGP×8 is: 32 Bit × 528 MHz = Mbps 16.5 Gbps 2 GB/s. The PCI Express bus, an accelerated bus for the interaction of peripheral devices, has a higher throughput. A monitor or projector is connected to the video card using an analog VGA connector or a digital DVI connector. AGP×8

PCI BUS The PCI bus (peripheral device interaction bus) provides information exchange with peripheral device controllers ( LAN card, built-in modem, network adapter Wi-Fi), which are installed in the expansion slots of the motherboard. Bit depth PCI buses can be 32 bits or 64 bits, and the frequency is 33 MHz or 66 MHz. The maximum PCI bus bandwidth is: 64 Bit × 66 MHz = 4224 Mbit/s = 528 MB/s.

ATA BUS Devices are connected to the south bridge via the ATA bus external memory (hard disks, CD and DVD drives). The data transfer speed on the parallel PATA bus (Parallel ATA) reaches 133 MB/s, and on the serial SATA bus ( Serial ATA) – 300 MB/s.

USB BUS The USB bus (Universal Serial Bus) provides connection to the computer simultaneously of several peripheral devices (printer, scanner, digital camera, Web camera, modem, etc.). This tire has throughput up to 60 MB/s. USB port

Sound A microcircuit integrated into the system board can be connected to the south bridge, which provides processing digital audio(this function can also be performed sound card, which connects to the PCI bus). Audio connectors can be used to connect a microphone, speakers, or headphones to the motherboard. Audio connectors

TESTING THE SYSTEM BOARD Memory Bus Bandwidth = 64 bits × 199.9 MHz Mbps 1600 MB/s 1.5 GB/s

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The backbone modular principle of computer construction. Files and file system. The work was carried out by the computer science teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School of the village of Shumeika” Lukashova Valentina Nikolaevna

Functional diagram of a PC. It was previously noted that a PC is capable of exchanging information, storing it and processing it. PC devices can be divided into devices for exchanging information, devices for storing information and devices for processing it. In addition, it is necessary to organize data transfer internally computer system and coordination of devices with each other. Let's consider functional diagram PC:

Central processor The main information processing device in a PC is the central processor (in addition to it, the PC may include various coprocessors, and the CPU itself can be multi-core, i.e., it can consist of several processors combined in one case). Modern processors represent large integrated circuits(BIS). LSI is “large” not in size, but in the number of elements (tens of millions). In the pictures below, the processor (top view and bottom view) is approximately life-size.

Internal memory The computer uses memory to store information. Memory can be divided into internal and external. The internal memory of modern PCs is LSI. Part internal memory stores information permanently. For this purpose, ROM (Read Only Memory) chips are used. ROM stores the information needed to boot the computer. If there is a need to change this data, then PROM (Reprogrammable Read Only Memory) chips are used. Often the PC user does not even know about the existence of these types of internal memory; never held down the Del key before loading the operating system and never entered BIOS settings(Basic Input Output System - Basic system input/output). The next part of the internal memory is RAM (Random Access Memory) chips. RAM is designed so that it can only store information when the computer is turned on. After turning off, all contents of RAM are erased. It is this part of the internal memory that users are best familiar with, since the data being processed and the programs that process it are placed in it during each session of working with a PC.

PCs usually have several types of RAM: RAM general purpose(for temporary storage of programs and data); Video RAM (used to store data about the image that the user sees on the display screen); Cache – memory (high-speed RAM; usually located in the processor itself. Serves to speed up the system).

External memory. External PC memory – various storage media (magnetic, optical discs and etc.). For use in a PC, information from the media must be transferred to random access memory (RAM), and for long-term storage, information from RAM is written to the media. To read and write disks use special devices– disk drives.

Disk drive parameters Disk drive Media Principle of information storage Typical media capacity Media removability Speed ​​of data reading Data writing to the media Average term secure storage data FDD Floppy disk Magnetic 1.44 MB removable 50 Kb/s reusable 1 year HDD HDD Magnetic 40 - 200 GB irreplaceable up to 133 MB/s reusable 5-10 years CD - ROM CD, CD-R, CD-RW Optical 650 - 700 MB removable up to 7.8 MB/s impossible for decades DVD - ROM DVD, DVD- R, DVD-RW Optical 4.7 GB removable up to 21 MB/s impossible for decades CD - RW CD, CD-R, CD-RW Optical 650 - 700 MB removable up to 7.8 MB/s impossible on CD, once per disc CD-R, repeatedly on CD-RW for decades DVD - RW DVD, DVD-R, DVD-RW Optical 4.7 GB removable up to 21 MB/s impossible on DVD, once per disc DVD-R, many times on DVD- RW for decades

IN Lately So-called flash memory is becoming more and more widespread. It is a PROM chip. The flash memory module is connected to the computer using a plug-in connection. Flash memory has no moving mechanical parts, so it provides high reliability data storage when used in mobile devices (laptop computers, digital video cameras and cameras, etc.).

Information input and output devices. To exchange information with users, computer networks or technical systems are information input and output devices (IDUs). Below is a list of the most typical air blasts. Name Category Purpose Appearance Keyboard Information input device Input text information Mouse, trackball Input device Input graphic information and working with the graphical interface of programs Scanner Information input device Converting graphic information into computer form representation Digital cameras and video cameras Information input device Graphic information input Microphone Information input device Input audio information Display (monitor) Information output device Displaying text and graphic information on the screen Printer Information output device Outputting text and graphic information onto paper Plotter Information output device Outputting wide-format images onto paper Acoustic speakers Information output device Audio information output

System bus. To exchange data within a computer system, a system highway (bus) is used. It is a set of metal conductors (data is transmitted by electrical impulses) and a set of microcircuits. Computer bus (from the English computer bus, bidirectional universal switch - bidirectional universal switch) is a subsystem in computer architecture that transfers data between the functional blocks of the computer. Typically the bus is controlled by a driver. Unlike point-to-point communication, multiple devices can be connected to a bus using a single set of wires. Each bus defines its own set of connectors (connections) for physical connection devices, cards and cables. PCI Express bus connectors (from top to bottom: x4, x16, x1 and x16). Below is a regular 32-bit PCI bus connector.

Controllers (adapters) of external devices. Controllers are used to coordinate the operation of various system devices. All PC devices, except the processor and internal memory, are connected to the system bus using them (that’s why they are called external or peripheral devices). To connect peripheral devices, both special modules and input/output ports built into the motherboard can be used. The figure shows a video card - a module through which a monitor is usually connected.

Chipsets modern computers Most often, the chipset of modern computer motherboards consists of two main chips (sometimes combined into one chip, the so-called system controller hub (English System Controller Hub, SCH): 1. memory controller hub (English Memory Controller Hub, MCH) or north bridge - provides interaction between the CPU and memory. It is connected to the CPU by a high-speed bus (FSB, HyperTransport or QPI). In modern CPUs (for example Opteron, Itanium, Nehalem, UltraSPARC T1), the memory controller can be integrated directly. in the CPU. The MCH of some chipsets can be integrated. GPU; 2. input/output controller hub (English I/O Controller Hub, ICH) or south bridge (English southbridge) - provides interaction between the CPU and hard drive, PCI cards, low-speed PCI Express interfaces, IDE interfaces, SATA, USB, etc.

The new “top” Intel X78 chipset will arrive to the first customers in November of this year at a price of $73 per microchip. His arrival will bring with it certain changes in model range system logic Intel. If the manufacturer continues to supply the market with the Z68 chipset at a price of $48, then the former flagship X58 model will gradually become history. The previous “top” model lingered on the world market for too long - many expected a replacement to appear much earlier than November 2011. Observers, based on this fact, conclude that the change to central processors will also be delayed Sandy Bridge E, which will not appear until the fourth quarter of 2012. The price tag is $73 for a chipset that only supports USB ports 2.0 seems quite big. But do not forget that its functionality is still very, very good: support for ten SATA ports with a bandwidth of 6 Gbps, support for the PCIe 2.0 bus for connection graphics adapter and PCIe 3.0 specifically for connecting the drive. In addition, it is worth noting gigabit Ethernet controller and a SCSI interface controller. Dive deeper into functionality Intel chipset X78 gives us reason to assert that this model can be considered logic for workstations, and in combination with the “top” central processor- the basis for the “extreme” personal computer, including with an eye to overclocking. Even with quad-core processor Core i7 3820, operating at 3.6 GHz, can get a speed increase of up to 3.9 GHz in turbo mode. "Top" six-core Core processor The i7 Extreme 3960X at 3.3GHz allows you to easily increase the clock speed to 3.9GHz, which means very, very serious performance.

Backbone-modular principle of computer construction. Most desktop PCs are based on a backbone-modular design principle. The basis of such a computer is the system (motherboard) board:

It contains system backbone and there are detachable connections for installing a processor, internal memory and external device controllers (slots). This gives the user the opportunity to assemble the computer themselves and, if necessary, upgrade or repair it by replacing modules. The figure below shows a fragment of the motherboard with installed modules random access memory. The motherboard, together with the modules connected to it, is placed in the system unit. It also contains disk drives and a power supply. From the back system unit there are detachable connections for connecting electrical supply and external devices.

PC specifications. 1. The most important characteristic of a PC is the speed of the processor, since the speed of data processing by the computer depends on it. Processor speed depends on three parameters. Clock frequency(number of cycles per second): cycle – an impulse that sets the tempo of the processor; for execution by the processor of each basic operation(for example, adding two binary numbers) a certain number of clock cycles are allotted; the higher the clock frequency, the more operations per second the processor will perform. Clock speed is measured in megahertz (MHz - one million cycles per second) or gigahertz (GHz - one billion cycles per second). Data bus width is the number of binary bits that the processor can process in one operation. The processor capacity is measured in bits. Sometimes the bit width of the address bus is also specified. It shows how many internal memory cells (addresses) can be used by a given processor (the so-called processor address space). Command system and features of the processor architecture (presence of cache memory, etc.). Processor speed is determined by testing using special computer programs. 2. Random access memory (RAM) is no less important for computer operation. Memory modules are characterized by high performance ( maximum speed recording or reading information) and information capacity. You can install multiple RAM modules in one computer. 3. Necessary component computer system is external memory. Storage media can be different based on the principle of recording and reading data and information capacity. Availability of devices for writing and reading various media is an important characteristic of a computer. 4. The presence of a keyboard and display are necessary for the user to work with a PC, but in many cases it is impossible to do without additional external devices. Their presence or the possibility of connecting them is another important characteristic computer system. 5. Everything that is said above about the characteristics of a computer is related to the hardware of the computer system, but no less important indicator The quality of a computer is its software.

File system Programs and data that a user places on his computer are stored on external media information in the form of files. File is information that has its own name and is stored in external memory. In almost all operating systems The file name consists of two parts separated by a dot. The first part (the actual name) is given to the file by the user, and the second part (extension) is specified by the program when creating it (or the user selects possible options extensions - formats). The file extension indicates the type (format) of the file. A file format refers to the way information is presented within a file. The same image can be saved in different formats. As a result, the resulting files will be different sizes and when opened will reproduce images of different quality. One computer can have multiple disk drives. Each of them is assigned a name from one Latin letter: A, B, C, etc. Often, a hard drive is “split” into sections – logical drives. Logical drives are designated by different letters, and they work as separate drives, although physically there is one hard drive. Each storage medium can store a large number of files. Each disk is divided into two areas: a file storage area and a file allocation table. This happens when the disk is formatted. If we draw an analogy between a disk and a book, the allocation table is the table of contents, and the storage area is the contents. File allocation tables will no longer interest us, since they are used only by the computer. For the user, the only thing that matters is the organization of his access to files stored on the disk. A single-level file system is a simple sequence of files. To find a file in such a structure, it is enough to know the disk name and the file name. For example, if the file Proba. doc is located on the disk in drive “A”, then its “full address” looks like this: A:\Proba. doc

A multi-level (hierarchical) file system is a tree-like way of organizing files on a disk. In addition to the files themselves, this structure contains folders (directories). Each folder (directory) can contain files and subfolders. The result is a structure that resembles an inverted tree: This structure involves the use of several parameters that determine the location of the file. The first coordinate is the carrier name. The second coordinate that determines the file address is the sequence of folder (directory) names, starting from the top level ( top level called the root directory of the disk) and ending with the folder (directory) in which the file is directly located. The third “coordinate” is the file name. The sequentially written drive name, sequence of folder names and file name are called the file path. For example: D:\Documents\Humor\Anecdote.doc

File Windows system. Windows adopts a multi-level (hierarchical) file storage system. The top of the hierarchy is the Desktop. Next are system folders My computer, network, Recycle Bin (Windows XP and Windows Vista all these objects except the Recycle Bin are in Start). The user can partially change the system hierarchy and place the most frequently used objects (or their shortcuts) on the desktop. For user convenience, each type of file is assigned an icon according to appearance which you can guess about the contents of the file and understand which program can be used to open it. For example: With files and folders using GUI and context menus, the user can easily perform operations of copying, moving, deleting and renaming files. Files and folders are easily created using context menu. To search for files or folders, the Start button provides special mode. You can open the file both from the application and directly from the OS (in the latter case, the right application starts automatically or, if the file is of a non-standard format, the system offers a list of programs with which you can try to open this file). For the convenience of the user, each type of file is associated with an icon, by its appearance you can guess the contents of the file and understand which program can be used to open it. For example:

Homework. Subject research work: Interfaces in computer technology. 1. A computer is a hardware-software system. What does this mean? 2.Which device is the main information processing device in a PC? What can you tell us about this device? 3.What are ROM and RAM chips used for? 4.Give examples of PROMs known to you. 5.Which PC characteristics are the most important? What do they define? Control questions.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Objectives: to help you understand the backbone-modular principle of building a computer; give the basic concepts necessary to start working on a computer; educate information culture, attentiveness, accuracy, discipline, perseverance; develop cognitive interests, self-control, and note-taking skills. Lesson No. 26-27 backbone modular principle of computer construction

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Processing data on a computer The user launches a program stored in long-term memory, it is loaded into operational memory and begins to execute. Execution: The processor reads the instructions and executes them. The necessary data is loaded into RAM from long-term memory or entered using input devices. The output (received) data is written by the processor into RAM or long-term memory, and is also provided to the user using information output devices. Lesson No. 26-27 backbone modular principle of computer construction

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Architecture computer Von Neumann Lesson No. 26-27 backbone modular principle of computer construction

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Data and programs Lesson No. 26-27 backbone modular principle of computer construction Information presented in digital form and processed on a computer is called data. The sequence of commands that a computer executes while processing data is called a program.

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Computer design diagram Lesson No. 26-27 backbone modular principle of computer construction

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Backbone-modular design of a computer Lesson No. 26-27 backbone-modular principle of computer construction To ensure information exchange between various devices, some kind of backbone must be provided to move information flows. Processor Data processing Random access memory Data and program storage Input devices Data input Output devices Data output Long-term memory Data and program storage Network devices

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Backbone-modular design of a computer Lesson No. 26-27 backbone-modular principle of computer construction To ensure information exchange between various devices, some kind of backbone must be provided to move information flows. Highway Data bus Address bus Control bus Processor Data processing Random access memory Data and program storage Input devices Data input Output devices Data output Long-term memory Data and program storage Network devices

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The backbone (system bus) includes: Data bus; Address bus; Control bus. Simplified, the system bus can be thought of as a group of cables and electrical (current-carrying) lines on the system board. The processor and RAM, as well as peripheral input, output and information storage devices that exchange information in machine language (sequences of zeros and ones in the form of electrical pulses) are connected to the bus. Lesson No. 26-27 backbone modular principle of computer construction

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Data bus Lesson No. 26-27 backbone modular principle of computer construction This bus transmits data between various devices. For example, data read from RAM may be sent to the processor for processing and then sent back for storage. Thus, data on the data bus can be transferred from device to device in any direction. The data bus width is determined by the processor, i.e. the number of binary bits that can be processed by the processor simultaneously. The capacity of processors is constantly increasing as computer technology develops.

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Lesson No. 26-27 backbone modular principle of computer construction The processor selects the device or memory cell where data is sent or from where data is read via the data bus. Each device or memory cell has its own address. The address is passed along the address bus from the processor to memory or devices. The width of the address bus determines the amount of addressable memory. Address bus

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The control bus transmits signals that determine the nature of information exchange along the highway. Signals indicate what operation - reading or writing information - needs to be performed, synchronize data exchange, etc. Lesson No. 26-27 backbone modular principle of computer construction Control bus

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Lesson No. 26-27 main modular principle of computer construction The modular principle allows the consumer to complete the computer configuration he needs and, if necessary, upgrade it. Each individual computer function is implemented by one or more modules - structurally and functionally complete electronic units in a standard design. Organizing a computer structure on a modular basis is similar to building a block house. The main modules of a computer are memory and processor. A processor is a device that controls the operation of all computer blocks. The processor's actions are determined by program commands stored in memory. Thanks to the use of the above principle, it becomes possible to create a wide variety of products from one set of basic components. From a set of modules it is possible to create a wide variety of computers (complex technical systems) that differ from each other in performance, purpose (home, office, application server, etc.), architecture, and platform. Modular principle

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Lesson No. 26-27 backbone-modular principle of computer construction Backbone-modular principle The backbone-modular principle has a number of advantages: 1. to work with external devices, the same processor commands are used as for working with memory. 2. Connecting additional devices to the backbone does not require changes to existing devices, processor, or memory. 3. By changing the composition of the modules, you can change the power and purpose of the computer during its operation.

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Lesson No. 26-27 backbone modular principle of computer construction The principle of open architecture The principle of open architecture is the rules for building a computer, according to which each new block must be compatible with the old one and be easily installed in the same place in the computer. In a computer, you can easily replace old blocks with new ones, wherever they are located, as a result of which the operation of the computer is not only not disrupted, but also becomes more productive. This principle allows you not to throw away, but to modernize a previously purchased computer, easily replacing outdated units in it with more advanced and convenient ones, as well as purchasing and installing new units. Moreover, in all of them, the connectors for connecting them are standard and do not require any changes in the design of the computer itself.

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1. Choose the odd one out. Data bus; Controller; Address bus; Control bus. Lesson No. 26-27 backbone modular principle of computer construction

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2. What is the system bus called? Highway; Highway; Controller; Adapter; Lesson No. 26-27 backbone modular principle of computer construction

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3. What is the name of the connector? individual modules? Port; Expansion slot; Adapter; Motherboard. Lesson No. 26-27 backbone modular principle of computer construction

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