CSS Preprocessors: Weighted Choices. CSS is hard

Have you seen a PC with voice control and want one for yourself? To do this, you no longer need to install an operating system Windows system 10 or additional complex programs, because you can communicate with your PC very easily - this function will be taken over by Okay Google.

With this voice search application, the process of collecting information will be maximally optimized, and the system can be controlled exclusively using voice commands. You just need to download Okay Google to your computer and launch it to work with the search even faster.

Google is now one of the best sources information in the world, and for mobile devices its market share is more than 85%. Remote search is only gaining popularity over time, it is used by both owners mobile phones, as well as PC users who do not want to be distracted by entering queries into address bar browser.

It is especially inconvenient to do this on the road from a laptop or at home while preparing a new dish, when you need to clarify a recipe. That is why voice search so popular - smart system can do everything for the user, who will only have to read the information.

Application functionality

The utility works on the principle of human voice recognition. It is worth noting that the system perfectly understands the Russian language and competently forms a search query, displaying the necessary queries on the computer screen. Scanning information from the microphone occurs constantly, so to attract the attention of the program, you only need to say keyword- Okay Google, and then your request.

Voice search and finding information on the web are not the only features of the application. The utility has an extensive set of functions with which it can optimize work on a computer, laptop or tablet. The program “can”:

  • launch music or video player, start downloading files and do any other tasks in the browser;
  • manage your computer by setting alarms, creating reminders, turning on/off wireless interfaces;
  • recognize Russian, Ukrainian and other languages;
  • do not recognize profanity when translating voice queries into text.

If the utility does not yet have any function, then you should not be upset - American developers are constantly introducing new functionality into an application implemented in other similar applications. It is for constant development and improvement among dozens of others similar applications For voice search, users decide to install OK Google on their PCs.

Pros and cons of the application

The main advantages of this application are cross-platform and completely free use. It allows you to significantly save time on execution routine tasks and creates an opportunity remote control device. Latest versions assistants work reliably on any device, they have virtually no flaws and new functions are constantly appearing. The quality of recognition of queries in Russian is also regularly improved.

The main disadvantage of the application is the need detailed settings– “out of the box” it works very controversially. In addition, you need to constantly update Chrome browser and ensure an Internet connection with ideal stability - otherwise the quality of the search will be very questionable. Another small drawback is the approach of an American company, which tests new developments in the markets of post-Soviet countries, which is why the program may periodically receive new bugs and become unstable.

How to run OK Google on PC

Installing Okay Google on a computer with Windows 7 will not work just like that - the program is designed for operating Android systems. We suggest running it through an emulator. You can always download the most popular emulator in the world, which has already been chosen by more than 150 million people, on our website.

You can install it in just a few seconds - the standard installation wizard asks classic questions that you don’t have to read and just click “Next” all the time. After installation, all you have to do is turn on the emulator, open the built-in one Play Market and install voice search.

  • Gboard – Google Keyboard
  • Voice Search Launch
  • Assistant Dusya
  • Assistant in Russian

Video review


This is one of the best applications of its kind, which works perfectly with the Russian language and can be used not only for mobile devices, but also for computers. The functionality of the program is not limited to one search - with its help you can remotely control your computer, turn music/video on and off, and launch downloads.

Here you can download Okay Google to your computer along with the Bluestacks emulator, which is the most popular and simplest in the world, to get the most out of your PC experience.

Hardworking developers of the Android operating system constantly introduce various innovations and steadily keep up with the times. And now, all owners of smartphones and tablets have access to an interesting and convenient voice function“Okay Google, find...”

Overall, Ok Google, find is a new voice search that, with the right commands and without using on-screen keyboard able to find all necessary information. And after some modifications, perform others useful features in your phone, which makes it very similar to analogue of Siri from Apple.

But first things first. For the feature to work correctly, it must be installed and configured. It's not difficult at all, but you need to follow the instructions exactly and complete all the steps to the end.

What does that require

The very name of the function suggests that Google plays an important role here. And it is true. At the very beginning you need to install from the Play Market original application Google from Google Inc(Download). It's free and installs quickly and easily. Then we activate it. To do this, you need to enter your account, that is, Google mail (ends with [email protected]) and its password.

Very often when buying an Android gadget Google already installed. You should check for accuracy and relevance account, and also update the application version. Log in to the Play Market and search for the right application, go into it and click on the UPDATE button. Without this minor detail, the entire installation of Okay Google, find... may not take place.

One more thing to consider important fact. This voice search is available on smartphones with new version Android. On the official Google website version 4.4 is indicated, on many sites with useful tips start from 4.1 and above. So it's worth a try anyway. To open SETTINGS on your phone, find the ABOUT PHONE item (usually at the very end of the list). Here you will find all the information about the device, including the version.

Photo: Find out the Android version

Correct setting

Now you can proceed directly to setting up voice search on Android.

Open SETTINGS in the phone menu, find the ACCOUNTS or ACCOUNTS item. In them, select Google, and then find the line called SEARCH. After clicking on it it will open new page, which will list the settings for Okay Google. In this menu item, select VOICE SEARCH, and in it RECOGNITION OKAY GOOGLE. Now the last setting item will open in front of you, in which you need to check the box next to FROM THE GOOGLE APPLICATION.

Photo: Setting up ok Google

Voice search is actually ready to use, but you need to go through the voice recognition process. It is standard both on Android devices and on others operating systems. Sometimes not everyone succeeds in doing it the first time. Don't despair, the second or third attempt will definitely be successful.

Photo: Setting up ok Google

That's almost it now. True, with such standard settings The voice function OK Google, find... will search only on the Internet. Also, must be enabled and active Google search. Basically, voice search various information already convenient and practical. But you need to know that voice control capabilities can be significantly expanded at the level of the entire phone. In this case, it will be very similar to the Siri analogue, in no way inferior to it.

There are two ways to do this:

1. In many smartphones, during setup, not only the line “From the Google application” appears, but also “From all applications”. By activating it too, voice search gains access to all phone applications.

Photo: Setting up ok Google

2. If additional line it didn’t turn out, Google Corporation developed additional application Google Start(Download). After downloading and activating it, Ok Google, Find will be able to work with all applications on the device. And you, in turn, can only control them with your voice.

Photo: Google Start
Photo: Setting up ok Google

Unable to configure

Such annoying problem is not rare. Basically, the reason for everything is inattention and haste. If the Android version is correct, then you missed one of the important details in the installation.

First make sure Google versions, it must be updated. This nuance is as significant as the Android version (how to do this has already been explained).

Then, step by step, according to the instructions, check each setup step. Perhaps you missed one of them or forgot to check a box somewhere. In this case, everything can be corrected by manually adjusting the settings.

If you do not notice any errors, you should install and configure from the very beginning. This helps a lot. Just this time be extremely careful.
In the vast majority of installation problems, one of these tips always works.

How to use

Now there's a real one living in the phone personal assistant. Without your unnecessary movements, it will fulfill every request.

First, it's worth testing basic commands. Say the phrase “OK Google”, a microphone icon should appear in the search bar, click on it. Now speak up full request“Okay Google, weather in New York” or “Okay Google, find the exchange rate.” A pleasant voice will answer questions and display information on the device display for clarity. By the way, in the most latest smartphones on Android voice The function is installed by default. That is, you don’t need to say the first phrase to activate it, just voice your question right away.

If you acted competently and wisely by connecting voice control to the entire phone at once, there will be many more examples of its use.

  1. Set an alarm;
  2. Mark events and activities on the calendar;
  3. Make a to-do list;
  4. Send messages and make calls (in this case, you must pronounce the contact's name exactly as it is written in the phone book);
  5. Open applications and programs;
  6. Use the search for any queries via the Internet, etc.

Examples of useful commands

At full access There are an incredible number of command options. You can change the order of words, but pronounce the phrase clearly and clearly in meaning.

Personal organizer. Setting reminders, alarms, information about upcoming meetings, trips, events, tracking your parcels, activating photos and videos. To recognize tasks, must be enabled Google now(for reminders and notifications) and gmail(it receives information about parcels, booking tickets, tables, etc.)

Ok Google, remind me to call mom at 3:30 p.m.
…. where is my parcel?
….set the alarm for 7:00
….when will you meet your sister?
….what is planned for Monday May 1st?
…..go to Google.com
…..open the application…
….take a photo/video (you need to open the camera), etc.

Calls and messages. It is possible to make calls, send SMS, listen voicemail, open the necessary contact information, send emails and publish on social networks.

Okay Google, type Alexander Petrovich or... call dad/dad
….SMS Beloved: buy milk
….phone number Igor
....email message, to whom Alexander Petrovich, subject Birthday, message text Happy birthday, exclamation point.

Using a similar algorithm, you can perform any other voice commands. The main thing is that they are done through applications from the Play Market, Google mail or Google search engine.

It will be very convenient to search through google maps and its navigation system. The more sources you connect, the more voice searches you can do.
Okay Google, listen to Viktor Tsoi/what is this song?/watch the movie Silence of the Lambs.
Okay Google, when was Angelina Jolie born?/where is the Statue of Liberty?
….what films are shown at the Svoboda cinema/where is the nearest restaurant?

Experiment with new commands and queries, make your life modern and easy.

Dear readers! If you have any questions or comments on the topic of the article, please leave them below.

As you may remember, Google recently abandoned the project to introduce voice search functionality in Chrome. But the Yandex company decided “not to herd the rear ones”, and prepared similar function for its users by creating the “Yandex.Stroke” project. This module does not require installing a browser from Yandex, and it is available absolutely free, which adds another huge “plus” to developers. In this article I will tell you how to enable voice search Yandex for a computer, laptop and how to use it.

So, install the Yandex.Stroke service on your computer. To do this, go to the official project page and download the plugin for voice search. After installing the plugin, the following appears in the taskbar: new line, where you can enter text and voice commands. As we said earlier, the plugin works completely isolated from the browser, so to use the search, you do not need to install the Yandex web navigator first.

It is worth saying that with this application you can ask not only regular search queries, but also search for the names of sites and applications. To set voice request, click on the microphone icon on the right side of the plugin and say key phrase. Search engine will process your speech and your request will appear in the search bar in the Yandex.Stroke program.

It is important to note that the interpreter does not always correctly recognize your phrase. Sometimes the module simply replaces your actual request with the phrase that is closest in pronunciation, after which you have to use regular typescript.

Another one useful option: by clicking on the search bar below, you will see a list of the most frequently visited sites, from which you can select the resource you need and instantly go to it. Your last request and its most popular interpretations obtained from the search engine.

Let's take a closer look at the main functionality of the application. Activate voice mode by clicking the microphone icon, and instead of the usual request, say into the microphone: “Listen, Yandex!” A list of the main capabilities of the module will appear on the screen, from which you can find out what actions the application can perform and what commands it can be given to process. For example, from here we can find out that using the voice engine you can execute the command “Restart (or turn off) the computer,” listen to music, open any application, and do a lot of other things.

Now a few words about the application settings. Context menu Yandex voice search settings are called up by clicking right key mouse on the search bar. First point in this menu determined by the “Settings” element. What optional features are in store for us here?
First of all, this is a hotkey combination to call search string Yandex. The default combination is “Ctrl + e”, but you can set a better option by entering it in the appropriate field in the “Hot Keys” section.

The next category, “Working with files,” is responsible for what actions the application will take if voice input the name of the file you are looking for. By default, the file found based on the received request will be opened and launched, but you can limit the actions of the described service to simply opening the folder with the file.

Another point is opening web search results. If you search for a site name in Yandex.String, by default the found values ​​are displayed in the default browser. Instead, you can display the web search results in the service window, which may be less convenient because when you open the link in the browser, you can open it immediately, but you will have to manually transfer it from the application window to the browser.

A few words about usability. You can also change the location of the panel and place it not next to the Start button, as it looks in visual settings by default, but close to the clock, i.e. on right side taskbar.

Last available option in the settings it is voice activation. By default, it is activated when saying the phrase “Listen, Yandex!”, but we can disable it, limiting ourselves to text commands only.

As you can see, functionality Voice search from Yandex is very extensive. We can search not only on the Internet, but also set commands to perform actions on our computer (such as run a specific program, turn off the computer, find the corresponding file, etc.).

The only noticeable drawback is that the program does not “learn” to correctly recognize your requests in accordance with individual auditory intonations and timbre. If in voice search from Google on Android you were able to correct incorrectly entered commands by adapting voice engine to the characteristics of your voice, then in the service described in the article, the adaptation options are quite limited. But in general, the functionality of the module is worthy of the highest praise.

Over the years, using the Internet has become easier and easier for new users - new commands are introduced, useful functions appear, applications are created that make world wide web simple and clear. One of these developments is new system voice search from Google, which has already acquired millions of users around the world. Hundreds of thousands of positive reviews, simple interface and good functionality- all this perfectly characterizes voice search.

According to developers from Google, the user will be able to enter search queries much faster, configure device functions and control the operation of other applications using voice. Is it really so easy to use your device using voice commands, forgetting about the keyboard? This is what we will find out in this review- we’ll look at all the advantages and disadvantages of the program, its main functions, and also tell you how to download “Okay, Google!” on computer.

About the application

Using the program, you will be able to enter search queries using voice recognition. However, this is not the only possibility: Ok Google! Let's look at the full functionality of this application:

  • Working with the browser. The developers did a very good job of making the section as convenient and simple as possible. You just need to press the button with the microphone icon and start talking. Working with the browser, you can enable or disable any plugin, open a widget or history, launch a list of downloaded files, view open tabs, launch the built-in player. This could go on for a very long time - about a hundred functions of the application are associated only with browser settings.
  • Search by request. The most important thing for the user is to find necessary information in a few seconds. With Okay Google the impossible is possible, because search system will instantly find the nearest museum, show the route to it, find all the actors of your favorite movie, display store opening hours, tell you about the cost of shares and exchange rates. And the list is not limited to this - the user will even be able to find out the height of the tallest building in the city or hear a story about a person or company.
  • Computer management. One of the most useful sections. Here you can, by saying a couple of phrases, change the time, turn the device on or off, open a file or program or, conversely, disable it, create a text document, delete files from the trash, and so on.
  • Audio response. With a recent update to the search system, another innovation has appeared - Google can answer your questions itself (there is even a voice selection feature!). By asking “Who is...?”, you will hear short biography person, years of his life, Interesting Facts from life, without even reading the text. Now you can do several things at the same time! For example, listening to a biography, playing your favorite game - everything is simple and convenient.
  • Several languages. You can speak different languages, And Google will understand you instantly!
  • Censorship. Another function of the application is protection from obscene links and information, adult videos, and so on.
  • Safety guarantee. Google guarantees the anonymity of your requests and the confidentiality of your data. The absence of viruses and threats to your computer is another advantage that makes using the program truly reliable.

Video review

Application features on PC

Firstly, it greatly simplifies the use of functions, speeds up work on the device, and allows you to find information faster and more conveniently.

Secondly, you can listen to the information you need without diverting your attention to reading long texts and set search query.

Thirdly, the application is free and does not “clog” RAM computer and hard drive.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program


  • Simple and convenient interface.
  • Hundreds various functions- from a regular search query using voice command to complex algorithms and control of device settings.
  • No advertising.
  • The application is free.
  • Incredible optimization. The most accurate query responses and fastest speech recognition in the app industry.
  • Audio responses. Now you can listen to interesting facts from a person’s biography or a summary of a movie you would like to watch without being distracted from your work.
  • Excellent technical support. Fast and polite response, instant correction of errors.
  • The application allows you to surf the Internet even if you are blind.


  • Google shows that an era may soon come in which people forget about the keyboard and manual input information.

How to install Okay Google voice search on your computer

1 way. Installation using the Play Store emulator

  1. To install any Android app to your computer in a few clicks, you will definitely find it useful BlueStacks emulator. You can download its installer from our website at .
  2. We launch the emulator installer and install the program, following all the instructions. During installation, you will be able to select the location on your hard drive where you want to install BlueStacks files using the Browse button.
  3. Open the emulator and log in using your Google + profile. To register, you just need to fill out a few fields - login in the form [email protected], password, additional mailing address, phone number.
  4. After authorization, go to the search engine and enter the name of the application. Click on the “Install” button and wait for the installation to complete. After downloading, it is recommended to reboot your device.

Method 2. Installation using archive

  1. Install the archive from our website.
  2. Unzip the files contained in it.
  3. Based on the instructions in text document, install the application and the included emulator.


It’s really worth downloading Okay Google on your computer, as this program will make using the Internet easier and simpler. Hundreds of different functions, thousands of positive reviews different platforms, incredible potential, no advertising - for this it is worth trying this application.