How to find out a person's details by last name. How to find the history of your ancestors: ways to systematize information. How can the search section for a person by last name on FamilySpace be useful to me?

How to find out EVERYTHING about a person using the Internet? 15 concrete steps

How to find out EVERYTHING about a person using the Internet? 15 concrete steps

Faktrum publishes an excellent article by on how to get this information.

1. How to find a person’s pages in all social networks at once?

Several years ago, Yandex launched a service to search for people’s personal pages. It is available at Currently, the search is carried out on 16 social networks:

You can search not only by first and last name, but also by nickname:

If you are in doubt about how a person identifies himself on the Internet, you can use the logical OR operator (indicated by a vertical bar):

2. How to find a person’s latest posts on all social networks at once?

12. Does ICQ store any interesting information about your stormy youth?

14. How to find out location by IP?

The method does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. After all, there are many ways to hide your real address, which are used by both providers and users. But it's worth a try.

1. Take a letter from a person and look at its original text:

2. Find the sender’s IP address in it:

3. Enter it into the form on the service:

15. How to find out a person’s apartment number using their home phone number?

The last trick makes a lasting impression on women:

1. Accompany the new girl to the entrance. You casually ask for her home phone number;

2. In between times, go to the Sberbank mobile application and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

3. Enter the phone number and find out the apartment number;

4. Before saying goodbye, you tell about your second cousin who participated in the “Battle of Psychics” and offer to guess her apartment number;

5. Call the desired number;

Selena Parfenova05.10.2016

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How to find accounts and personal data of a person online

Open Source Deanon Tools

In the first years, my sexy classmate Disa was busy picking up new girls on stream, finding their VKontakte accounts and determining all their interests. A popular practice already in those days, judging by my surveys. Fun and playful: VK was several years old, few people thought about privacy on the Internet at all, and easily obtained personal information made it possible to do all sorts of things to a person. Or, fortunately, not to do anything wrong. Today, even more de-anonymizing data is leaked onto the Internet, often surprising even the pundits of our time. You can even find people on the Internet who don’t use it - your parents, for example. Today we are talking about deanonymization and your favorite “IP calculation”.

Social networks don't just know everything about you, they can even know things you don't fully understand. Like the story with the pregnant schoolgirl. Try to dig into advertising targeting on Facebook - you will be surprised at what non-obvious parameters you can use to target ads. From my experience: showing a banner to “two close people temporarily separated by distance” and searching for “people who donate a lot in mobile games for iOS.”

You can close or delete yourself from social networks, but it’s unlikely that you’ll be removed from government databases. On the one hand, this is convenient: a confident PC user, Lyudmila Mikhailovna from the housing department, no longer asks you to bring spit-stained receipts from your mailbox - she has the “City” system. You can check your taxes, fines and debts by going to the website of the relevant service, and modern banks have even learned to do all this for you (at least in Moscow).

On the other hand, the “phone database” on DVD is a bestseller on Gorbushka in the early 2000s. Bullshit from the past, yes, but imagine my surprise when, using one of the real mobile numbers, I was able to get through all the data on my car with great difficulty. Using the VIN number I found, I was able to find out the phone numbers, names and regions of residence of the previous owners. By name - VK accounts, their previous cars and... in short, let's start.

As an experiment, I decided to find the previous owner of the car. The girl turned out to be nice and was happy to talk.

In this post we’ll talk about finding “ordinary” people. Let’s look at the tools for extracting maximum information about a person from open sources on the Internet, no worse than the old-school “phone call.” For celebrities, politicians and popular accounts, the methods may differ, but have many overlaps.

This time it’s more difficult with examples. Despite dozens of successful deanons, I cannot link to any of them without violating the privacy of the participants. You will have to take examples from other sources or experiment on yourself.

Knowing the phone number, for example, you can find all the cars you own. Without any other data.
By car number - data of past owners and cars that previously had the same numbers
According to the VIN number, all technical data up to technical inspections (yes, yes, I forgot to go through it when I was in Russia)

Basic clues for the search

Personal data

Nickname, first and last name, date of birth, phone number, address, education, service, Taxpayer Identification Number (SSN), etc. More often than not, only one thing is known, but often this is enough to get started.

Let's go to Google.

The starting point of most investigations. By nickname, Google will reveal a person’s accounts in games or on forums, which often reveal other data to us. Steam knows what other nicknames a person plays under, the forums display the date of birth. Educational institutions often publish lists of students. One “but” - don’t rush to immediately trust what you find. How often do you enter something like 01-02-1983 instead of your date of birth on forums? So am I.

Don't forget about search operators. Searching for “filetype:doc” (or xls, pdf) can help if a person has participated in any olympiads or competitions. Educational institutions often publish their results on websites without thinking much about privacy. American or Euro students can be found using the “” filter, which will search for sites in the university area.

Using search operators you can find more interesting things than just by first and last name

Obviously, there is no single global repository for such data. If you need to find a person outside the Russian Federation, look for the appropriate database. Often the availability of personal data in other countries can be surprising. From the experience of my own searches, I can say that in Sweden and some states of the United States there are so-called White Pages, where you can easily find such terry insights that this entire post will seem unnecessary. Right down to the cat's name.

In the USA or Europe there is a lot of open data, in Asia and the Middle East there is less. Here are a few more aggregators for example. Skipease

- still a live page with a selection of social search engines in the USA. There is also a whole list of alternatives on the page; they can help in other countries.- search for documents and companies, an analogue of Spark for international searches. It also works well in Russia, especially if the person is in the top or is involved in government procurement. This is how you can find out that Navalny was on the board of directors of Aeroflot in 2012 (but no longer). I didn't know.

AVInfo- an open database of cars in Russia and their owners. You can search by license plate number, owner’s phone number, VIN and get a lot of information about previous owners, maintenance, insurance and technical inspections. The database contains more than 13 million Russian cars, mostly from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

It is used to its fullest by auto-pickers, since, among other things, it aggregates and saves advertisements from the author and the directory. There is a paid account with advanced features for them, but for most of our purposes a free one will do. If someone has not yet understood what the goals are, then this makes it possible to find out his mobile phone from a photograph of the next “kid next to his foursome” in one request. And if, to celebrate, he also posted on Instagram a photo of the registration certificate or driver’s license on his forehead, as is customary upon receipt, then here the deanon can be right up to his home address. This is probably a topic for a separate post.

Or a more everyday question: find out the phone number of the previous owner of the car in order to politely (!) ask how long ago the suspension was changed. If you have used any other similar services, share your experience in the comments below.


We are places based on photography, but these tools are often suitable for people too. The view from the window can give out coordinates, and a reverse search by image can lead to the user’s avatar or album with photographs. On leprosy or dvach, they always find all sorts of skins in VK, it’s as easy as shelling pears.

What stands out here is searching for people by photo. The first such service was, it even found inaccurate matches of facial features, but it was quickly bought and closed by Facebook. I won’t joke about the Crafty Mark again, they joked about it already in the previous post. For VK last year, FindFace from N-Tech.Lab appeared, which does approximately the same thing, but under the guise of a marketing tool. Based on it, Egor Tsvetkov’s project from the St. Petersburg “Paper” was especially bombed, when he photographed strangers in the subway and then found their profiles on VK, learning a lot about their lives from one sad photo.


IP address.

“I’ll calculate by IP” has become a meme, but this does not make the method any less effective. Through the GeoIP2 City database, the country and city where a given IP address is located is clearly determined. Accuracy to the city is almost guaranteed; I have been using their database in my projects for three years now. Failures occur only in rare cases when some mobile operator decides to transfer a pool of IP addresses from one region to another. But this happens once a couple of years and can be easily resolved by updating the database monthly.

GeoIP also provides coordinates, but warns not to use them as the user's location. Most often, this is just a point somewhere in the center of the city or district of the provider. But we can try to find a map of this provider’s nanonetworks, and the search area becomes even larger.

But IP is very easy to fake, it is never 100% proof. Proxy servers and VPN tunnels allow anyone to do this in one click. If a person wants to hide an IP, it won’t be difficult. GeoIP gives out a different part of the world - most likely he did this, but still sometimes this can be a clue. Other user photos.

Once you have your license, stick it on your forehead and post it so everyone can recognize the series and number. This has already been done above. Less obvious ones include photographs of supermarket receipts, electronic queue coupons, or the view from the window. Determining the address down to the floor becomes a matter of technique and desire, if this is important.

There is no single advice here. Any information from the photo can become a clue, look carefully at your surroundings.

Photos of series and document numbers on social networks are not a good idea. There was an idea to write to one of them: “Senior Lieutenant Prikhodko greets you, when will you pay the fine?”

Geo search. All popular social networks have geotags. Facebook offers to “check in” in a variety of places, Twitter writes your coordinates to each tweet, VK adds a geotag to photos from mobile applications. Sometimes the user does not notice this, and to fake them, you need to know how to program. For the tweeter there is GeoSocialFootprint, which analyzes the user's latest geotags. You can try to find similar services for other social networks or sort through this data manually. There is also the opposite possibility: search for tweets near specific coordinates. So request

“Punch by IP” is sometimes still useful for determining the city and provider. If you have eggs, you can try calling the provider’s support and using social engineering to find out more information

Circle of communication and communication

In every search there comes a moment when it reaches a dead end. Little data, closed accounts and other problems. You have to plunge into a routine review of all available information in the hope of intuitively discovering at least some clue. When searching for places, you have to look through kilometers of satellite images, and when searching for people - all public social interaction. Incoming and outgoing. A careless comment about “your favorite university” or “a cinema that opened near your house” can become the main clue.

A recent current example from an FBK investigation. Even the Prime Minister is smitten with Instagram photos.

If a person has hidden his account under lock and key, social networks try to hide as much data as possible. But most often they cannot do this completely. The same Twitter hides your feed and subscribers from prying eyes, but allows

How to find out EVERYTHING about a person using the Internet? 15 concrete steps

How to find out EVERYTHING about a person using the Internet? 15 concrete steps

Faktrum publishes an excellent article by on how to get this information.

1. How to find a person’s pages in all social networks at once?

Several years ago, Yandex launched a service to search for people’s personal pages. It is available at Currently, the search is carried out on 16 social networks:

You can search not only by first and last name, but also by nickname:

If you are in doubt about how a person identifies himself on the Internet, you can use the logical OR operator (indicated by a vertical bar):

2. How to find a person’s latest posts on all social networks at once?

12. Does ICQ store any interesting information about your stormy youth?

14. How to find out location by IP?

The method does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. After all, there are many ways to hide your real address, which are used by both providers and users. But it's worth a try.

1. Take a letter from a person and look at its original text:

2. Find the sender’s IP address in it:

3. Enter it into the form on the service:

15. How to find out a person’s apartment number using their home phone number?

The last trick makes a lasting impression on women:

1. Accompany the new girl to the entrance. You casually ask for her home phone number;

2. In between times, go to the Sberbank mobile application and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

3. Enter the phone number and find out the apartment number;

4. Before saying goodbye, you tell about your second cousin who participated in the “Battle of Psychics” and offer to guess her apartment number;

5. Call the desired number;

Selena Parfenova05.10.2016

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How to identify an enemy by IP or find out the address of a girl you like? We talk about services, search operators and interesting tricks.

Here's what you can do:

1. Find a person’s latest posts on all social networks at once

5. Find out what people around you are posting on Twitter

Using the “near:” operator, you can find out what residents of a particular city are currently writing about:

Or at a point with a specific latitude and longitude:

Geographic coordinates can be determined from this map or looked at in the exif data of photographs.

6. Find out who is in the photo

We cut out the part of the photo where the person’s head is and upload it to the Google image search page. We are surprised by the result.

7. Find out what a person posted on Twitter on a specific day

Sometimes it's interesting to find out what a famous person tweeted before a certain date. For example, what did Tim Cook post on his account before October 17, 2015?

For complex tasks like these, Twitter has advanced search operators. They must be entered on the main page of the social network in the form in the upper right corner:

If you combine the above “until” with the “since” operator, you can make a selection of tweets over a certain period of time. For example, you can find out what Tim Cook wrote during Christmas week:

8. Find out if a person is wanted

If your new acquaintance is suspicious, then you should look for him in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your region.

9. Find out if he has any debts

14. Find out in which region he bought the SIM card

Subscribers can determine the region and operator on the website

15. Find out, find out a person’s apartment number by home phone number

The latest life hack makes a lasting impression on women:

A) You accompany the new girl to the entrance. You casually ask for her home phone number;

B) In between times, go to the Sberbank mobile application and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

B) Enter the phone number and find out the apartment number;

D) Before saying goodbye, you tell about your second cousin who participated in the “Battle of Psychics” and offer to guess her apartment number;

D) Call the required number;

Quite often there is a need to obtain information about a certain person who is a potential counterparty, client, seller/buyer of real estate, borrower from a bank, etc. The Internet can help you!

Thanks to the database for searching people on the Internet, this opportunity today exists for citizens of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Latvia, whom you can “punch” through this database, even if you only have their passport information. As a matter of fact, any search begins with checking the validity of the passport.

What does checking the validity of a passport give?

You can check it on the website of the Federal Migration Service by entering the series and passport number and captcha (code in the picture) in the appropriate fields. Here are the possible answers:
this passport is “Valid”: it means that everything is in order with the passport;
this passport is “Invalid”: either it is fake or it has expired; if it was replaced with a new one, then the message will indicate “Invalid (REPLACED WITH NEW)”;
if the answer is “Currently does not appear in the electronic records of the Federal Migration Service of Russia”), then it is not at all necessary that the passport is invalid. It is possible that information about the passport has simply not yet been received from the relevant territorial authority that issued it, or the passport record is currently being tested in the database software package.

How to get information about the TIN number

This can be done on the website of the Federal Tax Service just follow the link and fill out the request form, after which the TIN number will appear.

If the answer reads “According to the information you provided, the TIN assigned when registering you with the tax authority was not found in the FDB of the Unified State Register of Real Estate,” then this means that this person does not have a TIN. True, this happens extremely rarely, so it’s worth checking whether you entered the initial data correctly when asked.

How to check tax debts

To check whether a person has debt, you need to know his TIN number (see previous paragraph). Tax debts can be clarified on the website of the Federal Tax Service

First, you will have to carefully read the verification conditions and agree to them, after which you will be automatically redirected to the data entry form, where you will enter them. As a result, you will receive a List of debts available on the date of verification.

This list indicates not only the amounts of debts, but also their type (unpaid taxes, penalties, fines, alimony, etc.). This, by the way, allows you to get an idea of ​​the property owned by the person being inspected.
Since you find yourself on this site, check yourself at the same time - what if you have some kind of unpaid fine that you simply forgot about? In this case, the consequences can be the most unpleasant: from the appearance of bailiffs to a ban on traveling abroad.

If you have a debt, you need to select a payment method, check the box, enter your home address, print a receipt and pay according to it, although electronic payment options are also possible. The main thing is that the debt is eliminated.

How to find out the residence (registration) address and home phone number of a person

How to find out the residence (registration) address and home phone number of a person

As for the home phone, many, especially advanced young people, prefer a mobile phone, and they simply don’t have a home phone. But as for registration, or rather, registration, everyone has it except the homeless.

You can find out your residence permit (registration) in the address directory you need to select the country, then the city and enter the full name of the person being checked, after which you will receive his registration address and, if available, his home telephone number.

If the information you are looking for is not found in the above address directory, then here are additional search options:
address directory 2
address directory only for Moscow

How to check criminal records and ongoing trials

what city is it registered in? If you have a copy of your passport, your registration is indicated on it. If you do not have a copy of your passport, find out your registration address (see previous paragraph). If a person is not registered anywhere, then look at the previous place of registration. By the way, if you have received information about a person’s registration, if possible, look where he was registered before.

If the area of ​​registration of a person is known, you need to find the court of this area on the Internet, since, in accordance with the law, an application to the court is filed at the place of registration of the person if he acted or acts as a defendant. But if you need to find out whether he himself filed a lawsuit against someone, then you will have to check all the courts in your city in the same way. True, there is always a possibility that this could have happened in another city.

It should be remembered here that some courts have a different name. So, for example, in St. Petersburg in the Admiralteysky district the court has the old name - “Leninsky District Court”.

Having found out the name of the court, you should go to the “Information on the progress of cases” page (sometimes it may be called “Legal Proceedings”) and enter the person’s full name in the search bar. Review the information received very carefully, as sometimes the last names are the same, so it is important to pay attention to the initials.

Here you can find out in which court cases a person acts as a plaintiff or defendant, and what the essence of the claims is. Since the case number is also indicated, you can follow the link to it and study the information card containing information about the progress of the case.

How to check whether criminal suspects are wanted

The easiest way to do this is on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service, and an advanced search is possible. In the search bar, you need to select your region, enter the person’s last name, first name and patronymic in full and click the “Find” button.

If in response you receive the message “Nothing was found for your request,” it means that everything is fine with the person and he is not wanted. But to be one hundred percent sure of this, you should click on the link “Show all results from the selected region”, which provides a list of all persons

How to check for wanted status in enforcement proceedings

This can be done on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service select your region in the search bar, enter the full last name, first name and patronymic of the person and click the “Find” button (and an advanced search is also possible ).

If in response you receive the message “Nothing was found for your request,” it means that everything is fine with the person and he is not wanted as part of enforcement proceedings. Just in case, click on the link “Show all results from the selected region” and study the list of wanted persons in your region (pay attention to the initials).

How to check if a person owns a car

This can be done on the website of the Traffic Police Database (, although it is somewhat outdated, but here you can find useful information about the car of the person you are looking for and its license plate number.

Check for search of debtors' cars

On the website of the Federal Bailiff Service you can check whether the car is wanted: to do this, you need to select your region in the search bar, enter the state. car number (you can use the advanced search) and click on the “Find” button.

If the response message is “Nothing was found for your request,” it means that the car is not wanted as part of enforcement proceedings. Still, just in case, follow the link “Show all results from the selected region” and check if the number you are looking for is there.

How to check a person using the database of enforcement proceedings

This is done on the same website of the Federal Bailiff Service, only here the search is carried out in two subsections - individuals and legal entities.
Indicate in the “Territorial Bodies” section the region of official registration of the individual or, if we are talking about a legal entity, the place of its registration with the Federal Tax Service. It is not necessary to indicate the date of birth of an individual, but if the data matches someone, then filling out the field in the format DD.MM.YYYY will allow for more accurate identification.

After entering your full name, click on the “Find” button and receive not only a list of debtors, but also the number of the enforcement proceedings, as well as the subject of execution. All this needs to be carefully studied.

If you have an enforcement proceedings number, then information from the database of enforcement proceedings can be obtained in the “Search by enforcement proceedings number” section.

How to check a person through Internet search engines

Internet search engines (Yandex, Google, Mail, Rambler - these are the most popular) can provide a lot of useful information, for example, that the person you need was registered on sites based on interests, was mentioned in the press, advertised for sale, etc.

In each search engine, you need to enter the person’s full name, as well as just his last name with initials. When following the links you receive, carefully study all the information found. These could be advertisements or various kinds of mentions, as well as photos and videos that should also be viewed.

Then enter parts of the information received in the form of phrases into the search bar again and continue following the links received. There may be quite a lot of information.

The same needs to be done with his phone number in different versions:
+7 921 ХХХ ХХ ХХ, or 8921ХХХХХХ, or 8-921-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ, etc. It is advisable to summarize all the information collected in this way in one document.

There are a lot of social networks today: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, Moy Mir on, and LinkedIn; there may be others, less well known. Go to those where you already have registration (and register if necessary) and start searching.

Information previously obtained from the Internet will be useful as search parameters: place of residence, hobbies, photos and videos, etc. You can start the search by full name (do not forget that women can be searched by maiden name).

When a person who fits all the parameters has been found, it is advisable to determine the range of his interests and acquaintances, level of education, interests, place of work, and often indicate contact information. If necessary, add yourself as a friend, then you can find out any information that interests you from his friends.

Pay attention to photos and videos posted by users, signatures, date of shooting and circle of participants; view your status history. Collect all the information you find into a separate document.

How to identify a person by car number

If you know the state number of the car that the person you are interested in owns, then on the website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate ( you just need to enter this number in the appropriate column to find out who the car is registered to and its telephone number owner.

You can also use the Numplate social network website True, this social network is still young, and therefore is not well promoted, and its database is not very large, but you can get the information you are looking for if you enter the desired state instead of the proposed example x000xx00. number, so you can get a link to the car owner’s page.

How to get through a person by phone number

If you know your home phone number, then in the telephone directory you can select the country at the bottom of the page, then the city, then select the desired phone number and get information about the person’s full name and home address.

If you cannot find information in this source, you can look in others:
telephone directory 2;
Moscow telephone directory; here you need to enter the phone number in the format ХХХХХХХ and click the “Search” button, information about your full name, age and home address will be provided;
if we are talking about a cell phone, then in the directory you can find out which operator the person uses and how long this number has been in existence.

To find a person by cell phone number, you can use the search engines Yandex, Google, Mail and Rambler. It is better to enter the number in several options: +7 921 ХХХ ХХ ХХ, 8921ХХХХХХ, 8-921-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ, etc.

If the number was mentioned in advertisements, next to photos and videos, on social networks, etc., then it will definitely pop up. The information received must again be entered into the search bar (this could be some phrase, for example) and continue to follow the links found. It is advisable to save and summarize the collected information on a separate page.

But what you shouldn’t do is use the services of Internet scammers who offer to dial a cell phone number for a minimal fee and find out who the subscriber is. The same applies to proposals to purchase a database of all mobile subscribers, since the information is considered confidential, its acquisition is considered illegal distribution and, accordingly, is punishable by law.

How to get through a person by IP address

If you have information about an IP address, you can find out a lot about its owner. There is a special service for this - whois. On the IP Address Checking website, just enter the IP address in the WHOIS Lookup window, after which you will receive all the information that is available about it.

If the IP is static, then this service will indicate the full name of the person for whom it is registered, his email address and phone number, and a number of additional information: when this range was rented, for how long and for what organization.

If this IP address is dynamic, then the service will only provide information about the provider.

How to check a company

You can check the existence of a company both by name and by OGRN/GRN/TIN on the website of the Federal Tax Service by filling out the search fields and clicking the “Find” button. As a result of the search, you will receive a list of companies that match the parameters of your request. All that remains is to select the one you are looking for, click on its name and get current information about the legal entity and the entries made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in relation to it.

How to find a company

The easiest way to do this is on the yellow pages website by typing the company name into the search bar. You will receive information about its actual address, location, phone number, website.