Mailbox on iPhone. How to create an email in Yandex. How to change the email associated with Apple ID

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Understand, how to set up mail on android, not difficult at all. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this article, you can do it completely independently with no less ease than installation.

Setting up an email account on a device under Android control, happens through mail program, which can be found in the list of already installed on Android programs. It is indicated by the icon postal envelope. Setting up your email inbox starts with finding this icon. Next, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions below, as with.

Step-by-step instructions for setting up mail on Android

Step #1. Launching the mail program.
Launch your email program by clicking on the email icon.

Step #2. Setting up a username and password.
In the “E-mail” line, write down the full desired address of your future email in the following form: “[email protected]”).
In the “Password” line, enter a combination of characters that will serve as the login password to the mailbox you created. It is desirable that, in addition to Latin letters (uppercase and lowercase), it contains numbers and other characters that can be “represented” using the keyboard.

Step #3. Setting up your incoming mail server.
In the "Select account type" window you will be presented with three options:
- POP3;
- Exchange.
Let's consider one of them. Let's say you chose the "POP3" protocol. You will need to follow the following directions:
- in the completed “Username” field, nothing needs to be changed;
- hidden by symbols The “******” entry in the “Password” field will also not need to be changed;
- in the “POP3 Server” field you will need to enter “”;
- in the “Port” field, from the proposed options, it is best to select a protected one – “995”;
- in the “Security Type” field, select an entry with six with Latin letters and a slash between them: SSL/TLS;
- in the “Delete messages from the server” field, it is advisable to select “never” - this means that the messages you receive will be saved on the server;
- click “Next”.

Step #4. Setting up the outgoing message server for your mail.
- the “SMTP” field must be filled with the entry “”;
- field “Port” - numbers 465;
- in the “Security Type” field, select six Latin letters with a slash between them: SSL/TLS;
- in the “Username” and “Password” fields leave everything as it is, you don’t need to change anything;
- click “Next”.

If you correctly understood how to set up mail on Android and followed the instructions, then your device should be ready to receive and send email messages.

Be sure to indicate your mailbox, which will subsequently be your login in the system. All services will be linked to it Apple- Find iPhone, iCloud, iTunes, App Store etc. True, at first not much attention is paid to this. After all, the main thing is to start using the device as quickly as possible. And what kind of email account the account is registered in... it doesn’t matter!

But then the realization comes that too many things are connected with this particular Apple ID (purchases, downloads, backups), but no one remembers the email to which the ID was originally registered. This means you urgently need to change it to another one. How to do this? This is what we will talk about today.

Are you ready? One, two, three, let's go!

When is it necessary to change your Apple ID email and what is needed for this?

First, let’s talk about what might motivate you to undergo this procedure:

  • As I already wrote just above, in some cases the email is indicated anyhow - after all, the main thing is to register and start using the device as quickly as possible, and then access to it is lost.
  • If in the mail for a long time do not use it - it simply becomes inactive, and another person may register it in the future. And your Apple ID is still on it!
  • Stores often offer an activation service and iPhone settings. At the same time, they also register an Apple ID for their email address, and, naturally, no one gives the password to it.
  • And in general, I personally advise you to create a separate mailbox for your account Apple entry ID and don’t “shine” it anywhere.

To change your email Apple addresses ID required:

That's it, it's time to get started!

How to change the e-mail associated with Apple ID?

From your computer, go to this page - manage Apple ID. Enter your Apple ID and password.

The main account management menu opens. In the right corner we see a button - change.

In the window that opens, select - change email address.

In the pop-up form, indicate the email that you would like to use as a new one for your Apple ID.

All! Your Apple ID is now linked to your new email. Please note that after this procedure, all devices will be automatically logged out of your account. account- you'll have to log in again.

Why might I not be able to change my Apple ID email account?

In some cases, problems may arise when changing mail, here are the main reasons why this happens:

  • On all devices where the account is activated, you need to log out of it.
  • You cannot change your mailbox to one that is already used as Apple ID ID.
  • If your ID looks like -,, then you cannot change it!
  • Problems with Apple's servers also cannot be ruled out. For some time various Apple services may not work -

Finally, I would like to remind you that in order to avoid various problems, it is very important to constantly have access to the mail to which your Apple ID is linked.

Moreover, it is highly desirable that you and only you know it. Otherwise, an outsider can easily read the correspondence, look at the photo, and indeed absolutely all your data. Well, or “simply” block the device.

Therefore, be careful and careful. As I already advised, the most the best option will have a separate one email for Apple ID and do not use it anywhere else. After all, safety comes first!

P.S. Write your questions in the comments - I will try to answer and suggest a solution. A powerful and decisive “like” to the author for motivation :)!


It is obvious that email has become an integral part of modern business and a communication tool for millions of users around the world. However, there are times when access to personal computer is not possible, but there is an urgent need to send or receive electronic message. Decide this task called a modern smartphone.

Below we will look at instructions for setting up email on an Android smartphone.

Procedure for setting up mail in Android

1. Go to the menu and open the built-in Mail application.

2. If you do not have an email address, the application will prompt you to create an account on one of the servers. If mailing address already exists, you need to go to the accounts menu and click “Add account”.

4. After confirming the password, you need to decide on the protocol for connecting to the mail service; it is recommended to select POP3.

For reference. In mail from Google mail server -, in mail -, yandex - If you use Google mail, Android has special applications, making work easier.

6. Install encrypted SSL connections and TLS in additional parameters messages.

7. Set/change parameters for outgoing messages. Initially, you need to switch the connection security type to SSL, as well as TLS. Next, you must enter the name used by the outgoing server. SMTP mail. It will look like smtp.*mail client domain. So for popular services SMTP will be as follows: Yandex -, - and Google -

8. If you need to add it to your mail client on Android extra box, then follow all the instructions (points 1-7) again.

If you followed all the instructions, the email client will automatically synchronize all incoming and sent messages from your mailbox.

In some smartphones email clients are synchronized with the settings of the servers on which your mail is located. This significantly simplifies the process of setting up mail on Android phone. This convenient feature will allow you to use e-mail services. You will become mobile with permanent access to letters from any mailboxes belonging to you.

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Hi all! Today we will tell you how to create email on your Android phone for free. If you already have email, you'll learn how to use it on your Android phone.

First, you need to know that if you use Google account, then you already have an email. Accounting Google entry and email use the same email address and password. This means you can open gmail app(if you don't have it, then download it from Google Play Store), and use email.

Please note if you have access to Google Play Store, YouTube, Maps and others Google apps, then you already have a Google account and you don't need to create an email again on your android phone. Just open the Gmail app and you will have access to your email.

If you do not have a Google account, then you need to create one. Essentially, creating a Google account is creating a Gmail email.

Let's start!

How to create a Google account

Ready! You have created a Google account and, accordingly, an email. You can now open the Gmail app and send an email.

If you already have an email and you want to connect it to your smartphone, then let's look at an example of how to create an email on an Android Samsung phone for free.

How to connect email on a Samsung phone

After that open Email app on your Android phone and you will see all the emails you have ever received or sent from your email.

That's all! Perhaps now you know how to create an email on a Samsung phone, as well as on any other Android device. If you have any questions, write in the comments below. We will try to help you!

Set up email on iPhone or other iOS device- it’s not at all difficult. Especially if the email is registered on resources such as Google, iCloud, Yahoo and other equally popular ones. The whole procedure takes no more than a minute and includes filling out several form fields.

But if you don’t need to create an email, but rather configure it, the situation changes a little. Not every user knows how to do this.

The instructions below will tell you how to set up standard and non-standard email services for Apple gadgets.

But you should remember one thing - to set up a mailbox on your smartphone, you will need an Internet connection. Moreover, even a 3G network will do, but it’s better to use high-speed Wi-Fi connection. However, a connection is not at all necessary; everything can be done offline. I made a reservation that this way it will be possible to register a mailbox, but its activation will become possible only after connecting the device to the network - after identifying the name of the registered person and the password he created.

For companies that provide e-mail services, setting up mail for an Apple gadget is a simple and understandable procedure for any user. This applies not only to Google, but also to such large services as Outlook, Exchange and many others. These email clients will automatically reveal the data of the servers of incoming and outgoing messages, but the user will have to fill in 4 information points, namely:

1 Your own name so that the addressee of the letter can find out from whom he received the e-mail. 2 -mail, that is, the address of an electronic mailbox. 3 Mailbox password. 4 Description - a note displayed in the “Mail, Addresses, Calendars” menu. It is recommended to indicate your e-mail here, especially if the user has several mailboxes. In this case, identify necessary entry it will be much easier. 5 The user will need to connect to the Internet ( we're talking about o connection mobile device

, not a computer). 6 Then you need to go to the settings menu, to the mail section, and add an account. If account data is not configured on a specific device, they can be added during the first launch of the regular iOS mail service. 7 Fill in the required fields and click on the continue action button. 8 The system will check the e-mail address and prompt the user to synchronize mail between the smartphone and Gmail. 9 If the user, in addition to mail, does not want to synchronize other data, for example, a calendar, you need to mark this and save it.

The account will be added automatically, and it will become available in the mail settings. That's it, now you can read any letter on your iPhone and send letters to friends, changing recipients and messages. The procedure can be performed on iPhone 4, iPhone 5, 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 7 and other Apple devices. Why is setting up a mailbox so easy? Yes, because creating, changing or setting up a mailbox for mailers has long been a well-established, automated process, because every day users can add thousands. They also often try to add a mailbox to the Apple device in order to send letters from the iPhone, as well as receive them on the iPhone. Sending letters after setting up mail on iPhone is done in a matter of seconds, as is receiving them. A file sent from the gadget via Google mail immediately reaches the recipient.

But sometimes it happens that after making the settings, the system does not work and the letter is not sent. In this case, you probably need to change something, clean the configured device, change settings, update the system. Better yet, do not rush to update and clear the device’s memory, but contact directly the administrator of the mail service. He will probably tell you how to change the settings, if necessary, and how to configure the created box so that it works.

Change initial settings accounts in mail Google service, as well as synchronization settings, the user can whenever he wants. To do this, he will have to click on the account name in the “Mail addresses calendars” menu.

Setting up Yandex mail on an iOS device

Above we discussed how to install and configure the operation of standard postal services. Everything is easy there - operations are carried out fully automatically. But with other mail service providers, such as Yandex,, Rambler, you will have to tinker a little.

To set up your Apple smartphone's email on these services, you need to complete the following steps:

1 Go to mail settings, add an account, click on the “Other” section.

2 Select the item regarding creating a new account, which is located in the mail section. 3 This step resembles the procedure that the user went through when setting up e-mail for standard mail services, and includes completing four fields of standard information. 4 At this step the main difficulties appear. In a special field, the owner of the iPhone must enter the server settings from the index (we are talking about the settings for outgoing and incoming messages). Sometimes the user does not know where to get them from. But in fact, everything is not so complicated, you just need to enter the corresponding request in search engine Yandex, Google or any other. The search form on the Apple website can also help the user find the answer to this question.

If after the steps above, something went wrong, it is possible operating system iPhone needs to be updated. You may need to clear the memory from extra files. How to clear RAM from unnecessary garbage, you can read on many forums on the Internet, this is a simple procedure.

How to find mail settings for iPhone?

To do this, you need to perform the following set of actions sequentially:

  • Go to page search settings Mail.
  • Enter your email address, for which the account will be set up, press enter.
  • The request will be processed by the system and in the same screen that the user sees in front of him, all necessary information to configure a particular mail service.

This way you can easily set up e-mail for popular mailers - Yandex, Rambler, However, for lesser-known email services, such as, this approach does not work. The settings for them will be completely different, and you need to look for them separately.

Additional email settings on iPhone

Above we discussed the main ways to configure email services on an iPhone, depending on the characteristics of a particular mailer. But this procedure can be easier and more flexible. IN additional settings mailbox, the user can perform a number of actions to effectively configure mail, namely:

  • Mailbox behavior. What does this indicator mean? And nothing more than indicating the compliance of all categories of messages on the device and mailbox. For example, you can add email forwarding to automatic mode from specific folder, or from all folders. After this, emails will be automatically sent from mail server straight to your iPhone.
  • The place where messages unclaimed by the user will be deleted. They can be permanently deleted to the trash, or sent to the archive if they may be needed in the future.
  • Deleted messages. Here the device owner can specify the period after which messages sent to the trash bin will be erased from the server memory forever. It will not be possible to restore such messages in the future.
  • Set up incoming messages. Here the user can choose between a wide variety of settings. For example, it can enable a secure protocol, authentication, standards for data encryption, etc.

How to delete an email account from an iPhone?

Removal is no less simple than setup and includes the following steps:

  • Go to mail settings, click on the name of the account you want to change.

  • Click on the account deletion section, then confirm your decision. The account will be automatically deleted.

Attention! If the user, when creating and setting up an account, synchronized mail with a calendar, notes, etc., when deleted, this data will also be erased.

After completing these 2 steps, everything will be permanently deleted. Restoration is possible, but only if a backup was previously made.

As you can see from the instructions above, there is nothing complicated in the mail settings on iPhones and iOS devices. However, when it comes to outdated email services, you will have to work a little. However, it’s unlikely that I use them today a large number of of people.

Note that you will need to make the settings only once, and then, after creating backup copy Through the iTunes utility, you can restore your account any number of times from a backup. This copy will be required, for example, when flashing the gadget or if you lose your credentials in some situation. By the way, you can also make a backup through iCloud storage.