Pagerank there are no connections. PageRank: what it is, types, features, how to check and increase. What affects the increase or decrease of Page Rank, some features of PR, use of the nofollow attribute

Not long ago another *ap* indicator passed Google PageRank(PR). “How to check all pages of a large website for PR?” Since the majority online services They allow you to check only 50 pages, which is too inconvenient when a website has hundreds or thousands of pages.

Fortunately, there are many different sites where you can check the Google PageRank of a website and pages. Scripts that check the PR of a site, for the most part, only let you know the PR of the main page. But the PR indicator is assigned not only to the main page, but also to each individual page; in addition, internal pages may have a higher PR than the main page.

This may be due to big amount backlinks and high-quality external links leading to the page. Typically, this is explained by the fact that individual pages are more often referred to when interesting material is found on them.

I was very surprised that many popular website analytics services do not have such a very useful function. As for me, she would be great addition in Google's webmaster tools.

Since the site map is loaded there and for each page it would be possible to display its PR. Moreover, there is more trust in tools from Google than from third party developers. Therefore, you often have to use several services to determine the veracity of the results.

You can use the program for mass verification of internal pages of PaRaMeter. The PaRaMeter program saves the results of all checks and you can then compare how the PageRank has changed for the pages of your web resource.

While searching for SEO tools, I came across quite a few interesting service SlavSSoft, which allows you to massively determine the PR of internal pages of a site. To prevent server overload, there is a limit of a maximum of 500 pages - although I think this is quite enough for the average website.

In addition, PR is determined not by scanning pages, but by using the Sitemap, the address of which must be added to an empty line on the script page. If you don't have Sitemap file, you can use other tools to determine Google PR of internal pages, right there on the site.

After you have added the sitemap file address, the SEO analyzer will show full list pages located in this file and will begin checking the PR of each of them. For SEO optimizers, this resource will be quite useful, especially for webmasters involved in selling links on SAPE exchanges.

It will make it possible to determine in advance the price for links from internal pages, and also control changes in PR, as a result of work on external optimization. In addition to mass PR checks, the SEO service can perform an analysis of internal and external links, find out PR for data centers and so on.

Here is a list of two such sites for checking the PR of the main page and internal pages of the site with a brief description of their work: – PageRank check is carried out one level deep from a given page. It is also possible to check the PR of all pages that need to be inserted
list. There is also a large number of useful and interesting services to check. – Determination of PR occurs not by scanning pages, but by using the Sitemap, the address of which will need to be added to the empty line on
script page – I really liked this service. Displays its PageRank in an attractive sign next to each URL, and summarizes the number at the end of the table internal pages with various PR.

The only inconvenient thing is that the check is limited to the first 100 pages, but if you register there, then 300 pages are available for checking for free or more but for a fee. The prices are not very high, but I personally don’t see the point in paying for such data.

If you do not need to check all the internal pages of the site, but only some of them, there are tools for Google checks PR of several pages at once, in one package (by entering the address of each page manually). In addition, it is possible to check the PR of the main page across all Google data centers.

With the current trend towards closing all external links with the “noindex” and “nofollow” attributes, I recommend using a tool to analyze the quality of closing all links, including internal ones. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to link the internal pages of your website with contextual links. I recommend doing this because it gives a greater effect compared to displaying similar news and has big influence to increase Google PageRank of site pages.

The real PageRank detection service will try to detect the future PR of your site based on the quality and quantity of backlinks. Please note Expected PageRank can only be considered as a guess. The future Google PageRank of a site generated by our service may not be accurate.

We can say that this is not entirely PageRank Forecast, this is largely the definition of real PR. It's no secret that Google usually assigns PR less than it should be. The reasons are different, from selling links to the youth of the site and minor violations of Google rules that you may not be aware of.
Therefore, usually the real Page Rank should be higher than what you see on the Google toolbar. Our service determining real PageRank will show you what your PR should be if you remove all the Google reducing factors.

A free comprehensive SEO audit service has opened on our website, which also calculates the Real PR described here.
As a result, during the determination of the real pagerank, you will be directed to the page of the results of a comprehensive analysis of the site being checked, which also contains the calculated values ​​of the Real PR.

Please note that the results are www. and without www. may vary significantly.
Attention, the test results are saved in the database. You can track changes in real PR indicators over the past period on historical PageRank forecast charts.

The Page Rank forecast service tries to predict the resource's PR, what it could be with the next PageRank update. The tool for determining the Real PR produces complex calculations and conducts a comprehensive analysis to determine the future Google PageRank of the site.

We calculate the predicted PageRank value, but don't round it up like Google does. Therefore, the real PR values ​​vary from 0.00 to 10.00, i.e. thousand point scale.

PageRank and Google is trade marks Google Inc. If you want to find out the nominal Page Rank (i.e. toolbar) of your site, you need to download the Google toolbar.

You can discuss the work of this service on our SEO Forum in the topic.
Your comments and suggestions will definitely be taken into account.

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Google PageRank - what is it?

Website PR is...

PageRank (PR) is a website evaluation criterion used by the Google search engine. This indicator indicates the authority of the Internet resource from Google’s point of view. The main difference between PageRank and TCI is that this indicator is calculated separately for each page of an Internet project. When forming the value, it is taken into account internal linking, as well as links leading from other sites.

The PR indicator is related to the number of links leading to the site. To ensure an increase in PageRank, you can place paid links, register in “white” directories, and exchange hyperlinks with web projects on similar topics. Enough effective method Articles are considered to contain a link to the promoted site.

How to check a website's PR - installing an informer

If you wish, you can install a special counter button on the pages of your web project. This will allow you to check the pagerank of a site by simply visiting your resource. You can get the informer code via this link The counter will allow you not only to check the website’s PR, but also to demonstrate this indicator visitors (including potential advertisers).

Website PR - what is it? Find out using specialized services

There are special online services that allow you to determine PageRank. To check the PR, you can go to This service provides a large amount of information about the Internet resource:

  • expiration of the domain registration period;
  • hosting, server IP address;
  • download speed;
  • page encoding;
  • visibility in search engines, etc.

If you are using Firefox browser or Internet Explorer, then checking PR pages can be done using special application Google Toolbar.

Mass PR check is performed by the service Each Domain name must be entered in special form With new line. By using of this instrument A mass PR check of up to 100 sites is carried out.

How to find out PageRank using programs

Very convenient tool for SEO analysis is free program Site Auditor. It allows you to find out PR, as well as check the position of an Internet resource in search engines. In addition, the webmaster will be able to determine how many pages of the site are indexed by search engines. You need to enter the domain name in the http:// field to determine the PR of the site; the check is carried out within a few seconds.

How to check PR pages

If you need to set the PageRank of a single document, you can use the service. This system makes it possible to check up to 35 documents in one session. In addition, you can add an RDS bar module to your browser, designed for comprehensive SEO analysis. Besides PageRank, this module determines the site's CMS, the approximate number of incoming links, and many other indicators.

PageRank- This important indicator, which can affect search results on Google. It is PR that is key point at work search engine Google, which predetermines the site’s position in search results for various queries.

Today we will figure out what it is and how to check it.

Almost every website you can find

and - directly depends on the search engine in terms of receiving constant traffic. That is why everyone knows that you should be “friends” with the search engine and adhere to all its rules, so as not to fall under such unpleasant things as pessimization and, especially, a filter.

When viewing various TOP sites for certain requests, you can notice competition for a particular request that arises between them - how are they resolved? similar situations from the search engine side? Of course, there are indicators and criteria by which content is sorted and the site receives a kind of rank. The more the site follows the rules and contains quality content- the higher the positions he will have, the rest will be located below him, or will have problems with issuing. Problems can be, as I already wrote, in the form of pessimization or a filter: among which we have already considered the sensational ones, .

What is PageRank

First of all, it is worth noting that such an algorithm as PageRank was invented by Stanford University graduate students Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. The patent was created only in 2001 and it belongs to Stanford University, not Google.

PageRank- one of the algorithms link ranking, which assigns each document its own authority index (page importance), which is expressed as a certain value (takes on a value of 0-10). Specifics this parameter is that it is calculated depending on . In simple words: PR is the total authority of a page, which directly depends on all the sites linking to it and the final result of the total weight of these links. It is the weight of all links that will determine such a value as PageRank.

Generally, this algorithm similar to, the only difference is that PR is calculated for each page, and TCI for the entire site in general. The basis is similar, taken from the scientific world, according to the principle: the more

The more authors refer to a work, the higher its quality and importance. In general, the parameters should be of a similar nature, but still have their own specifics, which we can notice everywhere.

It should be noted that PR does not take into account the number of links, but rather their weight - so great amount spammy links will not make a picture, not to mention subsequent sanctions from various filters. This is another reason to check links carefully and choose only high-quality donors, in order to avoid all sorts of problems, including PageRank.

If you think about the differences between the Yandex and Google algorithms, then it’s worth remembering such an indicator as, the operating principle of which is kept under seven locks by the search engine employees. It makes sense to draw a parallel with the PR algorithm - judging by all the facts, they really have a lot in common... But, alas, we are not allowed to know this. At least for today.

In any case, the existence of such an algorithm as PageRank and VIC is quite natural: even the work of one author can have completely different quality or importance of an individual article in any field (even if we take the original one - science). Not to mention the fact that there may be a whole team of authors on the site - there should be a different weight for each page, if we talk about quality content.

Features of PR

As you already understand, without such an indicator as PR there is no question of search engine promotion The site cannot exist - you need to work with it. I want to say right away that PageRank will not be able to directly influence the promotion of the site, since it is auxiliary, but very useful.

Its role is precisely to resolve the situation that I described at the beginning about the competition of several sites for the same request - it is PR that can predetermine the outcome and position it on best positions those sites that have

this figure will be high.

In addition to this situation, it will help us in such an interesting situation when the user enters an ambiguous query. Such queries most often include one-word keywords - “site”, “salad” and others general queries. There will be a huge number of relevant documents on them, which will at least somehow be involved in this request. It is in this situation that PageRank will play that decisive role and can even provide us with better positions in such a request.

PageRank has 2 meanings:

  • real;

In turn, it is constantly updated and participates directly in the ranking. It is this indicator that measures exact weight, transmitted by links.

  • toolbar;

It comes from a real value and represents a certain assessment that can take the value 0-10. It is updated quite rarely - about once a month.

Most often, young projects or those who fell under the filter have a zero toolbar value. Achieve more and more high level quite difficult, and some set the limit at 5.

Real value Toolbar value
0,00000001…5 1
6…25 2
26…125 3
126…625 4
626…3125 5
3126…15625 6
15626…78125 7
78126…390625 8
390626…1953125 9
1953126…∞ 10

It is worth noting that increasing PR can be achieved not only by external links from other sites, but also by internal linking of pages - which we will look at shortly. Thus, you can increase your PR score without resorting to using external links at all, but the ideal option is a combination of both methods.

How to check PageRank

There are many services for checking PR, the choice of which depends only on you - since almost all of them do their job correctly.

- does its job perfectly. The service’s interface is extremely simple: just enter one or more links to the site, click “check PR” and get the PageRank value. It is ideal for mass check one or even several projects - which greatly simplifies the task and makes the service pleasant to use.

In addition, there are a lot of extensions for any browser, which allows you to view PR and other SEO indicators without using the service - in real time. This is very convenient if there is a need to constantly view data about the site.

If you want to view information about your PR indicator on the site, you can install a special counter that can be provided by a service such as. IN this service You can receive not only PR, but also TCI of the site in the form of a small widget. You can read how to install it in - the algorithm for installing the Yandex Metrica counter is described there, but in this way you can install absolutely any counter. The only difference can be the location - if the counter is needed in the footer, then it must be placed in required template, without breaking the tag structure.

For a mass or automated check of all website pages, you can use special services, which we will talk about in the next article. With this I say goodbye to you - I hope the information was useful and relevant for you!