The main problems of Windows 7 solution. Cleaning the hard drive. Fixing Windows problems

Review and solutions to popular problems due to which the Windows 7 operating system does not boot.


Operating systems family Windows, developed by the corporation Microsoft, are currently considered the most stable OS for desktop computers and laptops. However, even they sometimes fail. All kinds of errors in their operation can occur due to incorrect exit from the system, due to damage system files and, of course, due to PC infection with viruses.

These problems are usually easily solved, but there are situations when, after turning on the computer, the operating system refuses to boot at all and displays an error. In our article we will look at the main reasons why the operating system Windows 7 refuses to load and consider several options for solving this problem.

Why Windows 7 computers and laptops do not boot and write errors: reasons.

When loading fails operating system, on the monitor screen the user can see the following:

  • Alert about physical or software malfunction on a black background;
  • Blue screen appears BSoD;
  • The operating system starts to load, but freezes;

As a rule, when a black screen appears, a message appears on it, which tells about the reasons for the problem. Most often, its appearance is due to the fact that the computer cannot detect the keyboard, without which it is impossible to control the operating system. This problem occurs mainly on desktop computers and all you need to do is connect the keyboard or insert it into another port. However, a black screen can occur for numerous other reasons. For example, important system files were deleted. To identify the cause, you need to read messages on a black screen.

The appearance of a blue screen or, as it is popularly called, the “screen of death”, indicates that the problem lies in the incompatibility of recently installed drivers or in random access memory. As a rule, there are two problems with RAM:

  • The RAM board is not inserted into the slot well;
  • RAM is not compatible with motherboard;

If you have recently added RAM to your computer, check that it is firmly seated in the slot and make sure that this type RAM is supported by your motherboard.

In cases where the system starts to boot, but then freezes, most often the problem lies in damage or deletion of system files.
In fact, there are many reasons why these three situations may arise. All of them can be related to both software malfunctions, similar to incorrect settings BIOS, damaged system files or computer infection with viruses, and physical problems in working memory, hard drive and other computer components.

Problems starting Windows 7: what to do, how to start the computer?

Troubleshooting Software Problems

  • To identify the reason why Windows 7 refuses to boot, first you need to eliminate damage to the operating system files. Almost always after incorrect termination the next time you turn on the computer appears on the monitor. extra menu with boot modes Windows.
  • If such a menu does not appear automatically, immediately after turning on the computer you will need to press the key several times F8 to force it.

  • IN this menu you must select the item “ Loading Last Known Good Windows configuration ” and see where it leads. If the system boots, then the problem was corrupted or deleted system files.
  • If the computer was unable to download the latest working configuration system, then you can try to use the troubleshooting mode, and in some cases it will help to get out of this situation “ Safe mode” and launching system recovery through it.

PC infection with viruses

  • Computer viruses, of which there are quite a few today, can harm a computer not only while using the operating system, but also at the stage of its startup. If such a problem happens to your computer, then ordinary anti-virus software will be powerless in this situation.
  • To get rid of viruses before the operating system starts, you will need a specialized “antivirus program” that has its own boot records and is able to work separately from the operating system.

  • One of these antivirus scanners is Kaspersky Rescue Disk, which runs separately from the operating system from a boot disk or flash drive and has its own interface, outwardly very similar to Windows. You can be sure that this antivirus software is able to identify any threats that have penetrated not only HDD, but also into RAM.
  • Free download licensed version this program is available from the official website of Kaspersky Lab at this link. To work with the utility, you must burn it to a CD or flash drive. Kaspersky software is constantly updated and has the widest antivirus database in the world.

RAM problem

  • As mentioned above, if instead of a black screen a blue screen appears, then 90% cases, the problem lies in the RAM. This problem is typical for both desktop computers and laptops. It can be caused by the addition of new RAM strips different manufacturers into the computer or damage to one of the previously installed ones.

  • To determine which particular stick is preventing the operating system from loading, you need to remove all the RAM cards from the PC and install them back into the slots one by one, checking the loading of the operating system after adding a new stick.

The computer cannot recognize the hard drive

  • One of the worst problems that can arise is hard damage computer disk. Problems with the hard drive can be either software or physical. However, most often the problem is that BIOS Boot priority settings from removable media are set. For example, from a CD or flash drive, which, in this moment, inserted into the computer.

  • In this case, you need to remove the disk/flash drive or go to BIOS and in the section with the word “ Boot", set the boot priority from the hard drive.
  • If the hard drive has software problems, you can try to restore it using a special recovery disk.
  • In case of physical damage, the hard drive should be taken for repair or replaced with a new one.

IMPORTANT: Do not try to experiment with settings BIOS. If changing the operating system boot priority does not help you, exit BIOS and try another method presented in the article. Otherwise, you can aggravate the problem and it will be much more difficult to solve it.


  • In conclusion, it is worth saying that the above list of reasons why the operating system does not want to boot is far from complete. The article lists the most popular errors and their solutions.
  • Also this problem may occur due to overheating of the device, insufficient power supply, low battery motherboard, poorly secured cables, dusty components system unit and a hundred more software problems that can be solved by restoring the system using a special boot disk.

  • If none of the above the listed methods I couldn’t help you, seek help from professionals or describe your problem in detail in the comments and we will try to suggest you a solution.

VIDEO: Several options for restoring the Windows 7 operating system

Many PC users work with Microsoft products. For example, with the corresponding operating systems. They are wearing Windows name(English - “window”). Every year new operating systems are being developed and released. Today, users can enjoy Windows 8 and Windows 10. However, this is not the only software for the computer. There is another very successful product Microsoft. It's about about Windows 7. The majority of users prefer to work with this software. It has a pleasant and clear interface, and also copes with its tasks properly. But there are exceptions. For example, there are often cases in which Windows 7 does not load. What should I do? What should the user do to bring the computer back to life? Below we will look at the reasons for failures when loading Windows, and also try to figure out how to troubleshoot the problems.

Main reasons

Windows 7 won't boot? This operating system is considered one of the most successful from Microsoft. Many users prefer it. But the operating system is very vulnerable software. Therefore, errors in its work cannot be ruled out.

Most often, problems loading the operating system are caused by:

  • system failures;
  • PC virus infection;
  • "cluttered" computer;
  • hardware damage;
  • incorrect software installation;
  • conflicting components connected to the computer.

In fact, the situation can be corrected in different ways. It all depends on the problem. If Windows 7 does not boot, the user will have to discover the reason for this behavior (fortunately, this is often easy to do) and then resolve the conflict. And only occasionally do you have to agree to extreme measures.

Download steps

First, let's try to understand exactly how the OS loads on a computer. This way the user can find out at what stage the problems occurred. This will definitely help in the future.

  1. OSLoader. The stage that starts with launch BIOS. That is, immediately after turning on the computer. First, the BIOS code is executed, then the main drivers are connected. They are needed to read data from the hard drive. After this the connection occurs Windows kernels, as well as registry branches.
  2. MainPathBoot. Largest loading step. It connects all the necessary components and drivers to the operating system. Settings, options, some applications and all built-in services are loaded during MainPathBoot. This stage is displayed on the screen as a blue background with “Windows 7” written on it.
  3. PostBoot. Activated when loading the desktop. This stage completes the download of Windows 7 and connects the remaining applications and programs.

That's all. In fact, everything is not as difficult to understand as it seems. However, you will have to figure out what to do if Windows 7 does not boot. Problems are usually detected at the MainPathBoot stage. But they also happen with PostBoot. At the OSLoader stage, errors with loading the operating system almost never occur. This step only takes a few seconds.

PC Damage

Windows 7 won't load? Often, to understand exactly what happened - hardware failure or systemic problems, difficult. After all, the computer can behave the same in both cases.

So, if the user thinks that some components on his computer are damaged, they will need to be replaced. Ideally, take a closer look at the behavior of the operating system. Very often, Microsoft tells the user what the problem is. For example, by displaying the “blue screen of death”. But more on that later.

After replacing the faulty parts, the error loading Windows should disappear. The following scenarios may indicate such a problem:

the same driver constantly fails on the computer;

  • "blue screens of death" occur;
  • the sounds of the OS are heard on the computer, but there is no picture on the screen;
  • sudden freezing of the Windows boot process;
  • turning off the computer while processing the OS boot stages.

Which of these phenomena indicate what? This will be discussed below.

Signals - pointers

Did you encounter an error loading Windows 7? Often failures are associated with hardware damage. But what should you check first? It all depends on the situation.

Previously, we provided several indicators of computer hardware damage. But what exactly do they point to? Let's try to figure this out.

So, users can focus on the following data:

  • driver errors - a malfunction of the device for which one or another software package is installed;
  • "blue screen death" - problems with RAM (but there are exceptions);
  • no picture on the screen - damage to the video card;
  • stop OS loading - ;
  • power cut while the PC is booting - a problem with the power supply.

Can the listed phenomena occur when some computer components conflict? Yes. For example, if after installation new video card The OS does not show the picture on the monitor, you should either replace the rest of the hardware or return the old video card. Fortunately, it is possible to diagnose similar phenomena simpler than other problems.

Download files

Windows 7 won't boot into normal mode? Often, users say that they encounter black screens in the early stages of loading. They say "Bootmgr is missing". Next, you are asked to press Ctrl + Alt + Del to reboot the OS. Sometimes the user may encounter a regular black screen with no text. The cursor moves across the monitor when you move the mouse, but nothing more.

This error indicates that the boot file was corrupted while the computer was running. Bootmgr is a bootloader for Windows 7 and Windows 8. It is initially hidden from users. Delete it when hard formatting disk is problematic. Often the cause of this error is viruses.

What to do in this case? Installing Windows 7 on your computer from scratch will help. This is the simplest solution. You can try to restore the operating system, but if this technique does not help, you will have to act decisively and radically.


Windows 7 won't load? A black screen, as we have already said, either indicates problems with the video card, or highlights failures of the Windows bootloader. Sometimes reading and loading does not occur when PC starts system registry. This is an extremely important element.

As a rule, an error is easily identified - a corresponding warning appears on the computer screen. In addition, correcting the situation will be easier than it seems. The computer will launch the recovery wizard. By following his instructions, the user will be able to fix the problem. Not always, but often this technique helps.

Recovery Wizard

But the user will not always be able to use the automatic operating system recovery wizard. Sometimes you have to call him yourself. In addition, if Windows 7 does not boot, everyone has the right to use a set of OS recovery tools.

To launch the corresponding menu, you must:

  1. To restart a computer.
  2. At the PC boot stage, press “F8” several times.
  3. Select "Troubleshoot your computer."
  4. Enter the access password.
  5. Click on "Startup Repair".
  6. After completing the operation, reboot the PC.

Using the menu called up, you can perform a system rollback. To do this, just select There is nothing incomprehensible or difficult about this.

Safe mode

Sometimes Windows 7 does not boot in normal mode. In this case, you will have to restore the OS. It is advisable to do this using secure boot"Windows 7". In addition, this mode helps restore drivers and clean the operating system.

To use Secure Boot you will need:

  1. Turn on the computer.
  2. Click on "F8".
  3. Select "Safe Mode".

You can wait for the operating system to load. Shortcuts will appear on the screen on a black background. To restore the OS, just go to “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “System Tools” - “Recovery”.

After a secure boot, the user will be able to use all services and Windows services. For example, the command line. It often helps get rid of some

"Blue Death"

Sometimes users are bothered by a blue screen when loading Windows 7. It's called the "blue screen of death". As we have already said, most often such an error occurs due to problems with RAM.

A blue background appears on the monitor display. It has specific error information written in white font. The user does not need most of the information. Just look at the type of error, as well as the “Technical Information” section. With their help you can understand what's going on.

Errors with the hard drive and/or its controller can be indicated by errors like:

  • stack_inpage_error;
  • data_inpage_error;
  • inaccessible_boot_device;
  • mode_exception_not_handled.

It is advisable to have a reference book at hand BIOS errors. It contains a complete list of Blue Screen of Death errors. With its help, everyone will understand exactly what the problem is with downloading Windows 7. There is no need to install a new operating system. But how to bring your idea to life?

Reset BIOS

Russian Windows 7 won't load? Similar problem occurs when working with hacked software. By reinstalling it, the error will disappear.

As we have already said, the Blue Screen of Death indicates corruption in the BIOS. Resetting the settings will help correct the situation. You can do this:

  1. Get to the motherboard and press the special jumper.
  2. Remove the coin cell battery and insert it back. The corresponding element is located on the motherboard. It is recommended to completely replace the battery on your PC if there are BIOS problems.
  3. Turn on the computer, press the BIOS button ("F2", "F4", "Del" and so on - it all depends on the motherboard). Go to Exit and set the pointer to Load Setup Defaults, click on the "Enter" button. Save changes.

Ready! Now the "death screen" will no longer bother the user. But what to do if the operating system still does not boot.

File recovery

In some cases, Windows 7 will not load due to damaged system files. They can be restored manually. This technique works if automatic recovery did not produce results.

To perform a manual operation, the user must:

  1. Launch the command line in Windows 7. It is advisable to do this in safe mode.
  2. Write: sfc/scannow /offbootdir=c:\ /offwindir=c:\Windows.
  3. Click on "Enter".

You can wait for the computer scan and recovery boot files. The operation usually takes a few minutes.

Re-creating a section

Is Windows 7 loading slowly? What to do if in the end this operating system does not start?

Didn't all the tips listed above help? Then you can try to recreate boot sector. It is also recommended to rewrite the boot code.

This is done like this:

  1. Open a command prompt in safe mode on your computer.
  2. First enter bcdboot.exe C:\Windows and perform the operation.
  3. Write bootrec/fixnbr and bootrec/fixboot.
  4. Execute requests.
  5. To restart a computer.

Ready! Now is the time to check the loading of the operating system. It is possible that the problem will disappear.

Slow work

If the operating system is working in principle, the user can be offered the following acceleration methods:

  • disable startup programs;
  • scan the OS for viruses and remove all malicious files;
  • launch CCleaner and clean the PC registry;
  • clean the operating system of files and programs.

All this really helps. If the techniques are not effective, you will have to agree to reinstall Windows 7. Usually the idea requires an installation disk. In the BIOS, you need to set the hard drive to first place in the Boot section, and then, following the instructions on the screen, complete the installation.

Problems with Windows installation 7 arise unexpectedly, and at absolutely the wrong time. All of us have faced similar troubles before, so we all know how unpleasant it is. Our post today suggests studying the most popular errors when installing 7, and of course, we will look at the appropriate methods for resolving this problem.

Top faults and how to deal with them.

So, I propose to get straight to the point without any introductory complaints or lectures. Problems with installing Windows 7 usually begin after BIOS problems occur. Most often, 7 is not given for one simple reason - BIOS is too outdated. Owners of dinosaur computers, and myself, once observed such disgrace back in 2009, when 7 was just born. As you may have guessed, only updating the BIOS can save this situation. At the first opportunity, I recommend checking for updates for the motherboard. Of course, all this needs to be done in advance.

List top problems at a very early stage as well replenish faults in ISO image, which copies its files to system disk- that is in the Windows 7 itself that you are going to install.

Also, if in the process of establishing the system computer turns off— most likely it’s time to think about a major cleaning inside the system unit or inside the laptop case. The PC simply overheats due to dust accumulated in it.

If the system gives an error during the installation process - possibly damaged itself installation flash drive or disk. This also happens often, although you should check the functionality of the drive itself and the USB port. If users are caught off guard by the latest “trouble,” then they will have to visit the nearest store where they can buy new devices. By the way, here's one helpful advice for fans of DVD drives: Even the most old disk You can slightly “reanimate” it, just wipe it with a soft cloth, then check again. In the case of a flash drive: try rewriting it again. If it doesn't work out, sign up for another one.

You may also get an error during installation: faulty or dusty equipment. For example, RAM does not like dust very much and is one of the first to stop working. To fix this - You need to do a thorough cleaning of your PC. But it also happens that The RAM stick has completely failed. You can check it using the memtest 86 program. But first you need to download its image and correctly write it to a flash drive or disk. For more information on checking, watch the video below:

Problems with installing Windows 7 can also arise due to hard drive malfunction disk. Perhaps it has already become unusable and it is not possible to write an operating system onto it. To check this, I recommend downloading and burning the image Victoria programs 4.46. You can find out how to use the program in the video below:

Problems with installing Windows 7 will definitely arise if your computer has weak hardware. It is possible that there is not enough RAM or it cannot cope with the load on its own. CPU. In such cases, there are 2 options: / or, which will satisfy the requirements of your old friend.

Well, that's all. I hope the article was useful, good luck!

The causes and solutions to the problem of the inability to start the OS are determined by error messages or their absence. The main situations are listed below.

Error disc boot failure Insert system disc and press Enter

This least critical error and it is the easiest to solve. It is caused by the system not detecting the boot disk due to the boot device sequence settings in the BIOS. Enough for a start remove the CD from the drive and disconnect devices such as flash drives, card readers, turn off external hard disks, others USB drives. To restart a computer. If the system does not boot or you want to completely eliminate the reasons, you need to reboot again and enter the BIOS.

You will need to fix the download queue. To do this, you do not need to know the computer or open its case. You must follow the instructions of the PC or motherboard manufacturer. Usually needed immediately press the Del key as soon as the computer turns on. A menu will open in which you need to set correct order.

If after this the system does not want to start, then you need to use installation disk Windows. Put it in the drive and reboot. A window will appear with a choice of keyboards and languages. Click the cursor on the desired one. Proceed like this:

If the OS does not see the hard drive at all, then you need to check its connection to the motherboard. This is appropriate if you do not have a warranty on your computer. Otherwise, the check is done in the workshop.

Error Bootmgr is missing

It is caused by an incorrect change boot entry hard drive. There can be many reasons. Her viruses damage or unthought-out user actions, work different programs. But the most dangerous reason is physical damage media as it may result in the loss of important data.

In this case you need check disk special utility. It is most convenient to use Victoria or MHDD products. You need to do this:

  • Download image You can download the boot disk from the official website;
  • Write down it on CD;
  • Load up from CD;
  • Check disk.

If bad sectors highlighted in red are detected, you should immediately copy important information on external media. Next, solve the problem with the device.

If no damage is found, proceed as described in previous paragraph. You can also enter the mode command line and execute commands bootrec.exe /fixmbr And bootrec.exe /fixroot by booting from the installation disk.

Ntldr is missing

The message appears after an incorrect shutdown of the PC due to viruses or changes in the boot sector. In this case it is necessary find ntldr files and file They can be taken from other computers in the \i386 folder or from Live cds.

Then the following work is done:

  • Specified files copied to the root of the system disk;
  • Computer I'll downloadandseems from the installation disk;
  • When prompted to launch the recovery console with the R key, the user clicks on it;
  • By using cd c commands: a transition is being made to system partition hard drive;
  • The following commands are executed fixboot And fixmbr. The first will create the boot sector, and the second will copy the mentioned objects.
  • If the system partition is inactive, it is activated using programs for working with sections of hard disk, then you need to check the paths to the operating system specified in the boot.ini file.

Loading stuck when black screen and mouse pointer appears

This usually occurs as a result of the action of a virus and its incorrect deletion. For example, a ransomware virus.

Then give the PC the following commands:

  • When stuck, press Win + R;
  • A window will pop up Execute;
  • Print regedit;

The Registry Editor will appear. Look for lines HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/Current Version/Winlogon/ And HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/Current Version/Winlogon/.

Having found the parameter in them shell, change its value to explorer.exe.

It happens that boot problems appear when you change the PC configuration. Then the recovery screen will appear on its own or you need to press F8 and select troubleshooting.

Windows 10 won't start

The new OS may refuse to work such reasons;

  • Error when updating;
  • Black screen while loading;
  • Incorrect operation Internet connection devices;
  • Crashes when exiting hibernation mode;
  • Malware;
  • Flaw free space on disk;
  • Errors in the operation of different programs or drivers.

Rolling back updates

If an update fails, you need to use the options restore previous state provided for in this Microsoft product. When starting the device, press F8. The recovery menu will open.
You need to click on Diagnostics, and then on Restore. Everything will recover on its own. If unsuccessful, use the restore point by clicking on Extra options . Then a suitable restore point is selected.

Black screen on boot

The system will come back to life either after a normal reboot or after operations similar to those described in the previous paragraph. The reason for a failed download is usually malware. The most effective way To get rid of it, formatting with complete reinstallation systems. All important information should be copied. Or check as described below.

Internet connection devices do not work properly and crashes when resuming from hibernation mode

Users of the operating system have long noticed that if the boot fails, it’s worth trying disconnect from the network and turn off the power Wi-fi routers, network cards, modems or other devices. As a rule, this is due to malfunctions in the operating system. If you exit hibernation mode incorrectly, you just need to press the power button on the case and hold it for 3-4 seconds, and then turn on the PC again.

Checking your computer for viruses

To exclude infection of the device as the reason for the refusal to start, you need to carry out anti-virus scan . To do this, download Live cd from antivirus programs and check your computer. It's better that it contains several antiviruses. According to tests by independent laboratories, it is best to use Kaspersky Internet Security, products from Bitdefender and scanned with several similar programs.

Lack of free disk space

Owners of devices with installed Windows 10 often either save money by installing a low-capacity hard drive, or fill it with downloaded films, unnecessary games, large files and do not monitor the availability of free space. Therefore, the OS may not start, since it is simply not enough space for work. You can clear it using the software installed on boot disks, or you can simply delete what you don’t need by viewing the contents using a file manager.

Errors when running programs or drivers

To delete problematic driver need to login to safe mode. If it works, then most likely the problem is in the driver of some component or equipment or in the functioning of some program. You can either delete them or edit startup.

Problems with Windows 7 can appear at any time and not only for a novice user, but also for a master of his craft, so to speak. The only difference is that Windows problems will be solved differently. An experienced user will immediately begin to study the Windows event log, launch special debugging programs and read log entries. In general, as you might guess, knowledge, skills and special software A lot will be spent on these goals. But what if a person has just begun to take his first steps in the computer field and much of what I wrote above is not only a dark forest for him, but also unfamiliar words?!

Solving problems with Windows 7

First of all, of course, it’s worth saying that any PC user should have a list special programs to eliminate errors, resuscitate the computer and at least back up the system. And, accordingly, be able to use it.

But, besides them, it is also very useful to have Fix it, Automatic diagnostics and troubleshooting folders and files Windows systems . Trust my experience, she will help you out more than once.

With its light weight, it will help to identify and eliminate frequently occurring errors that occur to the user. For example, problems with Windows update 7 and with its performance. As well as minor errors, such as with the desktop, icons, difficulties launching applications, etc.

By following the link, you will need download Fixit, and then launch it immediately.

The program will start.

Click the “Accept” button.

In the newly opened window, click on “Browse” and select external storage(flash drive). Flash drive and external hard the disk must be previously connected to a USB device.

If PowerShell components are already installed on your computer, check this box. If you don't know whether it is on your computer or not, leave it blank.

When scanning is complete, click on the “Finish” button.

The next step is to go to the directory where the folder with the application was created, and for convenience in subsequent work, copy or transfer it to the desktop.

Go to the copied folder and run the file in it shown in