The optical mouse does not work. The built-in mouse on the laptop does not work, what should I do? Wired and wireless mice

The popularity of laptops is explained not only by their compactness and easy transportation, but also the presence of all key components. It is fundamentally impossible to buy a new laptop computer in which, for example, the manufacturers forget to install HDD or provide a keyboard. The owner, having come home with a purchase, can be sure that it is worth pressing the power button, and computing system starts.

However, this approach also has its downsides.

Comparing personal computer and laptop

Since in desktop computer Since all components are accessible (except for models with sealed cases), you can easily check the functionality of each of them. But if, for example, the built-in mouse on a laptop does not work, then this is tantamount to a small local disaster, since the usual methods of checking in this case turn out to be inapplicable. The same goes for modules wireless communication, video adapter, etc. Of course, there are diagnostic methods, but they differ from those used for personal computer components.

Controlling the cursor on a laptop computer

In modern application programs and operating systems that have a graphical interface, it is very difficult to work without a mouse or device that implements similar functions.

That's why all laptops come with a built-in solution called a touchpad. A small rectangular surface on the front side of the case in front of the key block - this is active element. Some models have three additional mechanical buttons, like a classic mouse, while others use them entirely touch control. If the built-in mouse on a laptop does not work, then the problem is in the touchpad. Surprisingly, the majority of calls to service centers regarding the inability to control the cursor are resolved in a few seconds. The thing is that the developers have provided a shutdown function of this device using “hot keys”, which is unknowingly activated by many laptop owners.

How to enable the touchpad

So, the mouse on the laptop does not work. What to do? First of all, don't panic. All models, regardless of manufacturer, must have an Fn button. The inscription on it is often highlighted in color. Upon careful inspection of the keyboard, you can find several more buttons that have signatures with the same colors. When you press any of them and Fn at the same time, one or another function is activated. For example, by selecting a shaded/blank “sun” in this way, you can adjust the brightness of the screen. And by using the button with the image of a hand against the background of a rectangle, the user can turn the touchpad off or on. Thus, if the mouse on a laptop does not work, then the first thing to do is press Fn and, while holding it, press the second button that controls the touchpad. On Acer models this may be F7. One click turns on, the next click deactivates.

The nuances of using control “hot keys”

Moreover this opportunity available regardless of installed software. If the mouse on the laptop stopped working, then the above combination could be accidentally pressed while playing or working office programs and even when making adjustments to the BIOS.

But the buttons for controlling service functions (for example, “E” in the right top corner from Acer) work only after installing the appropriate software. This is very important point, which should be remembered. To control the touchpad, you do not need any drivers or support from the operating system. In addition, the selected state is remembered by the laptop. That is, if the mouse on the laptop does not work, and it was disabled using “hot keys,” then reinstalling the operating system does not solve the problem.

Control program

Of course, the answer to the question “Why doesn’t the laptop mouse work?” is not always the answer. as simple as stated above. Sometimes you have to take a comprehensive approach to solving a problem.

If the mouse on a laptop does not work well, then you need to install a driver that allows the operating system to interact correctly with the touchpad. Currently, manufacturers laptop computers The most popular products are from three companies - ALPS, Sinaptics and Elantech. The easiest way to determine the type of touchpad you are using is by opening the instructions. The second option is to look at the information line.

If the instructions are lost

If for some reason there is no access to the accompanying documentation, then you can use the tools to determine the manufacturer of the touchpad Windows systems. To do this, go to “Device Manager”, select “Mice and pointing devices”, right-click on the selected device, calling “Properties”. Then everything is simple: in the “Details” tab you need to select “Equipment ID”. In the list that appears, all you have to do is find ACPI and carefully read what follows this entry. If the word is “Syn”, then you will need to download and install touchpad drivers from Synaptics; "PNP" stands for ALPS, and "ETD" stands for Elantech.

If all else fails

In the case when all of the above methods have been tried, but the problem remains and the mouse on the laptop still does not work, you should take the advice of experienced “laptop experts” - turn off the power supply and remove battery. Meaning of this action is to ensure that all residual charge is removed from the internal electrical circuits. Sometimes this is enough for full recovery touchpad performance.

It is also useful to remember that it is not recommended to use the built-in touchpad and an external USB mouse at the same time. Especially if drivers from the manufacturer are installed for both devices. The point is that in similar situations parsing possible conflicts turns out to be “on the conscience” of the operating system, for which this, for obvious reasons, is not a priority.

The conclusion is simple: if the mouse on the laptop does not work, then you need to leave only it turned on, disabling the touchpad. Or do the opposite, depending on the wishes of the owner.

Some models of laptop computers have an item in the BIOS that is responsible for activating the touchpad. Accordingly, the use of this device must be Enabled. To get into the configuration program, you need to frequently press F2 or some other key immediately after turning on the power (depending on the manufacturer and model).

And before you carry your laptop to service center, it makes sense to try to reinstall the operating system. Or, alternatively, restore the previous one control point when everything was still working. Of course, the latter is only possible if this feature is enabled in Windows.

To identify the reasons why the mouse does not work on a computer or laptop, you must do a few initial checks. They are all very easy and can be completed in a few seconds.

Why the computer mouse does not work - the main reasons

First: the reason is the batteries. If your mouse is wireless, then change the batteries.

Although its bottom still glows red and flashes, this does not necessarily mean that it is still functional.

Second: dust. Clean the bottom with a clean cloth and make sure there are no dust particles affecting its performance.

If you have followed all these steps and the problem persists, below are the most common problems and their solutions.

Reason one

The mouse cursor does not move smoothly. SOLUTION: If the mouse cursor does not move smoothly, the most likely cause is dust in the mouse sensor or on the surface, be it a rug or table.

Clean thoroughly with a clean cloth and no chemicals that cause more problems.

Reason two

Another factor that could be causing this problem is that you are using the mouse on a glossy surface.

Some mice, especially optical and laser mice, have difficulty tracking on glossy surfaces such as glass. Try using matte surfaces instead.

Reason three

Problem: The mouse pointer freezes. SOLUTION: Most probable cause this problem is related to central processor your computer.

In this case it can be launched more programs than necessary or background applications, and at the same time you may not even realize it.

This is of course very annoying. What to do? Wait a few seconds - these are the simplest solutions and often the best.

Just wait a few seconds to see if the problem resolves. If it is not eliminated and recurs, then further research is necessary.

Some computer programs work in background without your knowledge (you don't even see them).

Look in the lower right corner of the worker Windows desktop(), if there are unnecessary ones, then turn them off, and if they are not needed at all, then delete them completely.

Reason four

The mouse doesn't work at all. SOLUTION: This can happen from various problems. Some of these may be software and hardware related.

The mouse may not work as a result of a poor connection, faulty wiring, or faulty USB port.

Double check the integrity of your ports and ensure they are fully functional.

Some wireless devices(and some wired ones) require driver installation. Make sure it is installed.

Reason five

PROBLEM: The mouse pointer moves too slowly or too quickly.

SOLUTION: For this problem, there is only one solution in configuring the software.

This can be easily fixed by going to => Mouse => Pointer Options =>.

Change the cursor speed to the desired level by moving the slider up or down until you feel comfortable working. Good luck.

It happens that when you turn on your computer, you suddenly notice that the mouse does not respond to your movements. This can happen with wired usb, as well as with a wireless mouse. Usually, the reasons for this are similar cases and are already known to many specialists. Therefore, we will look at all the most popular reasons why the computer does not see the mouse and will present in the article several solutions that should definitely help you.

First of all, your task is to determine whether your reasons for a non-working mouse are primitive.

Ways to solve a problem with a USB mouse

If the problem occurs with a mouse that is connected via a USB port and the computer does not see it when turned on:

  • Disconnect the mouse's USB connector from the computer panel and turn off the computer. Disconnect it from the network and press the power button on the computer for a few seconds - this way you will completely clear the computer modules of charges, primarily the motherboard.
  • Now turn on your computer and connect your mouse after Windows startup. The mouse should work.

Now let's fix the problem with the USB mouse using . This method is appropriate when the system does not recognize such a device in the device manager of your PC. To open Device Manager, click on the “My Computer” icon right click mouse and select the appropriate item or through command line WIN+R and enter the command “Devmgmt.msc” and press Enter.

You will find the device in the body of the list, it will look like “ USB controllers" or "Other devices" (" Unknown device"). If it looks like this in your list unidentified device, then you need to right-click on it and select “Update drivers”. In this case, the system automatically finds on the network necessary drivers and installs them without your intervention. After this installation, you can use a working mouse.

If there is an exclamation mark next to our mouse in the task manager:

Physical damage due to which the computer does not see the mouse

If used carelessly, even a USB connector can become unusable. Check the contacts on the port and in the mouse connector; they may be damaged, bent, or worn out. Although the USB connector is very durable, it is still active use it could break, the contacts could also loosen. In this case, you need to contact the service to replace the USB ports with motherboard or buy a new one.

The mouse cable may also suffer from any kind of damage that leads to broken wires inside the cable. There are cases where they are chewed by domestic animals. In this case, the system will notify you with the message “Unable to connect to the USB port” or. The USB cable has 5 cores, which are not so easy to reconnect together. It's probably easiest to buy here new mouse. If the model is expensive, the service can save it.

In addition to the wire, damage can also occur in the mouse body itself.

Main faults inside the case:

  • The surface of the lens is dirty and scratched.
  • Buttons don't work. The arrow runs across the monitor, but click commands are not executed.
  • The main board, reader, photocells, etc. are faulty.
  • The wheel control controller is faulty. In this case, it is not possible to scroll pages up and down.
  • Front USB ports are unreliable. When several ports are connected to the same microcontroller board. It happens that inexperienced users connect several 4G modems and printers to such ports at the same time - if a failure does not happen, it will definitely happen. Modems will often lose cellular network and periodically disconnect. The same will happen with the printer; it will slow down in every possible way, stopping without finishing the document. The USB mouse may not be recognized by the system. As you may have guessed, you need to distribute the equipment across all USB ports of the computer, including on the back panel.

In wireless mice:

USB 3.0 laptop does not see mouse

Laptops running operating system 8.1 often encounter the “USB device is not recognized” error. To prevent this problem? It is necessary to change the power supply circuit of the laptop.

Problems with the mouse on different devices and versions of Windows

After reinstalling the system Windows incompatibility chipset drivers may cause the mouse to malfunction. Each operating system includes drivers for the sensor, mouse, and touchpad, except MS-DOS. A common reason for a mouse not to work is a non-working USB driver, component – ​​“Serial Bus Controller” and “Root Hub”. You need to find on the Internet the version of the chipset that is suitable for the version of Windows OS that is installed on your computer. this moment. Although for versions 8.1/10 the main drivers are already provided as system components, it is not necessary to install them separately.

ACER netbooks, which are provided with Windows 7 by the manufacturer, when installing versions above, a problem appeared - the mouse did not work. The problem was in the netbook hardware - the Windows 7 chipset drivers were not suitable and the following problems arose: the wireless connection disappeared network connection, the sensor did not work, the mouse did not work (the pointer was in one place). The problem was solved by removing the drivers and restarting the operating system. Devices and equipment were working normally again.

A computer mouse is an integral device in the system. Some people experience situations where the mouse either starts to work poorly or fails altogether, but in Windows this thing is very necessary. I think many people have wondered, is it possible to somehow fix the mouse, or simply fix problems in the system due to which it does not work? Of course it is possible, and now we will try to resolve this issue.

If the mouse does not respond to any actions at all, many people immediately run to the store for a new one, although others solve this problem on their own, which leads to long-term service of the manipulator.

Many of you probably know that there are several types of connecting a manipulator to a computer or laptop - PS/2, USB, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Thus, the first two are wired manipulators, and the second two are wireless. Each one may have its own problem.

Recommendations for troubleshooting problems for all manipulators

What should I do if the mouse still works, but is unstable, for example, it turns off and then turns on again?

When connecting a paddle via USB, you should take another one USB wire. If on your computer operating system installed for a very long time and has not been updated, this may cause unstable operation of the manipulator; it is also possible that many other manipulators were connected to the computer, resulting in a conflict between the drivers.

Try connecting the mouse to a connector on another computer and if everything works well, then the problem is in the USB controller.

You can try to reinstall the mouse driver using the keyboard; to do this, press the Win+R combination and enter the command mmc devmgmt.msc .

We are in the device manager. Now you need to press a key Tab so that you can navigate using the arrows. Scroll down with the arrow to the point "Mice and other pointing devices" To expand the list, press the right arrow.

Move to required device and press Enter, a window will open where you need to hold down Ctrl keys and Shift, and then pressing Tab key move to tab "Driver", after that just press the button "Tab" and move to the button "Delete". Press Enter and confirm the action.

Restart your computer or laptop, and then reinsert the mouse, the driver should be reinstalled and, perhaps, everything will work.

What to do if the manipulator cursor does not stand still?

It's not that complex problem, perhaps the sensor is clogged with dirt, dust, something is stuck and does not allow the cursor to point normally at objects. I advise you to completely wipe the mouse, starting with the sensor.

The next problem is that the buttons on the manipulator almost do not respond when pressed, what should I do?

Here the problem is already related to the mouse itself, that is, at the hardware level. It is possible that due to large quantity the button or buttons failed to press, or you pressed them so hard that they failed due to your fault. There is a possibility that dirt got inside and this prevents the button from functioning normally, you will have to disassemble the mouse and take a look. If no dirt is found, then most likely the microbutton needs to be replaced, which requires appropriate knowledge.

Several individual problems for manipulators

If you have a wired manipulator, then common reasons failures are associated with a wire that is kinked or broken. Inspect the cable carefully for damage.

What to do if it doesn't work wireless mouse? If these types of manipulators run on batteries, then it is quite possible that they have run out. Replace them. If the problem is not related to nutrition, then you will have to look for the problem yourself. Some of the types of problems described above may also apply to wireless paddles.

Another disadvantage of wireless pointing devices is that they can conflict with similar frequencies of other devices, it can be anything - a smartphone, tablet, TV, refrigerator, router, etc.

The most the main problem For computer mice– many of them are not shockproof; if you drop your mouse a couple of times, don’t be surprised that it breaks down or doesn’t work well. Not every manufacturer uses high-quality parts to make a manipulator, so treat things with care.

On this this article you can finish. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them.

IN modern world laptop is indispensable portable device, thanks to its relative convenience and functionality, this type computer becomes even more in demand in cases where it does not need any additional equipment. For example, in order not to buy a separate mouse and not carry it everywhere, each laptop has a special built-in Touchpad, which the user controls a laptop or netbook with his finger. It was not in vain that I made a short introduction, because sometimes the user simply does not know what it is called. In this article, we will talk about what to do if the touchpad on a laptop does not work. The topic is very common on the Internet and undoubtedly relevant. I will tell you about the most basic defects that can prevent the panel from working. The conversation will concern both hardware and software.

Windows setup

First of all, decide what you understand in your situation by the phrase “the touchpad is broken.” Maybe you just mean him unstable work: slight lags, cursor deviations, variable response to finger movements. And sometimes the touchpad may become unstable because your hands are wet or greasy after eating. But if you touched the touchpad with greasy hands, be sure to take a clean napkin and wipe the touchpad itself with it. Variable work may also be related to incorrect settings on Windows. Go to “Start” - “Control Panel”. In the “View” item, at the top right, set the value to “Small icons” and select “Mouse” from the list presented.

Here you can change the pointer speed in the “Pointer Options” tab. If your settings specify too low a speed, then there will be difficulties when moving the pointer.

Don't forget to save after changes made. By the way, if the problem is related to certain gestures not working (for example, moving two fingers apart from each other - zooming), you just need to download the drivers from the official website of the laptop manufacturer. To do this, go to the website, look for your laptop model and download drivers.

How to enable the touchpad

The following situation is related to complete absence touchpad response to any actions. Most likely, it turned out to be disabled for you. There are several ways to activate it. In the event that your laptop has special button turning on the touchpad, you don’t even need to think too much. Click it and everything will work.

Try also using the system combination with the Fn key and one of F1 to F12. Important! To avoid accidentally disabling any important function When going through the F1-F12 keys, it is best to pay attention to these keys and the images that are printed on them. Find where the finger or square with a cross is drawn.

On some laptops, when you disable and enable the touchpad, you can see an image on the desktop, from which you can understand what you have just done. Disabled or enabled the touchpad.

If you have a computer mouse connected in parallel via USB, try disconnecting it, as some laptops have automatic function disabling the panel when connecting a mouse. There is also a method to enable the touchpad through the BIOS. To do this, go there (when you turn on the computer, press F2, or F8, Esc, or Delete), go to the “Advanced” and “Internal Pointing Device” tab, set it to Enabled. Then don’t forget to save the changes you made to the BIOS.

This method is suitable for those users who install Windows on a laptop, but the touchpad does not work. Of course, you can use a mouse, but if you don’t have one, these settings will help you finish the job you started - install Windows or any other system. If the question of why the touchpad on a laptop does not work still remains unanswered, then most likely the problem is related to some mechanical damage. Here the best solution will take the precious device to a service center, because it is strictly not recommended for users without experience to even open the laptop.

Something else you should know is how to check whether the system can even see your touchpad or not. So, let's find out: go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Device Manager”. We are looking for the “Mice and other pointing devices” tab. Disable everything computer mice from a laptop. The name of the touchpad should be displayed there.

If you didn’t see anything, or the “Mice and other pointing devices” subsection is completely absent, then the problem with the drivers that you should have installed at the very beginning of the article or, as I said earlier, is related to the hardware. You'll have to disassemble the laptop and do this better for specialists in this area.

Reset settings to default and check if the touchpad is enabled

It is possible that the program or utility settings are not selected correctly. To check this, let's reset the settings. Go to "Control Panel".