Review of hard drive defragmenters. Main features of Disk SpeedUp. The best defragmentation programs

One way to improve work efficiency modern computer is a disk defragmentation program - an application that rationally distributes data across a storage device.

With his help even inexperienced user can speed up your computer.

Process principle

During operation, files are constantly overwritten.

And, if their size has increased, it may turn out that new information will be located not in a neighboring sector already occupied by other data, but in another part of the hard drive.

As a result, the file takes longer to access and the overall program startup time increases.

All this happens gradually, but if the disk has not been defragmented for a long time, the operating speed may drop by 10–20 percent or even more.

Defragmentation is a process that allows you to move parts of files so that they are located contiguously.

This simplifies access to programs by reducing the distance traveled by the read heads of the hard drive.

The best defragmentation programs


In fact, the best program for disk defragmentation, which should only be run as a system administrator.

To work with it you need:

  • Open the application and select the disk to be defragmented in the main window;
  • Click the right mouse button to open the menu;
  • Select the defragmentation command.

Advice: To select multiple disk partitions, hold down the Ctrl key while highlighting them.

After the analysis, the utility performs defragmentation hard drive, increasing the efficiency of access to information recorded on it.

With its help, you can also defragment the registry and separate files, the list of which opens on a separate “File List” tab.

In addition, the defragmenter program provides viewing detailed information about the progress of the process.

The first defragmentation will take longer than the next ones. However, during its execution, the computer can be used.

Although it is better not to do this, setting automatic shutdown PC and running Defraggler, for example, before leaving for work.

The advantages of the program are:

  • Relatively fast work;
  • Distribution is free;
  • High defragmentation efficiency;
  • Russian support, not available for all such applications.

PerfectDisk Professional

A fairly simple and easy-to-use program that can be used to defragment a partition, a RAID volume, and network drive.

Moreover, in the latter version, configuration is simplified with the help of special network planning profiles and process logging.

The user has the ability to configure the scheduler to start defragmentation at any time convenient for him and set a fragmentation threshold, after exceeding which the files will not only be moved, but also optimized.

PerfectDisk operates in two optimization modes:

Taking into account the frequency of accessing files. In this case, most often launched applications are located at the beginning of the disk.

Regardless of how often the program is launched.


IObit SmartDefrag

The high-speed Russian program ensures that files are placed in one of the best ways, since he uses the most effective scripts.

Data is placed on the fastest sections of the disk, and the system runs much faster.

The main advantages of the application include a high degree of file security, which is not threatened even by a sudden accidental shutdown of the computer while SmartDefrag is running.

In addition, defragmentation can be carried out in three modes(simple, deep and with optimization).

O&O Defrag

Famous program– if not the best, then at least one of the most popular.

It is often used by advanced users to move parts of files to places where they can work with maximum efficiency.

With O&O Defrag performance can be restored and desktop computer, and laptop, and workstation.

The advantages of a defragmenter are:

  1. Special installers for embedding a custom script;
  2. Automatic settings defragmentation mode;
  3. High speed of analysis and optimization;
  4. Process charts;
  5. Expanded functionality when working on the network;
  6. Availability of a multilingual interface (there is also a Russian version);
  7. Support from everyone Windows types, starting from XP and Vista;
  8. Automatic selection bit depth (32 or 64) for better work in the appropriate operating system;
  9. Special regime for mobile PCs (netbooks and laptops).


Greetings friends! The topic of this article will be defragmentation of hard disk. Mostly beginners don’t know about this process, which leads HDD filling with fragments.

On each hard drive of each computer user, thousands of files are saved and the same number are deleted. In their place, thousands of files are again installed, and then deleted with the same number.

Let me now try to explain this process in understandable human language.

Let's say you have bookshelves in your room. On each shelf all the books are sorted by name i.e. from A to Z.

The hard drive is in the same state without fragments. But one day, all the books were mixed up, the sorting order was disturbed and, ultimately, a complete house. The hard drive containing fragments is in approximately this state.

The newly purchased computer works with high speed and productivity. Over time, the computer begins to slow down over time. In such situations, if you observe that the hard drive begins to crackle and operate noisily, this signals one thing, it is time to perform defragmentation (reverse fragmentation)

Defragmenting a hard drive on Windows 7 is done in two ways:

Let's look at the first way to use the built-in program. This method has significant disadvantages. The process does not defragment some system files and the process itself takes a very long time.

Let's go start open all programs, then move on standard choose official Select the one that opens from the list Disk Defragmenter

Basically, in all cases, this partition is the system partition (the partition where the operating system is installed windows system).

After selecting, click Analyze disk. When the analysis is complete, click disk defragmentation.

Defragmenting your hard drive with Auslogics Disk Defrag Free

It's convenient free program, which will help defragment your hard drive, while at the same time increasing the performance of your computer, which improves your performance.

This program has a number of advantages over analogues:

  • Optimizes system files windows on your hard drive to increase system speed.
  • The developers have provided one feature that allows defragmentation of one folder or one file
  • The program has very useful mode idle time that works automatically
  • This program optimizes free space on your computer
  • Flexibility in setting parameters hard drive defragmentation Convenient and clear interface

This program is being improved every month. In this article we will look at the version of the program

Auslogics Disk Defrag Free The counter for this program has reached 11,000,000 users.

While writing an article this version programs only for English language.

Auslogics Disk Defrag Free can be downloaded from the official website.

When installing, no special knowledge or effort is required, we produce normal installation. Launch the program

and preferably makes adjustments in the settings to improve the defragmentation result.

Let's go to settings(settings) open program settings(program settings) go algorithm ( algorithms ) . Next, insert a check mark in all items.

  • Delete temporary files before defragmentation - this function allows you to clean your hard drive of debris stored on it,
  • This frees up free disk space. These files (garbage) are a sufficient number,
  • to slow down the hard drive defragmentation process.
  • Skip fragments larger than 10MB - fragments with such memory increases the reading time.
  • Defragmenting such fragments does not provide any benefit except that it will only waste time.
  • Move system files to the beginning of the disk - this function allows you to move those files forward
  • on which the speed of the process and time depend. The structure of a hard drive is as follows highest speed
  • readout is located at the beginning of the hard drive.
  • Defragment in VVS - compatible mode - this feature prevents the growth of the VVS saving area,
  • which occurs when moving files and reduces the risk of copying previous VVS data.

When setting these settings, the speed of the defragmentation process improves.

Hard drive defragmentation process

Open the program, select the section, this is basically system partition(C), right-click and select Analyze(c).

After analysis, the program will reveal a map of results and tell you whether defragmentation is necessary.

The red cubes on the map are fragments. If the message Advice defragment disks appears at the bottom of the results, this means that the program recommends defragmentation. And if there is no message, we leave everything as is; there is no limit on the number of fragments on the disk.

Basically if the result shows fragments less than 10% then state of hard disk is good.

The process takes from 5-15 minutes, it mainly depends on how many files are on your hard drive.

  1. If you defragment your hard drive frequently, you will increase the wear and tear on the drive.
  2. So I advise you to do defragmentation if necessary.
  3. During the defragmentation process, leave the computer alone. Due to this, defragmentation time is reduced.
  4. If for some reason you need a computer, you can use the program with the priority set to low.
  5. To do this, go to settings, hover your mouse over defragment priority and select Low priority.
  6. For the process to proceed normally, I advise that the disk has free space of 10% of the total memory.

Scheduler defragmentation function.

There are times when your computer is always on. In this case, it is better to use a scheduler.

To enable the scheduler, go to settings(settings) click scheduler(Cluster Map).

Mark the section defragment automatic(Defragment automatically) ticked. Next we configure this function according to your conditions.

Example settings:

  • When selecting the When PC is idle mode, select the time.
  • Every day mode (daily) - set the time for daily checking.
  • Weekly mode - set the day for defragmentation.
  • Monthly mode - select the day and time to start the process.

If you install the scheduler on a laptop it will not work when using battery.

Attention: for the scheduler to work, Auslogics program Disk Defrag Free must be in active mode those. should be running.

In order for the program to start along with windows, go to settings(settings) select program settings(programm settings) and go to the tab are common(general) check the box as in the picture.

That's all the question is: how to do it hard drive defragmentation to uncover. If you have any questions, write comments. I hope the information was useful!


In order for your computer to work quickly and stably, from time to time, you need to give it a little attention - carry out small preventive measures ☺. This article will focus on optimization work hard disk (HDD), in particular about such an operation as .

In general, I’ll tell you from experience, most users don’t do it, and don’t even realize that it exists...

Meanwhile, if you regularly perform this operation, your disk will work faster (reading and writing speed will increase), there will be fewer waits and freezes (for example, in games), and responsiveness will improve.

And so, first things first...


In this article you will find the best programs for disk defragmentation -

What is it: type. questions

What kind of process is defragmentation?

In general, the files that you write to your hard drive are not located on it in one piece, but are divided into small ones (they are called clusters (maybe someone remembers from the computer science course) ). When you access a file on disk, the system needs to read information from all these pieces. And the problem here lies in the fact that these pieces (as you work on your PC) will not be nearby, but scattered throughout the disk (this scatter is called fragmentation), and collecting them takes time.

Defragmentation is a process that allows you to organize all these pieces on the disk, placing them close to each other. As a result, the speed of reading files from the disk increases, which speeds up the performance of both your PC and, in fact, your work.

How often should I defragment, and in general, how do I know if I need it now?

A difficult question... The fact is that it is hardly appropriate to talk about any specific period here; it all depends on how and how much you work on your PC (the more often and more information write/delete - the more often you need to do it), what file system is on the disk (for example, on NTFS fragmentation does not affect the speed of work so much, and therefore defragmentation can be carried out much less frequently than on FAT 32).

I will also add that SSD drives (which have become very popular in Lately) you don’t need to defragment it - you won’t get any performance gains, and you’ll also shorten its “life” somewhat.

To analyze disk , it's best to use special utility- (the details of working with it will be discussed below). She will give you another result within a minute: in my case, for example, the fragmentation was about 6.8% - and she recommends fast defragmentation. Well, I have to agree...

Do I need to defragment an NTFS drive?

In general, if you compare file FAT systems 32 and NTFS - then the disk with the first file system needs to be defragmented more often than with the second (it’s just that the structure of the file systems is different, and on one of them fragmentation affects the speed of operation, on the other the effect is much less).

However, no matter what, after defragmenting the HDD with NTFS, it will still work somewhat faster and more responsive. Therefore, this operation makes sense. Moreover, if we're talking about about Windows disks and computer games (where the well-known glitch with a slight “freezing” for a moment while reading information from the disk can infuriate you) .

Do all drives need to be defragmented, or just the one with Windows on it?

The one on which Windows is highly desirable (if you have several disks with the OS, then of course they are worth it). I will also add that this also applies to those disks on which programs, games, etc. are installed (note: some simply divide the disk into 2-3 logical partitions and install some programs not on the partition with the system).

Perhaps you shouldn’t defragment disks on which you have regular movies, music, or some rarely used files.


How to defragment

What to do before defragmentation!

  1. first, deleting all unnecessary files(programs, games, films, etc.);
  2. secondly, clean the disk from “garbage” and empty the recycle bin (the best utilities for auto-cleaning garbage are here:).

What does this give: because. There is less information on the disk, then defragmentation will be faster (since there will be no need to transfer extra “pieces” of information from one place to another). In addition, cleaning from " excess garbage" has a positive effect on the responsiveness and performance of your system as a whole.

Using Smart Defrag

IObit Smart Defrag

This is a relatively small utility that has won the trust of millions of users around the world. By the way, one of best utilities to defragment the disk! Its main advantages:

  • unique algorithms for ultra-fast disk defragmentation (by the way, you can defragment separately large files or free space, optimize games, or perform defragmentation at system boot);
  • you can manually specify specific folders and files for defragmentation;
  • the main options in the utility are free;
  • supports Russian language;
  • good interface: everything is in its place, convenient, many tips, everything is designed for an untrained user;
  • increases hard performance disk;
  • automatic operation possible;
  • there is also additional options to clean the disk from debris.

And so, I will assume that you have the Smart Defrag utility (the program installation is standard). After launching the program, you will see all your disks in the main window. First, check the boxes of all the drives that you want to analyze (I also recommend checking the boxes in the settings next to the “Cleaning” item). The screenshot below shows how this is done ☺.

Smart program Defrag will start its work: within 1-2 minutes it will analyze your disk and assess the degree of fragmentation. What is most captivating about it is that it will also give a recommendation on the advisability of defragmentation (in my case, Smart Defrag recommends not to do it).

Note: if Smart Defrag recommends defragmentation, simply select the recommended action and click on the “Smart Defragment” button (see screenshot below).

As an example, here is a screenshot after optimizing my other disk: the program assessed the degree of fragmentation before and after optimizing the disk.

Evaluation "before" and "after" defragmentation

By the way, please note that Smart Defrag has such an option as defragmentation separate folders and files. If you are concerned about poor performance of some individual games- try adding their folders to special. window and defragment them regularly (this should have a positive effect on the speed of access to game files).

Standard Windows tools

In all popular versions Windows (XP, 7, 8, 10) has a built-in defragmenter. It is, of course, far from ideal (and does not have as many options as the previous utility), but nevertheless, it accomplishes its task...

To launch it, press the button combination WIN+R, in the "Run" window that appears, enter the command "dfrgui" (without quotes), see the example below.

Disk analysis, is defragmentation necessary // Windows 10

After analysis, the optimizer will tell you which disks need defragmentation (see screenshot below “Optimization required”). Then simply select this disk and click the “Optimize” button, and wait for the operation to complete. Good Job! (good job)

Optimizing the disk regular program//Windows 10

Summary (what to remember)

  1. It is highly advisable from time to time to run defragmentation of the disks on which you have Windows, programs and games installed - this way your system and software will work faster and more responsively;
  2. Do not defragment SSD drives;
  3. The standard defragmenter built into Windows is far from the best the best choice(it is advisable to use third-party utilities);
  4. Before defragmentation, remove everything from the disk extra files, clear the “garbage” (browser cache, temporary files, etc.), empty the trash;
  5. if your PC is slow and no defragmentation helps, check out this article:

That's all I have.

Happy work!

Good afternoon! Whether you want it or not, in order for the computer to work faster, you need to carry out preventive measures from time to time (clean it of temporary and junk files, carry out defragmentation).

In general, I can say that most users very rarely carry out defragmentation, and in general, do not pay due attention to it (either out of ignorance, or simply because of laziness)…

Meanwhile, by doing it regularly, you can not only speed up your computer a little, but also increase the service life of the disk! Since there are always a lot of questions regarding defragmentation, in this article I will try to collect all the main things that I myself encounter quite often. So …

FAQ. Questions about defragmentation: why do it, how often, etc.

1) What is defragmentation, what is the process? Why do it?

All files on your disk, while being written to it, are written sequentially in pieces onto its surface, often called clusters (many have probably already heard this word). So, while the hard drive is empty, file clusters can be nearby, but when there is more and more information, the scattering of these pieces of one file also increases.

Because of this, when accessing such a file, your disk has to spend more time reading the information. By the way, this scattering of pieces is called fragmentation.

Defragmentation is aimed precisely at collecting these pieces compactly in one place. As a result, the speed of your disk and, accordingly, the computer as a whole increases. If you have not defragmented for a long time, this may affect the performance of your PC, for example, when opening some files or folders, it will begin to “think” for a while...

2) How often should you defragment the disk?

Enough frequently asked question, but it’s difficult to give a definite answer. It all depends on how often you use your computer, how it is used, what drives it uses, what file system it has. In Windows 7 (and higher), by the way, there is good analyzer which will tell you what to do defragmentation , or not (there are also separate special utilities that can analyze and notify you in time that it’s time... But about such utilities - below in the article).

To do this you need to go to control Panel, V search bar enter "defragmentation" and Windows will find the required link(see screenshot below).

3) Should I defragment? solid state SSD disks?

No need! And even Windows itself (at least new Windows 10, in Windows 7 - this can be done) disables the analysis and defragmentation button for such disks.

The fact is that an SSD drive has limited number recording cycles. This means that with each defragmentation, you reduce the life of your disk. In addition, in SSD drives there are no mechanics, and after defragmenting, you will not notice any increase in work speed.

4) Is it necessary to defragment the disk if it contains files? NTFS system?

In fact, there is an opinion that the NTFS file system practically does not need defragmentation. This is not entirely true, although it is partly true. It’s just that this file system is designed in such a way that defragmenting a hard drive under its control is required much less frequently.

In addition, the speed of operation does not drop as much due to strong fragmentation as if it were on FAT (FAT 32).

5) Is it necessary to clean the disk of junk files before defragmentation?

If you clean up the disk before defragmenting, then:

  • speed up the process itself (after all, you will have to work with fewer files, which means the process will complete earlier);
  • you will do more fast work Windows.

6) How to defragment a disk?

It is advisable (but not necessary!) to install a separate special. a utility that will deal with this process (about such utilities below in the article). Firstly, it will do it faster than the built-in Windows utility, secondly, some utilities can defragment in automatic mode without distracting you from work (for example, you started watching a movie, the utility, without disturbing you, defragmented the disk at this time).

But, in principle, even the standard one, built into Windows program, does defragmentation quite well (although it does not have some of the “goodies” that third-party developers have).

7) Should defragmentation be done not on system disk(i.e. on one that does not have Windows installed)?

Good question! It all depends again on how you use this disk. If you only store movies and music on it, then there is not much point in defragmenting it.

It's another matter if you install, say, games on this disk - and during the game, some files are loaded. In this case, the game may even begin to slow down if the disk does not respond to it in time. As it should be, with this option, it is advisable to defragment such a disk!

How to defragment a disk - step by step steps

By the way, there is universal programs(I would call them “harvesters”) that can carry out complex actions to clean your PC of junk, remove erroneous registry entries, configure your Windows OS and defragment (for maximum acceleration!). You can talk about one of them .

1) Cleaning the disk from debris

Programs for Windows cleaning -

For example, I can recommend CCleaner. Firstly, it is free, and secondly, it is very easy to use and there is nothing superfluous in it. All that is required from the user is to click the analyze button, and then clean the disk from the found garbage (screen below).

2) Removing unnecessary files and programs

By the way, it is advisable to remove programs through special utilities: (by the way, you can use the same CCleaner utility- it also has a tab for uninstalling programs).

At worst, you can use standard utility, built into Windows (to open it, use the control panel, see screenshot below).

3) Start defragmentation

Consider running the built-in Windows defragmenter disk (because by default it eats me of everyone who has Windows :)).

First you need to open control Panel, then section system and safety. Next, next to the tab “ Administration" there will be a link " Defragmentation and optimization of your disks"- go over it (see screenshot below).

An alternative way to run defragmentation in Windows

1. Open “My computer” (or “This computer”).

3. Then in the disk properties, open the “Service” section.

4. In the service section, click the button “ Optimize disk"(everything is illustrated in the screenshot below).

Important! The defragmentation process can take quite a long time (depending on the size of your disk and the degree of fragmentation). At this time, it is better not to touch the computer, not to run resource-intensive tasks: games, video encoding, etc.

The best programs and utilities for disk defragmentation

Note! This subsection of the article will not reveal to you all the capabilities of the programs presented here. Here I will focus on the most interesting and convenient utilities (in my opinion) and describe their main differences, why I chose them and why I recommend trying them...

1) Defraggler

A simple, free, fast and convenient disk defragmenter. The program supports all new Windows versions(32/64 bit), can work both with entire disk partitions and with individual files, supports all popular file systems (including NTFS and FAT 32).

By the way, regarding defragmentation of individual files - this is, in general, a unique thing! Not many programs can allow you to defragment something specific...

2) Ashampoo Magical Defrag

To be honest, I like products from Ashampoo- and this utility is no exception. Its main difference from similar ones of its kind is that it can defragment a disk in background(when the computer is not busy with resource-intensive tasks, which means that the program is running will not constrain or interfere with the user in any way).

What is called - once installed and forgotten this problem! In general, I recommend paying attention to it to everyone who is tired of remembering defragmentation and doing it manually...

3) Auslogics Disk Defrag

This program can move system files (which need to be the fastest) to the fastest part of the disk, thereby speeding up your Windows operating system somewhat. In addition, this program is free (for ordinary home use) and can be configured to automatic start during PC downtime (i.e., by analogy with the previous utility).

I also want to note that the program allows you to defragment not only a specific disk, but also individual files and folders on it.

The program is supported by all new Windows OS: 7, 8, 10 (32/64 bits).

4) MyDefrag

Developer's website:

MyDefrag - small, but convenient utility for defragmenting disks, floppy disks, USB external hard drives, memory cards and other media. Perhaps that’s the only reason I added this program to the list.

The program also has a scheduler for detailed settings launch. There are also versions that do not require installation (it is convenient to carry with you on a flash drive).

5) Smart Defrag

This is one of the fastest disk defragmenters! Moreover, this does not affect the quality of defragmentation. Apparently, the program developers managed to find some unique algorithms. In addition, the utility is completely free for home use.

It is also worth noting that the program treats data very carefully, even if something happens during defragmentation. system error, a power outage or something else... - then nothing should happen to your files, they will still be read and opened. The only thing is that you will have to start the defragmentation process again.

The utility also provides two operating modes: automatic (very convenient - set it up once and forget it) and manual.

It is also worth noting that the program is optimized to work on Windows 7, 8, 10. I recommend it for use!

Many of you have probably heard at least once about such a mysterious concept as -defragmentation of files and disks .

Unfortunately, few people understand the significance and necessity of this procedure. What is disk defragmentation? This is a procedure that organizes files on your hard drive and also protects against -in case of errors and other unpleasant situations.

Defragmentation is a very useful thing, and a simple, real-life example will help us understand how much. So imagine that you come to the library to get a book about growing fish.

First of all, you will look for a shelf with scientific literature, and then among scientific literature starting with the letter “R”, continue to look for a suitable book. But if the books in the library are not sorted into shelves.

For example, books about growing fish will be on the same shelf as fiction. Then it will take you much more time to search + cause confusion. To organize everything, you will need to hire a librarian.

In case of hard drive the situation is about the same. In the operating system, we have all the games in the folder"Games" , and on the disk itself, game files are scattered throughout the disk. This happens because when you, for example, delete 3 2 GB movies, you free up space on6 GB.

After that, you decide to install a game of 8 GB in size, in this case 6 GB will be occupied instead of deleted movies, and the remaining 2 GB will fill the free area. As a result, loading games on disk can take an unforgivably long time.

This is why some game developers strongly recommend defragmenting the disk if the game takes a long time to load. This applies not only to games, but to all applications.

CompanyMicrosofthas foreseen this situation and there is a way to solve it special utility, which is in the section service and is called defragmentation(to go to the service section, you need right click mouse on anyHDDchoose properties).

Many people do not like this program because of its low efficiency and the ability to make your hard drive even worse.

Indeed, many people now use the usualWindows XP,which has a built-in defragmentation program, mainly for old hard drives, for newHDDthe program is at least not suitable.

For high-quality disk defragmentation, I bring to your attention a programYou can download . Free utility which will quickly analyze and carry out high-quality defragmentation of your hard drive.

2 Defragmentation - conclusion

The effectiveness of defragmentation is difficult to dispute, primarily due to defragmentation hard the disc will be in well-maintained condition, which means

- Increase the service life of the hard drive.

In addition, disk defragmentation is essential

— speeds up the loading of many previously fragmented programs.

Additional capacity will be available after defragmentation

free space the hard drive will increase by 100-2000MB.

Download speed Windows will increase due to

— optimization file system on the system disk.

This is just a list of the most basic benefits of defragmentation.

How often should you defragment?

Defragmentation should be done at least once a month if you:

1. Constantly downloading something from the Internet.

2. Your hard drive is more than 80% full.

If there is wind on your hard drive and there is a lot of free space, then defragmentation can be carried out once every 6 months, but for prevention, it is still advisable to carry out analysis at least once a month, this will allow you to save your hard drive in advance from crashing and data loss.

After which only if you have a hard drive. Or for CD owners.

Remember, the older you get HDD And stronger load on him, the better care he requires for himself. If suddenly your tough friend “gets covered” or you decide to expand disk space, read the article -

You still haven't defragmented your disk, then we're coming to you