How to easily remove an unnecessary object from a photo in Photoshop? Removing unnecessary objects from photos

A photo shoot is a responsible matter: light, composition, etc. But even with the most careful preparation, unwanted objects, people or animals can end up in the frame, and if the frame seems very successful, then you just don’t raise your hand to remove it.

And in this case, Photoshop comes to the rescue again. The editor allows you to very efficiently, of course, with direct hands, remove a person from a photograph.

It is worth noting that it is not always possible to remove an extra character from a photo. There is only one reason: the person is blocking the people standing behind him. If this is some part of the clothing, then it can be restored using a tool "Stamp", in the same case, when most of the body is blocked, then such an idea will have to be abandoned.

For example, in the photo below, the man on the left can be removed completely painlessly, but the girl next to him is almost impossible, since she and her suitcase cover important parts of the neighbor’s body.

The work of removing people from pictures can be divided into three categories according to complexity:

Photo with a white background

In this case, everything is quite simple: you need to select the required person and fill him with white.

As a result, we get a photo without an extra person.

Photo with a simple background

You could see an example of such a photo at the beginning of the article. When working with such photographs, you will have to use a more precise selection tool, for example, "Feather".

We will remove the girl sitting second from the right.

  1. We make a copy of the original image, select the tool indicated above and outline the character along with the chair as accurately as possible. It is better to shift the created contour towards the background.

  2. Let's create a selection area created using a path. To do this, right-click on the canvas and select the appropriate item.

    Set the feathering radius to zero.

  3. Removing a girl by pressing a key DELETE, and then deselect ( CTRL+D).

  4. Next comes the most interesting part – restoring the background. Let's take "Rectilinear lasso" and select a section of the frame.

  5. Copy the selected piece to a new layer using a keyboard shortcut CTRL+J.

  6. Tool "Move" drag it down.

  7. Copy the area again and move it again.

  8. To eliminate the step between the fragments, slightly turn the middle section to the right using "Free Transformation" (CTRL+T). The rotation angle will be equal to 0,30 degrees.

    After pressing the key ENTER we get a completely flat frame.

  9. We will restore the remaining areas of the background "Stamp".

    The tool settings are as follows: Hardness 70%, opacity and pressure – 100%.

  10. If you've studied the lesson, you already know how it works "Stamp". First, let's finish restoring the window. To work we need a new layer.

  11. Next, let's move on to the small details. The photo shows that after removing the girl, there are not enough areas on the neighbor’s jacket on the left and the neighbor’s hand on the right.

  12. We restore these areas with the same stamp.

  13. The final step will be to finish painting large areas of the background. It is more convenient to do this on a new layer.

Background restoration is complete. The work is quite painstaking and requires accuracy and patience. At the same time, if you wish, you can achieve very good results.

Landscape in the background

The peculiarity of such photographs is the abundance of small details. You can take advantage of this advantage. We will remove people who are on the right side of the photo. In this case it will be possible to use "Content-aware fill" with subsequent revision "Stamp".

  1. Copy the background layer and select the usual one "Rectilinear lasso" and circle the small company on the right.

  2. Next we go to the menu "Selection". Here we need a block "Modification" and an item called "Expand".

  3. Setting up the extension to 1 pixel.

  4. We move the cursor over the selected area (we currently have the tool activated "Rectilinear lasso"), press RMB, in the drop-down menu we look for the item "Perform Fill".

  5. In the drop-down list of the settings window, select "Content-Based".

  6. As a result of this filling, we get the following intermediate result:

  7. With help "Stamp" Let's move several areas with small elements to the place where people were. We will also try to restore the trees.

    The company is gone, we move on to removing the young man.

  8. Let's circle the guy. Here it is best to use a pen, since the girl is in the way, and we need to outline her as carefully as possible. Next, according to the algorithm: expand the selection by 1 pixel, fill it taking into account the content.

    As you can see, parts of the girl’s body were also included in the filling.

  9. Let's take "Stamp" and, without removing the selection, we modify the background. Samples can be taken from anywhere, but the tool will only affect the area inside the selected area.

When restoring the background in landscape photographs, you must strive to avoid so-called “texture repeats.” Try to take samples from different places and do not click more than once on an area.

Despite all its complexity, it is in such photos that you can achieve the most realistic result.
This completes the information on removing characters from photos in Photoshop. All that remains to be said is that if you take on such work, then be prepared to spend a lot of time and effort, but even in this case, the results may not be very good.

Sometimes, when looking through pictures, you discover that unnecessary objects have entered the frame. Or you need a photo to place a logo, but it already has other inscriptions on it. How to remove an inscription from a picture and delete an extra object in Photoshop?

For these tasks use the tool “Stamp”/Clone Stamp Tool or Patch Tool. The latter is preferable if the extra object is located on a simpler (plain) background.

Working with a tool Patch Tool, we cut out (copy) the donor area and cover everything unnecessary with it. How it works? Hold down the left mouse button, circle the appropriate area and move the patch. This tool has two modes:

    "Source". When using it, the selected area will be filled with the donor fragment into which the selection has been moved.

    "Destination". In this mode, the selected area will cover the area to which it will be moved.

Let's look at examples.

Patch Tool

Open the photo in Photoshop and create a duplicate layer ( Ctrl + J). On the toolbar, in the group of restoration tools, select Patch Tool. If the instrument in the group is the default, just press the key J.

To make it more convenient to work with the image, scale it ( Ctrl+ And Ctrl-).

We will be removing the Shell logo. So, we select the first donor site. On the control panel press the button "Destination", parameter "Diffusion" set it to value 7. Move the cursor and circle the area for the patch (it will be highlighted with a dotted line).

Then drag the selected area onto the logo. If the patch does not completely cover the area to be painted the first time, move it again until the unnecessary object completely disappears. You can cancel an unsuccessful action by simultaneously pressing the keys Ctrl + Alt + Z.

Save the finished image ( Shift + Ctrl + S), choosing a file type that is convenient for you (for example, JPG).

Here is our result:

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Clone Stamp Tool

Now let's take a more complicated case. Let's remove the person from the image.

For this we need a tool “Stamp”/Clone Stamp Tool. It is called by the key S. You can adjust its size using the keys [ And ] . This tool creates a clone of the donor site. They correct it gradually, in small strokes.

We select the donor area next to the area to be painted. To do this, move the cursor to the donor site and, while holding the button Alt, click once with the left mouse button. The donor site is indicated by a cross. As you move around the image, it follows the cursor, so the donor site needs to be changed periodically. Now move the cursor and click with the left mouse button.

This photo has a lot of vertical and horizontal stripes of different shades. In place of the umbrella you need to draw a ceiling. In front of the boy, one door is slightly open, the second is closed. All this should be taken into account when painting.

To prevent the lines of beams and boards from looking broken, the donor area should be selected carefully. It is important to place the stamp so that the stripes match.

One of the stages. Here is a gap between the doors.

Gradually paint over the lines horizontally and vertically. To complete the door on the left, the donor area is taken from the very left edge, and the vertical lines are taken from the top. We applied the stamp, clearly aligning the sections so that the straight lines ran smoothly.

The situation when you need to get rid of some inscription present on the picture arises quite often. For example, you may need to remove a company logo from an advertisement, or even just the date from a photo you took yourself. You can erase an unnecessary detail using almost any of the graphics editors that exist today. So, how to remove inscriptions from a picture?

Graphic editor Paint

If the inscription is located on, you can delete it using the tools of the Paint editor. This program is available on any home computer running Windows. In order to open it, you need to click the “Start” button - “All Programs”, and then go to the “Accessories” item.

How to remove a caption from a picture in Paint?

So, you found the application and opened it. What's next? And then we open our picture by going to the main menu and clicking on the “Open” item. Select the desired image in the folder in which it is located.

You can remove an inscription in Paint by simply copying part of the background and putting a patch on it. To do this, click on the triangle under the “Select” item. From the menu that appears, select the “Rectangular Marquee” tool. Next, place the cursor, transformed into a cross, on that part of the picture where there is a background free from the image. Then hold down the mouse button (left) and select a small rectangular area. Place the cursor in the resulting rectangle, press the mouse button (right) and select “Copy” from the menu that appears.

Now click anywhere in the picture and press the right button again. In the window, select the “Insert” line. Now let's see how to remove inscriptions from a picture. To do this, drag the resulting patch onto the text by clicking on it and holding the mouse button (left). Most likely, it will not completely cover the inscription. Therefore, it will need to be stretched. To do this, place the cursor in the corner of the patch. As a result, it turns into a diagonally directed arrow. Hold down the mouse button (left) and drag the patch to the side, down or up until it grows to the required size. We adjust its position so that the inscription is completely covered.

Photoshop editor

The Photoshop graphic editor is by far the most popular of all applications designed for working with images. The widest possibilities of this program are used by both professionals (artists, photographers, etc.) and amateurs. The editor is not free. However, it is much more convenient to work with than most similar programs. With its help, you can remove unnecessary text not only from a plain background, but also from a background that is not uniform in texture.

Graphics editor Photoshop® CS5

First, let's look at how to remove a caption from a picture in Photoshop CS5. The method of getting rid of unnecessary parts of a drawing in this version is slightly different from that used in earlier versions of the program. It is somewhat easier and takes less time. We'll tell you below how to get rid of the inscription in earlier versions.

How to remove a caption in Photoshop® CS5?

Open the purchased program and click on the “File” - “Open” buttons. Select the photo that needs correction. To make it more convenient to work with the inscription, you should enlarge it. This can be done using the Loupe tool.

Now let's see how to remove inscriptions from a picture. To do this, take the Lasso or Rectangular Selection tool in the navigator and select the text. Next, on the control panel, go to the “Editing” tab and in the menu that appears, select the “Fill” line. After this, the “Fill” dialog box will appear on the screen. Here, in the “Use” area, select the “Content-aware” option. In the “Overlay” area, apply the following settings: opacity - 100%, mode - normal. Now click on the OK button. As a result of all these manipulations, the selected area will be filled with the background.

Removing captions in Photoshop® CS6

Let's look at how to remove an inscription from a picture in Photoshop CS 6. This is done in the same way as in Photoshop® CS5. We also open our picture by going to “File” - “Open”. Then copy the Background layer again and enlarge the unnecessary inscription. After this, go to the “Editing” - “Fill” section and make the necessary settings in the dialog box that appears.

How to remove inscriptions in other versions of the Photoshop editor using the Stamp tool

In earlier versions of the program, you can remove unnecessary details from a picture using the Stamp tool. This work is very simple, but requires a certain amount of accuracy. In this case, the Background layer also needs to be copied.

So, how to remove inscriptions from a picture using the Stamp tool? First, we enlarge it with the Loupe tool. Take the “Stamp” and place the circle cursor on a free area of ​​the background somewhere close to it. Hold down the Alt key and click on the selected area. In this case, the circle-cursor will decrease in size, and a cross will appear inside it. Next, move it to the inscription. Release the Alt key and click on it. As a result, part of the background will be copied over the inscription. Step by step we fill in the entire area that requires adjustment. You may have to click on the background while holding down the Alt key more than once. In this case, the end result will look much neater.

How to remove an inscription in Photoshop using the cloning method?

The cloning method in the Photoshop editor is similar to the method that we considered at the very beginning for the Paint program. The inscription is removed using the Lasso or Rectangular Marquee tool. All that is required is to select the area of ​​the background that will serve as a patch. Using the Rectangular Area tool, simply stretch the square in the desired area. Using Lasso you can make more complex selections. The resulting patch must be copied to a new layer. To do this, also using the “Lasso” or “Rectangular Area” tools, click on the selected area with the mouse button (right) and select the line “Copy to new layer” in the pop-up window. A new one with a patch will appear in the layers window. It will not be highlighted in the work field.

Next, take the Move tool (black arrow) and drag the patch (while on the layer with it) onto the text. In the event that it does not completely block it, you should go to the “Editing” - “Free Transformation” tab. After this, holding the mouse button (left) on one of the squares on the transformation contour, you need to stretch the patch to the required size. Next, it should be moved so that it is on top of the text, which in this case is located on a layer below. This can be done without leaving the transformation field. After the text is closed, press Enter. Thus, instead of the inscription on the picture, only a piece of the background will be visible, merging with the surroundings.

At the very last stage, you will need to merge all the layers into one. To do this, right-click anywhere in the picture and select “Merge Layers” from the menu that appears. As a result, only one Background will remain with the inscription already removed.

So, you most likely now understand how to remove the inscription from a picture. Photoshop and others allow you to perform this operation in just a few clicks. In Paint, this can be done by selecting the patch, copying and covering the text with it. The same technique, along with the method of painting with the Stamp tool, can also be used in the Photoshop editor of earlier versions. In Photoshop, starting with version CS5, deletion is even easier - automatically, using the Content-Aware Fill tool.

How often after taking a photo do we notice that there are unnecessary elements in the frame, for example: wires, strangers or unnecessary objects? But the photo itself would have turned out perfect if these objects in the background had not interfered. Photoshop masters can easily edit a photo and remove all disturbing details, but what should ordinary people who do not know how to work in professional graphic editors do? The solution, as usual, is simple - use third-party software that is “tailored” for specific purposes. In our case, this is the Snapheal program, designed to help mere mortals easily remove all unnecessary elements from photos. Working with the program is quite simple. When we launch Snapheal, we are greeted with a hint on how to work with it and an import window for uploading a photo. Add your photo and start editing. To do this, we have three blocks available to us:
- removing unnecessary elements
— retouching a separate part of a photo
— entire photo correction

Unfortunately, each of the blocks works independently of each other, so you cannot simultaneously cut out objects and, for example, change the contrast; you must save the intermediate result. But nevertheless, Snapheal is not a graphic editor, and its main goal is to remove unnecessary elements. All other functions are more likely to be made for small adjustments after the main task has been completed.

Let’s not dwell on secondary functions and move straight to the main one – “smart” object removal. We have special tools to select the area that we need to delete. You can use the “lasso” and select the required area with maximum precision, or you can take a “brush” and cover the desired area over the photo. Then you have a choice of one of three processing options:

  • Twister - for removing objects against the sky;
  • Shapeshift - for removing large objects;
  • Wormhole - on the contrary, for removing small objects.

After this, it is advisable to set one of three replacement parameters: low, medium or very accurate. That's all, all that remains is to press the “Erase!” button. and wait a little while Snapheal removes the elements we don’t need. Naturally, the higher the processing accuracy you set, the longer the process will take (if you do not take into account the size of the photo itself).

Not every time the result of the program will be satisfactory, because everything still depends on the concept of the photo itself. It is clear that the more uniform the background, the better the effect will be. However, if you are not satisfied with the result obtained, try different substitution options. As a rule, one of them will give a completely positive effect.

Now about something more pressing - the price. She “bites” - 479 rubles. A bit much for a narrowly focused program. On the other hand, a Photoshop package for these purposes is not the most profitable investment, especially if you do not use it professionally.

This is what happened

Method No. 1. We remove an unnecessary object from the photo.
Let's go into Photoshop and upload our photo; on my photo (see illustration for the title) I want to remove the inscription “DJ MP3”. Take the Spot Healing Brush tool and outline the excess object. We wait a few seconds for the program to react to our action. As you can see, our object has disappeared!

Step 2

The resulting result

Method No. 2
We remove the long object.
In the same photo, I would like to remove the shadow from the pillar. But if we just dot it with a dot brush, it will be uneven, so there is a better way. To begin, let’s “adjust” the brush to the size of the shadow (or other long object) using the ] (increase) and [ (decrease) keys. Next, press the brush at the beginning of the object, then, holding down the Shift key, click on the end of the object, thus drawing an even line.

Step 3

Result without using a stamp

Method No. 3
Removing a complex object from a photograph.
Who doesn’t like photographing animals at the zoo, but the cage always gets in the way. So let's get rid of it in Photoshop!
To begin, let’s switch to quick mask mode by pressing the Q key. Take the “Pencil” tool, adjust it to the size of the cell, set the color to black (required!) and do as in the previous step: click on the beginning of the cell, hold down Shift, click on the end and repeat with all the “pipes” of the cell. Next, we remove the quick mask mode (by pressing the Q key again) and then perform a content-based fill (Edit-Fill-Content-Based) and get the result. Of course, the result is not very good, but here the stamp tool comes to our aid. We work a little and the result is “excellent”!