How to clean your computer with CCleaner. Detailed instructions for using the CCleaner program for a computer How ccleaner works for windows 7

Let's move on to the next, third stage of cleaning the system disk from unnecessary files (see previous lessons). Now let's use a third-party program for this purpose. Unlike the standard tool " Disk Cleanup", which was discussed in the first lesson, this program deletes not only temporary system and browser files, but also cleans such files in alternative browsers, as well as in other programs installed on your computer. Moreover, she does it very quickly! In addition, the program has a number of other additional functions that improve the operation and performance of the computer. Plus, it's absolutely free.

As you already understood from the title of the article, this program is CCleaner. You will learn how to use the program to clean your computer in the final video.

Part 3. Use CCleaner to clean

  • program capabilities;
  • how to download and install CCleaner;
  • how to clean the system disk;
  • how to clean the Windows registry;
  • autoload settings;
  • customizing the Windows context menu;
  • search for duplicate files;
  • other program features.

CCleaner - how to use the program to clean your computer

Of course, cleaning the system disk alone is not enough to ensure that your computer operates stably and optimally over a long period of time. This requires more extensive knowledge and other supporting programs and tools. As I already mentioned in the previous article, the Windows 7 disk cleaning lessons that you had the opportunity to watch for free are part of the full-fledged training course ““, the recording of which was completed in the summer of 2013.

I would like to point out that the title of the course does not fully reflect its content. This is not quite a course on how to usually teach beginners how to watch videos on a computer, how to install a browser, set up email, use the Internet, Skype, office programs, or even how to install Windows. This course is aimed primarily at maintaining and setting up a computer for fast and stable operation. It covers topics such as:

  • setting and updating BIOS;
  • system installation (including switching from Win XP to Win 7, installing two systems - XP and 7 on one disk, creating a bootable USB flash drive, etc.);
  • installation of necessary drivers;
  • setting up Windows 7: appearance, security, performance and much more (very extensive section);
  • creating an image and restoring the system (you will forget about reinstalling Windows forever!);
  • computer maintenance (hard drive maintenance, virus scanning, etc.);
  • system optimization and maintenance;
  • backup to cloud storage;
  • and a lot of other useful information.

This knowledge is ideal for those who prefer to keep everything under control, without losing valuable information on the computer, without wasting time searching and collecting bits of information to solve various problems with the PC, and without spending money on specialists if the computer starts to slow down, glitch, often freeze or stops loading altogether.

Despite the fact that I have 18 years of experience working with computers, I learned some very useful things from the course, even though I have not yet had time to watch it in full. I believe that this training video course should become desktop guide for each PC user.

The programs we use on our computers have imperfect cleaning system. That is, when we launch a program and use it, it creates temporary files, which itself deletes upon completion of work. The problem is that are deleted not all files, and with each new use of a particular program, more and more unnecessary files accumulate ( garbage). This garbage does not disappear anywhere, and many users are then surprised at what else is on their drive C there is less and less free space. To solve this problem and more, a free program was created CCleaner.

Let's consider how to use CCleaner (instructions for Windows). First you need download and install the program. There shouldn't be any questions here. Let's move on to the instructions themselves.

CCleaner Interface

After launching CCleaner, we will see sections and subsections of the program, which can be divided into three parts.

  • Section of functional tools and program settings
  • Subsection where functional settings of tools are displayed
  • Information window about various operations performed and their results

Cleaning your hard drive

So, to clean your hard drive from garbage and temporary files, let's go to the section Cleaning . There are two tabs in this subsection Windows And Applications , where it is possible to change certain parameters. It’s better not to tinker with these settings without experience, otherwise you might clean up something very necessary and important. The program has already been configured quite adequately by the developers.

We will analyze the system for the presence of this or that garbage; to do this, activate the button Analysis . After some time, we will receive a detailed report on the analysis and cleaning options.

Make sure that there is nothing unnecessary in the list and click on the button Cleaning . The procedure will take some time.

Windows Registry Cleaner

If we compare the Windows registry with a person, then this is his nervous system, a database of its kind in which all available information is stored. After some time, erroneous and unnecessary data accumulates in the registry, due to which the performance of the system is partially reduced. Going to the section Registry , click on the button Troubleshooting .

At the end of the analysis, you can familiarize yourself with the results, if you are satisfied with everything, click on the button To correct . You will be prompted to save a backup of your current (currently) state. It is recommended to agree, you never know what goes wrong, you will have the opportunity to restore the state of the registry before cleaning.

After saving the backup copy, click on Correct marked . Registry cleaning is complete.

Additional features

Distinctive Features ccleaner is not only cleaning the hard drive from various debris, but also additional, third-party, useful functions. These include: controlling startup, removing installed software, searching for duplicate files, and also erasing the hard drive. All this can be found in the tab Service.

Uninstalling programs

Every operating system has a tool uninstall programs Programs and components , whose task is to remove previously installed applications. CCleaner has a similar function, and it does it most correctly, and it sees more applications than the standard tool.

So, on the right side of the window we see a button Uninstallation , by clicking it, we will delete the selected program. Below we see Rename , allows you to change the name with the name of the program (to avoid various errors, this is not recommended). Below there is a button Delete - removes an entry from the list of installed programs. This feature can come in handy if an application that you deleted remains in the list for some reason.

When you turn on the computer, your operating system loads, and along with it its inseparable part - that is, programs placed in the startup list. The startup list grows as you use the system, and this list can often include completely unnecessary spam programs or those programs that you do not need every time you start Windows, and you are used to turning them on manually as needed. So, on the right there are three buttons that speak for themselves Turn on , Switch off , Delete . This is a convenient tool for editing the startup list.

In the center, except for the tab windows , there are other tabs where you can also edit startup list. However, you should be careful about removing any content from the list. Therefore, it is better to use the button first switch off and observe how this affects the operation of the system. If everything is in order, then you can delete This application is from startup. You can also configure startup using Windows. We have already talked about this in the article.

Disk analysis

Here ccleaner will help you find out what types of files are on what disk, in what quantity and where they are located.

For example, you have lost some photos and do not remember their name and size. Then put a tick Images , removing the rest, select disk , checking the desired one, and presses the button Analysis . After a short analysis, the program will show you all the found image files on the disk selected for search.

Search for duplicates

File search is another useful feature that helps get rid of clones of any files. This will help you free up hard drive space and stay organized.

System Restore

This section helps you edit the list of restore points for your operating system.

Erasing Discs

The utility helps format hard drive. Here you can choose from: how wash , what way and what disks . This tab contains disk erase tool. Remember that further recovery depends on the number of passes.

Why is this necessary at all - erasing free space? Yes, all to ensure that no one can recover the data.

CCleaner Settings

Settings is the last section. In this section you can change the program's operating parameters CCleaner.

In this menu, you can change the program language, also add CCleaner launch items, enable automatic cleaning when the operating system starts, and also make changes to the option to check for program updates.


Here you can edit the list that need to be deleted or saved when cleaning. On the left are cookies of sites you have visited, and on the right is a list of cookies that will not be deleted when cleared.


Here there is the ability to specify additional folders and files, which will be cleared each time at startup.


But here, on the contrary, you can point to files, folders and registry paths that will never be scanned.


There are options here such as hiding warnings, closing the program after cleaning, etc. Everyone has the opportunity configure CCleaner for yourself.

CCleaner for a computer is an application that clears free space, cleans the registry, and optimizes the device for running the Windows operating system. The program is distributed free of charge and is available for download on the official website:

It has a Russian-language interface and can be installed in a few minutes even on weak workstations, since it is not demanding on system resources

This product is installed on most home computers, but their users often know nothing about the functionality of the application or only use the “Clean” button, but this does not limit its capabilities. This article is positioned as a detailed use of CCleaner. Please read its contents carefully in order to be able to keep your computer in working order for many years.

Things to think about before cleaning

Before using the program, you should configure CCleaner for proper cleaning

After all, with the parameters set by the developers, the application deletes a lot of information, some of which may still be useful, so it’s worth pre-configuring the utility.

It’s worth starting with how to use CCleaner, or rather the browser cache, which is a collection of elements of already visited sites, used by Internet browsers to speed up the reloading of these resources. Of course, clearing this parameter will free up a lot of space on the system disk, because the cache on the computer is located in this section. But at the same time, if you delete the cache from your computer, the loading speed of web pages will drop significantly, so it is recommended to clear the cache as rarely as possible and in cases of extreme necessity, for example, when you run out of space on the system disk.

The second item that CCleaner cleans, if you use the default settings, is the thumbnail cache. It is responsible for saving miniature copies of images contained in computer folders into “Thumbs.db” files when they are initially displayed in Explorer. Deleting electronic document data will force the system to create it again, which will have a negative impact on its performance when working with catalogs containing images.

Deleting temporary application files

Using CCleaner to remove temporary application files is very easy. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Go to the “Cleaning” tab.
  • Open the Applications tab.
  • Check the settings you want to clear. For example, for browsers there is a cache and browsing history, download and session history, passwords and auto-filling, as well as Cookies, which will be discussed in the next section.

Advice! Think carefully before deleting certain files, because you won’t be able to restore them later. For example, for office applications it is worth saving a list of recently edited documents, and for browsers it may be critical to save passwords that could easily be forgotten and access to resources after they have been deleted will have to be restored using lengthy identity verification procedures.

If CCleaner setup is finished, click on the “Cleaning” button and wait until the process completes

Cleaning the registry

You can clean the Windows 7 registry using CCleaner through manipulation in a separate menu tab called “Registry”. This will fix some problems associated with this operating system parameter, but it is unlikely to help speed up the PC. After all, the registry contains more than one hundred thousand key entries, and cleaning it will remove a hundred or two keys, even if you clean the registry after uninstalling the program.

Before cleaning the registry, be sure to make copies of the erased keys; this action will be prompted by the utility itself, because keys that are required for the functioning of installed applications are often destroyed.

To start cleaning the CCleaner registry, click on the “Search for problems” button, and to finish, click on “Fix”

Setting up the removal of cookies

With the standard setting, clearing the cache and deleting Cookies is performed completely. Cookies are fragments of text data stored on the user’s computer and used by browsers to store personal settings of users, as well as authentication data. Cookies are cleared because there is a possibility of them being replaced with tracking cookies. which are used by scammers to track the actions of Internet users. But for trusted sites, you don’t need to delete these documents, because they significantly speed up work on the global network. Setting up CCleaner to create exceptions when deleting cookies is done using the following algorithm:

  • Go to the “Settings” tab.
  • Click on the "Cookies" link.
  • All available Cookies will be displayed on the right side. They will be removed by default during cleanup. To edit the list of exceptions, right-click on this list and in the drop-down menu click on the line “optimal analysis”. On the right will appear a list of cookies that the program will not delete - cookies from the most trusted sites.
Edit the list of exclusions by adding or excluding website addresses using the appropriate arrow buttons in the interface

Editing autorun

You can use CCleaner to configure applications to autostart when the operating system boots, as well as manage plugins and extensions for installed Internet browsers. The settings of these parameters significantly affect the performance of both the OS itself and browsers. To edit autorun, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Tools” tab of the main menu and click on the “Startup” button.
  2. In the window that appears, right-click on the program of interest and either turn it off or delete it. The first is preferable, because you may need to activate autorun for it in the future.

Quite often, various accompanying programs are placed in startup, installed when installing drivers for phones, printers, cameras, and so on.

These applications, as a rule, are never used, but only slow down the computer, so do not forget to regularly edit autorun

Managing installed software

Among other things, CCleaner works with simply installed programs. To manage the software, go to the “Uninstall programs” sub-item of the “Service” main menu tab. Here, not only the functionality of the built-in application removal service is duplicated, but it is also possible to rename programs. This changes the name of the utility in all lists on the computer, which can be useful when sorting applications with unclear names.

Working with CCleaner when deleting applications is no more difficult than with the built-in OS service, just click delete and confirm the action

Advice! To speed up your computer, search for and remove applications like MailGuard and Yandex Bar that are secretly installed on your computer, which you will never need and clog up your PC memory.

Erasing information without the possibility of recovery

It's no secret that when you delete files in Windows, they are not erased, but simply receive the status of deleted and are restored by specialized programs, unless, of course, the OS has managed to write anything over them.

Using CCleane, free space can be cleaned, which is guaranteed to delete this information. To this end:

  • Go to the main menu item “Service”.
  • Click on the “Erase disks” sub-item.
  • In the "Erase" drop-down list, select "Free space only."
  • In the “Method” drop-down list – “Simple overwrite (1 pass)”. Using this method is enough to reliably delete files; cleaning the disk using other methods increases disk wear. It is advisable to use them only for the purpose of hiding information from special services.
Select the drives and click on “Erase”

Erasing specific files

In addition to clearing free space, you can configure CCleaner to erase individual files using a method that will not allow them to be recovered. To this end:

Fig.1. In the “Settings” section, set the cleaning method to “Permanent erase”
  • In the “Inclusions” dialog, add files that should be removed when cleaning hard drives.
Fig.2. This is done using the “Add” button, which opens a directory navigation dialog to select a file
  • Go to the “Cleaning” tab of the main menu.
Fig.3. Open the Windows section and check the box next to “Other files and folders” located in the “Other” subsection

Now, when you run a normal cleanup, the marked secret files will be completely erased from the hard drive.

Creating shortcuts

Setting up CCleaner for Windows 7 may include creating shortcuts for quickly cleaning the OS with preset parameters without interacting with the program itself. To implement this:

  1. Right-click on a free space on your desktop and the folder where you want to place the shortcut.
  2. From the drop-down menu that appears, select New/Shortcut.
  3. In the “Specify the location of the object” field, enter the following entry: “C:\ProgramFiles\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe” /AUTO, where C:\Program Files is the path to the installation location of the program; in your case it may be different.
  4. Click on “Next” to complete the process.

This concludes the review of the basic functionality of the application. If you need to install CCleaner again, remember that the program distribution must be downloaded only from the official website. This will ensure that your computer is not infected with viruses.