Tabs in VK do not open. Unofficial apps are more flexible. Reasons for VK freezing

The social network VKontakte is one of the most popular in the CIS, slightly ahead of Odnoklassniki and Facebook. It has existed for quite a long time and is loved by users so much that many people cannot live a day without going there. And what to do if VK does not open?

Real illness

Many VK users cannot live even an hour without logging into their account on their favorite social network. And this is not surprising. Today, VKontakte allows you not only to simply communicate with friends and meet new people from anywhere, but also to listen to music, watch videos, gather in thematic groups by interest. This is exactly what most users like. Many people go there to listen to their favorite performers, watch a TV series, or browse news feed, in which, by the way, you can find a lot interesting information among a bunch of posts with jokes and advertising.

And that is why for many it is a big loss that VKontakte stops working. At the same time, many people do not know what to do if VK does not open. And in order to save a couple of thousand nerve cells of a poor user who cannot listen to his favorite song or respond to a message to a friend, let’s look at why this problem occurs and how to fix it.

And it arises for the following reasons:

  • due to an incorrect domain being recorded in the system;
  • due to blocking of the site itself or problems on it;
  • browser problems;
  • blocking by antivirus.

If such a problem exists, and there is not the slightest idea what to do if VK does not open, check the Internet connection. You just need to look at the icon on the toolbar (which is near the clock) or try to go to any other site that definitely works. In the case when the Internet is functioning perfectly, we dig a little deeper.

What to do if VK does not open

The most common problem is that the browser is cluttered with cache and site data. Therefore you need to clean it. This can be done either in or using special utility(such as CCleaner). You also need to clear cookies in your browser. They clean like this:

  • Chromium platform (Yandex, Google Chrome etc.) - go to the top right in the settings, scroll the wheel all the way down and click on "Show additional settings". When the settings page opens, look for the item "Personal data protection", where you need to click on "Content settings". Next, open "Show cookies", where in the window that opens, delete everything with a cross.

  • - go to settings, to the “Advanced” tab. There we select the “Network” section, where in the “Web Content Caching” item we click on “Clear Now”. Next, go to the “Privacy” tab, where we click on the “Delete individual cookies” link. We delete all cookies.

  • Opera - also go to settings, then - General settings. In the window that opens, go to the Cookies section, where you need to click on the button " Manage cookies". Now just select and delete.

Restart the browser and try again. This method is suitable when VK does not open in one browser. If nothing has changed and you don’t know what to do if VK does not open from all browsers, we proceed in the following ways.

HOSTS file

Very common problem may arise due to which is responsible for converting the domain name to an IP address. This occurs due to constant virus attacks to this file and, as a result, new entries appear in it for sites that do not exist (for example,, i.e. the old VK domain). What to do if the VK website does not open in this case?

Go to the system folder (most likely it will be drive C). Go to WINDOWS and find the folder system32\\drivers\\etc. Now open it using notepad, where you need to delete the line with the address

Blocked by antivirus or firewall

It is quite possible that the problem is in the antivirus or firewall, which for some reason considers the site to be malicious and blocks it. In this case, there must be a notification from this program about the blocking, so calculating it will not be difficult. The only thing to do if VK does not open is to allow your favorite social network to work. To do this, go to the antivirus, find a section where you can place files, folders and sites in White list, and add “VKontakte” there. Now let's try again.

It’s also worth remembering that usually an antivirus doesn’t just block it, and perhaps the site actually distributes malicious files. Therefore, disabling it is done solely at your own peril and risk.

Problems with the site itself

Lately, VKontakte has been experiencing frequent malfunctions, glitches and slowdowns. This could be related to anything: hacking of a social network, improvement of the service, etc. Therefore, you should not immediately get scared and think about what to do if the VK page does not open. It is possible that the developers are correcting defects or improving existing service. There is only one way out of this situation: wait a little.

Blocking by ISP

It is quite possible that it is the Internet service provider that is blocking this popular social network. This is, of course, rare and unlikely to happen, but it is still possible. Therefore, if nothing helps at all, you can contact your Internet provider and ask them if they block a site like for an hour. What to do if VK does not open from the computer in this case? Change the provider, if, of course, this can be done. It is also worth remembering that this option is a last resort, and almost no one blocks this site.

The first thing you don’t need to do is panic, since the source of most problems is the person sitting in front of the monitor. Next, be sure to check your Internet connection, after which we begin scrolling through the remaining versions.

Also, to avoid the question of what to do if VK does not open from all browsers, you should not install different clients on your PC to receive mail, since they very often carry viruses and various malware that can cause a lot of problems .

Another way to check the functionality of VKontakte is to go to your page from your phone. If it logs in on a mobile phone without problems, but not on a computer, that means the problem lies there.

We are all already to some extent dependent on social networks, especially VKontakte. And when a network user has a problem opening sites, features of his favorite social network, panic begins. It is impossible not to notice that recently time very often VKontakte does not open. And of course, users have logical question « Why doesn't the site open on VKontakte?»
There are several problems due to which the site does not want to open.

What to do if the VKontakte page does not open?

HOSTS file

The most common problem is vulnerability system file HOSTS, which is responsible for resolving domain names to IP addresses. Its vulnerability is due to the fact that it is constantly attacked by viruses. As a result of such attacks, additional entries(extra), “registered” non-existent addresses for domains.

To solve the problem you should:

Site blocking

Blocking the site by malware is the second reason why the VKontakte site does not open. To solve the problem, find the files vkontakte.exe or svc.exe and delete them.

Before starting the search, do not forget to check all the boxes in the search parameters (in hidden files And system folders etc.).


Sometimes go to your favorite social network There is some glitch in the way, so just try to access the site via the domain. Sometimes this method helps solve the problem.


  • What is not advisable, and one might even say contraindicated, download special programs for VKontakte, for example, to view personal messages, closed pages and other things. They often contain a virus that can lead to a computer crash and the inability to visit websites.
  • Also remember that after each method to open access, you should restart your computer!

To summarize all of the above, I would also like to note that sometimes the site conducts engineering works due to which it is impossible to visit the site. In this case, you need to wait some time. If you still can’t access the site, then most likely the problem is a virus.

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A short article in which I want to say a few words, about problems with applications in VK. Sometimes they stop working. What to do in this case?

Why don't VK apps work?

The first thing you need to do is determine whether the specific application, or all the ones you try to run do not function. If we're talking about about everyone, which means the problem is on the VK side. As a rule, they are resolved very quickly. It is enough to wait a while (see).
Here are a few more recommendations that would be a good idea to follow.

  • Check your computer for viruses
  • Update Flash player
  • Try running the application in a different browser

If these steps do not result in the application starting, it may be due to an outdated browser cache. VKontakte technical support (see), first of all, advises cleaning it if problems occur.

In all browsers this is done through the main menu. Let's take Mozilla Firefox as an example.

Clearing the cache in Mozilla Firefox

Click on the button « Extra options» . In the menu that opens, click “Settings”

In the window that opens, go to the “Privacy” tab. And click the link "Delete your recent history".

Select a time period and press the button "Delete now".

After this, we check that applications on VK should launch normally.

VK application does not launch on computer or phone

The same principles apply here.

We check the functionality of the Internet connection and check the device for threats. Next, you should make sure that nothing is blocking access to the application. This could be a personal Firewall, or security settings.

In 99% of cases, after checking all these steps, it is possible to solve problems with launching the VK application.

The application is blocked by browser extensions

We are talking about the popular Addblock plugin. We have already met him (see). It allows you to block ads in your browser.

And together with her, under hot hand applications are also included.

If you have problems launching them, try disabling the Addblock extension.


Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that most often the problem lies in problems or limitations on your device. This can be stated based on the fact that VKontakte technical support, and most developers, very quickly decide possible problems in your applications.

Check your computer for viruses (see), and make sure that there are no programs installed that could block access to applications.


In contact with

Malicious programs, otherwise called viruses, are a serious threat to any computer. And it’s not just a noticeable deterioration in the machine’s performance. Viruses can cause vital damage important files registries responsible for the operation of the entire system. After such intervention, the computer will stop working normally at all, and in particularly serious cases of system infection, it will not be able to load it correctly.

Another problem concerns the Internet and individual sites, to which some block access. This is one of many Odnoklassniki or other popular resources. What should you do if one morning you decide to check your page, and in response you only see an error message or endless loading in the browser?

The contact does not load due to a virus changing the hosts

Quite often, the operating principle of a malicious program lies in changing specific file. IN in this case this is hosts. Roughly speaking, it contains information regarding all the resources visited and exactly how the computer should load them. A clear sign that the virus has damaged this file, is an error like "404 Page not found".

You may also be required to send an SMS to some number (ostensibly to confirm your profile, data, identity, unlock a page, etc.). Of course, you shouldn’t follow the lead of scammers and do this. To regain access to your favorite resource, you will have to perform a few simple steps that will return you to the initial state.

Editing hosts

You can find the file at local disk, where your operating system is installed. You need to go to Windows folder, then the path looks like this: system32\drivers\etc. Opening required file(the one without extension, if there are two of them) via notepad or any other text editor to view the content. In addition to the basic information, there should not be any extra lines here, for example, “”.

If you are in doubt and cannot independently determine where necessary information, and where the result of the actions of the virus is, then you can go the other way. Just delete everything, leaving only the line " localhost" (without quotes), and save the file.

In some cases, the virus constantly returns hosts to the state it needs. This means that you need to enable the display in the properties of the etc folder (where the file you are looking for is located). hidden folders. If after this another, invisible duplicate hosts is found nearby, you need to delete it.

Why other viruses

To check your computer for Trojan horse, you need to view the list running processes. You can do this by calling the task manager. Different operating systems have their own button combinations to launch it. In Windows OS this will be Ctrl, Alt and Delete held down at the same time. So, let’s carefully review the entire list of running processes. If "svc.exe", "vkontakte.exe" or "svchost.exe" are present there, then we are definitely dealing with virus program, and the computer does not load “Contact” because of it.

Processes need to be closed, but this is not enough to completely get rid of the virus. Now you have to find the virus on your computer and remove it manually. The easiest way is to enter its name in search engine by selecting the "Search system folders and hidden files" option. Next, we remove the found virus, and then reboot the system.

Other solutions

If you are tired of looking for why “Contact” does not load (alternatively, you could not identify the reason), use a couple simple tips. Sometimes they help, sometimes they don’t, but no one bothers you to try. Firstly, do not forget to restore access to the resource after each attempt. This will help save time and find out whether one or another method worked.

You also need to clean up the registry routes. To do this, use command line start menu. Enter the command “cmd” in it, and in the window that opens - “ipconfig /flushdns” (only without quotes).

Sometimes restoring the system to a higher level helps. early state. This is a built-in function operating system. To access it, just go to the main menu and select the items " Standard programs", then "Service". The function we need is there. Following the simple prompts, we roll back the system to the nearest restore point.

Also, do not forget about antiviruses. If one does not help, you can always install another and scan the computer again. The main thing is not to panic. It is possible that while you were looking for why “Contact” was not loading, the site was simply undergoing technical work.

The popularity of VKontakte has long been beyond doubt. It would seem that not so long ago the Internet was perceived as an anonymous platform where users were not always ready to indicate real names, not to mention surnames and personal contacts. But then they came into the world social media and everything changed. Now everyone has personal pages on several social networks. They have entered the lives of many people so tightly that it seems that it has always been this way and it cannot be any other way. But it also happens that social networks or personal page stop working or loading, what should I do in this case? Let's try to figure out the reasons. In this article we will look at the most common ones: Why does VKontakte freeze the page?, for what reasons the page may be inaccessible or may not load.

Why is the VKontakte page unavailable?

If you find that the administrators have blocked your profile and your page is “frozen,” this may be for several reasons: due to spamming, posting prohibited content on your or other people’s pages, due to your suspiciously high activity, use of profanity, insults , participation in dubious groups, etc. If you have not done anything like this and are at a loss why the VKontakte page is inaccessible, perhaps your profile was hacked by attackers for some of their own purposes.

First of all, you need to send a message to the service technical support, in which you will describe in detail how your page behaves suspiciously by filling out a fairly detailed questionnaire. The data that it asks for cannot be known by insidious hackers, so there is hope that the site administration will return your page to its legal status. In addition, you should try to immediately change the password to log into your account. If your efforts are in vain and the page is still frozen, you will have to wait three months for the administration to consider your case or create a new profile for yourself.

Why doesn't the VKontakte page load?

There may also be several reasons why the VKontakte page does not load. One of the most common violations that slows down login to your account is the failure of the “hosts” system file, which contains information about domain names resources and corresponding IP addresses. The problem can be resolved quite easily: you need to go to the C:\WINDOWS drive and find the same one in the System32\Drivers\etc folders hosts file, and in it completely delete the line

If you are worried about why the VKontakte page is not loading, check your computer for viruses and malware, because they can cause a similar failure. Scan and “treat” your device and welcome to VK! In addition, an Internet provider can block access to a site if VKontakte is classified as a prohibited resource. In such a situation, anonymizer programs or sites will help.

If you have checked your computer for viruses, you are sure that the site has not been blocked by an insidious provider, the hosts file in in perfect order, but the problem remains, then there may be another reason why VKontakte takes a long time to load. And it’s quite banal - the site itself hangs, precisely in this moment It is undergoing technical work, reconstruction, or the speed of the Internet connection leaves much to be desired. In this case, you will have to wait a little and try again to access the page a little later.