Download the start menu for Windows 10. What to do if the Start menu does not open

The Start menu is an essential component of Windows 10, so users may want to customize it to their liking. There are many ways to do this. You can change the size of tiles, color, and select the folders to be shown. Below we will talk about the settings options.

How to resize the Start menu

How to enable full screen start menu

How to Pin an App to the Start Menu

If you want to see a specific app on the Start menu, you can pin it from anywhere. In this case, the application will be attached from the desktop, but it can also be attached from any other place in the system.

How to Unpin an App from the Start Menu

How to change the size of tiles

How to move tiles in the menu

How to disable live tiles

Live tiles contain updated information. They resemble slide shows; If you don't like this look, you can turn it off.

How to change the color of the Start menu

How to add folders to the Start menu

On the left side of the non-tiled menu, you can add specific Windows 10 folders for quick access. By default, the Explorer and Settings folders are located here.

How to rename a group of tiles

In the Start menu, you can see headings next to groups of tiles. By default, there are “Entertainment and Recreation” and “Events and Communication” groups. These headers can be changed.

Questions about how you can return everyone to the familiar Windows 10 start menu as in Windows 7 are quite relevant when the computer icon does not appear on the desktop of a freshly installed OS after installation, and the changed Start menu, to put it mildly, is “not very good”!

Returning the Windows 10 start menu to the same as in Windows 7

It is not possible to return the full start menu to Windows 10 using the operating system, but you can change the appearance of the start menu, so that it becomes similar to the usual version. For this:

Programs for creating a start menu

Classic Shell

This program is completely free and has Russian language. Its parameters can be customized to your taste and different design themes can be used.

Start 10

This is a product of Stardock, which specializes in developing applications for Windows design changes. You can use Start10 free 30 days. Its installation takes place in English, but the interface itself has support for the Russian language. The application can set not only the color, but also the texture for the start menu.


This program also has a Russian-language interface, and it is provided free use for 30 days. StartIsBack++ changes not only the menu itself, but also the taskbar.

How to get the My Computer icon back on the Windows 10 desktop

To enable the computer icon on the new system, you will need to right-click on the desktop and click Personalization .

Now the icon My computer will be placed on the Windows 10 desktop, only it will be called This computer, but the name can be changed.

With this quick guide, you can get your Windows 10 MY COMPUTER icon and start menu back like they were in Windows 7

One of the main differences between Windows 10, noticeable to users, and previous versions was the change in the operating system interface. We will tell you how to customize the Start menu in Windows 10 for yourself for comfortable work with the system.

Metro style: new implementation

The graphical interface of Windows OS, called Metro, replaced Aero several years ago, when Microsoft's mobile OS and desktop Windows 8 were introduced. Instead of glossy icons, the company introduced a new menu format consisting of rectangular tiles.

This interface turned out to be very comfortable for owners of mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) equipped with touch screens. But users of desktop PCs and laptops reacted ambiguously to the innovation. Navigating the tiled menu with a mouse turned out to be noticeably more difficult than using the touchscreen, and some people were hostile to the innovation.

However, given the growing popularity of touch screens in the niche of laptops and desktop computers, we should expect that the popularity of the Metro interface will only increase.

The Start Menu is back

The Start menu has been an integral part of the Windows OS interface for many years, but in 2012 it was decided to abandon its use in favor of the Metro desktop. Not everyone was happy with this innovation, and in the latest version of their OS, Microsoft decided to return it, having significantly improved it.

There was a lot of debate about whether the Start menu is needed in version 10 of Windows, but the majority of users were in favor of the need to return this interface element. It is not known whether Microsoft listened to the opinions of users, or was guided by ergonomics, but, one way or another, the modified Start menu has returned.

The main difference between the new implementation of this interface element is the combination of classic menu items and live tiles. The customization options have also expanded: now everyone can customize the Start menu for themselves.

Setting up a tiled interface in Start

Unlike classic icons responsible for calling applications, tiles are interactive elements. They can be used not only as a shortcut, but also serve to display relevant information from the application.

This could be the weather forecast, the number of unread messages, foreign exchange rates, service notifications.

The functionality of live tiles in the new OS remained at the level of Windows 10; Microsoft did not introduce any visible innovations. To customize the tiles, just right-click on the icon. You can edit the size, color, turn animation on or off, send the icon to the taskbar, or remove the icon from Start.

Adding and removing new tiles

To add a new application tile, find it in the list of programs and right-click on its name. From the pop-up menu, select “Pin to Home Screen.”

Similar operations must be performed to remove a tile, only you need to select the “Unpin from Start Screen” option.

In order to change the location of the icon in the menu, you need to right-click the tile and drag it to the desired location.

Size customization

Users have the ability to change not only the location, but also the size of the tiles. There are several size options available for each icon. Depending on them, the functionality of the tile also changes: at its minimum size, the tile serves only to call the program, but when enlarged, it can also be used as an output element. How much information an icon can display, and in what format it will do so, depends on its size.

In order to change the size of a tile, you need to right-click on it and select the “Resize” option.

The tiles can be rectangular or square in size. The larger the size, the greater the functionality, but on small screens the loss of space can cover all the benefits of this.

A small drawback of tiles is that if the size is set to small and the number is odd, there will be empty spaces in the menu. You can eliminate it by changing the size of individual icons and their location.

Receiving various notifications from applications in real time is quite convenient. But sometimes developers pay too much attention to this feature, and as a result, the user is constantly distracted by insignificant program messages. To avoid this, Start Menu Settings provides an option to turn off notifications from individual tiles.

To do this, right-click on the tile and select the last option “Disable live tiles” from the pop-up menu.

After this, the tile design will always remain unchanged and annoying messages will no longer bother you.

Customize Start Menu Colors

The background of the background in Windows 10 can be changed in the same way as the color of individual tiles. To do this, right-click anywhere not occupied by the icon and select the “Personalization” menu item.

In the window that opens, you can specify the background color in the Start menu, as well as change some other parameters. You can choose not only the color, but also its saturation. The user can choose a ready-made color scheme, or customize it in detail to his taste independently.

Pin a program shortcut to the Start menu screen

If you want the fastest access to an app or program in the Start menu, you can pin it to the Start menu screen.

To do this, right-click on the shortcut of the program or application you need on your desktop. After this, a pop-up menu will appear, where you need to click “Pin to Start Screen”. You can now open the menu and change the location of the created tile by moving it between groups.

Also, for a newly added tile, you can set the name of the group in which it is located. There is also a reverse process: you can make a shortcut from any tile located on the start screen by right-clicking the tile and dragging it to the desktop.

Icons pinned to the left side of Start can be easily removed from there; just right-click and select the “Advanced” and “Do not show in this list” options.

Adding special elements

This feature is also present in Windows 10, but the principle of its operation is somewhat different from adding tiles. First of all, you should go to the Desktop, and then right-click on an empty space and select the “personalization” option. In the window that appears, select the “Start” tab at the bottom. In the dialog box that appears, you can find a list of elements that can be added to the left half of Start.

Bringing back the Start menu from Windows 7

Not everyone liked the updated interface of Windows 10. Some have long been accustomed to the old look of the OS, while others simply do not like the tiled elements of Start. In this case, the developers have provided the ability to return the menu to the classic appearance, familiar to everyone from Windows 7. You can configure Start so that in appearance it will not differ from the version of the OS from Microsoft the year before.

The easiest method to do this is to remove all live tiles. Unfortunately, it won’t be possible to disable them in a couple of clicks; you will have to delete each of them manually. You can then change the width of the right side of the window so that it is collapsed.

Bringing back the Metro tiled menu

Owners of small-screen tablets who are used to the Metro menu may find returning Start to be inconvenient on their device. Therefore, Microsoft developers have provided the ability to manually activate the Metro start screen in the OS.

To do this, right-click on the taskbar and select “personalization” from the pop-up menu. In the window that opens, open the “Start” tab and enable the “Open Start screen in full screen” option. In the final build, Windows will no longer prompt you to log in again and you will be able to enjoy the start menu familiar from Windows 8 without rebooting your PC.

What you need to know before upgrading to Windows 10

In addition to the attractive innovations that many users have already liked, the new OS is not without its shortcomings.

So, at the moment, full and error-free support for all devices that work perfectly under Windows 7 has not yet been provided. The inability to disable auto system updates in the usual way can also upset many users. After all, with limited traffic or low connection speed, downloading updates may result in additional costs or affect the quality of Internet browsing during the download period.

Those who do not like interference in their lives may be wary of the fact that the OS analyzes the user’s behavior and collects information about him. This is done both to improve work and for advertising purposes, so many people are not happy with this approach.

So, when installing a new version of the OS, you should be aware of its features and take full responsibility for its unstable operation or the dissemination of user information.

Updates in Windows 10 constantly cause inconvenience to users, forcing them to waste time searching for the causes of problems and fixing them. Many people, having restarted their computer after installing the next batch of unknown updates, were faced with the fact that the Windows 10 start button does not work.

The menu does not open by clicking on the Start icon and does not respond to the Win key (with the window logo). Sometimes, in addition to this, the “Options” menu may not open and other graphical menus may not function. To fix the problem, read this article to the end and follow the instructions contained in it.

Interestingly, in the summer of 2016, Microsoft deigned to release an application for finding and getting rid of factors blocking the appearance of Start.

Restarting the process responsible for the Windows GUI

Explorer.exe is a file that is a graphical shell for Windows. Thanks to it, Explorer, all windows and menus of the operating system work. During its operation, a problem may occur (for example, conflicts with RAM addresses). If startup does not work in Windows 10, the first thing you should do is restart the “explorer.exe” process.

1. Call the “Task Manager” using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc or the taskbar context menu.

2. Go to the “Processes” tab if the window opens in a different one.

If the dispatcher is launched in a simplified window, click on the “Details” button.

3. Find the “Explorer” or “Explorer” process and call the “Restart” command.

4. We confirm our intentions to interfere with the functioning of the system process.

The method does not always work, so you should not rely on its success.

Changing the value of one of the system registry keys

The next step that should be taken in order to get Start to work is to change the value of one of the parameters responsible for the operation of the menu (if there is no key, you will need to create it).

  1. Call the registry editor integrated into the Top Ten (run “regedit” in the search bar or command interpreter).
  2. We go to the section with the parameters of the current user - HKCU.
  3. Go to the path Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer.
  4. Find the “EnableXAMLStartMenu” key and change its value to “zero”. If there is no parameter, we create a DWORD key with a marked name and value.
  5. We restart the “explorer.exe” process for the new configuration to take effect.

Other quick methods to get Start to work

Some users noticed the problem appeared after creating a new account, the path to which contained Cyrillic characters (the username was in Russian). In this case, you need to use the Computer Management tool and change the path to the user directory (rename the folder in which the account information is stored).

The automatic maintenance function of the operating system also sometimes helps. To activate it, go to the “Properties” of the system, where in the menu located on the left, click on the “Maintenance and Security” link located at the very bottom. Expand the “Maintenance” item and click on the “Run” button. In the near future (the more free resources, the faster) Windows 10 will search for and fix all problems on your computer. This option also rarely helps, but it is necessary to look for the right solution.

Create a new account

It happens that the above options do not give the expected results, in particular, renaming the user directory. Try creating a new user whose name should not contain Russian characters.

  1. Call up the “Run” window (press Win + R).
  2. Enter “control” and execute the command.
  3. After opening the applet, create a new account and log into Windows from under it.

Basically, Start and all other graphical elements work fine. If this is the case, import all the settings and transfer the files from the old account directory and delete it.

Let's use PowerShell

Finally, there is a less secure way to get Start to function. However, using PowerShell (Advanced Command Prompt) may cause problems with the app store.

Before following the steps in these instructions, it is recommended to create a system rollback point.

To run the tool, go to the “\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0” directory located in the OS folder and run the powershell.exe file as an administrator.

An equally simple option for calling the extended command line is to run the “powershell” command in a command line running with administrator privileges.

Insert the following command into the text line of the PowerShell window that opens and run it:

Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + “\appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml”))

The operations will take a matter of seconds, after which check if Start opens. If we fail again, we move on.

Let's use the official utility from Microsoft, called to solve a problem with the Start menu

The tiny program works on the same principle as the troubleshooting tool, but regarding graphical elements, in particular the Start.

  1. We go to the Microsoft website and download the application.
  2. We launch it and click “Next”, having familiarized ourselves with the work being performed.

Any problems found will be automatically corrected, and the user will be notified in a window with the results of the program. You can disable this option in advance in order to fix the problem(s) yourself. Also, a message may appear in the final window that the tool has not detected any abnormalities in the system.

To get acquainted with the details of how the utility works, click on the “View additional information” link.

The latest version of the application performs the following checks:

  • availability and normal functioning of ShellExperienceHost and Kartana;
  • checks whether this user has rights to access the registry key, which stores the data necessary for the operation of the Windows 10 graphical shell;
  • will check the integrity of the database in which program tiles are stored;
  • scans the application manifest for corruption.

You can download the utility via the direct link Don't worry that it doesn't have the word "Microsoft" in its address, it's just a shortened version of the program file storage address.

Nothing helped

Even if none of the points in the article helped to return Start, you should not despair. Most users have the checkpointing feature enabled in Windows 10, which makes it possible to roll back the system to an earlier state. These same points are necessarily created before updating the OS, which becomes the main reason for the Start inoperability.

As a last resort, it is not prohibited to reset the “ten” or roll back to its original state.

Multilingual registered version.

StartIsBack++ brings back a fully functional Start Menu launch button in Windows 10, the same as in Windows 7. Restores the original Windows 7 Start Menu with all its features: search, drag, drop, recently used applications. You can change the appearance of the Start menu, including choosing a different Start button icon, changing the color, hue, contrast, and brightness of the taskbar to whatever you choose. The Start button and Start menu look and behave like you're used to in Windows 7.

System requirements:
Windows® 10

Torrent Classic Start Menu for Windows 10 - StartIsBack++ 2.6.2 RePack by D!akov details:
Program features:
·Menu, button and settings are exactly the same as in Windows 7.
·Restores the main menu from Windows 7 with all the usual functions: search, drag and drop icons, pinned and recently used apps.
·Integrated into the system and does not install additional services or programs.
·Installation does not require additional utilities and can be done without administrative privileges. The main menu is completely localized into the system language, with the same names as in Windows 7.
·Allows you to customize the display and behavior of the Start menu and Windows 10 interface: skins, button image, active screen corners and much more.

What's new:
·Supports Windows 10 Version 1803 (Spring Creators Update)
·Various fixes and improvements

Features of RePack"a:
·Type: installation.
·Languages: ML.
·Cut: nothing.
·Activation: completed.
Silent installation: /S

Note!!! Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to visit the website of the author of the repack. Click Yes or No as desired.

Screenshots Classic Start Menu for Windows 10 - StartIsBack++ 2.6.2 RePack by D!akov torrent: