Which is better iOS or Android. Closed iOS system. Firmware and updates

Finally, after many beta versions, Apple's new mobile OS is ready to be released. The release date for iOS 12 was announced at . Starting September 17, iPhone and iPad users will be able to upgrade to . But users of Android devices have been using the new one for more than a month. This means now is the best time to dot all the i’s and compare new mobile operating systems. And ask the eternal question: which is better iOS or Android?

Optimization and improvement of the management system

The problem that our gadgets start to work poorly and slowly is not always due to their malfunction. Very often, this happens due to poor optimization of the applications that we install on our smartphone and the operating system itself.

The developers are doing their best to fix this. As a result, more and more updates are constantly coming out, which should make our interactions with our gadgets more comfortable. After all, every new update is, first of all, a more optimized system. What have Apple and Google done to optimize their mobile platforms?

Major improvements in the field of optimization

iOS 12:

  • opening the camera from a locked screen is 70% faster;
  • keyboard opening time reduced by 50%.

Android 9 Pie:

  • new gesture navigation system;
  • improved quick settings menu;
  • The Always On Display function now shows not only the time and calendar, but also notifications, weather, etc.

Battery consumption optimization

Improving optimization not only makes working with the gadget faster, but also has a positive effect on its battery life.

One of the new Android Pie options for charge management is the ability to “freeze” applications that run in the background and consume excessive battery power. There is also a new Adaptive battery mode. With its help, the user can learn how to properly use a smartphone for reasonable energy saving.

The new iOS also has several new features for proper use of the smartphone battery. Now everyone can see detailed statistics on battery consumption. Which ultimately makes it possible to control the processes that consume the most energy.

Application monitoring

Both Apple and Google have implemented features in their operating systems to monitor application runtime. This way the user will be able to find out when and how long certain applications were running. On iOS, this option is called Screen Time, on Android - Digital Wellbeing. Both systems measure the amount of time you use individual apps, the number of notifications you receive, and how often you interact with those apps.

Why might such options be needed? This is one way to deal with. After all, in this way we can see what we spend the most time on and set a time limit for the applications on which we depend most. In addition, these options will be useful not only during the day, but also at night. Because they know how to silence notifications until the morning. Moreover, Digital Wellbeing discolors the smartphone screen at night. This is supposed to make it less attractive to use.


The way we use our smartphones largely depends on how we receive notifications. Quick access to them is one of the most important properties of modern gadgets.

Android has been working over the past few years to make the system for receiving and responding to notifications as simple and convenient as possible. As a result, this system has become even better with Pie.

Apple has also worked on customizing notifications. Now the user can choose which notifications he will respond to and which ones he will ignore. In addition, it is finally possible to group notifications together, as well as remove the Notification Center from the lock screen.

Quick Links

One of the important aspects of both new OSes is the availability of quick links for functions and applications. On Android 9 Pie they are called Slices, and on iOS 12 they are called Siri Shortcuts.

Slices have appeared inside the apps shortcut and offer context-based actions. For example, if you are on the subway every morning, on the way to work you write a message to your mother via WhatsApp. Then, over time, your smartphone will begin to prompt you to send a message to your mother in the morning when you are on the subway going to work.

Siri Shortcuts are modeled after Google Assistant's Routines. Thus, the user himself programs the exact commands for the voice assistant, which will perform one or more specific actions.

The best OS is the one that makes you happy

The main difference between Google and Apple's new mobile platforms is the ecosystem that is built around them.

Those who use a Mac, HomePod, and Apple Watch are unlikely to be able to use anything other than an iPhone. Moreover, after iMessage and FaceTime, it will be difficult to adapt to communicating with loved ones through other alternative messengers. You will also have to give up Animoji, Memoji and group video calls. Moreover, you will have to forget about the App Store, with its quality control.

On the other hand, Google is using the opposite strategy to Apple. If iOS is an exclusive club with special rules, then Android embraces everyone. The choice of Android smartphones is endless, and is well represented in every price segment. Additionally, Google's system allows for freedom of use and customization that iOS would never allow due to its closed and conservative nature.

Therefore, in the confrontation between iOS and Android, there is no winner. And when asked what is better than iOS or Android, everyone answers for themselves. After all, these are two sides of the same coin. Two different roads that lead to the same destination. Even though these two systems are different, they have the same goal: to give us access to the entire world with one touch.

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Today, modern technologies have penetrated everything that surrounds us. Who could have imagined 10 years ago that the power of a personal PC could fit into a phone? These metamorphoses gave rise to a new class of mobile electronics - smartphones and tablets.

As you know, there is competition in any area of ​​business, and in product categories aimed at the average user, it is especially great and fierce. This concerns not only the technical specifications and appearance of the device, but also the operating system on which the device is based. Currently, this derby features Apple's iOS operating system and Google's Android operating system.

Operating system iOS

The iOS operating system (short for iPhone Operating Systems) was introduced in 2007 with the introduction of the iPhone 2G. This event produced a real technical revolution in the world of mobile electronics. People were new to the merging of a music player, phone and camera, combined with the device's touch controls and pleasing appearance. Over time, the operating system was improved and brought to mind.

Apple devices

Today, Apple devices are considered the standard of beauty and power, which influences the choice of an iOS smartphone. Software developers also liked this operating system. Indeed, as many applications as there are in the Appstore are not available either in the Play Market or anywhere else. Due to the fact that the range of devices is quite small, and their appearance is unified, there are a large variety of accessories for them. You can easily find covers, protective films, cases and the like.

iOS Control

iOS is quite easy to use and does not contain unnecessary things. Even the most narrow-minded character can make friends with iOS. This operating system is famous for its efficiency and performance, and also, as mentioned above, a (very) large selection of applications.

One can argue for a long time about the design of this OS, but what we have now suits me quite well (not entirely, but still).

Closed iOS system

Apple is famous for its meticulousness, which can both delight the user and scare away. The closed nature of the system is a headache for Yabloko and application developers. For example, you can’t just transfer music from your PC desktop directly to your device. To do this, you need to launch iTunes and after “dancing with a tambourine” with a bunch of different synchronizations, you can still transfer music to your device. This is all connected with the author’s fetishism and a bunch of different rules, and these initiatives “come from above”, which bothers not only users, but also developers. Let's remember the story about VKontakte for iPad. The application was removed from the AppStore due to the presence of pirated music and pornography. Most of us are registered on this social network and no one except Apple will find anything prohibited (if you don’t look hard enough). Apple has completely monopolized the default browser niche. You will not be prompted to open a link in Google Chrome, Yandex. Browser, Coast - you will be forced to use Safari.

iPad or iPhone storage capacity

Memory capacity cannot be increased using SD drives. But this is not such a big minus, because a 32 GB iPad or iPhone will definitely be enough for you.

Apple batteries

The biggest disadvantage is the non-removable battery, which now, unfortunately, is not only Apple's fault.

iOS customization

iOS customization is not possible. You can only change the wallpaper, enlarge the font and rearrange the icons.

iOS stability

In the latest versions of iOS, the stability of the system began to disappear, which significantly spoiled the image of the company from Cupertino.

And yet, iOS remains one of the most popular and recognizable operating systems.

Android OS

In 2008, the Android OS mobile operating system was introduced. Since then, Apple and Google have gone their separate ways.

Today, Android is the most common mobile operating system. Since iOS is a closed system, you won’t install it on Samsung. Android has a very wide range of devices on which it can run.

Main disadvantages of Android

The main disadvantages and barbs addressed to this OS are related to the slow operation and rapid discharge of the device. But if you think about it, you can understand that most of the problems are related to the characteristics of the phone itself.

MicroSD and removable battery

Most devices have a MicroSD slot and a removable battery, as well as a Micro-usb input, unlike the Lightning connector (which can be connected to either side, unlike Micro and Mini usb). But, as I said above, now manufacturers are starting to abandon the placement of an SD slot and the ability to change the battery.

Play Market

If demand grows, then, as you know, supply also grows. Developing and launching an application on Google Play will not be difficult, as a result of which the selection of applications in the Play Market is quite large due to Google’s less strict policy towards developers. But every cloud has a silver lining. Many applications contain malicious code (in other words, viruses), and are simply of poor quality.

Device customization

Device customization is top notch. A huge variety of launchers and widgets will allow you to change the appearance of the operating system beyond recognition.

Device unification

With the unification of devices, things are more complicated. If you can easily find various cases and protective films for the Samsung Galaxy S5, for some Prestigio the search for accessories will seem like hell. All this depends on the mass production, quality and, of course, the price category of the device.

Root rights for Android

If you are not satisfied with the default software, then with a high degree of probability you will find various custom firmware for your device. What is custom firmware? In essence, this is the same factory firmware, but with a change in appearance and functionality.

If you right-click on a regular file, you will see the option “Open as Administrator”. This means that full responsibility for these actions lies with the administrator, that is, with you, the reader. Root rights for Android - the same item “Open as Administrator”. These rights give us many options compared to the factory functionality. Without Root rights, it will not be easy to install Custom-recovery, which in turn will be an obstacle to installing custom firmware and other non-factory extensions.

When you buy an Android phone, unfortunately, there are pre-installed applications, most often demo games, which most people will never play. It is impossible to remove them...

...without the “magic key”, which is Root rights.

Oddly enough, even such giants as Samsung install these surrogates on their products, which somewhat spoils the company’s image.

I will not say anything about phones that fall in the price range from 1000 to 7000 rubles, because we will see pre-installed software on every second smartphone.

You know, I bought myself an iPad two years ago and was incredibly happy. Basically, I bought it because of the quality and design. I am completely satisfied with it, but sometimes I have thoughts that it would be better if I bought a tablet on Android, because everything is “more complicated” and more interesting there. For example, you don’t have to open all links with a standard browser; you can choose the one you like best (Opera, for example). It’s much easier to upload music, pictures, movies. But the feeling from Android is still not the same as from Apple.

Imagine VAZ 2105 and Mercedes. There is no need to change anything on the Mercedes; I sat down and drove away in comfort. But sometimes it gets boring. If you want adventure, then why not “make fun” of the “A”? Sawed off the roof and rejoice - here's your convertible. I wanted to, installed a turbine and tore off the muffler to make the sound louder. I feel sorry for Mercedes (not so much I feel sorry for the car, but rather for the money).

Thus, we can find pros and cons everywhere, but for myself I defined these platforms as follows.

iOS is for lazy people and aesthetes.

Android is for geeks and experimenters.

Each of us at least once, but often several times, has to make an important life choice. Faculty of Philology or Army? Marry or wait? Android or iOS? Any option has both pros and cons, and in the case of mobile operating systems they are quite obvious.

Tell me what kind of smartphone you have, and I will tell you who you are. This is how you can paraphrase a famous phrase today. Photo: Photoxpress

Nowadays it is already difficult to find a smartphone that will terribly irritate the owner with slow operation. The performance of most devices has improved to an acceptable level, graphics work smoothly, and the Internet, if it doesn’t fly, is at least quite fast. Owners of modest budgets buy themselves a good and fairly recent Chinese smartphone on Android or a not-new, but quite working iPhone 5s or iPhone 6.

What are these people motivated by? Some people care about the design of the case, others want the device to work for a long time without recharging, and still others want the system to be completely free of errors and glitches. It's time to find out what Android and iOS smartphones actually offer their owners.

1. iOS is an ecosystem. This word refers to the common connection of all iOS devices that you have. Photos taken with anything are uploaded to a single storage, text in the editor can be started on the iPhone and finished on the iPad (or Mac computer), the password entered in the browser on one device automatically begins to be stored on the other, and so on.

This is convenient, but for this you need to buy several Apple gadgets, which not everyone can afford. On the other hand, it is not possible to combine an Android smartphone and an iPad. Samsung is trying to build a similar ecosystem, but other manufacturers seem to have stopped thinking in this direction.

2. The iPhone line still includes powerful and convenient smartphones with small screens. This includes the four-inch iPhone SE and the later iPhone 6s, 7 and 8 with a 4.7-inch screen diagonal.

Try to find a decent Android smartphone with a screen smaller than 4.7 inches - you will be unpleasantly disappointed. These are a couple of Samsung models, another couple from Sony, one model each from Lenovo and Asus. The rest is either some kind of quiet horror with low-power processors, minimal memory and low screen resolution, or smartphones made of crocodile skin for 200 thousand rubles (with hardware from five years ago), or “shovels” with screens from five inches to infinity. Finding a small and powerful Android smartphone is a challenge.

3. iOS means at least four years of operating system updates. Android fans are wondering whether at least the next version of the platform will be released for their smartphones, and owners of Apple devices are not worried about this topic. For example, the latest iOS 11, released in September 2017, can be installed even on the iPhone 5s. And he, for a minute, came out in September 2013.

For comparison, the “reference” smartphone Google Nexus 5 of the same year was updated in October 2016 and that’s all. And some Android smartphone manufacturers may never update the platform at all. No new service features, no security updates.

4. iOS is a secure system. Applications are installed only from the verified App Store catalogue, and downloading the installation file of some program from the Internet and then launching it will not work (and in Android it will work, but you cannot vouch for a positive result).

That’s why there aren’t any good antiviruses for the iPhone—they’re not needed yet. It's hard to guess what will happen in the future, but now using the iPhone is quite safe. The exception is fake sites that look like real ones (for example, online banking systems) and trick people into obtaining logins, passwords, and credit card numbers.

Fraudsters' resources open in a regular browser, and the salvation from them is common sense, not a secure operating system. However, there are also applications for protection against fake sites - Kaspersky Safe Browser, Yandex.Browser, Avira Mobile Security.

5. The iOS platform and its hardware are adjusted to each other as much as possible. If you are not a beta tester of “raw” versions of the operating system, then your iPhone will practically not glitch or slow down. Unlike Android smartphones, even the most powerful of them can quickly become “thoughtful.” It is possible that the whole point is in software patches that manufacturers develop themselves and install on top of bare Android. These additional applications can take up memory space, load your processor, and affect your smooth experience.

According to user reviews, even on the most powerful Samsung Galaxy S8, the standard “Phone” application may not open instantly, but after a couple of seconds. Many have reported that the camera in this smartphone can suddenly freeze for a short time - as a result, a valuable frame will be missed. And Xiaomi smartphones, which are very popular in Russia, have an old problem, which is that notifications about new messages in instant messengers may or may not arrive. How the card will fall.

So, powerful hardware is not the key to fast, much less error-free operation of the system as a whole. Many experts advise buying smartphones based on bare Android. These are devices from the Nexus and Pixel series from Google, smartphones from Motorola and OnePlus. Well, and the iPhone, of course.

1. Good Android smartphones are cheaper than entry-level iPhones. At the same time, the camera in them will be no worse, the operation of applications will be quite smooth, and the battery life will be at an acceptable level. Those who do not need an ecosystem, but just a “dialer” with a browser, camera and instant messengers, will buy a high-quality “Chinese” for 10 thousand rubles and will be satisfied. Moreover, the quality of gadgets from the Middle Kingdom is growing every month.

2. Slot for two SIM cards and support for microSD memory cards. Most Android smartphones allow you to expand the internal memory and work with two SIM cards. iPhone owners do not have this luxury. There are rumors that Apple has patented a dual-SIM smartphone, but whether it will ever be released is unknown. A 128 GB microSD memory card for an Android smartphone can be bought for three to five thousand rubles, and an iPhone with increased capacity will cost eight to ten thousand rubles more.

There is also a downside to expanding the memory - if the phone is lost, then anyone can take out the card and look at the photos that are stored there. Many people send pictures to her. As for the support for two SIM cards, this is still an indisputable plus.

3. If you are satisfied with a smartphone with a screen of five inches or more, the choice of devices is simply huge. These are thousands, if not tens of thousands of models, ranging from the top-end Samsung Galaxy Note 8 to inexpensive but convenient “Chinese” - ZTE, Huawei, Meizu.

4. The headphone jack has not yet been removed. Some Apple fans did not like the lack of a minijack in the iPhone 7 and subsequent models (headphones were offered to be either wireless or equipped with a Lightning port). They are used to using their favorite headphones, and the compromise in the form of an adapter did not suit everyone.

In the case of Android, everything is different - most manufacturers are not going to get rid of this connector. The exception is literally a dozen or two models, mostly released quite recently. However, the Samsung Galaxy S8 - a direct competitor of the new iPhones - has this connector.

5. Uploading music and files to the memory of an Android smartphone is very simple. When connected to a computer via a USB cable, any Android gadget begins to work like a regular flash drive, onto which you can upload music tracks and any files in general. Uploading files and music to an iPhone is a little more difficult, but few people do such things these days. In fact, music has long been available on Google Play Music, Apple Music, Yandex.Music (there are versions for both Android and iOS), social networks and free services, and the files are stored in personal “clouds”.

Infographics "RG" / Anton Perepletchikov / Anton Blagoveshchensky

Indeed, although Android was created in many ways as a copy of iOS, it turned out to be a good competitor, and together iOS and Android “dealt with” everyone else: Symbian, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry OS and Windows Phone, which in the last years of its life also bore the name Windows Mobile, which brought a lot of confusion. Because the same Windows Mobile that reigned on the smart phone market at the time the iPhone appeared was a completely different operating system that had nothing in common with Windows Phone.

However, what iOS and Android were when they launched is not at all similar to what they are now. For 10 years, operating systems have been looking at ideas from each other, and today there is not as much difference between them as it seems at first glance. Let's go over the main differences.


Oddly enough, the first difference is the brand of the smartphone itself. With iOS there is no choice: it's only Apple. There is no other option. In the case of Android, these are several dozen brands - from large ones that can easily compete with Apple on all counts, to small Chinese nameless basements. Since the price within one brand, as a rule, does not change very much, choosing a brand is also a choice of price category.

Again, in the case of Apple there is not much choice: their smartphones are quite expensive, even if we are talking about last year’s flagships that have already fallen in price or the initially “budget” iPhone 5C or iPhone SE.

In short, iOS smartphones are on average more expensive than Android smartphones. It's worth keeping this in mind.


The issue of convenience is very subjective, and what is convenient for one may just be a real hell for another. Therefore, the Internet is flooded with messages about how a typical iPhone user tried to use Android and could not get used to it, as well as vice versa.

However, why did we even include this point in the article: the fact is that Android does not have any single interface. Classic, “pure” Android is really not the most convenient thing to use, but most manufacturers preinstall their interface, not to mention the fact that you can download any other one from the Google Play application store. And if some interfaces simply change the appearance of icons, others seriously rework both the menu logic and visualization in various operating modes.

On the other hand, iOS cannot have any other interfaces: what is there is what you have to use. If you don't like it, the only alternative is Android.

The only thing that seems objectively inconvenient to us about Android, regardless of the interface, is entering text in a horizontal display orientation somewhere in mail or messages. Typically, in this position you only see the keyboard, the text being entered and nothing else. But as the display diagonal increases, users are less and less likely to turn the phone on its side, except to shoot video, watch movies or play games.


Photo: www.globallookpress.com

The programs for iOS and Android are basically the same. If some service wants to make a mobile client application, then versions are immediately released: both for iOS and for Android. The price in most cases is also the same - 0 rubles, 0 kopecks. Although there are differences. On average, paid apps on iOS are a little more expensive, but on average - like “the average temperature in a hospital.”

But there are two nuances. First, the functionality of applications is limited by the operating system itself. In most cases there is no difference, but, for example, on Android an application can penetrate deeper into the system than on iOS. For example, various clients for connecting to other devices on Android can activate Wi-Fi themselves, scan access points and select the appropriate one, but on iOS they offer the user to do all this manually.

The question also arises with backups. While on iOS a complete backup of all phone contents (including SMS and saves in games) can be done using standard means, on Android there is no such functionality, and all applications for backups require root access, which automatically makes Google Pay payments impossible and also reduces safety.

The second caveat is default applications. If you don't like the default Android browser, the default email client, or the photo gallery, for example, you can install another app and set it to run as default. This is not possible on iOS. That is, you can install a third-party application, you just have to launch it manually. For example, if you want to open a link in the browser you need from an email client, you won’t be able to do this in one click on iOS.


Photo: www.globallookpress.com

All application restrictions exist in iOS for a reason and not to create inconvenience for the user. Against. The security of this operating system is still much higher than that of Android. Yes, you can sometimes hear that hackers hacked someone's iPhone, but, as a rule, this was done by simply guessing the password, and the victim also somehow compromised this password. Therefore, they hacked only all sorts of stars, and not everyone in a row. It is still possible that the “stars” themselves organized this “hacking” for the sake of PR, otherwise how can one explain that at one time such stories were making noise one after another, and then suddenly they all stopped at once?

In addition to restricting application rights, iOS security is also ensured by meticulous moderation of programs that developers upload to the App Store. This moderation lasts several weeks and is carried out manually. This, of course, makes the result dependent on the human factor, and therefore, purely theoretically, something malicious could still penetrate the App Store. However, it still won’t stay there for long. It is much more likely (and this often happens) that the moderator will reject a normal application for some far-fetched reason, and it is enough to simply request moderation again so that another employee will approve everything.

On Android, the application appears on Google Play within a few hours after downloading. All moderation is carried out after the fact, and only if there is a precedent (someone reported problems with the application). Almost any person, having taken possession of the source codes of another application, can publish it under their own name, replacing, say, a few lines of code or adding malicious code.

Additionally, Android is easy to “infect” from the outside, for example, through a browser. After all, installation of applications is available in this OS and not from the Google Play store. Yes, this requires the participation of the phone owner, so attackers use various tricks, trying to convince the user that he simply needs this utility that requires installation and needs to give it all the permissions it asks for.

In general, to use Android safely, you need to be constantly alert. Although in relation to iOS this advice will also not be superfluous.


To summarize, the choice between Android and iOS in 2018 is not so clear-cut. The operating systems are quite similar, but the differences are mostly cosmetic. Perhaps the most serious difference is security, which will still be higher on iOS. If you are already accustomed to a certain operating system or a certain interface, there is no point in changing one to the other. But if you are just now purchasing a smartphone (or you had, for example, a Windows Phone), then choose within your means.

It's no secret that the main mobile operating systems today can be considered Android and iOS. However, it is worth considering that the Android OS is much more popular than iOS - after all, it is used on most smartphones around the world, while iOS is used strictly on Apple devices.

Users often ask themselves the question: what to choose, iOS or Android? In fact, the choice is not so difficult: if you want an iPhone, then in any case you will have to be content with iOS. If you decide to buy, say, a Samsung Galaxy, it will have Android OS installed. It's simple. However, in our article we will look at the advantages of each operating system. Let's start with iOS.

Pros of iOS

This may seem funny to some, but iOS can safely be considered the first mobile operating system for smartphones in their current form. Yes, yes, Android OS entered the market later, which, however, did not prevent it from gaining world leadership.

Since iOS is used only on Apple mobile devices, of which there are not many, the company works on every detail, every element of the system when developing the OS, so in terms of stability, iOS will be one step ahead. Errors on the screen of the same iPhone are rare, and even if such an error occurs, you just need to restart the application. iOS optimization is so good that it allows the company to use less RAM, which, oddly enough, is enough in almost all cases. Despite this, when new versions of iOS are released, device owners often complain about certain shortcomings, which, as a rule, are eliminated with the next update.

iOS devices are considered to be more secure. This is primarily due to the fact that applications that appear in the App Store (Apple's proprietary application store) are carefully reviewed. Therefore, downloading an application from the App Store, which, say, will send SMS messages without the owner’s knowledge, is quite difficult. However, this does not mean that viruses for iOS do not exist. In addition, there is a proprietary feature that allows you to block the device if you lose it. Only for this you need to enable the function in advance.

One cannot help but think about the applications and toys that are released on mobile platforms. It just so happens that often the same games are first released for iOS and only then appear on Google Play. How important this is is up to you to decide. In general, this whole story with applications and games is reminiscent of the “struggle” between XBOX and Sony Playstation: there are exclusive games for each console, while others are released first for one console, and after a while for the other. The same applies to the confrontation between iOS and Android.

Pros of Android

A huge number of settings. If we are talking about a device purchased at a communication store, then the number of settings will not amaze your imagination. But everything changes the moment the user gains superuser rights () - he is given access to the device’s file system and can do whatever he wants with it. For example, you can change the clock speed of the process or change the picture on the welcome screen. The main thing is to act strictly according to the instructions, since incorrect changes in just one parameter can turn the device into a “brick”.

A large number of firmwares are supported. This does not apply to every manufacturer and not every device, but for many models you can use completely different firmware, even if they are all based on Android - they can differ significantly in their appearance and functionality. In addition, some firmware makes the device faster, while others allow better battery conservation.

Huge selection of devices on the market. You can choose, say, the same smartphone strictly according to your taste. And now let’s remember Apple: how many models of smartphones does it have? At the time of writing, there are only two, the design of which, by the way, is very controversial. In the case of devices from other manufacturers, you will not have problems selecting a device to suit your taste: there are a great many models, prices for which start from just a few thousand rubles.

What to choose?

It all depends solely on your taste and wallet size. If you want iOS, then you don't have much choice. If you want to buy an Android smartphone, then the choice of devices is huge. I would like to note that each OS is good in its own way, so we will not convince you of what is better and what is worse. The choice is entirely yours.