Virtual excursions. Topics of virtual excursions. Programs for creating virtual tours Virtual guide

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation




Faculty of Economics and Management

Department of Applied Informatics in Economics and Management


in information technology at SKST

Virtual travel

GOU OSU 100103. 6011. 13 OO

Work manager

V. A. Batrov

"___"___________ 2011


Student gr. 10 SKST-1

A. V. Nikonova

"___"___________ 2011

Orenburg 2011


1 The need to create virtual tours at the current stage of development

1.1 The concept of virtual reality and its essence6

1.2 Virtual tours and the reasons for their appearance8

1.3 Technical implementation of virtual tours10

2 Features of virtual travel existing today16

2.1 Websites for virtual travel to foreign countries16

2.2 Implementation of virtual travel in Russia…………………………….. 18

2.3 Analysis of virtual travel sites being created in our country and prospects for their development21



The relevance of the study of this topic is associated with the enormous development of high technologies in the information space, and, as a consequence, the development of mass communications. All this, designed for the benefit of culture, art, aesthetics and spiritual development, greatly facilitates the dialogue between an object of cultural value and its final consumer - the viewer. We live in the Internet era. The global network has become an important part of cultural life in general and the life of cultural institutions in particular. Tourism enterprises are gradually being included in this process. The computer is becoming a working tool for museum workers and representatives of tourism companies, and the virtual space is being rapidly developed. Everyone loves to read about travel, but sometimes it’s not easy to go on a trip yourself due to fairly high ticket prices and lack of time to cover the huge Russian distances. But it doesn’t matter, today, thanks to modern Internet technologies, it is possible to explore the most remote cities of Russia, visit anywhere in the world, and get closer to the masterpieces of world art and architecture without leaving home. Virtual tours are one of the most effective and convincing ways of presenting information at the moment, since they allow you to make exciting virtual excursions and create a complete illusion of presence for the viewer. The fact is that, unlike a video or a regular series of photographs, a virtual tour is interactive. So, during a trip, you can zoom in or out of an object, look around, examine individual interior details in detail, view a panorama from afar, look up and down, move closer to or away from a selected point, move through active zones from one panorama to another, for example, to walk around separate rooms, etc. And all this can be done at the right pace and in a manner convenient for a particular viewer. Thus, you can, for example, walk around the entire house from the inside and even inspect it from the outside, or take a virtual trip to an exotic island without leaving your own apartment.

And although references to “Virtual travel and tours” can be found in both traditional and electronic publications for a long time, this topic remains poorly studied and insufficiently disclosed for some reasons. This is, of course, due to the development of technology and, in particular, the relatively recent emergence of the Russian-language part of the Internet, but it is the Internet that gives life to most projects related to “virtual collections” (virtual exhibitions, expositions, excursions, museums, etc.). So, such a phenomenon as “virtual travel” has appeared in our everyday life quite recently, and it would be appropriate to consider that this topic needs further development.

The object of research in this work is virtual travel. The subject of the study is to consider the possibility of virtual travel.

The purpose of the work is to identify the need of modern society for “virtual travel” and analyze existing projects using the example of Russian and foreign virtual tours.

Achieving this goal requires solving the following tasks:

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that it can be used in practical classes in disciplines related to both information technology and tourism directly.

Information for the work was taken from Russian and foreign websites and contains abstracts of articles and publications in print and electronic media.

Structure: the work consists of three parts - introduction, main part and conclusion. The introduction defines the relevance based on the specifics and special significance of the development and implementation of virtual tours in the tourism sector. The main part consists of two chapters. The first chapter gives a general description of virtual reality, examines the factors behind the emergence of virtual tours, the advantages of their use, as well as the features of technical development. The second part provides specific examples of existing and proven Internet sites that provide the opportunity to be in almost any corner of the world without leaving home. In addition to real-life museums and attractions that have their own representatives on the Internet, examples of museums that do not exist in real life are also discussed in detail. The conclusion contains a number of conclusions from the study and practical recommendations for the development of the virtual travel industry.

  1. The need to create virtual tours at the current stage of development

1.1 The concept of virtual reality and its essence

The term virtual reality (VR) usually refers to computer-generated “worlds” that feel and look as if they exist in reality.

Most publications and articles about virtual reality, as well as definitions of what VR is, refer either to
1) popular articles that are mainly emotional in nature and do not have a deep analysis of the essence of VR, or
2) reflect a superficial approach to understanding the essence of VR at the level of intuition.

The first, most common superficial approach to VR places an emphasis on technical means.

A second, less common surface approach to VR emphasizes the perception of human communications, calling the Internet virtual reality. If you are online, it means you have already immersed yourself in virtual reality.

One thing is clear that the theory, practice, technology and philosophy of VR is not a simple thing. VR research, and even more so, practical implementation, requires very high erudition in a wide variety of fields of knowledge. A deep understanding of the essence of the concepts of space and time, consciousness and intelligence is required. The key must be a practical theory of perception-action.

Virtual reality (from the English virtual reality - possible reality) is a model display of quasi-reality using certain technologies and technical means that allow partial or complete immersion of a person in this display and creating the illusion of actual reality. The creation of VR is based on the use of computer technologies, which make it possible to fully realize the immersion of a person in the artificial world created by technical means. The word “virtual” does not fully correspond to the Russian equivalent - “possible” or “potential”; it focuses on the actualization of possible options for events or objects that may not actually exist. Currently, VR systems are used in various simulators (automobile, aircraft and space simulators, simulators for training to operate complex equipment, combat simulators), in complex situational computer games, as well as in training systems designed to master strategy and tactics of decision-making in complex, rapidly changing conditions. Fundamentally new aspects of VR systems have appeared in connection with the emergence of the global INTERNET network, which makes it possible to create unlimited possibilities for traveling in virtual worlds.

The prerequisites for the emergence of the BP ideology were literature and art. In a certain sense, VR can be considered a continuation of the development of visual arts. But VR goes far beyond just visual media. It becomes a means of modeling and exploring the real world, and in some cases replacing it.

The development of VR systems can be represented by 4 main components:

1) a system for displaying and transmitting information to a person;

2) a system for processing information transmitted from a person to a computer;

3) a system for creating virtual images and the logical-semantic structure of virtual events;

4) a system for transmitting information from a computer to a person.

Currently, the following systems are used as technical means of implementing VR: stereo glasses-monitors, a helmet with headphones and monitors, touch gloves, an information suit, a “virtual sphere”. By manipulating gloves or changing the position of the body in an information suit, a person is able to interact with VR, controlling its objects. A "virtual sphere" can create the illusion of moving in space.

Further development of VR systems should be associated with such areas as the creation of neurocomputer information processing devices and technologies for direct coding and transmission of information to the human sensory system, bypassing his senses. (Yu. T. Kaganov.)

1.2 Virtual tours and the reasons for their appearance

For a long time now, both in traditional and electronic publications, one can find references to “Virtual travel and tours.” Let us note that different authors sometimes assign very different meanings to these concepts. These theses are somewhat chaotic, but this is not so important for our research.

With the help of virtual tours, you can clearly demonstrate to the viewer the appearance of an office, exhibition and store, show them inside and outside houses or cars for sale, familiarize them with the interior design of a restaurant, hotel or fitness club, present the main attractions of a tourist trip, allow them to wander through the halls of museums and exhibitions, etc.

A virtual tour is a combination of panoramic photographs (spherical or cylindrical), when the transition from one panorama to another is carried out through active zones (they are called anchor points or transition points) placed directly on the images, as well as taking into account the tour plan. All this can be supplemented with foreground sound and background music, and, if necessary, with ordinary photographs, videos, flash videos, tour plans, explanations, contact information, etc.

Virtual tours are based on photo panoramas, which differ from ordinary photographs in the interactive nature of viewing. This means that when viewing a panoramic photo, the user sees only that part of the image that interests him at the moment, and that, if desired, he can look around, look up and down, and also zoom in or out on individual parts of the image. Looking at an ordinary photograph, the viewer sees only what is shown to him and cannot control the viewing process. Even more interesting is if the user of the virtual tour can navigate between panoramas through active zones or guided by the tour map.

The main advantage of virtual tours is the ability to save time, both for the party presenting the tour (seller) and for the viewer (potential buyer or client). In addition, for the buyer, a virtual tour serves as an unobtrusive guide, and for sellers, as evidenced by a considerable number of reports, the use of tours helps to actively attract new customers, since the tours themselves turn into an effective sales tool.

Buyers in virtual tours are attracted by the fact that they can get acquainted with the property at any time convenient for them, and in addition, there is an opportunity for a preliminary, and very detailed inspection of all potentially interesting objects available to the seller. As a result, the list of objects (apartments, houses, cars, hotels, restaurants, fitness clubs, museums, etc.) that need to be personally visited or inspected is significantly reduced. Moreover, in a number of areas (for example, in tourism), where a preliminary personal inspection of objects is generally impossible, a tour that complements the description optimizes the process of studying possible offers.

For the seller, the main advantages of virtual tours can be considered the following:

  • attracting interest in the company, increasing its prestige, and therefore acquiring new clients, since virtual tours today arouse interest among the majority of visitors, increase the number of possible clients and increase the company’s income;
  • reducing the time between creating a tour and introducing the buyer to it. In the traditional type of business, booklets are used to familiarize the buyer with the proposed objects, but a lot of time passes from the moment the booklet is created until it ends up in the hands of a potential buyer. Another thing is a virtual tour, which becomes available to millions of Internet users almost immediately after its creation;
  • the possibility of using the same tours in a variety of ways - on the Internet, even on different servers, and in the form of CD presentations that can be demonstrated at the client’s office, at an exhibition, etc. All this allows you to expand your audience reach;
  • simplicity and efficiency of posting new, updating and replacing old virtual tours, which guarantees the relevance of the information presented.

Short description

The purpose of the work is to identify the need of modern society for “virtual travel” and analyze existing projects using the example of Russian and foreign virtual tours.
Achieving this goal requires solving the following tasks:
Understand the essence of virtual reality, become familiar with theoretical knowledge about this phenomenon;
Study the concept of virtual tours and consider the technology for their creation;
Identify the features of virtual travel that currently exists in Russia and in the world;
To analyze the virtual museum sites being created in our country and assess the prospects for the development of virtual travel.

Table of contents

1 The need to create virtual tours at the present stage of development
1.1 The concept of virtual reality and its essence6
1.2 Virtual tours and the reasons for their appearance8
1.3 Technical implementation of virtual tours10
2 Features of virtual travel existing today16
2.1 Websites for virtual travel to foreign countries16
2.2 Implementation of virtual travel in Russia…………………………….. 18
2.3 Analysis of virtual travel sites being created in our country and prospects for their development21
List of sources used29

Lately I have really fallen in love with virtual travel using Yandex, Google and other services. These words probably sound a little strange for a person who is in love with travel. And yet, it is so. What can virtual travel give to an avid traveler?

My travel time and budget are limited. There is no opportunity to realize all your “wants”. Therefore, you have to choose “the very best.”

When I plan trips, I always read travel blogs. This is a whole storehouse of information. But at the same time, bloggers tend to photograph the most beautiful, memorable sights. Ruins, barracks, potholes on the roads and other delights of the Russian (and not only) outback often remain behind the scenes. Not everything is shown in films either. Unless it's a special project, authors usually try not to film uninteresting, repulsive places. And there is still no freedom of movement, so to speak.

And this is where virtual travel comes to the rescue. If I'm interested in a place, I look at panoramas. And already at this stage, some points are eliminated: uninteresting landscape, faceless architecture. Of course, if I had time, I would come here too. But if at the same time you have to sacrifice something more interesting and beautiful - excuse me.

So far I have not had the opportunity to drive along this road in Norway and see these places. A virtual trip partially fills this gap, and at the same time provides an opportunity to briefly break away from everyday affairs

There are also situations when in this way it is possible to complement the impressions. For example, recently I was in. turned out to be closed - no luck. The virtual trip helped to at least partially fill the gap. Of course, when I get to Kideksha again, I will definitely visit this temple. Or why not get a bird's eye view of the area? Now many cities have been taken away in this way.

And with the help of virtual travel you can get into some closed areas. For example, you are unlikely to be allowed into the Vostochny Cosmodrome. But on Yandex Panoramas it is. Not everything was filmed, of course, but you will get an idea of ​​it.

Yes, of course, you cannot bring back beautiful photographs and videos from such virtual trips. And the virtual world will not replace the real one with its sensations and smells, adrenaline and drive. But at the same time, this is a good way to plan a trip and identify the places you want to visit first.

In addition, there are places where I am unlikely to go due to various circumstances. So why not wander around there, at least virtually? Or you can just relax and have a little fun during the downtime when life situations force you to stay at home.

Now I'm preparing a new trip. I hope that it will be possible to implement it. A preliminary virtual trip will help you identify points that need to be visited and discard those that can be neglected. The only sad thing is that not everything was filmed in Russia. How cool it would be to “wander,” for example, along the Putorana plateau or see Indigirka. But in other countries, especially in Europe and America, you can explore almost every corner in this way.

There are quite a lot of services that offer virtual travel: street views and panoramas from Yandex and Google, spherical aerial panoramas, including video panoramas from Air Pano, a webcam on the ISS (I’ll definitely never get there), various webcams around the world, virtual museums. China is beautifully captured on Baidu. Every day there are more and more such sites.

I was captivated by video panoramas in which you can change the angle, zoom in and out of objects using the mouse. Take a look, for example, at this excellent film about , shot by Air Pano. On full screen there is an almost immersive effect that is impossible when watching a regular film. I was in the Uzon caldera and I confirm: everything is so. Except for one thing: when watching a movie, there is no fear that this scary one with you on board will fall into some acid lake 😉

Technologies are moving forward by leaps and bounds. Virtual reality glasses and helmets already exist. Who knows, maybe in a few years the full effect of presence will be achieved and we will be able, having felt the whole gamut of feelings, to visit the most exotic corners of our planet, where we are unlikely to go in ordinary life.

PS. And yes, I found virtual trips to the Putorana plateau :)

How do you, my readers, feel about such virtual travels?

© , 2009-2019. Copying and reprinting of any materials and photographs from the website in electronic publications and printed publications is prohibited.

Undoubtedly, virtual travel cannot and should not replace real travel with all its gamut of vivid sensations and impressions. But they help us see any corner of the earth for free, even if you yourself will never be able to visit there. In addition, this is a very convenient way to receive a lot of useful information in advance and plan your future trips.

You can fly in the stratosphere over the entire planet or over the roofs of Paris and St. Petersburg, look into the halls of the British Museum or the Kremlin treasury, find yourself among the mountains and waterfalls of Iceland or in the amazing underwater world of the Galapagos Islands... Stop dreaming, there are no more barriers in front of you!

1. Panoramas

Just as poets describe the world with poems, artists with paintings, composers with music, so the website describes the world with picturesque panoramas.

Tens of thousands of photographs from all corners of the earth are collected here, and not only ours - there are even panoramas of other planets from one interesting rover.

Here you will enjoy virtually traveling around the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, or exploring the panorama of London, which was filmed in such high resolution that you can see the faces of people in the windows of houses.

2. Google Photo Tours

Of course, the ability to view streets on GoogleStreetView maps has not surprised anyone for a long time. But not everyone may know that the participants in this project are also interested in creating photo tours and entire virtual trips. These photo tours give you the opportunity to walk around Taj Mahal , look at Dubai from the world's tallest 800-meter skyscraper Burj Khalifa , over the whole of Paris from one of three observation decks Eiffel Tower or be transported to Mexico to the pyramids Chichen Itza . There are also unusual journeys, for example, a descent into a salt mine similar to an underground palace in Wieliczka (Poland).

) or diving into the real underwater world in dozens of different places, for example,

Galapagos Islands

To travel around Russia, take a look at (Google services are used) - this is a clear and accessible service for those who often go on business trips, love to travel, or are just about to hit the road. Regardless of your goal, Rusmap will make the trip as pleasant and comfortable as possible.

The “panorama” option allows you to take a virtual walk through the cities of Russia. Perhaps such an online journey will be the impetus for taking a real one.

3. Google Street View app

I myself observed the fascinating process of creating a panorama using special equipment. But each of you will be able to add your own panoramas using your smartphone and obeying the commands of the application.

4. Yandex panoramas

The Yandex company is also actively developing its mapping service, and on its maps you can take a bird's eye view of the cities of Russia and the world. For example, fly over Palace Square in St. Petersburg or over the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir.

Yandex maps are perhaps more visual than Google; there is a mode for viewing a panorama and a map at the same time.

5. Air Pano

The amazing project of another Russian team, Air Pano, is a rare case of professional enthusiasts creating products at a level that was previously only achievable by wealthy Internet corporations. Spherical aerial panoramas, or rather entire air excursions Air Pano, will easily give both Google and Yandex a run for their money in terms of the beauty and quality of the footage.

Filming is carried out from literally everything that can fly: from airplanes and hot air balloons to airships and radio-controlled drones.

Now the site has about 2000 panoramas from the most picturesque corners of the world.

Here you can visit the island of Java on the Bromo volcano or see the Kremlin from the air from different angles, admire the northern lights in Iceland or admire one of the islands of Hawaii, visit Petra in Jordan and even look inside the famous Treasury.

In addition, when viewing a panorama, you can switch to another camera by simply clicking on the helicopter symbol.

The panoramas are not only colorful, but also educational. Many bear the names of visible objects.

6. Youtube 360 ​​video files

360-degree video provides even greater immersion and full presence. You can easily look to the right or left, for example, when passing the palaces on a boat in Venice.

You can search for 360 degree videos on Youtube, but you can also search on Air Pano.

7. Video travel on Vimeo

Another global Google project is dedicated to art. It’s called: Art Project. Behind the modest name lies an incredible exhibition - tens of thousands of paintings from the best museums in the world. Moreover, each one was filmed in such high resolution that you can, for example, examine in detail every stroke of Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” or look into the eyes of noblewoman Morozova Surikov.

Many museums kindly allowed us to film not only their exhibitions, but also their premises. And now you can, without getting up from your chair, stroll through the halls of the Hermitage or the Doge's Palace in Venice, or visit the Museum of the Acropolis of Athens.

If you are a creative person, then such virtual excursions will save your time and money, and you will receive no less aesthetic pleasure from works of art.

9. Webcam on the ISS

Are you fascinated by the unknown expanses of the Universe? Then watch live broadcasts from a webcam on the International Space Station. You will have the feeling that the camera is somewhere very close, and not 400 km from the surface of the planet.

The image changes slowly but surely throughout the day and you can see for yourself that our blue planet is in perfect order. However, it should be noted that the video is only available when there is a signal with the Earth, otherwise you will only see a splash screen. Sometimes on video you can see the life of astronauts and their spacewalks.

P.S. Did you enjoy virtually walking around the world? Will such virtual excursions help you prepare for visiting some interesting places on your real travels? Do you have video panoramas in your collection that will take your breath away? Share with us your impressions and findings in the comments to this article...

And also, don’t forget to tell your friends about this new opportunity to explore the world.