Corporate mail mail. Reliable corporate email

"We looked at the question of why you might need to connect your website's email to a popular email service. The advantages that this operation provides were also considered.

In this article we will look at another very popular service – « ».

The review will be based on the example of mail from the site on December 22, 2014 (browser Mozilla Firefox 34.0). I would like to note that the service is actively developing, and after some time its interface and functionality may change.

I will briefly list the main features that mail for the domain provides absolutely free.

  • Convenient and familiar to many users mailbox web interface (picture below).
  • Unlimited mailbox volume.
  • Reliable protection against spam and viruses.
  • 5000 boxes are offered by default (which is 500 TB per domain).
  • Every corporate user gets 100 GB cloud space(picture below).

  • The mail interface has a built-in messenger widget (picture below), which automatically generates a list of contacts from users on the domain. This messenger can also be downloaded for computers (Windows, Mac OS) and mobile devices (Java, Symbian, Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone).

  • In the web interface, you can simultaneously work with several mailboxes, both corporate and personal, and instantly switch between them (picture below).

  • Online viewing and editing of documents (picture below).

  • Applications for mobile devices- "Agent".
  • Calendar of events (diary) (picture below).

  • Possibility of migration from others postal services to free mail for a domain from
  • Ability to create synonyms for mailboxes.
  • Using images (sender avatars) from the Gravatar service or by setting them in your mail account settings.
  • Possibility of creating several corporate mail administrators.
  • Digital signature of letters (DKIM).
  • The ability to forward all letters to non-existent addresses to a special mailbox (within your domain).
  • Ability to create user groups (mailbox owners). All users united in groups will receive letters that only came to one of the users in the group.
  • Ability to create synonyms for the main domain. This reduces the likelihood of spelling errors. mail domain of your website by users who want to send a letter to your corporate email.
  • Availability of a support service for the for Business service.
  • Other features that mail from, which is familiar to many Runet users, has ( The address book, mailbox design themes, the ability to create filters, mail folders, and so on (picture below)).

It is also worth noting that connecting free mail for the domain is a very simple process. We will look at it later in the article.


Setting up mail for business is not complicated and fast process(excluding the time required to update domain records). Let's look at some of its stages using the example of mail for a site located on the servers of the hosting provider "".

Log in to your account and go to the corporate mail service. On the main page enter Domain name website (picture below).

  1. DNS check. Most universal method, which does not require a website or hosting. I recommend him.
  2. HTML file. This method can only be used if you have hosting, as you need to place special file to the root directory of the site.
  3. Meta tag. This method can only be used if you have hosting, as you need to add it before the closing tag in the code of your site the following fragment: . Where instead of “ХХХ” there will be a unique combination of letters and numbers.

Please note that there are “Instructions for confirming domain ownership”. This applies to the first method.

Below we look at passing a DNS check of domain ownership rights using the example of the hosting control panel "".

Go to the control panel and select the menu item Domains. Then Domain setup(picture below) opposite the one you want to connect to corporate mail.

Then you can either add a DNS record with the values ​​specified by the service, or click Set up mail and select “” (picture below).

Save the changes you have made. If everything went well, domain ownership will be confirmed in 3-5 minutes.

After this, I strongly recommend setting up a DKIM signature. Instructions for setting it up are available in help system The data you need is located in the free mail settings section for the domain, in the section (picture below).

You need to wait about 1-2 hours for these settings to take effect.

Let's look at other sections of the settings. . In this section (picture below) you can create and manage users (mailbox owners). Available mass adding new users by importing a pre-prepared CSV file. Here you can combine users into groups and export a list of all mailbox owners to a CSV file.

IN this section(picture below) You will be able to add, delete and change administrator rights. Please note that to add a mail administrator for a site, you must specify the administrator's e-mail, which should be located on (,,,

You can create a super administrator or a domain administrator. The super administrator has maximum rights, including the ability to create new administrators (of different “types”) and change the rights of existing administrators. A domain administrator will not be able to manage the list of administrators.

In the section (picture below) you can find out the data you need to configure MX, SPF records and data for DKIM configuration. You can also see here whether these settings have taken effect or not.

(picture below) contain a list of options that affect all mailboxes. Each of them is equipped with an explanation in Russian. We will not consider them in more detail.

(picture below) allow you to create groups of mail accounts. Partially, this allows you to automate corporate email.

Very convenient, in my opinion, is that the mail service “ for Business” provided the opportunity to receive instructions on how to work with the main features of a mail account, including “Agent”, “Cloud”, “Creating and editing documents in MS Office formats” " and "Calendar" (for desktop and mobile devices), on one page - a section (picture below). In this case, you can print the instructions directly from the service page. Please note that your email domain is automatically substituted in the text of the instructions.

(picture below) will allow you to configure aliases for your email domain, which can reduce the likelihood of losing letters in cases where the sender made a mistake when typing postal address(by sending letters to your website mail).

As noted above in the article, you can transfer letters from other mail services to For this purpose, use the section (picture below). As you can see, to set up transfer from Yandex mail or Gmail automatic settings, and for other services it is enough to specify the protocol settings. You can find them in the help system of your mail service.

Web mail interface

For those who are not yet familiar with the web interface of mail, we will give a few examples of what the main pages look like that you and those for whom you will create mailboxes will have to work with.

On this moment for my website I use mail for the website from Yandex. One of the main reasons is habit. But after analyzing the statistics of registered users (picture below), I realized that if there is a need to change the site’s mail service, I will focus on corporate mail Since many visitors to my site use I hope this helps avoid problems with the mailing list. Although this has not yet happened to me with AcyMailing Enterprise, since it has a built-in mechanism for checking emails for “spam level”. Likewise in RSMail.

As you can see, free mail for a domain from has a lot of possibilities. At the same time, in addition to those available in the usual mail account, supplemented with those necessary for corporate clients additions. They will help automate both the process of setting up mail and its subsequent management.

Through an account on the website website

  1. 1 log in to the website and go to;
  2. 2 click on the service name "Mail.Ru for business";
  3. 3 On the page that opens, click Manage. After this you will be redirected to the site, where you will need to log in.

Through the main page of Mail.Ru

You can get to Mail.Ru for Business from the main page of the website. In this case it is necessary to indicate full name mailbox (along with the domain name) and password.

At mail.domain_name

To be able to use the mail.domain_name page, you must add the following CNAME record to the domain zone:

Subdomain Record type Record value
  • If free DNS servers are registered for the domain (, you must add a CNAME record to personal account website
  • If hosting DNS is registered for the domain (, you need to add a CNAME record in the hosting control panel.

By direct URL

To log into your domain mailboxes use separate page, bypassing home page Mail.Ru, enter in address bar browser

The MAIL.RU for business service was created relatively recently. Despite this, it has already gained great popularity. This is due not only to the advantages of the service for domains, but also to the fact that many are accustomed to intuitive clear interface MAIL RU.

Mail for domains is a real godsend for small and medium-sized business owners. It allows you to use up to 5,000 boxes. Corporate mail deserves attention Special attention. This increases the credibility of the business in the eyes of potential clients.

Connecting MAIL RU mail for your domain

To connect to your domain MAIL service RU follows:
— log in to the website and go to the tab with your domains;
— select the domain to which you want to connect mail;
— click on the “Mail and services for business” section;
— put “ON” in the “MAIL RU on your domain” item, click “next”, and you will automatically be taken to the MAIL.RU website;
— log in by entering existing address email and password, and you will be directed to the service management web page;
— the setup will be carried out automatically (if you use DNS servers for the domain, offered by the site for free).

If you use others DNS servers, then you will have to configure and enter all DNS records that confirm the right to use the domain and make it possible to use mail yourself. All necessary data is located in the service control panel. Going to the panel, you need to select the information section for manual settings mail for the domain.

After completing all these steps, you need to wait a little. The service on your domain name will start working within a few hours.

Entrepreneurs and corporations Owners of private domains Entrepreneurs and corporations Hosting providers Internet portals Educational institutions Your business

Reliable corporate mail

“Mail for the site” from Mail.Ru allows both small companies and large corporations to create work email. We assume all associated costs to ensure stable and convenient work mail for your employees. You no longer need to spend money and resources on maintaining your own mail servers.

  • Stable work 24/7
  • Zero support costs
  • Access from mobile devices
  • Safety
  • Storage of all data on the territory of the Russian Federation
  • Easy transfer of correspondence from other mail servers
  • Calendar
  • Ability to store and share documents in the Teambox cloud
  • Messenger Agent for instant communication within a team
  • Online viewing and editing of documents
  • Patient Mail.Ru support team

Our partners

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As a result, I replaced Yandex mail with Mail.Ru mail for the domains of our clients, for whom it is very convenient. Many of them use Mail.Ru every day, and if the mail on the domain is also from Mail.Ru for business, then there are no problems when using it, the client already knows everything. This saves our time and does not require retraining the client.

We were looking for the possibility of organizing corporate mail, and then I just saw the “Mail.Ru for Business” banner. Users rated familiar interface- after all, most of us even had a mailbox on Mail.Ru. I developed all the boxes impersonally, for example, oz-box of the head of the purchasing department, oz1-first deputy, etc., so their number remains constant. If one person leaves and a new one takes his place, then the box is simply transferred into his possession with all the “inheritance”. By the way, the support is quite decent. So - prosperity, good business!

We switched to Mail.Ru for Business as soon as the service was launched, without even considering other options. The fact that our employees had previously actively used Mail.Ru and Agent to communicate with colleagues and clients played a role. And “Mail.Ru for Business” combined these services and provided many other opportunities, for example, it allowed you to control access to work email. One of the main advantages of the service is that mail is easily scalable - as the company grows, we will be able to create more and more new accounts here.

We chose corporate mail from Mail.Ru, firstly, for its familiar interface, and secondly, for its Calendar. It is very functional and convenient, and in the future we intend to plan to work together in it. About 40 people actively use mail in the company, many of them have also mastered the Cloud - we use it to store and send files.

Today, more than two hundred people use the service. Most of our employees are older - it is difficult for them to work in any third party clients and much more familiar in the web interface. Mail.Ru mail is logical and understandable, so we avoided most of the difficulties of the adaptation period. We left a competing email service due to regular problems with IMAP. Everything here is absolutely fine.

Andrey Loginov LLC "Magazin Apartments"

Previously, we used the services of a provider, and the mail was constantly hanging a couple of times a month. This, of course, did not suit us at all, so the main criterion when choosing mail for us was its uninterrupted service. Equally important advantages were accessibility from anywhere in the world and a convenient, familiar interface. When we started working with Mail.Ru for Business, we really liked the ability to connect a domain synonym: we have a main domain attached to our mail, with 260 addresses, and an additional one, with 50 accounts.

I create websites and provide corporate mail to my clients in Lately I recommend Mail.Ru for business. I have already connected 20-25 domains to the service, and most companies are satisfied with its reliability and functionality. The Domain Synonyms feature is very useful. When a company has several domains in different zones(ru, su, com), then all mail can be collected in one place. And sometimes people make mistakes and write the address incorrectly, for example, .com instead of .ru - we do not lose such letters, since mail collection works 100% stable.

They left their previous service due to low stability, reliability and connection speed. We are very pleased with the transfer of corporate mail to “Mail.Ru for business” - here we received the desired quality. The transfer went smoothly, exactly according to the instructions. IN currently More than a hundred employees are connected to the service. In addition to Mail, our employees chat very actively in the messenger (Agent). I am glad that the project is quickly growing with new features, they listen to comments and promptly correct errors.

Helped us make a choice in favor of “Mail.Ru for business” good feedback. High reliability, uninterrupted operation, simple interface and accessibility from anywhere - this is what we counted on and what we now get every day. The last aspect is especially important due to the knowledge of our employees regarding various mobile devices. We are happy to use the Calendar to set dates for meetings and certifications and send notifications. We use the cloud to store daily reports.

Good work mail can be described in two words: “set it and forget it.” Go to new mail went smoothly, and some employees didn’t even notice: the admin simply changed the settings in Outlook. We were previously on another major email service, and due to constant problems with the server, people had to wait several hours to send an email.

We have been using Mail.Ru for Business for almost a year and have already forgotten about such problems. We are also pleased with the speed of mail and the volume of boxes.

We have transferred the entire office to Mail.Ru for Business and are testing new features. The transition process went perfectly: special thanks to the service support team for their fast, clear assistance in setting up mail. The instructions on Mail.Ru themselves are complete and understandable, but sometimes questions still arose, and then technical support came to the rescue. We received a response instantly and were able to transfer the entire office to the new post office in one day. I would also like to note a real desire to help and answers to the point, and not unsubscribes or copied excerpts from instructions. Thanks again! It’s nice that employees like yours exist and work: it would be nice if it were like this everywhere. We hope for a long and successful cooperation!

The company has about 30 employees who use not only Mail, but also the Cloud to exchange documents - this is very convenient. When choosing, we did not even consider other options, since we were quite satisfied with the performance of personal mailboxes on Mail.Ru. We especially appreciate “Mail.Ru for Business” for its reliability - after all, in our business, even minor interruptions in mail are unacceptable. We were a little apprehensive about how smoothly the transfer of boxes from the previous hosting would be, but everything went well. The migration instructions are written in an accessible manner, and everything was quickly understood. With the transition to the site, a lot of problems disappeared. Convenient and familiar interface, integration with Mail.Ru services, mobile applications

- all this made our work much easier. The choice in favor of “Mail.Ru for business” was made by the project manager. This option turned out to be better than mail at own server . We have found application for all the proposed possibilities. Thanks to public access to folders collaboration

working on projects has become much easier, and with shared calendars, planning shoots is a pleasure. We immediately appreciated what good opportunities they give us- Agent and Calendar. Through the Agent, employees correspond with partners and resolve internal issues - this is very convenient, since our divisions are scattered throughout the city. The calendar helps set tasks for employees and regulate the use of the meeting room. When choosing a solution, the priority issues were security and anti-spam protection, user-friendliness of the interface, and ease of transferring mailboxes. Mail.Ru for Business had all this.

As a result of connecting to the Mail for Website service from Mail.Ru, you receive:

  • Solution for mail hosting
  • Possibility to connect up to 5000 employees to a unified postal service
  • Simple and convenient system domain and user management
  • Quick Transfer existing correspondence from other mail services
  • Help from Mail.Ru support service

By connecting to the service, you will also receive working tools:

  • Mail for work

    Familiar and convenient web interface Mail.Ru mail and modern mobile applications that allow you to work simultaneously with several mailboxes.

  • Mobile app

    Convenient mobile applications that allow you to communicate wherever you are and also easily find important letters using advanced search.

  • Calendar

    Planning meetings with the ability to invite colleagues and clients to them, creating joint calendars for maintaining common events.

  • Cloud Teambox

    Store and create files and folders, provide access to colleagues. Files can be opened at any time, from a computer or mobile device.

  • Agent

    For exchange instant messages between users and create shared conferences for team discussions. The agent is available from a computer, mobile devices and in the mail web interface.