How to get back deleted drivers. How to restore video driver (GPU driver) after a failed update

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to tell you how to roll back device drivers and when it may be necessary. From my personal experience, I’ll tell you how I had to roll back my video card drivers after an incorrect software update. To begin with, I will say that restoring the previous version of drivers allows you to return the settings and installations of your computer components. A driver is a firmware that allows the equipment to work correctly as part of a computer, so to speak, to integrate into the system.

Everyone also has internal programs external devices such as printers, acoustic system or network hardware(you can read information about this in one of my articles).

Updating drivers and possible problems associated with this process

One day I came across a very interesting one on the Internet that allows you to scan your computer or laptop for outdated internal software. The program is really useful, convenient and, most importantly, free. By running it on your computer, you can see a report on all devices on your PC. The program interface will display information about which firmware needs to be updated, and which devices have the latest software installed.

As a result, I downloaded and launched this program. The whole process took little time, and it turned out that almost all devices required updating. After scanning and updating, the system automatically started the reboot process for all changes to take effect. However, to my surprise, during loading I did not see standard screen operating system, instead the screen was just a black background with a mouse cursor. Based personal experience I realized that the firmware installed on the video card causes a hardware conflict and, accordingly, the impossibility of displaying the correct image. It was decided to either roll back the driver update , or install a new version.

This situation with the video card and internal software usually happens when the Bios of your computer, or rather the motherboard, does not support the updated software. The solution to this problem is possible by updating the Bios, but it is better to entrust this process to specialists, since without the necessary knowledge everything can only get worse.

U inexperienced users The question may arise: how can we roll back the drivers if we don’t see any graphic image. In this case, it comes to our aid , allowing you to start the operating system with minimal settings and low graphic resolution VGA. I described how to enter safe mode in a separate article, the link to which is given above.

So, after starting the system in safe mode you need to find a place where the rollback is performed updated drivers, but first it’s worth checking how the rest of the software installed. To do this, on the My Computer shortcut, click right click mouse and select the item Properties

And in the window that opens on the left side, select the section Device Manager.

After this a window will open Device Manager c, which will list the devices installed on your computer. If some firmware was not installed correctly, then there will be a Exclamation point in a yellow triangle. Such a situation can arise not only after but also during regular work. What this may be connected with depends on what actions were performed previously.

Returning to how to restore drivers for a video card, in the device manager, select the video adapters tab and on the element we need, right-click and select the item in the menu that opens Properties, after which another window of the properties of this or that iron should open. Next, select the tab Driver and press the button Roll back.

Next to this button it says “If the device does not work after updating the driver, a rollback restores the previous driver,” respectively, the system itself suggests a solution to the problems s.

After the completed operations, a little time should pass when the process ends and the system displays a message indicating the successful completion of the operation. Next, you should restart your computer for the changes to take effect, but before that, I advise you to once again pay attention to possible conflicts your devices and computer. If no hardware discrepancies are identified, then feel free to reboot the computer and observe the correction of our problem, in fact, as was the case in my case with the video card.

The process described above is applicable in any case and to any hardware, be it sound or . Finally, I want to say that before updating the firmware, make sure it is compatible with the version of your hardware and preferably read more information about this on the official website. The fact is that a well-chosen assembly can significantly increase the performance of the device and eliminate possible critical errors.

I really hope that the information on how to roll back drivers was useful and understandable for you, but as often happens, there may be certain questions left that you could not find answers to on the pages of my blog. To solve any problems that arise, leave a question in the comments, where we will try to give the necessary advice.

Read what to do if updating the video driver causes problems in a game, black marks appearing on the screen, the picture freezes or freezes, or the computer shuts down. Manufacturers "NVIDIA" And "AMD" release new driver updates for their video cards every month. They often improve the performance, color rendering and capabilities of graphics cards, especially in latest games. But there are also exceptions.


In most cases, installing an updated GPU driver will actually lead to improvements. But sometimes updating the driver can cause the game to crash, black marks to appear on the screen, the picture to freeze or freeze, and even crash the computer. One of these updates actually broke the work "Windows", and I had to completely restart my computer.

What to do if the latest driver update conflicts with yours new game or installed system? The answer is quite simple. You have several options: do clean install driver, return to the previous version of the driver, or - the most radical way - is to completely reinstall your operating system.

Before starting work. Create a system restore point

Latest Versions "Windows" allow you to create restore point System is a pre-saved image of your operating system that allows you to revert back to a running version of the system every time you install a new version of an application. This also applies to your graphics card driver. You can always manually create a system restore point if you are concerned that installing new drivers or applications may damage it. Or use the service automatic creation recovery points.

Click the button "Start" or click the button "Windows" on your keyboard, select tab "Options" and click the corresponding result. In the menu that opens, on the tab "System protection" click the button "Create".

Come up with any restore point name you like, for example "Before updating the driver 02/13/2018". It is advisable to add the date the restore point was created to the title description. This will help you organize your notes. Click the button "Create", and your computer will save all installed programs and system settings.

First way. Removing current drivers and reverting to the previous version

If the latest installed drivers do not work correctly, crash or slow down the system, then the easiest way to fix the problem is to remove them and reinstall the previous version of the drivers. Firstly, download latest version driver that you know will work correctly. Use official sites to download "NVIDIA" or "AMD"– both companies maintain a driver database.

Once you have downloaded the older version, go to the settings menu and uninstall installed version. To do this, click the button "Start", select tab "Options ", enter in the parameters search bar "Installation and removal of programms". In earlier versions "Windows" you can find this menu in the tab "Control Panel" In chapter "Programs and Features".

Driver package "NVIDIA" will be marked as "NVIDIA graphics driver» (including version number). For cards "AMD"– just like software "AMD". Select an entry in the list of installed programs and applications, click the button "Delete" and follow the onscreen instructions. Once the uninstallation procedure is complete, you may have to restart your computer. The screen image may then flicker or the screen settings may not use the correct resolution.

After your computer restarts, open installation file more old version driver you downloaded, start the installation process and follow the instructions. Upon completion, your computer should work as it did before installing the new version.

Second way. "Perform a clean install" drivers

Alternatively, if the first option doesn't work, try using the function "Perform a clean install". This installation will remove existing software (plus possible add-ons such as "PhysX" from "NVIDIA"), will update all settings and install the latest driver. And in "NVIDIA" and in "AMD" you can choose this option to install drivers.

For "NVIDIA", accept the terms license agreement, select item "Custom installation", mark the box "Perform a clean install" and press "Further". Once the driver installation is complete, you will need to restart your computer.

For the installer "AMD" select item "Custom Update", your driver version, then option "Clean installation".

Again, you'll likely see the screen flicker or adjust its resolution several times during the installation process. Once installation is complete, restart your computer.

Third way. Use a restore point

If none of the above methods helped, then use a system restore point. You can use a system restore point created automatically or manual mode. The main thing is that the date of its creation is earlier than the installation date of your problematic drivers. However, try to choose the nearest date, as all programs and applications installed after this date will disappear. Whichever restore point option you choose, changes will only be made to system files, A user files will remain unchanged.

IN "Windows 8" or "Windows 10" click the button "Start", select tab "Options", in the search bar type "Creating a restore point" and open the corresponding menu. This time click the button that says "Restore" under the same heading (just above the middle of the menu). The program will open in front of you, follow step by step instructions to return to the point stable operation your system.

Click "Further", then select the desired restore point that you created earlier (or an earlier one automatic version system restore point, if available). Confirm your choice by clicking the button "Further" again.

Click "Ready" to begin the recovery process. Your computer will restart and return to the previous point.

If your drivers are so messed up that you can't even see the image on your monitor, you can try loading "Windows" in safe mode. In this mode, you will still have access to the system recovery program, even if your computer is not running at full capacity. If your motherboard contains active video outputs - a place to connect a monitor in addition to your discrete graphic card– you may have to connect directly to see what you are doing.

Radical way. Reinstallation "Windows"

If nothing works, you can always just reinstall the operating system "Windows" again. Obviously this is not ideal. It will take quite a long time, and you may lose some files after reinstalling the system. In any case, it's better than nothing. it's the same good reminder that it is always advisable to have a reliable, up-to-date backup copy.

More later versions "Windows" Quite easy to install. If you purchased your computer complete with a pre-installed operating system, it has a license code "Windows". You can find it on your computer case. If not, the code will be included with the disc or instructions.


Start selection the required driver from the simple wayautomatic installation thereof. To do this, go to the properties of the “My Computer” menu. Open Device Manager. Find the name of the device for which you need to update the driver, right-click on it and select “Update drivers”.

If it doesn't suit you this method, then try to find the driver yourself. Go to the official website of the manufacturer of the device for which you want to install the driver. Study the site structure and find the menu responsible for selecting the required driver for various devices. Download the selected one and install it.

Experts recommend keeping it on hand at all times. special programs, which are driver databases for the most common equipment. As an example, consider the program Driver Pack Solution.

Download this utility and run the DriverPackSolution.exe file located in root directory programs. Immediately after opening the program, automatic scanning of the equipment will begin. Most likely you will be prompted to update outdated drivers for some devices and install new programs for equipment that is this moment.

Select the drivers you want to install and click the "Update All" button. Restart your computer to apply the settings. This is usually required when installing drivers for important computer elements: processor, video card, etc.

Be careful choosing new packages for hardware that is currently stable. The fact is that new drivers are not always thoroughly tested before they are released. Free access. Sometimes a program may incorrectly detect your device and offer to install the wrong driver for it. Create control point recovery before updating the software.


  • Restoring a video card

Performance graphics subsystem modern personal computer key depends not only on the video card model, but also on the version installed drivers and the correctness of their installation. When replacing an old version of drivers with a newer one, it is advisable not to install new driver“on top” of the old one, and first completely remove the video card drivers (especially if a beta version was installed).

For a safe replacement, use the following sequence steps:

  1. Prepare to remove drivers: download the latest version of the drivers, and also rename the folder from which the drivers came last time so that the system does not try from it automatically. You should not completely remove the old distribution package; this can be done after successful installation of the new driver.

  2. To clean the system from unused registry entries and dlls, use one of the utilities designed for this, for example, Driver Cleaner Pro ( Pro version It’s free, and its capabilities are quite sufficient to accomplish what you need.

  3. Open Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools. Select the element “Management”, in the window that opens, select Manager. Find the video card in the list of devices, right-click on its name, and select “Remove” in the context menu that appears.

  4. Reboot into Safe Mode. If the monitor is connected via DVI, first connect it via VGA.

  5. Run Driver Cleaner Pro to completely remove drivers. Select everything that applies to your device from the list of devices. If another video card was previously installed, also select everything related to it to remove any remaining drivers. Click Start. The program will clean the system.

  6. Reboot. The system will detect a new device and offer to install drivers for it. Specify the folder with the new drivers.

  7. If necessary, configure the video card settings.

The manufacturer of a specific video card may offer specialized utilities for removing drivers from the system. Check the manufacturer's website to find information about such utilities.

Quite often there is a situation when, after installing fresh and, according to the developers, reliable and stable drivers, computer technology begins to behave, to put it mildly, strangely. The computer begins to slow down, the laptop may suddenly overheat, and sound playback may be wheezing and tearing. The only way out in this situation is to restore drivers, with whom everything worked perfectly.


Before installing new ones on your system, always follow the recommendations for creating recovery checkpoints. In this case, if new programs do not work correctly, it will not be a big deal. In addition, many packs offer to create a system restore point before replacing drivers with new ones. You should agree with their suggestions. To force the creation of a system restore point, go through the Start menu to the Help and Support section.

Among other sections, select “System Restore”. In the next window, select the “Create a restore point” task and click “Next”. Enter the title new point recovery and confirm the entered parameters with the “Create” button.

In the future, to restore drivers, you will need to roll back the system changes you have made. To do this, in the “System Restore” window, specify the “Restore more than” task, select a recovery point and then follow the system instructions.

If you know for sure which of your device drivers is incorrect, you can roll back the installation of one program without affecting the entire system. To do this, go to “Device Manager”. In the drop-down list, select the device to which you want to restore drivers.

Go to its properties and go to the “Driver” tab. At the bottom of the window you will see five available commands. Select “Roll Back” among them and click the corresponding button. The old working device driver will be restored.

Video on the topic

During operation of the operating room Windows systems XP, problems that cannot be fixed in the usual way may arise, for example, deleting system folders and files or change large quantities parameters of the system itself. To return the system to the state it was in before the crash, you can try to use the System Restore tool, which will return system files and settings to the state they were in at the specified point in time.


After clicking the “Next” button, a confirmation window will appear to confirm the actions to be performed. At this stage, you need to make sure that the control point is selected correctly; if necessary, you can return to previous step. Click "Next".

The process will begin; depending on the volume of parameters being restored, it can be quite long.
After the process is completed, it will reboot and information about the results will appear.
If, as a result of the actions taken, the problem was not solved, then you can repeat the system by selecting another control point.


Personal details The systems are not affected during the recovery process.


  • how to return to a restore point on a computer in 2019

On, as on motherboards, electrolytic capacitors fail. In addition, they often have problems with cooling. Many video adapter problems can be fixed at home.


Shut down your computer's operating system. Unplug the power cords from both it and the monitor. Disconnect the monitor from the video card. Only then remove it.

Check the board for bulging electrolytic capacitors. Video cards often have fewer layers than motherboards, and they smaller in size, so it’s easier to change capacitors on them. But remember that this is still a multilayer board, so replacement must be done quickly, avoiding overheating of the conductors of its internal layers. When replacing capacitors, observe the polarity of their connections.

Reinstall the board into the computer and check its functionality. If it does not recover, see if the fan is spinning. If it stops or is completely absent, repeat the procedure of both the monitor and removing the video card.

Try to lubricate the stopped fan. Carefully, so as not to bend the board, remove it from the heatsink. Peel off the sticker from it reverse side, pull out the cap, and then inject engine oil into the bearing. Use vegetable oil it is forbidden. Insert the cap into place, wipe it dry, and then stick a piece of tape instead of the sticker.

After lubricating, rotate the fan with your finger for a few minutes until it rotates freely. Then install it in place. If you disconnected it from the connector on the board, plug it back in.

If there is no fan at all, find a device that fits the dimensions of the heat sink and secure it with four screws. If there is no heat sink on the chip, do not try to drill holes in the board (some novice craftsmen even think of doing this). Take AlSil-5 brand glue, firmly glue a suitable heat sink to the card chip (make sure it does not short-circuit the chip leads), and then install the fan on it. Apply power to it (5 or 12 volts, depending on type) in the correct polarity.

Install video card into your computer and check it. If the problem was in cooling, now it will work stably.

Video on the topic


Do not try to repair powerful video cards yourself, which generate a lot of heat during operation.

Experience shows that using new driver versions improves performance certain devices. Typically, installing updated drivers stabilizes the operation of the equipment and corrects errors found in previous versions.

You will need

  • - Sam Drivers;
  • - Internet access.


Experts recommend manually installing drivers for each specific device. This procedure is quite difficult to perform. In addition, it takes a relatively long time. Make a list of devices that need software updates.

Visit the websites of the companies that developed the equipment on your list. Most large companies offer to download drivers directly from their websites. Take advantage of this opportunity.

If you downloaded the installer, simply run this application. Follow step by step menu to select the driver installation mode. Do not install additional utilities, if this is not necessary.

Good day everyone!

When searching for and updating drivers, it happens that the new driver begins to work unstable: it causes conflicts, errors, does not perform some functions correctly, etc.

In this case, it is recommended to roll back to the old previous driver, which previously worked in normal mode. I note that even if you did not driver backup(or restore points in Windows) - anyway, in most cases, you can restore everything (since Windows does not delete old driver, and it remains in the list of available on PC) .

In this article I will show you with several examples how this can be done.


You might find this article useful on how to remove old (or unnecessary) drivers -

1) Via device manager

Option #1

There are two ways to roll back a driver through Device Manager. I like the first one because when you rollback, you can manually select the driver version that you need. I’ll show you with an example how you can restore an old working driver to a video card. So...

First we open device Manager . To do this, go to the control panel, enter “devices” in the search and among the results found there will be a link to the right dispatcher(see screenshot below).

After which a menu will appear with the choice: produce automatic search or manually on this PC. We choose the second option (see example below).

If you had several versions of drivers on your PC, you should now see a list of them. Be guided by dates, versions and title. By choosing any of the versions, agree to the installation.

All! The screen should blink, and then you will see a message indicating the successful (or unsuccessful) completion of the operation. An example is presented below.

Option No. 2

You can roll back the driver in another way: by finding desired device in the manager, open it properties.

In properties, open the "Driver" tab - there should be a button at the bottom of the window "Roll back". I note that it is not always active (even if you recently updated the driver). Therefore, I recommend first trying the first rollback option (described above), and then this one.

Roll back the driver (if the device does not work after updating)

2) Using System Restore

If you have system restore points (and according to Windows default makes them (except for dozens)) , then you can try to roll back to the old driver using system restore.

How to see if there are restore points and run System Restore:


3) Using special Driver backup utilities

I couldn’t help but mention this method in this article. True, in order to use it, you need to make a backup in advance (perhaps someone will find this method useful in the future).

The essence of the work is approximately as follows:


This post will tell you how to create a backup step by step and subsequently restore drivers from it:

That's all.

Thank you in advance for any additions on the topic.

Drivers are important part operating system. They act as intermediaries between the system and hardware devices. Their main task is the interpretation of incoming signals from both the system and the device itself. Without the proper drivers, the device will either work incorrectly or not work at all.

As a rule, each device comes with a CD or DVD with necessary drivers. Or drivers can be downloaded from the device manufacturer's website. The latter, by the way, may be more relevant, since on the site you can find the most latest versions drivers. This is especially true for video cards.

But sometimes it happens that driver disks are lost, and the manufacturer’s website no longer supports this device. Or does the situation simply develop in such a way that this driver almost impossible to find. In such cases, the most the best way out- creating backup copies of drivers. There is special software for this, which, in fact, allows you to create backups drivers already installed on the system.

If you have an old operating system and you have lost some of the disks, or you cannot find drivers for some of the devices (for example, for a printer that has been serving you faithfully for 5-6 years). It would be a good idea to make a backup copy of all installed drivers on the system. Even if you have all the drivers at hand, it is still highly recommended to make a backup copy and save it somewhere in safe place. This is not only a way to protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances, but also an opportunity to save time during their recovery.

Advice: it's best to use several different programs. Since anything can happen in life, it is possible that one of the programs will not be able to restore drivers correctly. In this case, you will always have backup options at hand. This way you will save yourself time and nerves.

Note: never forget to make backup copies of your data.

IN this review considered programs that can not only create backup copies of drivers, but also restore them. Programs that cannot restore drivers are mentioned in the “Other programs” section. First of all, this is due to the fact that for ordinary users, and even more so for beginners, the task manual recovery drivers may be overwhelming. Therefore, in the review, one of the most important consideration criteria is correct recovery drivers in the system.

Some of the programs reviewed can also update drivers, but this is not important criterion. Initially, the consideration comes precisely from the point of view of backup and restoration. The update is just an additional plus. In addition, we specifically draw your attention to the fact that the most the best place Where you can find driver updates is the manufacturers' websites.

Unfortunately, not all of the programs reviewed are able to show a list of drivers installed on the system. If you're specifically interested in the list of installed drivers, you can use an excellent little utility called DriverView from Nirsoft.

Review of free driver backup and recovery programs

Double Driver is a convenient and powerful tool for backing up and restoring drivers

It has a simple interface and is very easy to use. Most remarkable feature is that the program allows you to create backup copies of drivers from non- running system. Which will be especially useful in cases where for some reason your system does not boot, and it is not a fact that you will be able to revive it. This functionality gives the program a significant advantage over its analogues. So keep it with you, marked “for a rainy day.”

By default in the list for Reserve copy Only third party drivers are selected. This is very convenient, since there is no special meaning in copying Windows There are no drivers, except in rare cases. To work with the list, there are a number of buttons for quick selection: invert selection, select all, or deselect. You can also select individual drivers. Selected drivers can be copied to a separate structured folder (default option), in compressed folder, go to a self-extracting file (some version of an archive). The last option, by the way, led to the program crashing.

Recovery is just as easy. Select the location where your copies of the drivers are stored. Then select from the list exactly those drivers that you want to restore. And start the process. It is worth noting that the drivers are restored quite quickly. Moreover, after restoration, all devices felt great.

Double Driver allows you to save a list of drivers in text file. You can also print the list directly from the program. This is very convenient when you need to keep track of which drivers have been installed on the system. The list is quite informative. For each driver, its name, version number, date, hardware identifier and much more are written.

Overall, Double Driver is a simple, reliable program, which includes a series unique features. Therefore, it can be safely placed at the head of any list.

SlimDrivers driver backup and recovery program is a good tool with a nice design

has a modern and attractive user interface, which puts you at ease from the first minutes. The backup and restore selection lists are very similar to standard dispatcher devices. And if you consider that SlimDrivers is a gold certified Microsoft partner, then this fact becomes completely unsurprising. However, SlimDrivers works just as well with both system and third-party drivers. But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to select all system or all third-party drivers. So in such cases, you will have to either backup all drivers or manually select from the entire list.

Another feature that can be classified as a disadvantage is that SlimDrivers saves drivers in folders named based on the base name or device ID. If you restore drivers yourself with SlimDrivers, then this will not cause much of a problem. But, if for some reason you have to restore drivers not through the SlimDrivers program, then it can really become big problem, since you will have to work hard to find the necessary driver.

Unfortunately, SlimDrivers was unable to backup drivers for devices that were not connected to the system.

Also, during driver recovery, several errors occurred. However, after the restoration was completed, a detailed inspection showed that all drivers were restored. But still, mistakes are mistakes. Therefore, it is difficult to say that the program is reliable.

One more point that needs to be mentioned. Don't forget to select the same folder for backup and restore. If you do not do this, the list of drivers in the recovery section will be empty. And you won't be able to select individual drivers. You will have to restore the entire backup.

By default, SlimDrivers starts every time the system starts. Therefore, you will have to spend a little time to disable this setting, for example, using the startup manager. In addition, when you launch the program for the first time, SlimDrivers will open home page in the browser. But, only at the first time.

SlimDrivers has a habit of remaining in the system tray even if you close it. To actually exit the program, you need to close the program in the tray. Honestly, it's obvious unnecessary function, and it clutters up your desktop more than it is useful. After all, backup and restore operations are sporadic in nature, not daily.

However, for a program of this class, SlimDrivers does its job quite well.


1. SlimDrivers can only be installed online. The program does not have an offline installer. So if you do not have access to the Internet, this will come as an unpleasant surprise for you.

2. When installing, carefully look at the checkboxes and what exactly will be installed. Since the installer is in every possible way and under different types(depending on the program version) tries to install the panel AVG Security.

3. The program is inherently portable. You just need to copy executable file from the SlimDrivers folder to Program Files. Oddly enough, there are no other files in the folder. And it seems that the program only needs an executable file to work. Here the question arises: “Why create an installer then?”, and from point two the answer arises: “Then”. Well, plus everything, the program leaves traces on your system. In principle, the reasons are clear, and it is difficult to condemn a free program. On the other hand, once installed, you will get portable program forever.

The DriverMax driver backup program is a good example of when older versions are better than new ones

. Before version 6 it included a lot useful options. But, starting with version 6, most of them have sunk into oblivion. Quite an unpleasant moment.

In terms of the set of settings and capabilities, each one is free a new version DriverMax takes a few steps backwards, which is very disappointing. It is no longer possible to see and save a list of existing drivers. Previously, these features were a big plus for the program. Also more early versions allowed to save as system drivers, and third parties. Currently you can only save third-party drivers. Previously, you could also create backup copies for hidden devices. Now there is not even a mention of them.

The interface looks modern and attractive. Also, now the interface does not freeze between operations. Earlier versions experienced delays. It seems that the developers decided to make free version nice prototype. And they are successfully moving towards this goal from version to version.

In the backup window, you will only see third-party drivers. In principle, everything is quite clear in the window. You can select all or just a few drivers. If you do not select a path to save the backup, the drivers will be saved in zip archive in the My Drivers folder inside My Documents. By the way, this is exactly the place where DriverMax looks for backups for recovery by default. Subsequently, you will not need to do anything with these archives; the program restores drivers directly from them.

The recovery process is still slow. Noticeably slower than its analogues. If we compare DriverMax versions, it is certainly faster than previous versions, but nevertheless still very slow. But, despite the speed, the program restores drivers conscientiously.


1. Again, carefully study the installer windows. They will try to force AVG Security on you again. Look at all the checked boxes. When installing additional components, look carefully at their names. And if you see AVG Security, then feel free to cancel the installation.

2. Now the program starts with the system by default. So you will again have to take the time to disable this setting. Again, you can use the startup manager. Just like SlimDrivers, when closed it hides in the system tray. So to close completely, you need to close the program in the system tray.

DriverBackup driver backup program! not a bad alternative

allows you to both create backup copies of drivers and restore them. But, unfortunately, during testing the program was unable to restore the drivers, according to unknown reason. Really more of a disappointment. Because the program shows great promise because it can do a number of really good things. DriverBackup! can create backup copies of drivers from a non-running system, which clearly sets it apart from its analogues.

DriverBackup! does a really good job of creating backups, as it includes a number of useful settings. When launched, the program displays all installed drivers on the system. With one click you can select both system and third-party drivers. In this case, the choice can be further detailed. You can select all drivers with full portability (according to DriverBackup!) or all drivers with digital signature. And all in one click. Drivers are saved in folders with the corresponding device names. The program also generates a special .bki file, unique to the program, which contains information about the backup files. This file is used during recovery setup to provide a human-readable list of drivers.

DriverBackup! is able to create backup copies of phantom devices, i.e. devices that were once installed on the system, but are missing at a given time. Which is especially useful if you often connect various peripherals(printers, scanners, etc.)

The help file is well organized. It describes all possible operations in sufficient detail and clearly. The program can be used from the command line.

Although the program is portable, it is nevertheless difficult to call it fully portable because starting from version 2 it requires .NET 2.0. Therefore, if the computer does not have a 2.0 framework, the program will not work. This can be considered a disadvantage. It would be possible to use earlier versions, but they do not know how to restore drivers.

However, the program is made to last, and if it were not for the problems when restoring drivers, as well as the mandatory presence of .NET 2.0, then it could be called the best program.

DriverBackup! is in active development, so all that remains is to wait for a release that can be put at the top of the list.

Other Windows driver backup and recovery programs

These programs are also designed to create backup copies of drivers.

  • Driver Magician Lite. It copes very well with the task of creating a backup copy of installed drivers, but, unfortunately, it does not know how to restore drivers at all. The interface is nicely organized. All third party drivers are highlighted among general list. It’s really convenient, because there can be quite a lot of drivers in the system. To create a copy you can choose how separate drivers, and the whole list. The backup is created beautifully structured folders with clear device names.
  • DriverPack Solution Lite. Not recommended. The program is more likely intended to update drivers than to create a backup copy. Just like other programs on this list, it cannot restore drivers. And it seems that it doesn't work quite correctly. According to the description, the program can save a backup copy to an exe file. But! There is no difference between backups with the selected exe format and the regular format.

    The program installer contains a bunch of unnecessary adware. She suggests installing Delta Toolbar, changing search engine to Delta, as well as change the browser home page. And a number of other changes. Therefore, during installation, you need to very carefully review each installer window for checked boxes.

    The program's interface is quite strange. Plus, you will find a number of functions that are not needed at all for driver update/backup programs. Of course, the device manager can be considered a necessary functionality, but it doesn’t make much sense. But what is clearly superfluous is access to the control panel installed programs. It is also unclear why the program has a bunch of unnecessary utilities, such as memory testing, defragmentation, anti-virus scanning. The program also has an item for BIOS updates. And apparently this point is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous.

  • DriverGrabber (link is incorrect). The program is too simple and has no settings at all. Creates backups only third party drivers. You can make copies of Windows drivers only by editing the necessary INI files. It's hard to imagine that regular user will be able to do this. The program is not developed and does not have its own normal website. However, it is difficult to say whether the program will work on 64-bit systems and on Windows Vista and Windows 7.
  • Driver Collector. The official website no longer exists and the program is no longer being developed. There are no settings in the program. It also cannot create backup copies of drivers in batch mode. Instead, you need to select and create copies manually. This somewhat undermines the goal of "making the world a simpler place."

Testing procedure

Testing was carried out on Windows XP. Despite this, the software reviewed is also perfect for backing up drivers for Windows Vista and Windows 7.

First of all, using each program, backup copies of drivers were made from the reference operating system. It had drivers installed from various manufacturers' CDs. Motherboard, webcams, network cards and others.

After that, driver recovery tests were done on another hard drive, which was connected instead of the drive with reference system. The test hard drive had an identical copy of Windows XP. But, in which no third-party drivers were installed (essentially. clean system). A system image was made for a test copy of the system so that after each test the system could be returned to its original state. the initial state. Within each test, only the program under test was installed (if required). And, in fact, an attempt was made to restore all the drivers. Then the drivers were compared according to the list, as well as simple checks equipment performance. For example, try to watch a picture from a webcam.

Quick selection guide (download free Windows driver backup and recovery program)

Double Driver

Simple interface. Easy to use. Allows you to create backup copies of drivers for a system that is not running. Copies phantom device drivers. You can save a list of installed drivers in a text file. Restores drivers quite quickly.