How to show your screen to someone else on Skype. What features are available in Skype calls?

The following options are available during a call:

Note. When calling on Skype from mobile phone Some calling features may be hidden. To display them, simply tap the screen.

Android (6.0 and later), Android tablets, iPhones and iPads

Depending on your platform or device, additional features may be available in Skype calls.

To view Extra options, click "" multiple button:

During a group call, touch and hold on a participant and select send a message.

Turn off the sound or in group calls). Touch and hold on any person on the call, select Mute, or remove from the call. If you disable or delete a user, they will receive notifications about or .

Skype on Windows, Mac, Linux and Skype for Windows 10 (version 14)

Depending on your platform or device, additional features may be available in Skype calls. Here's what else you can do on the menu.

Select displayed interlocutors(in video calls). Switch between your video stream and your friends' video streams. To do this, tap and hold on one of the participants, and then drag them to the main call window.

To resize your Preview video. During a video call, hover your mouse over your Video Preview and expand Use More or Less.

Switch between cameras(in video calls). During a video call, click right click Click your avatar to select another camera.

Talk to others 1:1 from a call group. During a group call, right-click the participant and select send a message.

Turn off the sound or remove participants from a call(in group calls). Hover your mouse over any call participants and click the down chevron button next to their names to mute or remove them from the call. If you disable or delete a user, they will receive notifications about Is the other participant's microphone muted? or removed from a call by another participant.

Ready to learn more?

Very often, during a dialogue on Skype with your interlocutor, very actual question How to share your screen on Skype? Perhaps you need to explain how to install this or that program, what to do in the game to successfully complete it, or discuss your planned trip while looking at Google Maps?

If you look at it from my side, I think this function very useful! When I am asked to help with a computer, I need to see what the user is doing and what errors he has. If the user is not familiar with programs for remote control computer, then the easiest way out is via Skype. Of course, there is a minus - you cannot perform any actions on the computer, but while viewing the screen via Skype, you can tell where to click. I have rarely met an Internet user who does not have Skype program, as a means of communication with your loved ones.

I will tell you about several options for how this can be done, after which you can choose the most convenient and favorite method.

But before moving on to the discussion, I want to say that the function group demonstration screen only works with a Skype Premium account. If you have slow Internet, then turn off all programs that can be updated, for example, antivirus. Older versions of Skype did not have this feature, so if your contact is unable to share their screen, advise them to update Skype.

Now you can get started!

Screen sharing on Skype

First way. We log into Skype using our username and password and see a list of your contacts on the left side of the screen. Choose the right person and right-click on his name. In the drop-down window you can see a large number of all kinds of functions. We are interested in the one called: “Screen sharing”. Click on this item.

A dialog message opens where you click “Call”.

As you understand, in order to display your screen, you must first call. Whether it's an audio call or a video call, it doesn't matter.

As soon as the contact accepts your call, a window will appear on your screen where you click “Start” to show the screen in Skype. If you change your mind, then click “Cancel” accordingly.

Also in the program you can specify which open program or window you want the contact to see. In the screenshot above and below, I have 2 screens displayed because I have two monitors (laptop + monitor).

Exists second way, how to share the screen in Skype. We proceed as follows: when you negotiate via Skype, in front of you on a black background is either a video broadcast of a person in real time or his photograph (avatar). At the bottom of the open window, there is a button that in its shape resembles mathematical sign plus. Click on it. In the pop-up list, click on the item: “Screen sharing”.

If you are happy with the screen that will be displayed as a thumbnail (that is, you will see what your interlocutor will see), simply click “Start”.

To stop broadcasting the screen, click on the button: “Stop showing”. When you turn off screen sharing, the connection with the contact is not interrupted!

By the way, it is worth paying attention to the fact that while sharing the screen, your interlocutor can also broadcast his screen or himself to you. If more than two people participate in a conversation, it is already a conference. In this case, you can share your screen only if you have Account– Skype Premium.

I almost forgot. You can also activate the display function in top menu. Click “Calls” - “Screen sharing...”, and then you know everything.

By the way, on the official website there are answers to various questions that relate to this article, here.

The topic of the article, how to show your screen on Skype, is fully covered, I think I’ve covered it in detail. If you have questions, ask them in the comments. See you again!

How to share screen on Skype? Sometimes when talking to friends I have to advise them on computer problems. They can't always understand what I explain to them, or I can't understand what problem they have on their computer.

Of course have special programs, with the help of which you can remotely access someone else’s computer, but to do this you must first install it on that computer. And although installing these programs is not at all difficult, due to the work of the antivirus program, or some other issues, users remote computer are they lost? and they cannot do it themselves. This is where one very special one comes to our aid. good function Skype - " Screen demonstration».

In order to be able to share your computer screen on Skype, you need to turn on Skype and contact the interlocutor, i.e. Call him.

Method 1:

As soon as the interlocutor has contacted you, you can enter the “ tab at the top of the window Calls" and select " Screen demonstration».

Method 2:

The same function can be called in the viewing window, where the interlocutor himself (if he has a video camera connected) or his icon is usually shown. Below the image there are four colored round buttons. To show the screen you must press the button with the sign plus (+), and then select “ Screen demonstration».

Now your interlocutor can see everything you do on your computer. If you need to see his monitor screen, then you must turn off your screen sharing, and he must turn it on on his Skype.

How to show only a window or the entire desktop

In order for the interlocutor not to see the entire desktop, but only open window some program or video, after turning on the “Screen sharing” function, you need to click on the small white triangle at the bottom left and select “ Show window».

In this case, your interlocutor will only see the program window, presentation, or video you launched, but not the entire desktop.

By the way, while showing a window or the entire desktop, you can continue to talk and make any comments while viewing someone else’s screen. And in order for you to be able to work on someone else’s computer yourself, you need to run the program on both computers (for free),

or Team Viewer(paid).

How to disable Screen Sharing on Skype

Enter the tab " Calls" and select "". Or click the plus (+) button under the viewing window and again select “ Stop screen sharing».

Video on how to share the screen on Skype:

By default, the screen in Skype during a video conversation, which displays the interlocutor, is made small. And this does not suit all users. It is possible to change these settings in just one or two clicks. How to do it yourself? What other problems may arise related to screen expansion?

How to expand the screen?

This can be done using the settings of the Skype program itself. There are two options for solving this problem:

  1. Solution No. 1 is suitable for those who have the latest installed Skype version, if not, you can always. During a conversation, you can double-click on the image. The settings will automatically expand the image to fill the entire screen. Unfortunately, on Windows xp (I think it’s time to change it), this will lead to the screen becoming larger than necessary and, accordingly, some parts of the image will become inaccessible. If this is the case in your case, I recommend using the second tip.
  2. Solution #2. You can use a special function key. It appears during a call and looks like two arrows diverging in different sides. Click on them and enjoy the full screen.

Coping with screen expansion is a fairly simple task, but increasing fonts in Skype will require more effort.

How to Enlarge Fonts in Skype

The second common problem faced by users asking how to enlarge the screen on Skype , is the one on the monitor or portable devices the font is so small that only a person with excellent eyesight can read it. How to increase the size of letters in messages and signatures to contacts? To do this, do the following:

  1. Open the settings menu in Skype. It is located in the tools tab at the top of the screen.
  2. In the drop-down menu, find Chats and SMS, click on it.
  3. Several additional tabs will appear. You need to choose a visual design.
  4. Now in the window that opens, click change font and set the required resolution.

Important! This tip may increase the text size in messages you receive, but does not change the font used for Skype accounts. To change them you can use your netbook and set the custom mode in the screen properties. It will increase the font size to 156% and solve the reading problem accordingly.

How to flip the screen in Skype?

And the last, but not least common problem associated with the monitor in Skype is when the video image is broadcast upside down. And unless you are a connoisseur of this angle, you need to do something to turn this image upside down. There can be many reasons why this happens: starting from incorrect settings and ending outdated drivers to a video camera and other software. But before you start downloading and updating something, you can try to solve the problem as follows:

  1. Press Ctrl - Alt - down key. If the problem is in the settings, then Skype will automatically flip the image. If this doesn't help, then it's all about the drivers, which will have to be updated.
  2. In the event that, despite everything latest versions drivers, and precise installation The upside down screen on Skype is seen by your interlocutor, you will have to delve into the settings of the camera itself. Click tools, settings, video settings, camera settings. We expose and correct the resulting image.

Advice! It is not recommended for novice users to reinstall drivers themselves, especially when it comes to BIOS systems, this can lead to costly repairs.

Probably everyone knows what Skype is. Young people use it every day and more and more often want to install the program for their parents. One can understand such an impulse, because Skype provides great opportunities for communication and more. Moreover, it is completely free. But not many people know about all the possibilities of Skype.

For example, the program has very convenient function, which is useful for presentations and simple explanations for parents, where and what to click on their computer. For this purpose, Skype has special button, allowing . This feature can be activated in two ways:

  • built-in Skype powers;
  • using third party programs.
The first option is suitable for simple conversations when you need to show your interlocutor an error, photo or other information that is stored on the computer. The second option is intended for more serious, high-quality transmission of images and will be needed for presentations via Skype.

Showing the screen to your interlocutor using Skype

To show a picture of your screen to your interlocutor, you must first call him and during the conversation, click on the top “Calls” tab. Then select “Screen sharing” from the drop-down list.

Another method is also known. To do this, during a call, click on the cross icon on the call panel and select the “Screen sharing” section from the drop-down list.

Then a window will appear where you need to click on the “Start” tab and select “Show desktop”.

So, we figured out how to show your screen to your interlocutor on Skype and now you have the opportunity to show off a photo, work done, etc.

Presentation via Skype

You can show a presentation using the first method, but the quality of the picture may suffer. Also there will be no the best option When showing two or more presentations, show the contents of your computer. To avoid all these points, the user needs to use special utilities.

Data software products there are a large number. This article will describe one free LibreOffice program Draw.

This software package allows . And also has many additional features, one of which is useful for showing presentations via Skype.

After downloading the program and installing it, open the required presentation. Then go to the “Demonstration” tab and select “Demo Options”.

Here, in the window that opens, configure the parameters as shown in the figure.

Then click the “OK” button and launch Skype. Open LibreOffice Draw and press the F5 key. We call the interlocutor and start the demonstration as described above. The only difference is that when choosing what you want to show, you need to select the “Window” tab.

After this, the interlocutor will see only the presentation window. Another amazing property of the program is that you can draw on the slides in online mode. For example, highlight important points.

All these simple tips will help you answer the question of how to show your screen to your interlocutor on Skype. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, because these operations can be performed in a couple of clicks.