How to set up teamviewer discreet remote access. Removing Team Viewer via Uninstall


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    Windows 8, 8 64-bit, 7, 7 64-bit, Vista, Vista 64-bit, XP, XP 64-bit


How to set up TeamViewer

TeamViewer is a convenient tool for those cases when you need to remotely connect to your home or work computer or remotely help a friend. In general, there can be many different reasons. Particularly pleasing is the fact that there are no problems with the firewall. You can always easily connect to the required computer and the security system is not an obstacle. In order to use TeamViewer, of course, you need to download it. Downloading must be done only from the official website. There are several reasons for this. The main reason is the possibility of downloading virus software. The program is paid and most people spare money to buy it, but the stingy one pays twice. Downloading from torrents is a big risk. If you need TeamViewer not for work (administrating your organization’s computers, server maintenance, etc.), that is, you will use it for non-commercial purposes, then you can download it for free.

What not to do when using the program non-commercially:

1. Connect to your home computer from your work computer.

2. Connect from home to an office PC.

If you do not strictly adhere to these simple restrictions, there is a chance that the program will detect commercial use and impose a number of restrictions on use.

How to install TeamViewer 9?

Download the software from the resource “” and run the file. The following will appear on the monitor screen:

Select Personal/Non-Commercial Use. Click “Accept – Complete”. You will have to wait a while until the installation completes.

After the installation is complete, a special window will appear on the screen, which allows you to familiarize yourself with tips on using the program.

Ignore the window and close it by clicking on the button at the bottom right. Next, TeamViewer will launch. Now you can work.

Setting up and using TeamViewer!

You can only connect to computers that also have TeamViewer installed. This can be done immediately after its launch. The required data is a password and a unique computer number (ID) with which the connection is established. They can be viewed on the left side of the main program window.

To establish a connection to your PC, tell your partner your password and ID.

When connecting to a computer located at home using TeamViewer, you need a “personal password”, which will be discussed below.

For now, let's consider the option of connecting your computer to someone else's, for example, to a friend. As soon as he tells you the password and ID of his machine. Enter the data in the field called “Partner ID”.

Click "Connect to partner". A few seconds will pass and a window will appear in which you enter the password.

Enter your password and click on the “Login” button. Now you are taken to the remote PC.

The screenshot shows that a connection was made to a computer running Windows XP.

What actions can you perform on a remote computer?

You can work as on your personal PC. Sometimes, of course, there are restrictions set on the remote machine. It depends on the program settings.

The absence of wallpaper on the desktop of the remote computer is immediately noticeable. TeamViewer disables wallpaper by default. If you make changes to the settings, the wallpaper will be saved. Go to settings and select “View” from the menu at the top.

You need to select “Hide wallpaper” from the list. Now the wallpaper is in place on the remote computer.

Another useful TeamViewer setting allows you to reboot the remote machine. Moreover, after switching on, you can continue working further. It is very comfortable. When setting up your PC, you may need to restart it several times. For example, after making a change in the msconfig utility, you can remotely reboot the machine and continue configuring it.

To reboot, go to the menu and select the “Actions” tab, then “Remote reboot” and then “Reboot”.

When the remote reboot of the PC begins, you will need to choose from two actions.

Click the “Reconnect” button. The connection to the remote machine was established, and no password was required.

There is a safe reboot option. To do this, follow the steps described just above, only select the “Reboot in Safe Mode” item. This option gives you access to your computer in safe mode.

You can also use the following options:

Blocking the input means of the remote PC

This allows you to deprive the owner of a computer connected remotely from the ability to perform any actions on his PC. It is completely locked for the owner. You can perform any manipulation and the owner of the computer will not be able to do anything. He will only have to sit and watch your work.

Enable PC lock

A very convenient feature when connecting to a home computer. When you finish work, you can log out of the system in such a way that no one can use the machine under your account.

Launch Task Manager

It can be done from the same tab by sending a request. You can also enable the ability to send keyboard shortcuts to a PC connected remotely.

Ability to transfer files to TeamViewer

This opportunity is very important. Let's take a closer look. The file transfer window opens from the top panel in the “file transfer” tab.

In the window that opens, on the left are the files available on the local PC, that is, on your computer, and on the right is the dialog of the remote computer. It is possible to send and receive files from a remote computer. This can be done in two ways, namely, by dragging with the mouse or clicking the buttons at the top “Receive” or “Send”. It's pretty easy. The following actions are available in file transfer mode:

The screenshot shows that the log shows everything that happens in this mode:

What is transmitted

Where does it go?

What directories are viewed by a person connected to a computer.

This file transfer technology is extremely simple, and there is nothing more to add here.

How to connect to your home computer using TeamViewer

At first glance, there are no difficulties here. You can launch the program and go about your business, and, if necessary, connect from anywhere to your home PC.

This method is correct, but very convenient, since you will have to constantly launch TeamViewer and keep the password in memory.

The best option is to set up TeamViewer with a permanent password to access your home PC. This will eliminate the hassle of remembering your password. In addition, after setting a permanent password, the program will be minimized to the system tray. Which you agree is very convenient.

Go to the menu of the main TeamViewer window and select “Connection” and “Set up uncontrolled access”. This will open the setup wizard.

Read the description, and then click “Next”.

Be sure to complete all fields at this stage. You don’t have to change anything in the “computer name” field, or you can put “Name”. In the “password” field you need to enter a strong password that you have created, consisting of at least six characters.

No need to register. Just check the box next to “I don’t want to create an account...” and click “Next”.

When completing the permanent password setup step, be sure to remember or write down your password and unique ID.

As soon as you have completed all the manipulations in the settings, TeamViewer, when you click on the cross, will no longer turn off, but will be minimized in the tray while waiting for a connection.

Do not confuse a permanent password with an automatically generated one.

The permanent password must be strictly confidential information, just like for a webmoney or email account. You should use this password when you specifically need to connect to your PC. If you need to allow guest access to another person, then give him the password generated by the program. When the session ends, generate a new one.

The job is complete and you can connect with your unique password to your computer. The main thing is to remember your ID.


Key points on the operation of the TeamViewer program are discussed. After reading the article, you will easily set it up and be able to use it at a basic level. Use a virtual machine to understand how the program works if you can't try it out.

Time Weaver (eng. team viewer) is a unique software that allows you to remotely control any computer or server in the world. This is very useful if, for example, you need to change some settings or instruct someone, but you are not able or willing to go to the site in person. Next, we will briefly describe the basic principles of working with this program.

How to download and install Time Weaver?

You can download the program absolutely free of charge on the official website of the developer by clicking on the large download button in the middle of the screen. The current version is Time Weaver 9, but many computers may still have the older Time Weaver 8 installed.

The program installation file will be downloaded to your computer. Opening it will bring up the installation settings window. Here you must select two parameters - the installation type, as well as how the program will be used. In addition, it is advisable to check the box in the additional settings window. This way you can choose the folder to install the program and several other parameters.

Now a few words about them:

· Remote Printing - Allows you to control printing to a remote device

· TeamViewer VPN - with this extension you can access and work on local networks as if you were in their zone.

· Microsoft Outlook Meeting Tool - Allows you to quickly and easily schedule meetings in Microsoft Outlook without having to launch TeamViewer.

Immediately after installation the program will be launched. Using it to control a remote computer is incredibly simple. You will see a window in front of you, on the left side of which the key data of your machine in Team Viewer is indicated - ID and password. Let us immediately note that it is not necessary to fill out the registration window on the right side. Registration only gives access to some additional features.

How to use a time weaver to work on a remote computer

To do this, you just need to perform a number of simple steps:

· Make sure that TeamViewer is installed on the remote computer (preferably the same version as yours);

· Find out the key data (ID, password) of the remote computer;

· Fill in the "Partner ID" field;

· Select the purpose of the connection - management or file transfer;

· Click the "Connect to partner" button;

· Enter the TeamViewer password of the remote computer.

After this, a new window will open in which information from the monitor of the remote computer will be displayed, and you will have access to control it as if you were at its keyboard.

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Other materials

To connect to another computer via the Internet, you will need to download and install the remote web access program TeamViewer on your computer. To download the program, you must visit the official website of the program, then go to the “DOWNLOAD” section Select the type of your operating system. The program can be installed on almost all existing operating systems and, of course, on the most popular ones such as: windows, mac, linux, android, ios. In the "downloads" section for Windows users, select TeamViewer, full version - Windows

After downloading, the program needs to be installed on your personal computer, laptop or on your mobile device, you need to install the program with administrator rights, if you do not have administrator rights, then don’t worry, you can launch the instant launch application from the website. This program is included in additional downloads.

TeamViewer is designed for remote access to a remote computer. When using the program, the user remotely controls another computer via the Internet.

Using TeamViewer will help in solving any problems with another computer located in any other location. You will be able to provide assistance in setting up a remote computer, and you will also be able to control your computer from another location.

To do this, only two conditions will need to be met: the partners’ computers must be connected to the Internet and the TeamViewer program must be running on them at the same time. When using the program, data is encrypted and a secure connection will be established between computers.

After launching the program on the local and remote computers and establishing a connection between them, the user can proceed to manage the remote computer. Thus, it will be possible to configure the remote computer, provide assistance in solving problems, provide support, show work in programs, etc.

TeamViewer is free for non-commercial use. This program does not even need to be installed on your computer. It will be enough to simply run the executable EXE file, and then you should choose how to launch the program.

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    Windows 8, 8 64-bit, 7, 7 64-bit, Vista, Vista 64-bit, XP, XP 64-bit


How to install Teamviewer

We note that this manual is not intended to provide a comprehensive description of all functions of the TeamViewer program, but provides instructions on how to install it, get started and learn how to use the main functions.


First you need to download the file with the program. To do this, follow the provided link to the official website. A file called TeamViewer_Setup_ru.exe will be downloaded to your computer and weighs 4.66 MB. To start installation you need to open it.

First, you will see a launch window where the program will offer the choice of installing the program or running it without installation to temporarily control the remote computer.

We suggest selecting “Install”:

Since we decided to install the program for the first option, there is no need to change anything else in the second window, since if you change the parameters here, TeamViewer will force you to purchase a licensed version.

The License Agreement rules will now appear. If you want to practice your English, then you can read it, if not, then just mark “I Accept” and “Agree”:

A choice will now appear. If you select the first option, after the installation is complete, the TeamViewer program will simply launch, if the second option, then the remote access settings window will appear.

Click the “Done” button that appears.

The installation progress window will now appear. You can click the "Details" button to see them.

When the installation is completely finished, the standard view of the open program will appear:

At this point, the installation is complete and TeamViewer is ready to use.

Now, to allow remote access to the program, the specialist must provide an ID consisting of 9 digits and a password consisting of 4 digits.


Now let's look at the basic settings of the TeamViewer menu.

To connect, TeamViewer does not require any special settings, but some of them allow you to more efficiently and conveniently use all the access options to your computer. The toolbar is located, as in most programs, at the top of the window. Here are all the necessary settings for the TeamViewer program.

The first menu item “Connection” implies three options:

The “Invite a Partner” tab opens an email client that generates an email with a link to download TeamViewer inserted into it. This is an automatic invitation in which you only need to indicate the recipient’s email. The letter must be supplemented with an ID number and an access password.

Tab "Configure uncontrolled access". The wizard configures the program so that the computer can be accessed at any time, even when there is no user present.

The “Exit TeamViewer” tab means you can exit the program.

The next menu is called "Advanced"

It has a section “Options”, which, in fact, contains all the program settings. In the window that opens, you can set the parameters for TeamViewer.

The "Basic" tab allows you to set the user name. It must be entered in the “Display Name” tab field.

You can set the program to autorun and show a shortcut. To do this, just tick the boxes corresponding to these parameters.

The “Network Settings” tab contains connection settings. The program uses UDP by default, and it is undesirable to change anything here without knowledge of the operating mechanisms of network protocols, especially since for almost all users the program works on standard settings without any additional interventions.

Just below is a tab that allows you to connect other users via the local network. The standard settings imply disabled access, but if necessary, this can be easily changed by selecting a circle of users or allowing everyone who has this program installed.

The next tab contains security settings.

In particular, there is a permanent access password, which can be set using Windows tools or a program. These security measures allow you to allow access to your computer to users who have the required level of access to the system and the required account.

Next, you can select the optimal password length: 4, 6, 10 characters. It is possible to disable the password altogether, but this action is not advisable. Below are the black and white list settings, where you can set a list of identifiers.

Other parameters can be adjusted according to your own preferences.

Version without installation

The official website also offers to download a version without installation for a very fast connection to a remote computer.

Then you just need to download the file and run it. The following window will appear:

Now tell the user the ID and password that he must enter on his computer. After this, the opponent has the opportunity to remotely help or demonstrate something on his computer.

The famous remote access program TeamViewer has great functional potential. It is fully revealed, of course, only in a paid subscription. But even in the free edition, this program can be used not only for one-time connections and limited conferences. In this article we will talk about how to use this program to set up uncontrolled access to remote computer devices. In order, for example, to always be in touch with loved ones from the older generation, who sometimes cannot cope with even the simplest tasks with a computer and without our help.

How to work with TeamViewer in general has already been written in, but uncontrolled access is mentioned only in passing. In this publication I would like to cover this topic in more detail.

1. Advantages of uncontrolled access with account connection

Uncontrolled access is access to a remote computer without the need for the user to confirm the connection session. Ensures that TeamViewer is running continuously in the background. You need to configure the program once on remote PCs, laptops or Windows tablets, and in the future you can connect to them at any time when they are turned on and connected to the Internet. TeamViewer allows you to set up uncontrolled access without being tied to a program account and with a tie to it. In the first case, access is carried out using the ID and permanent password of the remote device. In the second case, connecting to a remote computer is simplified: you do not need to enter any IDs or passwords, the procedure will take place in literally two mouse clicks. Plus, remote devices can be tracked, we will always know if they are on the network.

Every time someone close to you connects to the Internet, we will always see a notification about this in the Windows system tray on our managing computer. Similar to how users of Skype, ICQ and other instant messengers appear online.

Well, in addition we will be able to chat with remote users. Such a mechanism will allow us to quickly provide computer assistance to our loved ones without bothering them with unnecessary actions. How to configure such uncontrolled access in a Windows environment?

2. Account registration

First of all, you need to register a TeamViewer account. This can be done completely free of charge either within the program or on its official website.

3. Setting up a remote computer

You can install the regular edition of TeamViewer on a remote computer and configure uncontrolled access in it. But the creators of the program have a special edition of TeamViewer Host for servicing Windows-based servers. It contains only the basic functionality, there is nothing superfluous. By default, it is configured to autoload along with the operating system and run constantly in the background. It cannot be used to connect to other computers; this version of the program only provides for granting access to the control computer from a single account. The reverse direction can be set by the user of the latter when selecting the “Switching sides with a partner” function. This edition works unnoticed in the system and does not load resources. This is the best option for weak remote devices.

Immediately after installation, TeamViewer Host will prompt you to set up uncontrolled access.

We can change the name of the remote computer to something more readable - indicate, for example, the device model or the name of a relative.

Since in our case we are talking about setting up uncontrolled access using a TeamViewer account, there is no need to set a password.

That's it - the setup is complete.

We look for TeamViewer Host in the Windows system tray and select “Options” in the context menu on its icon.

Go to the “Security” tab. Here, at any time, if necessary, you can set up uncontrolled access with password protection. And, accordingly, enter the data in the fields indicated by number 1 in the screenshot below. And in order to be able to connect to a remote computer in two clicks and not bother with passwords, check the box for easy access, as shown by number 2 below in the screenshot.

Here, in fact, are all the settings. If necessary, you can additionally configure the camera and microphone if video or audio communication will be carried out during remote access.

4. Access from the control computer

So, the remote PC, laptop or tablet is linked to our account. And we can already work with it using different software:

Applications for mobile operating systems,

Programs for desktop operating systems,

Web interface in a browser window.

In any of these software environments we will be able to monitor the activity of remote devices and connect to them. For example, in the account in the browser window we will see whether there are remote computers on the network. If not, how long have they been inactive? And, of course, we can connect to them if they are online.

The most functional option is TeamViewer for desktops.