How to find out the federal format of a city number. Federal and City MTS number: what is the difference

A federal number differs from a local number in that you can call it not only from your city or region, but also from all over the world. It includes the country code, operator, and the phone number itself. The federal number is convenient for those who often use long-distance or international telephone communications.


The full number in federal format includes the country code (usually 1 digit, in the case of Russia it is +7), the city or mobile operator code (3 or 4 digits), and the subscriber's telephone number (6-7 digits). If you have a cell phone, then most likely you know it in the federal format, since most numbers are provided to subscribers in this way.

It is very easy to find out the federal number for your home phone. Find out your area code and add it to your own phone number as a prefix. Then add another country code, for Russia it is +7. Now yours home number written in federal format.

If you have a direct cell phone, that is, one that has the same number of digits as landline numbers, it can also be presented in the federal format. You need to add the area and country code just as if it were a simple landline number.

You can also contact your phone company's help desk to find out the long version of your number. From the operator cellular communications It depends whether you use a simple prefix to complete the number to the federal one, or whether you will have to remember a completely different number. For example, a prefix works for direct MTS numbers, but Tele2 has a short version direct number often completely different from the federal one. The point is that calling direct cell number for long-distance communications, if you use the federal city code as a supplement, it works out great, but problems may arise with the delivery of SMS - they only come to the long version of the number provided by the operator.


If you are calling from mobile number to the local city, then know it federal format not necessary. All modern mobile operators route such calls correctly, and you will get to the right subscriber, even if you dial his number without the area code and eight.

Helpful advice

If you have a landline phone on which the number eight is blocked, that is, access to a long-distance line is prohibited, and you want to call someone on their cell phone, then sometimes this is possible. Some cellular operators provide alternative dialing codes that allow you to call your mobile phone for free federal number from your home phone. However, at present, most mobile operators have suspended the provision of this service. This is due to the fact that incoming calls to cell phones have become free, and telephone companies started losing money because of such a service. This issue can be clarified by contacting your operator's support service.

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The federal number differs from the local one in that you can call it not only from your city or region, but also from every world. It includes the country code, operator, and the phone number itself. The federal number is convenient for those who often use long-distance or international telephone communications.


1. The full number in federal format includes the country code (traditionally 1 digit, in the case of Russia it is +7), the city or mobile operator code (3 or 4 digits), as well as the subscriber’s telephone number (6-7 digits). If you have a cell phone, then most likely it will be reported to you in the federal format, because many numbers are provided to subscribers in this way.

2. Finding out the federal number for a home phone is quite primitive. Find out your area code and add it to your own phone number as a prefix. After this, add another country code, for Russia it is +7. Now your home number is written in federal format.

3. If you have a direct cell phone, that is, one that has the same number of digits as landline numbers, it can also be presented in the federal format. You need to add the city and country code in the same way as if it were a primitive city number.

4. You can also contact the telephone company's support service to find out the “long” version of your number. It depends on the cellular operator whether to use a light prefix to supplement the number with a federal one, or whether you will have to remember a completely different number. For example, a prefix works for direct MTS numbers, but Tele2’s short version of the direct number is often completely different from the federal one. The fact is that calling a direct cell number via long-distance communication, if used as a supplement to the federal area code, works out perfectly, but problems may arise with the delivery of SMS - they only come to the long version of the number provided by the operator.

All license plates of the Russian Federation contain information about the region in which the car is registered. You can find out the region by digital code, full list which are given in the text.


1. Car license plates of the Russian Federation contain the following designations: – three individual digits; – three individual letters; – state flag of Russia; – region code in numbers. The entire republic, district, city or region has its own region code, universal for all cars of this region. Below is full table region codes.

2. Republic of Adygea – 01 Republic of Bashkortostan – 02 Republic of Buryatia – 03 Republic of Gorny Altai – 04 Republic of Dagestan – 05 Ingush Republic – 06 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic – 07 Republic of Kalmykia – 08 Karachay-Cherkess Republic – 09 Republic of Karelia – 10 Republic of Komi – 11Republic of Mari El – 12Mordovian Republic – 13Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) – 14 North Ossetian Republic – 15 Republic of Tatarstan – 16 Republic of Tuva – 17 Udmurt Republic – 18 Republic of Khakassia – 19 Chechen Republic – 20 Chuvash Republic – 21 Altai Territory – 22 Krasnodar Territory – 23.93 Krasnoyarsk Territory – 24 Primorsky Territory – 25 Stavropol krai – 26Khabarovsk krai – 27Amur region – 28Arkhangelsk region – 29Astrakhan region - 30Belgorod region - 31Bryansk region - 32Vladimir region - 33Volgograd region - 34Vologda region - 35Voronezh region - 36Ivanovo region - 37Irkutsk region - 38Kaliningrad region - 39Kaluga region - 40Kamchatka region - 41Kemerovo region - 42Kirov skaya region – 43Kostroma region – 44Kurgan region – 45Kursk region - 46 Leningrad region - 47 Lipetsk region - 48 Magadan region - 49 Moscow region - 50, 90, 150 Murmansk region - 51 Nizhny Novgorod region - 52 Novgorod region - 53 Novosibirsk region - 54 Omsk region - 55 Orenburg region - 56 Oryol region - 57 Penza region - 58P Yerma region – 59 Pskov region – 60 Rostov region – 61 Ryazan region - 62 Samara region - 63, 163 Saratov region - 64 Sakhalin region - 65 Sverdlovsk region - 66.96 Smolensk region - 67 Tambov region - 68 Tver region - 69 Tomsk region - 70 Tula region - 71 Tyumen region - 72 Ulyanovsk region - 73 Chelyabinsk region – 74 Chita region – 75 Yaroslavl region – 76 Moscow – 77, 99, 97, 177 St. Petersburg – 78, 98, 178 Jewish Independent Region – 79 Aginsky Buryat Independent District – 80 Komi-Permyak Independent District – 81 Koryak Independent District – 82 Nenets Independent District – 83 Taimyr Independent District – 84 Ust-Ordynsky Independent District – 85Khanty- Mansiysk independent district – 86 Chukotka independent district – 87 Evenki independent district – 88 Yamalo-Nenets independent district – 89

Today, cellular operators offer subscribers two types numbers: city and federal. If the federal number does not have a short dial format, then the city number, on the contrary, can be dialed as a federal number.

You will need

  • Cellular telephone.


1. If you want to find out the federal dialing option for your local (city) number, you can call from your phone to any other mobile phone. Cell Phones detect incoming volumes as eleven-digit numbers, therefore, even if you call from a local number, it will be defined in the federal format. If you don’t have a second mobile phone at hand, you can determine your federal number in the following way.

2. Open the main menu of your phone and go to the “Applications” section. Discover in this section application from your mobile operator (when the SIM card is activated, it is installed on the device in mechanical mode) and go to it. In the menu that opens, you need to use the “My Data” menu. Here you can get information about your tariff plan, energetic paid services, account balance, as well as the phone number. Select "My number" and click "OK". After some time, an SMS message will be sent to your phone, which will reflect your number in federal format.

3. In addition to the above methods, you can also find out your federal number by looking at the contract, the one that you signed when connecting it. IN this document Traditionally, not only the local, but also the federal format of the telephone number is reflected.

In our country, according to many experts, the most famous mobile operators are MTS and Beeline. The rest are far behind the leaders. The huge number of different tariff plans that are provided by these operators allows each person to choose the best option for themselves.


1. In some situations, it is very important to be able to use all the functions and capabilities of a mobile phone, without which it is sometimes very difficult. Often there is a need to find out number SIM card, if you found it, and you got it for free. If you want to know number SIM cards to Beeline yeah, call number at *111#. After that, from all the proposed options, go to the “My Beeline", by pressing the number 2. Then press 1 and go to my data. And finally, press number 2 to find out your personal number . This method is the simplest and most effective.

2. If for some reason you were unable to find out your number using the method described above, then go a different way. Insert the SIM card into the phone and dial number friend or acquaintance, the one who is nearby. After this, your number phone.

3. SIM card Beeline must be used strictly for its intended purpose. Otherwise, it may break, and you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to fix it. If after carrying out all the methods described above you were unable to find out number SIM cards, contact the office mobile operator. They will definitely help you there, and after a while you will be able to use number phone at your own discretion: inform your friends and acquaintances of it, or replenish your account in a quick payment mobile terminal with its support.

4. The Beeline SIM card is activated immediately after its purchase. As usual, the seller is responsible for its implementation. If for some reason you received an inactivated card, to activate the balance, dial *101*1111#call, to activate the determinant number ov *110*061#call. After completing this procedure, all services provided by the company will become available to you. Beeline to your subscribers. Choose the best one for yourself tariff plan. And you will be able to call your buddies, friends and relatives every day to the maximum extent possible. affordable price. Try to control the status of your account so that if there is little money left on it, you can replenish it in a timely manner.

The number of subscribers of the mobile operator Tele2 is growing steadily due to low cost services If you become the owner new SIM card, but forgot your phone number, then the legitimate question is how to find out your Tele2 number.


1. So that you don’t have to look for a chance to find out your Tele2 number, when buying a SIM card you will strictly save the contract and all the materials included in the subscriber’s kit. If necessary, you will always be able to find your mobile number, as well as a lot of other useful information.

2. Write down your phone number in your phonebook, so that until you remember it, when paying for communication services and using the phone, you don’t have to worry about searching.

3. If, nevertheless, the trouble of losing your number took you by surprise, then know that your operator has taken care of such forgetful subscribers. To find out your Tele2 number, you can dial a command on your phone that will solve the search problem. Press the *201# and call keys, after which information about your phone number will appear on the phone screen.

4. You can also find out your mobile number by calling a friend if you do not have a caller ID service activated. Otherwise, send a friend an SMS or a request to call back. On Tele2 you can do this by dialing the combination *118*phone number# and pressing the call button.

5. Not all listed methods find out your Tele2 number is available to owners tablet computers. To find out the number on the tablet, move the SIM card to any mobile device or look for your phone settings in the carrier information section.

If you call from a mobile number to a local landline number, then it is not necessary to know its federal format. All modern cellular operators route such loudspeakers positively, and you will get to the desired subscriber, even if you dial his number without the area code and eight.

Helpful advice
If you have a landline phone on which the number eight is blocked, that is, access to a long-distance line is prohibited, and you want to call someone on their cell phone, then occasionally this is acceptable. Some cellular operators provide alternative dialing codes that allow you to call a federal mobile number from your home phone for free. True, on real time Many mobile operators have stopped providing this service. This is due to the fact that cell phone calls became free, and phone companies began to lose money due to a similar service. You can clarify this issue with your operator’s support service.

Since many mobile operators, and in particular Megafon, provide clients with 10-digit numbers, it can sometimes be difficult to remember them. And it takes some time after purchasing a new SIM card before you learn your federal phone number. But you need to inform all your friends and acquaintances of your number so that they enter it in notebook their cell phones. And in order for caller ID to work when calling, you need a number in federal format, so a short number is not enough.

Of course, the easiest way to find out your phone number is to simply look at the contract and documents for the SIM card that you received when purchasing it. However, you won’t always have documents at hand, so if you don’t rely on your memory, it’s better to immediately enter the federal number into the phone’s memory. The second elementary way to find out full number- this is to call mobile phone person nearby. His ID will work, your number will be displayed, and he will automatically record it in the phone book.

However, such methods will not work if you have the anti-caller ID function enabled, there is no money in your account, or no one is nearby. And you need the number yourself, for example, to top up your phone balance, because the terminals also only accept numbers in federal format. In this case, the operator provides assistance to the subscriber. You can call short number operator Megafon 0500 - the call is free - and using your passport data, get all the information you need.

There are also commands in USSD format; by making a request using them, you will receive an SMS with information about your phone number. The numbers are different for different regions: North-West sends a request to *127#, Siberia - *70#, Central, Moscow, Ural and Far East - *205#. After dialing the numbers, press the call key and your federal number will appear on the phone screen. remember, that this service free if you are sending a request from your home region, but if you are roaming you may pay a small fee for it.

If you are connected Mobile Internet, you can find out the federal number from your phone or tablet. Just go to the official website of the mobile operator, and in the upper right corner you will see not only the full phone number, but also current balance. If you are in home region, the traffic consumed during your stay on the Megafon website will be free. There is also a way to find out the full phone number through the settings of the telephone itself. But the choice of cell phone models is so large, and internal settings so different from each other that to create one general instructions, which would work with any cell phone is almost impossible. However, you can try going to the menu item called “Service” or “Settings”, where you can look for the “Your number” tab. If there is not one, and you have the instructions for the device at hand, necessary information you can find in it.

As you can see, finding out your full cell phone number is not difficult. And even if you couldn’t do this on your own, the employees of any Megafon office will always help you.

From its inception to the present day, telephony remains one of the most effective and simple methods communications. Just 15 years ago, a mobile phone was a luxury, and many this means connections were only dreamed of. Now every resident of a large city has a cell phone, it is actively being introduced into various sectors of business, and business and personal communication has become an integral part of life. modern people. Today the quality of communication services is at a sufficient level high level, and does not raise any questions - now more attention is paid to the functionality and practicality of the phone number.

What are the numbers?

Globally speaking, each combination of numbers assigned by operators to subscribers is a federal telephone number. However, despite the fact that at first glance the difference between the federal and city numbers is quite insignificant, a division is still made. The federal number always starts with +7, followed by the cellular operator code (9XX), and then followed by a seven-digit combination.

City numbers have long ceased to be the exclusive prerogative of stationary devices. You can rent a city mobile phone using the operator's service mobile communications or an offer from an Internet telephony provider.

When answering the question of what a direct number means, it is enough to say that this is the same landline phone. In most cases, it consists of only seven digits, since there is no “prefix” in the form of two codes. Since the number is significantly shorter than the federal one, it is easier to remember, and such a phone is especially convenient to use within one settlement or region. A city number in federal format begins with the number 8, followed by the city code. In conditions of intra-municipal use, this number has the form of a direct number, and has a seven-, six- or five-digit format - this depends on the number of subscribers for a particular municipal telephone network.

Advantages of a landline number

To date regional codes major operators are as well-known and recognizable as landline phone prefixes. Thus, the codes of Moscow and St. Petersburg will definitely be correctly identified.

However, in some cases, landline numbers can be extremely profitable and useful for business promotion. An additional convenience is that within the framework of IP telephony, a landline number may not have any physical connection to the region of residence or current location. Large market players or companies with big plans definitely need to know what a landline number is and what benefits its connection can provide.

Seeing a direct federal number, that is, a phone in city format, the caller will be sure that the number belongs to the local telephone communication, and the company’s office is located exactly in the city chosen by the client. If the company's interests are not limited to one region, it is really advisable to use a city mobile number.

It is possible to this issue approach from the other side. As practice shows, by choosing a number with the code of one of the largest cities in the country, you can significantly increase the prestige of the company - metropolitan numbers inspire respect and inspire more trust. In addition, the number of calls received on “usual” phones is almost 30% more.

How to find out a full phone number from a short one?

Converting a city number to a federal number is a fairly simple task. This can be done by knowing the country code (+7), locality code and local subscriber ID. The total is usually 10 characters.

If we talk about non-geographical, mobile options, then here the procedure is performed with certain difficulties. To find out the full phone number from a short one, you need to use special tables that are constantly updated and supplemented. Contrary to logic, many mobile operators do not make this information public on their official resources- in this case, you should contact the information support service.

For personal communication City and federal numbers are good for a single person, but within the framework of business communication, the features of the communication link can play an important role in the overall success of the company. It is important to take this into account when choosing a room.

The article describes what a city and federal number of mobile operators is: Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2.

The use of mobile phones has long become commonplace for most people in all countries. Today, customers of mobile operators can no longer just get the opportunity to just make a call, but are also able to choose countless different additional services. For example, the opportunity to choose one or another personal number.

Such numbers can be “beautiful”, short, belong to various operators. In addition, such popular Russian companies, How " MTS», « Megaphone», « Beeline" And " Tele 2"offer to their clients federal And landline numbers. Let's talk about this in more detail.

What is a federal and city number on MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2?

We all know what regular mobile phone numbers look like. Most people visualize the numbers " MTS», « Megafon», « Beeline" And " Tele 2"at least in my region. These numbers are provided by default to every subscriber who buys a SIM card, and are essentially federal.

That is, a federal number is a number that, when dialed, you can reach the subscriber, no matter where he is in the territory Russian Federation. You can also call this number from abroad. It looks like this: +7 (8) XXX XXX XXX XX. First digit ( +7 or 8 ) is the code of the Russian Federation. Next comes the three-digit code of the mobile operator ( 988 , 905 etc.), and the number ends with seven specific digits that are assigned to each individual subscriber.

When calling from a home phone to a federal number, dial eight, and when calling from a mobile phone - 8 or +7 . Calls to federal numbers, as a rule, are paid if the calling subscriber has not subscribed to a special service (which, in turn, will charge a subscription fee).

A city number usually contains seven, six or five digits (depending on the number of subscribers in a given city) and is intended for calls within your city. That is, you can call directly to a city mobile number only when the receiving incoming call the subscriber is in the same city as you. You can call from both mobile and home phones.

If you are in other regions, then you can call a city mobile number by first dialing the city and country code of the called party.

Having a city mobile number is almost equivalent to the number assigned home phone, the only difference is that your mobile phone is always with you. The payment is the same (monthly, per minute, etc.), and calls to it within your city are free. Also, a city number is easier to remember.

What does the federal and city number of MTS, MegaFon, Tele2, Beeline mean?

The difference between a federal number and a city number may also be in price. It all depends on the mobile operator and its offers. As a rule, subscribers choose federal numbers without subscription fee, and urban ones - with it. Although, everything can be the other way around.

Video: You can connect a landline number to MegaFon for free

Video: Beeline Business: Landline numbers and 8-800 number