How to remove viruses and Trojans. How to remove viruses and Trojans from your computer manually. Trojan protection

Except useful information, With global network You can also introduce dangerous malware that harms the phone’s operating system. And if any anti-virus will help protect the system from an ordinary virus, a worm, then things are not so simple with a Trojan. We suggest looking at how to remove a Trojan from Android if it is not removed using the usual methods.

The antivirus utility, previously available only to PC users, is now available for Android devices. With its help, you can check the system for the presence of malicious files, including Trojans. Another feature of Anti-Malware for Android is the ability to track and remove spyware that monitors your location and reads personal information. By the way, the developers of this utility are known from another application - Clean master, which helps clear your phone's memory of junk.

Algorithm of actions

To remove the Trojan from your phone when Anti-Malware Help, you just need to do the following:

  • Download and install the program from the official website.
  • Launch it and enter the scanning menu, while agreeing to the terms of the license agreement.
  • Click on the “scan” button and wait until the scan is completed.
  • If Trojans and other malicious files are detected, the utility will offer to remove them from your tablet or phone; to do this, you will need to click the appropriate button.

Many Android device users prefer Anti-Malware to remove Trojans. Also, this utility will prevent the transition in time questionable internet link and will serve as a safety precaution against malware.
For more information about the utility, see the training video review.

Using Trojan Killer

If you have tried a lot of methods, but still cannot remove the Trojan from your phone, then use the Trojan Killer application. It will not only remove regular Trojans, but will also detect professionally hidden malicious software. It, in turn, can be located both in system files, and in already installed by users applications.

Algorithm of actions

You can clean your smartphone from malicious Trojans in the following way:

  • Download and install Trojan utility Killer from the Google Playmarket brand store.
  • Launch the program by clicking on the icon in the application menu.
  • Perform a scan internal memory phone.
  • If Trojans are detected, click on the “remove” button located at the bottom of the screen.

The main advantages of the utility are its small size and compatibility with the latest versions operating system Android.

Removing Trojan manually from your phone or computer

In many situations antivirus utilities discover a Trojan on the phone, but find themselves helpless to remove it. In this case, you will need to remove the virus manually, from your mobile phone or through your computer.

Using a file manager

To remove an .apk file containing a Trojan from your phone that the antivirus program pointed to, you will need to install a file manager. Already through its menu you can open the desired directory and delete in a standard way. True, in some situations, this may require rooting your mobile phone.
In the event that an Android application is infected, you will need to remove it in normal mode, through the settings menu. If it is a system one, then stop it in the device manager or also use administrator rights.

Via computer

Removal algorithm malicious file V in this case the same as using file manager on the phone. All you need to do is connect your mobile phone via USB cable to the computer, open it as a flash drive and search for and remove the Trojan. You can also try scanning for viruses with an antivirus installed on your PC.

Extreme measures

In the event that you have tried all the above methods and none of them helped, then use extreme measures. They consist of either resetting the device to factory settings, or flashing the mobile phone's operating system. Both methods are almost 100% guaranteed to help remove Trojan horse from your phone. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


To install custom firmware you will definitely need root rights administrator and custom recovery. Before flashing your mobile phone, back up and create backup copy data needed on the phone. After the operation is completed, the Trojan will disappear along with the old operating system.

Factory reset

A standard method that helps in many cases system failures, as well as infection of the phone with viruses - this is hard reset. In this case, all settings of the mobile phone operating system, including Latest updates, return to factory settings.

Also, all custom applications, photos, music and other files, along with a malicious Trojan.

The article will tell you how to remove viruses and Trojans from your computer.


Detecting viruses or Trojans on your computer is not so easy. Today, hackers are thinking of more and more new options for how to sneak into your computer and do their dirty deed.

There are also many difficulties when scanning an infected PC, because a large number of identified problems are related to malfunctions software or in the equipment itself. But nevertheless, we can list several ways to more or less accurately determine that a computer is infected with viruses:

  • A notification pops up: “ Internet Explorer can't display the page", for example, when you want to visit a website.
  • The browser is slow for a long time does not respond to commands, freezes
  • Constantly changing Homepage in the browser without your participation
  • Access to official websites for downloading anti-virus programs and other safe content is blocked.
  • The browser goes to a different site than the user intended to go to.
  • Foreign messages that are not related to the browser itself constantly pop up in the browser
  • A toolbar that does not belong to this browser is detected at the top of the browser
  • The computer starts to work more slowly than before
  • The computer slows down a lot or freezes for a long time
  • Unknown icons suddenly appear on the desktop
  • The computer turns off or restarts on its own without user intervention
  • Notifications pop up about the absence or damage of certain system files
  • The user cannot access the command line, task manager, control panel, or registry editor.

In today's review, we will discuss in detail how to remove viruses and Trojans on your computer using various antivirus programs. If you have the problems described above, then immediately follow our guide to protect your computer from unwanted consequences.

How to find and remove Trojans, viruses, worms, rootkits and other harmful objects on your computer?

Before you start working with any antivirus program, we want to draw your attention to one important fact. The fact is that many viruses are capable of blocking the launch of an antivirus and scanner when you log into the operating system in the usual way.

Therefore, if this happens in your case, then enter the OS in safe mode, use boot network drivers and then proceed with the scanning process.

Below we provide a number of antivirus programs and instructions for scanning and neutralizing your computer.

There are viruses that are able to protect themselves well, for which they use so-called rootkits. These rootkits, in turn, can download before you even log into your desktop. Therefore, removing rootkits is a top priority. For this we will use a scanner " Kaspersky TDSSKiller»:

  • Go to via this link and download " Kaspersky TDSSKiller»
  • Launch the scanner by double-clicking on the downloaded file. A program window will open, where you need to go to the “ Change settings».

Scan and neutralize your computer using Kaspersky TDSSKiller

  • Next, check the box next to “ Detect file system TDLFS", Press " OK».

Scan and neutralize your computer using Kaspersky TDSSKiller

  • After this, the original window will open. Press " Start checking»

Scan and neutralize your computer using Kaspersky TDSSKiller

  • Wait while the antivirus scans your computer for infection

Scan and neutralize your computer using Kaspersky TDSSKiller

  • Once the scan is completed, a new window will open with a message about the presence or absence of malware on your computer. The screenshot below shows what the window will look like if viruses were found. To remove them, click on " Continue».

Scan and neutralize your computer using Kaspersky TDSSKiller

With help " RKill"You can stop malware from running on your computer. This will help you in the future, using another antivirus, scan your computer and remove viruses that can no longer resist such a process. Herself specified program It is not intended for removing viruses. Therefore, please note that after “ RKill” will complete its work, do not restart the computer, as the “muffled” viruses will begin to operate again.

Do the following:

  • Download " RKill" by this link and run the utility
  • Wait while the program scans your computer, checking for valid malicious processes. If it detects any, it will automatically terminate their work without your participation.

Stopping malware with RKill

  • As a result, you will see the window shown in the screenshot. There will be a report here. We remind you that you cannot restart your computer after this. Now you should proceed to the next step, which we will describe below.

Stopping malware with RKill

« Malwarebytes"is a fairly good antivirus that can find and neutralize a large number of viruses, rootkits, Trojans, worms and many similar malicious programs. To work with it, do the following:

  • Download the program from this link and install it (just follow the installation instructions).
  • When the program is installed, the window shown in the screenshot will open. Check the boxes exactly as suggested. Then click on " Complete».

Removing Trojans using "Malwarebytes"

  • Next, the antivirus will download the updates, wait a bit. After that, click on “ Scan Now»

Removing Trojans using "Malwarebytes"

  • Now wait for the antivirus to scan your computer. Do not stop this process under any circumstances, even if it takes a long time.

Removing Trojans using "Malwarebytes"

  • When the verification is completed, you will see the following window. If viruses are detected, you will see them in the list. Now click on " Apply Actions» and delete those found malware.

Removing Trojans using "Malwarebytes"

  • Please note that at the end the antivirus will prompt you to restart your computer. Press " No", because we have not yet finished what we started in this review case. Let's move on to the next stage.

Removing Trojans using "Malwarebytes"

Let's start removing the rootkits mentioned above. For this we will use special scanner « HitmanPro" By the way, this antivirus It can also remove viruses and Trojans. It is possible that the options proposed above have not yet removed all programs harmful to your computer.

So, follow the instructions:

  • Download the scanner here link and run the program
  • Next, windows will open, you just need to click on “ Further", without changing anything in the settings. Do this until the scanning process begins.

"HitmanPro" - removal of rootkits

  • Once scanning begins, do not end the process, no matter how long it takes. You can relax and drink a cup of tea for now.

"HitmanPro" - removal of rootkits

  • If viruses are detected, at the end of the scan you will see a list of all detected threats. Press " Further", after which the program will think again for a while. We wait.

"HitmanPro" - removal of rootkits

  • As a result, you will see a window asking you to activate the program. Select free version(valid for 1 month), click on " Further", and all detected viruses will be removed from your computer.

"HitmanPro" - removal of rootkits

Cleaning the Registry with RogueKiller

Removing viruses, Trojans and rootkits is not a panacea. You cannot assume that you have gotten rid of all problems if you simply remove malware from your computer. Do not forget that viruses are capable of making entries in the registry that will not bring us any benefit. Therefore, we will use the program “ RogueKiller»:

  • Download " RogueKiller" by this link and run it
  • Next, wait for the program to “think” and click on “ Scan»

Cleaning the Registry with RogueKiller

  • Finally, click on “ Delete" and finish cleaning the registry

Removing advertising programs using "AdwCleaner"

To achieve maximum results, you need to check your computer for all types of virus attacks. One of these attacks is advertising that is completely unnecessary for us, which in cunning ways penetrated the computer. To get rid of it, you can use the program " AdwCleaner»:

  • Follow this link, download " AdwCleaner", be sure to close all browsers and launch the program.
  • Next, in the window that opens, click on "Scan" Wait for the scanning process to complete.

  • If advertising programs will be detected, you will see them in the list after the scan is completed. Next, click on “ Clear» and remove everything unnecessary from your computer.

If you follow all our above instructions, then your computer will be cleaned of most modern virus programs.

Video: How to remove viruses and Trojans from your computer?

I have been removing viruses and Trojans from huge amount computers, including yours. There are times when one anti-virus program is not able to remove all infected objects on the computer, and they come to my aid various utilities to scan for viruses, and of course built-in programs in Windows itself.

How does a virus or Trojan manifest itself in a production environment?

  • Your computer periodically freezes or restarts
  • Your PC or laptop is terribly slow
  • Disconnected USB ports
  • switching to stops working English layout keyboards
  • Internet pages open slowly
  • money disappears from webmoney or other Internet wallets
  • an iframe with a virus is added to your sites in index .php or index .html
  • Incomprehensible adult-themed banners have appeared that are impossible to get rid of
  • the virus infected the flash drive
  • after booting the system you see a blank desktop
  • or worse, the ransomware asks you to send an SMS to gain access.

I hope you have at least some kind of antivirus program, it may be Nod 32, Dr.web, or free program Avast.

If you don't have access to WINDOWS.

In this case you will need boot disk, with which we will get rid of malware. Read on to find out how to do this and how to fight.

If you don't have access to social networks.

If you have access to Windows.

Let's start cleaning.

First of all, you need to run your antivirus program and thoroughly check everything hard disks for the presence of a threat. It's better to do this in safe mode, but before that I would recommend running" Downloading the latest successful configuration “Perhaps you don’t have a virus at all, but there was a failure in the system.

To login safe mode WINDOWS, you must press the F 8 key before loading the operating system, and a menu will open on your monitor in which you must select “Safe Mode”.If everything is pressed correctly, the following picture will be shown on the screen. Here you can also try running “Last Known Good Configuration”.

After selecting the desired "Safe Mode" item, WINDOWS will load, but most drivers and programs will not start, which will help to thoroughly check all files for viruses. The point is that in normal mode Antivirus program unable to check some files that are on this moment are used by Windows.

Which utility can I use to check my system for viruses?

If checking with installed antiviruses does not bring the desired results, download the free utility and check the system again, preferably in safe mode. If you are cleaning the system, you will definitely find something.

Cleaning Startup.

To further clean the system, go to Start->Run and in the window that appears, enter the word “ msconfig" The System Setup program will launch on your screen. Go to the “Startup” tab and pay attention to the suspicious objects marked with a checkmark. Pay attention to the picture, in this case I highlighted the viruses that were loaded during boot.

Suspicious lines and their examples:

  • %windir%system328353.exe
  • Blank lines, but with a checkmark
  • %windir%system32smhost.exe
  • C:WINDOWSsecuritysmss.exe
  • * means all files in the folder

In approximately this way, you can find out the loading of a suspected object. If you are sure that you have not installed a program that is in the list of objects, then immediately uncheck the box.

Cleaning other objects

And that's not all, for a more thorough disk cleanup you need to delete all recovery files system, to the folder with which they often get caught different viruses and Trojans, remove temporary files Internet, as well as clean temp folder. In principle, to clean your computer of all debris, you can use special program For example " ".

Deleting hard drive recovery files.

Click on the icon on the desktop My Computer->Properties, and go to the system recovery tab. In the window that appears, select “Options” and move the slider to 0. After cleaning the entire system, the slider can be put back in place.

Scan your system for spyware and other malware.

Let’s also not forget that HDD computer, a so-called spyware module can penetrate. In principle, any antivirus now catches them, but it still doesn’t hurt to use a program, for example. Also try using small utilities AVZ And Hijackthis, which in any case will be useful for removing other spyware and malware.

If your Desktop does not load, you can try to launch any program through the Task Manager. You can open it by pressing keyboard shortcuts ctrl+alt+delete and open in the menu, File->New Task->Browse.


I think that all these recommendations will help you get rid of the dirt in your system, from which attackers are trying to make money, but if you have any problems, write, I will definitely help you. The archive contains 5 programs discussed in this article. Don’t get sick.

Video tutorial

How to remove a Trojan from a computer? This question worries many computer users, viruses ruin the lives of Internet users and the computer in general. Trojans are dangerous because they steal passwords and monitor your actions.

How do you think pages are hacked social networks, mail and other accounts? These Trojan viruses or programs track and send your passwords to their creators. In this article you will learn how to protect your computer from threats and Trojans will no longer be scary!

Let's consider options with installed antivirus and without him. It is still recommended to install an antivirus - this is the first step to protection!

Some tips:

Tip #1. There is a universal plugin for browsers called Adblock Plus, it blocks all advertisements and pop-ups on the Internet I wrote how to install it in this.

Tip #2. Download files only from trusted resources! Find sites that have everything you need and download everything from there. Read user comments; if a virus is found in a file, it is usually reported immediately.

Attention! If you need to send an SMS when downloading a file, then don’t even think about doing it! Don't look at the comments - it's a scam! Most likely the file you are looking for is very rare, or does not exist at all! This is one of the ways webmasters make black money.

Tip #3. Flash drives - best friend Trojans, before you take a flash drive from a friend, first find out if it has an antivirus, and only then connect it to your computer. Neither he nor you have an antivirus? Don't take risks! Although this is good way exchange viruses if you are collecting a collection.

If you don't have an antivirus, then this is very, very bad, sooner or later you will have to install it, and the sooner you do this, the better it will be! Where to find good antivirus?

Free antiviruses cope well with their task of destroying Trojan viruses. , or there is a working one on this site, just install it, works for half a year, without keys. More free antiviruses Can .

I already have an antivirus, how else can I check my computer?

If you have an antivirus installed, then The risk of infecting your computer with a virus is minimal. But it doesn’t hurt to check, does it? For such cases, antivirus developers have come up with healing utilities based on their products. Most optimal choice will download a competitor’s healing utility, for example, you have Kaspersky installed, so we download the healing utility from Dr.Web, etc.

List of official sites for downloading healing utilities:

    Dr.Web CureIt

    Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

  1. AVZ - free utility For search Trojans - download links on the right. (This is not a malicious file)

These utilities are quite enough for additional check computer, and make sure that there are no insidious Trojans on your computer.

How to remove viruses and Trojans from your computer manually First, you need to download Kaspersky antivirus or 360 Total to carry out deep check hard drive for the presence of malware. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in safe mode, but first use the procedure: loading the last successful configuration. Most likely, it was not a virus that disabled the computer, but a simple glitch in the system. But not everyone knows how to enter safe mode, it’s very simple: when the computer starts, press F8, a menu will appear where you can select this mode. This mode starts WINDOWS work without basic programs and drivers, which guarantees full check for viruses in a short time. The problem is that antiviruses do not scan many files that are involved in the work (programs). Often the scan does not detect a virus, so you need to download the Dr.web Cureit utility, which is located in free access. Perform a deep scan again, this time, most likely, viruses will be detected. Next you need to clean automatic download, go to Start and select the “Run” tab, then type the word “msconfig”. The system settings will appear, go to the “startup” section. Objects that may have been infected will be marked with a check mark. In most cases, the following elements are infected: C:WINDOWSINF*.exe / %windir%system328353.exe; C:WINDOWSsecuritysmss.exe / %windir%system32smhost.exe. This shows the loading of a malicious object. Check if you really installed these programs? If not, uncheck them. The most dangerous virus is called svchost.exe, because it has the ability to encrypt all kinds of services on your computer. There are about six such services in the task manager, so remove this file in startup mode, if it is displayed. Remember that svchost.exe should not appear in startup under any circumstances. Next you need to clean up the remaining objects. Most often, malware ends up in the folder where files for WINDOWS recovery. Of course, the entire folder will have to be deleted. Clear the folder called temp and all temporary files from the Internet. To do all the work as quickly as possible, use the Ccleaner program. How to remove a virus in Odnoklassniki / VKontakte Often programmers joke and say that you need to remove WINDOWS and install it again. Of course it will work, but there are other approaches. First, you need to download several antiviruses, because what NOD32 sees may not be seen by Kaspersky and vice versa. Conduct a deep virus scan one at a time; you can leave the computer overnight if you don’t have much time. Viruses from social networks can penetrate into hosts file, it contains different lines, but first of all - localhost. When a virus penetrates it, strange lines appear that were not there before. The VKontakte website is being blocked, so check the hosts, it is located at C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts. There you will see lines added by the virus; delete them to regain access to the site. How to remove a virus from a flash drive It is very easy to detect a virus on a flash drive; it shows itself when you open the flash drive and error information appears. This happens very often; in some cases, all information from the flash drive is hidden or deleted. Moreover, even the conductor does not help to open it; an error appears in an unknown language, reminiscent of hieroglyphs. You can get rid of the virus in the following way: go to Start – Run – type cmd.exe and click OK. Next write to command line the following commands: del /a-hrs Xautorun.inf; del /a-hrs Xautorun.txt; del /a-hrs Xautorun.bin; del /a-hrs Xautorun.wsh; del /a-hrs Xautorun.reg; del /a-hrs XAutorun.~ex; del /a-hrs Xautorun.inf_????? del /a-hrs Xautorun.srm; del /a-hrs XAUTORUN.FCB. The X is the name of your flash drive, so insert it instead of the letter. Since infected files may be located in the WINDOWS – system32 folder, you need to delete them from there. You can scan the media using antiviruses, but as mentioned above, you need to use several antiviruses to find all the malicious programs. Before inserting a USB flash drive into your computer, make sure that your antivirus is active, otherwise your computer will be infected.