Features of working on Skype. Earning money using Skype: methods, services, programs

How to make money on Skype? A question that many people have been asking lately. Two types of earnings: earnings from consultations and using the sendsey program

Hello, dear readers, friends of the blog site.

Skype is a program used by millions of people. What could be better than free calls all over the world? But not everyone knows that in addition to communication, you can still earn good money here. How to make money on Skype?- a question that many users of the program have been asking themselves lately. And for good reason! Indeed, the program gives us a good chance to earn a little extra money.

So, in what ways can you make money on skype?

  1. Conduct paid consultations.
  2. Download a special program that will earn you money by sending advertising messages to your contacts.

Let's first learn about paid consultations in detail.

Earn money on Skype using online consultations

As you understand, consultations can be carried out in different ways: on studies, SEO, and the like. Choose a niche in which you specialize best. If you plan to seriously engage in this kind of income, then I advise:

  • Work on your speech so that the consultations seem to be at a higher level.
  • Buy yourself a high-quality microphone (camera) to get rid of noise and unclear footage.
  • Set your prices for consultations at low prices at first.
  • Consult initially with prepayment. To accept payments, I recommend using wallets or .

I also want to talk about Skype Prime. For those who haven’t heard of this service, I’ll say that with its help you can create a service that will pay you for your knowledge.

Before writing this article, I studied this service in detail. The project is good, but not for us. What are the problems?

  1. To start using the service, you need to have a system wallet. It is not suitable for Russian citizens. It is impossible to withdraw money from there. The maximum you can afford is to pay for your purchase online.
  2. There is no Russian language. You can provide online consultations only in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Japanese.

I decided for myself that I would not use the service. Do you think differently? Download the latest version Skype with Prime and start using it right now. Having problems registering? Let me know in the comments, I’ll be happy to help.

Earning money on Skype using the program " Sendsey»

So the question is? How to make money with this program. The answer is quite simple. The program will send advertising mailings to all your contacts. The more contacts you have, the more you will earn. The cost of one message is: $0.0014

Sendsey - how to use?

See the steps to get passive income:

Step 1. Registration.

Step 2. Install the program on your computer.

Step 3. Connect the program to your Skype account.

After installing the program, run it. An authorization window will appear in front of you:

All. The program is installed. Congratulations!

This, of course, infuriates some people. In the program settings, you can exclude your closest people from the mailing list. But! I repeat: the program’s earnings depend on the number of contacts (1 message = $0.0014).

How to increase your earnings with the Sendsey program?

Friends, there is one cunning way (more precisely, a project) that makes it possible to increase the number of Skype contacts significantly. The name of the project is “TakeFriend.ru”. Even without registering, select “Skype” in the upper (left) corner and click “Add as friend” opposite the user. Then go to Skype and send your request.

View in pictures

I will add on my own behalf that I have not used the program. I don't like spam in my contacts. But! If you create a new account (only to earn money), then this method may well be suitable.

So let's get back to the Sendsey program...

Withdrawing money

As for payments, everything is simple here. The service works with two payment systems: and Payeer. Minimum withdrawal is only $1. You can earn this amount in a day, or even faster.

affiliate program

If you have your own website (blog) or any other advertising platforms, then, of course, you can use the affiliate program. Moreover, here it has 10 levels.

See table:

Level 1 0.00016$
Level 2 0.00016$
Level 3 0.00016$
Level 4 0.00016$
Level 5 0.00016$
Level 6 0.00012$
Level 7 0.00012$
Level 8 0.00012$
Level 9 0.00012$
Level 10 0.00012$

Calculations in tables are shown in one message. Of course, the more referrals you have, the higher your earnings will be.

Let's summarize

As you can see, making money on Skype is possible. You just need to prepare a little for it.

Finally, I want to say a few more words about consultations...

Be prepared for the fact that at first there will be a meager number of clients. Advertise yourself! No matter where! Even contextual advertising is suitable. And don’t spare money on PR. Very often, users write that they will spend money on advertising, but there will be no clients, and the like. Don't repeat the mistakes of others, and everything will work out for you.

If you have questions about consultations or the program does not work. We will be happy to help you! Just write to us through the "Contact" section or leave a message in the comments (at the bottom of this article).

That's all for me. Thank you for reading us. If you liked the article, . No spam! Don't miss new and interesting articles about making money online and SEO promotion.

Thank you for your attention!

Sincerely, . See you! Bye bye!

With the development of information technology and the widespread use of the Internet, new ways of remote work have become available. Using the popular Skype program, you can not only communicate with friends and relatives located thousands of kilometers away from you, but also earn good money.

How to start working on Skype and what do you need to start earning money?

If you are attracted by the opportunity to earn money without leaving home, then with the help of Skype you can realize your potential and start your own business at minimal cost.

In order to get started, you should evaluate what skills, competencies, knowledge and abilities of yours can be useful to people, what can you teach, what can you talk about in detail and in an exciting way?

After you have chosen the direction of your activity, you need to prepare a workplace and solve the technical issue of communication with your future consumers.

Advantages of working via Skype

The main advantage of making money via Skype is that you can devote as much time to work as you want, while you plan your day independently and do not depend on annoying colleagues, a strict boss, traffic jams and a boring office routine.

Your costs at the initial stage of work are minimal, and you can work anywhere where the Internet is available.

How much can you earn?

At the initial stage, you most likely will not earn too much, but as the number of clients grows, your earnings will only grow and depend on your productivity, activity and competencies. In addition, you do not risk anything - the costs of organizing work are minimal, and paying for the Internet is a mandatory expense item for every modern person.

If you devote 2 hours a day to work and work 5 days a week, then at the cost of one hour of work as a tutor is 500 rubles, then in a month your earnings will be 20,000. Agree, is this not bad for such a low workload?

How much money do you need to start and what are the costs?

In order to work via Skype, you need to equip your workplace. From technical means you will need:

  • Tablet, smartphone or laptop with a camera installed on it;
  • If you only have a desktop computer at your disposal, you will need to purchase headset set - headphones and microphone.

If you already own a smartphone or tablet, then your costs for equipping your workplace will be zero, and if you have to buy a headset, then the cheapest set costs 200 rubles.

If you are just starting your work on Skype, then in order to minimize your costs, do not try to immediately purchase expensive equipment - affordable models of equipment will cope with the tasks.

If you conduct culinary master classes or fitness consultations via Skype, then you can improve the users’ opinion of yourself as a professional with the help of professional equipment, special equipment or uniforms: in this matter there is no upper price limit, but, for example, a set of utensils for working in the kitchen can cost 50,000 rubles.

After all the necessary equipment is ready, you will need to install the Skype program on your tablet, phone or computer. If you have not used this convenient program before, then with the help of a clear interface and a hint system you can easily do this in a few minutes.

How much time does it take each day?

If you have already found your clients, then try to devote maximum time to work - this way you will hone your skills and be able to develop your own individual style of presenting material. Daily practice of communicating in front of a camera will make your speech more correct and relaxed, help you structure your material and present it more effectively.

In addition to direct consultations, you will have to devote time to finding clients and presenting yourself as a specialist - this part of the work is no less important, dedicate at least an hour a day to this activity.

How to make money using Skype - 5 popular ways to sell your knowledge?

If you are a professional in a certain field, and your knowledge and skills can be useful to consumers, then feel free to start searching for your future clients!

Among the most popular and popular ways to make money on Skype are consultations in the following areas:

  • tutoring,
  • legal advice,
  • psychologist consultations,
  • nutritionist consultations and fitness coaching,
  • culinary consultations,
  • master classes on applied studies.


One of the most popular ways to make money on Skype is tutoring. . Studying foreign languages, helping schoolchildren, preparing applicants for the Unified State Exam and final exams - all these services are in great demand, and the learning process is highly effective.

The opportunity to communicate with a tutor in person, but at the same time be in a familiar environment, creates comfortable conditions for both the student and the tutor. The frequency and time of Skype consultations are set by you personally or agreed with the client.

Lawyer consulting

Legal consultations via Skype are an opportunity for a client to quickly obtain information on an issue of interest to him. Consultations of this kind can be either one-time, to resolve specific issues or disputes, or conducted on a regular basis.

Lawyer services via Skype are relevant for entrepreneurs when supporting transactions and for individuals who do not have sufficient knowledge and are in dire need of it.

Psychologist consultations

Psychological consultations are actively practiced remotely by both established doctors and novice consultants. For residents of remote, sparsely populated areas, a consultation with a psychologist via Skype may be the only opportunity to receive the necessary medical care.

Sports and nutritional consultations

Especially popular among women and girls who care about their health and appearance.

Sports training can be done at home, but your consultation, as a specialist in this field, will help clients work out the correct exercise technique, get the necessary motivation and create the right diet.

Culinary consultations and master classes

Earning money by sending out advertising. Services and method, examples

In addition to the methods listed above, you can earn money on Skype by installing additional services for instant advertising and connecting Skype to them.

SendSey project. Where to download, how to work with it?

This project consists of registering in the system for free, installing a program of the same name on your computer, which then sends advertising messages to all users from your Skype contact list.

For each message you send, you receive a fixed amount, and in order to earn it, you just need to turn on your computer and connect to Skype! In addition, you can earn money in the SendSey project by inviting other Skype account holders to use this service.

The takefriend project and how to work with it?

TakeFriend - This is another opportunity to make money on Skype fully automatically. TakeFriend is a free service for making friends on social networks, namely friends are potential buyers of your service. A large number of friends will allow you to quickly find clients and earn money.

The service works in all social networks that are significant for online earnings; it unites people interested in a large number of friends or subscribers and allows them to exchange contacts with them.

Despite the fact that many instant messengers have appeared in recent years, Skype still occupies one of the leading positions in its segment and is highly popular. Users exchange messages, photos, files, and make free video calls around the world. They negotiate with clients via Skype, agree on cooperation, and then use the service as a channel of interaction.
But Skype can be not only a way of communication and communications, but also an effective business tool.

Advantages of earning money via Skype:

  • Flexible schedule;
  • It is possible to quickly form an extensive client base (you are not limited to the city or even the country);
  • Low associated costs (no expenses for travel, corporate events, etc.);
  • There is no connection to the place of work.

Making money online using Skype is a real opportunity. How to do this, what programs and services to use to increase income, read the material from the LookFreedom company.

Common ways to make money on Skype. Online consulting


The client is not limited in choosing a consultant by his city. There is no need to spend time queuing in the corridors of notary and law offices. Any documents can be exchanged in advance by email, and then a consultation can be held at a convenient time. Legal services are one of the leading areas of earning money through Skype.


Sometimes a person needs psychological support as urgently as medical support. Prompt online assistance is becoming increasingly in demand. In addition, psychologists can conduct standard sessions by prior arrangement. Work is more productive because clients are in a comfortable home environment.

Coaching (business trainers, mentors)

Taking your business to a new level, hearing outside opinions, strengthening motivation – these are the reasons why users turn to specialist coaches. This type of service most often includes developing a strategy for the client and personal consultations.

This also includes training from scratch. It has long been known that coaching is the best way to start earning money without having absolutely no experience in any field. An individual approach, providing a large amount of information, achieving results, checking the completion of assigned tasks, regular communication are just a few of the constant principles of such training.

Healthy lifestyle (fitness, yoga, nutrition instructors)

In this case, people are most often not interested in diplomas and certificates, but in personal experience and results. For example, in weight loss or body shaping.

Doctor consultation via the Internet

This service is widely used by both medical centers and doctors in private practice. It is highly sought after by patients for a number of reasons:

  • the opportunity to consult with a specialist, regardless of his location;
  • there is no need to leave the house if you feel unwell and aggravate the condition;
  • the fear of “white coats” is relieved by the fact that the person is in a familiar environment;
  • All family members can ask the doctor questions.

Online consultation can be a continuation of the patient’s face-to-face consultation. The doctor conducted an initial appointment, prescribed the necessary tests, and determined a treatment strategy. Then, using Skype, he monitors the person’s condition and, based on the results obtained, prescribes new medication regimens. In addition, while on vacation or on a business trip, if health problems arise, people prefer to turn to “their” doctor for help.

Often patients want to get opinions from several specialists about their diagnosis or treatment. In this case, the doctor conducts a detailed survey via Skype, studies the tests performed and expresses his opinion.

Training (tutoring)

The rhythm of modern life contributes to the fact that more and more people prefer to study and master certain skills quickly and without leaving home. Courses, trainings, and seminars are common training formats that can be conducted using an online communication channel such as Skype.

Individual lessons with a teacher in foreign languages ​​and school subjects (physics, mathematics, history) are highly valued. Virtual lessons are no different from real ones in terms of effectiveness.

You can offer your services as a teacher through special services (online-techer, repetit, etc.) and social networks.
On average, the price for a consultation or teacher lesson ranges from $5 to $20 per hour.

We tell the readers of our blog that you need to be vigilant and protect yourself as much as possible from scammers on the Internet. Therefore, if you decide to engage in consulting or tutoring, work on an advance payment basis.

Adviсe. Before you start:

  • Check the sound and picture quality. You may need to purchase a microphone and webcam;
  • Work on your diction;
  • Consider a payment system. Register wallets in different payment systems.

Earning money from mailing lists

An accessible way for everyone to earn income using Skype is by sending advertising messages. The main principle here is: the more contacts, the higher the income. For work, the services most often used are “Sendsey” and “Skinver”.


How to get started:

  1. Register on the site.
  2. Sign in and log in.
  3. Download a special program (the installation file is on the main page).
  4. Specify your Skype and allow the program access to it.

The program will send advertisements to your contacts once an hour. The service pays 8 kopecks for each message. Accordingly, if you have 800 contacts, then you can earn 64 rubles per hour, 640 rubles per 10 hours, and about 20 thousand rubles per month with daily use. Withdrawal of money - to the wallets of the Perfect Money or Payeer payment systems. The minimum amount is 10 rubles. The level of earnings largely depends on the number of advertisers who use the service for promotion.

You can also earn money here using the affiliate program. From each message to your referral's contacts you will receive 1 kopeck.

“Sendsey.com” is invited to use its service to send its advertising information. It is allowed to pay for services using earned funds.


Skinver.ru works on a similar principle. One message costs 0.05 cents. Money here can be withdrawn through a dollar wallet to Webmoney (WMZ). The minimum amount is $10. The affiliate program provides 10% of referral income.

Advice: For mailings, it is better to use a separate Skype profile. For free promotion and exchange of contacts on Skype, there are services such as Takefriend, Likefriend. Remember that it is better to add no more than 30 people per day, otherwise blocking is possible. If you decide to work under an affiliate program, but you do not have a website or blog, then use the placement of a referral link on the network.

Programs for automatic earnings on Skype

The LookFreedom company systematically tests a variety of programs that optimize the process of making money on the Internet. We always share the most effective results with visitors to our blog. To use Skype we recommend:

A reliable tool for businesses of any size. Maximizes the automation of the mailing process, creates a list of target audiences, and allows you to send out several information blocks at once.

A program that will help you promote. Find partners and buyers, distribute the necessary information that will attract attention - these functions will be taken over by automatic software. In addition, you are guaranteed to SAVE A HUGE AMOUNT OF TIME when communicating with interested users. You will be able to simultaneously be in several accounts and actively communicate from one window.

Let's summarize briefly and clearly

Thanks to Skype, you can develop, promote and scale many types of businesses. This free software product begins to generate profits online when used correctly.

To make money on the Internet, users are offered many resources and services.. However, not all of them work. In order not to waste your time on dummies, choose a reliable information partner. LookFreedom has already helped thousands of online users. Join regular readers of our blog, apply useful information to increase your income.

Watch This Video:

We are all accustomed to using Skype to communicate with family and friends from other cities, but the possibilities of using the program are much wider. Why is Skype increasingly used in teaching children and adults? Firstly, it allows both the teacher and the student to save time: each of them is in a convenient place and does not waste time on the road. Secondly, teaching via Skype facilitates the process of studying any subject: you can always ask a question to the tutor and receive additional materials, not just during class. Thirdly, Skype provides the opportunity for communication and work between two people who, without access to the Internet, might never meet: for example, a student has health problems that do not allow him to leave home, or, for example, a lesson is taught by a teacher such qualifications that it is impossible to find a teacher of the same level in your city.

What you need to have at the very beginning for successful teaching on Skype

Daria Rudnik, administrator of the site Distance-teacher.ru, told us about some of the features of online learning. A novice tutor must understand that to successfully organize lessons via Skype, you must have high-speed Internet access, a webcam, headphones and a microphone, since ideally this should not be a regular call, but a video call. This type of call is preferable because it allows the information to be presented more clearly and easily, and also facilitates communication between the student and the teacher.

In addition to video communication, you can use chat, that is, a form of text communication, correspondence. For example, in the chat you can write conditions for tasks to be solved, examples. You can attach images: drawings, photographs and formulas. You can also show the teacher’s (student’s) screen with open files, most often presentations.

Additional recommendations for beginning tutors who want to work effectively

At the first lesson, it is important to check the student’s knowledge, the goals of his training, and agree on the schedule and cost of training. In accordance with this, the teacher builds a lesson program.

Training will be more effective if the tutor, when planning his lessons, takes into account the following facts:

  • It is necessary to know the student’s goals and properly motivate him to improve his knowledge.
  • Classes should be systematic: you should not jump from one textbook to another, from one topic to another.
  • The format of the knowledge test should change all the time in order to get a comprehensive assessment of the student’s knowledge: this could be online testing, problem solving, oral questioning, proof of theorems, etc.
  • It is advisable that classes take place 2-4 times a week: this will allow the student to have time to absorb information and at the same time not forget the material covered.
  • It is important to assign homework and check that it is completed correctly: this is necessary to understand whether the student understands the topic discussed.
  • Finally, tutoring implies not only the need to provide knowledge, but also to captivate a person with the discipline being taught: this will allow him to achieve good results with less effort.

It is advisable for beginning tutors to enter into an agreement with students. If this is not possible, it is advisable to teach to trusted people who were recommended by friends and acquaintances. This will help avoid fraud situations (in particular, those related to the distribution of copyrighted materials on the Internet).

Thus, teaching a particular subject via Skype can be much easier and more convenient than the traditional format of conducting classes. For beginning teachers, working via Skype is a good chance to gain work experience and learn how to flexibly change the teaching system to suit the goals and characteristics of each student.

The importance of Skype in our daily lives today can hardly be overestimated. It is used from desktop computers, tablets and even mobile phones. Most often this application is used for communication and communications, but with its help you can successfully earn money remotely. This type of work via Skype is especially in demand among operators and tutors.

    • What does Skype offer in the field of remote education?
    • Advantages and pitfalls for a tutor via Skype
    • How often is Skype used for remote classes and where to start?

What does Skype offer in the field of remote education?

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money freelancing

Remote work is in demand among foreign language teachers. However, you can teach any discipline as long as there is normal interaction between the student and the lecturer.

There are entire platforms for freelancers who want to make money on Skype this way. Indeed, if you have a computer or laptop and a webcam, then the learning process is no different from a regular live lesson.

On such platforms, teachers, for example, of the English language register, and students can respond and choose the most suitable lecturer. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the length of service, the support of the teacher’s knowledge with relevant documents, the validity period of the account and the tariff schedule.

In this way, remote work can be carried out on the basis of a compiled individual program. The frequency of classes and their duration are agreed upon by the parties.

The following training programs and areas are in high demand:

  • preparation for testing via Skype (for work, exams, traveling abroad);
  • lessons for children (beginners);
  • Speaking;
  • English for everyday use, etc.

Advantages and pitfalls for a tutor via Skype

But it should be borne in mind that remote work will require a freelance tutor to clearly organize his work and plan his time. Most remote teachers face the problem of self-organization.

In this case, taking a time management course can help in order to effectively plan your own time for work and rest.

However, working on Skype itself allows you to conveniently organize your working day, in contrast to the regulations adopted in the office.

Today, a remote teaching system that uses Skype can provide the following advantages:

  1. You can quickly contact students, no matter where they are in the world. You can discuss details of classes and their dates online, check homework;
  2. Conduct online lessons at your own workplace. Existing technologies allow you to broadcast video and listen to your interlocutor;
  3. Work can be carried out not only in the mode of individual training programs and lessons. You can organize a video conference via Skype for several clients at once. This can serve as an additional tool for finding new students, because a group lesson will cost each listener less than one-on-one, which means it will become more accessible;
  4. This application provides the ability to send messages, which the tutor should also use, for example, to clarify the numbers of pages and exercises assigned home, as well as to check written literacy;
  5. Using Skype, you can work with open program windows, demonstrate illustrations and send documents, so, outwardly, this is no worse than a classic lesson;
  6. Calls and exchange of information in this program are absolutely free for its users, and in those cases when you need to use paid services, transferring money to your account in the application is absolutely simple.

How often is Skype used for remote classes and where to start?

As you can see, remote work using Skype gives a tutor a lot of invaluable benefits. Neither he nor the student needs to get to each other, spending time and financial resources on the road.

All learning issues can be resolved through communication; you just need to install the program and get a webcam, as well as headphones with a microphone (if your computer or gadget does not have a built-in microphone).

Many online language learning schools successfully use the priority of working via Skype. In this case, there is no need to rent a room with classrooms, and many administrative functions are eliminated. Tutors work with students remotely and in the same way feedback is provided between them, students and the management of the teaching school.

Watch the video - Tutor on Skype - remote work. How to work as an online tutor?

Working via Skype allows you to make educational lessons for children more interesting, since they are conducted in a playful way and take into account the age of the little listener. Children spend a lot of time on computers and on the Internet, so this form of learning is accepted by them with a bang. Educational sites are more suitable for an adult audience, since a large amount of time is devoted to independent work.

For those who are just planning to work remotely in the project, we recommend providing new students with a trial lesson free of charge (for example, for 20-30 minutes). This way, potential students will be able to get to know the tutor, take a closer look at him and understand whether distance learning is suitable for them.

But in the future, you can not only create an individual training program for each student, but also adjust it directly during the lesson, changing the pace and load if necessary. In those countries that are commonly called developed, this form of education is not only widely used, but has long become an analogue of traditional educational methods.

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to emphasize once again that thanks to existing innovations Studying any discipline, including language, is becoming more and more convenient and truly comfortable in our time. Using tutoring via Skype, the teacher and students can manage their own time more rationally, as well as find a suitable teacher from anywhere in the world.