How to delete your Skype account permanently. How to delete a Skype page - How to delete a Skype account

The user does not have any personal page, there is only an account or an account. But out of habit, many people on social networks call it a page. Therefore, in the future, for convenience, you can use both options.

When it may be required

  • the user created several accounts and then decided that he did not need it;
  • the account was hacked;
  • the account has been compromised;
  • the user, for some reason, wanted to hide from his online acquaintances;
  • There are also cases when a person decides to “leave the virtual into real” life and delete all accounts, both on Skype and on social networks.

Methods for deleting an account

To answer the question clearly, how to delete a page on Skype, it is forbidden. It is impossible to do this with a couple of mouse clicks, as in many social networks. However, there are several ways.

  1. The most reliable method. Write to Skype support and explain the reasons why you want to delete your account. However, there is no need to describe it in detail; it will be enough to express your desire. This is the only way to securely and permanently delete a page. In this case, it would be a good idea to cancel all subscriptions. Typically, a deletion request is reviewed within a month.
  2. Change name and personal information. To do this, you need to select “Skype” - “Personal data” - “Edit my data” in the main menu of the program. Or click on your login in the upper left corner next to your avatar, and then select “Manage” in the field on the right. In both cases, a page will open in the browser where you can edit your profile.

In this way, you can “hide” from search using Skype, but users who have a history of correspondence and calls can still guess about it.

If you used a Microsoft account to sign into Skype rather than a separate Skype account, you will need to either delete that account or make changes to your account through it. In the first case, you will need to send a request to Microsoft to delete your account. The waiting period can be up to 60 days.

If you do not log into Skype for a long time (several weeks), the user account will not appear in the contact list. Of course, this is a “halfway” method, since it will still be possible to find a person through a search.

In this article, we will tell you how to delete a Skype account, as well as how to completely get rid of its traces on your computer. If for one reason or another you have created several Skype accounts, but only use one, there is a chance that people looking for you in this program may get confused and add the wrong contact. This is why, and for a number of other reasons, it is better to delete non-working accounts.

How to delete a Skype account through technical support

So, how to delete a Skype page permanently? All you need to do is follow the steps below.

Step 1:
To get started, log in to your personal account. Go to the program.

Step 2

  • Now you need to open “Personal data - edit”, see screenshot:

Step 3

  • Next, click “Management”

Step 4

  • Open "Help"

  • Further "Contact us"

  • Further "Request for support"

  • When you are done with the previous steps, open the account closure page ( the path is this - Help - drop-down menu and then “Close account”)

Step 5
Click on the link in point 1:

Step 6

You can find out more about how in another article on our website.

Congratulations! Now you know how to delete a profile on Skype! Now let's figure out how to do this through the settings.


Here's how to permanently delete your Skype account through your profile settings:

  • To do this, you will need to clear all data. Log in using your username and password. In the program, on the top panel with settings, click Skype, then “Personal information” and “Edit my information”.
  • Here you need to click "Show full profile".

  • Your account web page will open. Click "Edit profile" and delete all personal information.
  • Return to the program. Here you need to clean all contacts. Right-click on each one and select “Delete”

  • Clear message history
  • Save all changes and exit your profile. After this, within a period of three days to a month, the account will no longer appear in searches, and then will be completely deactivated by the system. The main thing is not to accidentally enter it at this time

Deleting account information

To delete your Skype account completely, you need to get rid of the files and folders that remain on your computer. You can do this as follows:

  • Open the command line using the Win+R key combination
  • Enter the command “%AppData%” there, then click “OK”
  • In the folder with system files that opens, find the folder called Skype and open it
  • Now find another folder that has the same name as your login. This contains all the information associated with your account. This is what needs to be removed. Thanks to this cleaning, you will definitely not be able to get into your old profile.

  • Read about that in another article.

Is it possible to delete a Skype account completely by sending an email to the program's customer support center? Yes, you can do it this way. But to do this, you must more or less speak English, since the deletion request can only be sent in this language.

How to delete Skype account completely from your phone

Step 1
Go to your account on your smartphone, click on your profile, then “Settings”

Step 2
Select an item "Account and Profile"
Step 3
Then choose the method to receive the code. In our case, this is a phone number. Enter the received code.

The popular Skype program is creating more and more hype around itself. The secret of success is simple: it allows people to communicate regardless of their distance from each other. Great, isn't it? However, such increased demand provokes many questions from users, because they often fail to realize all the capabilities of the application. For example, a common problem is not knowing how to delete a profile on Skype because it is much more complicated than. I propose to look into this issue together.

How to delete a Skype account

Unfortunately, once you've created your Skype account, you can't delete it. It is tied to the server, and an ordinary user cannot influence the progress of the server. However, there are several ways to ensure that no one can find you through search. The first method is to “freeze” the profile . All you need to do is not log into your account for 22 days, after which your login will automatically disappear from the user database and become inaccessible to others.

But as soon as you log into your profile again, you will again become visible to everyone else. The second method will not help you, but after using it, no one will be able to find you in the search. The method is very simple: you just need to delete all your personal data.

To do this, go to Skype - Personal data - Edit my data.

A window will appear in front of you with all the data you provided at the time of registration. Erase them all, so that in the end only the login remains, which, as we found out, cannot be deleted. By the way, I want to note that you will not be able to remove yourself from your friends’ contact list.

How to remove a Skype account from your computer

It also happens that a user needs to delete one of the Skype accounts that is saved on his computer. To do this, you need to go to the start menu, then click on “Run” and enter the following in the input field that appears: Application data\Skype. A window will then open that will display all the accounts from which you have ever logged into the program from your computer. Remove the ones you don't need.

While it's impossible to completely delete your Skype account, there are simple ways to make your presence less visible. I'm sure you will succeed!

If for some reason you need to erase your account, but you don’t know how to delete your Skype login/how to delete Skype, don’t despair! We will look into this issue in detail.

How to delete your Skype account?

There are two types of profile/accounts in Skype: personal and managed. The latter belongs to the company that created it, while the former, on the contrary, is owned by the private individual who created it. It's a little easier with a managed account. Now you will understand in what terms.

First, I would like to draw attention to the “Terms of Use of the Product”, in particular, in clause 21.1 we see that “administrators have the right to redistribute and delete accounts.” That is, since you are the owner of the account, you are its administrator. In addition, if there are funds in the account, they can be withdrawn from the Skype number and transferred to another account. When you delete your Skype account, your entire history, including calls, SMS messages and other contacts will be irretrievably lost. As the user terms and conditions state, Skype has the full right to cancel a managed account if it has been inactive for more than twelve months. Everything here is simple and clear. All you have to do is withdraw funds from your account, not use it for a year, and it will be deleted.

With a personal account, everything is not so simple; it will not be deleted after a while. Let's figure it out. It turns out that it is impossible to completely erase your profile/personal Skype account. But if you do not use it within three days, it will no longer be available when searching for subscribers. The Skype profile is not saved permanently; after three days it is automatically deleted from the network, but the next time you log into the network it is automatically restored, and it seems to you that the account has not been deleted.

How to delete a page/login from Skype?

First, we need to erase all personal data in the program itself. To do this, click on in the main program window. Then click on “show full profile” and delete all data about yourself.

You should start the process of deleting your account from Skype by filling out your profile with “garbage” - incorrect information

There is another way to delete personal data; to do this, click on your Skype login, otherwise open information about yourself in the main window of the program, then wait for the inscription “Management”. We find ourselves in our personal account management account, that is, on our personal page on Skype. Click on “Change” and delete absolutely all of our personal data. Personal information can be replaced with a random set of letters and symbols, since we will not be allowed to leave empty fields, after which we click “Save”.

The login itself cannot be changed. You will have to create a new profile with a new name. But in the new profile, you can specify the old display username - this will make it easier for family, friends and colleagues to find you if you change your account. To do this, we will need to click on your name in the main window. An editable area will appear where you need to enter a new or old name. How to remove a user's login/account from the drop-down list when logging into Skype? To do this, we need to go to the address: (C:\Documents and settings\Your_user_name\Application data\Skype\).

We find the folder with the name of our login and delete it, this will delete the entire history of correspondence and calls. If it is important, you can first copy the folder to another location. Now, when you open the program in the user selection menu, you will not see the profile that you deleted.

In order for us to see them, we need to enable the display of hidden folders. For such purposes it is easier to use (no advertising), it is more convenient to use.

In order to display hidden folders in Windows Explorer, in an open folder, click Tools -> View -> Folder Options in the top panel.

A window will open in which we should click the View tab -> Advanced options. Scroll down the slider and check the “Show hidden files, folders and drives” option, then click “Apply”.

Now we will be able to see hidden folders in Windows Explorer.

How to delete Skype?

If you no longer plan to use Skype, you can delete it, like any other program, through the control panel

If you need to uninstall the program, this can be easily done through the Start menu -> All programs -> Skype ->Uninstall

Now you know the basic ways to delete your account and personal data from Skype.

Many users who create several Skype accounts end up communicating in only one. This causes some inconvenience for people who want to add you to their address book. Having found several profiles belonging to one person in the search, it is impossible to understand which one is active! To avoid misleading your friends, we recommend deleting your Skype account after creating a new account.

It should be said that it is impossible to completely remove a profile, but there are several tricks that allow you to hide the required page from the general search. We will tell you about them.

How to delete your Skype account?

  1. Open the "Account Information" section.
  2. Select "Personal Information".
  3. Click on the “Edit” command (it’s in the upper right corner).
  4. Now you should erase all information about yourself (you can leave a random set of characters in this place).
  5. Click the “Save” command.

You can also change your email address to no longer receive notifications from the service, change your profile photo, or delete it altogether. As you can see, it is impossible to delete a page on Skype forever, but you can replace all the information about yourself and even if someone you know sees the profile, they will never understand who it belongs to.

Another important point: the less often you log into your account, the more likely it is that it will not appear in search results! To prevent the application from reminding you about existing accounts when logging in, just delete the folder with the old profile from your PC’s hard drive.

How to delete a Skype account using a Microsoft profile

If you used a Microsoft account when registering, then the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Use your Microsoft account to log into the program through the official website.
  2. Go to the Account Details tab.
  3. Open "Personal Information" and select the "Edit" command.
  4. Erase all information using the above method and do not forget to save the changes.
  5. Now you can forget about the existence of this account.

To completely delete your Microsoft account, you must use all funds from your personal account. Please remember that after this action, work with certain company services will be unavailable.