How to make a hidden page. How to view a private profile. How to hide VKontakte videos

Today social networks are not a luxury, but powerful tool for communication and work. The vast majority of users have their own personal page, and many prefer the VKontakte resource. The secret of its success and popularity is that here you can be a member of various communities, which allows you to learn something new for yourself; be available to family, friends, work colleagues, and possibly business partners, etc.

However, there are cases when the user wants to hide his page from prying eyes. There can be many reasons for this, everyone has their own, and therefore it is very important to know how to hide a VKontakte page from everyone and, of course, be able to do it. Well, if you don’t know, it doesn’t matter, I’ll teach you!

How to hide your page on VK

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, and any user, even if he is a beginner, can easily understand this issue. All you need to do is follow these steps:

  1. Open the “My Settings” section and go to the “Privacy” tab.
  2. Pay attention to the first block of information, which is called “My Page”. Here you need to specify which users will see your profile information. If you wish, you can specify “Only me” in all items (or some), and then you will hide your profile from any prying eyes.
  3. By the way, here you can disable the “Wall” function, and none of the users will see the content of your wall. To do this, in the “Posts on page” block, select “Only me”. Or give access to specific users by specifying them here in the settings.

Thus, by varying the settings in one direction or another, you can make your page hidden from all users on VK or from some, which, you see, is very convenient.

How to hide your friends

Another little secret of using VK, which is suitable for those who do not want to “shine” with their acquaintances, is the opportunity. To do this, again use the “Privacy” section in the settings on your page. Again, you need the first block - “My Page”. There, in the penultimate position there is the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” A new window will open in which you can select people who are hidden from everyone, that is, only you will see them. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to make everyone hidden: VKontakte has a limit on this – no more than 30 people.

On the VKontakte social network, users can share their news with each other. However, the principle of operation of the social network implied the ability for any user to view data from the pages of another user. It doesn’t matter whether he is your friend or not. There was also no way to know exactly who was viewing your profile. The latest innovation allows you to hide your posts from those who are not your friends on this social network.

Features of the “hidden” mode

Previously, in the privacy settings, you could close almost completely your page from strangers. However, this required a lot of unnecessary movements. For example, photos needed to be hidden separately, friend lists separately, etc. The functionality also made it possible to hide posts on the social network, no matter your own or reposts. In this case, it was necessary to put a lock icon during publication.

The innovation allows you to hide all your page data from strangers by clicking just one button. Only the following remain open:

  • First and last name indicated on the website;
  • Date of birth indicated on the website;
  • City;
  • Place of work;
  • Number of friends and subscribers;
  • Number of records.

Another user who is not your friend can only see the number of friends and subscribers, but he will not be able to see who exactly these people are. The situation is similar with records. You can write a message to a person with a private profile, if he has not disabled this opportunity in privacy settings. You can also send a friend request. If you are accepted, you will be able to view information from the page given user, if it was not hidden from friends.

A private profile does not hide information from the page from friends, but if you need to, you can set up lists of friends who can view photos, lists of friends and other information.

Reposts and innovation

This innovation also applies to reposting posts, or more precisely to the ability to view a list of people who shared this information with their friends. Now a stranger will not be able to view the list of those who reposted. Only the direct author can do this of this post. Others will only be able to see the number of people who reposted.

How to “close” a profile

Anyone can make their profile private from prying eyes. This is done in just a few steps on the full browser version. Everything is completely free.

The instructions look like this:

    1. Click on your avatar and username in the upper right side of the screen.
    2. Should appear context menu, where you must select the item "Settings".

    1. pay attention to right side pages. You need to go to the section "Privacy".
    2. Scroll to the very end of the page until you come across a block "Other". There you need to pay attention to the column "Profile type". Click on it to access editing.
    3. From the available types, select "Closed".

“Closing” the profile on the mobile version

If you don’t have a computer with Internet access at hand, then you can set the “closed” status for your VKontakte profile with mobile application. The instructions for the classic application are as follows:

    1. In case of mobile version you need to initially go to the main section of the application. To do this, click on the icon three lanes, which is located at the bottom of the screen.
    2. Now on the top right side of the screen, click on the gear icon.

    1. In settings, select "Privacy".

  1. There you need to scroll to the section "Other" and find the item "Profile type". Set the value opposite it "Closed".

If necessary, you can return your privacy settings to their default values.

How to see, new feature on VKontakte can be useful for those users who, for one reason or another, do not want their personal data to be viewed by strangers. Plus this function completely free.

Most users want to hide their VKontakte page from prying eyes. Here you will learn which page elements can be hidden and which to restrict access to.

How to hide a VKontakte page?

One of the best social networks in the CIS is VKontakte. The principle is based on creating profiles or accounts where you can post various information, share images, videos, send messages, and also unite over multiple interests by joining different groups. Information spreads across social networks instantly. This is why even leading companies create their own VKontakte profiles. The network system allows each user to customize the page at their own discretion, including the right to hide information.

Why hide the page?

How to hide a VKontakte page and why do this? There can be a huge number of reasons for “withholding” information. However, in Lately, more and more users are inclined to not advertise their data to strangers. Not the least role in this was played by the number of cases of fraud, where gullible people were deceived, using all the information posted on social media against them. networks.

Not so long ago, you could hide a page with two clicks. You had to go to “Settings” and, selecting the “Privacy” tab, click on the category of people who could view your page. However, this led to a decrease in VKontakte activity and the administration abandoned this function.

If the information on the page contains information that the user wants to share only with selected people, or he wants to avoid getting to know a certain person, or he just wanted to experiment, then you need to carefully understand the privacy settings.

What can be hidden on the page?

VKontakte has four sections that measure data hiding:

    My page - is responsible for user access to everything that is on yours personal page in social networks;

    Posts on the page - this section includes everything that is on the wall;

    Contact me - access to send invitations and messages;

Anyone can visit the page, but the visibility of information may be different for everyone. To allow or not to allow? Some people know every step taken by a user on a social network, while for others, even basic information about the city and marital status is unattainable.

How to properly hide a page in VK?

VKontakte leaders have limited the classification of data in order to regular user could easily “jump” from page to page, thereby ensuring the length of stay on the site. However, some methods still remain. How to hide a VKontakte page as competently and safely as possible:

    Open “Settings”, which is located on the right top corner;

    Select the “Privacy” tab;

    Customize the list elements for yourself;

    You can set “Only me” everywhere for maximum privacy, or you can select “Some friends” with the ability for individuals to access;

    Click the “View Page from Side” preview. This is how other users will see it. If you are not satisfied with something, then you can continue editing.

At the very end of the privacy page there is an "Other" tab. In it, select “Who can see my page on the Internet” and the sub-item “Only those who are already registered on VKontakte”. With this option, it will be possible to find the page only through the internal search of the social network, and for those who are not logged in, an inscription will be displayed stating that the page is available only to those logged into the site. By looking at your privacy settings, you can also find out how to hide a friend's page.

How to hide a wall?

The wall itself cannot be completely hidden. However, you can hide the entries on it, leaving them visible only to friends. To hide the entry, you must follow the instructions:

    Open your page;

    Click at the top of the wall, where you can see the number of entries.

    Creation will appear new entry marked “Friends Only”;

    Write text on the wall and check the “Friends Only” box;

The group of settings in “Privacy” - “Posts on page” will help you more accurately determine the following parameters:

    “Who sees other people’s posts on my page” - what others wrote on your wall;

    “Who can leave posts on my page” - you can prohibit everyone by selecting “Only me”;

    “Who sees comments on posts” - restriction on viewing comments;

    “Who can comment on my posts” - permission to write comments.

If hidden VK pages are not for you, but you urgently need to hide all entries from all users - simply delete them one by one without the possibility of recovery.

How to hide your reposts?

A VK repost is a post you shared on your wall. It can be seen by everyone who has access to view the page. You can hide such publications only from specific people, which you simply block. However, remember that a blocked user will also not be able to write messages to you in private messages.

How to hide photos, a photo album?

In the “My Photos” section, select the album that you decided to hide. If the album you want is missing, click “Show All” below. In the upper right corner of the album, click “pencil”. In the displayed setting “Who can view/comment on this album?” Check the appropriate option, for example “Friends only”. Hidden VK pages also imply a ban on comments on photos.

Some albums, such as “Photos from my page” and “Photos on the wall,” cannot be hidden in any way.

To hide “Photos of me” you need to go to “Settings” and select the “Privacy” sub-item, in the “Who sees the photos in which I was tagged” section, click on: “Only me” or “Only friends”.

The “Saved Photos” album can be hidden in “Settings”, “Privacy”, “Who can see the list of my saved photos”. Choose one of the most suitable alternatives.

To hide your favorite photos, you need to move them to separate album, and then do the above actions with the album.

How to hide VKontakte videos?

Go to “My Videos” - “Albums”. Select " New album" In the settings, select who can watch it. Transfer there those videos that should be hidden from other people.

Why can't everything be completely hidden?

Many people ask the question: “How to hide interesting pages?. It is worth stating that in this social network there is no way to hide absolutely all information. VKontakte is a system created for dialogue with each other. If all users begin to hide all information, then the point of creating it will be lost. Required elements for display remain:

How to hide data using a blacklist?

One of the drastic ways to hide everything is a blacklist. Users who enter it will only be able to view your avatar, a minimum of information and the inscription “The user has restricted access to their page.” Select "My Settings" and "Blacklist". Copy the ID code or link to the profile of the person you want to block and click on “Add”. The second way is to go to the page a certain person and block it by clicking on the “Block...” button.


In everything you need to know when to stop. Be careful, because sometimes we ourselves have no idea who might be knocking on our page. Maybe just good man, and possibly a scammer.

Having an account in in social networks, sometimes, there is no desire for any third-party users to see any information about you on your personal page. The VKontakte developers took care of this whim: you can block information from other people in your account settings. What will be hidden? It is possible to block viewing of some data or the entire page.

The instructions below will help you figure out how to hide a page on VK.

How to hide a VKontakte page

  1. To do this, you need to log into your account and find the thumbnail of your avatar in the upper right corner. Then click on small icon triangle (drop-down menu).
  2. After clicking on the triangle, links to tabs will appear, select “Settings”.
  3. You are automatically taken to the settings of the first “General” tab. We will not edit them! But, if you wish, you can work with the first three points: hide the gifts block, disable comments, display only my posts. This also relates to the topic of distancing from other VKontakte users.
    So, now you need to select “Privacy” from the right list.
  4. In this settings section, you can alternately deny or allow access to almost everything that is visible in your account. First, you block everything you can on your personal page, then on the post display panel, then you set a ban on contacting you, and last panel privacy settings has two points: who can see your page on the Internet and what updates your friends see in their news feeds. Now in more detail!
  5. In the “My Page” section you can mark who will see it personal information : date of birth, city of residence, education, your views, etc.; who sees marks, saves, the list of groups, who is visible in the list of friends and subscriptions, who sees hidden friends. Access can be obtained by “All users”, “Only friends”, “Everyone except”, etc. If, for example, you want to hide information from some people, then select “All except” and then in the list find the person you are hiding from. If you want to close yourself off from everyone, then click “Only me.”

  6. We go down to “Posts on the page”. Here you have the opportunity to prohibit the posting of other people’s posts on the page, or you can simply prevent other users from seeing what is posted on your feed not by you (confusion, but I hope it’s clear). You can also set up commenting. If it says: comments are disabled, then you don’t need to change anything. did you want to change it? Then go to "General". There we also worked with commenting settings.
  7. "Connect with me." Here you can block access or limit the ability to send personal messages. You can get rid of invitations to games, applications, communities. They use the ban on receiving friend requests less often.
  8. There are only other settings left, which I already mentioned above in the article. If you set the “visibility” item to “everyone,” then search engines will index your VK page, and there is nothing wrong with that. By clicking on the indexing ban, Yandex and Google, after a new crawl by the robot, will kick you out of the search results search engine. This won't happen right away! The period for indexing your particular page is unknown (about several weeks).
  9. After completing all the above settings, you can see what came out of it. Click on the link “see how other users see your page.”
  10. In the drop-down list, select an unknown user or friend and look at your page “through his eyes.”

Of course, you cannot completely block access to your page! But, if suddenly this is really required, then just

On your VKontakte page, you can publish almost any information. Upload photos (see), upload videos (see), indicate your personal data, etc.

But what if you don’t want all this data to be viewable by other people? They need to be hidden.

VKontakte offers hide page using privacy settings. Now I'll show you how it works.

What does a closed page look like?

If the user considers it necessary to hide his page, then when you try to visit it, you will see the following picture.

You will only be able to see the profile photo, and some basic information. All other data is not available for viewing (see).

How to close a VK page from strangers

As I already said, you can do this using your privacy settings. To go to the appropriate section, do the following.

On your page in the upper right corner, open the drop-down menu. In it, click on the link “Settings”.

In the right menu, open the “Privacy” section. Here we need the “My Page” block.

Let's imagine that we need to hide the basic information of our page from all users, including guests (see), friends, etc. In this case, we need a point “Who sees the main information of my page”. It should be set to “Only me” by selecting the appropriate item from the drop-down menu.

Thus, if you go through all the available points, you will be able to flexibly configure your privacy settings. You can specify exactly what information users can view and what they cannot.

You can go the other way - if you add a user to the blacklist, then your page will be closed to him (see).

Update. Added “Private Profile” feature

In connection with the tightening of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding publications on social networks, the management of VKontakte decided to implement the function closed pages. Now any user can limit viewing of their profile and leave this opportunity only to their friends. This way, strangers will not be able to see your records and personal data. When they try to visit your page, they will see a message saying that this profile is closed.

The function is perfect for our purposes and activates very quickly. Open the menu in the upper right corner, then go to the “Settings” section.

Open the “Privacy” tab and scroll to the bottom of the page. Here we find the item “Profile type”. For it we set the value “Closed”.

Changes will be saved automatically. Now all users except your friends will not be able to view information from your page.

Video lesson: how to block access to a VK page


Please note that if you have only recently closed the page this way, users may still be able to view your data. If they understand how to work with archival copies in the browser, they can easily do this (see).

Therefore, if you are seriously concerned about the safety of your personal data, if possible, refrain from publishing it on a social network.