How to remove black bars on the sides of the screen: three ways to solve the problem. A vertical stripe appears on the monitor - who is causing the problem?

When watching videos on widescreen monitors, many users encounter the problem of black bars along the edges of the image. These stripes can be either vertical or horizontal. The main problem is that the screen dimensions do not match the aspect ratio of the video being played. For example, when viewing a 4:3 video on a 16:9 screen, you will inevitably get stripes on the sides of the image.

Watch this lesson and learn how to remove black bars on a video in a few minutes in the VideoMASTER program:

In order to cope with this problem, we will use the VideoMASTER program. The product allows you to set the size and position of the visible area of ​​the image, that is, crop the video. Thus, you can remove black bars from a video by following a few simple steps.

Step 1. Install the VideoMASTER program.

VideoMASTER is a universal video converter. In addition, the program is equipped with a wide range of useful options for editing video fragments. In particular, you can use it to remove black bars in videos. can be found on the official website of the program. Install the program on your computer and launch it for the first time.

Step 2. Add video files.

At this stage, you need to load into the program those videos on which you want to remove black bars from the video. To do this, click the button Add, which is located on the left side panel of the program. Files can be uploaded one at a time or a whole folder with videos. You can get detailed information about downloaded videos by opening the section Information.

Step 3. How to remove black bars from video?

Open the menu section Effects > Crop. Using the crop operation, you can change size and proportions video images. You can also select the cropping area manually using the mouse. Set the desired settings and click Apply. Thus, the program allows you to get rid of black bars in just a few clicks. All that remains is to start the conversion procedure. To do this, click the button Convert in the lower right corner of the program. Once the encoding process is complete, you will be able to immediately view the prepared video.

As a rule, most games select the resolution and image format automatically, based on data about your hardware. If you suddenly have black bars on the sides of your monitor in Dota 2, then it is important to know how to properly fix this problem and remove them, but you should not rush to act immediately, because there may be several reasons for this.


First of all, it is necessary to clarify what the origin of the black stripes is and whether they are located only on the sides.

If the stripes run across the entire surface of the monitor and ripple, regardless of whether you are in a game or not, then the problem is in the monitor itself or the video card, which means the equipment needs immediate repair or replacement.

In the case when stripes appear only on the sides of the screen, there has been a failure in the graphics system settings, namely:

  1. Mechanical screen adjustment. An incorrect setting may have occurred, after which black stripes appeared on the sides.
  2. There is a problem with the video card settings. If the drivers are installed incorrectly, a display error or even a reduction in the available resolution range may occur.
  3. Incorrect game settings. Black bars on the sides of the monitor may be a result of the game resolution not matching the one set by the system, so you can remove them with a couple of clicks.

Of the listed situations, only the first one is scary, because in it the black stripes cannot be removed with the settings, but even in this case the cause may be the breakdown of a cheap cable, and not an expensive widescreen display.

How to fix

When thinking about how to remove black stripes on the sides of the monitor, first determine which of the reasons can be attributed specifically to your situation (if this is impossible, just try all the methods in turn):

  1. Set the Dota 2 launch parameters according to your screen resolution. This can be done using the parameters –w XX –h XX, where w and h are the width and height, respectively. This method will simply stretch the image so that it fills the screen completely.
  2. Start auto-adjustment. The monitor can fix problems on its own based on the data it receives from the video card. It is important here that the video camera itself works correctly, otherwise the set parameters will be incorrect.
  3. Set up the video card control center. Both Nvidia and Radeon release additional software for their graphics cards that allows for more fine-tuning. As a rule, the item you need is called “Display in full screen” - it will help eliminate the problem. In some cases, in order to completely remove the black bars on the sides, you need to restart the computer.
  4. Reinstall the drivers. If the latest drivers are not installed for the video device or if they are missing altogether, then you need to download them from the manufacturer’s website.
  5. Switch the connector. Sometimes, absent-mindedly, gamers connect screens to an integrated video card instead of a discrete one, but it has completely different display parameters. In this case, you don’t have to do any magic, just plug the wire into the desired socket.
  6. Select the desired resolution in the game. For Dota 2, matching the selected resolution with the system one is the key to a correct picture, and this is done in the settings.
  7. Select the in-game image format. The 4:3 and 16:9 formats are significantly different, which is quite noticeable on large monitors.

When you decide to apply all your knowledge on how to remove black bars on the sides of the screen, find out the following points:

  1. What resolution is recommended for your monitor?
  2. What is the limit of image quality on your graphics card?
  3. What is your format - 16:9 or 4:3?
  4. Are the drivers up to date?
  5. Will there be lags if the resolution in the game is set to the same as in the system?

Once all the necessary information is received, troubleshooting will be elementary and will not take much time. The most radical methods are a complete reinstallation of the system and replacement of the monitor with video, but they are almost never required.

Many believe that the time of movie theaters, game rooms and concerts is coming to an end. Now anyone can create all this at home, on a computer or on a portable device. Now there are many services with music, the latest films and the most interesting games. They can be used directly through the browser or downloaded and saved to your computer. However, certain incidents do happen. Content is not always well suited to a particular computer, so there may be cases where the image on the sides of the screen is limited by unnecessary side bars. This could be in a game or movie, or simply while using other resources. Naturally, the question arises: how to remove black bars on the sides of the screen? There are certain manipulations and settings that can solve the problem. But we’ll talk about this after it becomes clear why and under what circumstances these very lines arise. First, let's look at the situation with computer games.

Black bars in games

When launching some interesting game in full screen mode, the user notices that the program is loading, but there are black margins on the sides, stealing part of the game space. Where do they come from?

Such stripes appear in games in the following cases:

  • the parameters of the game itself are incorrectly configured and the resolution is inadequate for the aspect ratio of the monitor;
  • The video driver behaves incorrectly;
  • virus attack.

How to remove black bars on the sides of the screen in games? To do this, you need to go through the indicated possible problems and find the real one. Therefore, first you need to go to the game settings and try to set different screen resolution options, and also try to disable “unfamiliar” game modes by simply unchecking the boxes. If it doesn’t help, then you need to move on and download the latest version of the driver from the official website of the video card manufacturer, install it and restart the computer. If this was the reason, then everything will work and the problem will disappear in the game. But if the stripes do not go away, then there is a high probability of damage to the operating system system files by virus attacks, which can be corrected either by inviting a specialist or by reinstalling Windows.

Remove sidebars in video players

If everything is clear with games, then there are similar situations with watching movies on computers. Your favorite movie starts, but suddenly, part of the screen on the sides is simply “eaten up” by these black stripes. Why did they appear here?

There may be several options:

  • the format of the downloaded movie does not match the monitor screen resolution;
  • The video player is not configured correctly;
  • again, a problem with the video card driver;
  • Incorrect operation of codecs.

How to remove black bars on the sides of the screen when watching movies? Here, too, you need to go through the reasons and use the selection method to find the problem. This means that first we study the data about the file containing the movie. On the corresponding file icon, you need to right-click and select the “Properties” menu. Then go to the “Details” tab, where you can find information about the resolution of the film.

If the file is good, then go to the settings of the player you are using and look for the “Video” tab. There should be Aspect Ratio and Crop settings. You need to try different aspect ratio modes (for widescreen monitors this is usually 16:9 and 16:10), and also switch cropping modes.

If all else fails, you can use the method of reinstalling the video card driver or find a newer codec package (preferably from K-Lite or Shark). There are, of course, other cases that require separate consideration by specialists on site. They will already tell you how to remove the black bars on the sides of the screen.

Setting up the driver

After considering the possible options for the appearance of black bars in games and movies, it becomes clear that the driver may be the cause. We'll tell you below how to remove black bars from videos and games by reinstalling the driver and setting up video card utilities.

As already mentioned, software for devices should be found on the official website. A program corresponding to the system bit size is selected, downloaded and installed. After this, you need to restart the computer. This may be enough, or it may not be enough. Therefore, we remove the black bars on the sides by configuring the video card utilities. For GeForce it is Nvidia, for AMD it is Catalyst Center, and for integrated video cards it is usually Intel Video. Each such utility has the ability to adjust the resolution and aspect ratio. Here you need to try different combinations and restart your computer.

Setting up the monitor

If the previous tips did not help, then there is a high probability that the monitor itself is not configured correctly. How can I remove the black bars on the sides of the monitor in this case?

First you need to find the Auto button on it and just press it. In 90 out of 100% of cases this usually helps. But if there is no result, then go to the “Monitor Menu”, find the “Position/Size” tab and manually change the width of the screen, increasing it to the sides. The problem must be resolved.

How to remove black bars on the sides of the monitor

As a rule, most games select the resolution and image format automatically, based on data about your hardware. If you suddenly have black bars on the sides of your monitor in Dota 2, then it is important to know how to properly fix this problem and remove them, but you should not rush to act immediately, because there may be several reasons for this.


First of all, it is necessary to clarify what the origin of the black stripes is and whether they are located only on the sides.

If the stripes run across the entire surface of the monitor and ripple, regardless of whether you are in a game or not, then the problem is in the monitor itself or the video card, which means the equipment needs immediate repair or replacement.

In the case when stripes appear only on the sides of the screen, there has been a failure in the graphics system settings, namely:

  1. Mechanical screen adjustment. An incorrect setting may have occurred, after which black stripes appeared on the sides.
  2. There is a problem with the video card settings. If the drivers are installed incorrectly, a display error or even a reduction in the available resolution range may occur.
  3. Incorrect game settings. Black bars on the sides of the monitor may be a result of the game resolution not matching the one set by the system, so you can remove them with a couple of clicks.

Of the listed situations, only the first one is scary, because in it the black stripes cannot be removed with the settings, but even in this case the cause may be the breakdown of a cheap cable, and not an expensive widescreen display.

How to fix

When thinking about how to remove black stripes on the sides of the monitor, first determine which of the reasons can be attributed specifically to your situation (if this is impossible, just try all the methods in turn):

  1. Set the Dota 2 launch parameters according to your screen resolution. This can be done using the parameters –w XX –h XX, where w and h are the width and height, respectively. This method will simply stretch the image so that it fills the screen completely.
  2. Start auto-adjustment. The monitor can fix problems on its own based on the data it receives from the video card. It is important here that the video camera itself works correctly, otherwise the set parameters will be incorrect.
  3. Set up the video card control center. Both Nvidia and Radeon release additional software for their graphics cards that allows for more fine-tuning. As a rule, the item you need is called “Display in full screen” - it will help eliminate the problem. In some cases, in order to completely remove the black bars on the sides, you need to restart the computer.
  4. Reinstall the drivers. If the latest drivers are not installed for the video device or if they are missing altogether, then you need to download them from the manufacturer’s website.
  5. Switch the connector. Sometimes, absent-mindedly, gamers connect screens to an integrated video card instead of a discrete one, but it has completely different display parameters. In this case, you don’t have to do any magic, just plug the wire into the desired socket.
  6. Select the desired resolution in the game. For Dota 2, matching the selected resolution with the system one is the key to a correct picture, and this is done in the settings.
  7. Select the in-game image format. The 4:3 and 16:9 formats are significantly different, which is quite noticeable on large monitors.

When you decide to apply all your knowledge on how to remove black bars on the sides of the screen, find out the following points:

  1. What resolution is recommended for your monitor?
  2. What is the limit of image quality on your graphics card?
  3. What is your format - 16:9 or 4:3?
  4. Are the drivers up to date?
  5. Will there be lags if the resolution in the game is set to the same as in the system?

Once all the necessary information is received, troubleshooting will be elementary and will not take much time. The most radical methods are a complete reinstallation of the system and replacement of the monitor with video, but they are almost never required.

How to remove the black bar on the monitor?

A monitor is an essential component for any computer. All work on the device is not complete without the display itself. Modern technologies have given us the highest quality screens on which the picture looks very rich and realistic. Unfortunately, no user is immune from problems when working with such devices. How to remove the black bar on the monitor? How do you even set it up? It may be a problem with the video card drivers or image output settings. To solve this problem, you can use different elimination methods. Let's talk today about all the nuances of setting up this familiar invention.

  1. Turn on your device and wait for the Windows operating system to load. Make sure the display is connected to the computer system unit.
  2. After downloading, left-click on the “Start” icon and go to the “Control Panel” section.
  3. A context menu will open in front of you with a huge number of icons responsible for different actions. You need to go to the “Screen” tab.
  4. Now you need to go to the “Setting Screen Resolution” option. A dialog box will open in front of you in which you need to select the “Advanced settings” setting.
  5. All you have to do is go to “Graphics characteristics” and select “Full screen scale” in the scaling settings.

Most often, the manipulations described above help remove black bars on the sides of the monitor. If after all the steps nothing has changed, then you will have to resort to other methods of fixing the problem.

Important! Some image output devices do not return to normal operation even after setting the correct resolution. The image simply stops stretching across the entire screen, leaving unfortunate stripes on both sides.

In order to get rid of this, you can try the following method:

  1. First you need to go to the official website of the publisher of your video card.
  2. The websites of all manufacturers have a similar operating principle, so you will need to go to support and select the “Drivers” section.
  3. After this, you need to fill in the empty fields; you need to enter the data of your personal computer and the model of the video processing chip.
  4. You should be redirected to a site with the latest version of the drivers, from where you should download and install them.
  5. After these steps, you need to go to the settings menu and set the maximum allowed resolution for your device model.

Important! To avoid misunderstandings in compatibility principles, check the last item of scaling options in the settings.

In the settings, you need to find the line called “Scaling settings” and move the slider on the item “Compressed scan - Stretched scan” so that the picture fills the entire display.

Important! You should also make sure that the image is calibrated and positioned exactly in the center.

How to remove black fields on the monitor if the above did not help?

  1. Right-click on an empty area of ​​desktop space.
  2. A context menu will open in which you need to select the “screen resolution” section.
  3. You will see a window with four different tabs in front of you, you need to go to the “Monitor” tab.
  4. Find “Monitor Settings” and set a different frame refresh rate, up or down.

These manipulations can help you solve the problem.

  1. Disassemble the system unit using a Phillips screwdriver and disconnect the video card from the motherboard.
  2. You need to remove the cooling from the extracted circuit. We pick up the device and go to the kitchen stove.
  3. Turn on the burner and hold the part with tweezers higher above the fire. The chipset must settle onto the entire structure.
  4. Cool the component and check. You can also use a hair dryer for this method.

Now you know how to remove black bars on the sides of your monitor in four different ways. Obviously, without establishing the cause of the defect, you will have to resort to any of them at random, but in any case, you will not make things worse. Use the tips above and you will succeed!

How to remove black bars on the sides of the screen?

The computer, originally created for storing, transmitting and working with information, today performs broader functions, including entertainment. A huge number of users play computer games and watch movies downloaded from the Internet. Their quality sometimes leaves much to be desired, and it often happens that the content is not suitable for a given computer, as a result, noise and other defects appear on the monitor that interfere with viewing. How to remove black bars on the sides of the screen will be discussed in this article.

Reasons for limiting the picture with side black stripes:

  • Incorrect game settings settings or inadequate screen resolution. It happens that the downloaded movie format does not match the screen resolution;
  • outdated video driver version;
  • virus attack;
  • incorrect video player settings;
  • incorrect codec function.

How can I remove black bars on the sides of the monitor?

As for the game, you can first try setting different screen resolution options in the settings. Disable all unfamiliar modes by unchecking them. If there is no result, go to the website of the manufacturer of the video card you are using and download the latest driver. All that remains is to install it and restart the PC. If the problem of how to remove black bars remains, the option is to reinstall the operating system or seek help from a specialist.

Those who are interested in how to remove narrow black stripes on the sides of an image in a video format should first study the data about the file containing the movie. Having found the corresponding file icon, right-click on it and go to the “properties” menu. The “details” tab will contain information about the resolution of the film. Next, in the settings of the player you are using, find the “video” tab and in the “aspect ratio” and “cropping” settings, try setting different modes. For example, for widescreen monitors you should choose 16:9 and 16:10. In addition, switch framing modes.

If the desired effect cannot be achieved, just as in the case of games, update the drivers. Alternatively, find the latest Kodak package, preferably from Shark or K-Lite. For those who ask how to remove the black bar on the monitor, it would be a good idea to check its settings. Find the “auto” button in the lower right corner and press it. If the situation does not improve in this case, then you should go to the “monitor menu”, find the “position/size” tab and manually increase the screen width.

Many believe that the time of movie theaters, game rooms and concerts is coming to an end. Now anyone can create all this at home, on a computer or on a portable device. Now there are many services with music, the latest films and the most interesting games. They can be used directly through the browser or downloaded and saved to your computer. However, certain incidents do happen. Content is not always well suited to a particular computer, so there may be cases where the image on the sides of the screen is limited by unnecessary side bars. This could be in a game or movie, or simply while using other resources. Naturally, the question arises: how to remove black bars on the sides of the screen? There are certain manipulations and settings that can solve the problem. But we’ll talk about this after it becomes clear why and under what circumstances these very lines arise. First, let's look at the situation with computer games.

in games

When launching some interesting game, the user notices that the program is loading, but there are black indents on the sides, stealing part of the game space. Where do they come from?

Such stripes appear in games in the following cases:

  • the parameters of the game itself are incorrectly configured and the resolution is inadequate for the aspect ratio of the monitor;
  • The video driver behaves incorrectly;
  • virus attack.

How to remove black bars on the sides of the screen in games? To do this, you need to go through the indicated possible problems and find the real one. Therefore, first you need to go to the game settings and try to install various options and also try to disable “unfamiliar” game modes by simply unchecking the boxes. If it doesn’t help, then you need to move on and download the latest version of the driver from the official website of the video card manufacturer, install it and restart the computer. If this was the reason, then everything will work and the problem will disappear in the game. But if the stripes do not go away, then there is a high probability of damage to the operating system system files by virus attacks, which can be corrected either by inviting a specialist or by reinstalling Windows.

Remove sidebars in video players

If everything is clear with games, then there are similar situations with watching movies on computers. Your favorite movie starts, but suddenly, part of the screen on the sides is simply “eaten up” by these black stripes. Why did they appear here?

There may be several options:

  • The format of the downloaded movie does not match;
  • The video player is not configured correctly;
  • again, a problem with the video card driver;
  • Incorrect operation of codecs.

How to remove black bars on the sides of the screen when watching movies? Here, too, you need to go through the reasons and use the selection method to find the problem. This means that first we study the data about the file containing the movie. On the corresponding file icon, you need to right-click and select the “Properties” menu. Then go to the “Details” tab, where you can find information about the resolution of the film.

If the file is good, then go to the settings of the player you are using and look for the “Video” tab. There should be Aspect Ratio and Crop settings. You need to try different aspect ratio modes (for widescreen monitors this is usually 16:9 and 16:10), and also switch cropping modes.

If all else fails, you can use the method of reinstalling the video card driver or find a newer codec package (preferably from K-Lite or Shark). There are, of course, other cases that require separate consideration by specialists on site. They will already tell you how to remove the black bars on the sides of the screen.

Setting up the driver

After considering the possible options for the appearance of black bars in games and movies, it becomes clear that the driver may be the cause. We'll tell you below how to remove black bars from videos and games by reinstalling the driver and setting up video card utilities.

As already mentioned, software for devices should be found on the official website. The program is selected, the corresponding one is downloaded and installed. After this, you need to restart the computer. This may be enough, or it may not be enough. Therefore, we remove the black bars on the sides by configuring the video card utilities. For GeForce it is Nvidia, for AMD it is Catalyst Center, and for integrated video cards it is usually Intel Video. Each such utility has the ability to adjust the resolution and aspect ratio. Here you need to try different combinations and restart your computer.

Setting up the monitor

If the previous tips did not help, then there is a high probability that the monitor itself is not configured correctly. How can I remove the black bars on the sides of the monitor in this case?

First you need to find the Auto button on it and just press it. In 90 out of 100% of cases this usually helps. But if there is no result, then go to the “Monitor Menu”, find the “Position/Size” tab and manually change the width of the screen, increasing it to the sides. The problem must be resolved.

If the image on the screen of your PC or laptop suddenly or for some reason no longer completely fills the monitor - black bars appear along its edges, then do not worry. You can handle such an incident yourself by following the instructions below.

Causes of the problem

Black bars on the monitor screen may appear for a number of reasons:

  • incorrect screen resolution;
  • incorrectly set game parameters;
  • incorrect video player settings;
  • outdated video driver;
  • incorrectly set codec functions;
  • virus attack.

In most cases, the problem can be easily solved - you just need to adjust some Windows settings.

How to remove black bars on the sides of the screen on your desktop

The first and simplest reason is that the picture you set as the background is not adapted to the resolution of your screen. Go through the following route on your computer: “Control Panel” - “Personalization and Design” - “Personalization” - “Desktop Background”. Scroll the list and find “Select position” - from the drop-down menu you need to click on “Fill” - this mode is designed to fill the entire display with the image.

If this does not solve the problem, then here is another method that tells you how to remove black bars on the sides of the screen:

  1. Right-click on any empty space on the desktop.
  2. In the menu that appears, click on “Graphics Settings” (if the graphics are controlled by an Intel chip) or “NVIDIA Control Panel”.
  3. In both cases, stop at the "Display" section.
  4. In the NVIDIA menu you will need to “Adjust the size and position of the Desktop”, and for Intel - “Basic settings”.
  5. For NVIDIA, set the scaling mode to "Full Screen" (you probably have the standard "Image Format" selected). In the Intel menu there should be a checkmark for “Keep scaling” for the highest resolution, and for other cases (some people specifically lower the resolution so that a weak PC can “play” “heavy” games) – a checkmark for “Scale to full screen”.
  6. Save your settings.

If the “Scaling” item is not active, then change the resolution to the smallest one, set the desired scale (“Full screen”), and after these manipulations return to the usual resolution.

On a PC monitor, you can solve the problem by pressing the Auto button located below the screen. As an option, there is the Menu button, where you can manually adjust the width of the image on the display in “Size/Position”.

How to remove black bars on the sides of the screen in a game

If the problem only appears while playing a video game, you can also first try the steps mentioned in the previous section. It wouldn’t hurt to go into the graphic settings of the game itself. In most cases, the problem occurs because users deliberately lower the screen resolution so that the game does not freeze. In this case, you will have to endure such inconvenience, since you created it yourself.

If you haven’t changed anything in the game settings or in the standard graphics menu, then you should go to the official website of the manufacturer of your video card and download the latest versions of the driver. After installing them, be sure to restart your PC or laptop.

If the black bars along the edges of the screen do not disappear in this case, then the only option is to reinstall the system.

Black bars when watching videos

To solve this problem, first of all, right-click on the video icon and call “Properties”. Next, open "Details" and view the file resolution - if it conflicts with the resolution of your screen, then that is the problem.

How to remove black bars on the sides of the screen in this case: open the video player settings, find “Cropping”, “Aspect Ratio” - switch modes until you find the optimal one. For widescreen screens, 16:9 or 16:10 is suitable. In addition, all modern video players can stretch the video in height or width, fit the image harmoniously into the screen, or show it in its original resolution.

If changing the settings does not lead to anything, then it is also worth updating the drivers. You can find the latest version of codecs. The most suitable ones are K-lite and Shark.

If none of the above methods turned out to be useful to you, then the question “How to remove black bars on the sides of the screen?” The only thing left to do is to decide in a drastic way - reset the BIOS to the default (initial) settings. If you are not confident in your abilities and have never carried out such manipulations, then it is better to entrust the setup of the “heart” of your PC or laptop to a specialist.