How to subscribe to RSS? Reading RSS in Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. Replace the download manager: Download Plus. Rethinking browser history: Recent History

Reading RSS feeds not only helps us find out about news on interesting resources, but also allows us to find out new information one of the first. And this is in modern world gives a big bonus to a thinking person. But many readers are often perplexed by the question “ How to subscribe to RSS?. How to subscribe and read RSS V different browsers read below.

Hello everyone, dear readers of the blog site, a blog about how to make money on the Internet from scratch!

As you already understand, this is a continuation of our conversation on the topic “ Reading RSS" - About, how to subscribe to RSS, how to read RSS in different browsers. In the last article I talked about... I also advise you to read my article “?” Today we’ll talk about the same thing, but in relation to browsers Google Chrome And Internet Explorer . So, go ahead!

Reading RSS in Browsers

Read RSS in Google Chrome

Everything here is a little different than in Opera. subscribe to the right blog It won’t work through the browser itself - such an option is not provided (or I didn’t find it 😉). You need to click on the icon RSS subscriptions directly on the blog itself. You will be redirected to the subscription page through the most popular RSS service subscriptions – FeedBurner:

That's an example subscription page my blog. Not a damn thing has been translated here, and therefore it’s not very clear. So look at what the RSS subscription page looks like via Feedburner in Google Chrome from Mikhail Shakin. Let's look at her example how to subscribe to RSS V Google browser Chrome:

Since Google Chrome does not provide the ability RSS readers feeds immediately in the browser, on this page you are asked to choose which assistants (butter oil :)) you will use to read the news. These are the so-called RSS readers (RSS reader).

An excellent tool for reading RSS and not only for reading is iGoogle. It is offered among other readers. I will definitely blog about rss readers, including about iGoogle.

It’s also more familiar and (for now) more convenient for me personally. reading RSS in Yandex feed - yours mail account(this is also suggested).

From this page you can subscribe to blog updates by email. Very convenient, by the way.

Reading RSS in Internet Explorer

When talking about browsers, one cannot fail to mention the notorious Internet Explorer (IE).

How to subscribe to RSS blog in IE? Yes, very simple! You need to do the following.

  • Open IE to desired page(blog, reading rss tapes which you need)
  • Right-click on the topmost blog of the browser (where the arrows are back/forward, close/collapse/expand)
  • Place a tick (if not already ticked) on the inscription “ Command line", this same line appears (in the picture - in a red oval)
  • Find the RSS icon and click (highlighted with a pointer)

The following page will open to you:

On this page you can choose how you will read RSS tape:

  1. Add a feed to iGoogle
  2. Subscribe to the channel in Google Reader
  3. Subscribe to this web channel

Reading RSS in iGoogle assumes that you have mailbox on Google ( and activation of the iGoogle tool itself.

Reading RSS in Google Reader also requires that you have a Google email account. It’s a very nice reader – I liked it.

By the way, you can find out here average frequency publication of articles, number of subscribers (if someone has it hidden on the blog itself). There are also useful tips with the addresses of RSS feeds of similar blogs and recommended RSS reading services.

Using the third method (“subscribe to a web channel”) you can read the RSS feed directly in the browser. The following dialog box will appear, where you just need to click on “Subscribe”:

Here you can customize the news feed from this blog (the number of announcements displayed; sort by date, title, author; filter by category).

  • click on the star on the right top corner browser (favorites, feeds and history)
  • Click on the “web channels” tab
  • click on the desired channel

In my opinion, everything is not so difficult.

In the following articles I will tell you how to subscribe to RSS and how to read RSS in other browsers. Therefore, whoever is interested or needs such information, or may need it in the near future, subscribe to my blog updates - the form is at the end of the post. You can also subscribe toRSS(what is RSS) or email updates in the left column at the top of the page.

Today I talked about reading RSS in Google Chrome and Internet Explorer browsers. I hope it is now clear to you, how to subscribe RSS And How readRSS feed in these browsers.

Until next time!

Good luck everyone!!!

A little over a month left. This event certainly stirred up the RSS pool, giving impetus to the emergence of new programs and services. So far, as far as I understand, Feedly has become the leader in user preferences, but this does not mean at all that the search for an ideal replacement for Google Reader is over. Perhaps some of our readers will like more non-standard solutions, For example, . And in this article we will get acquainted with several useful extensions for the Google Chrome browser, which will allow you to use it as an RSS reader.

The idea of ​​integrating an RSS reading tool into a browser is far from new and was implemented in Opera, which gave another reason for pride to users of this browser. Firefox took a slightly different route and created “live bookmarks” for RSS feeds. Let's see if similar tricks can be taught to Google Chrome.

RSS Feed Reader

This is a full-fledged RSS reader, located right in the small extension window that appears when you click on the icon on the toolbar. Adding feeds is possible either individually or by importing an opml file, and even by exporting your subscriptions from Google Reader.

In the extension settings, you can select a display theme, update interval, and organize subscriptions into folders. When you click on the name of the feed, a list of articles is displayed, clicking on which opens them in a new browser tab. It is possible to mark items for later reading, leave them as unread, view only new ones, and so on - in general, everything basic capabilities"adult" reader.

Slick RSS

It's a simple RSS reader built right into your browser. Subscriptions are added individually or by copying the contents of the opml file (it’s not clear why they didn’t do a full export). There are no options for organizing subscriptions into folders, nor any other advanced tools for working with articles. But the feeds are displayed in the form of tiles with illustrations, which is reminiscent of a magazine layout. Thus, this method is not suitable for serious work with RSS, but if you just want to read something in moments of relaxation, you can try it.

Foxish live RSS

With this extension you can use the "live bookmarks" technology from Firefox browser. After installing it in address bar browser, a new stylized RSS icon appears that, when clicked, will subscribe to the news feed from the page you are viewing. As a result, the panel Chrome favorites appears special folder, which contains links to all new articles of the resource.

This method of viewing RSS is suitable for those people who need to follow updates on their favorite site or are waiting for a certain article to appear. In one click you can immediately find out what's new on your favorite resource.

Local Rss Reader

According to the author, his goal was to create local copy Google Reader. Having installed its extension, we will see that it coped with its task perfectly. The interface of his reader exactly copies old look Google Reader has approximately the same capabilities. That's just from the servers of the Local good corporation Rss Reader does not depend, all data is saved locally, so this extension is not afraid of any closures.

We have introduced you some interesting add-ons that will help you use the Google Chrome browser to read news feeds. We hope that you can choose something to your taste and Google shutting down Reader will go unnoticed by you.

A little over a month left. This event certainly stirred up the quiet RSS pool, giving impetus to the emergence of new programs and services. So far, as far as I understand, Feedly has become the leader in user preferences, but this does not mean that the search for an ideal replacement for Google Reader is over. Perhaps some of our readers will like more non-standard solutions, for example. And in this article we will get acquainted with several useful extensions for the Google Chrome browser that will allow you to use it as an RSS reader.

The idea of ​​integrating an RSS reading tool into a browser is far from new and was implemented in Opera, which gave another reason for pride to users of this browser. Firefox took a slightly different route and created “live bookmarks” for RSS feeds. Let's see if similar tricks can be taught to Google Chrome.

RSS Feed Reader

This is a full-fledged RSS reader, located right in the small extension window that appears when you click on the icon on the toolbar. Adding feeds is possible either individually or by importing an opml file, and even by exporting your subscriptions from Google Reader.

In the extension settings, you can select a display theme, update interval, and organize subscriptions into folders. When you click on the name of the feed, a list of articles is displayed, clicking on which opens them in a new browser tab. It is possible to mark items for later reading, leave them in unread, view only new ones, and so on - in general, all the basic features of an “adult” reader.

Slick RSS

It's a simple RSS reader built right into your browser. Subscriptions are added individually or by copying the contents of the opml file (it’s not clear why they didn’t do a full export). There are no options for organizing subscriptions into folders, nor any other advanced tools for working with articles. But the feeds are displayed in the form of tiles with illustrations, which is reminiscent of a magazine layout. Thus, this method is not suitable for serious work with RSS, but if you just want to read something in moments of relaxation, you can try it.

Foxish live RSS

With this extension you can use the live bookmarks technology from the Firefox browser. After installing it, a new stylized RSS icon appears in your browser's address bar, and when you click it, you will subscribe to the news feed from the page you are viewing. As a result, a special folder appears in the Chrome favorites bar, which contains links to all new articles on the resource.

This method of viewing RSS is suitable for those people who need to follow updates on their favorite site or are waiting for a certain article to appear. In one click you can immediately find out what's new on your favorite resource.

Local Rss Reader

According to the author, his goal was to create a local Google copies Reader. Having installed its extension, we will see that it coped with its task perfectly. The interface of his reader exactly copies the old one Google view Reader and has approximately the same capabilities. But Local Rss Reader does not depend on the servers of the good corporation, all data is saved locally, so this extension is not afraid of any closures.

We have introduced you some interesting add-ons that will help you use the Google Chrome browser to read news feeds. We hope that you will be able to choose something to your liking and the closing of Google Reader will go unnoticed for you.

RSS Live is convenient extension m for Google users Chrome who want to access selected channels and update them directly in the browser Google Chrome. Extension RSS Live adds new button in the address bar Chrome.

Click on the extension functionality control button RSS Live, monitoring is displayed RSS feeds and scanning capability available channels. Channels are controlled at the beginning and the first task of the user is to click on the available channel links to subscribe to the desired channels.
RSS Live will automatically scan everything open tabs For RSS Feed links to display them as user links. This gives you the opportunity to subscribe to selected channels by clicking on them in the interface.

Channels that are added from now on are controlled. The extension options allow you to add URLs either manually or automatically, but more on that later. Button RSS Live from now on it will show RSS Feed updates. Left-click on the button and channel monitoring will be displayed. Click on one of the channels - it will be displayed Last update RSS selected website or service. The load preview of the selected page will open in a new browser tab.

Articles that have been selected are marked as read, there are options to mark all articles as read and open the feed to the home page.Extension RSS Live uses sound notifications in addition to an animation icon to notify the user about channel updates. These settings can be disabled in options.
Functions RSS Live .
Let's take a closer look at the extensive possibilities RSS Live .

Show parameters - optionally configured at the top parts of the page. Here you can define maximum height and the width of the pop-up window, channels and names of formatting options, maximum amount elements or how channels or elements are displayed in a pop-up window.
You can also configure groups. This is useful for users with big amount channels that have a subscription and users who prefer to divide channels into categories for more easy access to certain news. Feeds can be added to specific groups, for example, Windows for news window sites. This is required for group channels in options before they become visible in the popup.
There are export and import configuration options, but unfortunately, not for OPML files. Users Chrome must click on the Save Settings button before changing when the channels become visible in the browser.
R.S.S Live is a convenient extension for users Chrome who want to be notified directly in their browser when one of their subscribed channels is updated with new content. Extension R.S.S Live forChrome can use the import option to add multiple channels at the same time. There is another interesting option that adds the ability to see full previews of channels by highlighting the news feed. Chrome users with a channel subscription should consider using groups to improve the display of channels in the pop-up window. Download and install for following link RSS Live Links .