Sound channel for microphone in Skype. Skype does not see the microphone - setup, connection, errors. Advantages and disadvantages

Hi people! Today you will learn how to set up a microphone in Skype. To set up a microphone on Skype, you need to repeat what I wrote. Program Skype already known all over the world. Thanks to it, you can communicate with your interlocutor who is on the other side of the world, and at the same time see him live.

Of course, video communication requires a camera and microphone. Today we will talk about microphones. For simple devices It will be enough to insert it into the appropriate connector Pink colour. But with modern devices things are a little more complicated.

If, after connecting the microphone, it still does not turn on in Skype, then you will need to check its settings in the system: I also wanted to say that for Skype you will need a webcam, so I advise you to read articles about that or here is a good one.

« Control Panel» — « Equipment and sound"- "Sound "

Or like this:

Click on the speaker icon on the taskbar right click mouse and select " Recording devices».

There should be no problems if your computer has one sound card. In this case, the Recording tab will default to this device. But if there are several sound cards, then in the settings select the card into whose connector the microphone will be connected.

Nowadays, they mainly produce combined camera + microphone devices. The connection process is the same as described above. Now I’ll take a closer look at the sound settings.

On the “Levels” tab, adjust the microphone sensitivity level: set the “microphone” slider to the initial right position up to 100 units, and the “ microphone gain"by +10 dB.

Now let's look at how to set up a microphone on Skype, if everything previous settings you did it, but the microphone in the program still does not work.

Open Skype settings and follow the route:

“Tools” - “Settings...”.

In the window that opens, select “ Sound settings".

Now pay attention to the “Microphone” section, the default device that is specified in the microphone settings should be selected in it operating system. If everything is correct, then look at the “Volume” section. A green bar should appear here when you speak into the microphone.

You can tick the option “ Allow automatic setup microphone" In this case, the sound volume will be adjusted by the computer: if necessary, increase or decrease. Check the service in operation. If the volume fluctuates erratically, then cancel this action.

So, if the question “How to set up a microphone in Skype” remains open for you, and the sound and video do not work, then most likely the problem is related to installation drivers device or hardware malfunction. Please ask your wishes and questions in the comments. All the best!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Skype is one of the most popular and accessible instant messengers, with which you can communicate via text chat and audio-video communications. But often inexperienced users Having registered in Skype and called the interlocutor, they find out that they cannot be heard - the microphone in Skype does not work. Why does this happen and what to do? This is usually due to incorrect setting audio system of your computer or laptop.

The main problem due to which the microphone does not work in Skype is crooked installed drivers sound. Sometimes it may not be configured software, for example, Realtek HD Audio.

Let's look at why the device most often disconnects in Skype. There is nothing complicated in setting up this program to do the necessary actions - you just need to check the connection of the device to the computer and its settings in the system. Some devices are automatically configured after connection, but if you are reading our article, this is not the case.

Find the sound card of your computer, no matter laptop or stationary machine. The microphone on the audio card is inserted into a special connector called Jack 3.5. Usually there are several connectors on the board different colors. For headphones or speakers there is a green input, for an analog input there is a blue connector, and the one needed for sound recording is pink. Almost all computers have colors sound card exactly like that. The only difference is that on netbooks and ultrabooks the inputs can be on the right or left, while on system unit behind.

On computers that do not have an audio card, the audio inputs are located on the motherboard. They are located on the built-in module - a small gray panel with three connectors blue, pink and green flowers. As in the case described above, the microphone input is indicated in pink. and wait a few seconds - your computer system should automatically detect the device. If the person you are talking to on Skype cannot hear you, you will have to proceed to the following steps.


If the device does not work, first of all you need to check whether you have installed sound drivers. When you hear sound from the speakers, most likely yes. To double-check, open the device manager (right-click on the “Computer” icon in the “Start” menu). You can also find it in the control panel. Open the "Sound, video and gaming devices" section. With the “firewood” installed, identified devices will “hang” there. But if there are unknowns (indicated by a question mark), go to the website of the laptop manufacturer or manufacturer motherboard, and from there download the sound drivers.

Selecting a microphone in devices

When using a laptop with a built-in microphone, you will still have to make system settings. To do this, find Realtek dispatcher HD Audio – it is located in the tray in the lower right corner (next to the clock), and in the control panel in the “Hardware and Sound” section. IN open manager go to the "Microphone" tab, where select required device and click "OK". Here you can adjust the sensitivity, turn off the second device, and enhance noise and echo suppression.

A quick way to check if you can see Personal Computer microphone: open the control panel, go to “Hardware and Sound”, select “Sound”. On the recording tab you will see all devices designed for sound recording.

Important: if the microphone is not detected in the audio manager and system settings, it may be broken or the connector is damaged sound card. You will need another device to check.

Setting up a microphone in Skype

IN Skype window Find the “Tools” menu, there click on the “Settings” line. In the window that opens, go to the “Sound Settings” tab. Here you can select the microphone and speakers you need and adjust their volume. There is an automatic configuration option.

After saving the changes, check if the microphone works in Skype. An easy way is to call Echo Sound support. If everything went well, the slider in “Sound Settings” will move when you start speaking.

We hope our tips helped you set everything up as needed. If all else fails and the device still does not work, you will have to check its functionality on another computer, or connect a third-party microphone to your PC.

In order for the microphone setup in Skype to be successful, you will need two things: a program installed on your PC and the device itself. If you work with a computer, then you need to purchase a microphone (it can be either separate or built into the webcam); laptops already have this device inside.

What problems with sound can arise when talking on Skype: your voice may be heard with interference or it will not be heard at all. The reason for this may be either problems with the microphone or.

How to set up a microphone in Skype if the other person can't hear you

  1. The first thing to do is check the microphone. If it's built into your device, make sure the mute button hasn't been pressed and Skype isn't turned on silent mode. When working with external microphone you should check the quality of its connection, and if the device is wireless, the charge indicators battery. If the program does not recognize the signal, you will see a corresponding message on the screen.
  2. Make a test call to the Skype service. By typing in search bar login echo123 and using voice prompts, you can record audio message, which can then be reproduced. If you can listen to the notification, then your microphone is fine. There may be a problem with the connection or the speakers of your interlocutor.
  3. If you don't hear the recorded speech, you should check your microphone settings in Skype. Open the "Tools" section and select the appropriate section. Try saying something and if everything works, then green indicator will move.
  4. Examination Windows settings- this is the last option, which should be used only if all the previous methods did not help you. Software for this can be found on the official Microsoft support website.

How to adjust the microphone in Skype if the other person can’t hear you well

Faced with a problem low quality sound (the voice is accompanied by an echo, the sound is muffled or intermittent), use the recommendations below:

  1. Always work with yourself latest version applications. It is advisable to update the program not only for yourself, but also for your interlocutor.
  2. Check the connection quality. If phrases reach the interlocutor with a delay, are interrupted, and the voice resembles a robot, the reason may be a poor-quality connection.
  3. Change the speech-to-noise ratio yourself: move closer to the microphone, since voice clarity directly depends on distance; try to reduce background noise; turn down the volume of the speakers (may cause a booming echo); If possible, it is better to use a headset.

Among all the voices Skype instant messengers always stood out simple interface and a host of various functions: from sending simple text messages to a full video call using a computer or laptop webcam. Over time everything large quantity people began to pay great attention mobile devices and tablets, therefore popular app migrated there too. But with the transition to new platforms, new questions arose. One of them: how to adjust the microphone sound in Skype on a tablet? To be honest, there is no complicated setup, but there are some problems when starting to work with Skype, which we will now look at.

Possible problems with the microphone when setting it up

Setting up a microphone correctly in Skype on Android is very simple. You just need to make sure that the microphone on your tablet is working properly and that there are no glitches in the program itself. This leads to two ways to set up a microphone in Skype:

  • Checking your device's microphone for problems
  • Installing a different version of Skype

Below are detailed analyzes both options.

Method 1: Check your device's microphone for problems

The first thing to check is: does the microphone work on your tablet? It's very easy to do. Skype for tablet itself has a microphone check function.

Let's go to Skype.

From the list of contacts, select Echo/Sound Test Service and click on the “Call” icon.

After this, you will be asked to check your microphone - the audio recording function will be available for 10 seconds. Say a few words or phrases of your choice, and then sound signal you will hear your own voice.

If you don't hear anything, don't despair. You may need to connect Bluetooth headset(headphones with built-in microphone) and repeat the test call.

If nothing happens after this, then the microphone of your device requires replacement or repair.

Method 2: Install a different version of Skype

Sometimes Skype doesn't work properly due to outdated version. In this case, you need to update the application firmware. This is done as follows:

2. Enter in the search menu - Skype

Good afternoon friends! Many messengers are created to replace live communication with virtual communication, and it is for these purposes that they have added voice functions. Skype was no exception, but the sneaky microphone often doesn’t want to work in it, and even if it does work, it’s impossible or very difficult for common man tune. But don’t worry: everything is complicated only at first glance, and in today’s article I will prove it to you by telling you in detail about all the nuances of the work.

Where to get a computer microphone for Skype

The first question that the reader of the article asks is: “Where can I buy this very device? Should I go to a musical instrument store? I answer: of course not.

You don’t need a professional studio microphone - it’s expensive - and the thing you’re looking for has nothing in common with the device of a talk show host.

In order to make calls on Skype it will do normal device, whose price does not exceed the regional average. You can buy one at a normal price at any computer store - the same place where you can buy the computer itself and, for example, the keyboard for it.

Before purchasing, consult with knowledgeable friends and compare prices in online stores, look at the rating. Remember: if the price of a device is significantly lower than average, it will last no more than a few days.

It is best to ask for headphones with a built-in headset. Why? Here's the thing...

What are good headphones for Skype with a microphone?

This device has incomparably more advantages compared to others. Microphones built into a webcam are, as a rule, very, very weak: quiet, glitchy and noisy. A stand-alone device is expensive, and it can get in the way on the table.


  • compact. Being a mixture of devices, they do not take up much space. You can also take wireless ones;
  • cheap. Oddly enough, these devices often cost less as a set than individually;
  • quality. Usually the device built into the headphones is quite good. It can be used for personal communication and business.

There is another option to get the coveted device.

Is it possible to make a microphone for Skype with your own hands?

It's free to create it yourself. Sometimes such homemade devices are even the best, since they are made exactly for the owner and take into account all his preferences. But in order to undertake to make this device and design it correctly, you will need skillful hands, some knowledge of electronics and the ability to purchase certain parts.

One way to construct the device goes like this:

  • take the old ones not working headphones and a microphone from a phone, player or something similar;
  • cut off the plug from the headphones;
  • cut the microphone wires from a device such as a player;
  • correctly solder the plug and the device (you can just twist it);
  • wrap the soldering area with electrical tape.

You can also take your friend's old broken headphones and give them new life, having received, albeit not the best, but still a working device.

Don't take a job if you don't understand it. For example, if you pick up a soldering iron for the first time, you may get burned. And a poorly made device can cause a short circuit or shock you.

But now the microphone has been bought or made. Which means it's time to move on to next step.

How to enable microphone in skype on computer

Namely: turn it on and finally start using it. Of course I would like to do separate button with a big sign “Enable”, but in this life not everything is so simple. You'll have to tinker a little.

Do this:

  • launch the messenger;
  • call a friend. As a rule, there is no need to activate the device; everything happens automatically. You will hear your voice in headphones or through speakers;
  • if this does not happen, check its connection to the computer;
  • open the program, go to “Settings”, select “Sound and Video”;
  • The Microphone section shows all devices. If you are not sure what to choose, pull out the plug and see what disappears and what is found when you plug it back in;
  • if Skype doesn’t see it... Then read the article further.

If you don't understand something, you can watch a detailed video.

This algorithm is the same for both windows and Linux, such as for example ubuntu.

But it's on a computer. On a laptop...

Turn on the microphone in Skype on a laptop

Everything happens almost exactly the same. But there are also a few important points. First, find the power button on your laptop (for example, there is one on Lenovo products) and press it just in case. If a crossed out icon appears on the screen, press again.

Secondly, in some models third party device via USB or any other port cannot be connected - Skype will simply ignore it.

It's basically easy to turn on. But what can you do to turn it off?

How to turn off the microphone in Skype

There are several ways to turn off the device:

  • to turn it off in one specific call just move your mouse to the bottom of the call screen and find the microphone there. Click on it;
  • to turn it off permanently, go to “Sound and Video”, uncheck “Set up microphone automatically” and move the slider all the way to the left;
  • Find the power off button on the keyboard and press it;
  • disable it through “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Hardware and Sound” - “Device Manager” (Windows only).

Don't forget to turn it on later!

Finally, to end the topic of the first connection, we will examine two more important issues.

How to set up a microphone on Skype

Skype doesn’t give us the opportunity to change anything significantly, it doesn’t open a real mixer window, and it just gets rid of us with a banal volume changer to decrease or increase it. The settings do not allow you to improve the sound quality.

All manipulations are performed in the “Sound and Video” window, and only if you uncheck the “Set up microphone automatically” checkbox. You should not do this unless necessary - the program itself knows what you need.

Checking the microphone in Skype

To check whether the device is connected, there is another very useful and convenient way.

Do this:

  • open the “Sound and Video” window;
  • select required device. It should be detected automatically;
  • start talking. If everything is fine, the green bar will quickly move left and right, depending on how quietly you speak.

To check the device’s operation and quality, ask the other person to record your call and send the result to you.

And if, as a result of the check, it turns out that you are almost not heard, it’s time to read the next paragraph of the article.

How to boost your microphone on Skype

You can:

  • follow the path “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Hardware and Sound” - “Sound” - “Management” sound devices» − “Recording” − Your microphone – “Properties” − “Levels” − “Gain”. Drag the slider all the way to the right;
  • go to the “Sound and Video” window in Skype and increase the sensitivity (that same scale) to the maximum. The volume should increase.

By the way, in order not to constantly climb into this window, you can make one tricky cheat.

How to put a microphone on a button in Skype

Previously, you could bind a device in Skype - you press it and it turns off. Press again and it turns on.

To do this in old version messenger do this:

  • go to “Tools” - “Settings” - “Advanced” - “Keyboard shortcuts”;
  • Click on the “Enable keyboard shortcuts” checkbox;
  • click on “Turn off”;
  • in the window that opens, select the first key for the combination and enter the second one in the field. For example, you want to enable it by Alt+A. Click the checkbox next to Alt and enter A in the field;
  • save the settings.

IN new version, as they say in the instructions, hot keys are already configured for activation - Ctrl+M.

Let's talk a little more about volume.

How to make the microphone louder in Skype

It is possible to make it even louder for a conversation or conference - this is described several subheadings above. The operations of amplification and volume increase are carried out in exactly the same way. Just don't overdo it - turn down the volume if necessary.

But this is suitable if the device is good. If it is not very good in itself, simply increasing the volume will not work.

Is it possible to download a microphone amplifier for Skype?

In this case, some kind of amplifier is needed. You can only make it yourself - there are a lot of different guides on the Internet. Download it as regular program impossible.

Well, it's time for short answers to your questions and quick solutions to popular problems. Go!

How to use headphones as a microphone in Skype

If the headphones are with a headset, Skype itself will detect this and, in theory, will display it in the list of devices. Otherwise, you won’t be able to cheat - read the first subheadings.

The microphone in Skype does not work or does not work well - solving the problem

Solutions to the problem:

  • check if you have connected it. Sometimes it may be accidentally disabled. Don't forget to check all of his power-ups as well; check whether you can be heard in third-party programs;
  • if yes, then try reinstalling the program;
  • If the device does not work in any of the programs or is lost, contact technical support.

Another option is if the device does not see Skype or other programs, the problem is there. Take it for repair or buy a new one.

What to do if the microphone does not work on Skype on mac os

For MacBook the solutions are:

  • the same as for Windows;
  • Remember if you switched Mac OS to Windows. If yes, then move it back. Most likely there was some kind of glitch.

In fact, the problems are absolutely similar, since their cause is the same.

What to do when the microphone does not work in Skype on iPhone or Android

You can set it up on iPhone as follows:

  • reinstall the program;
  • go to settings and find the “Privacy” tab there. Check the box that allows Skype to access the device;
  • take the device in for repair.

On an iPhone there are very few reasons for this - most often the problem is a technical malfunction.

For Android, the solution is this (the same for all Android smartphones, including nexus):

  • if it stops working abruptly, the problem is a technical malfunction;
  • find the “Privacy” option in the settings and allow Skype access to the microphone (select the program in the list);
  • download the latest version of the program.

Unfortunately, there is no other way to fix the problem on your phone.

What to do if the microphone in your headphones does not work on Skype

Device problems on headphones are no different from problems with a regular device. Moreover, most likely the problem is a technical malfunction - unfortunately, the wires of such devices often come loose and break. Only a specialist can fix a malfunction; sometimes you have to completely change the device.

Why does the microphone turn itself off in Skype?

Solutions to the problem “The microphone turns itself off when you turn on a call” or becomes unavailable:

  • make sure that the problem is not technical;
  • update all drivers;
  • reinstall the program;
  • disable automatic configuration of the device and speakers in “Sound Properties”;
  • contact technical support.

The microphone on the tablet does not work in Skype - why?

On a tablet the problem is solved in the same way as on a phone. So just look at the right subheading.

Solving problems when the microphone is buzzing, hissing, or buzzing in Skype

If the device hisses, buzzes, makes noise, suppresses sound, makes background sounds, you can restore its operation as follows:

  • install updated drivers;
  • disable automatic configuration;
  • download a program to adjust the device and configure it;
  • reinstall the program;
  • check your internet connection.

Why does the microphone squeak and wheeze in Skype?

The device beeps and wheezes due to:

  • low-quality headset;
  • loose connector due to constant poking;
  • device that has expired;
  • poor quality communication;
  • small amount of RAM.

What to do if Skype does not see the microphone from the headphones

If the client does not find the device, do this:

  • check the device is working properly;
  • reinstall the program;
  • install driver updates;
  • update Internet Explorer.

The microphone has disappeared in Skype - how to find it

The problem where the device is not displayed is completely similar to the problem above. So read on!


A microphone along with a webcam is very an important part network communication. Don’t neglect this opportunity, and then even on the vast Internet you won’t feel lonely.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of use:

  • live communication;
  • You can communicate on the Internet “as in life”;
  • you can hear the changed voices of long-unseen friends;
  • It’s much faster and more convenient to communicate the entire flow of news by voice than to write it for a long time in a chat.

Disadvantages of using:

  • a good device is expensive;
  • inexpensive, Bad quality capable of making disgusting sounds.

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