The top of the iPhone 6 is heating up. Why does my iPhone get hot during use?

When the iPhone 6 gets very hot, this indicates a breakdown. It is necessary to quickly find the reason why the iPhone 6 is heating up and eliminate it. Any day that the phone is malfunctioning can increase the cost of further iPhone 6 repairs. Sometimes the situation becomes critical, and restoring the device becomes impossible. Let's figure out why the iPhone 6 is heating up and how this problem can be solved.

iPhone 6 is heating up: what to do?

Typically, the iPhone 6 gets warm when charging and when talking. Heating occurs less frequently in standby mode. In most cases, this phenomenon is observed after the iPhone 6 gets wet or the phone is hit. These external influences easily lead to short circuits, disconnection of contacts and damage to components. Also, the iPhone 6 heats up due to software glitches, which you can fix yourself.

If you suspect that the phone is technically fine and the iPhone 6 is getting very hot due to the heavy load on the battery, check to see if there are any applications installed on it that are too power-hungry. Just go to Settings - General - Statistics - Battery Usage, take a look at which programs are consuming too much power and uninstall them. But what if the iPhone 6 still gets very hot?

In this case, there is a risk that the phone's battery is faulty. It happens that the iPhone 6 gets very hot due to an outdated battery or damage to the power controller. Replacing an iPhone 6 battery and repairing microcircuits requires professional knowledge and almost jewelry-like labor. Therefore, do not be lazy to take the gadget to a service center, where you can accurately determine the nature of the malfunction and effectively repair the device.

Our service center specialists will conduct free diagnostics of the device, which will help to reliably identify the causes of malfunctions. Typically, the iPhone 6 battery needs to be replaced or the power controller repaired. In the first case, the repair will take about one hour, in the second, the craftsmen will need about 2 days. After this period, you will forget about the unpleasant situation when the iPhone 6 gets very hot.


It happens that an Apple gadget works normally for some time, and then begins to noticeably resemble a central heating radiator; the iPhone 6 heats up so much even in normal operation. In winter it is certainly pleasant - you can warm your hands. But if the iPhone 6 overheats, then there is a risk of spontaneous combustion, which is already dangerous.

Visible and tangible symptoms of the problem:

  • iPhone becomes hot to the touch, all or in parts
  • The menu starts switching spontaneously
  • Battery charge is rapidly draining
  • The apple phone may freeze if it overheats,
  • iPhone won't turn off

Reasons for iPhone heating up:

  • Active search of the Internet (the Wi-Fi module consumes quite a lot of energy to maintain communication)
  • Unsuccessful attempts to establish communication with a mobile operator (in the metro, underground passage, transport)
  • CPU overload (if the gadget is running a power-intensive application or game)
  • Run multiple common programs at the same time
  • The iPhone 6 heats up when charging (if the device has been completely discharged before, it can heat up significantly when connected to the network). This block of reasons for the heating of the iPhone is natural, and is caused by the fact that Apple gadgets are comparable in performance to desktop computers. But unlike them, they do not have additional cooling systems.
  • Using a faulty or non-original iPhone charger
  • There is a software failure, in this case it is enough to reflash the iPhone, and it usually stops overheating.
  • Hardware problems - caused by both manufacturing defects and mechanical damage to the iPhone.

But the last two options require a more detailed consideration, since if there is a problem in the body of the device, the iPhone heats up even in normal mode, and battery consumption occurs at lightning speed. To determine the reason why the iPhone is overheating, you need to do this, which is only possible in an Apple service center.

What are the dangers of overheating an apple phone? First of all, spontaneous combustion. Since any powerful gadget can fail if its temperature exceeds the permissible values. Therefore, if you have the impression that the iPhone 6 is getting too hot, then you should turn off energy-intensive applications and show it to a specialist.
What should you do if your iPhone overheats due to a hardware failure (failure of the processor, charging sensor, or other reasons)? If the iPhone is under warranty, then there are two ways:

  • Send all boxes, documents and receipts to the store where the iPhone was purchased and demand a replacement; With the warranty card and iPhone, contact an authorized service center, where, after an unsuccessful attempt to repair the gadget, you are required to replace it with a new one.
  • If the iPhone went into repair, was flooded with water, fell, etc. in general, the warranty no longer applies to it, then if the iPhone 6 gets very hot, you should contact a professional who will investigate and help fix the problem.

 The problem with the smartphone heating up and the battery quickly draining usually occurs after long-term use. The cause of this malfunction may be a failure in the system or a faulty battery.

 First look at the running applications. In some cases, the problem occurs when the CPU load is high, such as when running a game. If a resource-intensive application continues to run in the background, your battery will drain much faster.

 Close all applications and try to clean the list of running programs more often. If this method helped, then everything is fine with your smartphone, the main thing is not to forget to close unnecessary programs.

 In some cases, overheating and rapid discharge is a firmware flaw. So, after the release of version 7 of the operating system, some iPhone models began to discharge very quickly. The operating system was fixed very quickly and after updating again the problem disappeared. Update your iPhone to the latest OS version.

 Extreme heating of the battery can cause damage to the display module. In this case it is necessary.

 If you just bought a smartphone and discovered a problem with fast discharge, then check the version of the operating system. If the OS version and build number match those that had problems with the battery, then try updating the operating system version, this may solve more than one problem.

If your OS is not on the list of problematic ones, but the performance of the battery still leaves questions, then you can try updating the firmware. Perhaps the failure occurred due to incorrect installation of the application. If the software glitch is fixed, then you can safely use your phone.

 Sometimes a crash occurs after installing a certain application. If you notice that problems with your iPhone began just after downloading the program, then try uninstalling it and watching the smartphone work for a few days. If the smartphone works well, then try to find an alternative to the desired application and check the functionality of the device after installing it.

Battery fault

 We've sorted out the operating system, now let's look at the options when the problem is a faulty battery.

A smartphone with a faulty battery will discharge faster. If such a malfunction occurs, it is necessary to replace the battery and check the device.

In some cases, replacing the battery may not help if the power controller is faulty. If the controller is faulty, the motherboard must be repaired.

 Quick battery drain on a smartphone is one of the most serious problems for users, especially those who actively use the device’s functionality.

 For comparison, a working iPhone with active use will work all day, but a problematic device may turn off after 3-4 hours of use.

Apple products are considered to be of very high quality and reliable, but despite this, problems also arise with them and they can fail. In this article we will answer the most popular question from owners - what to do if the iPhone gets very hot when charging and during operation: why this happens, how to diagnose the malfunction.

When you don't have to worry about the condition of your gadget

The fact is that, like any equipment, the iPhone can get warm for completely natural reasons that do not indicate a breakdown. In order to determine whether this is so, you need to know at what point the body began to heat up and to what level. This may be normal in the following cases:

  • Games with heavy graphics. Regardless of the version of the phone, it can not only increase the surface temperature, but also lose several percent of the battery at one point. This is due to the fact that a lot of resources are spent on current processes.
  • Wi-Fi and 3G. The further away the signal source, the hotter the device, since it has to constantly be on the lookout for networks.
  • In the process of "feeding". Especially if before that it was discharged to zero. In order for the device to charge, an increased current is needed, so the case becomes red-hot.
  • There are many resource-intensive applications loaded on the device. And if the user uses one of them while plugged in, the temperature inevitably rises.

It is quite easy to understand whether the iPhone is heating up for natural reasons or whether there is a problem with it. If, after disconnecting from the power and turning off the application, it quickly cools down and behaves normally, everything is fine. Otherwise, it is better to contact the service center. If this is not possible, you can try to solve the problem yourself. We will tell you about the main reasons that can cause your iPhone to overheat.

When to sound the alarm

If you notice that the phone has a hot surface even during normal use, you should be wary. Quite often this sign of breakdown is combined with other problems.

  • The menu switches without prompting. U
  • The device freezes and does not turn off.
  • The battery lasts for a very short time.
  • The screen does not respond to touch.

iPhone heats up very quickly when charging: what to do

If the device body, when connected to electricity, often becomes hot for no apparent reason (deep discharge), this may mean that:

  • The software is not installed correctly. Some application may not function correctly. To check if this is the case, delete those applications that were downloaded before the device began to fail.
  • The network voltage is increased or surges occur. Plug into another outlet and test it.
  • The phone itself or its battery is faulty. In this case, remember whether the battery has expired. Usually it lasts for 500 charging cycles - then it becomes unusable and requires replacement with a new one.

If the methods listed above did not help and your iPhone still heats up quickly, contact a service center. There is probably a failure in the “stuffing” of the smartphone and you will need the help of a knowledgeable technician.

The Rudevice-store online store offers new, original Apple devices with full warranty service.

iPhone gets hot during standby mode

This can also happen due to a worn out battery. You can check its condition and degree of wear using special programs. There are a lot of them. For example, Battery LifeBattery Charge. After launching the application, you will see rows with values.

  • Capacity - current standard battery capacity.
  • Cycles - how many recharge cycles have passed.

If wear exceeds 50%, buy a new battery.

The second reason is oxidation of the motherboard contacts. This malfunction occurs if moisture gets inside the gadget. In this case, it is also better to go straight to the repairmen.

Why does the iPhone get very hot and very hot during operation and the battery immediately runs out?

There are many explanations for the fact that the phone body is hot. You can try to solve some problems yourself, without the help of a technician at a service center.

For example, you are not using the original charger. Yes, this can be a major factor in the problem. Chinese analogues often do not fully charge the battery and therefore it is not enough even for a day. In addition, they incorrectly regulate voltage fluctuations and this can lead to a malfunction in the iPhone or a fire. As a result, repairs may be more expensive than a high-quality device. We do not recommend saving so much.

Set apart from other problems is the possibility of a malfunction due to the model of the gadget. If you have an iPhone 5, then this may be the problem. After the release of this phone, many buyers were faced with the fact that the iPhone overheats and quickly discharges. The reason was poorly organized production. Then a program was carried out to replace defective batteries. Devices that were released later no longer have this bug, but what if you came across an old copy?

In the online store “Rudevice-store” you can buy a high-quality smartphone of any version at prices more affordable than from official resellers.

There are several other possible problems that can be fixed without outside intervention.


The operating system on which the iPhone operates is, according to experts, the most secure. But it is not completely immune from malicious applications. At the same time, such software can be considered even simply incorrectly working programs that crash and overload the hardware. To find them you need to reflash your phone via iTunes. Do not restore data immediately and check how the smartphone behaves without a load of applications.


Dust gets into the charger connector, it becomes increasingly clogged, oxidizes, and as a result, it may happen that the gadget does not charge or does so for a very long time.


If you find out that the iPhone began to heat up not because of the reasons listed above, try working with the firmware. Problems with it may arise due to the fact that the user updates via Wi-Fi. The network fails, and as a result, minor conflicts between the OS and hardware arise in the device during operation. Because of this, the device can quickly increase in temperature, and the battery runs out in a matter of hours.

How to fix it?

  • In the settings menu, find the “basic” section, select “iCloud” in it.
  • Disable the slider next to Find My iPhone.
  • Enter the password required by the OS.
  • Connect your device to your PC. As soon as the system finds it, click on the phone icon and go to the “Browse” tab.
  • Click the "Create a copy now" button.
  • In the same section you need to select “Restore iPhone”.

Then return the deleted file using the “Restore from copy” command.

All data will appear in the gadget’s memory again. Often the actions taken are enough to get rid of the overheating problem. Such malfunctions with incorrectly functioning applications occur in any model.

Flooding the device can lead to oxidation of the contacts, short circuit or rotting of the case. What to do in this case? Check the moisture indicators first. They are located either in the charger and headphone connector, or in the SIM card slot. If they are white, everything is fine. If it's red, it's bad. Next, turn off the power, remove the case and remove the battery. The cover can be removed using a special screwdriver. The iPhone must be dried with napkins.

Rapid battery discharge is one of the signs of rotting. Also, moisture in the device can be indicated by the following:

  • The screen has lost sensitivity.
  • The sound disappeared or became very quiet. Water penetrates through the speaker protection and hits the membrane, where dust accumulates.

Flooding of a battery is easier to prevent than to repair. There are various waterproof cases for this purpose.

In the Rudevice-store online store you can purchase various accessories for iPhones 6, 7 and 8 models.

Overheating can also occur due to mechanical damage. For example, falls. In this case, it is difficult to do anything without the help of specialists.

What are the dangers of heating if left unattended?

The most serious consequence is spontaneous combustion. Mobile equipment may fail if the maximum permitted temperature is exceeded. It may also simply break and you will need to spend quite a lot of money to repair it.

  • Be careful not to leave your phone in direct sunlight.
  • If the Wi-Fi source is far away and you don’t want to quickly lose battery power, set the gadget to airplane mode or turn off network search, Bluetooth and GPS.
  • Never put your phone in the refrigerator if it is very hot, because temperature changes will only kill it.
  • Eliminate non-obvious load factors - look at installed applications, many of them require a lot of power to function, while you may not even use them. Pay attention to how many browser tabs are open, what programs are in the background, turn off geolocation.
  • In case of overheating due to games, just exit them and cool the device a little. Reproducing graphics takes a lot of energy.
  • Update your OS.
  • Do not operate the device while it is connected to power.
  • In summer, avoid thick covers.
  • Monitor the case temperature. If you feel your hand is hot, let the phone cool down


So, we talked about why the iPhone gets very hot and discharges quickly and what to do about it. If all the methods we have suggested have not brought results and the device is still heating up or the battery drains too quickly, be sure to contact a service center.

If the device has not been flooded or is damaged, it can be repaired free of charge. The best option is to turn to professionals, as they have all the necessary tools for diagnosis and repair. In addition, the technician can open the iPhone in front of the user and in this way he can verify the cause of the malfunction.

The Rudevice-store online store sells models that are subject to full warranty service. To receive the service, you must present receipts from the place of purchase.

Hi all! After a recent firmware update on my iPhone 5s, it started to get very hot and its battery was draining right before my eyes. Although I didn’t do anything supernatural or reprehensible. I just used it as usual - a browser, books, a few toys, . In general, everything that the phone is actually intended for. Looking ahead, I’ll say that the problem was successfully solved (although it took some time), but how – I’ll tell you about it today.

Although... first it is necessary to outline one point. You need to understand that any iPhone or iPad gets warm while charging, this is normal, this is how it should be, there is no point in panicking about this. Heating will be especially felt at that moment if you use the device with the charger connected. In this case, if the cover is missing, it will be really hot. But I repeat - this is the norm, we just have to accept this fact “as is”.

How to find out if the temperature of the gadget is normal or not? Personally, I check it this way:

You need to download some game that is quite demanding on resources - if during the game (10-15 minutes) the phone is just warm, then everything is “ok”! If not, then read on...

However, if you notice that in addition to heating, the battery is also “running away” (discharging quickly), then the problem is clearly in the phone and something needs to be done. Here's what you can do:

  1. The first option (it’s also the simplest) – all the content and settings of the device (don’t forget about its follow-up). You can find out where they (copies) are located. By the way, this particular method worked for me - after such manipulations, my iPhone 5s stopped heating and began to behave quite adequately.
  2. Reset doesn't help? Reflash the firmware even if the software on the device is the latest and there are no updates. Just install the latest software again. After turning it on, to complete the picture, try not immediately restoring the device from a copy, but setting it up as new. Observe the behavior on a “clean” device.
  3. Go through the settings - geolocation, the Internet (especially mobile and especially in an area of ​​​​unstable reception) can also have a strong impact on the heating of a smartphone or tablet.
  4. If your device is iPhone 5, then pay attention to this page. In short, Apple has a battery replacement program that covers iPhone 5s sold between September 2012 and January 2013. To find out if your device is suitable, enter its serial number.
  5. And the last option is that the “insides” of the gadget are damaged. There is no choice - straight to the service center. Why so categorical? The fact is that the problem may be not only in the battery, but also in the motherboard, charging controller, etc. You can’t determine it by eye; it’s better to trust the professionals.

If it happens that the iPhone gets hot and won’t turn on, then here’s how to fix this misunderstanding.

As a result, I want to repeat - heating, which is not accompanied by any associated problems (loss of charge, for example), is a payment for the thickness of the phone and the materials from which it is made, and is absolutely normal.