How to open the Odnoklassniki page is blocked. Testing methods for unblocking Russian services. How to unlock a page from your phone

Many users of the Odnoklassniki social network complain that they cannot get to their page - supposedly it is blocked. But why? How to solve this problem? Let's try to figure out this not the easiest issue together.

Reasons for blocking

There may be several of them:

Firstly, you may not be able to access the site if you are at work - many employers ask administrators to prohibit access to various types of popular resources, including social networks.

Secondly, this could happen due to the fact that your account was opened by attackers with the aim of sending spam to your friends and others. In such cases, the administration of the social network almost instantly blocks the profile.

Thirdly, you are not on Odnoklassniki at all, but on another site that does not look different at all.

Fourthly, there is a virus on your computer that replaces host file s.

Now let's look at each point in more detail.

Odnoklassniki blocked at work

So, you came to work, sat down at your desk, turned on the computer and cannot get to a number of sites, including Odnoklassniki. Theoretically, they may not work (for example, maintenance work is carried out on them), but not all at once?! Therefore, we are 99% sure that this is the work of your admin, who, by decision of the manager, blocked access to popular projects.

However, the problem can be solved if you use an anonymizer. What it is and how to use it, we have already written in detail in the article. Another option is to use mirrors. But we strongly advise against resorting to this method. Why? You can find out this from our article.

Spam sending

In this case, as we wrote above, it’s all the fault of the attackers who send spam over the network on your behalf - with these actions you violate the rules of the project, so your account is immediately blocked.

First of all, I would like to say the following - so that this does not happen in the future, be sure to link to the number mobile phone. Even if the profile is opened by scammers, you can immediately restore it - New Password will be sent to your phone as an SMS message.

However, if you have not done this, you will have to contact the Odnoklassniki support service. To do this, open the website, select “Regulations” at the bottom of the screen.

Then you will see a license agreement in front of you. You can read it, although it is large and may take a lot of time. Therefore, go to the very bottom of the page and click on the “Contact support” link.

This window appears in front of you:

Enter everything necessary information, and select “Profile blocked or deleted” as the subject for your message. You describe the situation, send a message and wait for a response. IMPORTANT! The response will be sent to the email address you provided, so make sure you have access to it.

As a rule, such requests are resolved positively for the page owner.

Other site

For some reason, many people forget that the social network has only one official page and it is located at However, in RuNet you can find great amount fraudulent sites that only superficially look like Odnoklassniki.

Why were they created? There are two main reasons. The first is for hacking accounts. Imagine you went to such a resource and entered your username and password. At the same time, you will not be able to get anywhere while attackers receive your data. Well, then they will use them to send spam.

The second reason is much more interesting. You try to get into your profile, but the system says that it is blocked and to unlock it you need to send a “free” SMS message. As you might have already guessed, after this, from your personal account A tidy sum will be written off. The most interesting thing is that some people send several messages at once, but the page will not be unblocked... But if they looked carefully at the site address, they would probably immediately understand that they were trying to deceive them - the addresses, as a rule, look like or Yes, it’s not easy to notice deception, but always pay attention to such little things. By the way, such sites are called phishing sites.

Replacing the hosts file

This type of blocking is essentially the same as what we described above - you go to the site, and it requires you to send an SMS message. There is just one interesting difference - if you look at address bar, then you will see there the website address (now also, that is, there seems to be no deception.

But in fact, everything here is very tricky. There is a virus on your computer that replaces the data in the hosts file with what it needs. Thus, you will also not be able to get to any other social network— you will be automatically redirected to a phishing site, although the address will be real (that is, or

You need to change it yourself hosts file, then scan your computer for malicious files. We have already told you how to do this.

And finally, I would like to note that every situation has its own way out. The main thing here is not to panic.

The Odnoklassniki social network has a huge audience that is only growing. But it is worth recognizing that the majority of this audience are people who do not fully understand the “insides” of a computer, do not quite understand how the Internet works, because they were born several decades earlier than today’s youth. It is this large part that often experiences problems and panic when they see the message about blocking personal page, which is not something to be afraid of.

Now we will try to explain in great detail why your Odnoklassniki page might have been blocked and how to get out of this situation.

A little about blocking pages
If you somehow saw that your Odnoklassniki account was blocked, this does not mean at all that it is so. It's a paradox, but it's true.

The thing is that blocking social networks can be installed intentionally on computers of various government agencies, schools, universities in order to avoid attempts to log into Odnoklassniki or, say, Vkontakte. This can be done, for example, so that students do not do nonsense during school hours or so that you work during your office hours. It's simple. Therefore, if you were unable to log into Odnoklassniki at work or somewhere else on your computer, then don’t panic - try doing it at home.

So, you came home and it turns out that even here you cannot log into Odnoklassniki. Now there are only three options left:

  • Or you violated the rules of the social network established by its administrators.
  • Or your account has been hacked by attackers.
  • Or there is a virus on your computer that “muddies the waters.”
If you ended up with the first option, then most likely you are not good man and we can't help you here. In other cases, read on.

What to do if the page has been hacked?
Usually, a page is hacked in a trivial way: the password for it is simply changed. Not everything here is as complicated and deplorable as it might seem.

We will not dwell too long on this point, since for many people it is much more complex problem is the presence of a computer virus in the system.

What to do if there is a virus on your computer?

  1. First of all, check your PC completely for viruses antivirus program. We recommend the program Avast.
  2. Next, follow the path: My computerdrive CWindowsSystem32driversetc.
  3. Click on the button Arrange and select Folder and search options.

  4. Go to tab View.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the list and check the box next to Show hidden files, folders and drives. Click Apply And OK.

How to unblock a page on Odnoklassniki? The issue needs further consideration. There are a number possible types access restrictions, so we will first study all the nuances.

Entry may be blocked for the following reasons:

  • The network administrator has blocked access to the resource.
  • The page was hacked and spam was sent from it.
  • The site rules were violated.
  • There is a virus on the PC that is blocking the entrance.
  • Other temporary problems.

You have learned why access to a resource may be restricted. Now we should analyze the situations separately and propose a solution.

Block from the administrator on the network

Companies often block social networks and entertainment resources. Management is interested in employees being engaged in direct performance of duties, and not spending time socializing with friends.

How to enter the portal?

  1. You need to use an anonymizer. Special resource hides the destination endpoint, and manages to bypass filters.
  2. There are many portals on the Internet, you can choose any site.
  3. Click on the social network icon on the resource.
  4. The OK login page appears.
  5. Enter your username and password.
  6. You can use the site.
  7. Portal services are provided free of charge.


  • System administrators are well aware of bypassing the ban through anonymizers and can add them to the filter.
  • There is a risk of getting into trouble if your boss finds you at your workplace with the OK page open.

If access is restricted by your provider

For people from Ukraine, the site is filtered at the provider level. If users do not want to give up the social network, they will need:

  1. Install a browser extension with VPN function. You can find add-ons in special online stores.
  2. Launch.
  3. Select country.
  4. You can go to OK and use the social network.

How does the service work?

  • Traffic is redirected to a server in another country.
  • You are entering the site from another country.
  • The servers are not subject to restrictions from the laws of other countries.
  • The provider is able to see that traffic is going abroad. But experts cannot track the endpoint.

How to restore a page to OK if you are blocked

Another option is that entry restrictions are set directly on the site. You receive a message that the page has been hacked. Causes:

  1. Unauthorized persons have gained access to your profile.
  2. Spam was sent or rules were violated.
  3. Administrators responded to user complaints.

It is easy to determine whether a hack has occurred. Employees study information about page visits and IP addresses.

If the user’s parameters and location are different, then we can conclude that unauthorized persons have credentials.

When a page on Odnoklassniki is blocked, how can I unblock it in the future? Necessary:

  • Go to the resource.
  • A message will appear indicating that the hack has been completed.
  • Below is a form for entering a number. Enter your linked phone number.
  • You will receive an SMS with a recovery code.
  • After entering, the system will prompt you to specify a new password.
  • You can use social networks.

Unblock old page without phone number

You may need to restore without a phone number. The reasons are as follows:

  • The SIM card has been lost.
  • You changed it.
  • Operators have a number change service.
  • You don't have access to your phone right now.

Restoring without a number is problematic. Required:

  1. Write a message to the support service.
  2. Provide as much information as possible about your profile.
  3. Wait for a response.
  4. Staff will review the request. If the data is sufficient for confirmation, then access to the page is granted.

What information can be provided for TP?

  • Personal data from the profile.
  • Link to the page.
  • Login.
  • Linked phone and email.
  • Date of creation.
  • Time of last visit.
  • Information about purchased paid services and methods of depositing funds.
  • Data about last change parameters in the profile.

How more information manage to provide, the better. The parameters known exclusively to the owner are important. The decision is made individually; it is impossible to predict the answer in advance.


The cause may be viruses masquerading as hacking messages. They can be difficult to identify, so caution must be exercised. After entering the recovery number, you may receive an SMS asking you to send a return message.

Never send SMS in response to third party numbers.

Some viruses are capable of penetrating files on a computer and creating a banner similar to a real notification about Odnoklassniki being hacked.

If you send a message, a serious amount will be debited from your account. You should not visit third-party sites via links, there is a high probability of receiving additional viruses to the device.

What to do?

  1. The resource administration only sends an access code and does not ask you to respond to a message or log into third-party portals.
  2. If you receive a strange SMS after entering your mobile phone, then you should visit the social network from another device, for example, a smartphone.
  3. Does the site open without problems on your phone? We can safely say that the PC is infected.

Unlock methods:

  • Find the file C\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.txt.
  • It is difficult for an ordinary person to understand the code. Therefore, it is easier to completely clear the document so that refilling occurs.
  • You can scan your PC with any antivirus. It is recommended to select analysis when loading the OS.
  • Using Dr.Web CureIt.

The application can help in removing viruses from your PC. Need to:

  1. Download Dr.Web CureIt.
  2. Install and run.
  3. Start analysis.
  4. Select an action for infected objects.
  5. Reboot.
  6. After starting your computer, you can go to the site, the resource should work fully.

A page on Odnoklassniki was blocked for violating the rules: what to do?

Account frozen for violating the rules? You can try writing a message to the administration. The main thing is don’t try to lie about the hack. Employees are able to check profile login information.

If you violated the rules, then immediately admit it, apologize and ask to unfreeze your account.

There is a possibility that the administration will accommodate and provide a second chance.

Did the specialist refuse to restore access? It is useless to argue further; it is better to spend time creating a new profile. Carefully read the main provisions on the site so as not to violate them again and not get banned again.

Temporary problems

The reason may be the lack stable connection to the network. How to check:

  • Go to any website.
  • Resource not loading? Check your cable or wireless network connection.
  • Reboot your router and computer.
  • Connection not restored? Contact your provider.

The problem may arise directly on the site. You need to wait for the troubleshooting and come back in 1-2 hours.

If the profile is deleted

When the owner decides to delete a profile, he terminates the agreement with the company. In VK it is possible to return to the site in the future; the data is stored on servers; it is possible to restore the account at the request of the owner.

In Odnoklassniki the policy is different. After a request for deletion, the parameters are erased from the server within a short time. All information has disappeared and is not stored by the company.

You should create a new account. Register and fill out the fields.

Preparing an account is easier than communicating with the administration and asking them to find forms on the servers.

To avoid becoming a victim of scammers, read the following tips:

  • Do not send SMS to different numbers.
  • Do not access third party sites.
  • If you suspect a virus, you should use a scanning and cleaning program.
  • When there is no access to the linked number, try to remember as much information as possible to provide to the support service.
  • No need to download special programs recovery. The software does not work, you can get a virus when using it.
  • There is no need to look for sites that promise to unlock your profile. They are highly likely to steal your personal data and may be infected with malware.

The profile of a member of the Odnoklassniki social network may be blocked on suspicion of gaining access by third parties or for violating the rules license agreement. The profile recovery scheme varies depending on the reason for the blocking.

In order to restore a page on Odnoklassniki if it has been blocked, in some cases you may need to take a screenshot or provide the service with technical support one document or another.

Recovery after blocking

You can gain access to a profile that has been blocked due to suspicion of third party access using the phone number specified during registration.

To restore your profile this way, you need to:

  • Try to enter the page;
  • From the proposed password recovery methods, select “Recovery by phone number”;
  • Wait 3-5 minutes for the message with the code;
  • Enter code.

When true the specified number phone, you need to request a confirmation code again if:

  • The message with the code did not arrive after the first request;
  • The sent code is invalid - it expires in a few hours.

Recovery after violation of the rules of use of the site

For violation of the terms of the site's License Agreement, the administration blocks the page, and you can restore it by contacting the Support Service with a detailed indication of the problem. In order to submit a request to restore a page to the technical support service, you must:

  • Go to the Odnoklassniki website;
  • In the window for entering your login and password, click on the link “Forgot your password?”;
  • On the page that opens, follow the link “Contact technical support”;
  • Select any section from the list;
  • At the bottom of the page, click on the “Contact support” link.

In the application for profile restoration, indicate its data:

  • Login;
  • Age;
  • First name, last name;
  • Country and city;
  • Link to profile or (profile ID);
  • Phone number;
  • E-mail address.
  • Open a correspondence with the Support Service on your computer;
  • Sit next to the computer with open correspondence;
  • Ask someone to take a photo that shows the user's face and monitor.

The photo should be sent to the Support Service by email as an attached file.

Deleted profile

If a user profile has been deleted, it cannot be restored.

Deceased user profile

In the event of the death of a social network member, his relatives can submit a request to the Odnoklassniki administration to delete the profile, indicating a link to it. To confirm information, the Help Desk may request a copy of the death certificate.

Blocked by classmates? What to do? (instructions)

These instructions are for those who, for one reason or another, cannot get to their Odnoklassniki page. If you have been hacked, blocked for SPAM or violation of a clause in the license agreement, or you simply forgot your login and password, be sure to read these instructions! There is a high probability that you will be able to regain access. As new unlocking methods appear, I will add to the text useful information.

Restoring access to the page from classmates is divided into 2 or 3 stages:

  1. Treating your computer for viruses (if there has been a hack as a result of a PC being infected with a Trojan);
  2. Search for a personal page (profile) on the website of classmates;
  3. Application for restoration;

Search page

To recover your password from classmates, go to home page website ( In the window where you enter your username and password there is a link “Forgot your password?” Click on it.

If a phone number was linked to the page and you have access to it, then it’s worth trying to start with this method. Click on “Phone”. Next, select the country and indicate the number itself. Click “Continue”.

If you remember tied to email page– click on “Mail”, enter your email and click “Continue”

In a similar way, you can find a profile by clicking on “Login” or “Link to profile”.

If you do not remember any data, then click on the “Contact us” link, which is located just below the 4 buttons. A window like this will open.

You will need to fill out the form as completely as possible. feedback describe the problem and click on “Send message”. In about 3-5 days, a response from the classmates support service will be sent to the email address specified in the message.

If you remember some data and did everything correctly, and the scammers did not have time to change the phone number from your page, then regardless of which of the four methods was used, a window will open with the choice of method for obtaining a recovery code (if not, then read here):

Restoring access via SMS

2. We are waiting for an SMS with a six-digit code to arrive. If the SMS has not arrived after 2 minutes, then we try to request a second one by clicking on the “Request code again” link that appears below.

3. Enter the code from the SMS and click “Confirm”.

Restoring access via email

2. You should receive a letter to the email associated with your account: “You have made a request to change your password on “Confirm password change” You can also enter the code on the recovery page: XXXXXX...”

You can either click on the green “Confirm password change” button, or enter the code from the letter and click “Confirm”.

Now we are asked to come up with a password. I strongly recommend using COMPLEX passwords (see example in the picture)! (Instructions “How to come up with complex password»)


Your Odnoklassniki password has been changed. If you have not changed your Odnoklassniki password, you can recover it using the link

Always yours, Odnoklassniki"

All. You have managed to restore access to the website!

Odnoklassniki blocked for suspected hacking. What to do?

So, you entered your login and password from your classmates and something like this message appeared in front of you:

How to restore the page in Odnoklassniki in this case? Depending on the degree of blocking, will ask you to either enter a phone number or guess from your friends’ photos. In the first case, to unlock classmates you will need to enter a phone number, click on “Continue”, and then enter the code sent by SMS. In the second case, you will be shown photos of your friends, and you will need to correctly indicate their names. You cannot influence the choice of unlocking method. If, for example, you received an SMS, but the number is no longer available, you will have to write to support saying that this is how it is - you cannot unblock it for suspected hacking.

Classmates blocked for violating site rules

Most often, you need to restore your Odnoklassniki page after violating rules 7.4.22 and 7.4.9. In such a situation, two options are possible:

  1. You were hacked and the site rules were violated on your behalf.
  2. You actually broke something.

I didn't break the rules

If you have not violated the rules yourself, then:

We treat your computer for viruses! This required condition. Odnoklassniki recommends Cezurity antivirus, but I still recommend using Dr.Web CureIt.

You need to contact the website support service, be sure to indicate the following information:

  • Your first and last name;
  • Age;
  • Login;
  • E-mail address;
  • Phone number;
  • Country and locality where you live;
  • Link to profile or ID.

All submitted data must correspond to what you specified on the page. If you were registered under fictitious name or, for example, the age does not correspond to the real one, then you need to indicate the one in the questionnaire. There are also cases when you are asked to send a photo against the background of the monitor plus a scan of documents. In this case, you will have to write in parentheses real age and FI and explain that it is so and so – he lied a little in his profile.

In addition, it is necessary to describe the problem in detail.

Example of a support request:

Good afternoon Viruses got onto my computer, then I was hacked, and then the page was blocked. Now I have removed all the viruses. Please return my page! I attach a photo against the background of the monitor (see attachment). Please note that in the main photo I have an avatar. My real photos are in the album “Vacation 2016” (to compare with the original). My data on classmates: Login: svetunya Mail: Personal name: Svetlana Petrenko Age: 17 years old Phone number: +79091235577

Thanks in advance and have a nice day!

Within 5 days you will receive a response from support and with a high degree of probability your access will be returned or they will tell you what else needs to be done.

I actually broke the rules

In fact, there are two ways out. Either he will accept it or try to convince support that a hack took place, i.e. do all the same actions that I described in the “I didn’t break the rules” section. However, the chances are much less, especially if you were blocked for violating clause 7.4.22 of the License Agreement

The blocking for this item is more severe. Here is what is written in the official information about this:

However, there is still a ghostly chance; you need to try to appeal the blocking by writing the following:

Dear Odnoklassniki, in the help paragraph regarding clause 7.4.22 it is written:

“Even if your profile was hacked, it cannot be unblocked, because in such a situation you had time to react in time.”

However, I want to note this: in the evening I was sitting in Odnoklassniki and everything was ok, there was no spam or anything else, but in the morning I woke up and saw that I was blocked. How much time to react can we talk about? Please understand my situation and help me regain access!

Of course, if you really had more time, or, for example, you used your page for commercial purposes, then this advice will not help. But in some cases, there is a chance of unblocking Odnoklassniki after being blocked under clause 7.4.22 of the license agreement.

How to recover an accidentally deleted page.

To be honest, I can’t imagine how you can accidentally delete your page on Odnoklassniki because... the magic button that allows you to do this does not loom in the main menu.

If you nevertheless managed to delete it, then I have to disappoint you - such a page cannot be restored! Be vigilant and do not fall for offers to “restore your page for a reasonable fee.” This is another scam whose goal is to scam you out of money!

Classmates ask to send an SMS message. What should I do?

If suddenly, in order to restore the Odnoklassniki page, they require you to send an SMS, then under no circumstances should you do this! Instead, check out the article on how to combat viruses, because... it is the virus created by the scammers that makes such demands.

Nothing helped?

If none of the methods listed above are suitable for restoring access to the website, describe your situation in the comments and I will try to help you unblock your classmates.

In contact with


How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki?

Social media has taken over almost everyone. Today, almost all users who regularly access the Internet like to create their own pages on social networks. Popular ones include VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook and others. They actively post their photographs on the pages, personal information, and access to the page requires a good and strong password to prevent anyone from accessing it. But still, there are often cases when a page is deleted without the owner’s knowledge or is blocked by the site administration. This, one might say, is a big loss for everyone, because own page worth its weight in gold. What to do in such a situation and how to restore the Odnoklassniki page?

If the page is blocked

Let's look at the reasons why a page on this social network may be deleted. You can delete your page yourself; it can be “banned” by administrators, suspecting it of being a source of spam or other harm to the network. The page may also be hacked by scammers. There is no need to worry about this, because it is still possible to restore a blocked page in Odnoklassniki. You can contact the site's technical support, who can help solve it. this problem. If you are asked to send an SMS message to recover your password, then you need to be careful with this procedure, because they can withdraw a lot of money from you, but there will be no result. It’s better to go to the Odnoklassniki page itself and select the “Forgot your password” option. There you will need to enter your email address and special code from the picture and the request will be sent. After that on email A code will be sent to restore your account. For the further security of your page, it is better to come up with a new one strong password. To be reliable, the code must contain both letters and numbers, and it must also be long.

If the page is deleted

Restore deleted page in Odnoklassniki it is almost impossible. If the page was deleted by the user himself by mistake or on purpose, then it cannot be restored. You can, of course, contact the administration, but this is unlikely to bring the expected result. Here it is better to follow the advice to create new account.

You can restore a page on Odnoklassniki if it was blocked by the administration. As mentioned above, the administration resorts to such actions when the user has raised suspicions of spam or other violations of the site rules. If your page has been used and you have nothing to do with it, you can contact the administrators, who can restore your access to your page.

To protect your Odnoklassniki page, you need to be more careful about security, namely, sometimes change your password, come up with complex combinations, which consist of letters and numbers.

How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki. TOP 5 ways to restore any page

Before restoring your page, I want you to understand a few things about Odnoklassniki support service. In any case, if you can’t do something on your own, access your page or restore it, these are the people who will help you free of charge. Yes, of course, they can force the most impatient users to wait a day or even two for an answer. But over time, they will help and give an accurate answer to any question regarding page recovery. Please do not contact various scammers who promise to restore the page, do not install any programs or browser extensions for this. This will only make the situation worse. People who directly work with our data will help completely free of charge, and this will be the most effective help, albeit at times long-awaited.

That is why the article contains many links to the official help and many calls to seek help from the technical support of your classmates and communicate with them personally.

It just so happened that in communication with those. With support, everyone has the opportunity to lie, pretend to be another person, and deceive, if this is beneficial and helps in restoring the page. No one will personally check you while you are sitting at your computer. They will only look at what you write. That is why how quickly your account will be restored, whether your request will be fulfilled or not, depends only on the talent of expressing your thoughts in a letter, on cunning and even self-interest. And remember that you communicate, first of all, with people like you.

How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki after deletion

First of all, open the website To restore the page after deletion, go to the Registration tab and enter your phone number in the line and click Next. A page can be restored in this way after deletion only within 90 days from the date the page was deleted. After this period, only communication with those will help. support.

A code will be sent to your phone to confirm the number, enter it in the appropriate field and then you can select your account that needs to be restored. Click on This is me and go to your page.

How to recover your password in Odnoklassniki

If you just forgot your password, then it doesn’t matter when you last visited the page. The main thing is that the linked number or email is valid.

Help from Odnoklassniki about password recovery -

To recover your password in Odnoklassniki, follow this link - and select preferred option page recovery.

In a special field, enter supporting information, a phone number, for example, and confirm it in the system.

After confirmation, select your page that the system found and the password recovery method, and restore it - via email or phone number.

Then enter the received code in the special field and click Confirm.

How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki without a password, login and phone number

First of all, we try to remember at least some login information - phone number, email address, login If we've looked through everything and don't remember anything and haven't found any records, we write in those. support from classmates.

Before dialogue with the support service, read the official certificate on login restoration -

If you still don’t remember anything, there is only one way out - to conduct a dialogue with social support. networks. You may need additional information confirming your identity for recovery. Passport, for example. And a photo next to the computer with open tab with the main page in the browser.

How to properly take a photo against the background of the main page can be found in the help On the device screen you need to open the main page of classmates.

Well, when taking photographs it should look something like this; you can use a computer, tablet or smartphone. The main thing is that your face is visible and open page

Restoring with support may take quite a while long time. And this is also the longest way to restore a page. Therefore, it is advisable to remember at least some information to log into your account. And remember - if you have forgotten your phone number, email address, login and password, under no circumstances contact webmasters on the Internet for help. This is fraught with the complete loss of your account or simply its further hacking. The safest and only effective method restore the page if there is no login information - only a dialogue with technical support.

How to restore a blocked page in Odnoklassniki

Blocking a page can be either temporary or permanent. It all depends on the degree of the offense. In any case, there is a chance to restore even a permanently blocked page. An account can be blocked for suspicious activity, and to unblock it you just need to log into your account and change your password.

Be sure to scan your computer with an antivirus and change your social media password. networks.

If the moderator has blocked your account forever, then all that remains is to write to the support service. And remember, everything depends only on your dialogue and on what exactly you write. Our goal is recovery at any cost - therefore, lies for the benefit of the account work have a place here.

When traveling through the vast expanses of the Internet, you can run into trouble. I mean, you can, through negligence, go to a site that, unnoticed by the user, interferes with the operation of the Windows OS, changing parameters and system settings. In such cases, a warning from the antivirus installed on the computer should be triggered. But if, out of ignorance, you do not have an antivirus installed on your computer and the entrance to Odnoklassniki, as well as other social networks, is currently blocked, then the computer can be unblocked. This article describes in detail how to unblock access to the site

A message to the user in order to receive payment for unblocking the website.

Message in the photo:"Your Account(account, page) on the website ( is blocked. To restore access to the page, send a confirmation SMS. Otherwise, your page on the Odnoklassniki website will be deleted. Sincerely, the administration of the website.”

Of course, this message is deception, phishing, misleading the user in order to receive money by sending SMS messages to a paid short number, specified internet scammer.

This or a similar message appears when your computer is affected by malicious code- virus. Run into computer virus simple enough. For example, going from a search engine (Yandex, Google, Mail) to some site that affects the computer OS with a virus. Or, through carelessness or ignorance, downloading and installing some kind of “good” program, which is actually “not good” and changes the system files of your computer. As a result Operating system Your computer stops working correctly and safely. In all these cases, the Anti-Virus program installed on the system will help. What to do if the antivirus was not installed and the computer turned out to be blocked and cannot access the website? This article describes what to do if the computer cannot access the website due to a virus that has changed the file host V system folder Window.

Signs that your computer is blocked: the website at the address does not load or a site similar to Odnoklassniki, but with a different address loads, a page loads with a message to make a payment or send an SMS to a short number, account validation, a message appears that the site is not available or disabled, hosting is unpaid, as well as a white screen appears or when loading Odnoklassniki Nothing happens.

Instructions for unblocking access to the website.

How to unlock a computer to log into the social network As a rule, there is one reason for blocking. The virus on the computer has changed system file hosts, which is located in Windows folder on your computer. If the hosts file is changed in a special way, then by typing the address in the browser - or, the browser automatically redirects you to another page. This page's design may be similar to the Odnoklassniki page. On this website you may be asked or required to send an SMS message. By sending an SMS, from 50 to 1000 rubles are debited from your mobile phone account. But the computer does not unlock after payment, i.e. This is all deception and fraud. There may still be different variants actions of a virus blocking entry to the social network Odnoklassniki: computer freezes, White screen, a message that the site is disabled by the hosting, please enter your Login and Password from Odnoklassniki, etc. What to do in this situation, how to unblock the entrance to the site There are three ways to solve this problem.

The first way is to log into Odnoklassniki through

The simplest and quick way log into Odnoklassniki, log in through a different address, for example through a website odnoklassniki.UA. But this method, firstly, does not rid your computer of the virus and does not always work, because the website may also be blocked. Therefore, let's move on to the second method.

The second method is to treat the hosts file with DrWeb antivirus.

Since you do not know whether the virus remains in the computer system or not, the computer must be completely scanned and the OS checked for the presence of malicious code - a virus. In general, this is not difficult to do, but it will take time. Download free antivirus utility Dr.Web CureIt and run it on your computer. This utility at the time of download from the official website, has the latest antivirus databases, effectively finds and removes viruses, and most importantly, automatically corrects the system hosts file modified by the virus, which redirects (transfers) the computer to another, fraudulent site, blocking entry to Odnoklassniki. Those. By launching Dr.Web CureIt, nothing else is required, the antivirus will find viruses and fix the damaged hosts file. The antivirus operating time ranges from half an hour to several hours. You can read more about the utility and download it from the website of computer programs .

The third method is to search and fix the Hosts file manually.

This method causes the computer to operational state much faster. In about a couple of minutes you will be able to unblock access to Odnoklassniki and safely log into the social network. According to user reviews, this method is the most effective. The user is required to find in the folder Windows, according to the instructions below, the file Hosts and edit it. After this, the computer must check for viruses. Be sure to install an antivirus, completely scan the system, and do not go online without an antivirus.

Hosts file Removing all redirects after the word localhost.

Instructions for searching and editing the hosts file.

1. Find the hosts file. The hosts file is located on your computer at the following path: My computer - Local disk C - Windows - system32 - drivers - etc - hosts.

2. Open the found hosts file in Notepad. To do this, click on the hosts file right click mouse, select the item Open with - Notepad. In Notepad in a file hosts, Find the word localhost and erase all the text below the word localhost. Those. There should be nothing after the word localhost. And there were just redirects that redirected the browser to other fraudulent sites. After editing, save the hosts file. Then open the hosts file again and check if, after deleting, the address or numbers that you just deleted appear again. If they appear, it means there is a virus on your computer that is preventing you from correcting the hosts file. Run an antivirus and look for this virus (see Method Two). If everything is fine, after the word localhost there is nothing, close the file and go to the website You may need to restart your computer. After this, your computer should be unlocked.

3. Install Anti-Virus. Download free antivirus to choose from DrWeb, Kaspersky, NOD32, Panda or others and check your computer HDD Antivirus.

4. Restart your computer.

This method of unlocking a computer is time-tested and has positive reviews. If something didn’t work out or you have experience solving this problem or you want to add something to this article, please write about it in the comments. Registration is not required to write a comment. And