Error 651 when connecting to the Internet in Windows 8. The specified parameters are incorrect. Reinstalling the operating system

Any user, faced with a system error, and even more so when a connection failure occurs with error 651, experiences bewilderment and confusion, not understanding the procedure in such situations.

When the message “a modem or other communication device has reported an error” appears on the screen, careless operators and computer equipment manufacturers come to mind.

In fact, most errors can be fixed on your own and are not critical. To resolve an Internet connection failure with error 651, you need to carry out several simple operations with a preliminary determination of the cause.

You should know that error 651 in no way depends on the provider; any client of Rostelecom,, MTS, Intersvyaz and other providers can encounter a similar situation.

Why does the operating system report that the connection failed with error 651

Error message 651 appears if the modem (wi-fi adapter) is not working correctly or the connection to the provider’s server is broken.

The most common reasons are:

  • Physical connection failure (cable damage, connector broken, network card, modem faulty).
  • The operating system has incorrect settings for the network connection (possibly due to a system failure or user error).
  • Carrying out preventive maintenance on provider lines.

But the key, and most common, reason is incorrect user operations with system settings. This means that elimination is subject to the user himself.

Procedure to identify the cause

First, you should carry out a small diagnostic, which can already eliminate the error at this stage:

Restart your computer or laptop.

Turn off the power to the router or modem for 15 minutes. After a pause, turn on the device again, checking the connectors. You need to wait until the device boots up and enters normal operation.

Inspect the cable connecting the router/modem to the computer for damage. Pull the plug out of the network card connector and insert it back until it locks.

If you have 2-3 network cards with Ethernet connectors, it makes sense to check the operation of each by moving the plug and observing changes in the network status on the indicator located on the screen near the clock.

Check the connection to the router via Wi-Fi using a tablet or smartphone.

In Windows Device Manager, locate the network card, remove the device, and update the system configuration. If the network card is detected again, install the latest version of the drivers by downloading them from the manufacturer’s official website.

The modem reports error 651 with a whole cable

If you managed to connect to the Internet from other devices and access, for example, a page, you can already congratulate yourself: the router or modem works stably, and there are no restrictions from the operator.

To resolve a system error:

  • When connected via ADSL

If the LED indicator signals on the DSL device are stable, you need to look at the modem settings:

  • VPI/VCI parameters (for this you should contact the operator’s call center).
  • Bridge connection type.

Attention: error 651 may occur due to the fact that a cable connection is made between the router and modem and then a Wi-Fi network is created - you need to delete the connection. When transmitting information, these devices often use different protocols and can lead to conflicts.

  • At pppoe connection

If Win7 is installed:

— create a new connection. In the Control Panel, find the “Network and Internet” section and select “Network Connections”. Next, click “Create a new connection or network” - “Internet connection” - “PPPoE”. A form will open to enter your account information; usually you need to find it in your agreement with your Internet provider. When entering, you should pay attention to the layout and language used, because... The main reason for failures is the presence of erroneous characters in the login and password.

Update the raspppoe.sys file, which has the function of managing connections using this protocol. The file has the following location path “C:\Windows\System32\Drivers”. Open the folder, find the file, give it a different name. It is not recommended to delete; you can return the previous settings by reversing the renaming procedure. Copy the file of the same name into the selected folder, which can also be found on another computer (provided there is no error 651 on it either). Reboot the operating system and try connecting again.

Only in this case, if you were unable to resolve the connection failure with error 651 on your own, you should contact the technical support of your Internet provider and request a check or call a specialist.

Connection failure with error 651: fix in Windows 7,8,10

Quite often, many Internet users are faced with the fact that a message like “651: connection error” appears on the computer or laptop screen. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what it is and how to deal with it.

Why does error 651 occur?

As you know, when establishing a connection or accessing the World Wide Web, there are two parties: the provider and the user system. That is why it is believed that the notification “651: error when connecting to the Internet” can occur both due to malfunctions in the provider’s equipment and due to problems in the user’s computer system.

If this happens, do not rush to panic and get upset. First you need to find out the reason for the error. It is possible that the problem is related to the provider. Therefore, without delay, call your provider and report the problem. In any case, the dispatcher will check the connection of the user terminal to its equipment. The check is performed using the ping command and specifying the subscriber's network address. If a specialist reports that the computer or router “pings” without problems, then the problem really lies with the user’s system.

Why error 651 occurs is quite difficult to answer right away. There can be any number of reasons for this. It’s better to look at how to fix the error itself and get rid of the intrusive reminder like “651: error when connecting to the Internet.”

Solving the problem in the simplest ways

To begin with, you can use a regular reboot, but not a forced one, when you have to shut down open or frozen applications, but, so to speak, a clean one. To do this, you first need to close all active program windows, and, if necessary, terminate them in the “Manager”. A reboot is performed only after this.

If the problem persists, error 651 may be due to a direct cable connection. Check the network cable or replace it with a new one. Who knows, maybe there was a broken wire somewhere inside. After replacement, you won't even need to reboot.

Reinstalling network card drivers

There are also cases where the message “651: error” occurs. In this case, the Internet may be unavailable due to problems associated with incorrect operation of the network card drivers. In this case, it is recommended to either update the drivers or remove the device from the system and install the drivers again.

To update, it is better to use specialized automatic search utilities on the resources of the equipment manufacturer, such as Driver Booster. And for re-installation you will need the original driver disk supplied with the equipment upon purchase.

The simplest way to access the equipment is the “Device Manager” in the Control Panel, in which the context menu is selected on the network card by right-clicking, and the corresponding buttons or commands are used in the “Properties” / “General” (or “Driver”) tab.

Creating a new connection

Sometimes Windows 7 interprets the “651: error” message as incorrect network settings and its parameters. First, you should check all protocols, IP address values, DNS and WINS servers or proxy settings (if any). If the problem persists, many people advise simply deleting the existing connection and then creating it again.

This procedure is performed, as you know, in the Network and Sharing Center. Please note that re-establishing a new connection is carried out only if, after checking the network settings, the problem does not disappear.

Setting up the router

Now a few words about the fact that error 651 can also be associated with the operation of the router in the case of using a virtual private network VLAN, when the distribution of IP addresses for Internet access is carried out exclusively from the router.

In the “Network” section on the “VAN” tab, you must select the PPPoE connection type, fill in the fields with the data provided by the provider, and also enable automatic connection (Connect Automatically mode).

Correcting the system registry

Actually, that's not all. In some cases, error 651 may occur again and again, and even all the methods described above have no effect on the situation. In this case, drastic measures will have to be taken.

This is due to editing the system registry. Inexperienced users should be advised not to do such things themselves, otherwise the entire system may fail. For the rest, let's say that first, of course, you need to create a copy of the system registry, and only after that start editing. The editing command in the Run menu bar is regedit.

After entering the registry, you need to find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters branch, and then right-click to call up the context menu, in which you select the “Create” command, and then the “DWORD (32-bit)” parameter. Now it needs to be renamed to “Enable RSS” and set to “0”.

Similarly, another parameter “DWORD (32 bits)” is created, after which it is renamed to “DisableTaskOffload” and then assigned the value “1”. Now all that remains is to restart the computer system and wait for the changes made to appear. In theory, the problem should disappear.


As can be seen from all of the above, error 651 itself or the notification about it is not something very scary, and you should not give in to panic ahead of time. Of course, here are the basic ways to fix such an error, but who said that this problem is related specifically to the user’s system? As mentioned above, this may be a malfunction of the provider’s equipment, so do not rush to take emergency measures to correct the situation without first consulting with a specialist from the provider’s service, because this could be the problem. Otherwise, it remains to be advised to be extremely careful when performing certain actions, especially with editing the system registry.

The two main reasons for the message “Error 651: the modem or other communication device has reported an error” are problems on the provider’s side or incorrectly configured/failed settings on the user’s side. If the provider denies the problem, you will have to independently diagnose the cause and check the network settings.

The first step is to reboot the entire system: computer, router, router and try to establish the connection again. It is worth making sure that there is no work on the provider’s side and no mechanical damage to the cable in the apartment. Only if simple steps do not help, should you proceed to changing the network settings.

Fixing error 651 when connecting to the Internet:

Call your provider, check cables, reboot

If error 651 did not appear during the first setup of the Internet or equipment (new router, router), then you should not mess with the settings for no reason - they rarely go wrong on their own. It is enough to take a number of simple steps to eliminate the banal causes of the problem.

  1. Call your provider. If the Internet was working stably, and then a window with error message 651 began to appear, then this may be a temporary failure due to a line failure or technical work. Before you try to change the settings, you should call your provider’s hotline (Rostelecom, ByFly, Beeline, MGTS) and check the information. The error can only occur for those providers that use a PPPoE connection.
  2. Check the integrity of the wires. Error 651 does not depend on the version of Windows (7, 8, 10), nor on the provider, nor on the router model: it only reports that the communication device cannot establish a connection and displays an error. It would be a good idea to check that all cables are connected and that there are no mechanical damages on the wires or connectors.
  3. Reboot devices. You need to restart the router and computer, as well as the modem (if you have one). The router should be left turned off for a minute or two, and then simply plugged back into the network. Next, the computer will need another 1-2 minutes to set up the connection, after which you can repeat the connection and access the Internet.
  4. On first launch. If the message “Error 651: Your modem or other communication device has reported an error” appears during the initial Internet setup and first attempts to log into the network, the problem is caused by incorrect high-speed connection settings. Usually, users enter incorrect data when trying to set up the Internet on their own - for the vast majority of providers, all settings are set by a field specialist. Again, it’s enough to call the provider’s technical support so that they can check all the information on their part and tell you what data needs to be entered where to establish a connection.

You should also remember whether you have recently installed programs related to computer security (antiviruses, firewalls, third-party security systems). Such software can block unknown connections— it’s worth disabling the recently installed software and trying to connect again.

Separately, you should check the correct operation proxy-servers, VPN-programs and other software that encrypts and redirects network traffic. You should check that the VPN server settings are correct if the programs have been installed recently.

If your computer has two network cards installed, one of them should be disabled. It would be a good idea to update the drivers for the network card, as well as check for the presence of all the necessary system files in Windows using the “Start” -> Run -> enter command sfc /scannow and press Enter. The check will take a few minutes, after which the system will write whether everything is okay with the OS.

Disabling Receive Side Scaling and Offloading support

Error 651 when connecting to the Internet can occur due to the Receive Side Scaling and Offloading support parameters being enabled in the registry - to correct the situation, they need to be disabled. The problem most often appears on older versions of Windows, starting with Windows 2003, but can also occur on Windows 7 and 10.

With this error, if the PPTP protocol is specified manually, the system begins to display a window with error 651. If the protocol is detected automatically, an error with code 800 appears. The solution to the problem is to go to the Windows registry editor and disable the Receive Side Scaling and Offloading support parameters.

  1. Open menu Start, press Execute.
  2. In the window that appears, enter regedit and press Enter.
  3. On the left side of the window, find the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters.
  4. In the right part of the window, right-click on the free space, select New -> DWORD Value.
  5. Name the parameter to be created EnableRSS and assign it a value 0 .
  6. Create another parameter with the name DisableTaskOffload and meaning 1 . If such a parameter is already in the section, you just need to change its value to one.

You must restart your computer for the changes to take effect. After a reboot, errors 651/800 should no longer appear while connecting to the network.

Error 651 when connecting via modem or router

If simple steps do not help, you will have to check your router settings and TCP/IP connection. In some cases, it is enough to reset the settings, restart the computer and create a new connection for the Internet to work normally.

If internet cable connected to router(your own or from your provider), and from the modem the cable goes to the computer or the router distributes the Internet via Wi-Fi, then on the computer in general no need to create a high-speed connection.

Modern modems (routers) have two operating modes:

  1. Router. In this mode, the equipment operates by default, and high-speed connection settings on the computer are not required. The router itself establishes a connection to the provider using the PPPoE protocol - just enter the connection data on the router settings page (in the browser, or, depending on the model). If you try to create a high-speed PPPoE connection on your computer with this type of connection, a window with error 651 will appear - and correctly.
  2. Bridge. If you want to run the router in Bridge mode, then you need to switch it to the appropriate mode in the settings, and then create a high-speed connection on your computer. In practice, there is no point in running equipment in bridge mode - it does not provide any benefits to the average user. If the transparent bridge mode is not enabled, then creating a high-speed connection is pointless - the router will not let it through and will return error 651.

Thus, creating a new connection or changing its settings is only required if the Internet is connected directly via cable, without a modem. If there is a modem (router, Wi-Fi router), then settings are set there— look for instructions for setting up your router model or contact your provider for the necessary data.

The login and password for entering the address are usually written on the back of the modem or router. Data for connecting to the Internet should be clarified with your service provider (may be written on the Internet connection agreement).

If you are sure that everything is connected correctly and should work, you should try resetting the network settings:

  1. Reset TCP/IP settings. IN Windows 7 and 8 you need to: run the Command Prompt as an administrator (Start->Run->cmd.exe), then enter two commands in turn. Enter first netsh winsock reset and press Enter, wait for the operation to complete. Then enter the second command netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt, press Enter and wait for the procedure to complete. Restart your computer to save changes.
  2. IN Windows 10 To reset TCP/IP settings, you need to do the following: click Start, go to Options, open section Network and Internet, go to the tab State and find the button below Network reset. To restart a computer.

For ADSL modems it is important that the indicator Link or DSL lit steadily (did not go out/blink). It is also important to check with the provider’s technical support about the channel parameters used - VCI And VPI. If these settings are set incorrectly, the ADSL modem will return error 651.

After resetting the network settings, you need to create a new High-speed connection (PPPoE):

  1. Click the Start button, open Control Panel.
  2. Open the “Network and Internet” section, from there go to the “Network and Sharing Center”.
  3. In the “Change network settings” section, select “Create or configure a new connection or network.”
  4. In the “Select a connection option” window, select Internet connection(Setting up a broadband or dial-up Internet connection).
  5. Choose High speed (with PPPoE). Connection via DSL or cable, requiring a username and password.
  6. Next, you need to enter the username and password provided by your provider to access the Internet, enter the desired network name and allow/deny other users to use this connection. If you do not check this box, other Windows users on this computer will not have access to the network.

It would be a good idea to uncheck the “IP version 6 (TCP/IPv6)” protocol in the settings - this often helps:

  1. Go to “Start”, open “Control Panel”.
  2. Go to section Network and Internet -> Network connections.
  3. Right-click on the high-speed connection and go to “Properties”.
  4. Open tab Net and uncheck the box IP version 6 (TCP/IPv6).

Resetting settings and creating a new connection are only relevant for direct connection via wire. When connecting via a modem or router via Wi-Fi, you need to configure the equipment (modem/router), not the connection.

The PC is connected to the Internet using the PPPoE protocol. This protocol is used as the main one by almost every provider. This is why error 651 occurs quite often when connecting to the Internet on Windows 10. To fix this problem, you can contact your operator's support service or use some methods.

Causes of Error 651 on Windows 10 PC

Windows 10 connection to the network fails with error 651 may occur due to:

  • Connecting to another network (if done via Wi-Fi);
  • RASPPPOE PPPoE client malfunctions;
  • Firewall or antivirus connection blocking;
  • Availability of a second network card;
  • Damage, absence or incorrect operation of network card drivers;
  • Damage to the network cable (not connected);
  • Technical problem on the part of the provider.

Also, connection error 651 may occur due to a problem with the router itself. Therefore, you need to check its settings.

Ways to solve error 651 on a Windows 10 computer

There are several ways to fix error 651. However, before using them in practice, you should restart your PC and router, check if the cable is connected, and reinstall the network card drivers. If these standard manipulations do not help restore communication, proceed to the following steps.

Method No. 1. Disabling system protection

If you are experiencing error 651 on your PC, you should disable your firewall and antivirus. After disabling the defenders, you should reboot the system and check your network connection. Sometimes an antivirus or firewall blocks a PC's access to the network, causing error 651.

Method No. 2. Disabling the second network card

Some users use two network cards at the same time. If you have the same situation, we recommend disabling one of them. To do this, just go to “Device Manager”, select the second network card and right-click on it. Next, select “Disable”. Or we simply turn it off physically.

Then we reboot the system. If the problem persists, you can turn the second network card back on.

Method number 3. Creating a high-speed PPPoE connection

To create a new high-speed PPPoE connection on a Windows 10 computer, do the following:

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “rasphone.exe”.

  • A new window will open. Select “High-speed” connection.

  • Next, the Create a New Connection Wizard will launch. We follow the instructions. Upon completion of the operation, reboot the computer.

Method No. 4. Resetting TCP/IP settings

You can delete and create a broadband connection, but an alternative is to reset your TCP/IP settings. This operation is much faster than creating PPPoE. To do this, do the following:

  • Launch the command line with Administrator rights. Enter “netsh winsock reset”.
  • Next, enter the following command “netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt”.

  • Reboot the computer. The parameter will be corrected, since the settings have been reset.

Method No. 5. Changing parameters in the router settings

Most routers establish a connection to the ISP using the PPPoE protocol. It is set automatically. However, if you encounter this error on a Windows 10 PC, you should check your router settings. To do this we do the following:

  • Open the browser and enter or
  • Enter your login and password. Often this is “admin”.
  • In the menu on the left, select “Network”, then “WAN” and specify the connection type PPPoE.

  • Save the settings and restart the PC.

Method number 6. Editing the Registry

This method does not work on all builds of Windows 10, but it deserves attention.

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “regedit”.

  • Find the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters. Right-click on an empty space and select “Create DWORD Value (32-bit).” Set the parameter name “EnableRSS” and value “0”.
  • We create another parameter called “DisableTaskOffload”, but with the value “1”.

After this, you need to restart your computer and check your network connection.

To learn how to solve this problem, watch the video:

One of the most common connection errors in Windows 7 and Windows 8 is Error 651, Error connecting to a high-speed connection or Miniport WAN PPPoE with the message “The modem or other communication device has reported an error.”

In this article we will look in detail at all possible ways to fix error 651 in Windows of various versions, regardless of what provider you have, be it Rostelecom, or MTS.

First steps when error 651 appears

First of all, if you see the message “error 651 connecting to the Internet” or “connection failed with error 651”, try a few simple steps, and try connecting to the Internet after each of them:

These are the simple steps that can help you not waste time and make the Internet work and the WAN Miniport PPPoE error disappear. Next, we'll look at advanced steps to fix error 651 that may help advanced users resolve the issue.

Resetting TCP/IP Settings

The next thing you can try is to reset the TCP/IP protocol settings in Windows 7 and 8. There are several ways to do this, but the easiest and fastest is to use the official Microsoft Fix It utility, which can be downloaded from .com/kb/299357

After launching the utility, the program will automatically reset the Internet protocol; all you have to do is restart your computer and try to connect again.

Additional Information: Sometimes removing certain checkboxes in the properties of the PPPoE connection helps fix error 651. To do this, go to the list of network connections and open the properties of the high-speed connection ( Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings- RIGHT CLICK ON YOUR CONNECTION - Properties). Then, on the “Network” tab in the list of components, uncheck the following options:

1. Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP/IpV6) - in some cases it causes a network connection conflict, so disabling it sometimes helps in resolving error 651.

2. VirtualBox Bridged Networking Driver - For those who are using the Oracle Virtual Box virtual machine on their system, installing an additional virtual networking driver may cause a conflict with the current network connection, so disabling this option in the network adapter properties may help resolve 651.
3. For a possible solution to error 651, try disabling all checkboxes that are not standard; these may include protocols of various antivirus firewalls, as well as embedded virus protocols. In any case, you can return everything back if disabling the options in the “Network” tab does not help fix your Internet connection.

Updating your computer's network card drivers

Updating the drivers for your network card can also help solve the problem. It is enough to download them from the official website of the motherboard or laptop manufacturer and install them.

In some cases, the problem can be solved by removing the network card drivers you installed yourself and installing those that came on the software disk for the network card (if available).
Also, after removing the network card drivers, you can try to allow the system to automatically install the necessary drivers. To do this, you need to go to the device manager (right mouse button on the shortcut My computer on the desktop - Properties- on the left side of the window Device Manager). In the list of devices, in the section Network adapters Find your network card, right-click on it and select the first option "Update drivers...", then select "Automatically search for updated drivers."

Additional Information: if you have two network cards, then this can also cause error 651. Try disabling one of them in the device manager - the one that is not used (from the list of devices, select the unused network adapter, right-click on it, and select the option Disable).

Checking the hardware component

If none of the methods described above helps, before moving on to the “heavy artillery” of reinstalling Windows, try one last option.

  1. Turn off the computer, router, modems (including the power supply).
  2. Disconnect all network cables (from the computer's network card, router, modem) and check their integrity (if they are damaged anywhere). Also, if you or someone you know has LinkMaster, a small device for testing and “ringing” network cables, try using it to determine the integrity of the cable. Then reconnect the cables.
  3. Turn on your computer and wait for it to boot.
  4. Turn on the modem and wait until it boots up completely. If there is a router on the line, turn it on after that, also wait until it boots.
After everything, check if you managed to remove error 651. Conclusion by error 651

To summarize, we can say that error 651 is one of the most unpleasant moments for users working on the Internet. Its solution is possible using all the methods listed in the article, but if you have little experience in working with computers, you can safely call the technical support of your Internet provider. As a rule, specialists help to check in real time all the main options for the occurrence of error 651; in extreme cases, you can request a company specialist to visit your home.