Email messages stopped coming. Letters do not arrive at Yandex mail - what to do

From time to time, users complain that they do not receive letters to Yandex mail. Why might this happen? How to deal with this problem? Is everything really as dangerous as it seems at first glance? All this will be answered further. In fact, there can be a lot of problems. But there is clearly no need to panic. Most situations are resolved without much difficulty.

Network failure

Why don't I receive letters to Yandex mail? The whole issue may lie in the most common system failure of this service. This does not depend on the user. Occurs due to overload of the main server or during an update.

If the network fails, some users may receive emails, but others may not. There are also problems sending messages. There is no need to be afraid. It's enough just to wait a little. As soon as network failures and problems are corrected, mail will begin to work at full capacity.


But this is not the most common problem. Are your emails not coming to Yandex? Most often, the messages actually reach the user's mailbox. All letters are simply placed not in the “Inbox”, but in the “Spam” folder.

If you are expecting to receive a message, but it does not arrive for a long time, it is recommended to check the specified folder. Most likely, this is where the lost letter will be. A very common occurrence related to email settings and filters.

So it is advisable to check your Spam folder in advance. As practice shows, half of users stop complaining about the problem that arises. But these are not all the options for the development of events. There is another reason why letters do not arrive at Yandex mail.


It is likely that messages from certain domains or addresses will not reach the recipient. Moreover, it is not necessary to have mail on Yandex; the problem can happen with any hosting. The reason lies in the automatic settings of the service, which include blocking of certain emails.

In this case, it is recommended to write to Yandex technical support. Although many users advise simply setting up an email account on a different hosting. Unblocking is not easy. But you can try to resolve the situation on your own. Are you not receiving emails from Yandex from GMail? Just try to work a little with the filters. Maybe it will be possible to remove the blocking without much difficulty.

Working with filters

If letters from a user are placed in the Spam folder or are not received by the user, it is recommended to enable the security filter settings in Yandex. How to do it?

Just follow the instructions:

  1. Log in via email. Next go to "Settings".
  2. Select "Mail Processing Rules" from the menu that appears.
  3. Go to the "White List" section and enter the required sender's address in the appropriate window.
  4. Click on "Add".

From now on, contacts from the White List will no longer be placed in the Spam folder. And they won’t be recognized as prohibited either. It is clear what to do if letters do not arrive at Yandex mail.


But that is not all. Sometimes the reason that letters do not arrive at one or another email address is simply overcrowding with data. Each service has its own limit of incoming and outgoing documents. It is likely that it is exhausted.

It is enough to simply clear your mail of accumulated letters. After this, you won’t have to wonder why letters don’t arrive at Yandex mail.

Sometimes light shines through the gray everyday life of a system administrator when it is possible to solve a non-standard user problem. One day, a user complained that his corporate mailbox seemed to be frozen and did not want to receive letters at all. To find the cause of the failure, it was decided to send a short message to the user’s email. As a result, the server responded with an interesting message.

If you look at the picture, you can clearly see the message quota exceeded, which means nothing more than the volume of mail has been exceeded, that is, no more letters can be crammed into it because the quota has been exceeded.

The solution to the problem is quite obvious. You need to somehow clean up your cluttered mail, and set a rule in the settings that allows you to delete unnecessary letters automatically, so that you always have free space for new letters. This can only be done manually, through the web interface of the email client. In this case, the system administrator used the address After clicking on the link, a form opens that must be filled out with the login and password of the email where the quota was exceeded.

Then, going to the user's mail program on his computer, you need to configure the storage of letters. In our case, we are talking about the program – Windows Mail, which is part of the Windows Live software package. We are interested in the “Advanced” tab, where you need to find the “Delivery” section. There is an option that means that copies of letters remain stored on the server if it is checked. As soon as you uncheck the green checkbox, we will immediately force the mail to delete all copies, leaving more space for the user’s new mail.

However, a different situation arises when one box is used on different computers, for example, at home and in the office. Then you should set a different order: leave new correspondence on the server for a certain number of days, and, as an alternative, provide for deletion only after moving the letters to the trash. The second option allows you to remove unnecessary emails from the server immediately when you empty your trash bin through the Windows mail program interface.

Problems with receiving mail on a domain may occur if:

  • domain registration has expired;
  • the domain is blocked by the registrar;
  • the domain has not been delegated or has been withdrawn from delegation by the registrar;
  • delegation settings are not configured correctly;
  • DNS records for Yandex.Mail are not configured or configured incorrectly.

To resolve problems with receiving emails, contact your domain administrator. It was he who provided you with mailboxes. The Mail for Domain support service will not be able to help you in this situation.

If you registered your mailbox on a specific site, then contact the support service of that site.

DNS records

Most often, problems with receiving mail are caused by incorrect MX record settings.

The MX record points to the server that accepts mail for your domain. In order for your mail to be processed by the Yandex server, the MX record must point to it. For more information about setting up an MX record, see the MX record section.

You can check whether the MX record is configured correctly using the dig utility (For example, or

    Select the MX record type and run the request.

If the MX record is configured correctly, the response will be something like this:

Yourdomain.tld. 21521 IN MX 10

Possible problems:

    The server does not respond to the request or the value does not match the desired one. This means that either the changes did not take effect, or the MX record was configured incorrectly.

    In addition to the Yandex MX record, the request was responded to by MX records pointing to third-party servers.

    To resolve this issue, remove the third-party server entries. To do this, go to the DNS management section in which you configured the Yandex MX record.

    The entry in the server response looks like "". You must add a dot at the end of the MX record value: “” .

Domain registration has expired

After the domain registration period expires, the registrar removes the domain from delegation or delegates it to blocking servers.

You can check domain delegation information using the service or

In field:

    state: (Status: or Domain Status: ) you can check the status of the domain;

    Name Server: or nserver: (there must be two or more) - to which servers the domain is delegated;

    Expiration Date: (paid-till: , Domain Expiration Date: or Expires On: ) - when the domain registration expires.

If NS servers are specified:


Contact your registrar's support team. The registrar blocked the domain because the administrator did not confirm the contact email address.

If NS servers are specified: ( or ( or

Find out from the registrar why the domain is blocked. As a rule, this is due to the expiration of the domain registration period.

If your domain has been delegated and its registration period has not yet expired, you can proceed to checking the DNS.

Delegation settings

If the domain registration has not expired and the domain is delegated, check the DNS using the dig utility (For example, or

    Make sure that the "NS" request is answered by the same NS servers that are listed in the Whois information about the domain.

    Enter your domain name (“yourdomain.tld”) as the site address.

    Select the NS record type and run the query.

If the NS servers specified at the registrar respond, then the delegation settings are correct.

If there is no response or other NS servers respond, it means the changes have not yet taken effect or the delegation settings have not been made correctly. For example, when delegating a domain, an error was made in the names of the NS servers at the registrar or the zone for your domain was not configured on the servers to which the domain was delegated.

If not only the NS servers specified by the registrar respond, it means that third-party NS records have been added to the servers to which the domain is delegated. For Mail for a domain to work correctly, the domain should be delegated to the servers of only one company. Delegation should only be done in the registrar control panel.

Domain settings are correct

If you are sure that the domain registration has not expired and all its settings are correct, look for a possible reason in the Yandex.Mail Help section.

Notification letters from the site do not arrive in mailboxes

    Check your domain settings according to the instructions above.

    Contact the administrator of the server on which the site is located. Ask to configure the server correctly. The server on which the site is located may recognize the domain as local and try to send letters to the internal directory.

    Check to see if your hosting provider or registrar has activated email service for your domain. For Mail to work correctly for a domain, this service must be disabled.

You can configure sending emails via the Yandex SMTP server - “”. To do this use:

    port “465” with data encryption via SSL;

    mandatory authentication on the server (you must specify the full address of the mailbox that will be used for sending).

To avoid problems with the delivery of letters, you need to take into account.

Hello, friends!

In this article I will tell you my experience of how I got rid of spam on This problem can affect everyone now, and has already affected many. This is especially true for those who are engaged in information business, attract subscribers and then send letters to them (). That is why I am publishing this article.

For about 2 weeks I could not send a single letter to mailboxes. Moreover, from 3 mailboxes. I understand if my letters ended up in spam, but the letters did not even reach the mailbox, and only sometimes I received an error message from

Please note that I sent a letter to my mailbox.

Moreover, such a message came to me only when I sent letters from mail to Gmail [email protected].. And I was absolutely sure that my letters would reach the readers. But, as it turned out later, for about 2 weeks readers with mailboxes on simply did not receive my letters. Moreover, both informational and paid courses, after purchase.

Imagine you made a purchase on the Internet, but received nothing in response (although the letters were sent). You write to technical support for the first time - you don’t receive anything in response (although the letter has been sent to you).

You write again, this time an angry letter, another response is sent to you, but you again do not receive it. Because simply decided that you should not receive this letter. He neither delivered the letter to you nor informed me that the letter had not been delivered.

As a result, the buyer became nervous and dissatisfied with the seller, and the seller’s reputation suffered a little.

By the way, during these 2 weeks I found out that I have more than 50% of my readers who have mailboxes on And this surprised me quite a bit. I recommend Gmail inboxes to everyone. Better and more convenient has not yet been invented. .

Use mail from Yandex. It’s also a very convenient and competent postal service that is constantly evolving.

So, after I finally realized that not a single letter of mine was getting through to boxes, I became seriously worried. First, I realized that letters sent from the mailbox were not going through [email protected]. But then I had no idea that letters from the SA@site mailbox, and, moreover, from my personal mailbox, where I send letters only to my family and friends, were not getting through.

And I, naturally, wrote to Below I present the complete correspondence with employees (the correspondence is slightly compressed in height, but nothing was cut out of the text).

What surprised me about technical support is that 3 people talked to me(and this despite the fact that only 4 letters were sent to me). And, besides, the correspondence was simply interrupted at the request of employees. Further, they simply did not want to answer.

BUT, approximately after a week the problem was solved, but not completely. Now the letters are going through normally.

And most importantly, I figured out what was going on myself, having spent a lot of time and sifted through a lot of information on the Internet.

It turns out that in February 2013, introduced some new mail filtering algorithms. And these algorithms did not miss links to unverified sites.

A employees, of course, could not tell me this. You should have told me some crazy options with zip and rar archives. Imagine that I send you a letter stating:

  1. Download the attached file to this letter to your computer
  2. Unzip this file
  3. Open file
  4. Follow the link

P.S. If you do not have an archiver installed, then you need to find it on the Internet, download, install, and understand it.

On the Internet, everything goes, on the contrary, towards simplification, towards ensuring that everything is done in as few clicks as possible, and, if possible, in one click. But seems to have its own view on this situation. still needs to say THANK finally started to let us through. Thank you very much for this.

I really hope that Elena S., or Pavel K., or Yulia S. helped fix this problem, and simply forgot to write back to me. Otherwise, it’s generally unclear why they are sitting there if they could neither tell me what the problem was nor solve it.

And THANK YOU, my readers. I am sure that this problem was resolved thanks to you.

And if you need subscribers, we will help. We'll do as much as we need. How we attract subscribers is described in great detail.

From time to time I receive questions about why emails sent from the site (usually using PHP, the mail() command, via sendmail) do not arrive at mailboxes registered at At the same time, letters from the site arrive at the mailboxes of other mail services instantly without any delays or problems. The reasons for this may be the following...

There may also be similar problems with other postal services.

1. Emails sent from the site are detected by as spam and placed in the appropriate folder in the mailbox. (A common problem, but most likely not our case)

2. The hosting IP address is blacklisted at, which is why incoming letters from this IP address are simply blocked, and no response notifications are sent. The hosting IP address could have been blacklisted earlier due to an unscrupulous hosting user who sent spam (this is an option). In this case, you need to write to hosting support with relevant questions and requests to sort it out, or change the IP.

3. Inconsistency of letter headers with the requirements of the postal service. is one of the few mail services that is very strict about letter headers, in particular this applies to headers from And evolution-from- they must be the same, i.e. contain the same email. If the first header indicates the return address (also known as the sender's address, also known as your email address), then the evelope-from header may indicate the hosting email, the email that you specified when registering your hosting account, or another service email of the hosting (your account). In this case, letters are blocked by
To solve this problem, you should also write to hosting support and ask relevant questions.

4. Non-compliance with the rules for formatting letters; in particular, in each letter it is recommended to indicate the name of the recipient: “Hello, Vasya, etc.”, as well as a link to how this user can unsubscribe from receiving this newsletter. But this point is the reason for blocking incoming letters rarely.

Problems are observed on hostings,
No problems were observed on hostings

What other reasons could there be why emails are not sent?
1. The PHP Mail() command is disabled on the hosting
2. sedmail is not configured on the hosting

Hello, Dear readers of the blog!

Today, I would like to tell you how I solved the problem with delivering letters to subscribers of my mailing list, and most importantly, explain the reason for this problem, it may affect you too.

In more detail, it all started with the fact that once again I logged into my account of the Smartresponder mailing service and, having studied the statistics for the last 24 hours, I was horrified, about 50% of the letters did not reach their recipients...

Having studied in more detail, I saw that all subscribers had email accounts registered in the,, system.

But everything was fine before, what happened? I started to find out why letters do not reach

I wrote to the service’s technical support and received detailed instructions and an answer to my question on how to fix this problem and why such confusion occurs with and its similar derivatives...

In general, these email services are configured in such a way that letters containing open links do not arrive to the recipients, they do not arrive at all! They don't even end up in spam.

I immediately started checking this point and was completely convinced of it. I tried to send a letter with an open link from one of my mailboxes to a mailbox and received nothing, and the address from which I sent it received a letter with a message that the delivery was unsuccessful, since my message was regarded by the system as spam, but It didn't go to spam either...

Then I wrote a message to the service and asked why the letter was not being delivered? And I received something like this answer, unfortunately I deleted the original, so I’ll put it in my own words:

Your message contains a link, therefore it is blocked, this does not apply specifically to your account, only to this letter, if you need to send this kind of message, create an archive file with a zip or rar extension and attach it to the letter.

At least they sent it to spam, but no, not at all: cry:.

Now I understand why, when registering in some Internet services and projects, it is not recommended to indicate your email to Personally, I thought that they were the best and have been using their mailbox for a long time, but the constant tightening of forwarding conditions is not at all pleasing and forces me to give up my usual mailboxes. a large number of saved contacts and create new email accounts on other mailers.

Although, everyone who actively uses the Internet is simply required to have several email boxes on, and, of course,, at the moment there have been no such problems with these services.

I haven’t changed the settings for a long time - but suddenly letters about orders stopped coming to my email In the settings I specified a different address on - everything comes! I contacted the hoster and this is what he replied: On the side of the Mail.Ru mail service, a new security policy was announced, according to which, from May 18, 2016, the mandatory technical specification DMARC was activated for checking incoming mail messages. Details are available in the official documentation of the Mail.Ru company or in the blog of the mail service.

>>> Now any incoming mail whose sender field contains a value that does not exist or does not correspond to the mailbox will be rejected. <<< Для того, чтобы соблюдать требования новой политики принимающего сервера, нужно убедиться, что название почтового ящика в настройках программного обеспечения или значения поля «frоm» в скриптах, которые совершают отправку писем, соответствует действительному значению или отсутствуют.
I make the necessary changes to the work of mail. You need to contact your programmers or web-time
workers, or make changes yourself according to the reference manual of the software you are using.

The policy was initiated by the Mail.Ru service and is aimed at preventing email traffic with phishing content. There are no restrictions on our part. What to do? There are a lot of clever words - zero specifics - the smart guys could give a simple example, I couldn’t find anything on the internet. Customers complain that they do not receive emails with the contents of their order. The only hope is for you!!! Thanks in advance for your answer! Good luck!!!