How to find and install the latest driver on your computer. If there are no drivers for the required version of Windows. Where to find and how to install the driver

I would like to touch on a very important topic, the topic of drivers. Because, having no understanding of what is a driver, a novice user may encounter problems. It will not be possible to start a printer, for example, or a scanner, a copier, or any device connected to a PC. In general, in this note, read about where to download, how to install and remove drivers.

What is a driver and why is it needed?

The driver is connecting link between the computer and external device. Driver (from English driver) - computer program, through which the operating system gains access to hardware any device and subsequently has the ability to control it.

Drivers are needed for all external and internal devices PC. Video card, sound card, printer, scanner, etc. need drivers (in slang they need firewood) For example, we bought a scanner, connected it to the PC, a message appears in the lower left corner of the screen saying that such and such a device was detected and even the manufacturer was identified. But as soon as we try to scan old photographs, for example, nothing will happen. The computer does not know how to interact with this scanner. This is where the driver of this scanner comes to the rescue. If the system does not have a sound driver, it will be impossible to listen to music. It’s the same with video; you won’t be able to adjust the screen resolution; it will be impossible to play games.

Some drivers are already available in Windows OS. We don’t need to specifically install a keyboard driver; mice, even simple web cameras, no longer require drivers. Well, if you have a fancy mouse with a bunch of additional buttons or a keyboard with buttons for multimedia, then you can’t do without additional firewood.

Where are the drivers stored?

IN Windows drivers devices are stored in the directory C:WINDOWSSYSTM32. Driver files can have the following extensions: *.vxt, *.drv, *.sys, *.dll, also *.inf - the file contains installation information.

Where can I download

In general, as a rule, a disk is always attached to the device, which contains all the necessary firewood. When purchasing a motherboard, a disk with necessary set of them. The same goes for video and sound cards if they are purchased separately. If you purchase system unit, then be sure to check the presence of disks: on the mat. board, video card ( if it is not built into the mat. fee). The same goes for sound card, if it is built into the mat. board, then the necessary driver is on the disk for the motherboard, and if the card is installed separately, then the disk must be separate.

With disks, everything seems to be clear as 2x2, but what to do if the disk is lost, damaged, or something else. For example, they gave me an old, unnecessary, but working printer, but there was no disk for it. Or there is a need to preinstall the OS, but there are no disks at all, you can’t find them. So think about it how to install sound driver, where to get drivers for a printer, video card or laptop. In this situation, those who have Win7 installed are lucky (my opinion about this system), after installation on the PC it will automatically connect to the Internet ( provided there is an Internet connection of course) and downloads all the missing firewood. In any case, I haven’t installed a driver from a printer disk for a long time. Everything happens by itself. But for XP you will have to look for it yourself. Although it also seems to have a download function, but how many times have I tried it to no avail. Maybe I’m doing something wrong, please tell me...?

To download, you first need to know everything about the device. necessary information. This can be done, for example, using the program ( this concerns the video card). Another one useful thing- this program will help you find out information about the motherboard, and about the video card too.

You can also find out by following the path 6 Start - Control Panel - System-tab Hardware - Device Manager. In the Device Manager window that opens, you can select the required device and obtain information about the manufacturer and driver of this device.

We get information about the video card.

After you have received information about the device, you can safely go to the Internet and look for the necessary driver.

You can find, download and then install drivers by following these proven links:

How to install the driver

After everything is downloaded you need install the driver correctly. If from a disk, then just insert it and wait for it to start automatically. If auto startup does not work, then open the disk through my computer and look for the setup.exe file. The same applies to the downloaded driver, run setup.exe. It seems like everything is simple. But what to do if no way Can't install driver. I had a case when I could not reinstall the driver for sound. At the same time the following message was displayed: realtek hd audio driver installation failed .

I also encountered such a dirty trick when the scanner driver from the disk did not want to be installed in any way, or rather did not want to be installed in a standard way- this is when I inserted the disk and ran setup.exe. Just for no reason the installation stopped in the middle and completely froze. Requires you to plug the cord into the USB and even if you crack it. A solution to the problem was found, so I’m sharing it :)

We insert the disk, after auto startup, close the installation window and go to the already familiar device manager. An unknown device with a yellow question mark should appear there.

Next, click on this device right click mouse and select update the driver, and there you can select automatic search the system itself will find it on the disk. In general, I read somewhere that all firewood needs to be installed this way. I don't know how true this is. But this is how I connected my scanner with my computer.

Driver problems

Drivers are an integral part software package computer, but sometimes there are also problems with them. It happens that drivers conflict. consequences: Blue screens, device malfunctions. In both cases, you need to either reinstall, update the device driver, or, if problems started after the update, roll back, as can be seen in the screenshot above, the button Rollback. Often blue screens arise due to problems with vidyakha firewood. The subsequent update solves the problem.

In general, the topic of drivers is quite extensive and I did not stupidly copy texts from other sites. I described what I experienced, tried it more than once, so that’s all, if I didn’t finish anything, I apologize, I also don’t know everything yet, I’m just learning Bye, good luck and less problems with firewood.

Greetings to all of you, my dear readers and PC users!

Not everyone knows what drivers are needed after windows installations 7, and this is very important! That is why I decided to write this article, in which I will tell you not only what software you need, but also in what order it is best to install it. I'll also tell you how to simplify the process of installing drivers so you don't have to spend hours on your computer!

What you need to know first

Before you reinstall Windows, you must take care of everything you need in advance software. You never know what might happen, the Internet will be turned off, the media with the necessary software will turn out to be broken, or something else. In this case, it will be very difficult to fix such problems. For example, if you delete the OS on a laptop, the drivers for the network card or wi-fi will be broken or simply will not be installed. And that's it, you are without the Internet. Therefore, it is better to take care of the necessary software in advance.

Download the drivers, check them for viruses using Comodo Internet Security, then write them to a USB flash drive, or better yet, copy them to logical drive, separate from where the operating system is located. Let them always remain there. Even if you install a Windows distribution maximum edition, you will still have to install new drivers.

Driver installation sequence

There is no special order. Whether you have a laptop for gaming or work, all the necessary software should still be installed. I would advise you to first install the firewood for network card And wi-fi module. This will give you access to the Internet. If suddenly any files fail, you can already download them from the network. They are already built into the OS distribution, even if it is a home base one. But you need to understand that at the time of the creation of the operating system, the firewood of the first versions was put into it.

Next, I recommend that you take care of software for sound devices. At least you can listen to music while work continues. Moreover, you often have to install not only the drivers themselves, but also additional software that helps you configure the sound and adjust it to suit you and your laptop.

Next you can install software for the processor, video card, etc. A list of all devices without the necessary software can be seen in the task manager. Everything marked with a yellow question mark requires installation of programs.

After installing everything you need, you must restart your laptop. Otherwise, the system will then do this itself, but it is not a fact that you will have time to save the data that you will be editing at that time.

I want to give you one valuable recommendation. If you have problems installing drivers, it is better to install them using special programs. For example, DriverPack Solution, you can download from here.

It is easy to install, it will scan your PC itself, find the necessary firewood and install it.


These are all the simple truisms that you should know before you decide to reinstall the operating system. Working with drivers is actually simple, just long and tedious. If you want to be confident in every device on your laptop, install everything manually. If you decide not to waste time, use it special programs. There is a good video on this issue.

With this I will say goodbye to you! Share this article with your friends on in social networks, because they will also have to reinstall the operating system sooner or later.

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I think many of the laptop users have encountered the problem - how to find a driver for a laptop... Time passes and once upon a time, new laptop, reads "to mess up". Now I'm not talking about laptop-netbook keyboards that are flooded (with coffee or beer - which is even worse). I mean the Operating System. IN in this case, problems with the OS depend on many factors...

  • How well does the user know the computer...
  • How often does he use...
  • Is anyone using...
  • Etc.

There is such a phrase - "80% Windows errors are half a meter from the monitor screen..." I absolutely agree with these words!

As a person who has been professionally repairing and configuring computers and laptops in his city for more than 10 years, having in his phone address book with more than 4 thousand registered clients, I can say with absolute certainty - if you have problems with your computer, first of all, look for the problem in the lack of your own knowledge...

And my site was created just to expand your knowledge, so - welcome to the new lesson!

Windows is "not childishly buggy"!

It is impossible to work on the Internet!

Games freeze and crash!

You can, of course, try to restore the system. But, there is one caveat... If your problem is due to viruses, for example the Sality virus or Conficker, then in this case it is worth reinstalling the system. At least because these viruses are found in your OS, all files with the extension .exe and infect them... And the file with the extension .exe is the launch file for any program. In this case, it is easier to reinstall the Operating System, first saving the data you need to a free disk partition.

Even your antivirus, which you once paid for1500-2000 rubles, this is a file with the extension.exe . Do you really think that they will give you ideal remedy from all of us viral problems behind2000 rubles?! Yes evenfor 10000r. You won’t find an ideal remedy, because it already plays a role here -Human factor. Just as it is impossible to eradicate crimes, so isIt is impossible to eliminate all computer viruses!

Therefore, we don’t strain ourselves, but decide what to do. If your computer wizard did not take care that, after installing you (on a laptop or computer) the Operating Windows systems, make an image (scan, copy) of your system disk using the same program Acronis True Image, which will contain all installed and necessary programs, as well as drivers, then - after reinstalling Windows OS, you may encounter the following:

  • You will not be able to launch games that were previously launched.
  • There will be no Internet access.
  • SD cards from your camera will no longer be detected, etc...

An unscrupulous technician may tell you that the problem can be solved by replacing the video card, or hard drive, or something else. Just to earn even more money from you. Or because the master himself lacks knowledge... Only because you are not smart enough with computers...

Just to somehow exclude similar situations(I don’t like “hucksters” and non-professionals...) I write articles and lessons on computer repair and setup.

This does not mean that if the master told you that you need to change HDD, then he is deceiving you! Never insult a person with distrust and reproaches if you understand little about the problem and call a specialist to solve your problem! It’s just that if you have doubts due to lack of knowledge (and doubts arise - EXACTLY from LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!), then you can always ask a question on my website and within 24 hours - get a response. I visit the site approximately once a day.

Okay, enough foreplay. I hope the information written above was useful to you. Let's get to practice!

How to find a driver for a laptop:

So, let's look at the example of a problem with a video driver, if after reinstalling the Operating System you suddenly :), games stop starting - go to "Device Manager":

1. left mouse button, click "Start" (bottom left side monitor screen),

3. in the context menu that appears, left-click "properties". (If you have Windows XP, then left-click - “Hardware” - “Device Manager”. If you have Windows 7, in the left menu block click “Device Manager”).

4. In the window that opens we find the equipment marked Exclamation Mark(usually signed as unknown device, but there may be another inscription). The main thing to remember is that if there is a Voskl. Sign- This means that the driver is not installed. In Windows 7, if during installation of the Operating System, the installation program was unable to install the driver on the video card, the “standard video driver” will be installed by default (this happens if your copy of Windows - older equipment on your laptop or computer. In this case, the video adapter will not show Voskl in the “device manager”. Sign, but your games will still not launch until you install a “standard video adapter” instead - correct driver to your video card!).

5. Left-click twice on the problematic equipment. A window will appear in which we click “Information” and select “properties” with the left buttonEquipment ID. Next, select it by clicking on it once with the left button :) andpress "Ctrl" on the keyboard and, without releasing it, press "C".

6. IN free space desktop on the monitor screen, right-click, select "create", then left-click - "text document".

7. Open the created document, click once with the mouse anywhere in the document window and press on the keyboard "ctrl" + "V".

8. Open your internet browser and address bar insert -

9. In the driver search site that opens, in the search bar (where it says - "Enter driver code") paste the copied code from text document and press "Search":

If you have Windows XP, then select XP from the list of suggested drivers; if you have Windows 7, select the driver for Windows 7. Be sure to take into account the bit depth of the Operating System! What system and bitness do you have? (can be 32 or 64 bits), you can look in the computer properties (an example for 7 is in the first picture above...). Having selected the driver, click on the icon to the right of it in the form of a floppy disk. A window will appear asking you to download the driver, click once with the left mouse button on the file with the extension .zip or .rar

Click again on the file with the extension .zip and we get a file download window. Choose "Save":

12. In the new window, select where we want to save this file(By default, “My Documents” or “Desktop” is suggested) and wait until the file is downloaded to your computer...

13. Open the downloaded file archive with the driver, find the file with the extension .exe and start the installation by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button.

After completing the driver installation, reboot the computer or laptop and be glad that it has disappeared from the “device manager” Voskl. Sign!

Thank you for attention!

What a question! After all, the drivers come with the laptop! Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Not to mention the fact that the driver disk may simply be lost or damaged; there are situations when it does not exist at all. There are some other points, but we will talk about them later. In order to understand this issue, let's start from afar. Let's talk about drivers and operating systems ah."Driver" translated from English (driver) means "driver". And indeed, the drivers "drive" different devices on the operating system and help it (the operating system) understand the peculiarities of its operation of this device. In other words, this small programs, showing the system how to handle specific device. That is, and general case, in order for the device to work, you need to install a driver for it. Without this, the system “does not know” what the device is and how (it needs to work. If the driver is not installed, in the System section (in order to activate this section, you need to click the Start button, and in the list that opens, select Settings, and then Panel control) will appear before the device name. Exclamation point, and when double click mouse on the selected device, a message will open that the driver for the device is not installed or installed incorrectly. Sometimes the system cannot even recognize the type of device, then the message " Unknown device". From the above it follows that you need to do this: install the device (or reinstall the operating system) - install the drivers. When installing the operating system, most of the devices included in the computer are recognized automatically, no exclamation marks?; you will not see any marks. But they are installed standard drivers, included in the operating system, which may not work entirely correctly or may not “work out” all the functions of the device. Therefore, if there are other device drivers available (or, better yet, it is possible to download new versions via the Internet from the manufacturer’s website), then you need to install them. For example, if motherboard on a VIA chipset - installing drivers for it is required, although you will not see any errors when viewing the system properties. The same thing with video cards - installing drivers is required even if the video card is detected by the system and, it would seem, normal operation the last one.

Now let's give a few general rules that must be observed:

  • installed an operating system or a new device - install drivers;
  • use (if possible, of course) only the latest drivers. It is better if they are obtained from the manufacturer’s website;
  • if something doesn't work quite right. how you think it should work, don’t rush to run to the service center - first, just try reinstalling the driver. It often happens that as a result of some software conflicts, drivers “break” (stop working correctly);
  • Drivers for one operating system are not necessarily suitable for another (in general).

If the drivers are installed incorrectly, the operating system may refuse to boot at all. In this case, when bootstrap press the key and select SafeMode, in which most drivers will not load. Go to system properties and remove the unsuccessfully installed driver;

Sometimes incorrect settings BIOS interfere correct installation drivers. Go to BIOSSETUP and select default settings. In some cases this helps.

Now let's look at the operating system options. Most new laptops come with a pre-installed licensed operating system. Nowadays it will most likely be Windows XP. What does the word "preinstalled" mean? This is an installed operating system with all necessary drivers and programs that the manufacturer considered necessary to include in the kit as utilities, which after installation were “rolled back”, that is, returned a couple of steps back. In order to be able to work in it, you must take some actions: accept the license agreement, select the time zone, language and regional standards, and also make the necessary network settings(if you are connected to the network) and create at least one account. All these operations take anywhere from ten minutes to ten minutes and practically do not require waiting for a response from the system (at least for a long time), so the name “preinstalled” fully corresponds to the state of affairs. In this case, the situation is considered normal when a disk with operating system distributions, drivers and utilities is included in the package. It is usually called a "system recovery disk" ("recoverydisk"). Installation from it brings the system to its original state, then all installed drivers, utilities, etc. When I said that the situation with the availability recovery disk(disc with distribution kits) is considered normal, I meant that most manufacturers have these discs. But not always. For some (for example, IBM) you will not find any disks with a licensed operating system, although there will be a holographic sticker on the laptop indicating the presence of such a system. All the necessary distributions are located on a special (protected) hard section disk. If you need to restore, you simply hold down the button while loading , which brings up the menu for working with the laptop. From there, you can begin reinstalling the operating system.
According to IBM, this is done for the convenience of users. After all, in this case, you will not be able to lose or damage the recovery disks; they will always be with you. And at any time, wherever you are, you can restore or reinstall the system, even if your optical drive is faulty. But if your hard drive fails (or you decide to change it to a new one with a larger capacity), then you should only do this in an official service center IBM. There they will create a protected partition for you on a new hard drive and write all the necessary distributions there. Otherwise, you simply lose your licensed operating system for which you paid money. Let's say you have a CD with an operating system (for example, from another computer) But the drivers that were on hidden section your old disk will still be irretrievably lost. Some manufacturers take a different approach to the operating system. There are no distribution kits at all (for example, Sony), but there is a special “proprietary” utility that can collect everything necessary files and then burn them to a CD. This operation creates system recovery discs. In other words, if you need operating system distributions and drivers for your laptop, you should take care of them. This is specifically stated in license agreement, which must be accepted at the time of final installation of the system, as well as in the user manual. If you do not go through the procedure of creating a system repair disk, then when you reinstall the operating system (for example, in the case replacing hard disk) you will be left without drivers. Now suppose that you decide to install another operating system (for example, Linux or Windows98) on your new laptop. On modern laptops There is usually a sticker that says "Designed for Windows XP"

This means that everything circuit solutions, and indeed the hardware of the laptop was created with the expectation of working under Windows XP. And this, in turn, means that installing operating systems that were not intended during the production of the device can be very problematic. Why might it be necessary to install old operating systems? This is mainly needed by those users who work with specific equipment: auto electricians, geologists, automatic telephone exchange adjusters, etc. Many of their programs that work with programmers, industrial GPS receivers, etc. are designed to work in other environments, for example , under DOS. In WindowsXP they may simply not start. For most, finding drivers can be difficult. To other Windows laptops XP/7/8 may install, but not work correctly (for example, cause conflicts with some devices or detect unnecessary ones, such as game port). Sometimes it helps to "reflash" the BIOS to more old version, but you still need to find it, and such an operation is not simple for all users. And, of course, it is not a fact that everything will work as it should in the future. In general, it’s clear: sometimes you may need drivers for your laptop. Where can I get them? The lightest and The right way- obtain from the manufacturer's website. Majority brands has an extensive driver database, proprietary utilities and user manuals for your models. You can find them in the "Support" section there. As a rule, the search can be carried out either by serial number, either by batch number or model name.