How to completely remove explorer windows 7. Complete removal of Internet explorer

Internet Explorer is the browser recommended by Microsoft and installed by default on computers running different versions systems from developers. Some users appreciated positive traits programs, especially updated versions. Others prefer to use other Internet browsers and are wondering how to get rid of internet explorer.

Uninstalling Internet Explorer in Windows XP

Frankly speaking, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely remove the browser from your computer, so you can simply. And this action is not always actually necessary. After all, even if you want to use another Internet browser, you can install it and use it calmly, and leave IE in case any problems arise with it. However, some computer owners are interested in how to uninstall internet explorer because software may conflict with the new version of the application. It's actually not as difficult as it seems. Moreover, it is accessible even to users who have little experience with computers.

So, let's look at how to remove internet explorer for those who use Windows XP. First, log into the system with administrator rights. This is the only way we can carry out the necessary manipulations. Next, go to the Control Panel and open the tab that is responsible for installing and uninstalling programs. In order to go to it, enter in command line appwiz.cpl. Place a checkmark next to Show updates.

Then everything will be displayed on the screen installed add-ons. Among them we are interested in Service Pack 3. Before you remove the internet explorer browser, you will need to get rid of of this package updates. Select it and click on the Delete button. Next, find the name of the browser itself in the list and remove the selection next to it. We reboot the system so that the changes can take effect. Well, if you decide to use this browser again, you can try installing it again or just reinstalling it.

Uninstalling Internet Explorer in Windows 7

For those who use the seventh version of the operating system, the method of removing Windows internet explorer will be slightly different. First, log in to the system as an administrator. If there open applications, then they will need to be closed.

Now go to Start and find Control Panel. In it we are interested in the Programs section. Under its name you will see the Uninstall programs item. We click on it with the mouse. A section opens before us in which you can erase programs from your computer. It is there that we can answer the question of how to remove internet explorer. On the left side of the screen there is an item through which you can perform actions such as enabling or disabling system components.

Follow the link. In the list that appears, we need to find the name of the browser. Remove the selection next to it and click OK. After this you will see a message. It says that similar changes may affect other programs or computer settings. You don't have to pay attention to this warning Special attention, because nothing bad should happen. Click Yes and wait until the program is disabled.

The listed steps refer to how to remove internet explorer 10 or more early versions Internet browser. There is another way to disable the browser. To do this, go through Start to Programs and Features. In the section we find a line that allows you to view installed updates. Here we are interested in Uninstalling an update. Let's move on to the inscription Microsoft Windows. Right-click on the name of the browser and click Delete.

After these steps, the user will be presented with a message indicating that the computer needs to be restarted. You can do this immediately or a little later, however, do not forget that the changes will take effect only after a reboot. After this, version 10 of the browser will be removed. In this case, the previous version of the program will remain, so you will not need to install it manually. This method is suitable for those who do not know how to return to any earlier option. This procedure is suitable for Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Command line removal

There is an option to remove microsoft internet explorer using the command line. The level of complexity of such an operation is slightly higher than those actions that were described earlier. First you need to remove the icon from the desktop. To do this, click on the icon and select the command that allows you to remove it from the desktop.

After that, go to Start and select All Programs. Open the Standard window and launch the command line. Remember that the launch should be done as an administrator. On the command line with Latin letters enter: FORFILES /P %WINDIR%\servicing\Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-*.mum /c “cmd /c echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w рkgmgr /up:@fname /nоrestаrt” and press Enter . If an error window appears, click OK. Now on drive C we find Internet Explorer, select the folder with the application, click and select Unlocker from the drop-down menu.

Next step How to remove internet explorer 6 or another version is in the utility window by clicking Remove and the Unblock all button. Next, reboot the computer. If necessary latest actions will need to be repeated.

Some users are interested in how to reset internet explorer to previous version. It is also not too difficult even for those who are just learning the basics computer literacy. To do this, you will need to disable your browser, then find and remove updates. Do not forget that you are unlikely to be able to completely get rid of the Internet browser. Using the methods given above, you can only disable it on the computer, but it will remain on the hard drive. At any time, you can return to the browser from Microsoft, for which you will need to do the same steps as when disconnecting, but in reverse order.

Users who have good alternative browser programs are wondering how to remove standard IE (Internet Explorer) in Windows 7 and higher. How to make this classical program no trace left?

Standard method

Despite the fact that Microsoft leaves its own application with each version to ensure communication with the network. Even though they do not meet the user's requirements and do not allow them to function normally on the network.

In practice, it is simply impossible to completely remove a program.

Everything you can do to the average user– disable it so that it does not open and is not installed on the system as a program that works with the network, images, and other things.

This precaution was introduced in the event that any browser is damaged and IE will again become available to you to access the network.

Well, there are two more ways to turn it off, which you can use now.

1. First way to disable IE

Uninstalling IE in Windows 7 and above is very easy.

Already in 2009, Microsoft realized that the browser was not popular with power users. When in Windows 10 you can notice the replacement application classic browser- Spartan.
- To remove IE, log into the OS using an entry with all admin rights. Otherwise, you will not be able to make changes to the application.
- The next step is to close all applications that could interfere with the tasks for removing Explorer.
- Last step- there are several stages:
1. Go to the control panel via “Start”;
2. We are looking for the “Programs and Features” section;
3. On the left side, go to the item highlighted on the screen:

Now a special window required for Windows will appear.

It is better not to touch most of them at all, so that the operation of applications is not disrupted. IE is also on this list; removing it will not harm the system.

We find the browser by its name and uncheck it, ignoring the warning entries. After some time, the system will be cleaned and the browser will be removed.

2. Uninstall IE from the command line

The second and final option for uninstalling Explorer is to uninstall it via the command line. You will need to spend the same amount of time as the first method, although the second method is a little more difficult for non-users. experienced users.
You can launch the command line in 2 ways:
- Through Start, go to the “All programs” section and find it in the “ Standard»;

- Launch the program using a key combination Win+R, and then type CMD and confirm the action ENTER.

The user must enter in the CMD field next command: FORFILES /P %WINDIR%\servicing\Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-*.mum /с «cmd /с echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w рkgmgr /up:@fname /norestart
A sign in the form of an error will be shown on the screen, ignore it and click “OK”. On drive C, if it is a system one, we find the browser, select it and select Unlocker from the menu, which will allow you to remove the program without problems.

3. Alternative methods

On XP, Win 8, 10 - the steps are similar, in addition to all this, on new versions it is much easier to do this:
1. Programs and components

The well-known browser for viewing Internet pages is Internet Explorer in the operating room. Windows system 7 is a built-in program, part of the OS. You cannot remove or install it, since it is already in the system. It can only be updated. In particular, and this is done automatically, you just need to agree to the download automatic updates and Internet Explorer will be installed with other service packs. This browser is used by default by all system services. Naturally, in Windows 7 you can set any browser as the main one.

Internet Explorer 11 in Windows 7

IE is an extremely slow browser, although Microsoft convinces users otherwise, claiming that the new Internet Explorer has high speed loading pages and many other very useful and necessary functions. And over time, new sites are less and less optimized for IE, and accordingly, more and more often there are sites that either do not work in Explorer at all or are displayed incorrectly. Changes in browser settings may also affect various applications. In particular, changes made to IE by malicious activity, even after disinfecting the computer, can negatively affect the operation of applications such as Skype. How this is connected is known to some Microsoft developers, but the fact remains. Often, only resetting Internet Explorer settings saves the situation when Skype refuses to work normally.

How to remove Internet Explorer on Windows 7

As we wrote above, Internet Explorer cannot be removed; it is an integral part of the system, but you can remove the IE11 update if the update was installed manually by the user. But in most cases, now, when installing Windows 7 OS, the package already includes Final version Explorer 11 and you can only turn it off. How to do it?

  • Let's go to " Start».
  • Here we switch to " Control Panel».
  • Click on the item “ Uninstalling a program».
  • And in the next window we are interested in the activation and deactivation button in the left column Windows components, or rather, turning them on and off. Click here.

  • We wait until the list of components to enable and disable is built, and remove the marker from Internet Explorer. We agree with the warning that disabling IE may negatively impact other components and services that use this browser. And click " OK».

Hello everyone, dear blog readers. When installing any operating system, a basic set of integrated programs is automatically installed. As you know, along with Windows OS, it is installed Internet program Explorer is a slow and unstable browser. That's why I often get asked the question, how to remove Internet Explorer in Windows 7?

I once had a situation where I tried to update this browser, but nothing worked. Therefore, it was decided to first remove it and then install it again. After these manipulations, everything went well - it was installed a new version this browser.

What you need to know

With the advent of fast, colorful and individually customizable browsers, IE naturally became unpopular. However, before you decide to remove it, it is worth considering that this browser is installed by default along with Windows; it serves not only to have it, but also to download, for example, another browser or any other program after reinstalling Windows.

Advice: if you simply do not want to use the built-in browser, you do not need to remove it, because you can install another browser to surf the Internet.

There is also a situation when there is a program on the computer that only works with this browser. Before deleting, you need to think about whether you have such programs? This can be explained by the fact that when a program is developed, the developers first check its functionality using the IE browser, because all PCs have it.

If when updating Internet browser Explorer you are unable to install a new version or the functionality of the browser is broken when updating, then the way out of this situation is just Internet removal Explorer.

The usual method of uninstalling through the “Control Panel” and the “Add or Remove Programs” menu will not work. In this menu you won’t even see standard OS components; they won’t even be recognized by third-party cleaning programs.

To figure out how to remove Internet Explorer from your computer, you need to do everything according to the instructions that I wrote below.


To do this, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features”. In the window that opens, find the menu on the left and click “View installed updates».

After this you need to wait a little, about 30 seconds. In the list of installed updates, look for “ Windows Internet Explorer (version)";

After selecting an object with the left mouse button, you should raise your eyes higher and find “Delete” in horizontal menu.Click on the “Delete” button and wait for the program to be removed.

After deleting the browser, restart your PC for the changes to take effect. Windows should ask you to reboot after removing Internet Explorer.

How to disable Internet Explorer

Above I told you how to remove Internet Explorer. But it can also be disabled in Windows 7. To disable Internet Explorer, you need to go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features”. In the left menu, click “Turn Windows features on or off.”

In the window that opens, find “Internet Explorer (version)”.

Time does not stand still, technology develops, operating systems are updated, and with them its various components (software). Along with useful innovations, Windows pleases its users with new features, but it cannot rid us of absolutely unnecessary, rather outdated program called "Internet Explorer".

For example, the new version of Windows 10 got rid of this old browser and offered to use new development entitled " Microsoft Edge", but what should users using Windows 7 do? How to uninstall Internet Explorer in Windows 7 and rid your computer of this truly annoying, absolutely useless and “Slow” browser? – We’ll talk about this in this article and look at 2 the best way What's the best way to do this?

Method number 1 using the control panel

In all operating systems Windows has a control panel where all the most important elements of personalizing your computer are located, it fine tuning. You can uninstall the browser using the Control Panel item called Programs and Features. How to get there?

  1. Go to Start.
  2. Select "Control Panel".
  3. Next, “Programs and Features.”
  4. As soon as you have entered this section, on the left side of the window you can see the section “View installed updates, go.
  5. Find your browser in the list of updates, select it, highlight it, and top menu click "Delete".
  6. A window will appear in front of you informing you that “Running deletion updates. This may take a few minutes." That's how it is in principle. The program will retire 5-10 minutes. After this, you need to wait until the browser is removed, then restart your computer/laptop and surprise, the browser has been successfully removed.

Before you remove the browser, make sure that your computer has great alternative Internet Explorer. Imagine that you deleted the only browser that was on your OS, what to do next? - Unclear. In this case, you will have to look for a browser on existing CDs or ask a friend to “Drop” you some browser onUSB flash drive.

Method No. 2 using special programs to thoroughly remove software

You can find many programs on the Internet that will help you thoroughly remove absolutely any program. For example, the most convenient and truly useful program this category can be called “ IObit Uninstaller" How to use it and thoroughly remove Internet Explorer?

  1. First you need to download the program. It is free and in most cases already activated. There is no need to buy any keys or “Hack” software. Downloaded, installed, use.
  2. After downloading, open the program.
  3. A whole list of absolutely everyone appears in front of you installed programs and others system components, which can be deleted.
  4. From this list, select Internet Explorer.
  5. Opposite the program name there is a mini-shortcut in the form of a basket, click on it.
  6. The program performs a standard uninstall.
  7. After standard removal, the program asks you “Would you like to perform a thorough removal of the program?” - We agree.
  8. Removal program unnecessary software searches on your computer for all browser elements that were not removed using standard process cleaning. These elements may be various files on drive “C” in the folder “ Windows", registry entries and much more.

By using the program and performing a thorough removal of the browser, you will get rid of Internet Explorer once and for all; it will not be an eyesore and remind you of itself in every possible way.

How to remove Internet Explorer from your computer, which method suits you best? - You decide. It is best to perform 2 operations in turn, first using the first method, and then the second.


On the Internet you can find many of the most in various ways removal of Internet Explorer, but not all methods are distinguished by their simplicity and effectiveness. Sometimes you have to “Climb” through various system folders, delete some completely incomprehensible files. Often, such operations can have a very negative impact on the performance of the OS and are highly not recommended. Why take risks if there are good ones? alternative ways solutions to the problem?