HTML5 in simple words. How to watch movies and TV series in HTML5 video player for Yandex browser

Lately, I have begun to receive questions with enviable regularity that boil down to one thing: " "Besides this, I began to see a large number of layout customers who demand that everything be written in HTML5. And so that there would be fewer such questions and there would be no such illiterate customers (whom all sorts of freelance scammers always rejoice at, realizing that the customer does not understand anything), I decided to answer the question, why HTML5 doesn't work.

Everything is very, very simple. Because the HTML is a client language, hence it is executed by the browser. But browser developers cannot immediately add all the new tags and features; this takes a lot of time, even a lot.

From the above it follows that HTML5 doesn't work because it's simply not supported by browsers yet. But this technology is being gradually introduced, and now there are quite a lot of tags that can already be used. You can check how advanced your browser is in HTML5, here: testing the browser for HTML5 support. My browser ( Firefox 15.0.1) typed 346 points, which, of course, is very far from full support. And I have the most latest version Firefox. I think the situation is no better in other modern browsers.

Also, we must not forget that even when after a couple of years, everything modern browsers will fully support HTML5, there will still be a very large proportion of people who will use older browsers. What to do with them? To reduce the number of victims, about HTML5 I'll have to forget about it for a couple more years. And only then will it be possible to do layout using this technology.

I hope you now understand that you can, of course, study HTML5, but use it in full force You will not succeed either as a training or as a practical use.

I really hope that the number of victims of scammers in freelancing will decrease (it’s too much written in the portfolio of many of them " Layout in pure HTML5", which is false).

This is not an article for super webmaster gurus. And not even for beginner web developers. This article was intended as a reminder about HTML5 for journalists and analysts.

Here journalists, copywriters and other non-specialists in the field of web design will find answers to their pressing questions, who simply need to know the principles of HTML5 to work, but do not have the opportunity to delve into technical details using this wonderful language.

It is also important not to forget that the so-called “HTML demos” have absolutely nothing in common with HTML5 itself. For example, many of Google Doodles use DHTML - HTML technology 4 early 2000s.

Why was HTML5 invented?

HTML4 was bursting at the seams under the pressure of new types of applications. Many things were simply not available and required plugins like Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight. It was necessary to resort to all sorts of tricks and tricks, to use non-standard, undocumented techniques, which was not a very reliable basis for sites created for making money.

How many browsers support HTML5?

It depends how you look at it. If we assume that HTML5 evolved from HTML4, then all browsers support some HTML5 properties.

On the other hand, if you want to know which browsers contain all the properties of the HTML5 core, then none. They all implement some parts of the specification (which is over 700 pages long), but none support everything at the same time.

If we ignore all the non-essentials, then all modern browsers support HTML5 approximately equally, although they add support for certain properties at different times.

Who is the driving force behind HTML5?

It all started in 2004, at Opera, under the direction of Ian Hickson. Gradually other browsers joined in. Hickson left Opera for Google, where he continues to work on the specification.

It's fair to say that browser vendors are coordinating work on the specification, as are the W3C and many other organizations and individuals. Generally speaking, the process is driven by the needs of web developers.

Who uses HTML5?

Many people and companies: Boston Globe Newspaper; Nationwide Building Society, and hundreds of others. contains many sites that use HTML5 technologies.

When will HTML5 be completed?

Perhaps in 2012. Or maybe in 2022. This is not so important, another thing is important: it is already supported by browsers today, and, therefore, we can use it today.

Saying that we cannot use HTML5 because its development is not complete is the same as saying that we cannot speak Russian because it is still developing.

Is it true that HTML5 is incompatible with Internet Explorer?

Absolute nonsense. IE9 supports HTML5 well. Older browsers can add support for some APIs with using JavaScript-polyfilling technologies, as well as Flash plugins and Silverlight. The canvas element may not work correctly in versions of IE below 9. The problem in older browsers is mostly due to the slow JavaScript engine. To display video in older browsers, you can use the Flash backup option.

It's worth noting that many HTML5 features, such as the contenteditable attribute, which allows the user to edit the contents of an object, were invented by Microsoft and included in IE5.

Is it true that HTML5 is designed for mobile devices?

Absolutely not. HTML5 is based on certain development principles, one of which states its widespread use:

“Elements should be designed for ubiquitous use... Elements should, to the extent possible, operate across platforms, devices, and media.”

On the other hand, there are features of HTML5 that are especially useful in light of the use of mobile devices. If we consider “real” HTML5, it will be very useful, for example, to be able to continue working with the site offline using Application Cache (“Appcache”) technology.

Another advantage is the ability to use canvas element to display animation on devices that, for one reason or another, cannot use Flash.

If we consider HTML5 in the sense of “new super-web technologies,” then geolocation is a huge advantage.

Will HTML5 supplant Adobe Flash?

No - at least I hope so. For many years, Flash remained the only option to embed video on a page. Now, with the advent of HTML5, there is a rivalry between both technologies, which is great for developers.

Apple decided not to include Flash support their iOS devices, which gives HTML5 video a huge boost. However, it is worth noting that iOS is not the most best platform and for HTML5.

Flash remains a useful cross-browser tool in any case. Moreover, you should understand that Flash is more than just video. Some of its simple functions used in games are intercepted by HTML5 canvas, and some of the primitive animations for which it was previously used migrated to CSS3. However, for reasons of convenience for the creators of fine animation used in games and cartoons, it is, of course, better to use Flash, which has much more user-friendly interface, which simplifies many working moments for developers. Over time, when convenient shells for working with canvas are developed, this will change, but not today and not tomorrow.


  1. Emelya
    October 4, 2011 at 10:29 pm

    html1 *THUMBS UP*

    Olga Answer:
    October 5, 2011 at 11:26 am Answer:
    February 20, 2016 at 10:32 pm

    Full list structural tags HTML 5 -

  2. margarita
    October 5, 2011 at 2:01 pm

    Emelya is a fool, haven’t you read fairy tales? :-D

  3. Bagel
    November 25, 2011 at 2:47 pm

    It's a pity that some users cannot understand that there are browsers better internet explorera:(

    Olga Answer:
    November 25, 2011 at 4:03 pm

    by the way, ie very good at Lately made progress in supporting new specifications. Apparently, they grabbed their heads after Windows users got a choice of browsers :-D

    Bagel Answer:
    November 25, 2011 at 4:11 pm

Adobe Flash Player lives out his last years. This platform is obsolete, and developers will stop supporting it by 2020. Many companies, programmers and enthusiasts have already begun to abandon the proven format in favor of progressive, but still “raw” technologies. One of these innovations is the “HTML5” video player, which could potentially replace the good old Flash Player.

Not all users can boast of powerful and modern personal computers with all operating system updates (drivers, codecs). Not everyone has it installed (the higher the version, the fewer errors during operation). But everyone is interested in the life boiling in global network Internet. Thousands of films and TV series, tens of thousands of clips, hundreds of thousands of funny amateur videos can be found and watched through world wide web anywhere on planet Earth.

If graphic distortions occur when watching a video on a computer, the user should not be upset and look for an alternative to watch. The first thing you need to do is check the functionality of your PC, whether all updates, drivers and codecs are available and in working order. The second nuance is checking the video player built into the Mozilla Internet browser itself. Developers from Mozilla Corporation try to please all their fans and regular users search engine. Therefore, everyone has the opportunity to view video images through various players: Flash Player or HTML5. To check which player is enabled in the Firefox browser, just right-click on the screen with the video.

How to disable HTML5 in Firefox

If custom Personal Computer inferior in technical specifications to your modern brothers, you can try changing the player from HTML5 to Adobe Flash Player. To do this you need to go to hidden settings browser by typing in search bar « about:config" The developers kindly warn about the risks associated with changes in “fine” settings. We take responsibility.

In the “Search:” window, for ease of finding to change parameters, you need to type the English word “media”.

Four parameters that can be enabled by default must be changed from “true” to “false”. That is, turn them off double click left mouse button.

  • media.ogg.enabled
  • media.wave.enabled
  • media.webm.enabled

After reboot Mozilla browser Firefox settings will come into force and new player HTML5 will be replaced by Adobe Flash Player.

How to enable HTML5 in Firefox

If it is necessary to carry out the reverse manipulation and change the old Adobe player to a progressive analogue, the user needs to carry out the same manipulations with the above parameters from “false” to “true”. By restarting the Internet browser, the video should show without interference or glitches.

04/30/2015 | 20:49 Analytics

Chrome and Opera lead the way in keeping up with the latest web features, but there are fewer differences between the browsers than meets the eye.

It's been four years since HTML5 was introduced. HTML5 is being brought up again today because the W3C committee has finally decided that it's time to stop messing around with the HTML 5.0 specification and move on to HTML 5.1. This marks historical event because the HTML4 document was completed in 1997.

What did the world do during the formation of the standard? Of course, I didn't wait for the final draft. Websites taking advantage of the HTML5 standard have proliferated everywhere. Browsers support many of HTML5's features, and they're getting better every day. new version. There are fewer differences between websites and native apps than ever, and complex, interactive websites that behave like native apps, more real than ever.

The good news is that browsers have agreed on a standard. According to, they are closer and closer to ideal, although there are still differences between some browsers.
It is worth noting that HTML5Test evaluates compliance with all standards using a single number (from 0 to 555). An automated test checks whether a feature is supported by creating DOM objects. It can't tell whether a feature will be implemented correctly, elegantly, or without terrible bugs.

While this figure is hard to ignore, the real answers lie a little deeper. By spending just a few minutes browsing the lists, you can see the development priorities of each browser's team. Some of the new features that are not yet supported are not particularly important. Chrome supports custom handler schemes, but does not support custom content handlers. Firefox does not support some of the new form input fields, such as time, month, or week. There are at least a dozen omissions in each platform, and only a few of them currently make a difference in the experience regular user. But that's it for now. Compliance is necessary to build a strong foundation for the future.

Browser Policy

Some of these differences are due to deep political and financial battles lurking behind the scenes. Firefox and Chrome support WebM and Ogg Theora video codecs, but not MPEG-4. Safari supports MPEG-4, but not WebM or Ogg Theora. At least they all agree on H.264 support. These codecs are not an official part of HTML5, but they are so for the most part modern Internet that working on them is more important for many web developers than all other features.

The other items in the test are not even part of the official HTML5 draft because they are part of another specification that can be separated from the official HTML5 specification. It is often difficult for web developers, programmers and especially users to draw a line between what is in HTML5 and what is new or best function. Some of the most attractive features such as Web Storage and Web Workers are not under the HTML5 umbrella, although they are also introduced by the W3C consortium. However, they can have an even greater impact.

The core HTML5 specification is finalizing the addition of a number of new tags designed to indicate the role of rendered content within a tag. They define areas, sections, margins, footers and headings. Previously, we would have marked them with tags that define the design

. They will now be marked by their role so they can have their own CSS styles, and the browser will display those elements accordingly. The trend to separate text and images from their placement and presentation on the page continues.

There are fascinating discussions behind these changes, but they are only relevant to people who are concerned about appearance web pages. For example, there are those who want to get rid of the use of tables for markup, while others want to prevent it. You can determine the presence of a table intuitively by reading the attributes of the table tag. Adding a border or column header means it's probably tabular data. Turning off the border means that there may be markings.

Using elements in the wrong way can have consequences beyond just offended online rule-makers. Clever repurposing of tags (such as tables) also breaks other systems. The HTML5 team is spending a lot of resources to make it easier for blind and disabled people to use the Internet. Using table tags for anything other than table data confuses screen readers and other engines.

Now it is new class ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes, providing alternative descriptions data inside. In general, making an effort to separate the message from the presentation helps make this much easier.

From web pages to web applications

A lot of work is carried out in the direction of circulation static pages into full-fledged dynamic applications. The specifications for Web Storage, WebSockets, and Web Workers have become much thicker as browser makers have figured out what works and what doesn't. This data makes it possible for programmers to create fully functional software packages like Google Docs. Local data storage, background communication, and multithreading are very important for working with non-trivial data sets.

Changes mainly focus on small details, which may not even be noticeable to many developers. There are dozens of small changes, as well as debates around them, that cannot be concluded. Because many details remain uncertain, browser makers often take different solutions. The Web Storage specification says that browsers should "limit the total amount of space available for storage" and suggests 5MB as a good limit. Meanwhile, the implementations differ.

One of the most controversial areas may be media processing. The web browser is becoming the dominant way to access video, and the HTML specification team is set to conquer the living room. The Encrypted Media Extensions specification includes a complex mechanism for working with the video feed and keys so that only properly licensed browsers will be able to display images. Chrome, Opera and Safari support these media extensions; Firefox and Internet Explorer- No.

There is a lot of other work going on to create changing parts. One of the new projects, called Web Video Text Tracks, is exploring a standard mechanism for synchronizing video with other parts of the site. It's mainly aimed at signatures, but there's no reason why it won't find other uses: words, graphics and images moving around everywhere; and all browsers support it.

Future of the Web

While it's natural to think of the HTML5 specification as the end of a long development process, it's better to think of it as the beginning of the next generation. Some of the ideas were dropped from the 5.0 specification because there was not enough "implementation experience". In other words, the features haven't been around long enough for everyone to know if they're what we want.

Quick view HTML 5.1 specification as a draft includes features such as the accesskey attribute for adding keyboard equivalents to mouse clicks. There is more extensive support in all browsers for the API HTML editing, which make every web page potentially editable and the entire web potentially one big Wikipedia.

They may even appear Big changes, as some prefer HTML to be more XML-like. This is not just an attempt to close everything open tags, which will obviously lead to bugs for some developers. Some members of the HTML5 specification community are already talking about hacking possibilities. next version. That is, they want a specification that will allow us to define our own tags and our own mechanism to process tags after they have been parsed.

This can make markup much more efficient. Anyone who has clicked on the "View Source" button has seen that many HTML files 50-60% consist of tags

And , each with several different classes attached. Debugging CSS files styles is becoming increasingly difficult. One way to get rid of this is with a fully extensible tagging system.

All these decisions await us in the future. HTML 5.0 is a milestone, but it's only a pause in the evolution of the standard that defines how we present and interact with information.

Enough generalizations - time to dig into the browsers.

Browser #1: Google Chrome

Chrome has the highest HTML5Test score - 523 for Chrome 42 - and says a lot about commitment Google HTML5 specification and the desire to create one of the leading browsers. There are only a few unchecked boxes left for the programming team to earn the maximum score.

The omissions are somewhat scattered and cannot be summarized in one sentence. Missing markup element here and unrealized graphic method there. Overall, Chrome is a dream for those committed to a wide range of tools for creating user interfaces. If you want to use all the new markup techniques or form elements, Chrome is the best choice. It has very few spaces in the list.

Some of the biggest omissions are under the hood. It does not have hooks in the JavaScript engine that are responsible for individual events when scripts are run and stop execution. No simple way control how CSS styles affect the page. There is also no way to use your code to register a function that handles all the data for a specific MIME type or URL schemes, so-called custom content handlers.

All three ideas, by the way, were implemented in Firefox a long time ago. They were not accepted by the Google team.

Another area that can be frustrating is codec and media format support. MPEG-4, for example, works with iOS browser, but not with Chrome. Apple and Microsoft support audio track selection, and Apple supports video track selection, but Chrome doesn't let you use it.

Overall, Chrone is a great browser for those who want to start using additional functions, which are part of the new standard.

Browser #2: Opera

At the time of writing, Opera is in second place in the HTML5Test, but is only four points behind with 519 points for version 29. Like Chrome, Opera offers extensive support for new markup elements and forms, so it's the same good platform, as well as Chrome for those who want to experiment with them.

Opera also does not support custom content renderers. context elements script execution style and events. However, any other browser except Firefox does the same.

The biggest differences lie in the codecs. Opera cannot support MPEG-4 and H.264 video formats. The situation is complicated by the fact that this browser It also doesn't support AAC and MP3, two audio formats that have been around for a long time. So, getting your multimedia content to work with Opera is a little more difficult. Opera is almost certainly surrounded by patent licensing costs, and the company has likely chosen to ignore the large licensing costs. Opera, of course, supports Ogg Vorbis Ogg Theora and WebM, which are quite good, if not literally compatible.

Along with Internet Explorer and Chrome, Opera is developing in the direction of “pointer events”, generalizing various models input. They are designed to make mouse support easier, touch screens and styluses, offering the programmer a single simple model events, which harmonizes them.

Overall, Opera is an impressive browser that doesn't get as much attention as it should. It rivals only Chrome in the breadth of its support for modern web features.

Browser #3: Mozilla Firefox

Firefox's scores look like it's slightly behind the top two. It scored 449 in HTML5Test for Firefox 37, but this fact to a large extent depends on the importance of the functions, which the test determines itself. Firefox loses a lot of points in some areas where it lags, and scores less in areas where it leads.

A lot of points are lost, for example, because Firefox doesn't implement many of the new input fields and interactive elements. If you just want to add a single form element to collect a date or time value, Firefox won't help. For these omissions, he loses 26 points, but it is not clear whether all programmers actually suffer. There is a developed JavaScript libraries to get time data and they are cross-browser compatible. Many of them are also well styled and look better than standard tools. Thus, many programmers choose them over native browser support.

The test also doesn't reward Firefox for taking the initiative. Events that fire when a script is about to execute are useful for tuning, but supporting these script execution events only gives Firefox one point. Adding a border to sheet styles is useful for combining multiple sheet styles, but it's only worth two points in the eyes of the creators of HTML5Test.

Firefox no longer wins any points for implementing microdata markup, additional tags that make it easier to identify and tag some of the most common types of data on web pages. Disliked by the W3C and all other browsers, microdata is only supported in Firefox.

Firefox offers broad codec support, but avoids MPEG-4, leaving it in the same camp as Chrome and Opera. It supports Ogg, WebM and H.264, which are more than enough.

Are these differences important? It all depends on how you evaluate the features personally. If you like all the new form elements, Firefox is not for you or your project. But in many ways, Firefox offers the same level of compliance as better-performing browsers, as long as you don't mind the new temporary input fields.

Browser #4: Apple Safari

On the HTML5Test, Safari scores 396, which puts it further behind than it probably would in practice. Like Firefox, Safari loses a lot of points by failing to implement all possible shapes and layout elements. It has no options to make an input field to collect time or color and no support for standard elements menu.

Although, game developers may fall away. There is no support for tracking device orientation or movement, for gamepad control, or more general event pointers. If you're going to create something for Safari, it's best to stick to traditional content and avoid elements that are too interactive. Leave it for App Store.

In the world of codecs, Apple way different from Chrome and Firefox. Safari will show MPEG-4 and H.264 video, but will reject WebM and Ogg Theora. The good news is that video and audio tracks can be controlled using JavaScript.

There are a few other places where Safari falls behind more complete sets functions of Chrome, Opera and Firefox. While these browsers support peer-to-peer communications with using WebRTC Apple doesn't offer any support, and neither does Internet Explorer. Safari also does not support service workers for background processing, custom schemas, content handlers, or custom search providers.

These omissions are not catastrophic. Apple still offers broad support for the standard and provides many of the most interesting features.

Browser #5: Microsoft Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer 11 has a low HTML5Test score of just 348, but that shouldn't come as much of a surprise. The standards movement is always driven by the hope of stimulating competition and displacing Microsoft from its position of control over the network. Everything works exactly as some had hoped.

IE loses points throughout the table; it cannot collect enough points to lead in at least one area. In fact, the only area where it beats any of the other major browsers is in web apps, where its support for custom search providers is slightly better than Safari. The rest of the time, he brings up the rear.

While it's certainly fair to give a lower score for not implementing every bit of the HTML5 standard, it doesn't show how well IE will run HTML5 code in day-to-day use. A quick look at the results shows that many of lost functions are new and far from the most important. IE lost points for lack of support for example CSS selectors, such as “in-range”, “out-of-range” and “read-only”. It also lacks support for a number of new input fields for time.

There are dozens of places where IE lacks support for small features or additions, but none of them are critical. Of course, this annoys some programmers who want to use them, but it won't stop the browser from working quite well.

There are several larger omissions. Microsoft avoids MPEG-4, OGG, and WebM video, as well as PCM, OGG, and WebM audio. This leaves MP3 audio, H.264 video and Flash video as the only supported standards. However, IE allows you to use JavaScript to control audio tracks.

It's worth noting that Microsoft clearly understands the importance of standards compliance, and is making rapid progress. Although Internet versions Explorer doesn't change as often as other browsers, quite recently IE9 received only 113 points. And the pace will accelerate in the new Edge web browser (Project Spartan) that will ship with Windows 10.

Last Edge version earns 390 in HTML5Test. It's better than IE 11 and only slightly less than Safari. The biggest improvements over IE are support for device orientation, device movement, gamepad control, Web audio, DRM, media extensions and display adaptive images. All this shows that games, entertainment and mobile devices are at the top of Microsoft's priority list.

HTML5Test is a very accurate metric, but it is important to remember that it is built to evaluate whether browsers support the latest and greatest experimental features, adopted by HTML5 committees. It doesn't award points for doing a good job of displaying a table or for rendering pages quickly. This is a large list of features, not an indicator of the quality of the browser.

The results also provide good show about corporate priorities. Not surprisingly, Chrome offers excellent support for the full-featured, app-like sites that Google supplies. It also makes it easier to bring more capabilities to Google's hardware platform, Chromebooks. The company makes a little money on the part called " operating system", so it's no surprise that it wants the part known as the "browser" to be better.

Apple, for its part, seems less interested in supporting competitive behavior in browsers, perhaps because it makes so much money from the App Store that it doesn't want to undermine it.

Many of the features that browsers struggle with don't matter to developers either. If you are building web applications with big amount DOM elements that generate AJAX calls and react to the server response, all browsers do this job well.

They all offer the same basic features and don't have of great importance— whether they implemented the last elements of the forms.

In this sense, the HTML5Test score says more about the future than the present. While the HTML 5.0 standard has already been established and the committee has turned its attention to the next set of ideas, browser makers must finish implementing the standard. As they do this, more and more web developers will see that new features are available and ready to use. Only then will users begin to see the benefits.

The good news is that browser vendors are adopting them quickly, and many of the features are covered widely enough for web developers to start using them. The committee did its job. Now it's our turn.