How to log into the WordPress admin panel - WordPress admin panel general overview. What does the WordPress admin panel consist of? How to create static pages

The WordPress admin area, or the administrative part of a WordPress site, is designed to manage the content of the site: editing articles, changing themes, placing widgets, managing media files, editing site code, including External CSS kind.

WordPress Admin - Login

All groups WordPress users, except subscribers, can be included in administrative panel site. True, each user group has its own permissions for editing content.

However, even an administrator cannot log into the WordPress admin area without a username and password. Administrator login and password, set at . There, it's worth remembering.

WordPress admin login address

The URL for logging into the unsecured admin area of ​​the site is as follows:

  • or

How to get to the admin panel from the site

To get to the administrative part of the site from its front part, you need to place a “Meta” widget on the site. It has four links: Login, Register, RSS posts, RSS comments, WordPress link. The last three links can be removed. Read: .

If you have forgotten your password and login to login to the WordPress admin area, it is an unpleasant matter, but not “fatal”. There are several options to restore them.

How to recover your admin password

To recover the administrator password for logging into the admin area, you can use one of three recommended methods. Read about them in the article: .

How to remember your administrator login

How to change your WordPress admin password

If you are logged into the admin area and want to change your administrator password, open the Users →Your profile tab. In the lines: “New password” and “Repeat New Password", change the password to enter the admin panel. Old Password delete your browser password cache.

Login to the WordPress admin area via your account

You can simplify logging into the site’s administrative panel by synchronizing your account on the site with your accounts on For synchronization you can use . The 33 features of the Jetpack plugin include an authorization module via a account.

admin panel WordPress Login

How to protect WordPress admin from hacking

WordPress Security Plugins

Install one of the WordPress security plugins on your system. Almost all plugins of this type have a module for protecting the admin panel from unauthorized logins. The admin panel is protected in different ways: the number of incorrect login attempts is limited, the admin panel login address is changed and/or encrypted, etc. Read more in the articles:

Let's look at the contents of the WordPress admin area.

What is included in the WordPress admin area

Customizing the appearance of the WordPress admin area

The admin panel appearance settings are located at the top of the page on the sliding screen. It’s called “Screen Settings” and is present on each admin tab, with its own settings elements.

Let's see how it changes appearance admin panels using the example of the Console - home page admins.

WordPress admin

Open “Screen Settings” and check the required checkboxes. Checked console modules appear on the console page. It's simple. The number of modules will increase as new plugins are installed.


The design of the WordPress admin area changes over time. New ones added recently color schemes(they are on the User - Your Profile tab), but in principle it remains unchanged. This is the left panel of the console and the top technical menu.

Every experienced admin knows how to get to his WordPress site in the control panel, but this question often arises for those who are just starting to get acquainted with this engine.

WordPress itself is very easy to understand, but we will still try to answer a number of questions that “green” administrators have.

More specifically, let's talk about how to log into the WordPress admin area.

To get into the admin control panel of your site, you need to go to the address, (where is the address of your site), after which you need to enter the login given to you when installing WordPress (by default - this is admin) and password. If the data was entered correctly, you will be taken to the admin control panel of WordPress. Here you can do whatever you want with your website: write notes, configure plugins, move widgets, etc.

If you cannot get into the admin control panel, then most likely you simply entered your data incorrectly, installed a security module, or your site was hacked. If your site is not very popular and could not interfere with anyone in principle, then the option of hacking should not be seriously considered, because breaking such a site is simply impractical. Most likely, you simply entered the data incorrectly, so try restoring data via email using standard functionality.

If, when you try to get to the address, nothing happens at all, then the admin panel address has been changed to another using one of the plugins designed to provide protection. One such plugin is WordPress Paranoja-401, which is designed for XSS attacks and password selection (the plugin creates double protection password to enter the admin panel). Such a plugin can create a different login address, for example, By the way, if your site needs protection, then you can get the plugin described above and install it on your site at the URL:

How to log into the WordPress admin area when using this plugin can be found in its documentation.

Where to store passwords for WordPress, how to change the administrator password in the control panel

As for us, the most reliable option for storing passwords is the Kipasa program, the database of which can be stored on the cloud in Dropbox. Actually, you can get Kipasa at the URL:, and you can create an account in Dropbox through the address:

We advise you to change your name user admin to something else, so that it is much more difficult for hackers to find the login information for your admin panel. Even if you have nothing to steal, the site can be hacked using the streaming method, after which it will be infected with a virus. As a result, your site will turn into a puppet (doorway). Note that you won’t be able to directly change the WordPress password due to the specifications of the engine, but you can do it a little more cunningly: create an additional user with administrator rights, and then simply delete the old one.

To do this, you need to select “Users” - “Add” in the admin panel, and then fill out the form that opens, in which you need to enter new login, password, address Email. In the last item “Role”, be sure to select “Administrator”. After this you will have to exit, which can be done on the right top corner admin panel. Now you will have to log in to the admin panel, but under your new login, and if everything was done correctly, the login will be successful.

We use the phpMyAdmin control panel to log in to the admin and create a small php file that can change the login password

This option becomes relevant when it is not possible to restore data through the “login”. You probably came across phpMyAdmin during the WordPress installation process. Actually, phpMyAdmin stores all the data about your site and users. Select the database that is used on your WordPress site; We also note that the database also contains tables comments, posts, usermeta and others. You also need to open wp_users, where you need to open your credentials and change them to others. Important: when changing your password in the user_pass line, you need to select the MD5 function.

You can also create a small PHP file that can change the password for logging into the admin control panel. To do this, open your Notepad++ and enter the following:

add_action("init", "my_password_recovery");
function my_password_recovery() (
$user = get_user_by("login", "new login");
wp_set_password("new password", $user->ID);

Here, instead of “new login” and “new password”, you need to enter the relevant data. After this, through any ftp client you need to access the root folder of the site (you need to log in with your hoster credentials); Next, find the wp-content directory and go to the mu-plagins folder. If such a folder does not exist, then create it and place the previously created file with the above contents. Note that you can “name” it whatever you want, but the main thing is that the file at the end has the extension .php.

Now you need to try going to the admin area of ​​your site and entering a new username and password. After this, as a rule, everything will start working, but just do not forget to delete this file so that it does not slow down the resource. If all the above options do not suit you, then you should ask your hoster for help - maybe the problem is a malfunction of some functions, and therefore you cannot log in. We hope that now you will not have any questions about how to log into the WordPress admin area.

The WordPress admin panel is a secure section of the site. In it, the webmaster works with the content of the resource - adds new pages, uploads media files, edits code, installs and configures plugins. Webmasters get access to the site’s admin panel after installing the CMS - a combination of login and password and a link to log in to the console are sent to the specified email. The site owner can add new users by creating accounts for them and defining roles - administrator, editor, author, SEO specialist. This feature makes it easier to work on a large-scale resource.

If you have just installed the WordPress CMS and don’t know what to do next, I suggest you study this guide. You will learn how to log into the admin panel and configure it, what errors sometimes prevent you from logging into the console, and what to do to protect your site from hacking.

To log into the WordPress admin panel, enter the link in the address bar http://your_site/wp-login.php or http://your_site/wp-admin/, where instead of “your_site” is the domain name (address) of your site.A page will open with a form for logging into the admin panel. Enter your username and password into the form fields, which you received by email after installing the CMS, and click on the “Login” button.

In it you can add new site pages, edit texts, change the template, add new CSS, etc. The console interface is clear and simple, thanks to a logical structure. Even if you have not worked with the WordPress CMS before, you can understand the basic functions in 2-3 days without studying user manuals.

Why can't I log into the admin panel?

Problem #1: the URL to enter the admin panel is entered incorrectly

Most often, users enter the link to enter the admin panel incorrectly. The page cannot be opened due to an incorrectly specified protocol - for example, https instead of http, - the domain name of the site, or extra characters in the link. When you click on the link, you will see “The page cannot be loaded” or something similar.

Solution:check the URL is correct. Use links like this to log into the admin panel http://your_site/wp-login.php or http://your_site/wp-admin/.

Problem #2: the login or password is incorrect

Due to errors made when entering your username or password, you will not be able to log into the admin panel. The system will display a warning and prompt you to follow a link to restore access.

Solution:Find in the email box specified when installing the CMS a letter with information for logging into the admin panel. If you deleted it, follow the link “Forgot your password?” and follow the instructions to regain access to your account.

Problem #3: cache and cookies

Disabled cookies may become a problem when logging into the admin area. The same as a non-updated browser cache.

Solution:check whether cookies are enabled in your browser settings, clear the cache and cookies. After that, try logging into the admin panel again.

Problem #4: wp-login.php file is damaged

If the wp-login.php file, which is intended for authorization in the CMS, is damaged, deleted or moved to another folder, you will not be able to log into the administrative panel. In this case, the page with the authorization form does not even open.

Solution:replace the wp-login.php file with a new one, but make a backup first. To do this, log in to your hosting control panel, find the “Hosting Backups” section in the menu and follow the instructions provided by the hosting. Most often, a backup will be created automatically.

When the system saves the data, you will receive an email with the archive to the email address you specified during registration.

To download the latest version of the WordPress CMS, where there were no errors, simply select the desired backup.If the login problem was in the wp-login.php file, then after these changes you will be able to log into the admin panel.

Problem #5: The installed theme update is not compatible with your version of WordPress

Sometimes the latest theme updates are not compatible with the installed version of WordPress. Due to such a conflict, login problems may also arise.

Solution:Reverting to the default theme may resolve the issue. Go to the folder wp-content/themes, rename the theme folder and try logging into the admin panel again. If the problem with logging in was caused by updating the theme, then after making the changes you can easily log into the console.

How to change the administrator password

There are three ways to change the password for logging into the WordPress admin panel - through the password recovery form, through phpMyAdmin, and also in the console settings after authorization. The easiest way is to request a new password on the admin login page. We have already briefly reviewed it above - you just need to click on the link “Forgot your password?” and follow the CMS instructions.


Another way to change your password without logging into the admin panel is using phpMyAdmin. To do this, you will have to log in to your hosting control panel, click on the “Manage MySQL” section and click on “phpMyAdmin Editor”. An authorization form will open in a new tab, into which you need to enter your login and password.

In the menu on the left, find the wp_users folder, double-click on it, select the user for whom you want to change the password. Double-click on the user_pass field and set a new password. Save your changes.

In Control Panel

Scroll down the page and find the “Account Management” section and click on the “Create Password” button.

Enter a new password in the field that opens and save the changes.

To make working with site content more convenient, customize the appearance of the administrative panel. Edit the main console screen by clicking on the “Screen Settings” button and unchecking the blocks that you want to hide.

All changes are displayed in real time. The positions of blocks on the main screen can be easily changed - just drag them to the desired location.

Go to the “Users - Your Profile” section.

Select the color scheme you like, change the language if necessary, and check the box next to “Hot Keys” to speed up working with content in the editor. Save the changes by clicking on the “Update Profile” button.

The “Help” pop-up section contains hidden tips that make working in the WordPress admin panel easier.

Click on it if you have difficulty navigating the console or interpreting individual elements in a section.

How to protect the admin panel from hacking

Any website, including yours, can be hacked. To protect your data from intruders, use several recommendations. First, change the login page URL. To do this, you will have to rename the wp-login.php file - for example, to 123-wp.php - and then in the code editor replace all references to the old name with the new one.

Secondly, hide the admin login page. Edit the .htaccess file by inserting the following code:

# Hide admin URL start RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^my_admin_url/?$ /wp-login.php?my_secret_key RewriteRule ^my_admin_url/?$ /wp-login.php?my_secret_key&redirect_to=/wp-admin/ RewriteRule ^my_admin_url/?$ /wp-admin/?my_secret_key RewriteCond %(SCRIPT_FILENAME) !^(.*)admin-ajax\.php RewriteCond %(HTTP_REFERER) !^(.*) RewriteCond %(HTTP_REFERER) !^(.*)\.php RewriteCond %(HTTP_REFERER) !^(.*) RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) !^my_secret_key RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) !^action=logout RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) !^action=rp RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) !^action=postpass RewriteCond %(HTTP_COOKIE) !^.*wordpress_logged_in_.*$ RewriteRule ^.*wp-admin/?|^.*wp-login\.php /not_found RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) ^loggedout=true RewriteRule ^.*$ /wp-login.php?my_secret_key # Hide admin URL end

In the code, instead of my_admin_url, specify the new address at which the site will be accessible; replace my_secret_key with a complex key made up of numbers and Latin letters (don’t forget to save it); instead ofsite.comspecify the site domain; and if you changed the URL of the login page in the filewp-login.php, change the old name to the new one.

Third, do not use simple logins like admin, user, administrator, etc. In this case, the attacker will only have to guess the password.

Fourthly, set a complex password to log in. Above it was described in detail how to do this.

Fifthly, establish access via IP. It should only be used if the content of the site is managed by one person.

An additional method of protection is to install plugins. Most often webmasters use plugins Captcha, WPS Hide Login, Login LockDown, Lock Down Admin, Hide My WP. They are easy to find in the catalog by name, install and activate.

The CMS WordPress admin area is not as scary and incomprehensible as it might seem at first glance. Now you know how to customize the console to suit your needs in order to quickly and easily edit content on the site.

It provides a complete description of the entire installation process of this engine with images. And in this review, I will try to touch on the main menu elements of the admin panel itself. Where you will spend most of your time. The article is informative and will help novice users navigate the interface in the initial stages. And so let's get started!)

The content of the article:

How to log into the WordPress admin area - admin area address and login fields

After installing WordPress! Any novice webmaster needs to become familiar with the main menu elements of this content management system. The first thing we will start with is logging into the admin part of the site. You can log into the admin panel using the following links: http://your_site/wp-admin/ or http://your_site/wp-login/

  1. In this field you must indicate your username or e-mail, exactly the ones you entered at the end of the CMS installation.
  2. Password input field.
  3. Be sure to check the “Remember me” box.
  4. Click "Login"
  5. If you have forgotten your password, then you need to click on the “Forgot your password?” link. Next, enter the mailbox address that you specified when installing the engine. You will then receive an email with information to reset your password.

WordPress site admin - description of the main sections of the site administrator

If you managed to log into the site admin area, then everything is fine and the instructions described above were useful. I hope that you did not have to recover your panel password. After logging in, you will see the main page that looks like this:

Let’s move on directly to the description of the main sections of the site’s admin area.
1. Console— contains additional tabs “Home and Update”. Home - a working window with basic functionality for getting started. In this window you can observe changes on your site. The window also has the following functions:

  • Draft - quick publication.
  • News - Basic WordPress news.
  • Activity - actions performed on the site.
  • Visible - published (posts, comments, pages).
  • Site settings - go to the site settings page.
  • Setting up menus and widgets - go to the corresponding pages with settings.
  • About Page - Create a first page with your bio.
  • View Site - Directs you to the home page of your site.
  • Learn more - directs you to the main page of the CMS.

2. Update- Responsible for updating the entire system. Also in it, you can update: Themes, plugins and translations for your WordPress installation.
3. Media files - contains the “Media Library” and adding a new media file. In this tab you can upload and edit your images. In the latest versions of the engine, it is now possible to download audio and video files.

Popular sections of the site control panel

4. Pages— contains a window with all pages of the site. In this tab you can create, edit and delete pages for the site. You can save unfinished pages as a draft.

A page is a static element of the site and is accordingly suitable for (site maps, about me, contacts, contents, galleries, etc.)

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The best HTML admin panels - a collection of the best design solutions for the admin panel for various web projects.

When creating a website, it is always better for developers to use non-standard solutions. The admin panel is one of the main working tools for both the average user and the administrator. Using the admin panel, users can configure settings, view statistics, and much more. To make this process even more enjoyable for your audience, you can use HTML admin panels. These are ready-made sets of templates and page layouts with all the necessary elements, which can be further customized at your discretion. By choosing and customizing one of these panels, you will greatly simplify your work and be able to gain additional sympathy from users. All panels have a convenient and beautiful interface that will appeal to even the most demanding users.

HTML admin panel is a very necessary solution for all web developers and site administrators. Especially for you, we have prepared the TOP 10 best admin panels so that you can choose the best HTML admin panel template for yourself. If you don't find what you need in our list, we recommend checking out the other 300+ HTML Admin Website Templates on Themeforest.

The best HTML admin panels for the site

Limitless – Responsive Admin Panel Template

Limitless is a modern, powerful and flexible tool that is suitable for any type of web application. It has a stunning design and a clean and clear layout. Built on Bootstrap and LESS. Five layouts, 1000+ HTML pages with comments, 1000+ components, 100 plugins and extensions are available.

The set works with the LESS preprocessor and includes 100+ LESS files with comments. Each of these files corresponds to a specific component, layout, page, plugin or extension. This way you can easily find the line of code you need and change it accordingly. The kit includes regular and minified LESS-based CSS files.

There are two types of vertical navigation, as well as multi-level horizontal navigation with stateful support. Mega menus and headers of panels and pages support advanced customization options.

Along with the template comes a “Starter Kit” - a set of blank pages to simplify the developer’s work.

Angulr – a set of cool admin panels for web applications

Cool admin panel template for Angulr web applications built on Bootstrap and AngularJS. The kit includes several ready-made UI solutions for various applications: Angular JS, Html/jQuery, Music SPA, Google Material Design and App Landing Page. Specifically, Music SPA has a single page application, an audio player, a video player, and multiple layouts.

CSS files are written in LESS. There are a large number of jQuery plugins included, many of which work without creating a directive. Lazy loading feature available. Dependency management using Bower is supported.

You can customize any parameters, including color, and save custom settings. The template can be easily translated into Russian and any other language.

Clean UI – premium HTML admin panel template for Bootstrap 4

Clean UI template is designed by professionals for professionals. Comes with nine layout options and six color schemes. Each template has hundreds of useful components, elements, plugins and pages available for any type of interface. Additionally, there are several ready-made pages for the admin panel, profile, messages, mail, calendar and gallery. There are also designed pages for customization and even . There are also login, registration and lock screen pages with high-quality design. Among the components, it is worth highlighting forms, tables and graphs.

By purchasing the Clean UI template, you will receive a whole set of 1600+ premium Icomoon icons, as well as a Clean HTML Player for playing media files.

The template works without bugs and glitches with any devices: both stationary and mobile. Powered by the SASS preprocessor and contains 50+ SASS files with comments. In addition to the HTML version, the AngularJS version is also supported.

Electric – powerful Angular JS+HTML5 admin panel template

The Electric template has an attractive layout that allows you to fully manage one or more projects.

The multitasking framework supports four admin panel styles, 60 pre-built pages (including an admin profile page), more than 20 widgets, and a full-fledged system for managing author profiles and emails. There are two menu (header) options: light and dark.

There are dozens of buttons available in different styles plus 100+ hover effects. 10+ chart styles, two styles each for notifications, galleries and portfolios, and three styles for the services page. The kit also includes a table with prices and a Google map. Four page numbering options.

Various Live Stats Updates will allow customers to track information about their overall account balance, new orders, sales, views, as well as social indicators and other statistics. Live chat supported.

Fuse – HTML admin panel template in material design style

In addition to the three admin panel options and 18 ready-made designs for various pages available in the Fuse template, it also has a number of built-in applications. Among them are calendar, Ecommerce, mail, chat, file manager, Gantt chart, Scrumboard, Todo, Contacts and Notes.

When working with Fuse, you can choose from six available page layouts with different navigation options. Pre-made page layouts include authentication, payment, profile, search, scheduling, and error pages. To create pages even faster, you can use the 15 available content organization layouts.

Using the theme generator, you can create your own Angular Material template with a unique design. You can also easily customize the colors of any element from the Angular Material library. The template meets all Google Material Design requirements.

Flatkit – a user interface design kit for applications

The Flatkit set of UI layouts is specially created for designing the admin panel (and not only) when developing applications. It is built on Bootstrap 4, the most popular HTML, CSS and JS framework. It also supports AngularJS and all its features, including lazy loading. You can also work with Grunt, which allows you to minify CSS and JS files, compile and save you time, allowing you to focus on writing code. The Bower tool will allow you to manage frameworks, libraries and utilities.

By using elements from this kit when developing your application, you will improve the user experience of your application. You can customize the colors of any elements as you wish. Four color themes are supported: light, gray, dark, black. There are six pre-built layouts. HTML version with Ajax is supported.

The template is responsive and works with all modern browsers, including Edge, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Firefox.

Ubold is a responsive skin kit for web applications.

Ubold is a full-featured premium HTML admin panel template powered by the Bootstrap 3.3.7 framework. Uses all modern web design technologies: HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.

The kit includes four admin panel options. Also available are 500+ ready-made handcrafted components: widgets, graphs, task lists, inboxes, buttons, tabs, notifications, carousel, videos, forms, tables, maps and chat. There is a library of 110+ chart options. As many as 3000+ beautiful icons are available for a unique design. The template comes with several built-in apps, including a calendar and contacts. There are also several ready-made pages: a landing page, a page for login, registration and password recovery, an error page and a page with prices. In addition, the kit includes Email templates. There are also several separate ready-made pages for CRM and ecommerce.

The code is written very clearly so that a web developer can easily turn this theme into a powerful web application.

Material – admin panel template in material design style

The Material template will allow you to create an admin panel for an HTML website. The template design is inspired by Material Design from Google. It runs on the Bootstrap and Angular JS frameworks. This is a 2-in-1 template, and in addition to the template for the admin panel, it also comes with a ready-made landing page template. There are several ready-made design color schemes.

The template supports modern technologies and programming languages: Sass CSS and jQuery. High-quality template code is ensured thanks to the Angular style guide. Supports work with Gulp and the Twitter Bower package manager. All ready-made layouts are designed very high quality and have a responsive design. Thanks to this, it will be easy for your users to work with the admin panel both from a PC and laptop, as well as from a tablet and smartphone.

Adminto – responsive admin panel template

Adminto is a simple HTML admin panel template with a clean user interface, customizable components and three different color schemes. Setting it up is not difficult, and the code is written very well and simply, so any developer can understand it.

A large number of ready-made custom widgets and UI components are available: buttons, cards, sliders, notifications, forms, tables, and so on. The kit also includes seven libraries with 75+ different diagrams. Several sets of unique icons (more than 1700). In addition to the components, there are also more than 55 ready-made pages, including for login, registration, email confirmation, project and task management, pricing and errors. You can also add maps, projects and a gallery. Additionally there are Email templates.

The Adminto template is powered by the Bootstrap 3.3.7 framework and has a fully responsive design.

StartUI is a ready-made, fully functional HTML admin panel that runs on Twitter Bootstrap 4, jQuery and CSS (Less). It comes with a large number of components for creating an admin panel, including for a content management system (CMS) and a customer relationship management system (CRM), a control panel in an online store, and so on. There are ready-made pages for emails and user profile.

The template supports a unique tabbed navigation that allows you to switch between other navigation options. When designing the tables, great attention was paid to the smallest details. Thanks to the clear LESS code, you, as a developer, can easily customize your admin panel according to your individual preferences and requirements.

StartUI is a full-fledged modular HTML template in the admin panel style, with which you can create a powerful admin panel for any purpose.

That's all the HTML admin panels that we wanted to present to you in this review. We are confident that among them you will find a decent solution for your project. We remind you that on Themeforest you can find more than 300+ different templates for the admin panel. Choose only premium templates and you are guaranteed to achieve success in your business. Good luck!

Alexander is the founder of the “Web Laboratory of Success” website project, created to support beginning and continuing Internet entrepreneurs. He is a convinced workaholic with professional experience in managing the editorial office of an online magazine, creating and managing his own online store. Main occupation: promoting businesses (including online stores) through Facebook and Google Adwords. Main hobby: monetizing websites through affiliate marketing tools and Google Adsense. Personal confirmed records: 3 million blog visitors per month.