Documents regulating relations in the information society. GAS "Justice". IPS "Law". An important component of the implementation of the Okinawa Charter and other international legal documents is the development of national strategies and programs aimed at

Contents 1. informational - search system“Law” is the legislative base of the State Duma of the Russian Federation; 2. scientifically - technical Center legal information“System” is a reference bank of legal acts of supreme government bodies; bank 3. information - legal system“Legislation of Russia” GSRPA of Russia 4. database of the NCPI of the Ministry of Justice of Russia; NCPI of the Ministry of Justice of Russia 5. database of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

O Computer reference and legal systems appeared in the second half of the 60s of the last century as modern technologies and telecommunications systems. The first electronic file cabinet for computer search legal information became the Belgian system, which began operating in 1967.

The system was created jointly by universities in Belgium and the Belgian Union of Lawyers and Notaries. The information bank of the system includes data on documents of domestic and international law, as well as parliamentary materials. However, CREDOC did not imply a direct connection between the user and the legal framework; to obtain the data he was interested in, the user had to contact a special information office. A response came from there, and the waiting period ranged from 2 to 8 days

O Development of the first Lexis legal reference system (LexisNexis) began in 1967 with an agreement between the Ohio State Bar and Mead Data Central. Unlike the CREDOC electronic catalogue, the American system was full-text, that is, it allowed not only to find Required documents among hundreds of thousands of others, but also to work with the texts themselves, and also provided Additional information Moreover, it became possible to search for them by context and dates. In 1980, Lexis incorporated British law and, since 1981, British case law. At the same time, the system became available to users in the UK, and since 1985 in Australia. LexisNexisMead Data Central

O The creation of legal reference systems in the USSR began in 1975, when it was decided to create the first information base regulatory documents. It was considered necessary to “introduce state accounting of normative acts of the USSR and union republics, as well as organize centralized information about such acts.” To implement this decision, the Scientific Center for Legal Information (NCLI) was created under the USSR Ministry of Justice. His tasks included state accounting of regulations and development of legal databases

OV OV Subsequently, the NCPI created the first reference legal system “Etalon”, intended for use in government agencies. The first Russian developer of a commercial database was the Intralex agency, which in 1989 introduced software package"Legal Reference Information System" (USIS). In 1990, the SPS development of the Scientific and Production Association “Computational Mathematics and Informatics” (NPO “VMI”) was released. Subsequently, the Garant-Service company, which currently distributes the Garant system, separated from the NPO VMI. In 1992, the NPO "VMI" released the ATP. In subsequent years, the ATP was created, the main difference of which is a large number of regulatory and technical documents (GOST, SNiP, San PiN, etc.), availability of specialized help systems in various industries: construction, ecology, electric power, labor protection, etc.

Information and legal system IPS"LAW" contains legal acts not only current legislative acts Russian Federation, but also law enforcement acts, legal acts of administrative and local action, documents that have lost force, necessary in legislative work to study the history of the development of a specific norm, including:

Legislative acts of the RSFSR, Russian Federation and USSR;

Resolutions of the Supreme Soviets of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation;

Resolutions and orders of the Governments of the RSFSR, the Russian Federation and the USSR;

Decrees and orders of the Presidents of the RSFSR, the Russian Federation and the USSR;

Departmental regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia;

Legal acts of the Central Election Commission and the Central Bank of Russia.

It should be especially noted that the IPS “LAW” contains a significant section on international legal acts, for example:

Federal laws on the ratification of international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation;

International treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation;

Summary and reports to international treaties and agreements;

Unofficial translations of international conventions of the Council of Europe made by the Legal Department.

The legal information system "LAW" allows users to:

Create a request and search for legal acts;

Generate collections of documents based on search results;

Insert bookmarks inside documents and work with them;

Work with documents, including using inter-document links, as well as current versions documents;

Make comments on documents.

The presented texts of legal acts are not official and are intended to inform users about their availability. Official acts on paper, as well as original translations of conventions not ratified by the Russian Federation, are located in the Department of Accounting and Systematization of Legislation of the Legal Department of the State Duma Apparatus (

Scientific and Technical Center for Legal Information "Sistema" The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as STC "System") was created in 1993 for the purpose of information and legal support for the activities of federal government bodies. By acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, STC "System" is entrusted with the implementation of a number of tasks in the field of legal informatization of Russia, including the functions of the parent organization for the implementation of legal informatization of Russia. The information fund of STC "System" consists of more than 90,000 documents, excluding international treaties, acts of executive authorities, and arbitration practice. Legal acts since 1990 are presented in full. In addition, the full version of the latest edition of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire in 16 volumes has been translated into machine-readable form. Users of the information fund of the STC "System" are government bodies of Russia, law enforcement agencies, scientific institutions, commercial organizations, and the media. Various information and legal products of STC "System" are installed in the executive and legislative authorities of 88 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

One of the main tasks of STC "System" is the creation and maintenance of a reference data bank of legal acts of the highest bodies of state power of the Russian Federation. The reference data bank contains official texts of legal acts of federal government bodies in machine-readable form. STC "System" receives texts of legal acts directly from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.

The most important activity of STC "System" is the publication and distribution of official machine-readable collections, which are electronic copies of the official periodicals "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation" and "Bulletin of Normative Acts of Federal Executive Bodies", published by the publishing house "Legal Literature" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. In order to implement state policy in the field of informatization, STC "System" carries out state accounting and registration of databases and records of data banks of legal information in the Russian Federation.

STC "System" is the central node of legal information of the Russian Federation, providing free, prompt access to information and legal resources from government bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as information exchange with regional nodes of legal information and constituent entities of the Russian Federation. STC "System" is engaged in the creation and maintenance of the following software products:

IPS “Russian Legislation”- an information retrieval system containing more than 80,000 legal acts of the highest bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and more than 8,000 normative legal acts of federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation, published after 1989 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The information fund of the legal acts database is constantly updated. Contextual search by title and text of a legal act has been implemented. Legal acts have inter-document connections (hypertext links) through which transition between them is possible. Selected documents have current versions.

IRS "Official and Periodicals" includes one or more editions of legal information in machine-readable form:

“Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation”;

“Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities”;

"Bulletin of International Treaties";

“Bulletin of normative acts of ministries and departments of the Russian Federation”;

“Collection of Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation”;

"Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation."

When an auditor selects a specific program to provide an audit of a client, it is necessary to take into account all the characteristics and flexible capabilities of the reference, expert and information-legal systems presented above according to the following recommended criteria: form of ownership and specifics of conducting business activities of an economic entity, related parties of the audited entity and their nature, the ability of the software to function in on-line mode, ways to update the ATP database, etc.


Information and legal support is the unity of three components: analytics, news and consulting. Analytics means working with the information and legal set of the system, which provides the user with access to a complete and up-to-date bank of legal information with effective search and analytical capabilities. Today, the information bank of systems includes more than 2.5 million documents. Among them are regulations and comments to them, judicial and arbitration practice, international treaties, forms of documents, draft laws, regulatory and technical reference books, dictionaries. The systems represent the legislation of 84 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the practice of all ten federal arbitration courts of the Russian Federation districts.

To inform about effective methods of working with the system, new services and information and legal support opportunities, when starting the system, a special window opens in which brief recommendation for specific actions when working with the system.

“Online legal support” is a separate section with which you can ask an individual question and receive an answer from qualified experts of the legal consulting service, view previously received answers and familiarize yourself with the rules of work.

The system has implemented a feature that significantly simplifies the exchange of legal information - sending the text of a document by e-mail directly from the system.

List of used literature

    Bank V.R., Zverev V.S. Information Systems in economics. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2009.

    Garant Platform F1 EXPERT - a system that understands you // Garant, 2009.

    Grinberg A.S., Gorbachev N.N., Bondarenko A.S. Management information technologies. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2009.

    Information systems and technologies in economics / T.P. Baranovskaya, V.I. Loiko, M.I. Semenov, A.I. Trubilin. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2009.

    Larionov R. Information and legal support Guarantor is a powerful weapon of a professional // Salary. – 2008. – No. 10. – pp. 27–29.

    Larionov R. New capabilities of the Garant system // Financial newspaper. Regional release.

    – 2008. – No. 49. – pp. 13–15.

    Larionov R. Prime is the key to successful work // Salary. – 2008. – No. 11. – pp. 23–26.

    Larionov R. Working with lists of documents in the Garant system // Financial newspaper.

    Regional release. – 2009. – No. 31. – pp. 31–33.

    Larionov R. System Guarantor for small and medium-sized businesses // Financial newspaper. Regional release.

    – 2008. – No. 11. – pp. 18–20.

    Morozov N.P., Chernoknizhny S.B. Reference legal systems. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “VES”, 2009.

Utkin V.B., Baldin K.V. Information systems in economics. – M.: INFRA-M, 2009.



State ATP.

In addition to commercial SPS, State reference and legal systems have been created and operate in the Russian Federation:

State reference and legal systems include:

· information retrieval system “Law” - the legislative base of the State Duma of the Russian Federation;

· scientific and technical center for legal information “System” - a reference bank of legal acts of supreme government bodies.

· information and legal system “Legislation of Russia” - GSRPA of Russia

· DB of the NCPI of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. 3. “Consultant +” system Showing video clips. The legal reference system “Consultant Plus” was created by JSC “Consultant Plus” and has been distributed since 1992. The system is well known and occupies one of the leading positions in Russia. The network of the Consultant Plus company unites more than 300 regional information centers , supplying ATP, legal information: from regulations, materials of judicial practice, comments, bills, financial consultations, schemes for reflecting transactions in accounting to reporting forms and highly specialized documents, the documents are contained in a single information array “Consultant Plus”. Since each type of document has its own specific features, they are included in the corresponding sections of the information array:

Legislation Regulatory and other official acts of federal and regional government bodies.
Arbitrage practice Judicial acts. Materials on issues of law enforcement practice.
Financial advice Consulting materials on accounting, taxation, banking, foreign economic activity, currency regulation issues. Schemes for reflecting financial and business transactions (postings) in accounting, as well as materials from accounting publications.
Comments on legislation Comments on normative acts of federal legislation.
Document forms Standard forms, blanks, samples of business documentation.
Bills Projects federal laws, which are under consideration in the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
International legal acts Multilateral and bilateral international treaties of the Russian Federation, documents of international organizations, documents of ratification.
Legal acts on healthcare Regulatory documents on medicine and pharmaceuticals, consultations on medical and pharmaceutical activities.
The ConsultantPlus legal reference system contains a wide range of legal information (over 1 million 600 thousand documents). This array of documents includes:

1. Section "Legislation"

* IB (information bank) Version Prof includes all regulations of the Russian Federation and laws of the USSR in force in Russia . up to daily

* Information Security Russian Legislation includes normative acts of the Russian Federation of general significance and laws of the USSR of general significance in force on the territory of Russia.

* IS Regulatory Documents includes documents on accounting and taxation, as well as all documents that were used by the authors of the consultations presented in IB Questions Answers

* IB Taxes Accounting includes all necessary practical work federal regulations on taxation and accounting

* IS Expert The application includes bills, documents of law enforcement, regulatory, technical, explanatory and organizational nature relating to individual sectors of the economy, specific territories or organizations, and also includes acts of a personal nature. The information security contains special documents of the President, the Government, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and narrow departmental documents of bodies government controlled, ministries and departments.

* Information Security Regional Issue includes documents from public authorities and local government specific subject of the Russian Federation. Created and distributed information banks according to the legislation of 79 constituent entities of the Russian Federation

* IS Documents USSR contains legal acts issued during the Soviet period (October 1917 - July 1991): Constitutions and legislative acts of the USSR and the RSFSR, documents of the Union and Russian Councils of Ministers, the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Central Committee of the Komsomol, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, departmental acts issued by the Union and Russian level. Information security includes inaccessible documents that are currently practically never republished.

2. Section "Judicial practice"

* Information Security Judicial Practice includes documents from the highest bodies of the judiciary, documents covering the activities of the judicial system of the Russian Federation, samples of procedural documents, as well as extensive information on judicial practice in arbitration, civil and criminal cases

* IB All Districts includes judicial acts of the federal arbitration courts (FAS) of all 10 judicial districts of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Ural, Northwestern, East Siberian, West Siberian, Volga, Volga-Vyatka, Central, North Caucasus, Far Eastern) on cases considered in cassation procedure. Judicial acts are provided by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the districts. Most of the submitted materials are practically not published in open press. Total number of documents - more than 200,000 Average monthly receipt of new documents - 3,000 . Information update frequency - 2 times a month

* Information Security District Issue includes judicial acts of the Federal Arbitration Court (FAS) of a specific judicial district of the Russian Federation on cases considered in cassation (information banks have been created for all 10 districts:

3. Section "Financial advice"

* IB Financier includes consultations with specialists from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Taxation, the Central Bank, other ministries and departments, experts from leading audit firms on taxation, accounting, banking, investment, foreign economic activity, on legislation on currency regulation and currency control, joint stock companies, about the securities market, about bankruptcy. All consultations are based on regulatory documents. Many consultations reflect not only the opinion of the individual author, but also represent the official point of view of government ministries and departments. Most of the consultations are published here for the first time

* Information Security Questions The answers include consultations and explanations from specialists from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Taxation, the Central Bank, other ministries and departments, as well as experts from leading audit firms on the application of legislation in accounting and taxation practice. The materials are presented in question-answer form. All consultations are based on regulatory documents. More than 90% of consultations are published here for the first time.

* IB Account Correspondence includes completed schemes for reflecting various financial and economic transactions in accounting and forms of necessary accounting documentation. Most accounting schemes are prepared specifically and only for a given IS by the best practitioners: auditors, experts in the field of accounting methodology, lawyers with experience in government agencies. Frequency of information update - weekly

* Information Security Application Accounting Editions includes analytical materials from leading financial and economic publications on accounting and taxation ("Financial Newspaper", "Accounting", "Tax Bulletin", AKDI "Economy and Life", etc.), as well as books by famous authors

4. Section "Comments on legislation"

* IS Comments on Legislation includes article-by-article comments on laws and codes containing a comprehensive analysis of legal norms; analytical articles and monographs of leading lawyers in current problems rights. Each material contains links to all legal acts mentioned by the author. Using these links you can go to the relevant part of the commented regulatory document.

5. Section "Document forms"

* IB Business Papers includes samples of documents used in practice by enterprises with various organizational and legal forms and areas of activity. The IS presents standard agreements, contracts, constituent, organizational, internal documents, reporting forms for enterprises, insurance and banking institutions. Some documents have been approved government agencies RF. Total number of documents - 19300 Average monthly receipt of new documents - 100-110 Frequency of information update - weekly

6. Section "Bills"

* Information Security Bills includes the texts of bills currently on various stages legislative process, as well as all materials necessary to obtain a complete picture of the status of bills at the current moment. Also, for each bill, a Bill Passport is prepared and included in the IB, containing information about the results of its consideration.

7. Section "International legal acts"

* IS International Law includes multilateral and bilateral international treaties of the Russian Federation, documents of international organizations, documents of ratification. Information on the entry into force and termination of documents, ratification and denunciation of treaties is promptly monitored

8. Section "Legal acts on healthcare"

* Information Security MedicinePharmaceutics includes regulatory documents regulating the scope of medical and pharmaceutical activities, consultations on solutions practical issues taxation and pricing, as well as comments explaining specific aspects of the work of medical and pharmaceutical institutions and organizations.

The information retrieval system "Law" (abbreviated name - IPS "Law") was developed in Legal department Supreme Council of the Russian Federation in 1991 with the aim of automating the processes of collecting, storing and maintaining laws and other regulatory legal acts in a controlled state. Modernization carried out in 2003 software systems. Update shell made it possible to present the IRS “Law” as a Web-pecypca.

Types of documents

At the time of this publication, the Law Information System contains at least 26,440 documents, starting from January 11, 1940, including:

  • legislative acts of the RSFSR, Russian Federation and USSR
  • resolutions of the Supreme Soviets of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation
  • decrees and orders of the Governments of the RSFSR, the Russian Federation and the USSR
  • decrees and orders of the Presidents of the RSFSR, the Russian Federation and the USSR
  • departmental regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia
  • legal acts of the Central Election Commission and the Central Bank of Russia

IRS “Law” has a special section on international legal acts, including summaries and reports to international treaties and agreements, as well as unofficial translations of international conventions of the Council of Europe made by the Legal Department of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Search documents

Documents are searched using the following criteria:

  • type of act
  • receiving authority
  • date of acceptance
  • Document Number
  • Title of the document
  • document text
  • publication
  • keywords
  • branches of legislation

Search criteria are set by clicking on the corresponding menu button in the left area of ​​the web page. In this case, a search form based on the specified criterion appears in the right area. After filling out the forms given criteria you need to click on the “Query” menu and select “Run”.

To successfully search for documents with the Law IPS, you will need to spend time studying the recommendations for working with it, because its work is not based on the Garant or Consultant Plus platform.

Filling out the “Date of Acceptance” form is not difficult to master: the date can be entered into the window either manually or using an electronic calendar. To call up the calendar, you just need to click on the button with three dots located next to the date entry window. If you know exact date acceptance of the act, you need to set it in the first window and click in the “Exactly” window. If you are not sure of the accuracy of the date, you can set the time period within which the search will be carried out.

To fill out the “Document Name” form: you must enter the words supposedly contained in the document name, separated by a space. It is advisable to place frequently used words at the end of the list. If you want to exclude documents containing a certain word from the search results, enter that word and put a - (minus) sign in front of it.

To search for documents using words contained in the text of the document, you need to fill out the “Text” form. As when filling out the “Document Name” form, you should avoid introducing frequently used words. A - (minus) sign before any word will mean excluding a document containing given word, from the search results.

Filling out the “Key Words” and “Branches of Legislation” form will require some skill. You can study recommendations for working with them at: and, respectively. The result of the document search is displayed in a separate browser window, which consists of two areas - frames:

  • on the left - a list of documents found by this request With brief information about the document - the accepting body; date of acceptance; Document Number; title of the document, if any. If the document does not have a title, then parentheses a description of the document is written. If you see the inscription “result: 0 documents,” it means that no legal act was found for your request.
  • in the right - the text of the document, its edition or document card. The card is presented in the form of folders in which it is given the following information about the document: signature; publication; keywords included in this document; branches of legislation by which it is classified this document; connections with other documents.

In blue top line The left frame displays the number of documents found that meet the search criteria. No more than 20 documents are displayed on one page. (at the top and bottom there are links to go to another page with search results).

Next to the document name there are tools for working with a list of documents:

In the blue top line of the right frame, tools for working with the document are presented in the form of pictures:

Since its creation, the IRS “Law” has been exclusively of a service nature, which predetermines a sharp contrast with commercial reference and legal systems (“ConsultantPlus”, “Garant”, etc.). Of course, the system requires modernization, but while maintaining its official purpose.